Once upon a time in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a witch. The witch was like a witch: she lived in the swamp, she conjured every day, flew on the pale, and most of all ... Read allOnce upon a time in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a witch. The witch was like a witch: she lived in the swamp, she conjured every day, flew on the pale, and most of all she liked to do something disgusting for people. She once twisted an apple on a magic sauc... Read allOnce upon a time in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a witch. The witch was like a witch: she lived in the swamp, she conjured every day, flew on the pale, and most of all she liked to do something disgusting for people. She once twisted an apple on a magic saucer and said: Come on, apple, go around. Show everything you need.