Dreamit Michelle
Dreamit Michelle
Dreamit Michelle
Michelle Terry
What content based problem do you see in your students that you would you like to address?
Identify Problem and Desired Transformation
What is the transformation in understanding that you would like to see in your students?
I would like to improve students ability in the area of deep revision. Look at their writing critically and understand how to revise the content (which may change the 1st draft considerably) Add/remove details and still retain solid and effective structure. Vary the sentence structure for optimal fluency. Improve editing skills
I would like for the students to see their first drafts as a beginning of the process of writing. I want them to write without counting words and write the first draft without editing (looking for just the right word). I would like them to see their writing as a reflection of themselves, and have more accountability for it. Have more personal accountability
What skills or understandings do you want What questions will be used to frame this your students to have as a result of the area of content (unit questions or big ideas)? technology integration you propose? Critically analyse their own and their peers writing Present their writing in a format at best suits the purpose and audience Utilize peer and teacher feedback to create effective revised drafts Why is writing a process? How will my writing improve from draft to draft? How can I use feedback to improve the content of my writing? How can I develop a writing style?
What technology seems best suited for your problem? What this is the best as opposed to other options?
Google docs for sharing and editing Jing for creating mini lessons and tutorials Google hang out or skype for writing conferences One on one writing conferences in the classroom Ive found the most effective tool to help students revise their writing to be one on one writing conferences in a writing workshop type of environment.
What pedagogies do you think will work best given your choice of content and technologies? Why this choice over others?
Since teaching writing isnt really content based, the instruction will be best suited to studentcentered methods Writing workshop Peer editing groups
How will you measure the impact of your technology integration on student learning (Surveys, interviews, observations, assessments, etc.)