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State Agencies

Agency Phone TTY Work Address Mailing Address Description
Accountancy, Board of 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibility of the Board is to examine, certifyand register qualifying applicants for a certificate to practice public accounting in the State; to revoke, suspend or refuse to renew any registration permit after proper notice and hearing; to promulgate rules of professional conduct; and to provide to the public information pertaining to licensedCertified Public Accountants, Public Accountants and Firms registered by the Board.

Administrative and Financial Services, Dept. of (DAFS) 207-624-7800 711 Burton M Cross Building Floor 3, Augusta, ME Map it 78 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Department of Administrative and Financial Services (DAFS) has a broad range of responsibilities in serving the Executive, the Maine Legislature, all state agencies, and the public. DAFS serves as the principal fiscal advisor to the Governor; prepares the state budget; coordinates the financial planning and programming activities of state agencies; and advises the Maine Legislature on the financial status of State Government. The Department oversees all aspects of the civil service system and employee training and benefits.

Aging and Disability Services, Office of 207-287-9200 711 41 Anthony Ave, Augusta, ME Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

Maine's Office of Aging and Disability Services(OADS) supports Maine's older and disabled adults by providing Adult Protective, Brain Injury, Other Related Conditions, Intellectual and Developmental Disability, Long Term Care, and Aging and Community services to the people of Maine.

Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, Department of 207-287-3200 711 18 Elkins Lane, Augusta, ME 04333-0022 Map it 22 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0022

The newly combined State of Maine support center for our many land-based, natural resource interests. From protecting the food we eat, to stopping forest fires, to mapping the ocean floor; from keeping our parks and public lands pristine and accessible, to planning wise land utilization, to helping new farmers, our professionals take a collective pride in providing excellent customer service through our hundreds of activities and programs.

Air National Guard 207-626-4325 Camp Keyes, Augusta, ME Map it Building 10 Camp Keyes, Augusta, ME 04333

The Air National Guard is a separate reserve component of the United States Air Force. In peacetime, the governor of each state or territory commands the Air National Guard. The Air Guard has been there to help their communities during such emergencies as hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes and forest fires. During National crises, the Air National Guard is activated by the president of the United States.

Air Quality, Bureau of 207-287-2437 Eastside Campus Tyson Building, Augusta, ME Map it 17 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

Maine's Air program was created in response to Federal requirements under �110 of the Clean Air Act (1970). Following the establishment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for certain air contaminants (See CAA �109), each state was required by �110 to adopt and submit a plan for the implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of the national standards within each of its air quality control regions of each state.

Alcohol and Drug Counselors 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board are to evaluate applicant qualifications, examine applicants, grant licenses to those who meet board requirements, investigate complaints, and take appropriate disciplinary action against licensees.

Alcoholic Beverages, Bureau of 207-287-3721 207-624-7220 19 Union St, Augusta, ME Map it 8 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

Maine is one of 19 jurisdictions which regulates beverage alcohol within its borders. By controlling this product, the State is the only entity that may bring liquor into the state.

Architects, Landscape Architects, Interior Design, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine State Board for Licensure of Architects, Landscape Architects and Interior Designers was established to protect the public and maintain high professional standards through examination and licensure of persons who wish to practice architecture, landscape architecture, and interior design in the State of Maine.

Archives, Maine State 207-287-5790 6 Elkins Lane, Augusta, ME Map it 84 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

A bureau within the Department of Secretary of State, the Maine State Archives maintains approximately 95 million pages of official State records considered to be permanently valuable. The earliest dates from 1639.

Army National Guard 207-622-9331 Camp Keyes, Augusta, ME Map it Military Bureau HQ MEARNG Camp Keyes, Augusta, ME 04333

The Army National Guard (ARNG) is one component of The Army (which consists of the Active Army, the Army National Guard and the Army Reserves.) The Army National Guard is composed primarily of traditional Guardsmen -- civilians who serve their country, state and community on a part-time basis (usually one weekend each month and two weeks during the summer.) Each state, territory and the District of Columbia has its own National Guard, as provided for by the Constitution of the United States.

Arts Commission, Maine 207-287-2724 711 193 State Street, Augusta, ME Map it 25 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

For over 30 years, the Maine Arts Commission has been helping artists and arts organizations bring more music, dance, poetry, painting and other arts activities into the lives of people in Maine. The Maine Arts Commission works to advance the arts by supplying services and results-oriented funding to artists and arts organizations, and helpful resources about the arts to the general public. It is an independent state agency funded by the Maine State Legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Athletic Trainers 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibility of the Office is to review applicants for licensure for the practice of athletic training, as well as to compile and maintain current information on licensed Athletic Trainers in the State of Maine.

Attorney General, Dept. of 207-626-8800 TTY: 711 Burton M Cross Building Floor 6, Augusta, ME Map it 6 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The duties of the Attorney General are established by the Maine Revised Statutes Annotated, Title 5, Chapter 9. These statutes direct the attorney General to discharge various responsibilities, including representing the State and its agencies in civil actions; prosecuting claims to recover money for the State; investigating and prosecuting homicides and other crimes; consulting with and advising the district attorneys; enforcing proper application of funds given to public charities in the State; and giving written opinions upon questions of law submitted by the Governor, Legislature, or state agencies.

Auctioneers, Board of Licensing 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Board of Licensing of Auctioneers was established to protect the public and maintain high professional standards through examination and licensure of persons who wish to engage in auctioning in the State of Maine.

Auditor, Office of the State 207-624-6250 19 Union Street, Augusta, ME 04330 Map it 66 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04330

The Department of Audit's primary responsibility is to audit the financial statements of the State of Maine and expenditures of federal programs.

Banking, Bureau of - see Bureau of Financial Institutions 207-624-8570 207-624-8563 Map it 36 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04330

The Bureau of Financial Institutions supervises all state-chartered financial institutions including banks, credit unions, and nondepository trust companies.

Barbering and Cosmetology Licensing Program 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibility of the Board is to regulate the practice of cosmetology, barbering, aesthetics and manicuring by qualifying applicants for licensure. The Board investigates allegations of noncomplianceand acts on these complaints by imposing discipline when necessary. The Board creates safety and sanitation rules and enforces these rules through regular inspections of licensed establishments and consumer complaints. In addition, the Board licenses and regulates schools that offer and provide professional practice courses in the field of cosmetology and barbering.

Baxter State Park Authority 207-723-5140 64 Balsam Drive, Millinocket, ME Map it 64 Balsam Drive, Millinocket, ME 04462

This agency maintains Baxter Park's natural wild state in accordance with Percival Proctor Baxter's deeds of gifts and conveyances; provides a continuing timber harvest from the Scientific Forest Management Area by the application of exemplary and scientific forest management; and provides for recreational use and enjoyment of the Park by people in a manner consistent with the Park's natural character.

Budget, Bureau of 207-624-7810 Burton M Cross Building, Augusta, ME Map it 58 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau provides budget and position planning, analysis and control in support of gubernatorial objectives and legislative intent.

Career Opportunities in Maine State Government Map it

A list of current career opportunities in the State of Maine.

CareerCenter 207-623-7981 711 Map it 55 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The CareerCenter provides information on training and education available to job-seekers in Maine. The CareerCenter also offers a listing of current career openings at businesses in Maine.

Center for Disease Control, Maine 207-287-8016 711 286 Water Street, Augusta, ME Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The mission at the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention is to develop and deliver services to preserve, protect and promote the health and well-being of the citizens of Maine.

Center for Workforce Research and Information 207-623-7900 711 Map it 54 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Center for Workforce Research and Information develops and disseminates state and area labor market information to employers, job seekers, and other users; provides measurements of labor market outcomes to assist local and state officials, employers, educators, trainers, and the public in making decisions that promote economic opportunity and efficient use of state labor resources; and supports the Department of Labor with management and actuarial analyses for program planning and delivery.

Charitable Solicitations Licensing 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibility of the Office is to review applicants for registration who hold themselves out to be organized or operating forany charitable purpose and who solicit, accept, or obtain contributions from the public for any charitable purpose, and further to compile and maintain current information on registered Charitable Organizations, ProfessionalFundraising Counsel, Commercial Co-venturers, and Professional Solicitorsin the State of Maine.

Chief Medical Examiner, Office of 207-624-7180 34-A Hospital Street, Augusta, ME Map it 6 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) is a statewide system that is charged with the investigation of sudden, unexpected and violent deaths.

Child Support Enforcement 207-624-4100 711 Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The division is responsible for the development and implementation of the rules, regulations, policies and procedures necessary to assure that all non-custodial parents are contributing to the economic support of their children.

Child and Family Services, Office of 207-624-7900 711 2 Anthony Ave, Augusta, ME Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Office of Child and Family Services looks into child abuse reports on behalf of Maine communities, working to keep children safe and to guide families in creating safe homes for children.  Child and Family Services seeks safe and permanent homes for children, working with professionalism and respecting the dignity of all families.

Chiropractors, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Board of Chiropractic Licensure was established to protectthe public safety, health and welfare through regulation of the practice ofchiropractic medicine in the State of Maine.

Maine Community College System 207-629-4000 323 State Street, Augusta, ME Map it 131 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Community College System is Maine's comprehensive two-year college system offering over 300 career and transfer programs, continuing education and customized training for business and industry. The seven Community Colleges are located in Auburn, Bangor, Fairfield, Presque Isle, South Portland, Calais, and Wells. Off-campus centers are located in Augusta, Bath, Caribou, Dover-Foxcroft, East Millinocket, Ellsworth, Houlton, South Paris, and South Portland.

Community Development, Office of 207-624-7484 Burton M Cross Building Floor 3, Augusta, ME Map it 59 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Office of Community Development is an eleven person division within the Department of Economic & Community Development (DECD). The primary focus of OCD is the administration of the HUD funded Community Development Block Grant Program.

Complementary Health Care Providers, Board of 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Board of Complementary Health Care Providers was established to protect the public through the regulation of the practice of acupuncture and naturopathic medicine in Maine. The Board is authorized to examine and license qualified applicants, to make rules defining the qualificationsand professional standards of acupuncturists and naturopathic doctors, to investigate complaints against its licensees and to take appropriate disciplinary action against noncompliance with its rule and law.

ConnectME Authority (207) 624-9849 Cross State Office Building, Augusta, ME 04333 Map it 78 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

ConnectME Authority expands broadband access in the most rural, un-served areas of the state that have little prospect of service from a traditional provider. The Authority funds proposals through grants, direct investments, or loans made on behalf of, in partnership with, or in support of, one or more communications service providers.

Consumer Credit Protection, Bureau of 207-624-8527 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, Me 04345 Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection oversees many aspects of the consumer finance industry, including non-bank mortgage lenders, debt collectors, loan brokers, retail creditors, money transmitters, credit reporting agencies and non-bank ATMs. The office administers state credit-related statutes and protects consumers by conducting compliance examinations, responding to consumer complaints, issuing licenses and providing consumer education and outreach.

Controller, Office of the State 207-626-8420 Burton M Cross Building Floor 4, Augusta, ME Map it 14 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Office of the State Controller (OSC) has the following functions: statewide accounting and appropriation control; review, approve and consolidate all accounting transactions for all agencies within the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government; establish and monitor State accounting policies and procedures; establish and administer State travel and expense policies; review, compile and report all Statewide accounting information

Corporations, Elections and Commissions, Bureau of 207-624-7736 Burton M Cross Building Floor 4, Augusta, ME Map it 101 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau is responsible for elections, corporations, and a variety of central filing activities. The Bureau has significant contact with the public in many areas including the following: conduct of state elections; corporation filings; Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings; oversight of the Administrative Procedure Act (state agency rule-making); recording of appointments to state offices, boards, and commissions; secretariat to the Governor's Board on Executive Clemency; commissioning of notaries public; and the disclosure of financial information by state agency executive employees.

Corrections, Dept. of 207-287-2711 207-287-2360 Eastside Campus Tyson Building, Augusta, ME Map it 111 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The mission of the Department of Corrections is to reduce the likelihood that juvenile and adult offenders will re-offend, by providing practices, programs and services which are evidence-based and which hold the offenders accountable.

Counseling Professionals, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibility of the board is to examine and license qualified applicants to practice as professional counselors, clinical professional counselors, marriage and family therapists, pastoral counselorsand registered counselors in Maine

Criminal Justice Academy, Maine 207-877-8000 Map it 15 Oak Grove Road, Vassalboro, ME 04989

The Maine Criminal Justice Academy serves the people of Maine by promoting the highest level of professional standards and performance through the training of criminal justice personnel.

Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management, Dept. of (DVEM) 207-626-4271 Camp Keyes, & Central, ME Community Map it Camp Keyes, Augusta, ME 04330

The Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management coordinates and administers the discharge of Maine State Government's responsibility relating to military, veterans and civil emergency preparedness through the authorization, planning, provision of resources, administration, operation and audit of activities in these areas.

Dental Practice, Board of 207-287-3333 76 Northern Avenue, Gardiner, Maine 04345 Map it 143 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Board oversees the profession of dental examiner.

Dietitians, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The State Board of Licensure of Dietetic Practice was established to recognize the professional qualifications of dietitians and dietetictechnicians and to assure the availability of information regarding those who hold themselves out to be dietitians and dietetic technicians.

Dirigo Health Agency/Maine Quality Form 207-287-9900 207-287-4344 Map it 53 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

This agency maintains and administers the Dirigo Health Program.

Door-to-Door Home Repair, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

Registration of Door-to-Door Home Repair Sellers was established to provide for regulation of persons offering home repair services to a consumer, to safeguard the public health, safety and welfare, and to protectthe public from incompetent and unauthorized persons in the State of Maine. The primary responsibilities of the Office are to review the credentialsof qualified applicants for registration as Door-to-Door-Home Repair Sellers , to promulgate rules as necessary, investigate complaints and take appropriate disciplinary action for noncompliance of current laws and rules.

Drinking Water Program 207-287-2070 711 Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The State of Maine Drinking Water Program helps public water systems comply with the federal Safe Drinking Water Act and state regulations, provides technical assistance, works with systems to protect source water areas and provides grants or loans funds for infrastructure improvements.

Economic & Community Development, Dept. of (DECD) 207-624-9800 711 Burton M Cross Building Floor 3, Augusta, ME Map it 59 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

This agency serves as the umbrella organization to the offices of Tourism, Business Development, the International Trade Center, Community Development, Film and Innovation and Science. In addition, the agency administers the Made in Maine program, which is recognized worldwide for its quality and integrity.

Education, Dept. of (DOE) 207-624-6600 711 Burton M Cross Building Floor 5, Augusta, ME Map it 23 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Department of Education oversees education programs in the State of Maine.

Electricians' Examining Board 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibility of the Board is to insure the competency of electricians through examination; to issue licenses to those qualified to hold the title of Master electrician, Journeyman electrician, Limited electrician, Apprentice electrician, Journeyman-in-training electrician or Helper electrician; to investigate complaints of noncompliance with or violations of the law and board rules; and to issue permits.

Elevator and Tramway Technicians, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board are to evaluate applicant qualifications, to administer examinations of applicants, to grant licenses to those who meet board requirements, investigate complaints, and take appropriate disciplinary action; to ensure that maintenance, inspectionsand adjustments are made which are deemed essential for the safe operationof elevators and tramways and to issue certificates after completion of inspections.

Emergency Management Agency, Maine (MEMA) 207-624-4400 711 42 Commerce Drive Ste 2, Augusta, ME Map it 72 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Emergency Management Agency is a bureau of the Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management. At the State level MEMA coordinates the mitigation (risk reduction) preparedness, response and recovery from emergencies and disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes or hazardous materials spills.

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 207-626-3860 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME Map it 152 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

Maine EMS is a bureau within the Maine Department of Public Safety. It was established by the Legislature to be the central agency responsible for the coordination and integration of all state activities concerning emergency medical services (EMS) and the overall planning, evaluation, coordination, facilitation and regulation of EMS systems.

Emergency Services Communications Bureau (Enhanced 9-1-1) 207-287-3831 1 (800) 437-1220 Map it 18 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0018

The Emergency Services Communication Bureau is the state agency responsible for Enhanced 9-1-1 in Maine.

Employee Health & Benefits 207-624-7380 711 111 Sewall Street, Augusta, ME Map it 114 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The health and benefits department for State of Maine employees.

Employee Relations, Bureau of 207-287-4447 111 Sewall Street, 4th Floor, Augusta, ME Map it 79 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau of Employee Relations is by law the Governor's designee to carry out the employer functions of the State under the State Employees Labor Relations Act ("SELRA"). Accordingly, the Bureau is responsible for all matters concerning the collective bargaining process and for the development and implementation of employee relations policies for all departments and agencies within the Executive Branch of State Government.

Energy, Governor's Office of 207-624-7449 111 Sewall Street, 3rd Floor, Augusta, ME Map it 62 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0062

The Governor's Energy Office is part of the Executive Department and is responsible for state energy resource planning, policy development, and coordination.

Engineers, Board of Registration for Professional 207-287-3236 Olde Federal Building 295 Water Street Suite 207, Augusta, Maine Map it 92 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The State of Maine, Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers is responsible for the licensing of engineers, practicing professional engineering in the State of Maine.

Environmental Health-Maine Center for Disease Control 207-287-5997 286 Water Street, Augusta Maine Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333

The purpose of the Division of Environmental Health is to protect and promote the health and well being of the population through the organization and delivery of health engineering related services designed to reduce the risk of disease.

Environmental Protection, Dept. of (DEP) 207-287-7688 711 32 Blossom Lane, 3rd Floor, Augusta, ME Map it 17 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for protecting and restoring Maine's natural resources and enforcing the state's environmental laws. The agency's charge is to preserve, improve and prevent diminution of the natural environment of the State. The Department is also directed to protect and enhance the public's right to use and enjoy the State's natural resources.

Ethics Commission 207-287-4179 45 Memorial Circle 2nd, Floor Augusta, ME Map it 135 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

This agency is designed to assist the public in finding out campaign finance information and to promote timely, complete reports by candidates and others.

Family Independence, Office for 207-624-4168 711 109 Capital St, Augusta, ME Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

A division within the Department of Health and Human Services,this agency administers programs to assist individuals and families in theState. Some of the programs the agency administers includes the TANF program, the ASPIRE program, food stamps and assistance selecting a child care provider.

Film Office, Maine 207-624-7631 Map it 59 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Film Office is a two-person division of the Maine Office of Tourism and the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development. The film office helps bring film, television and other media projects to Maine; works to expand and improve Maine's in-state production industry; and helps all Maine-made media productions succeed.

Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) 207-623-3263 207-626-2717 5 Community Drive, Augusta, ME Map it PO Box 949, Augusta, ME 04333

FAME is an independent state agency that develops and administers programs related to the financing of both higher education and business in the State of Maine.

Financial Institutions, Bureau of (previously Bureau of Banking) 207-624-8570 207-624-8563 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 36 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau of Financial Institutions supervises all state-chartered financial institutions including banks, credit unions, and nondepository trust companies.

Financial and Personnel Services 207-624-7400 Burton M Cross Building, Augusta, ME Map it 74 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary purpose of the Division of Financial and Personnel Services is to provide fiscal and human resource management services in support of Bureau and Departmental operations and programs. The Division furnishes all Bureaus with consistent and uniform application of statewide budgetary policy; application of generally accepted accounting and financial practices; implementation and uniform application of collective bargaining agreements; human resources and payroll administration; and department billing services so that each line bureau within the Department may achieve its desired program goals and objectives, and remain in compliance with all laws and available budgetary resources.

Fire Marshal's Office 207-626-3870 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME Map it 52 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Fire Marshal's Office is dedicated to protecting lives and property from the devastation of fire, explosions, and other life safety hazards. It is one of nine bureaus that make up the Department of Public Safety.

Fiscal and Program Review, Office of 207-287-1635 Map it 5 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Office of Fiscal and Program Review provides non-partisan financial information to the Legislature, legislative committees, legislators, other legislative staff, department representatives and the public.

Floodplain Management Program, Maine 207-287-2801 711 17 Elkins Lane, Augusta, ME 04330 Map it 93 State, House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0093

The Maine Floodplain Management Program works with individuals, communities and professionals to reduce the risk of flooding.

Forest Service, Maine 207-287-2791 207-287-2213 18 Elkins Lane, Augusta, ME Map it 22 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Forest Service develops, advocates for, and promotesactivities that encourage the sound long term management of Maine's forestresources. The Forest Service protects Maine's forest resources from the effects of fire, insects, disease and misuse. The agency also provides accurate, relevant, and timely information about Maine's forest resources.

Foresters, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Board of Licensure of Foresters was established to protectthe public from unqualified practitioners through the regulation of the practice of forestry in the State of Maine and to insure proper management offorest resources in the State.

Funeral Professionals, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board is to examine and license qualified applicants for licensure to practice funeral service, to inspect funeral establishments and to revoke or to refuse to renew any licenses after proper notice and hearing.

General Services, Bureau of 207-624-7314 Burton M Cross Building Floor 4, Augusta, ME Map it 77 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau of General Services provides a wide variety of functions in support of state government and public improvements across the State of Maine. The Bureau administers the design and construction of State facilities, including selection of architects and engineers, bidding of construction projects, selection of construction managers and construction administration, as well as oversight of public school construction.

Geographic Information System (MEGIS) 207-624-7700 264 Civic Center Drive, Augusta, ME 04333-0174 Map it 174 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

MEGIS provides technical support for Maine GIS data, estimates on custom mapping, and consultats on data and application development.

Geographic Information, Maine Library of 207-624-7700 Map it 174 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Library of Geographic Information is the statewide network officially sanctioned by the Legislature by which data custodians or their designees organize, catalog, and provide access to public geographic information to all levels of government and to the public.

Geological Survey, Maine 207-287-2801 17 Elkins Lane, Augusta, Maine Map it 22 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

In 1836 the Maine Legislature authorized the first geological survey of the State, thus beginning a process of geological inquiry which continues today. By using a modern geographic information system The Maine Geological Survey is improving the analysis of map information and the ability to make high quality maps available to the public.

Geologists and Soil Scientists, Board of Certification 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibility of the Board is to examine, certifyand grant certificates to applicants who qualify to practice as geologistsand soil scientists in the State, and to maintain current information on licensed geologists and soil scientists.

Governor's Office 207-287-3531 207-287-6548 Capitol Building, Augusta, ME Map it 1 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

Official site for the Maine State Governor

Harness Racing Commission 207-287-3221 90 Blossom Lane, Deering Building, Augusta, Maine Map it 28 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Commission is appointed by the Governor to oversee live Harness Racing and Off-Track Betting Facilities as well as the adoption of rules that ensure integrity for participants and fans.

Health & Human Services, Department of (DHHS) 207-287-3707 711 109 Capitol Street, Augusta, ME Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The mission of the Department of Health and Human Services is to provide health and human services to the people of Maine so that all persons may achieve and maintain their optimal level of health and their full potential for economic independence and personal development. The department provides supportive, preventive, protective, public health and intervention services to children, families and adults, including the elderly and adults with disabilities.

Health & Human Services, Department of, Division of Licensing and Certification 207-287-9300 711 Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Division is responsible for licensing medical and long term care facilities, assisted living, residential care, private non-medical in stitutions, mental health service providers, substance abuse agencies, and programs and services to children. The Division is also responsible for reg ulation of health care facilities and providers under the Certificate of Ne ed Act, the Hospital Cooperation Act and laws pertaining to Continuing Care Retirement Communities.

Health Inspection Program 207-287-5671 Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Health Inspection Program provides licensing and inspection services for a number of different types of businesses. Sanitarians from the department inspect licensed establishments throughout the State on a regular basis for conformance with state rules.

Health, Bureau of - See Maine Center for Disease Control 207-287-8016 711 286 Water Street, Augusta, ME Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The mission of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention is to develop and deliver services to preserve, protect and promote the health and well-being of the citizens of Maine.

Higher Education Council, Maine 207-772-2332 70 Chenery Street, Portland, ME Map it 70 Chenery Street, Portland, ME 04101

The purpose of the agency is to provide a medium for closer acquaintance and better understanding among the chief executive officers (CEOs) of Maine's universities and colleges, and to bring attention to major issues of concern related to higher education.

Highway Safety, Bureau of 207-626-3840 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME Map it 164 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau of Highway Safety administers federally funded categorical grant programs offered by the US Department of Transportation and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). NHTSA funds support of highway safety projects. The bureau develops annual statewide comprehensive plans which outline major problem areas and proposes spending plans to address identified problems.

Historic Preservation Commission, Maine 207-287-2132 55 Capitol Street, Augusta, ME Map it 65 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

Established through a legislative act in 1971, the Maine Historic Preservation Commission is an independent agency within the Executive branch of state government that functions as the State Historic Preservation Office. The Commission is responsible for the identification, evaluation, and protection of Maine's significant cultural resources as directed by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.

Homeland Security 207-624-4400 207-629-5793 Map it 72 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Emergency Management Agency is responsible for Homeland Security and terrorism related incidents as well as natural disasters in Maine.

Housing Authority, Maine State (MSHA) 207-626-4600 711 26 Edison Drive, Augusta, ME Map it 26 Edison Drive, Augusta, ME 04333

The mission of the Maine State Housing Authority is to assist Maine people obtain and maintain decent, safe, affordable housing and services suitable to their unique housing needs.

Human Resources, Bureau of 207-624-7761 Burton M Cross Building, Augusta, ME Map it 4 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau of Human Resources provides leadership in human resource management for the agencies and departments within the Executive Branch of state government. In addition to administering Civil Service Law and merit system principles, the Bureau is responsible for establishing and maintaining job classification specifications, staff training and organizational development, recruitment, and administering employee benefits including employee Safety and Wellness, and the state employee Worker's Compensation Program.

Human Rights Commission, Maine 207-624-6290 711 19 Union Street, Augusta, ME 04333 Map it 51 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Human Rights Commission is the State agency charged with the responsibility of enforcing Maine's anti-discrimination laws. The Commission investigates complaints of unlawful discrimination in employment, housing, education, access to public accommodations, extension of credit, and offensive names.

Indigent Legal Services, Maine Commission on 207-287-3254 187 State Street, Augusta, ME Map it 171 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Commission on Indigent Legal Services is an independent commission whose purpose is to provide efficient, high-quality representation to indigent citizens who are entitled to counsel at state expense under the United States Constitution or under the Constitution or statutes of Maine. The Commission uses assigned private attorneys and contract counsel to provide representation to criminal defendants, juvenile defendants, parents in child protective cases, and people facing involuntary commitment to a psychiatric hospital who are indigent. The Commission does not provide representation to people in other types of cases, such as divorce, eviction, foreclosure or small claims.

Infectious Disease Division 207-287-6582 711 Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Division of Infectious Disease promotes and protects the health of the citizens of Maine through programs focusing on the prevention and control of infectious diseases.

InforME (Information Resource of Maine) 207-621-2600 Map it 45 Commerce Drive Suite 10, Augusta, ME 04330

In 1998, the Maine State Legislature enacted the InforME Electronic Access to Public Information Act, which called for the creation of a public/private long-term partnership to build a portal network to public information. The network is operated with oversight by the InforME Board, comprised of public and private members, who set policy and approve fees for InforME services.

Information Technology, Office of 207-624-8800 51 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME Map it 145 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

OIT responds to citizen requirements for cost effective eGovernment solutions; partners with State agencies and legislature to promote strategic IT innovation; maximizes the use of IT resources through strategically planned integrated solutions; and measures and benchmarks IT performance to ensure continuous improvements.

Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Dept. of (IFW) 207-287-8000 353 Water Street, Augusta, ME Map it 41 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04330

The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife was established to ensure that all species of wildlife and aquatic resources in the State of Maine are maintained and perpetuated for their intrinsic and ecological values, for their economic contribution, and for their recreational, scientific, and educational use by the people of the State. In addition, the Department is responsible for the establishment and enforcement of rules and regulations governing fishing, hunting, and trapping, propagation and stocking of fish, acquisition of wildlife management areas, the registration of snowmobiles, watercraft, and all terrain vehicles, safety programs for  hunters, snowmobiles, and watercraft, and the issuing of licenses (hunting, fishing, trapping, guide, etc.) and permits.

Insurance, Bureau of 207-624-8475 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 34 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04330

The Bureau of Insurance regulates the insurance industry through examining and licensing procedures of insurance companies, licensing producers, reviewing rates and coverage forms, conducting audits, and by sponsoring programs that enhance awareness of and compliance with State laws. TheBureau has authority to enforce the State's insurance laws and rules, initiate investigations and hold hearings concerning possible infractions.

International Trade Center, Maine (MITC) 207-541-7400 Map it 511 Congress Street Ste 100, Portland, ME 04101

The Maine International Trade Center (MITC) is Maine's center for international business assistance. Formed in 1996, the Trade Center provides technical assistance and trade counseling, import and export leads, international credit reports, workshops, coordinated trade missions and trade shows, and many other useful services to help Maine companies seeking to succeed in international markets.  MITC offers global exposure to Maine's small and medium sized businesses. 

Interpreters and Transliterators of American Sign Language and English 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

This agency oversees the examination and certification of applicants who qualify to practice as interpreters of American Sign Language orthe English language in the State of Maine.

Labor Relations Board 207-287-2015 711 Eastside Campus Elkins Building, Augusta, ME Map it 90 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Labor Relations Board administers and enforces the state's laws that govern collective bargaining for public sector employees and employers. This includes Maine's cities and towns, school districts, water and sewer districts, the University and Community College Systems, Maine Maritime Academy, and all three branches of Maine's state government. The Panel of Mediators and the Board of Arbitration and Conciliation are assigned as needed to help the parties resolve contract negotiations disputes and contract grievances.

Labor Standards, Bureau of 207-623-7900 711 Map it 45 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau of Labor Standards helps to make worksites safer; to uphold standards for minimum wages, child labor and other practices; and to gather information on the rapidly changing world of work in Maine.

Labor, Department of 207-623-7900 711 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, Maine Map it PO Box 259, Augusta, ME 04330

Maine Department of Labor offers a diverse array of services to Maine workers, employers, and job seekers with the mission of promoting the economic well being of the labor force and employers, attracting and retaining a wide range of employment opportunities, promoting independence and lifelong learning, fostering economic stability, and ensuring the safe and fair treatment of all people on the job.

Land Surveyors Professionals, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board are to examine and license qualified applicants for licensure to practice land surveying, to revoke or to refuse to renew any licenses after proper notice and hearing.

Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) 207-287-2631 711 18 Elkins Lane, Augusta, ME Map it 22 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Land Use Planning Commission was created by the Maine Legislature in 1971 to serve as the planning and zoning authority for the state's townships, plantations and unorganized areas

Land Resources, Bureau of 207-287-7688 32 Blossom Lane, 3rd Floor, Augusta, ME Map it 17 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau of Land & Water Quality administers land and water quality protection programs. The Bureau is organized into five divisions: two are regulatory divisions, ther is a science division, and a planning division.

Law and Legislative Reference Library 207-287-1600 161 Capitol Street, Augusta, ME Map it 43 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library was established by statute as a nonpartisan service office of the Maine Legislature. The Library serves the public interest by providing legal and governmental information services without discrimination to the people of Maine, their government and the legal community.

Library of Geographic Information, Maine 207-624-7700 Map it 174 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Library of Geographic Information is the statewide network officially sanctioned by the Legislature by which data custodians or their designees organize, catalog, and provide access to public geographic information to all levels of government and to the public.

Library, Maine State (MSL) 207-287-5600 711 242 State Street, Augusta, ME Map it 64 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

In 1836 Maine Legislature authorized the purchase of books and the Maine State Library began to grow. Along with the State archives and the State museum, the State library resides in the Cultural Building, located at the State House complex in Augusta.

Licensing & Registration, Office of 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Office oversees professional licensing boards, commissionsand registrations and licenses over 100,000 professionals working in a variety of professions. The Office is dedicated to public protection through licensure, inspection, enforcement/complaint resolution, and discipline.

Liquor Licensing and Enforcement 207-624-7220 19 Union St, Augusta, ME Map it 8 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The responsibility of this division is to license the manufacture, importation, storage, transportation and sale of all liquor and administer laws relating to licensing and the collection of taxes on malt liquor and wine.

Loring Development Authority (LDA) 207-328-7005 Map it 154 Development Drive Ste, F Limestone, ME 04750

Established as an independent state authority in 1993, the Loring Development Authority of Maine (LDA) is managing and developing the Loring Commerce Centre in Limestone, Maine, formerly Loring Air Force Base.

Lottery, Maine State 207-287-3721 207-287-6791 19 Union St, Augusta, ME Map it 8 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages & Lottery Operations provides public service for the complete distribution and sales of Powerball, Tri-State Pick 3 and Pick 4, Tri-State Heads or Tails, Tri-State Megabucks, instant lottery tickets, and the pricing, listing and delisting of spirits and fortified wines.

Maine Arts Commission 207-287-2724 711 193 State Street, Augusta, ME Map it 25 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

For over 30 years, the Maine Arts Commission has been helping artists and arts organizations bring more music, dance, poetry, painting and other arts activities into the lives of people in Maine. The Maine Arts Commission works to advance the arts by supplying services and results-oriented funding to artists and arts organizations, and helpful resources about the arts to the general public. It is an independent state agency funded by the Maine State Legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Maine Center for Disease Control 207-287-8016 711 286 Water Street, Augusta, ME Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The mission at the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention is to develop and deliver services to preserve, protect and promote the health and well-being of the citizens of Maine.

Maine Coastal Program 207-287-2801 711 32 Blossom Lane, Augusta, ME Map it 93 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Coastal Program works with various partners toward the shared goal of a healthy coast and vibrant coastal communities.

Maine Criminal Justice Academy 207-877-8000 Map it 15 Oak Grove Road, Vassalboro, ME 04989

The Maine Criminal Justice Academy serves the people of Maine by promoting the highest level of professional standards and performance through the training of criminal justice personnel.

Maine Developmental Disabilities Council 800-244-3990 711 Map it 139 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

This agency assists people with developmental disabilities to make informed choices and decisions, exercise their full rights and responsibilities, pursue meaningful and productive lives, contribute at home and in society, have interdependent relationships, live free of abuse, and achieve full integration and inclusion.

Maine Drug Enforcement Agency (MDEA) 207-626-3850 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME Map it 166 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Drug Enforcement Agency is a bureau within the Department of Public Safety. It was created by the Intergovernmental Drug Enforcement Act of 1987. MDEA maintains six regional task force offices located in Augusta, Bangor, Houlton, Lewiston, Lyman and Portland.

Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) 207-624-4400 Relay 711 Map it 72 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Emergency Management Agency is a bureau of the Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management. At the State level MEMA coordinates the mitigation (risk reduction) preparedness, response and recovery from emergencies and disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes or hazardous materials spills.

Maine Film Office 207-624-7631 Map it 59 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Film Office is a two-person division of the Maine Office of Tourism and the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development. The film office helps bring film, television and other media projects to Maine; works to expand and improve Maine's in-state production industry; and helps all Maine-made media productions succeed.

Maine Forest Service 207-287-2791 207-287-2213 18 Elkins Lane, Augusta, ME Map it 22 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Forest Service develops, advocates for, and promotes activities that encourage the sound long term management of Maine's forest resources; protect Maine's forest resources from the effects of fire, insects, disease and misuse; provide accurate, relevant, and timely information about Maine's forest resources.

Maine Fuel Board 207-624-8627 711 Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME

The primary responsibilities of the Board are to examine and license qualified applicants for licensure in the categories of Master Oil Burner and/or Solid Fuel Technician, Journeyman Oil Burner and/or Solid Fuel Technician, Apprentice Oil Burner and/or Solid Fuel Technician, Propane and Natural Gas Technicians, Limited Propane Energy Auditors, Limited Oil Energy Auditors, Limited Tank Installers and Limited Wood Pellet Technicians; to establish and maintain required board standards for safety, to investigate all complaints of noncompliance or violations of board law or rules, and to recommend suspension or revocation or refuse to renew licenses after proper notice and hearing

Maine Geological Survey 207-287-2801 Map it 22 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

In 1836 the Maine Legislature authorized the first geological survey of the State, thus beginning a process of geological inquiry which continues today. By using a modern geographic information system The Maine Geological Survey is improving the analysis of map information and the ability to make high quality maps available to the public.

Maine Health Data Organization 207-287-6722 151 Capitol Street, Augusta, ME Map it 102 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

Maine Health Data Organization (MHDO) was established by the Maine Legislature in 1996 as an independent executive agency to collect clinical and financial health care information and to exercise responsible stewardship in making this information accessible to the public.

Maine International Trade Center 207-541-7400 Map it 511 Congress Street Ste 100, Portland, ME 04101

The Maine International Trade Center is Maine's center for international business assistance. Formed in 1996, the Trade Center provides technical assistance and trade counseling, import and export leads, international credit reports, workshops, coordinated trade missions and trade shows, and many other useful services to help Maine companies seeking to succeed in international markets.  MITC offers global exposure to Maine's small and medium sized businesses. 

Maine Library of Geographic Information 207-624-7700 Map it 174 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Library of Geographic Information is the statewide network officially sanctioned by the Legislature by which data custodians or their designees organize, catalog, and provide access to public geographic information to all levels of government and to the public.

Maine Military Authority 207-328-4873 Map it 32 Connecticut Road, Limestone, ME 04750

Maine Military Authority's mission is to produce high quality equipment, through rebuild and refurbishment processes that are cost effective and delivered to customers in a timely manner. MMA uses efficient manufacturing practices to maximize throughput and to minimize cost.

Maine Natural Areas Program 207-287-8044 17 Elkins Lane, Augusta, ME 04333 Map it 93 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Natural Areas Program's mission is to ensure the maintenance of Maine's natural heritage for the benefit of present and future generations.

Maine Products Marketing Program 'Maine Made' Map it

Over 1000 Maine companies offer a wealth of items created from wood, granite, field and farm.

Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MainePERS) 207-512-3100 711 139 Capitol Street, Augusta, ME Map it P.O. Box 349, Augusta, ME 04332-0349

The Maine Public Employees Retirement System is an independent public instrumentality of the State of Maine and is located in the state capitol of Augusta. The System administers retirement plans that cover State employees, public school teachers (including school administrators and other licensed/certified staff), employees of municipalities and other public entities called participating local districts (PLDs), legislators, and judges. MainePERS is also responsible for administering Disability Retirement and Group Life Insurance programs.

Maine Retirement Savings Board (dba MERIT) 207-888-4706 Office of State Treasurer, Burton Cross Office Bulding, 111 Sewall Street, 3rd Floor, Augusta, ME Map it c/o Office of State Treasurer, 39 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Retirement Savings Board administers MERIT, Maine's Auto IRA program, which requires all Maine employers with five or more employees that do not offer a tax specified workplace retirement plan to register with MERIT. All employees will be automatically enrolled in a Roth IRA account, unless they choose to opt out.

Maine State Library (MSL) 207-287-5600 711 242 State Street, Augusta, ME Map it 64 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

In 1836 Maine Legislature authorized the purchase of books and the Maine State Library began to grow. Along with the State archives and the State museum, the State library resides in the Cultural Building, located at the State House complex in Augusta.

Maine State Museum 207-287-2301 207-287-6740 Closed under renovation Map it 83 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The collections of the Maine State Museum preserve and present the State's rich natural and human histories. Exhibits in the museum include anthropological exhibits, geological collections, technology holdings, and archival materials.

Maine State Police 207-624-7200 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME Map it 42 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine State Police is the state's largest police agency with an authorized complement of 341 sworn personnel, ranging from trooper to colonel.  In addition, State Police employ 188 persons in non-sworn positions, the largest segment being emergency communication specialists who staff the department's four regional communications centers in Augusta, Gray, Orono and Houlton.

Maine Technology Institute 207-582-4790 Map it 405 Water Street Ste 300, Gardiner, ME 04345

A state funded, private non-profit organization, the Maine Technology Institute offers early-stage, patient capital and commercialization assistance for the research and development of innovative, technology based projects that create new products and services, generating jobs in the state of Maine. 

Maine Turnpike Authority 207-871-7771 Map it 2360 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04102

The Authority's primary function is to operate and maintain a toll express highway through its short term and long term capital improvement plans.

MaineCare Services, Office of (formerly Medical Services, Bureau of) 207-287-9202 711 Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Office of MaineCare Services, formerly the Bureau of Medical Services, was created to administer the Department's major health care financing programs and health care benefits. MaineCare Services coordinates the programs and benefits, assures that they operate under consistent policy in keeping with the Department's goals and Federal mandates, and provides accountability necessary to determine that they are administered in an effective and efficient manner.

Manufactured Housing Professionals, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the board are to examine and license qualified applicants, to promulgate rules defining the qualificationsand professional standards of manufacturers, dealers and installers of manufactured housing, to investigate complaints against its licensees, and totake appropriate disciplinary action against noncompliance with its statuteand rules.

Marine Patrol 207-624-6581 711 32 Blossom Lane, Augusta, ME 04330 Map it 21 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Marine Patrol is a bureau of the Department of Marine Resources. Responsibilities include enforcement of laws and rules pertaining to the management and protection of marine resources; boating safety and search & rescue on coastal waters; criminal law enforcement and maritime security; marine resource education and outreach for recreational sportsmen and commercial harvesters. Marine Patrol Officers patrol coastal areas on shore and aboard watercraft and are available 24 hours a day.

Marine Resources, Dept. of (DMR) 207-624-6550 207-287-4474 32 Blossom Lane, Augusta, ME Map it 21 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Department of Marine Resources is charged with commercial and non-commercial marine licensing, community resource development, including aquaculture and wetlands permit review, monitoring and researching marine resources, and patrolling and enforcing laws pertaining to marine resources.

Massage Therapists Licensing 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Office are to review and approve qualified applicants for licensure as a licensed massage therapists,to promulgate rules as necessary, to investigate complaints, and to take appropriate disciplinary action for noncompliance with current laws and rules.

Medical Services, Bureau of - see MaineCare Services, Office of 207-287-9202 711 Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Office of MaineCare Services, formerly the Bureau of Medical Services, was created to administer the Department's major health care financing programs and health care benefits. MaineCare Services coordinates the programs and benefits, assures that they operate under consistent policy in keeping with the Department's goals and Federal mandates, and provides accountability necessary to determine that they are administered in an effective and efficient manner.

Medicine, Board of Licensure 207-287-3601 Map it 137 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Board of Licensure in Medicine is the state agency responsible for protecting the health and safety of the public by determining who may be licensed for medical practice in this state and by regulating the medical practice of those licensees.

Milk Commission 207-287-7521 90 Blossom Lane, Deering Building, Augusta, Maine Map it 28 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Milk Commission is a five-member consumer board thatis established to oversee the milk industry in Maine and to support the viability of farms and the milk industry. Part of this responsibility is setting minimum milk prices.

Motor Vehicles, Bureau of (BMV) 207-624-9000 Map it 29 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles, within the constitutional office of the Department of the Secretary of State, was established in 1905 out of concern for public safety following the invention, mass production, and use of automobiles. Since that time, the Bureau has served the residents of the State and all users of Maine highways by qualifying and licensing drivers and by maintaining records of driver history, vehicle ownership and vehicle registration. Through the collection of the licensing and registration fees associated with these services, the BMV also provides revenue to build and maintain Maine's highways.

MSECCA- Maine State Employees Combined Charitable Appeal 207-626-8400 Map it 148 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine State Employee Combined Charitable Appeal is a donation service which allows State of Maine employees to make charitable contributions online. Employees may elect deductions from their payroll or may donate using a credit card.

Multicultural Affairs, Office of 207-822-2380 151 Jetport Boulevard, Portland, Maine Map it 151 Jetport Boulevard, Portland, Maine, 04102

The mission of OMA is to provide support to State Agencies, Non-Governmental organizations and Community Partners in addressing the needs of ethnic, racial and linguistic minorities in Maine.

Municipal Planning Assistance Program 207-287-8061 711 18 Elkins Lane, Harlow Building, Augusta, ME 04330 Map it 22 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0022

The Municipal Planning Assistance Program (MPAP) provides land use planning expertise for Maine citizens, municipalities, regional planning organizations, state agencies and the Legislature, and promotes growth management principles in state and local policies, programs, regulations and investments.

Nursing Home Administrators, Board of Licensing 207-624-8624 Gardiner Annex 122 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Nursing Home Administrators Licensing Board was established to ensure that qualified applicants for licensure meet the necessary standards to be qualified and responsible for the general administration of a facility other than a hospital.

Nursing, State Board of 207-287-1133 161 Capitol Street, Augusta, ME Map it 158 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Board of Nursing examines and licenses qualified applicants for nursing professions in the State of Maine.

Occupational Therapy, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board is to examine and license qualified applicants, to promulgate rules defining qualifications andprofessional standards of practitioners, to investigate complaints againstlicensees and to take appropriate disciplinary action against noncompliancewith its statute and rules.

Office of Geographic Information Services (OGIS) 207-624-7700 Map it

MEGIS provides technical support for Maine GIS data, estimates on custom mapping, and consultats on data and application development.

Optometry, State Board of 207-624-8691 Map it 113 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Board investigates all complaints and cases of non-compliance with optometrists laws, rules and regulations, conducts hearings, and brings all such cases to the notice of the proper prosecuting officer. It also enforces standards established by law and makes such other reasonable rules and regulations, consistent with the law, as the Board deems necessary.

Osteopathic Licensure, Board of 207-287-2480 161 Capitol Street, Augusta, ME Map it 161 Capitol Street, Augusta, ME 04330

The Maine Board of Osteopathic Licensure is responsible for determining which applicants qualify to practice osteopathic medicine in the State of Maine by regulating the practice of its licensees.

Parks and Lands, Bureau of (Maine State Parks) 207-287-3821 18 Elkins Lane (AMHI Campus), Augusta, Maine Map it 22 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau of Parks and Lands manages more than 600,000 acres of land in Maine.

Pesticide Control, Board of 207-287-2731 207-287-4470 90 Blossom Lane, Deering Building, Augusta, Maine Map it 28 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Board of Pesticides Control (BPC) is Maine's lead agency for pesticide regulation. The BPC is attached to the Maine Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources for administrative and staffing purposes.

Pharmacy, Board of 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board are to examine and license qualified applicants for licensure in the categories of Pharmacists or Pharmacists Assistants; to regulate and control the sale, character and standards of all drugs, poisons or medicines; to inspect during business hours all apothecaries, dispensaries, and locations where pharmaceuticals aremanufactured, stored, distributed, compounded, dispersed or retailed; to secure samples of drugs and cause them to be analyzed and to keep a record ofall persons examined and registered. The Board also investigates complaints against licensees and takes appropriate disciplinary action.

Physical Therapy, Board of Examiners in 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board is to examine and license qualified applicants, to promulgate rules defining qualifications andprofessional standards of practitioners, to investigate complaints againstlicensees and to take appropriate disciplinary action against noncompliancewith its statute and rules.

Plumbers' Examining Board 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner, , Gardiner Annex Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibility of the Board is to insure the competency of plumbers through examination; to issue licenses to those qualified to hold the title of Master plumber, Journeyman plumber, or Trainee plumber; to investigate complaints of noncompliance with or violations of the law and board rules.

Podiatrists, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board is to conduct examinations of candidates for licensure to practice podiatry, to verify credentials of applicants, to license and renew upon documentation of continuing education activities, to conduct hearings and investigations upon receipt of complaints pertaining to podiatry.

Police, Maine State 207-624-7200 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME Map it 42 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine State Police is the state's largest police agency with an authorized complement of 341 sworn personnel, ranging from trooper to colonel.  In addition, State Police employ 188 persons in non-sworn positions, the largest segment being emergency communication specialists who staff the department's four regional communications centers in Augusta, Gray, Orono and Houlton.

Policy and Legal Analysis, Office of 207-287-1670 Map it 13 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The mission of the Office of Policy and Legal Analysis is to provide policy and legal research and analysis, bill and amendment drafting and committee staffing services to the Maine Legislature, its committees and its members in a responsive, professional and nonpartisan manner.

Population Health-Maine Center for Disease Control 207-287-8135 711 286 Water Street, Augusta Maine Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333

The Division of Population Health works across three focus areas to better the lives of all Maine people; Children have a healthy start, Healthy and safe living and Chronic disease prevention and control.

Professional and Financial Regulation, Dept. of 207-624-8500 711 Gardiner Annex 122 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The mission of the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation is to protect the citizens of Maine through the regulation of State-chartered financial institutions, the insurance industry, grantors of consumer credit, the securities industry, and numerous professions and occupations providing services to the public

Professional and Occupational Regulation, Office of 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Office oversees professional licensing boards, commissionsand registrations and licenses over 100,000 professionals working in a variety of professions. The Office is dedicated to public protection through licensure, inspection, enforcement/complaint resolution, and discipline.

Program Evaluation & Government Accountability, Office of 207-287-1901 207-287-4479 111 Sewall Street, 1st Floor, Room 104/105, Augusta, ME Map it 82 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0082

The Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability (OPEGA) exists to support the Legislature in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to improve the accountability, oversight and performance of State government for the benefit of Maine's citizens.

Propane and Natural Gas Technicians, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board are to examine and license qualified applicants for licensure in the endorsements of delivery technician, plant operator, tank setter and outside piping technician, appliance connection and service technician, and large equipment connection and service technician, to establish and maintain required board standards for safety, to investigate all complaints of noncompliance or violations of board law or rules, and to recommend suspension or revocation or refuse to renew licenses after proper notice and hearing.

Property Tax Review, State Board of (207) 287-2864 711 Williams Pavillion/Elkins Building 19 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Map it 49 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The State Board of Property Tax Review was established in 1986, under 5 M.R.S. 12004-B, and consists of 15 members, appointed by the Governor. The term of each member is three years. The Board hears appeals from denials of tax abatements by assessors or local boards of assessment review, see 5 M.R.S. 271-273, regarding: Non-residential property with an municipal assessed valuation of $1,000,000 or greater; Tree growth, farmland, open space, mine site and working waterfront classified property, as well as Municipalities disputing their annual equalized state valuations.

Psychologists, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board are to conduct examinations of candidates for licensure to practice psychology, to verify credentials of applicants, to license and renew upon documentation of continuingeducation activities, to conduct hearings and investigations upon receipt of complaints pertaining to psychology.

Public Advocate Office 207-624-3687 103 Water Street Floor 3, Augusta, ME Map it 112 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Public Advocate Office is committed to public service in representing Maine utility consumers in any matter that is covered by the authority of the Public Utilities Commission so that they have affordable, high quality utility services.

Public Health Systems, Maine Center for Disease Control 207-287-5768 711 286 Water Street, Augusta, ME Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0011

The Division of Public Health Systems protects the health of lives of people in Maine by strengthening the ability of health agencies and partner organizations to detect, contain and manage public health threats and emergencies.

Public Safety, Dept. of (DPS) 207-626-3800 207-287-3659 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME Map it 104 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Department of Public Safety serves the people by protecting their lives, rights, and properties. This is accomplished through criminal justice, law enforcement, fire safety, and emergency response services.

Public Utilities Commission, Maine (PUC) 207-287-3831 711 101 Second Street, Hallowell, ME Map it SHS #18, Augusta, ME 04333

The Commission regulates electric, natural gas, telecommunications and water utilities to ensure that Maine consumers enjoy safe, adequate and reliable services at rates that are just and reasonable for both consumers and utilities. The Commission oversees emerging competitive markets for some of these services. The Commission also regulates water taxis and ferries in Casco Bay, and promotes safe digging through the Dig Safe underground utility damage prevention program.

Procurement Services, Division of 207-624-7340 Burton M Cross Building Floor 4, Augusta, ME Map it 9 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Division of Purchases' primary function is to procure materials, supplies, equipment and services that represent the best value to the State of Maine.

Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board is to examine and license qualified applicants for licensure; to ensure competency in the practice of radiologic technology and to revoke or to refuse to renew any licenses after proper notice and hearing.

Real Estate Agents, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Commission are to license qualified applicants as real estate agencies, real estate brokers, real estate associate brokers, sales agents, timeshare agents, to investigate alleged violations of the law, impose sanctions, prescribe curricula and standards of real estate education programs.

Real Estate Appraisers, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board are to identify qualified applicants for licensure, to issue licenses and renewals to applicantswho have met licensure requirements and to promulgate rules as necessary to ensure protection of the public to enforce the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).

Rehabilitation Services, Bureau of (BRS) 207-623-7941 711 Map it 150 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

This bureau works to bring about full access of employment, independence and community integration for people with disabilities.

Remediation and Waste Management, Bureau of 207-287-7688 32 Blossom Lane, 3rd Floor, Augusta, ME Map it 17 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau is responsible for managing the waste in the State. This is accomplished by enforcement and compliance and educational programs.

Respiratory Care Practitioners, Board of 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04330

The primary responsibilities of the Board is to conduct examinations of candidates for licensure to practice respiratory care, to verify credentials of applicants, to license and to conduct hearings and investigations upon receipt of complaints, to revoke or to refuse to renew any licenses after proper notice and hearing.

Revenue Services, Maine (Taxes) 207-624-9620 711 51 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME Map it 24 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The mission of Maine Revenue Services is to serve the citizens of Maine by administering the tax laws of the State effectively and professionally in order to provide the revenues necessary to support Maine government.

Risk Management, Office of 207-287-3351 Burton M Cross Building Floor 4, Augusta, ME Map it 85 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The insurance, claims and loss control professionals for the State of Maine.

School and Library Network, Maine 207-561-3587 Map it
Secretary of State (SOS) 207-626-8400 Nash School Building Floor 2, Augusta, ME Map it 148 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

In Maine, the Secretary of State oversees one cohesive Department made up of three distinct bureaus: the Maine State Archives, the Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions (CEC), and the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV).

Securities, Office of 207-624-8551 207-624-8563 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 121 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Office of Securities protects Maine investors by investigating and prosecuting violations of the securities laws; licensing broker-dealers, agents, investment advisers, and investment adviser representatives;and reviewing registration statements and exemption filings for securitiesissuers that are seeking to sell in Maine.

Seed Potato Board 207-764-2038 207-764-2035 744 Main St. Suite 9, Presque Isle, ME 04769 Map it 744 Main St. Suite 9, Presque Isle, ME 04769

The Division of Plant Industry is Maine's plant regulatory agency,responsible for protecting the state's plant resources from the introduction and spread of regulated insects and diseases. The Division provides technical information and support to agricultural producers in the state and also issues a number of licenses and permits for individuals to conduct certain business in the state.

Social Worker, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board is to evaluate qualifications, supervise examinations of applicants, to grant licenses to thosewho meet board requirements, investigate complaints, and take disciplinaryaction; and to revoke or to refuse to renew any licenses after proper notice and hearing.

Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology & Hearing Aid Dealing and Fitting,Board of 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board is to examine and license qualified applicants for licensure; to ensure competency in the practice of speech-language pathology, audiology and fitting and dealing in hearing aids and to revoke or to refuse to renew any licenses after proper notice and hearing.

State Controller, Office of 207-626-8420 Burton M Cross Building Floor 4, Augusta, ME Map it 14 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Office of the State Controller (OSC) has the following functions: statewide accounting and appropriation control; review, approve and consolidate all accounting transactions for all agencies within the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government; establish and monitor State accounting policies and procedures; establish and administer State travel and expense policies; review, compile and report all Statewide accounting information

State Library, Maine (MSL) 207-287-5600 711 Augusta Complex, Augusta, ME Map it 64 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

In 1836 Maine Legislature authorized the purchase of books and the Maine State Library began to grow. Along with the State archives and the State museum, the State library resides in the Cultural Building, located at the State House complex in Augusta.

State Museum, Maine 207-287-2301 207-287-6740 230 State Street, Augusta, ME Map it 83 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The collections of the Maine State Museum preserve and present the State's rich natural and human histories. Exhibits in the museum include anthropological exhibits, geological collections, technology holdings, and archival materials.

State Police 207-624-7200 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME Map it 42 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine State Police is the state's largest police agency with an authorized complement of 341 sworn personnel, ranging from trooper to colonel.  In addition, State Police employ 188 persons in non-sworn positions, the largest segment being emergency communication specialists who staff the department's four regional communications centers in Augusta, Gray, Orono and Houlton.

State Treasurer 207-624-7477 Burton M Cross Building Floor 3, Augusta, ME Map it 39 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Treasurer's Office has ten major duties including cash management, investments, revenue forecasting, unclaimed property and the NextGen College Investing program.

StateDirectory Map it
Substance Abuse, Office of 207-287-2595 711 Eastside Campus Marquardt Building, Augusta, ME Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Office of Substance Abuse is the single state administrative authority responsible for the planning, development, implementation, regulation, and evaluation of substance abuse services

Surplus Property 207-287-2923 85 Leighton Rd Augusta ME Map it 77 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Surplus Property Division provides various mechanisms for the disposition of state surplus materials and equipment that are no longer needed by the state department that purchased them. This includes daily sales, property offered for bid, public sales and public auctions. In addition, federal surplus property is obtained for donation to qualifying state, public or non-profit organizations throughout Maine.

Tax Appeals, Maine Board of 207-287-2864 711 Williams Pavillion/Elkins Building 19 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Map it 134 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0134

The Maine Board of Tax Appeals (the "Board") is an independent board within the Department of Administrative and Financial Services that was established to provide taxpayers with a fair system of resolving controversies with Maine Revenue Services ("MRS"). The Board consists of three members, appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Legislature for terms of three years. The Board is neither part of MRS nor subject to its control in any way. The Board does not hear controversies involving property tax.

Taxes, Maine Revenue Services 207-624-9620 711 51 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME Map it 24 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The mission of Maine Revenue Services is to serve the citizens of Maine by administering the tax laws of the State effectively and professionally in order to provide the revenues necessary to support Maine government.

Technology Institute, Maine 207-582-4790 Map it 405 Water Street Ste 300, Gardiner, ME 04345

A state funded, private non-profit organization, the Maine Technology Institute offers early-stage, patient capital and commercialization assistance for the research and development of innovative, technology based projects that create new products and services, generating jobs in the state of Maine. 

Tourism, Office of 888-624-6345 711 Burton M Cross Building Floor 3, Augusta, ME Map it 59 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Maine Office of Tourism is an office within the Department of Economic and Community Development. The office is charged with promoting tourism in the State of Maine.

Transient Sellers of Consumer Merchandise Licensing 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Office oversees Transient Sellers who engage in the business of selling merchandise to consumers by means of personal contact or telephone contact. Transient sellers do not have a permanent place of businessin the State of Maine. The primary responsibilities of the Office are to review the credentials of qualified applicants for registration as transientsellers, to promulgate rules as necessary, investigate complaints and takeappropriate disciplinary action for noncompliance of current laws and rules.

Transient Sellers of Consumer Merchandise, Board of Licensure 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Office oversees Transient Sellers who engage in the business of selling merchandise to consumers by means of personal contact or telephone contact. Transient sellers do not have a permanent place of businessin the State of Maine. The primary responsibilities of the Office are to review the credentials of qualified applicants for registration as transientsellers, to promulgate rules as necessary, investigate complaints and takeappropriate disciplinary action for noncompliance of current laws and rules.

Transportation, Maine Dept. of (DOT) 207-624-3000 711 Child Street, Augusta, ME Map it 16 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Department of Transportation has a variety of functions including issuing licenses and permits for road operations, providing the 511 road condition service and transportation planning.

Treasurer's Office 207-624-7477 711 Burton M Cross Building Floor 3, Augusta, ME Map it 39 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Treasurer's Office has ten major duties including cash management, investments, revenue forecasting, unclaimed property and the NextGen College Investing program.

Unemployment Compensation, Bureau of 800-593-7660 711 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME 04330 Map it 57 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04330

Unemployment is an insurance program providing temporary, partial wage replacement to workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own.

University System, Maine (UMS) 207-973-3201 207-973-3262 16 Central Street, Bangor, ME Map it 16 Central Street, Bangor, ME 04401

The University of Maine System (UMS) consists of seven affiliated universities and 11 University College regional outreach centers. Though each university has a distinct mission, they all share two overarching goals, to provide high-quality, accessible and affordable learning opportunities and to undertake and share creativity, innovation and outreach to improve Maine's economy and quality of life

Unorganized Territory Fiscal Administrator 207-624-6250 Map it 66 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Fiscal Administrator's primary responsibilities include the review, analysis, and investigation of the budgets and expenditures of all county and state agencies requesting funds from the unorganized territory.

Veteran Services, Bureau of 207-430-6035 Camp Keyes, Augusta, ME Map it 117 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau ensures that Maine veterans and their dependents receive all entitlements due under the law.

Veterinary Medicine, State Board of 207-624-8603 711 Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME Map it 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The primary responsibilities of the Board are to evaluate applicant qualifications, to administer examinations of applicants, to grant licenses to those who meet board requirements, investigate complaints, and take appropriate disciplinary action.

Victims Compensation Board 207-624-7882 Burton M Cross Building Floor 6, Augusta, ME Map it 6 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

If you or someone you know is the victim of a violent crime, the Maine Victims' Compensation Program in the Office of the Attorney General may be able to help. The Victims' Compensation Program provides financial reimbursement for losses suffered by victims of violent crime and their families.

Warden Services 207-547-5300 353 Water Street, Augusta, ME Map it 41 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04330

The responsibilities of the bureau include enforcement of laws and department rules pertaining to the management and protection of the inland fisheries and wildlife resources; enforcement of laws and department rules pertaining to the registrations and operation of snowmobiles, watercraft and all-terrain vehicles; assistance with programs for hunter safety and for the safe operation of snowmobiles, watercraft and all-terrain vehicles and the collection of data as needed for the management and protection of the inland fisheries and wildlife resources.

Water Quality, Bureau of 207-287-7688 32 Blossom Lane, 3rd Floor, Augusta, ME Map it 17 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

The Bureau of Land & Water Quality administers land and water quality protection programs. The Bureau is organized into five divisions: two are regulatory divisions, ther is a science division, and a planning division.

Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve Management Authority 207-646-1555 Map it 342 Laudholm Farm Rd, Wells, ME 04090

The Wells Reserve is a 1600-acre research, education, and recreation facility, a public-private partnership within the National Estuarine Research Reserve System. Reserve facilities are located at Laudholm Farm in Wells, Maine, and include the Maine Coastal Ecology Center.

WIC - Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program 207-287-3991 711 Map it 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333

WIC is a nutrition program for thousands of Maine families. WIC serves all kinds of families with free nutrition advice, tips for staying healthy, recipes, and resources for growing families.

Workers' Compensation Board 207-287-3751 207-287-6119 442 Civic Center Drive, Suite 100, Augusta, ME 04330 Map it 442 Civic Center Drive, Suite 100, Augusta 04330

The general mission of the Maine Workers' Compensation Board is to serve the employees and employers of the State fairly and expeditiously by ensuring compliance with the workers' compensation laws, ensuring the prompt delivery of benefits legally due, promoting the prevention of disputes, utilizing dispute resolution to reduce litigation and facilitating labor-management cooperation.

Maine Capitol Police 207-287-4357 Maine Capitol Police 111 Sewall Steet Suite 111, Augusta, ME, 04333 Map it 68 State House Station,Augusta, ME 04333
Volunteer Maine, the state service commission 207 624-7792 19 Elkins Lane, Room 105, Augusta, Maine 04333 Map it 105 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333

Volunteer Maine, the state service commission, builds capacity and sustainability in Maine's volunteer and service communities by funding programs, developing managers of volunteers, raising awareness of sector issues, and promoting service as a strategy. Volunteer Maine also partners with the federal agency that oversees National Service initiatives to promote service opportunities and fund AmeriCorps State and National programs operating in Maine.

Permanent Commission on the Status of Racial, Indigenous, and Tribal Populations 108 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0108 Map it 108 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0108
Central Fleet Management (207) 287- 6992 66 Industrial Drive Augusta, ME 04333-0106 Map it 66 Industrial Drive Augusta, ME 04333-0106
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