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The William Blackfox Awards nominees were such a joy for me to go through. There were so many wonderful articles, poems, short stories, and more. The Chroniclers of the Known World are producing wonderful publications – every group, from the smallest shire to the biggest Kingdom brought forth so much information, entertainment, knowledge, and light in a rather dark world. Writers, artists, photographers, cartoonists, and others all worked together to brighten our lives and increase our knowledge and awareness.
Recipients of this prestigious award will receive a Master William Blackfox token (newly designed for this year), a certificate, and the right to use “Master William Blackfox Award Winner (or also, Commendation or nominee), [category], AS LV (56)” in their newsletters with the Blackfox logo.
Special thanks to my judges, Asta and Riordan, who assisted me in the choosing of the A.S. 56 William Blackfox Awards winners. Also, big shout-out to Patrice for designing and producing the new Blackfox award medallions. I am indebted to you all.
With thanks,
Cecilia Blythe, OP
Society Chronicler
Best Overall Newsletter
This does not necessarily mean the best-looking newsletter, but rather the newsletter which best meets the needs of the local group or guild for which it is published. It should accurately reflect the status of the group and be a valuable tool for growth and promotion of SCA goals and ideals. This title is awarded to the newsletter and the Chronicler.
Artemesia: The Moose Call, Barony of Arn Hold; Chronicler: Ambrose Norwich
East: The Østgarðr E-Horse, Crown Province of Østgarðr; Chronicler: Zahra al-Andaluzia
Also Nominated:
- Ansteorra: The Plume, Barony of Namron; Chronicler: Frú Sigriðr in kyrra
- An Tir: Wealdsmere Watch, Barony of Wealdsmere; Chronicler: Arnora Grimsdottir
- Atenveldt: Palm Prints, Barony of Atenveldt; Chronicler: Auelyn Spyle Syngere, Susanna Broughton
- Atlantia: The Mountain Mayhem, Barony of Hidden Mountain; Chronicler: Bran Mydwynter
- Caid: The Serpent’s Tongue, Barony of Calafia; Chronicler: Kyra Audax
- Drachenwald: Baelfyr, Principality of Insulae Draconis; Chronicler: Lucrezia-Isabella di Freccia
- Ealdormere: The Clarion, Barony of Ben Dunfirth; Chronicler: Meredyth Llwellyn
- Gleann Abhann: A Sealion’s Tale, Barony of Seleone; Chronicler: Ellyn Heath of Hemingford Grey
- Lochac: From the Tower, Barony of Southron Gaard; Chronicler: Joana de Bairros
- Meridies: Seasons Spring, Kingdom of Meridies Supplemental; Chronicler: Bronwen O Gydweli
- Northshield: Song of the Tower, Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr; Chronicler: Arnbjørn Karlsson
- West: Tempus Nebularum, Principality of the Mists; Chronicler: Moira of Kent and Urtatim al-Qurtubiyya bint ‘abd al-Karim al-hakam al-Fass
Best Layout and Design
For the best looking newsletter,in balance and style. Awarded to the newsletter and the Chronicler.
Gleann Abhann: A Sealion’s Tale, Barony of Seleone; Chronicler: Ellyn Heath of Hemingford Grey
Ansteorra: The Thorny Truth, Shire of Rosenfeld; Chronicler: Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
Also Nominated:
- Artemesia: The Moose Call, Barony of Arn Hold; Chronicler: Ambrose Norwich
- Caid: The Dreiburgen News, Barony of Dreiburgen; Chronicler: Tracy the Gray
- Drachenwald: Aarniwalcea, Barony of Aarnimetsa; Chronicler: Johanna aff Hucka
- Ealdormere: The Clarion, Barony of Ben Dunfirth; Chronicler: Meredyth Llwellyn
- East: Wyrm Words, Barony of L’Ile du Dragon Dormand; Chronicler: Nathalie Bisaillon
- Meridies: The Equinox, Barony of Sol Haven; Chronicler: Bronwen O Gydweli
- Middle: Thunderbolt, Barony of Andlecrag; Chronicler: Vinca Tavia
- Northshield: The Crystal Quill, Barony of Nordskogen; Chronicler: Rosanore of Redthorn
Best Artwork
For artwork on cover or interior of the newsletter. Awarded to the newsletter and the artist.
Drachenwald: Artist: Richard of Salesberie; Cover art “Dragon Recovery”; Baelfyr, Principality of Insulae Draconis; Chronicler: Lucrezia-Isabella di Freccia
Lochac: Artist: Isabel Maria de Aguila and Scott Astill; Cover – The Baronial Arms Soteltie at Baronial Anniversary; From the Tower, Barony of Southron Gaard; Chronicler: Joana de Bairros
Also Nominated:
- Ansteorra: Artist: Emma Farewyll; Cover Header Artwork, April 2022; The Thorny Truth, Shire of Rosenfeld; Chronicler: Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
- Artemesia: Artist: Bianca da Ravenna; Original Artwork, “March 1999 after visiting Pine View Reservoir”; The Gryphon’s Roar; Barony of Gryphon’s Lair; Chronicler: Bianca da Ravenna
- Atenveldt: Artist: Kolgrima Asgeirsdóttir; Cover “Lady Lagertha Arnfridardottir valiantly defended the Barony and Kingdom at Great Western War”, November 2021; Tusker Times, Barony of Tir Ysgithr; Chronicler: Kolgrima Asgeirsdóttir
- Atlantia: Artist: Scholastica Joycors; artwork throughout The Yeoman; Barony of Bright Hills; Chronicler: Scholastica Joycors
- Caid: Artist: Niksha Zerkal’nikov; Cover Illustration; Angels – Fall 2021 Seraph “To War”; Barony of the Angels; Chronicler: Catherine Hawkwood da Barbiano
- Middle: Artist: Armand de Charterus; Drawn & Quartered – July 2021; Thunderbolt, Barony of Andlecrag; Chronicler: Vinca Tavia
Best Special Issue
For Arts & Sciences issues or other limited-focus issues of a geographic group (Canton, Shire, Barony, etc.). Awarded to the newsletter and the Chronicler.
Ansteorra: The Nordic Saga, Barony of Northkeep; Special Issue dedicated to the celebration of the annual Northkeep Castellan event; Chronicler: Hanim Zubeydah al-Badawiyyah
Also Nominated:
Artemesia: The Gryphon’s Roar, Barony of Gryphon’s Lair; Special Issue celebrating 15th Anniversary of the Barony; Chronicler: Bianca da Ravenna (outside of A.S. 56)
Best Special Interest Newsletter
This category recognizes guild newsletters, research newsletters, and Arts & Science focus newsletters (such as lace-making). Awarded to the newsletter and the Chronicler.
Meridies: Penfeathers, Courage and Justice, Kingdom Children’s Newsletter; Chronicler: Jane Wolfden
Æthelmearc: Apothecary and Herbal Newsletter, December 2021, Guild; Chronicler: Rue
Also Nominated:
- Ansteorra: Graywinds, April 2022, Shire of Graywood; Chronicler: Aine ingen Oitir
- Artemesia: The Gryphon’s Roar, Special Edition Supplement 1: Baronial Photo Album; Chronicler: Zalkuubar
Best Regular Feature
For cartoons, articles, columns, etc. which appear regularly in the particular newsletter. Awarded to the creator or feature writer and the newsletter.
Atlantia: “The Bards Corner”, Author: Scholastica Joycors; The Yeoman, Barony of Bright Hills; Chronicler: Scholastica Joycors
- An Tir: “Gaming Corner”, Author: Isabella de Walingforde; The Looking Glass, Barony of Glymm Mere; Chronicler: Seumas mac Brehon
- Middle: “SCA 101”, Author: Dorothea de Beckham; Spearpoint, Barony of Red Spears;Chronicler: Dorothea de Beckham
Also Nominated:
- Ansteorra: “The Adventures of Lenny the Liondragon”, Author: Sharon Wells; Liondragon Tales, Province of Moonshadowe; Chronicler: Elsa von Snackenburg
- Artemesia: “Army the Moose”, Author: Ambrose Norwich; The Moose Call, Barony of Arn Hold; Chronicler: Ambrose Norwich
- Drachenwald: “The Writ and Record”, Author: Nicolas de Estleche; Baelfyr, Principality of Insulae Draconis; Chronicler: Lucrezie-Isabella di Freccia
- Ealdormere: “Bear-based Puzzle Games”, Author: Various; The Ursus, Barony of Septentria; Chronicler: Rubeus le Blont
- East: “Sudoku”, Author: Unknown; The Iron Monger, Barony of Iron Bog; Chronicler: Pixie of Iron Bog
- Lochac: “From the Baron and Baroness”, Author: Margie of Glen More; The Blue Strand, Barony of Kraé Glas; Chronicler: Margie of Glen More
- West: “Heraldrydiculous”, Author: Khevron Oktavii Tikhikovich Vorotnikov; The Gatekeeper, Barony of Wintersgate; Chronicler: Merewyn of Ynys Taltraeth
Best Article
Recognizes excellence in articles appearing in a local newsletter. Awarded to the writer and the newsletter.
Drachenwald: “Sir Gawain’s Green Belt”, Author: Rebecca of Flintheath; Baelfyr, Principality of Insulae Draconis; Chronicler: Lucrezia-Isabella di Freccia
- Ansteorra: “Luffa Gourd Grown for Sponge”, Author: Tessa of the Gardens; The Trumpeter, Barony of Bordermarch; Chronicler: Nikolai Vladislav
- Atenveldt: “Cooking with the Baroness: Soft Cheese”, Author: Valdis Skarpa; Palm Prints, Barony of Atenveldt; Chronicler: Susanna Broughton
- West: “A Tablet Weaving Loom on a Budget”, Author: Gisla Œðikollr; The Gatekeeper, Barony of Wintersgate; Chronicler: Merewyn of Ynys Taltraeth
Also Nominated:
- Artemesia: “A Short History of Braanshem (Hell, I was There)”, Author: Angrim the Unreasonable; The Bronzehelm Watch, Barony of Bronzehelm; Chronicler: Colgrym of Avebury
- Caid: “Did You Know….The SCA’s First Twelfth Night”, Author: Ragnailt Inghean Mhaoil Sheachlainn; The Fret Knot, Barony of Altavia; Chronicler: Lynnette de Sandoval del Valle de los Unicornios
- Ealdormere: “Supportive Under-Gowns for 16th C. German Women’s Clothing”, Author: Maegwyn Skautibrok; The Clarion, Barony of Ben Dunfirth; Chronicler: Meredyth Llwellyn
- Lochac: “Meet Your Officers: Interview with a Seneschal”, Author: Lowry ferch Gwynwynwyn ap Llewelyn and Sorle Maknicoll; Grapevine, Shire of Bordescros; Chronicler: Lowry ferch Gwynwynwyn ap Llewelyn
- Middle: “New Year’s Celebrations in Period and Around the World”, Author: Claricia de la Mere; Internebbles, Barony of the Cleftlands; Chronicler: Jolicia atte Northclyfe
- Northshield: “History of the Baronial Website”, Author: Arnbjørn Karlsson; Song of the Tower, Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr; Chronicler: Arnbjørn Karlsson
Best Poetry or Short Fiction
Recognizes the author of an outstanding poem or piece of short fiction. Awarded to the writer and the newsletter.
Caid: “365 Days of Sonnets”, Author: Lucia Traveler; The Baronial Banner Spring 2022, Barony of Starkhafn; Chronicler: Team Chronicler/Alexandra Sinclair
- Meridies: “True Friendship”, Author: Bronwen O Gydweli; The Equinox, Barony of Sol Haven; Chronicler: Bronwen O Gydweli
- Middle: “The Hollowed Ship”, Author: Raedesmann Andreas Blacwode; The Zephyr, Barony of Aerton; Chronicler: Philippa of Otterbourne
- West: “An SCA Acrostic”, Author: Bersi Eðvarðarson; Tempus Nebularum, Principality of the Mists; Chronicler: Moira of Kent
Also Nominated:
- Ansteorra: “Deep in Ansteorra”, Author: Aki Seulf and Agnes Pickel; The Trumpeter, Barony of Bordermarch; Chronicler: Nikolai Vladislav
- Artemesia: “Ankharet’s Journal: The Spring Equinox”, Author: Ankharet Verch Meredudd; Silver Keep Citadel, Shire of Silver Keep; Chronicler: Tamsyn Sutherland
- Drachenwald: “Boast for Maredudd ap Gwilym arglwyd and Lady Eleanore of Alvechurch”, Author: Ari Mala; The Baelfyr, Principality of Insualae Draconis
- Lochac: “Katherine Kerr’s Heartfelt Plea”, Author: Katherine Kerr of the Hermitage; From the Tower, Barony of Southron Gaard; Chronicler: Joana de Bairros
Kingdom Chronicler’s Honorable Mentions
Nominations which didn’t fit into the above categories, yet are still deserving of recognition for their exceptional work and/ or dedication to producing the best possible newsletter for the local group served. Recognition of merit given to the individual nominee.
- Artemesia: “William’s Journey”, Author: William Thorsson; Silver Keep Citadel, Shire of Silver Keep; Chronicler: Tamsyn Sutherland
- Atlantia: “Today in History”, Author: not provided; The Dredgings, Barony of Lochmere; Chronicler: Katla Flokadottir
- Drachenwald: Knightingale, Barony of Knight’s Crossing; Chronicler: Ellisif Gydasdottir
- Middle: Andlecrag Newsflash, Barony of Andlecrag; Chronicler: Jessie of Lake Storsjön
Best Cover for a Kingdom Newsletter
Recognizes the creator of a piece provided for use as the cover of a kingdom newsletter. Awarded to the artist(s).
Ansteorra: Eleanor Bonwicke, Illustration: “Black Hours Scroll”; The Black Star, January 2022
Atenveldt: Lion Ari Usni, Illustration: “Sigurd and the Wyrm”, Southwind, January 2022
Also Nominated:
- An Tir: Jacomina van Vossenbrouck, Photograph: Cover Photo; The Crier, January 2022
- Artemesia: Domingo ibn maik al-hajari, Photograph: Cover Photo; The Sage Advice, May 2020 (outside of A.S. 56)
- Atlantia: Elizabeth de Spaldying and Simon de Spaldying and Ian of Clan Mac Colin and Ulfr Gnagler, Photograph with Artwork: Cover; The Acorn, January 2022
- Drachenwald: Jacqueyna & Ærikr, Photograph: “The End is Nigh!”; Dragon’s Tale, December 2021
- Ealdormere: Anna Yanka, Illustration: Cover; The Tidings, January 2021 (out of date for A.S. 56)
- Gleann Abhann: Danielle de la Roche, Photograph: “Holding Hands at Crown”; The Ambassador, October 2021
- Lochac: Kyros Vitalis/Shannon Kaiser, Photograph with Illustration: “Fighting was sorely missed: Post-lockdown fun!”; Pegasus, January 2022
- Meridies: Alisandre de la Chapelle, Photograph: Cover; Popular Chivalry, February 2022
Best Written Contribution to a Kingdom Newsletter
Recognizes the author of an article, regular or special feature, poem, etc. provided for use by a kingdom newsletter. Awarded to the author.
An Tir: Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia, “Eat This Book”; The Crier, December 2021
Ansteorra: Andrixos Seljukroctonis, “The Birth of Vindheim”; The Black Star, February 2022
Also Nominated:
- Artemesia: Scholastica, “Sister Scholastica Goes to Canterbury”; The Sage Advice, April 2021 (outside of A.S. 56)
- Caid: Beorn of the Northern Sea, “What a Difference a Year Makes”; The Crown Prints, recurring
- Drachenwald: Aleydis van Vilvoorde, “Knitting a 14th Century Acorn Cap”; Dragon’s Tale, February 2022
- Gleann Abhann: Robert the Just, “The Forgotten Master”; The Ambassador, May 2021
- Lochac: Karl Faustus von Aachen, “The Story of the Prince and the Badge”; Pegasus, May 2021
- Middle: Albreda Ismeria, “Trochaic Rondel for Annelyse van Gavere”; The Pale, September 2021
- Northshield: Farolfus filius Richardi, “Less-Common Early Period Persona Roundtable”; The Northwatch, July 2021
Best Artistic Contribution to a Kingdom Newsletter
Recognizes the artist of artwork or photography used in the interior of a kingdom newsletter. Awarded to the artist(s).
Drachenwald: Agnes Adygd, Scroll Showcase Photograph; Dragon’s Tale, July 2021
Northshield: Various Artists, “Northshield Fashion Show!”; The Northwatch, December 2021
Also Nominated:
- AnTir: Eleanor de Bolton, “Tales from the Garden”; The Crier, January 2022
- Artemesia: Denise of Amberly, No Title Photograph; The Sage Advice, May 2020 (outside of A.S. 56)