D-Region Absorption Prediction Animation
(2003 Nov 04 1929 UTC - 2003 Nov 05 0006 UTC)
Note: The XRS was saturated at X17 from Nov. 4 1943-1956 UTC. Best estimates
have the max flux as X28, occurring at Nov. 4 1950 UTC.
The movie may be choppy for the first
run but once cached, should run smoothly. Javascript must be enabled in your browser
for this page to function properly.
Button explanation:
Play animates the movie from the current frame.
Pause stops the movie and holds at the current frame.
Frame > advances the movie one frame from the current frame.
Frame < rewinds the movie one frame from the current frame.
Reset displays the first frame in the movie sequence.
Loop animates the movie from the current frame to the end
of the movie then restarts at the beginning and continuously plays
until Pause or Reset is activated.
Select a delay time changes the speed of the movie. Default
is 5 frames per second.
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