UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 071648Z FEB 20 MID110000404938U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 035/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// SUBJ/FY-21 NAVY RESERVE LIMITED DUTY OFFICER AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER IN- SERVICE PROCUREMENT SELECTION BOARD RESULTS// REF/A/DOC/MANMED/20FEB19// AMPN/REF A IS NAVMED P-117, MANUAL OF MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to selectees of the FY-21 Navy Reserve Limited Duty Officer (LDO) and Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) In-Service Procurement Board. 2. For LDO and CWO selectees, read name, commissioning month/year. All appointments are effective on the first day of the commissioning month. Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS Online. LIMITED DUTY OFFICER ENSIGN AVIATION MAINTENANCE - 6335 Hosang Courtney Leo 1020 James Matthew Garr 1020 Salman Rudolf Isaachein 1020 ADMINISTRATION - 6415 Baker Talitha Denise 1020 Garciaolden Jessica 1020 Girard Raymond James 1020 Hamilton Kurt Deand 1020 Mendoza Robert Santia 1020 Mickus Elizabeth A 1020 Perryedge Brandon Kyle 1020 Ragin Consuella Ce 1020 Williams Edwina Darlene 1020 SECURITY - 6495 Arcement Michael Tanner 1020 Connor Mark Stephen 1020 Frei Douglas William 1020 Gillet Nickelas Car 1020 Johnson Jeramie Robert 1020 Johnsonfarrell Bri 1020 Jones Eric Taylor 1020 Medina Rosvelly 1020 Morton Charles Eugene 1020 Mullins Timothy O 1020 Pelarski Cory Douglas 1020 Probus Michael Dj 1020 Stephens Patrick Wayne 1020 Stipanovic Sarah Ly 1020 Teixeira Estefanio Borg 1020 Vankirk Timothy Rya 1020 Walden Marcus Daniel 1020 CIVIL ENGINEER CORPS - 6535 Gale Trevis Nelson 1020 CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER (W-3) BOATSWAIN SURFACE - 7118 Witters Jeremiah Jake 1120 CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER (W-2) BOATSWAIN SURFACE - 7118 Kirton Germain Julimadr 1120 Sweeney Sean Micha 1120 OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN SURFACE - 7128 Allen Kyle Lee 1120 Finkenstadt John Ch 1120 Kreisler Jennifer Lynne 1120 Martin Steven Micha 1120 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SURFACE - 7138 Dodamgoda Tirosh Anilku 1120 ORDNANCE TECHNICIAN SURFACE - 7168 Alford Christopher Tyl 1120 Cagle Keith Justin 1120 Krouse Andrea Renee 1120 CRYPTOLOGIC WARFARE TECHNICIAN - 7818 Botto James Joseph 1120 INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN - 7828 Donnelly Clarence Wills 1120 Freshour Anthony Al 1120 Price Ivan Russel 1120 INTELLIGENCE TECHNICIAN - 7838 Appleby Thomas Joseph Jr 1120 Bawolek Edward Thom 1120 Bright Dane Randolph 1120 Corbin Natalie Suza 1120 Francis Jeffrey Scott 1120 Giannini Lauren The 1120 Mendenhall Braun Adam 1120 Palmer Jason Robert 1120 Penninger Ronnie James 1120 Robinson Michael La 1120 Tam Frank Hoi 1120 Theriot Nicholas A 1120 Vanwyhe Chadley Jared 1120 3. Each applicant should take pride in knowing that the superior performance documented in the evaluations reviewed by the board required the members to dedicate long hours in making hard choices to ensure only the best and fully qualified applicants were selected. I am confident that each selectee will justify their selection time and again in their new career as naval officers. Those not selected are highly encouraged to seek out an LDO/CWO in your area for advice on ways to grow professionally and improve opportunity for future selection. Bravo Zulu to all who were willing to answer the call. 4. This message is not authority to issue appointments. Frocking is prohibited. COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) will deliver appointments under separate correspondence approximately 60 days prior to the commissioning date. 5. Commanding Officers are directed to: a. Notify selectee. b. Notify PERS-803 via official correspondence not later than 10 days following release of this message of selectees who do not accept appointment. Selectees who decline their commission within this 10 day period will be considered by the FY-21 Enlisted Selection Boards. After the 10 day period, PERS-802 will invalidate all FY-21 Navy Reserve LDO and CWO In-Service Procurement Selection Board selectees eligibility for the FY-21 Navy Reserve Enlisted Selection Boards. c. Per reference (a), ensure LDO and CWO selectees obtain a commissioning physical within 90 days preceding the appointment month. Notify the applicable officer detailer upon completion. d. Hold execution of all permanent change of station orders in abeyance, if applicable, and immediately notify PERS-40 of member's selection. e. Administer official physical fitness assessment (PFA) within four months of commissioning date. Selectees must hand carry test results to Officer Indoctrination School, Newport, RI. If selectee fails to achieve satisfactory medium, notify your applicable officer detailer. Hold commissioning in abeyance until successful completion of PFA. f. Hold appointment in abeyance if it is determined that a selectee is no longer mentally, physically, morally or professionally qualified or if they fail to meet current PFA requirements. Immediately forward documentation citing reason to PERS-803. 6. If an LDO or CWO selectee's enlistment (including any extensions) expires after the date of appointment, they are not reenlistment eligible unless appointment is declined. 7. Each selectee should contact their officer detailer for submission requirements with regard to personal information and history cards, and inform PERS-806 of address changes to facilitate appointment delivery. 8. Points of Contact a. PERS-803 point of contact for LDO/CWO In-service Procurement Board, issues/questions is LT Randy Beal at (901) 874-3170/DSN 882 or email npc_ldo- cwo_selbd.fct(at)navy.mil. b. PERS-806 point of contact for issuance of oath and commissioning documents issues/questions is Ms. Shelly Hayes, at (901) 874-4374/DSN 882, or email at officer_appt.fct(at)navy.mil. 9. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//
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