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Gunner (2024)
Strays too much from reality
Acton was good but this Def isn't one Morgan Freeman should be proud to have put his name on. Whoever wrote it needs to make sure he realizes the type of people who would go see a movie like this are smarter. Just some really dumb and unbelievable scenes. Like why do a bunch of guys with guns stand around and let two girls fight him hand to hand and then they lose the guns and fight him with knives? Or why does a drug gang member attack him with a katana when the rest all have assault rifles and then a bunch come at him with knives again? The chief of police sets him free with a camera on the wall behind him and we are to believe he gets away with it. Speaking of that all charges miraculously get dropped even after shooting federal agents, escaping, breaking a drug lord out of prison, and killing a bunch of people. The end scene is even ridiculous. Morgan freeman dies in a completely unbelievable way. Shotguns do not just go off by hitting the ground. No gun does. Also the guy apparently can dodge bullets somehow at close range. Interesting too that they have parachutes on Helicopters. I could go on and on. It got so bad two people walked out. I felt like it too. I do give Hollywood alot of leeway into the realm of the impossible usually but this movie I'd have to lose some IQ points to have enjoyed fully. The less mentally endowed will likely love it.
Hell and Back (2015)
Great party movie with raunchy laughs. southpark goes to hell.
Roll up some of that good good with a few of your degenerate friends, crack a beer, and roll this film. It's entertaining and funny. Don't expect an academy award. Watch willy's wonderland with this and your friend won't leave the couch.
Rubber (2010)
One of my favorite films
This isn't a film everyone. When done watching first time you will be saying to yourself, "what the heck did I just watch?".and why all the way to the end. The answer is, no reason. After you watch again and again you will find this movie is a masterpiece. It's artistic and meaningful. I love it.