Feng shui tips

62 Pins
How Do Crystals and Chakras Relate to Each Other?
How Do Crystals and Chakras Relate to Each Other?. Crystals and chakras are related through color. Chakras each have one or more colors associated with them, and most crystals of a particular color are going to be supportive of the chakra of that color. | Spiritual articles & guides to crystal healing, positive energy, & wisdom for lightworkers at crystalcurious.com. #crystalhealing #crystals #crystalcurious #chakras #healing
Sacred Geometry and Feng Shui
The universe is full of patterns and geometric shapes influencing everything around us. Sacred geometry and Feng Shui both tap into this underlying order, with Sacred Geometry focusing on the geometric forms found in nature and Feng Shui concentrating on the flow of energy within spaces. The intersection of these two realms offers a fascinating exploration of aesthetics, energy, and harmony in daily life. #sacredgeometry #fengshui #baguamap
Home Bagua Map To Print And Use It Every Day To Change Your Life
Home Bagua Map To Print And Use It Every Day To Change Your Life
How do I align the Bagua Map over my Floorplan? And why would I do that... — TPK FENG SHUI & DESIGN
The Feng Shui Outlook 2010
Last year was a wild ride, and we've got a few surprises to contend with in the coming year. Yes, there are some difficulties ahead. But some of those big surprises are.... good! Indeed, there are...