UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 101828Z APR 20 MID110000571500U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 106/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N2N6// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N2N6// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/APR// SUBJ/UPDATED CYBER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE TRANSITION IMPLEMENTATION PLAN// REF/A/NAVADMIN 003/19/08JAN19// REF/B/LTR/OPM/1AUG16/FCWAA// REF/C/DOC/NIST SPECIAL PUB 800-181/AUG17// REF/D/DOC/DCWF// REF/E/DOC/DoDD 8140.01/11AUG15// REF/F/DOC/DoDM 8570.01/19DEC05// REF/G/DOC/SECNAVINST 5239.20A/10FEB16// REF/H/DOC/SECNAV M-5239.2/JUN16// REF/I/LTR/DOD CIO/2JUL18// REF/J/LTR/OPNAV N2N6/29SEP17// NARR/ REF (A) IS THE Q2FY19 NAVADMIN INTIATING THE NAVY TRANSITION TO THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY (SECNAV) QUALIFICIATON PROGRAM. REF(B) IS AN OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT LETTER OUTLINING AND PROVIDING IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE FOR THE FEDERAL CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE ASSESSMENT ACT OF 2015; REF (C) IS THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY SPECIAL PUBLICATION 800- 181 NATIONAL INITIATIVE FOR CYBERSECURITY EDUCATION CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE FRAMEWORK AND OUTLINES 54 CYBER WORK ROLES, THEIR ASSOCIATED TASKS AND REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES; REF (D) IS THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) CYBER WORKFORCE FRAMEWORK AND BUILDS ON THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY SP 800-181 AND ADDRESSES UNIQUE DOD MISSIONS AND TASKS, DIRECTING THAT THESE CODES BE APPLIED TO MEMBERS OF THE DEFENSE CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE; REF (E) IS THE DoDD 8140.01 CYBERSPACE WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT, DATED 11 AUGUST 2015, AND SUPERSEDES REF (F) AND BEGINS THE TRANSITION PROCESS FROM THE INFORMATION ASSURANCE WORKFORCE TOWARD A MUCH BROADER CYBER WORKFORCE POPULATION; REF (F) IS THE DOD 8570.01M, CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, DATED 19 DECEMBER 2005; REF (G) IS THE SECNAVINST 5239.20A, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY (DON) CYBERSPACE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT AND QUALIFICATION, DATED 10 FEBRUARY 2016; REF (H) IS THE SECNAV M -5239.2, DON CYBERSPACE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT AND QUALIFICATION MANUAL, DATED 27 JUNE 2016; REF (G) AND (H) PROVIDES IMPLEMENTATION AND QUALIFICATION GUIDANCE FOR THE DON CYBER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE; REF (I) IS THE 2 JULY 2018 DOD CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER (CIO) WAIVER FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DOD 8570.01M GRANTING THE NAVY PERMISSION TO IMPLEMENT THE SECNAV M-5239.2; REF (J) IS AN OPNAV LETTER ON NAVY CREDENTIALING OPPORTUNITIES ON-LINE GUIDANCE FOR APPROVING NAVY CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE VOUCHERS.// POC/VIEIRA/CIV/OPNAV N2N6G11/TEL: 703-695-7809/DSN: 225-7809 /EMAIL: MICHAEL.VIEIRA(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN updates reference (a) to amend timelines for transitioning to a new Cyber Workforce (CWF) framework due to delays in key elements of Phase I (paragraphs 3.b., 3.e., and 3.i.) and to delay the commencement of Phase II. Phase II implementation will be announced via a future NAVADMIN. 2. The Navy implementation process for transitioning to a new CWF management and qualification framework (references (b) through (g) germane) is outlined in reference (h). This transition does not include the cyber effects and intelligence (cyber) workforce elements. The contractor workforce remains governed by reference (f). Organizations are encouraged to adopt a measured approach if proceeding ahead of the Department of the Navy (DON) enterprise, understanding alignment with updated Department of Defense (DoD) policy may result in additional cost. 3. The Navy will transition from reference (f) to reference (g) in three phases. Below is the status of Phase I: a. OPNAV N2N6 develop and implement a formal process communicating implementation details, status, and required changes, including regularly scheduled in-progress reviews on transition progress - Complete. b. Outline procedures for assessing employee proficiency levels Partially complete. (1) Draft language developed; estimate updated SECNAV policy in Q4FY20. c. Establish an OPNAV N2N6G1 and the Office of Civilian Human Resources (OCHR) transition working group addressing Human Resource issues, including union notifications for both the National Capital Region and local bargaining units Partially complete. (1) Established Human Resources (HR) working group. (2) Developed draft union notification letters; awaiting finalized qualification requirements. (3) Organizations with questions pertaining to employee qualification non-compliance and applicable adverse actions are advised to consult with local HR. d. Update and publish an integrated Cybersecurity (CS) Workforce (CSWF) Management Oversight Compliance Committee/Training, Education, and Certification Advisory Team Charter - Complete. e. Evaluate and validate qualification requirements including foundational, residential, and continuing education. This includes clarifying experience and using personnel qualification standards for civilian employees In progress. (1) Navy foundational qualification requirements need to be updated based on recent DoD qualification reviews to ensure Navy is not increasing the qualification gap with the future DoD workforce qualification program. DoD estimates approving qualifications matrices in FY21. Phase II initiation requires updated qualification requirements for Cyber Information Technology (IT) and CS work. (2) Organizations are encouraged to communicate to the CWF the importance of employees maintaining currently held industry certifications while the Cyber IT and CS transitions are in progress. (3) Navy experience pilot is complete; awaiting DoD review and approval of experience as a foundational qualification option. (4) Recommending changing the current 40 hours of Cyber IT/CSWF continuing education units; estimate updated Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) policy in Q4FY20. f. Monitor manpower offices completion and reconciliation of military billet coding in the Total Force Manpower Management System (TFMMS) - Complete. g. Monitor OCHR completion of civilian billet coding in the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS) and reconcile in TFMMS Complete. (1) Per reference (k), Navy command submissions to Manpower and Reserve Affairs (MRA) Total Force Integration (TFI) received by March 2019 were reviewed and, once approved, forwarded to OCHR for update within the DCPDS. In collaboration, OCHR and Department of Defense Human Resource Activity (DODHRA) Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) completed the processing of all requested updates as of 17 May 2019. h. Staff updates and drafts SECNAV and OPNAV Cyber IT/CSWF policy, as needed, to support workforce management In progress. (1) Updates to SECNAV CWF policy have been developed and submitted for review and approval. Estimate updated policy in Q4FY20. Interim changes affecting position descriptions, proficiencies levels, and continuing education requirements will be released prior to a full SECNAV policy update. i. Identifying funding, validating functionality, and reviewing business rules for the Total Workforce Management Service (TWMS) CSWF module In progress. (1) TWMS CSWF module is not funded in FY20. (2) While awaiting funding, efforts continue to identify module requirements and refine business rules based on evolving DoD requirements. Organizations shall not interpret scores as steady state of readiness until all changes are finalized. j. Reference (j) remains in effect throughout the transition period and will be re-evaluated during program sustainment - Complete. 5. Progress will be communicated via policy guidance, executive briefs, NAVADMINs, Semi-annual Cybersecurity Symposium briefs, and monthly action officer level CWF synchronizations. 6. Program Managers must continue to monitor the CWF and provide Command CSWF updates to the command manpower or personnel subject matter experts for inclusion into authoritative data sources. 7. Released by VADM Matthew J. Kohler, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN
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