Where to start? It's like this movie was edited by a team of interns who got their job through nepotism and have never worked on a movie before. The audio quality is especially bad, with sound improperly mixed and no depth whatsoever. It sounds like all the actors just had a clip on microphone and whatever they said was played directly into my speakers without any thought in editing whatsoever. I've seen American movies, French movies, Korean movies, Japanese movies, Indian movies, you name it. Never have I heard such terrible sound quality. I thought this movie was dubbed over at first, that was how bad it was.
The story and plot is hacked together and frankensteined with no real payoff. Characters are unlikeable and completely off the walls and not relatable in the slightest. Adding to this is the shear number of secondary plotlines that dilute the entire movie and make it difficult to be invested in any character or relationship.
Bad. Just bad.