LCD-STATIONS.TXT The report is a fixed-length summary listing of current Local Climatological Data (LCD) stations, including identifiers and the latest known location information. The location information includes latitude, longitude, and elevation. The file is sorted by WBAN identifier. FIELD LENGTH FORMAT POSITION DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WBAN_ID 5 99999 001-005 Assigned by NCEI, used for digital data storage and general station identification purposes. TRANSMITTAL_ID 10 X(10) 007-016 Usually this is the official ICAO identifier, used for geographical locations throughout the world, managed by the International Civil Aviation Organization. Sometimes the station will transmit data to NCEI using a custom ID that we label as a type of TRANSMITTAL (see below). TRANSMITTAL_ID_TYPE 20 X(20) 018-037 At this time, will either be ICAO or TRANSMITTAL. Most of the IDs used to transmit LCD data are official ICAO identifiers, but in certain cases where they are not, they are labeled as TRANSMITTAL. CALL_SIGN 10 X(10) 039-048 Usually this is the official FAA identifier for LCD stations, but in cases of Pacific stations, this is the ICAO identifier. FAA_ID 3 XXX 050-052 Alpha-numeric, managed by USDT Federal Aviation Administration used for site identification of sites vital to navigation. WMO_ID 5 99999 054-058 Assigned by World Meteorological Organization, used for international weather data exchange and station documentation. NWSLI_ID 8 X(8) 060-067 Alpha-numeric, location identifier assigned by the National Weather Service for use in real-time data transmissions and forecasts. COOP_ID 6 999999 069-074 Assigned by NCEI, first 2 digits represent state,last 4 digits are assigned numerically by alphabetical ordering of the station name. GHCND_ID 11 X(11) 076-086 Populated if station is included in GHCN-Daily product. CITY 50 X(50) 088-137 City listed on the LCD publication. LOCATION 60 X(60) 139-198 Station location listed on the LCD publication. LOCATION_AREA 25 X(25) 200-224 Location area used for searching for the station in NCEI's Image and Publication (IPS) system. STATE_PROV 2 X(2) 226-227 USPS two character alphabetic abbreviation for each state, uppercase. FIPS_COUNTRY_CODE 2 X(2) 229-230 FIPS country code. NWS_REGION 10 X(10) 232-241 NWS region (ALASKAN, CENTRAL, EASTERN, PACIFIC, SOUTHERN, WESTERN). LAT_DEC 9 X(9) 243-251 Decimal latitude, blank indicates North and "-" indicates South. LON_DEC 10 X(10) 253-262 Decimal longitude, blank indicates East and "-" indicates West. ELEV_GROUND 6 X(6) 264-269 Ground elevation. ELEV_GROUND_UNIT 6 X(6) 271-276 Ground elevation unit, always FEET. UTC_OFFSET 3 x99 278-280 Time zone, positive or negative offset from UTC, where "x" is "+" or "-". -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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