This is one of those films that linger in a viewer's mind after watching them.
The story revolves around the difficult relationship between two brothers: Rocco, played by Fabio De Luigi and Guido, played by Stefano Accorsi. After decates apart they reunite at their father's (Alessandro Haber) funeral. They decide to take their father's ashes to their mother's grave, which is far from where they are, so they set off on a wonderful journey, riding two old-fashioned scooters.
This film manages to combine some great laughs with a widespread sense of melancholia, which can be perceived in the timeless landscapes, in all the little details that rimind us of the '80s, but especially in the beauty of a brotherly bond which comes to life again. The journey is the real protagonist, as it is the symbol of something much deeper and more profound.
The photography is magnificent and it is a tribute to the setting, the Emilia-Romagna region. The soundtrack evokes times of youth which are still relevant today.
De Luigi and Accorsi portray the difficulties of brotherhood perfectly, the pain of losing somebody you love and the joy of finding them again after years, realising they are the exact same people.
I highly recommend this film, it is a great little gem!