ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​AI for Good Global Summit
Geneva, Switzerland, 15-17 May 2018


Built on the spark created by the first AI Summit in 2017, the second AI Summit in 2018 identified practical solutions of how AI can accelerate progress towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There are 17 SDGs, 169 targets, and around 230+ indicators to measure the SDGs. All indicators are listed in one file here. The goal of the Summit was to launch projects that could be implemented in the months proceeding the Summit. The Summit was not about reporting, it was about building. ​​

The heart of the Summit was the following tracks on Day 2 (16 May 2018): Each track was curated by a team. The team also identified, in the time leading up to the Summit, projects that could be launched at the Summit. The teams presented an overview of their respective track on Day 1, during the last plenary. During Day 2, the four tracks ran in parallel. On Day 3 in plenary, findings of each track were summarized and presented.

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​​​​Day 1,​ 15 May 2018
​07:30 Reg​istration​
09:00 - 10:00 ​​​Welcome Address, Popov Room
Setting the goals and opportunities to collaborate for a better future with artificial intelligence

Moderator: Patricia Benoit-Guyot, Chief of Protocol, ITU

10:00 - 10:15 Goal of the Summit, Popov Room
​​10:15 - 10:45 Opening Keynote, Popov Room
​ ​​10:45 - 11:15 Coffee break and demo stage:Sophia - First Robot Citizen
11:15 - 12:30 Storytellers, Popov Room              Moderator: Frederic Werner, Senior Communications & Membership Officer, ITU 
​​12:30 - 13:45 Lunch break and demo stage: Tilde - Neural Machine Translation; ETRI - Smart English Learning System; Comobilis – helping citizens get organised to share a common vehicle ​
​​13:45 - 15:15 ​ Transformations on the Horizon, Popov Room Moderator: Anj​a Kaspersen, Director, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs​
​15:15 - 15:45 Coffee break and demo stage: iCub - EU open source Robot
    15:45 - 17:15     Implementations of AI to Advance the SDGs
​​ Panel 1:
Innovative applications of AI & data science in the field, Popov Room

Christopher Fabian​
Principle Advisor on Innovation, Lead, UNICEF Ventures ​

Robert Opp
Director of Innovation and Change Management Division, WFP

Anita Shah​​
Managing Director - Kenya Office, Kimetrica

Magda​ Biesiada
Information and Knowledge Management Officer, UNICEF Malawi

Mark Doherty
Head of Earth Observation Exploitation Development Division, European Space Agency (ESA)

Manuel García-Herranz
Chief Scientist, UNICEF Innovation

Rebecca Distler
Global Health Lead, Element Inc

Bernh​ard Kowatsch
Head of Innovation Accelerator, WFP

Naroa Zurutuza
​Applied AI Lead, Unicef Innovation

Paula Hidalgo-Sanchis​
Manag​er of Pulse Lab Kamapala, UN Global Pulse
Involved UN Agencies: CTBTO, ICAO, UN Global Pulse, UNICEF, UNIDO, WFP, WIPO
Panel 2:
Innovative applications of AI in education and youth, Room C1

Jayathma Wickramanayake
UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth​​
“Growing up in the era of AI” 

Jeon Gue Park
Principal Researcher and Project Leader, Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI)

Jonnie Penn
Google Technology Policy Fellow,
Pembroke College at the University of Cambridge

Matt Keller
Senior Director Civil Society, XPRIZE Foundation [Presentation]

Sara Conejo Cervantes​
Artificial Intelligence Task Force, Teens in AI​

Bosen Liu
Founder, Ladder Education Group

Fengchun Miao, Chief of Unit for ICT in Education, UNESCO

Involved UN Agencies:
Panel 3:​
Data for Good, Room K ​

Silja Baller
Practice Lead, Digital Economy and Innovation, World Economic Forum

Amir Banifatemi​
XPRIZE Foundation

Sam Molyneux
GM, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Nagla Rizk
Professor of Economics,The American Univ​ersity in Cairo; Founding Director, Access to Knowledge for Development Center (A2K4D) 

Kathleen Siminyu​​
Head of Data Science at Africa's Talking and Nairobi Team Lead at WIMLDS​

Edward Hsu
Senior Adviser to the President, World Bank

Urs Gasser
Executive Director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University

Involved UN Agencies:

Panel 4:
​Safe and Secure AI, Room C2

Robert Kirkpatrick​
Director, UN Global Pulse
"Real world e​xamples - balancing the risks of misuse versus missed use​"

Rob McCargow 
Programme Leader - Artificial Intelligence, Technology & Investment, PwC UK
​"Living with AI - How to avoid unintended consequences"

Wojciech Samek
Head of Machine Learning Group, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI​ 
"How to make the black box of neural networks transparent – the path towards explainable AI"​

Toufi Saliba
AI Decentralized
"Is Blockchain a branch of AI?"

Andy Chen 
VP of Professional and Educational Activities, IEEE Computer Society
"The Third Wave of AI, how do we design and operate it to exist harmoniously amongst humans?"

Susan Oh
Chair of AI, Blockchain For Impact UN GA ​"Data sovereignty: the way to financial inclusion in an automated, data-driven economy."

Thomas Wiegand
​Professor, TU Berlin;
Executive Director,​ 
Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute 
Involved UN Agencies:
Panel 5:
​Socially Inclusive AI, Room L

Cathy Cobey
Partner - Risk Advisory Services , EY

Aleksandra (Saška) Mojsilović
Lead of AI Foundations, IBM Research; Co-Director, IBM Science for Social Good

Eleonore Pauwels
Research Fellow on Emerging Cyber-Technologies,
United Nations University (UNU) [Presentation]

Rebeca Moreno Jiménez
Data Scientist, UNHCR [Presentation]

Sharada Mohanty
PhD Student, Digital Epidemiology Lab, EPFL; Co-Founder, CrowdAI​ [Presentation]

Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Chief of Strategic Plann​ing & Membership, ITU

Involved UN Agencies:
17:15 - 17​​:30​​Reconvene in Popov Room 
17:30 - 17​​:45Michael​ Møller, Director-General of U​nited Nations Office at Geneva, Popov Room [Presentation]
​​17:45 -​ 18:45​ The leads of the four breakthrough teams will pitch their tracks to plenary, Popov Room
​19:30 - 22:00 ​​AI for Good Reception - Sponsored by ACM

​​​​Day 2, 16 May 2018
​​​ ​Registration
08:15 - 08:45 ​​​ ​Information Session on ITU AI Repository – Projects Advancing UN SDGs, Demo Stage​
​​​​ ​ ​Four AI Breakthrough Teams - The Heart of the Summit​
             09:00 - 10:30 AI + Satellites                
Combining AI with satellite imagery to tackle SDGs, Room L

Stuart Russell, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, UC-Berkeley


A: State of Play

Stuart Russell, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, UC-Berkeley Introductory remarks and AI overview

Einar BjørgoManager, UN Operational Satellite Applications Programme(UNOSAT) 
"Sustainable Development Goals and earth observation needs - the big picture"

Mark Doherty, Head of Earth Observation Exploitation Development Division, European Space Agency (ESA) "Existing and emerging earth observation resources and trends"

Andrew Zolli, VP of Global Impact Initiatives, Planet Labs Inc."Towards real-time satellite images of the globe"

James Crawford​, CEO and Founder, Orbital Insight
"State of the art in automated information retrieval from satellite imagery"

David Jensen, Head of Environmen​tal Cooperation for Peacebuilding and Co-Director of MapX, UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

Data Rapporteurs:
Sean McGregor, Technical Staff, Syntiant Corp; Technical Lead of IBM Watson AI Prize, XPRIZE

John Enevoldsen, Growth Lead, Ocean Protocol


AI + Health
AI - Game changer in providing universal health coverage?, Room C1

"AI for health - A Primer"

Marcel Salathé, Professor & Head of the Digital Epidemiology lab, EPFL;

Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Senior Advisor, Department of Information, Evidence and Research & Sameer Pujari, “Be Healthy, Be Mobile” Project Manager, World Health Organization (WHO)


A: AI for Primary Care and Service Delivery

Arun ShroffCo-founder & CTO at Medindia; Director of Technology & Innovation, STAR Associates, ​USA "Using AI to Detect Diabetic Retinopathy & Prevent Vision Loss for Millions Globally"

Shinjini KunduResearch Fellow, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center "Invisible evidence of disease"

Adam Perold,​ Co-Founder, President and CEO, Element Inc "Biometric Identification using AI"

Nao Norman Sipula, CEO and Founder, Watif Health Portal "Use-case for AI in primary healthcare for resource constrained communities"

Salem AlelyaniDirector of Artificial Intelligence Unit & Chief Information ​​Officer, King Khalid University​​ [Presentation]

Hila Azadzoy, Director of Partnerships, ADA Health "Empowering CHW with AI-powered infrastructure"

Stefan Germann, CEO, Foundation Botnar

Data Rapporteurs:
Elena Goldstein​, Project Coordinator on the Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence ​initiative, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University

Mathilde Forslund, ​External Engagement Consultant​, Foundation Botnar

​AI + Smart Cities and Commu​nities, Room C2

Renato de Castro, SmartCity Expert

Alexandre Cadain, Co-Founder & CEO at ANIMAXPRIZE Ambassador



A: Framing: the state of the art in AI and cities

Brian Markwalter, SVP, Consumer Trade Association [Presentation]

Chaesub Lee, Director of Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU [Presentation]  

Andrejs Vasiļjevs, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board, Tilde

Akihiro Nakao, Professor, University of Tokyo [Presentation]                  

Data Rapporteurs:
Alexandre CadainCo-Founder & CEO at ANIMAXPRIZE Ambassador

Marie Ange Boyomo, AI Project Manager, ANIMA

Involved UN Agencies: ICAO, UNEP, UNESCO, UNIDO

Trust in AI, Room K


Huw Price, Professor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge

Francesca Rossi, Research Scientist at IBM Research and Professor at the University of​ Padova

Stephen Cave, Executive Director, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at University of Cambridge;

Claire Craig, Director of Science Policy, the Royal Society

Meet the team: ​​


A: Building trust for beneficial AI – stakeholder communities

Becky InksterHonorary Research Fellow, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge​ "Building better care connections: establishing trust networks in AI mental healthcare"

Rafael A. Calvo, ARC Future Fellow, Professor and Director of the Wellbeing Technology Lab at the University of Sydney

Ezinne Nwankwo, Visiting Scholar, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at University of Cambridge "Assessing and Building Trust in AI for East African Farmers: A Poultry App for Good"

Ir​akli BeridzeSenior Stategy and Policy Advisor, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, UNICRI "Building Trust in AI – Mitigating the Effects of AI-induced Automation on Social Stability in Developing Countries & Transition Economies" 

Data Rapporteurs:
Trent ​McConaghy, Founder, Ocean Protocol; Founder & CTO, BigchainDB

Ryan Budish, Assistant Director Of Research, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University


10:30 - 11:00​​​Coffee break and demo stage: Zero Abuse Project - AI solution to track child abuse
11:00 - 12:30 B. Poverty, Room L

Bernh​ard Kowatsch​, Head of Innovation Accelerator, WFP

Marshall Burke
, Assistant Professor, Department of Earth System Science, Stanford University; Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research [Presentation]

Naroa Zurutuza,
Applied AI Lead, Unicef Innovation

John Quinn,
Arificial Intelligen​ce Advisor, UN Global Pulse

Ingmar Weber, Research Director for Social Computing, Qatar Computing Research Institute​ "Using Hyper-Targeted Advertising for Public Health Messaging"

Jeanine VosHead of SDG Accelerator, GSMA "Unlocking the potential of Big Data for Social Good"

Marcel Salathé, Professor & Head of the Digital Epidemiology lab, EPFL"Crowdbreaks, Mining health trends using social media​"

Clara Palau MontavaTechnology Team Lead, UNICEF [Presentation]

Jochen MoningerHead of Innovation, ​Welthungerhilfe "Detecting child malnutrition"

Anita Shah​​, Managing Director - Kenya Office, Kimetrica "Detecting child malnutrition"

Dominic Haazen, Lead Health Policy Specialist, World Bank
B: AI for Urban SolutionsRoom C2

Stephen Kelly, CEO, Sage/ Kriti Sharma, VP of Artificial Intelligence, Sage [Presentation]

Priya Prakash
, Founder and CEO, Design for Social Change (d4Sc) [Presentation]

Eyal Santo,  Founder and CEO, UMo – Urban Mobility [Presentation]

Boyd Cohen, Deputy Director of Research at EADA Business School [Presentation]

B: Building trust for beneficial AI – developer communitiesRoom K

LIU Zhe, Professor, Peking University "Cross-cultural comparisons for trust in AI"

Kanta Dihal​, Research Project Coordinator, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at University of Cambridge and Toshie Takahashi, Professor, School of Culture, Media and Society, Waseda​ University "Global AI Narratives"

David Danks​, Department Head and Professor of Philosophy and Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University and Aimee van Wynsberghe, Co-Founder and Co-Director, Foundation for Responsible Robotics "Cross-national comparisons of AI development and regulation strategies – the case of autonomous vehicles"​​
12:30 - 14:00​​​​ Lunch Break: AiFRED; MedMind; Ubenwa; Amiko
14:00 - 15:30 C: DeforestationRoom L 

Dominique Herman,
Project Manager, Tropical Deforestation Monitoring
Sys​tem, The Forest Trust (TFT)​ [Presentation]

C: AI for Health Promotion, Prevention and EducationRoom C1

Łukasz Kidziński
Researcher, the Mobilize Cent​er at Stanfor​d Un​iversity​ "Health AI"

Anne Torill Nordsletta
Head of Department, Health Analytics, Norwegian Centre for E-health Research "Artificial Intelligence based on real-world data"

P. AnandanCEO, Wadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence "Opportunities and Challenges for AI Solutions in Public Health in India"​

Matteo Berlucchi, CEO & Co-Founder, Your.MD; Entreprene​ur in Residence, ETH Zurich "Pre-primary care: AI-assisted self-care"​

Rafael Ruiz de Castañeda
Researcher, Lecturer, and Co-lead of Precision One Health Unit, University of Geneva "Snapp: First medical decision‐support tool for snake identification based on artificial intelligence and remote collaborative expertise"

Dafna FeinholzChief of Section, Bioethics and Ethics of Science, UNESCO​

Effy VayenaProfessor of Bioethics, Health Ethics and Policy Lab, ETH Zurich
C: AI Fostering Smart GovernmentRoom C2

Renato de CastroSmartCity Expert

Carla Dualib, Secretary of Communication and Press, Diademe City Hall, Brazil [Presentation]

Frans-Anton Vermast, Amsterdam Smart City Ambassador [Presentation]
C: Building trust for beneficial AI – trustworthy systems, Room K

Jess WhittlestonePostdoctoral Research Associate, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, CFI, Cambridge
"Bridging the policy-techical gap for trustworthy AI"

Rumman Chowdhury​, Senior Principal of AI, Accenture and Sebastian Vollmer, Faculty Fellow, Alan Turing Institute "Trustworthy data: creating and curating a repository for diverse datasets"

Krishna Gummadi, Head of Networked Rese​arch Systems Group, 
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems and Adrian Weller​​, Programme Director for Artificial Intelligence, Alan Turing Institute​​ ​"Cross-cultural perspectives on the meaning of 'fairness' in algorithmic decision making"

15:30 - 16:00​​​​ ​Coffee break and d​emo stage: Deloitte - Alice (Intelligent Care Robot) + preventing financial crime project​ ​ 
16:00 - 17:30 D: AgricultureRoom L

Robert Opp

Director of Innovation and Change Management Division, WFP [Presentation]

D: Discussion of IdeasRoom C1

D: AI Empowering Smart CitizensRoom​ C2

Jacques Ludik, Founder & CEO, Cortex Logic; Founder & President, Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa "Health, Water, Smart Education & Smart Technology Services for African Smart Cities"​

Joaquin Rodriguez Alvarez, Prof and researcher EPSI-UAB, Leading Cities Coordinator [Presentation]

Alexandre CadainCo-Founder & CEO at ANIMAXPRIZE Ambassador

Renato de CastroSmartCity Expert

16:00 - 17:00
D: Panel Discussion, Room K

Hagit Messer-Yaron
Member of Working Group on IoT, World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology of UNESCO (COMEST); Professor of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University "Trust in AI by educating engineers to ethically aligned design"​​​

Elena Tomuta
, Chief of Software Applications Section, Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO
“Experience with establishing trust in an AI application for Arms Control” 

Joe WestbyResearcher, Technology and Human Rights
Amnesty International "A human rights framework for trustworthy and accountable AI"

17:00 - 18:00
E​. General Discussion, Montbrillant Ground Floor (Open Space Area)
​19:00 - 21:30 ​AI for Good Reception - Sponsored by the following Gold Sponsors: 
ACM, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, PwC, Kay Family Foundation, and the following Silver Sponsors: EY and the Zero Abuse Project

​​​​Day 3, 17 May 2018
       ​07:30     Registration​
09:00 - 10:15 ​Part 1: Ideas for Impact: AI breakthrough team project pitches, Popov Room           

10:15 - 11:00​​​​Projects in Action: Towards AI and Data Commons - Part OnePopov Room

Moderator: Amir Ba​nifatemi, AI Lead, XPRIZE Foundation

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break and demo stage: Sage Foundation – AI powered domestic violence assistance bot ​
​11:30 - 13:00 Celebration of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, Popov Room
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break: MIT – Probabilistic programming for Data Science; Atom360; Global AI 
14:00 - 15:00 Projects in Action: Towards AI and Data Commons - Part Two, Popov Room
Moderator: Amir Ba​nifatemi, AI Lead, XPRIZE Foundation
15:00 - 15:45 Collaborating and Investing in Beneficial AI, Popov Room               
Moderator: Frits Bussemaker​Chair, Institute for Accountability and Internet Democracy (IAID)

15:45 - 16:15 ​​​Coffee break and demo stage:  ​Information Session on ITU AI Repository – Projects Advancing UN SDGs, Demo Stage​
16:15 - 16:35
Opening the Beneficial AI Era (AI in every city), Popov Room
16:35 - 17:05 All Nippon Airways (ANA) Avatar Demo [Own Your Own Disruption], Popov Room

17:05 - 17:30 Towards AI for Good - Actions and Roadmap, Popov Room

17:30 ​Closing, Popov Room
18:00 Get-together with pizza and drinks
Sponsored by the following Gold Sponsors: ACM, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, PwC, Kay Family Foundation, and EY (Silver Sponsor)​, and Sage Foundation (Bronze Sponsor)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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