Supplementary Figure 10: REAP-seq characterization of ex vivo activation of naïve CD8+ T cells with aCD27 | Nature Biotechnology

Supplementary Figure 10: REAP-seq characterization of ex vivo activation of naïve CD8+ T cells with aCD27

From: Multiplexed quantification of proteins and transcripts in single cells

Supplementary Figure 10

(a) Schematic of aCD27 ex-vivo assay where naïve CD8+ enriched T cells were either treated with aCD3 and aCD28 (top, aCD27 untreated) or aCD3, aCD28, and aCD27 (bottom, aCD27 treated). (b) t-SNE visualization plots based on either gene or protein expression for each of the 3 donors where cells were treated with aCD27 (Donor 1, 4,246; Donor 2, 4,044; Donor 3, 3,550 cells) or not treated with aCD27 (Donor 1, 950; Donor2, 622; Donor 3, 406 cells). For t-SNE visualization of mRNA data, 6-7 clusters were identified using the top 10, 15, and 10 significant principal components across 1,452, 1,159, and 1,706 genes for Donor 1, 2, and 3 respectively. For t-SNE visualization of protein data, 6-7 clusters were identified using the top 10 significant principal components across all Natu anBboecesofog ye aoh1(0otfl38/Cbtl39a3e colored by cluster.

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