Where is success?
Success lies
In accepting a person
As Master
Be a beloved, my dear
Your success lies
In the realization of Truth
That is in Love.
Complete success
The words themselves
In success in failure
Be even-minded
And go on
Doing your allotted work.
Light the lamp,
But pollute not
The atmosphere.
To achieve success is not my aim
I do not recognize success and
I do not care failure
I know success is not necessary
Moving forward within
And getting strength
Out of that, a great achievement.
Feeling pain is good dear,
Feeling pain of others is better,
Feeling pain if here with you,
I am sure your life is fruitful.
From now on I want to think clearly,
utter words clearly.
From now on I want to see everyone positively but
Success never
Smelled sweeter.
You may bleed on
The purchase front.
To attain success
You can adopt so many method
But be cautious
That might be dangerous.
Success and failure
does not matter
you are with me
that is enough.
I know you must get success,
I know you are that tortoise,
I know you are there always
to rise, to walk and to awake.
ଫାଶ ପାତିଲେ ନିଶ୍ଚଳ ହୁଏ କି ପବନ,
ବାଲି ପକାଇଲେ ସିନ୍ଧୁ ହୁଏ କି ବନ୍ଧନ- ଅଚ୍ୟୁତାନନ୍ଦ ଦାସ।
ରୋକି ପାରିବ କିଏ କାହାକୁ?
No win no loss,
No success no failures.
Only to see
The play of words
My home is the cornerstone
Of my success, I start
Each work from my home.
I carry this success
I am glad to
Inform you, my dear
We are all human
With a particular mission
Live free,
Free from reservations.
Stay open,
Open and frank.
From defeat to success
I must go always.
See, I am careful
And regularly
Without me
Everything is baffled.
First, Invite me
And get
Success story
Is here in me
Being successor
of the sun.
Sweet success; Good news
Hard to come
Little scope for
Development of human rights
I am not expecting
Overnight success.
I care not whether
You select or
Success and failures
Are nothing but
It is my state of mind,
That I can say at this stage.
Where is my pain,
I am unable to say.
But pain is there
That I know.
If you want to get success
Hold the key in your hands.
Key to success is your faith,
Find the success within
By eliminating impossible
It is the only Truth.
And my son is listening me
Act for good,
Act for good of self,
Act for good of all,
Act for love,
Ultimate destination is
Ultimate destruction.
But we are going on
That way in a perfect form.
If you want success, my dear,
You are to do the same work
Again and again and again
Without keeping any doubt
Whose success
Whose defeat
Whose life
And who is alive
Actual success of life
Is there in truth consciousness.
And only human life is fit for that.
My dear men, be not blind
Success is your, take it,
as you have dedicated
everything to your passion.
No money no fame
Success of life
Lies in Truth
And in becoming
A beloved of Truth.