Getting a man to love you is easy
Only be honest about your wants as
Woman. Stand nude before the glass with him
So that he sees himself the stronger one
And believes it so, and you so much more
Softer, younger, lovelier. Admit your
Admiration. Notice the perfection
Of his limbs, his eyes reddening under
The shower, the shy walk across the bathroom floor,
Dropping towels, and the jerky way he
Urinates. All the fond details that make
Him male and your only man. Gift him all,
Gift him what makes you woman, the scent of
Long hair, the musk of sweat between the breasts,
The warm shock of menstrual blood, and all your
Endless female hungers. Oh yes, getting
A man to love is easy, but living
Without him afterwards may have to be
Faced. A living without life when you move
Around, meeting strangers, with your eyes that
Gave up their search, with ears that hear only
His last voice calling out your name and your
Body which once under his touch had gleamed
Like burnished brass, now drab and destitute.
looking through the looking glass at love. a well written poem. expressing many thoughts.
In the loking glass she can just see the figues and figurines of Ajanta, Ellora and Konark, she can see Vatsyayana, Freud and Lawrence.
The story of love is as such, the story of relationship, but tears come to the eyes when the relationships break it when jolted by age and ageing, untimely demise and freak accident taking a toll upon or health hazard.
Our days of love are but short-lived and honeymoon continues it not for long as the relationships break it here.
The fond memory lingers on, continues to be with as long as he is with, but the things start changing drastically from the day he ceases to be a lover. His absence ditches the beloved and conspiracies make the way for.
A feminist writer, she clutches along the man-woman relationship and goes on recreating out of as we see the terracotta plates so and passionate with the figurines and sculptures indulged in love-making.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Feminist poetry at its best. I think it is an open challenge to Men. Women can easily make men love them by throwing before them armpit's sweat, periodic blood, curly hairs and polished skin - just like one would throw bread crumbs and dry bones before a dog! Superb writing though. Kamala is a powerful poet of human emotions.