Politics Dec 11 Can the nation unite after the divisive election? Political analysts share insights By Judy Woodruff, Sarah Clune Hartman, Frank Carlson
Politics Nov 27 Watch 10:14 Exploring how psychology can help bridge political divisions this Thanksgiving Just a few weeks after a divisive presidential election, millions of Americans are preparing to sit down with their families for Thanksgiving. According to some experts, the keys to moving forward lie not in politics, but in psychology. Judy Woodruff… By Judy Woodruff, Connor Seitchik
Nation Nov 08 Watch 9:33 Americans voters explain their election choices and discuss views on the future In this deeply polarized country, there have been many competing emotions in response to Donald Trump’s reelection. To better understand how many in the country feel, Judy Woodruff checked in with some of the people she’s met during her ongoing… By Judy Woodruff, Frank Carlson, Sarah Clune Hartman, Connor Seitchik, Christine Romo
Politics Nov 01 Watch 12:43 Exploring what the partisan divide over trusting election results means for the country The Pew Research Center recently released a survey showing that more than four in 10 Trump supporters don’t believe next week’s election will be run well despite efforts by lawmakers and election officials to address their concerns since 2020. Judy… By Judy Woodruff, Frank Carlson
Nation Oct 30 Watch 10:03 How a college degree is one of the best predictors of which candidate voters support American politics are divided in many ways, including based on their education background. To explore this so-called diploma divide, Judy Woodruff visited two neighboring, but very different, counties in Michigan where both candidates have repeatedly made their case as this… By Judy Woodruff, Sarah Clune Hartman, Cali Steffenhagen
Oct 16 Watch 11:47 Nevada voters who switched parties in 2020 election share thoughts on this year’s race By Judy Woodruff, Connor Seitchik In a deeply divided electorate, swing voters are increasingly coveted by both sides. In the battleground state of Nevada, groups of voters who chose Donald Trump in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020 discussed their thoughts on the state of… Continue watching
Sep 23 Behind the scenes of Judy Woodruff’s Crossroads town hall in Milwaukee By Hannah Grabenstein Here's what it takes to host a town hall conversation about America’s political divisions. Continue reading
Sep 22 Watch 5:07 Judy Woodruff discusses takeaways from the Crossroads town hall in Wisconsin By John Yang, Judy Woodruff PBS News senior correspondent Judy Woodruff was in Milwaukee this past week for her ongoing series, America at a Crossroads, where she met with more than 50 Wisconsin residents from across the political spectrum for a frank conversation about the… Continue watching
Sep 20 Crossroads: A Conversation with America – A PBS News Special By Judy Woodruff Two years ago, PBS News special correspondent Judy Woodruff and her team set out to better understand the growing political polarization in America. That project is America at a Crossroads. Continue reading
Sep 11 Watch 10:28 Social media’s role in fueling extremism and misinformation in a divided political climate By Judy Woodruff, Connor Seitchik Half of U.S. adults say they sometimes get their news from social media. However, almost two-thirds of adults say they view social media as a bad thing for democracy. This raises the question of what responsibility social media companies bear… Continue watching