Came across the acronym RAS, looked
it up, time dilation - I stood transfixed by
the delight of what I came across:
Rat Sarcoma – who wants to talk about it that
much, a rat optometrist?
Radio Astronomy Service – listening to the
whispers of the universe, the Big Bang’s
background heat softly diffusing over time
Rundfunk-Anstalt Südtirol – how romantic,
German radio in Southern Tyrol, the lovely
German language with the schwissing sounds
of the sea
Redundant Acronym Syndrome - indeed!
it is a danger we encounter everywhere,
language becomes incomprehensible with
al these acronyms around
Restroom Association of Singapore – oh wow,
traveling to foreign countries, so exotic, never
been to Singapore – never been anywhere,
only in the country of my birth
Running and Screaming – I do it all the time,
my colleagues warn me of nervous breakdowns,
Running Around Screaming – lovely, like when
I practice my yodeling at home and everybody
runs away
Returned Activated Sludge – ugh, waste disposal
documents I translated
Registered Addiction Specialist – I hope the
specialist enjoys his addictions, just as I
enjoy mine
Run and Shoot – playing cowboys and crooks
with my brothers when we were still small
Rebellion Against School – only because of
ubiquitous homework, an evil invention, parents
hate school even more, every time projects I did
for my kids receive bad marks
Recursive Acronym Syndrome – lovable isn’t it,
this is why I’m sitting here – paid to look up Acronyms!
http: //
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem