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The distinction between temporal order and duration processing, and implications for schizophrenia


The term ‘timing’ is interchangeably used to convey processing of the order or the duration of events. Yet, whereas temporal order processing means judging when one event happens relative to another (first or second), duration estimation means measuring how long the event lasts. In this Review, we show that the functional distinction between these two temporal features is reflected in their discrete neural substrates. Temporal order processing preferentially engages the left inferior parietal cortex, whereas duration estimation recruits the supplementary motor area, basal ganglia and cerebellum. The functional distinction between temporal order processing and duration estimation also enables better characterization of temporal perturbations present in clinical disorders. For instance, individuals with schizophrenia have trouble individuating and ordering consecutive events in time and show atypical responses to stimuli that do not appear when expected. Therefore, individuals with schizophrenia might have a fundamental impairment in processing when a stimulus occurs relative to another event, rather than in estimating how long it lasts. These neural and clinical dissociations demonstrate that the phenomenological sensation of a unitary and cohesive flow of time (‘time’s arrow’) can be separated into two distinct, though intertwined, components.

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Fig. 1: Order and duration are orthogonal temporal features.
Fig. 2: Experimental paradigms for measuring simultaneity or temporal order.
Fig. 3: Left hemispheric lateralization of temporal order processing and temporal prediction.
Fig. 4: Experimental paradigms for measuring duration estimation.
Fig. 5: Temporal processing is perturbed in individuals with schizophrenia.

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The authors are co-funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche grant ANR-16-CE37-0004-02. They are grateful to M. Chassignolle for help preparing the images in Fig. 3.

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Coull, J.T., Giersch, A. The distinction between temporal order and duration processing, and implications for schizophrenia. Nat Rev Psychol 1, 257–271 (2022).

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