I'll give them credit for not changing the storyline so far but as someone who has the original anime on disc I don't appreciate the alterations in dialogue, the "tweaking" of the animation, and the new English dialogue voice actors don't feel right.
I could possibly understand if this were another attempt to transfer a beloved anime to live action a la Cowboy Bebop(not as dreadful as some fans claim) or One Piece. But so far it is nearly a cell for cell remake, with an art style about 80% the same as the original with unnecessarily added flourishes. Photo frames, text overlays, and dramatically simplified and saturated scenes just make it feel overdone, like the animatorsand directors are trying too hard.
I don't want to blame the new English VAs too much as I realize the direction has as much to do with performances as individual actor talent. But combined with the alterations in dialogue the characters have lost much of their classic appeal. Ranma doesn't feel arrogant and sullen, Akane's lost much of her sweet but hard disposition, Kasumi doesn't feel as innocent, and Nabiki feels almost entirely new. It's amazing sometimes how much difference dialogue delivery makes.
My advice, seek out the original anime series and watch that. So far the new series doesn't feel as if it will do the stories justice.