145 of 408 found this mild
A boy crosses a swimming pool to go and kiss a girl in a one-piece bathing suit. She is viewed through shots of silhouette and cleavage.
In two shots, pornographic images in the background
The Assune talk about pornography
A couple are holding each other in bed, nothing happens. There's also a part mentioning sex in another scene later on. In the same episode, two teenagers kiss.
Several shots in a prison where clear pornographic images of women are viewed in the background.
Several museum scenes where filing includes visibility of female nude painting, approximately three or four scenes (Season 1, Episode 1)
Lupin features little sexual content outside of basic romantic relationships. In one episode, a character talks about pornography that's been found on someone's computer, which is played for laughs.
There might be some paintings showing private parts (only happens during a scene) but there is no nudity shown during scenes or with actors. You can trust in watching this series because it's free from private parts being shown (nudity).
Scenes include shirtless man during series.
106 of 175 found this mild
Plenty of non graphic violence: shoving, punching, throwing etc.
Suicide by hanging of 2 characters
A man is stabbed with a broken toothbrush in a prison field. Is not pretty graphic but unexpected. The weapon with blood on it is shown after.
Violence includes fistfighting, stabbing, kidnapping, and a death by hanging that reappears throughout the series.
61 of 157 found this moderate
12 S word 10 F word 2 H*ll 1 D*mn 1 *ss. GD .
Usually a few f words per episode. Overall pretty infrequent bad language.
Profanity is used throughout, including the "f" word, "s--t," "ass," etc. Racist language against the main character is used and implied, and there's some homophobic language.
season 1 has 42 uses of the f-word season 2 has 23 f-words
86 of 140 found this mild
The main antagonist can be seen drinking wine and smoking cigars.
Characters are shown drinking socially and smoking cigarettes. No drug use is shown, but drugs and drug trafficking are spoken about.
82 of 143 found this mild
Suicide is intense and a troubling topic and could be challenging for some young viewers