Sirius T. Bontea
Belcamp, Maryland, United States
500+ connections
I'm a seasoned professional with expertise in high-pressure, no-fail, and…
Licenses & Certifications
Volunteer Experience
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- Present 2 years 10 months
I apply local knowledge and expertise to contribute to the accuracy of digital maps.
See my contributions at: ➢ -
Den Leader
Boy Scouts of America
- Present 4 years 6 months
Den Leader for Cub Scouts, Heart of America Council, Pack 3001
⚽️ Assistant Soccer Coach
Leavenworth Parks & Recreation
Youth Soccer
📜✒️ Cyber Threat to Military Just-In-Time Logistics: Risk Mitigation and the Return to Forward Basing.
US Army Command and General Staff College
Logistics is an integral part of military operations, especially in the US Army following World War I as armed conflicts required the military to project power overseas over vast distances. Military logisticians in concert with the private sector developed highly efficient logistics operations over the course of the twentieth century. However, the frequency of cyber-attacks on logistics has increased in over the past decade. The move away from the pre-Operation Desert Storm method…Abstract:
Logistics is an integral part of military operations, especially in the US Army following World War I as armed conflicts required the military to project power overseas over vast distances. Military logisticians in concert with the private sector developed highly efficient logistics operations over the course of the twentieth century. However, the frequency of cyber-attacks on logistics has increased in over the past decade. The move away from the pre-Operation Desert Storm method of forward-based stockpiles to a cost-reducing and more efficient computer-based "just-in-time" logistics model has exposed military logistics to a multitude of risks from cyber-attacks. Operational commanders need to consider these risks in their logistics plans, and in doing so, have opportunities to evaluate methods that can better safeguard their logistics requirements. Ultimately, the reliance on just-in-time logistics needs to be minimized by way of a partial return to forward basing. Forward basing, though more expensive, has advantages such as redundancy, flexibility, and reduced risk to combat operations. -
📜✒️ America’s Achilles Heel: Defense Against High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse–Policy vs. Practice
US Army Command & General Staff College
This thesis examines the strategic level policies and practices of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) consequence management and how they translate down to the lowest echelon in the practices in addressing the potential second and third order effects. With the proliferation of nuclear devices and ballistic missile delivery systems, an EMP attack originating from a rogue or non-state actor is a potentially catastrophic threat that needs to be addressed. EMP has the potential to irrevocably…Abstract:
This thesis examines the strategic level policies and practices of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) consequence management and how they translate down to the lowest echelon in the practices in addressing the potential second and third order effects. With the proliferation of nuclear devices and ballistic missile delivery systems, an EMP attack originating from a rogue or non-state actor is a potentially catastrophic threat that needs to be addressed. EMP has the potential to irrevocably damage electronics and electrical components over an extensive geographical area with some estimates of a grid outage lasting as long as 18 months. This is in part due to the current design limitations and vulnerabilities inherent in an aging infrastructure. Case study data from high altitude nuclear testing from the 1960s and EMP simulations are used to highlight the effects of EMP. The Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) mission of the military will be needed to bolster Department of Homeland Security efforts in a regionally widespread disaster area. Policies and legislation to address U.S. electrical grid vulnerabilities can take several years between milestones. Recommendations will address both governmental and private sector approaches to EMP damage mitigation and consequence management.
Airlift Load Planners Course
Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction Foundations Course
Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Senior Staff Planner's Course
Defense Packaging of Hazardous Material for Transportation
Defense Support of Civil Authorities Course Phase II
Hazard Prediction and Capabilities Course
Integrated Weapons of Mass Destruction Toolset Course
Joint Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction Planning Course
Toxic Industrial Chemical Protection & Detection Course
Weather Apprentice Course
Weather Basic Course
Weather Forecaster Course
Weather Journeyman Certification
Honors & Awards
50th Annual CaGIS Map Design Competition – Winner
Cartography and Geographic Information Society
Winner of the David Woodward Interactive/Animated Digital Map Award in the CaGIS Map Design Competition.
49th Annual CaGIS Map Design Competition – Honorable Mention
Cartography and Geographic Information Society
Honorable Mention for the David Woodward Digital Map Award in the CaGIS Map Design Competition.
Bronze Star Medal
US Army
Awarded for meritorious service during combat operations in Afghanistan.
Native or bilingual proficiency
Elementary proficiency
Elementary proficiency
North American Cartographic Information Society
- Present
American Association of Geographers
- Present
Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals
- Present
The American Legion
- Present
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