Lord grant me
The assurance of Abraham
The meekness of Moses
The strength of Samson
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Lord assures us brilliance, purity and light of wisdom to live happily. This poem is a beautiful and excellent prayer poem...10
This the best excellence one should daily required. A spirited poem
.We shouldn't be satisfied with mediocrity. We should always strive for excellence! A great prayer for Excellence!
Oh! what a phenomenal prayer I am lost in........Simon........you are really outstanding......a must 10
A great prayer in the likeness of poem, indeed Excellence! May you be blessed for sharing it with us, Howard!
Amen to it...i can add the name of The Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to this great list of all holiness...and am now joining my hands and soul in this prayer! ! !
Aha wow i know n respect many of these divine messengrs and u hav pennd an inspiring poem with creative thought. Indeed we need their great attitudes. And Thnx 4 yor nice reviews poet howard!
May the Lord Almighty Grant you the words in this poem...Poetic indeed..
That is a wonderful prayer and poem. I love biblical poems and writings. Reminds me of something I wrote a while back.
Great stuff mfundisi! ! ...May this prayer be granted you. truly inspiratonal! !
This is another powerful read Mr.Howard! Written with knowledge of the Bible. Incredible. I too gave this a 10'.
Forget comprehending, if only people could READ this poem straight I would say world is b'ful. At least your poem is trying.
Another powerful short write. A great spritual write. An encompassing prayer for excellence. All the wonderful attributes that a person must posses to achieve excellence have been embodied in this superbly penned prayer. 10+++++and on to my Poem List.