ICSE Business Studies Syllabus
ICSE Business Studies Syllabus
ICSE Business Studies Syllabus
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2. Office Accommodation and Environment Specific Objectives: At the end of this section pupils should be able to explain the factors to be considered at the time of selecting an office accommodation. identify the principles and purposes of an office layout. describe the advantages and defects of open and private office layouts. describe the special features of landscaped office. state the environmental factors that affect the working in an office. (i) Meaning of office accommodation. (ii) Principles and factors involved in the selection of office site. (iii) Office layout: meaning; purposes; principles; steps; types. (iv) Physical factors: outline of the effects of - lighting, ventilation, noise, cleanliness, etc. on the office work. 3. Organising an Office Specific Objectives: at the end of this section, pupils should be able to define the term organisation. explain the principles of organisation. state the steps in organising an office. explain the meaning of departmentalisation. identify the basis of methods of departmentalisation. identify the types of organisation and explain their features. compare and contrast the types of organisations. (i) Meaning and importance of organisation. (ii) Steps in organisation of office. (iii) Principles of organisation. (iv) Types of organisations - line, functional, line and staff, committee. (v) Features of the above organisation structures. Read More About :- Cbse Biology Syllabus
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(vi) Meaning of departmentalisation. (vii)Methods of departmentalisation (function,territory, process, production or service). (viii)Visual presentation of - organisation;structure (organisation chart - meaning,purpose and type of organisation charts) 4. Authority and Responsibility Specific Objectives: At the end of this section pupils should be able to define the terms Authority, Responsibility and Accountability. distinguish between the above terms. state the sources of authority. explain the meaning of and principles of delegation of authority. distinguish between the centralisation and decentralisation of authority. explain the meaning and purposes of office manuals. (i) Meaning of - authority; responsibility; accountability and their inter-relationship. (ii) Sources of authority. (iii)Meaning of delegation. (iv) Principles/rules of delegation of authority. (v) Distinction between centralisation and decentralisation of authority. (vi) Office manuals. 5. Office Records Management Specific Objectives: At the end of this section pupils should be able to identify the major features of a good records management. identify and compare the different methods of main filing classification. describe different types of filing and indexing equipment. appreciate the concept of electronic filing. describe the different types of micro form storage. explain the main features of microfilm equipment. outline a procedure for filing. explain follow-up procedures and absent file records. explain the need for retention and destruction policies for records.
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