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Teaching Reading Strategies
Teaching Reading Strategies : Upper elementary reading teachers, are you looking for tips on how to teach reading strategies tips, teaching points, and mentor texts to use in your 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classroom? This free printable guide will help you plan whole group lessons, mini-lessons during reading workshop, and stay focused during reading conferences, too. Click to grab this FREE printable guide to make planning reading and guided reading strategy groups simple. #childread #kidsread
The Writing Revolution activity templates
Free printable Google Docs templates you can use to create writing activities, à la The Writing Revolution.
Guided Phonics + Beyond Digraphs and Blends Manipulative Task Cards FREEBIE.pdf
Guided Phonics + Beyond Digraphs and Blends Manipulative Task Cards FREEBIE.pdf - Google Drive
Guided Phonics + Beyond Decodable Fluency Sentence Strips.pdf
Guided Phonics + Beyond Decodable Fluency Sentence Strips.pdf - Google Drive
Guided Phonics + Beyond Unit 3 Say It, Tap It, Write It Cards Freebie.pdf
Guided Phonics + Beyond Unit 3 Say It, Tap It, Write It Cards Freebie.pdf - Google Drive
Guided Phonics + Beyond Spy It Sheets.pdf
Guided Phonics + Beyond Spy It Sheets.pdf - Google Drive