365 days positive quotes

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Day 9 of 365 : The Invisible
The unknown is full of uncertainty. We can't predict the future, we can only trust our inner guide. Focus on what you want and follow through the process. Focus on what in front and what's ahead of you. One step at a time.
Day 4 of 365 : Do IT
Regardless of how much talking is done, only actions will create momentum. Do it literally. Focus on the outcome you want but not be attached to the results. Just do your best effort.
Day 9 of 365 : The Invisible
The unknown is full of uncertainty. We can't predict the future, we can only trust our inner guide. Focus on what you want and follow through the process. Focus on what in front and what's ahead of you. One step at a time.
Day 16 of 365 : Let Go
It is a never ending process. As we continue to learn, we need to continue to release. the cup is constantly flowing - in and out.
Day 19 of 365 : Reset
Everything is a constant work in progress. Sometimes we will face ups and downs. Reset as many time as necessary to keep going. To keep the faith, to carry on when things may feel out of control. Slow down, reset and get back on track.
Day 22 of 365 : Perseverance
Keep going no matter how hard things get. See every roadblock as opportunities for growth and learning. Persist, detour, pause, anything but stop.
Day 29 of 365 : Calm
When you feel like you are in the middle of a storm, it is a great opportunity to practice calm. To center yourself and explore options to expand beyond your current circumstances. The one who is calm can survive the storm.
Day 31 of 365 : Grateful
Being grateful is one of my biggest strength. I am very grateful to be where I am and I know there is always more to what I can contribute. I am so grateful for the past month of creation and will move on month 2 of this 365 journey!
Day 32 of 365 : The choice is yours
A different outcome requires a different input. Choose something different or risk being the same. Expand your mind.
Day 46 of 365 : Recharge
Take a break, have a Kit Kat or not but give yourself permission to rest and connect with your innerSELF. Give yourself permission to recharge.
Day 51 of 365 : Reverse
Take steps back can sometimes be freeing. You retrace the steps and find out the challenge. If you solve it or not, it doesn't matter. You will learn something along the way for sure.
Day 55 of 365 : Become
Every encounter forms a part of you. You get to decide which ones to keep or discard. You get to create yourself, consistently.
Day 58 of 365 : Dynamic
Keep yourself in peak state often. Level up. Maintain your energy level. Remove the energy suckers.
Day 59 of 365 : Intent
What do you want? Why do you want it? How important is it for you to have it? State and define your intentions.
Day 60 of 365 : Discipline
Learn to delay gratifications. Fall in love with the pain of working hard and becoming better, stronger and wiser. One day everything will be worth it!