If you want to look for the atmosphere of "In the mood for love" or "2046" in " Blossoms Shanghai", you will be much disappointed.
" Blossoms Shanghai" is a combination of fast tempo and storyline of Wong Kar Wei's first successful commercial movie "As tears go by" in 1988, and the aesthetics and production value of independent films "In the move for love" and "2046." The right way to watch " Blossoms Shanghai" is that you just forget this is a TV series directed by Wong, it just a TV series of business wars in stock market, commercial trading, the Shanghai most luxurious restaurant street, and the hero's love affairs with three women, blending in a lot of comedic flavors directed by another director. Then you can really enjoy this TV series.
Because there will be a movie version for " Blossoms Shanghai"," I really hope that Wong can re-edit this TV series for movie version with the atmosphere of "In the mood for love" or "2046," thus fulfill the expectations of Wong's original fans!