Under the skies of cloudless blue,
The rolling waves rush to the shore.
As if to race winged birds that flew,
And touch bare land just like before.
A rhythmic dance played day by day,
By land and water's graceful sway,
And true, it can soothe aching hearts -
This gleeful dance nature imparts.
Cynthia Buhain-Baello~~~01.31.18
Waves on sea shore and its beautiful effects on human mind is pictured in these lines. Wonderful lines.
You have taken me along on a trip back to nature, such a beautiful well written poem.
A beautiful Rispetto that captures the timeless dance of nature.10
Thank you Akham Nilabirdhwaja Singh for the wonderful comment.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
This is a very nice poem about nature's dance.
Thank you Lamar Cole.