Things I Pinned or rePinned

but didn't know where to pin
17 Pins
3D Screw Portraits By Andrew Myers
Andrew Myers’s Screw Portraits -- About 10,000 screws are drilled into a plywood panel. Then Myers paints over the head of each screw to enhance the 3D effect. (Click image for more.)
The best of Calvin & Hobbes!
Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
42d-TimesSq-ROXY-XXX-1988 copy
Having never been to New York until 2006, it's still hard for me to imagine this was taken in Time's Square just over 20 years ago (that's not to suggest that today's Time's Square is without it's own new brand of squalor).
"Either an ancient puritan totem, homeless Jenga, or something far more sinister in an empty lot near the abandoned Reading Viaduct" in Philadelphia.
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