Ielts Exam
Ielts Exam
Ielts Exam
Add to Contacts To: Speaking Test Acknowledgement Anvesh reddy Tirumuru H3204444 L/R/W Test Acknowledgement
Please ensure you print this letter and bring it to both your Speaking Test and L/R/W Test.
Your IELTS test with IDP Education India Pvt Ltd is confirmed for
You mustbring your passport with you to the Speaking test. You must arrive 20 minutes before your Speaking test time.
Your Listening, Reading and Writing Test will be held on 28 Apr 2011 from 11:15 AM at: Liberty Exclusive Banquets Registration starts at 11:15am and closes at12:15pm. Test commences at 1:00pm SHARP. You must bring your current, valid passport to the test. Certified copies will not be accepted. If you do not have your passport you will not be able to sit the test and you will not be given a refund.
Please click on this link to the website for answers to Frequently Asked Questions and Test Day Rules and Regulations. You will be provided with a copy of the Information for Candidates Booklet on the day of your speaking test. Please read this carefully as well as the Declaration on your application form. Personal Items such as handbags, laptops and mobile phones are prohibited in the test room. IDP Education India Pvt Ltd takes no liability for any such items. We hope that you do well in your test and we wish you all the best. If you have any questions please contact us at or call 1800-102-4544.