In the run-down slums of a futuristic city, the boxer only known as Junk Dog is making a living throwing fights for the mob in underground arenas. That all changes when he has a chance encounter with the champion, Yuri.
Nanbu and Joe are preparing for their first official match, but in order to do that, they'll need to find a decent set of Gear first. While searching, they run into a group of orphan boys, thieving their way through life.
Nanbu and Joe decide to make the ultimate gamble to get into Megalonia: Joe is going to be fighting without any kind Gear. Can a gearless boxer really survive in a sport designed to showcase the cybernetic enhancements?
There's one month until Megalonia begins, and it looks like Shirato Yukiko's brother, Mikio, is a lock for the final entrant into the tournament. Will Joe and Team Nowhere find a way to secure their spot in the Megalo Box championship tournament?
Shirato Mikio has forced Team Nowhere to forfeit a match by threatening to expose Joe and Nanbu's seedy past. Will their dream of making it into the Megalonia tournament ever come true?
Crime boss Fujimaki has decided that Team Nowhere needs to throw their opening match in Megalonia in order to repay their debt to him. Can the team survive this blow to their ambitions? And even if they do, and Joe wins, will they survive the gangster's wrath?
Joe faces off against the bloody lion, Glen Burroughs. If he wants his friends to live, he'll have to throw the match. After coming this far - is there nothing else Team Nowhere can do?
The Megalonia championship match begins between Joe and Yuri. The match ends up going on for thirteen rounds. A year after the final Nanbu opens a gym.