UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 271513Z FEB 20 MID510000989998U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 051/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// SUBJ/NAVY INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY POLICY UPDATE// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV N1/20DEC12// REF/B/DOC/CNO/27FEB20// REF/C/DOC/CNO/17DEC18// REF/D/DOC/CNO/4DEC19// REF/E/DOC/CNO/7MAY19// REF/F/DOC/CNO/7MAY19// REF/G/MSG/CNO/12NOV19// REF/H/DOC/CNO/7APR18// REF/I/DOC/CNO/24JUL17// REF/J/DOC/CNO/24JUL17// REF/K/DOC/MCPON/7MAY19// REF/L/DOC/SECDEF/29NOV16// REF/M/DOC/SECNAV/15JUL05// REF/N/DOC/ASN(M&RA)/23JAN17// REF/O/DOC/SECNAV/9MAY19// REF/P/MSG/CNO/29JAN20// REF/Q/MSG/COMUSFLTFORCOM/13FEB20// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 5420.115, NAVY DIVERSITY POLICY COORDINATION REF B IS U.S. NAVY INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES. REF C IS DESIGN FOR MAINTAINING MARITIME SUPERIORITY VERSION 2.0. REF D IS CNO FRAGMENTARY ORDER 01/2019. REF E IS NAVY LEADER DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK VERSION 3.0. REF F IS NAVY CIVILIAN WORKFORCE FRAMEWORK VERSION 1.0. REF G IS CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE NAVADMIN 254/19. REF H IS CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE BOARD OF GOVERNANCE CHARTER. REF I IS OPNAVINST 5354.1G, NAVY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY INSTRUCTION. REF J IS OPNAVINST 5300.13, NAVY SEXUAL HARASSMENT PREVENTION AND RESPONSE MANUAL. REF K IS LAYING THE KEEL. REF L IS DODD 1020.02E, DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN THE DOD. REF M IS SECNAVINST 1610.2A, DEPARTMENT OF NAVY HAZING POLICY. REF N IS DEPARTMENT OF NAVY DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STRATEGIC ROADMAP. REF O IS SECNAVINST 5402.31A, MANAGEMENT OF DON PROGRAM FOR HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES AND MINORITY SERVING INSTITUTIONS. REF P IS NAVADMIN 025/20, RE-ESTABLISHING NAVY LEADER DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK BRIEFS. REF Q IS THE 12-STAR MESSAGE: PROMULGATION OF SIGNATURE BEHAVIORS OF THE 21ST CENTURY SAILOR NAVY CORE VALUES, NAVY ETHOS, AND CORE ATTRIBUTES IN ACTION, VERSION 2.0.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN revises the 2012 Navy Diversity Policy Coordination instruction, reference (a), and incorporates the Office of Inclusion and Diversity under the Twenty First Century Sailor Office (OPNAV N17). Inclusion and Diversity is a line of effort in the Chief of Naval Operations Culture of Excellence (COE) Campaign, which empowers the Navy to achieve warfighting excellence by fostering psychological, physical and emotional toughness. Ensuring inclusion and connectedness among every Sailor, family member and Navy civilian promotes organizational trust and transparency throughout their Navy journey. Every Active and Reserve Sailor and civilian brings a unique set of skills to our team. Actively seeking out and leveraging these skills is key to reaching our maximum warfighting potential. 2. This new approach operationalizes the guidance in references (b) through (q) by promulgating specific roles and responsibilities and including Inclusion and Diversity as a line of effort within the COE Campaign Plan. Without inclusion, diverse perspectives can lead to friction/conflict in thoughts and opinions. All perspectives must be actively included to harness the creative power of diversity, accelerating our Navys warfighting advantage. 3. Inclusion and Diversity Goals a. Goal 1: Institutionalize Inclusion and Diversity across our Navy. b. Goal 2: Attract and recruit the best talent from our diverse nation to cultivate a high-performing and innovative workforce. c. Goal 3: Develop and retain Sailors and Navy civilians by ensuring an inclusive culture across our workforce. 4. Requirements a. MyNavy HR Health of the Force Report: OPNAV N1 will provide COE progress made during the previous calendar year to leaders throughout the Navy no later than 15 March of each year. b. Inclusion and Diversity Senior Leader Engagement Calendar: Describes key engagement events, participation objectives and assigns a key leader for Navy representation at each event. OPNAV N17 will promulgate no later than 1 October of each year. c. Inclusion and Diversity Engagement Resource Plan: OPNAV N17 will consolidate local Inclusion and Diversity engagement inputs from Echelon II and Community Leads to coordinate efforts, minimize redundancy and optimize Inclusion and Diversity funding efforts. Community leads are defined in reference (p). d. Inclusion and Diversity Council: Semi-annual Inclusion and Diversity Council replaces the Strategic Workforce Council and is comprised of senior Navy leaders and key workforce stakeholders chaired by the Vice Chief of Naval Operations (VCNO) to coordinate, align and make decisions regarding Navy Inclusion and Diversity programs and policies. e. Semi-annual COE Governance Board (GB): Four-Star GB coordinates and aligns Navy policies and programs to promote excellence, team cohesion, personal accountability and promulgation of the Navys warrior ethos. f. COE Executive Steering Council (ESC): Flag/SES-level body with representatives from Fleet and select Echelon II commands. The COE ESC convenes as required to provide direction to the Culture of Excellence Working Group (COE WG) in the development and execution of the COE Campaign Plan. g. Bi-Weekly COE WG: Composed of key decision-makers from across MyNavy HR and the Navy to provide subject matter expertise and input to the development of the COE as it matures to become a Fleet-led, Navy-wide approach. h. Inclusion and Diversity Practitioners Sync: The Inclusion and Diversity Practitioners for the Echelon II commanders and Community Leads will assess Inclusion and Diversity strategy, align Fleet Inclusion and Diversity efforts, update and develop strategy and education and share community best practices. The Inclusion and Diversity Practitioners Sync convenes under COE WG governance. 5. Roles and Responsibilities a. Chief of Naval Operations (1) Chair the COE Governance Board. (2) Convene Navy Leader Development Framework (NLDF) briefings with TYCOM/Community Leaders per reference (p). (3) Conduct key engagements in support of the Inclusion and Diversity Senior Leader Engagement Calendar. b. Vice Chief of Naval Operations (1) Convene NLDF briefings with TYCOM/Community Leaders per reference (p). (2) Chair the Inclusion and Diversity Council. (3) Conduct key engagements in support of the Inclusion and Diversity Senior Leader Engagement Calendar. c. Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (DCNO) for Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education (MPT&E) (1) Serve as Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer. (2) Plan and execute the Inclusion and Diversity Officer. (3) Attend NLDF briefings with CNO and VCNO. (4) Conduct key engagements in support of the Inclusion and Diversity Senior Leader Engagement Calendar. (5) Develop and implement policies that position the Navy as the Service and employer of choice. d. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (1) Advise senior leaders and Navy Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer on status, progress and any barriers regarding Navy programs to recruit and retain top talent. (2) Conduct key engagements in support of the Inclusion and Diversity Senior Leader Engagement Calendar. e. OPNAV N17 (1) Serve as senior Inclusion and Diversity advisor to CNO, VCNO, DCNO (MPT&E), the COE GB, the Civilian Advisory Board and the Inclusion and Diversity Council. (2) Leverage data analytics, the behavior learning continuum and policies, programs, practices and processes to enhance culture and force readiness. (3) Develop, maintain and update the Navys COE strategic guidance. (4) Evaluate and assess the Navys Inclusion and Diversity policy and program. (5) Collaborate with affinity groups, associations and families to improve Navy retention rates. (6) Collaborate with training and education stakeholders to ensure Navy curricula includes relevant Inclusion and Diversity core competencies and objectives. (7) In accordance with reference (o), represent DCNO (MPT&E) as the Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Serving Institutions Administering Office. (8) Define and develop Inclusion and Diversity content for MyNavy HR Career Development Symposium (CDS) events. (9) Develop and distribute COE performance metrics to appropriate Navy leaders for use during NLDF briefings. f. Echelon II Commanders and Community Leads (1) Designate an Inclusion and Diversity Practitioner in writing to function as the primary Inclusion and Diversity advisor and representative to both the Inclusion and Diversity Practitioners Sync and COE WG. Designees shall be in the paygrade of E-7 and above or GS-12 and above. (2) Community Leader coordinate Inclusion and Diversity updates during NLDF briefs using COE performance data provided by OPNAV N17. (3) Develop and implement quarterly community-centric Inclusion and Diversity Engagement and Resource Plan and submit to OPNAV N17 for consolidation and optimization of resources. (4) Participate in the Inclusion and Diversity Council. (5) Oversee subordinate commands for implementation of Navys Inclusion and Diversity Goals and Objectives and associated policies. g. Naval Education and Training Command (1) Develop and implement Navys Inclusion and Diversity training and education strategy from entry to executive levels in accordance with the Officer and Enlisted Leader Development Paths outlined in the Navy Leader Development Framework version 3.0. (2) Review course curricula through the Human Performance Requirements Review process to ensure incorporation of relevant Inclusion and Diversity content. h. Naval Service Training Command (1) Pursue opportunities to strengthen the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps program on college campuses. i. Navy Recruiting Command (1) Plan and execute the Navys marketing and advertising activities incorporating Inclusion and Diversity Goals and Objectives. (2) Execute outreach events to pursue and maintain positive relationships with external affinity groups. (3) Investigate and present to OPNAV N17 updated recruiting plans to influence diversity in accessions. j. Navy Personnel Command (1) Include Inclusion and Diversity learning topics in the MyNavy HR CDS. (2) Provide funding and coordinate registration for Sailors to attend key affinity group national conferences. k. Command Triads (1) Enhance team performance by deliberately inclusive command environment and climate that deliberately leverages diverse perspectives in decision making. (2) Share Inclusion and Diversity best practices and lessons learned with immediate superior in command for Community Leads to incorporate into NLDF briefings. 6. For questions concerning Navys updated Inclusion and Diversity policy, contact the OPNAV N17 Office of Inclusion and Diversity at ALTN_USN_INCLUSION_AND_DIVERSITY(at)navy.mil. 7. To view the U.S. Navy Inclusion and Diversity Goals and Objectives strategic communications product and toolkit, go to MyNavy Portal (MNP) at https://my.navy.mil/quick-links.html. From there, click on the NPC link, then go to Support & Services at the top, then select 21st Century Sailor from the left sidebar. Click Inclusion & Diversity on the left sidebar then click below to Resources and Links. These products further explain the Inclusion and Diversity goals listed below in paragraph 3, supplement this NAVADMIN to facilitate command- level discussions and further support integration of Inclusion and Diversity in education, training and signature behaviors. 8. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 9. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//
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