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Blondi tuli taloon (1994)
Finnish TV at its best!
Finnish TV series are usually totally boring, believe me, I know, I live in Finland. But Blondi is great. It's the only Finnish series I've watched regularly. The characters are so wonderful and mostly played by new talents (and Elina Halttunen's own children). Anu Hälvä plays the simple Johanna Tähtinen, "The Blond", to perfection. Margit too is great, especially when she's pregnant. It's really a shame this show has probably only aired in Finland. I think foreigners would also appreciate this series, because every episode is a cliffhanger and the series gives a very good picture of normal Finnish family life (if one forgets that the Hurmalas take strangers living in their house just like that and later on they don't even have to pay rent or do anything). Fabulous!