S No 1 Topic Definition Description Gaseous envelope around the earth; often referred as air It is held to earth surface by force of gravity It is dynamic (as shows movements), continuously renewed and is an open (subject to import/export of matter and energy) system. It has oxidizing conditions; but was once reducing in the past geological history of earth. It has variable composition It exhibits layered structure. It is composed of mixture of gases (Nitrogen 78 %, Oxygen 21 %, Argon 0.09 %, Carbon dioxide 0.035 %), water vapours (traces) and particulates (traces). CO2 occurs in lower layer; Ozone in high altitude and N 2 up to very high altitude On the basis of temperature changes, atmosphere exhibits at least 4 concentric layers or stratas: 1. Troposphere. - accounts for 75 % of air mass - 8 (15)Km in thickness - cloud formation, dust storms, particulates, rains occur in it - Temperature decreases with altitude 2. Stratosphere. - 35 Km thick - ozone concentration highest at 20-25 Km, called Ozonosphere (screens UV rays of Sun) - Good for aviation as visibility good as no dust storms or clouds - Temperature first constant; and later increases with altitude 3. Mesosphere. - 40 Km thick - Temperature decreases with height 4. Thermosphere or Ionosphere - 90 300 Km thick - High temperature due to ionization by high energy radiations - absorb X-rays and Cosmic rays - Reflect radio waves. It is a source of life giving gases O2 (for animals),CO2 ( for plants),N2 ( for bacteria in root nodule of legumes) It act as a screen against harmful radiations: - Ozonosphere against UV rays - Ionosphere against X-rays and Cosmic rays It cleanses itself by precipitation (rain and snow - remove gases and particulates) It brings Global warming by trapping Infrareds rays; average temperature of earth surface would have been -15 C (otherwise everything should have been in frozen state)instead of present 15 C (important for existence of life and water in liquid state) It serves as store house for water vapours It acts as a dump for gaseous pollutants It burns down intruding bodies from outer space It enables telecommunications Thermosphere reflects radio waves back to earth
Important Characteristics