Photos from The Book Lovers' Guide To The Galaxy

369 Pins
The Book Lovers' Guide To The Galaxy - What's your favorite piece of Doctor Who wisdom? | Facebook
What's your favorite piece of Doctor Who wisdom?
The Book Lovers' Guide To The Galaxy - Well, it is, but being told so by the Paranoid Android takes it to an altogether different level. Happy Marvin Monday! | Facebook
Well it is but being told so by the Paranoid Android takes it to an altogether different level. Happy Marvin Monday!
The Book Lovers' Guide To The Galaxy - That's about right. I think. | Facebook
That's about right. I think.
The Book Lovers' Guide To The Galaxy - Share this and give someone a fictional brain buzz. | Facebook
Share this and give someone a fictional brain buzz.
The Book Lovers' Guide To The Galaxy - Here's another stunning piece of fan art for #crowley, by Mintysart. I wish I could draw like that. | Facebook
Here's another stunning piece of fan art for #crowley by Mintysart. I wish I could draw like that.
The Book Lovers' Guide To The Galaxy - #Facebook should consider adopting the "double thumbs up" icon. | Facebook
#Facebook should consider adopting the "double thumbs up" icon.
The Book Lovers' Guide To The Galaxy - Goes without saying, doesn't it? | Facebook
Goes without saying doesn't it?
The Book Lovers' Guide To The Galaxy - Made me look twice. | Facebook
Made me look twice.
The Book Lovers' Guide To The Galaxy - This Marvin Monday's commercial break is brought to you by Sirius Cybernetics Inc. | Facebook
This Marvin Monday's commercial break is brought to you by Sirius Cybernetics Inc.
Breaking: Presidential act to move Kansas City back into Kansas. "This will fix my tweet" explained the President.
The Book Lovers' Guide To The Galaxy - I bet it's Rincewind. | Facebook
I bet it's Rincewind.