Yummies Bento, Ekiben, Kyaraben

We grew up making and bentos in Hawa'i. A bento is a single-portion takeout or home-packed meal common in Japanese cuisine. A traditional bento holds rice, fish or meat, with pickled or cooked vegetables. Available for purchase throughout Japan, many homemakers carefully prepare lunch boxes. Bentos elaborately arranged are called "kyaraben" ("character bento") look like popular characters from anime, manga, or video games. Ekiben are bentos sold at train stations.
300 Pins
Can't settle on one thing for lunch? There's a solution for that... Have all the things! Get the scoop on 5 simple bento box combinations that'll take lunchtime to the next level.
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ナスの天ぷら、ウィンナー、卵焼き、焼売、きゅうり漬け、Japanese Bento Box Lunch (Eggplant Tempra, Shumai Pork Dumpling, Cucumber Pickles, Rice and Umeboshi) by ivory_bell
2017.8.4 きょうのおべんとう 照り焼きハンバーグです * さ!金曜日(*´ ³ `)ノ♪♪ 頑張っていきましょー!! * *…
竹二段重箱(井型仕切り) | 虎斑竹専門店 竹虎
竹虎 虎斑竹専門店竹虎 竹二段重箱 重箱 弁当箱 弁当 花見 花見弁当 お花見 竹弁当 竹 自然素材 天然素材 行楽 手作り bamboo TAKETORA Lunchbox
花ちらし お花見弁当 - Tomyのごはん
Picnic Bento for Spring お花見弁当
Lunch Containers for sale | eBay
Bento Lunch Box & Cutlery & Accessory Set Blue New Kawaii Japanese Lunch Box #Daiso
☆・れんこんと大葉の鶏つくね ・はんぺんのサイコロステーキ ・柿と大根のなます ・ししとう焼き ・ネギ入り卵焼き
2015年06月 : おべんと綴り
ハム巻き弁当 | 毎日の健康弁当
Bento Lunch with Omelet お弁当
マーマレードキッチン♪ 2013年02月25日
Spam musubi bento box, with sides of potato & snap peas with mustard sauce, carrot salad, and sesame spinach