Supplementary Figure 20: Validation of REAP-seq findings using flow cytometry analysis. | Nature Biotechnology

Supplementary Figure 20: Validation of REAP-seq findings using flow cytometry analysis.

From: Multiplexed quantification of proteins and transcripts in single cells

Supplementary Figure 20

(a) Flow cytometry histograms showed an increase in CD25 and CD4 expression upon aCD27 treatment of the CD8+ naïve T cells in all three donors which is consistent with REAP-seq findings (Supplementary Fig. 14b). (b) Flow cytometry bivariate scatter plots show a 14, 22, and 5 fold increase in the percentage of double positive cells (CD8+/CD4+) in aCD27 treated vs untreated naïve CD8+ T cells in Donor 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

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