Supplementary Figure 1: Screen quality and the copy number effect in previously published CRISPR–Cas9 essentiality screens. | Nature Genetics

Supplementary Figure 1: Screen quality and the copy number effect in previously published CRISPR–Cas9 essentiality screens.

From: Computational correction of copy number effect improves specificity of CRISPR–Cas9 essentiality screens in cancer cells

Supplementary Figure 1

(a) Screen quality as measured by area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) in discriminating between sets of common core essential and nonessential genes in two previously published datasets. (b) sgRNA depletion is regressed against genomic cut sites using a saturating linear model. The fit is plotted in red, and the median depletion at various levels of cuts is shown with horizontal bars. The r-squared of the fit is shown as a function of breakpoint in the inset plot. To the right, the distributions of sgRNAs targeting the ribosome, proteasome, and spliceosome are shown in red, non-targeting sgRNAs in blue, and all other sgRNAs in grey. (c) The fit for all cell lines is shown, as in Figure 1b, for the previously published cell lines. (d) For each dataset, the fits in Figure 1b and in panel c are averaged across cell lines, grouped by p53 mutation status. Shaded regions indicate mean +/− 1 s.d.

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