High School Newsletter October2

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Tallcree High School

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 N E W S L E T T E R

Volleyball success in High Level

Kindergarten four days a week

Happy Thanksgiving
We are now over two months into a new year with a new school in a new location. I am excited to welcome Grade 7-12 students to the high school program in North. The main benefit of the new school arrangement is the rotary system that has allowed teachers to specialize and teach to their strengths. This will provide the students with a better education with more one-on-one instruction. Numbers have been consistently strong since the start of the year and jumped again after the professional development break at the beginning of September. Total enrollment for the High School now sits at 51 students. As a staff, we commend the students for such a smooth adjustment and many thanks to parents who are making sure that their kids are getting on the bus every morning. Probably the most rewarding feeling as teachers is seeing full classrooms with students who are eager to learn. Despite many changes the goal of the school remains the same: to deliver quality educational opportunities for the students the Tallcree communities. We encourage students to get a good nights rest on all school nights so that they may be ready to participate fully in all their classes. We also welcome parents involvement in their childrens education and their questions about what their students are learning. We look forward to continued support of the community for continued student success.

New DirectorLori Aliche

News from the classrooms

Fundraising and Year End Trip Plans


Fundraising and Year End

Happy Thanksgiving from the Staff at Tallcree High School. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Oct.22
The Kindergarten program has proven to be very successful, running four days a week.

Math and 3 Science News Junior Chief and Council Art and Social Studies English Class News Meet the Staff Kindergarten News Volleyball

3 4 5 6-7 7

Directors Message From Lori Aliche

Greetings to everyone in Tallcree! My name is Lori Aliche, and I assumed the part-time Education Director position last week for your first nation. I am a wife and mother of four children; a twenty-five year old and twentyone year old triplets. I hold family values very close to my heart. I have spent much of my educational career in First Nation education. Just recently, I was able to be Treaty 8s educational representative for the MOU Special Education sub-table. My main focus is helping the community and school staff to build a solid educational system which nurtures the strength of each student and provides the services to enable each student to become a successful adult, so they may take their place in the world and contribute meaningfully to your community. We will be working on literacy, numeracy, and getting students to their grade levels. I thank everyone whom I have met so far for your friendliness and acceptance. I will be coming around to visit each home in the next few weeks to introduce myself and to find out what you expect from your children.


Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 5 Sat 6

Schedule of Events
} FRIDAYSBake Sales at Lunch and After School } Oct 5International World Teachers Day } Oct 7-13National Fire Awareness Week } Oct 8-19First scheduled break of the new flexible calendar. Classes resume on Oct 22, 2012 } Oct 25Thanksgiving Dinner Hosted by Tallcree High School. Dinner starts at 5PM. Pie throwing fundraiser to follow. ($2 a pie) } Oct 31Halloween























} Oct 31Last day to get orders in for the first jersey sale. ( Orders need to be made in order to arrive before Christmas.)

Fundraising and Year End Trips

As we all know planning a trip takes a lot of time and effort to organize. This year we would like the students to go somewhere special and see/do something different. Last year the Grade 5-9 students went camping in Hilliards Bay. While the high school toured through the North West Territories. Our plan is to establish three options for the year end trip that will vary depending on the budget and the amount fundraised. We are encouraging the input of all students to participate and generate ideas to help reach their trip goals. So far the project has been rewarding experience as the students engage and begin to understand the cost of extracurricular excursions. We would also like to urge parents and guardians to get involved and participate in school fundraising. Each week the Home Economics classroom is producing delicious sweets that will be sold on Fridays at lunch and after school. Also Mr. Stevenson will be taking orders for the jersey sale fundraiser which will be ordered at the end of October.

All our bags are packed and were ready to go

As a staff, we have engaged the students in discussions of where they would like to do for their field trip at the year end. The trip will be based on the fundraising that the students are able to raise over the course of the school year.






Math and Science News

pairs. In mathematics, our grade 7/8 students began working on division theory and have moved into decimals. In grade 9 science, students have been studying biodiversity while the grade 10 students have been looking at atomic theory and chemical reactions. In Math, the grade 9 students have completed rational numbers and are now working on exponents and powers. While the Grade 10 students are working on standard and imperial measurements and now completing the trigonometry unit. The grade 11/12 class have been studying energy flow in nature and are currently wrapping up their first module in Biology 20 (though we do have 2 students also working on physics 20). The students started the semester working on a research project for Biology 20. The students worked through definitions and concepts of heat transfer and energy flow, in particular photosynthesis and chemosynthesis (deep sea vents). We have also started to work on getting our WHIMIS tickets for all the grade 9-12 students. The grade11/12 students are working on pure math 20 and have worked through factoring, FOIL and have manipulating the quadratic formula.

So far this year for science, our grade 7/8 students have studied ecosystems and biomes throughout the world what they are, how they are made up, etc. We have looked at interdependencies and dependencies, producers and consumers, food chains and food webs. We have also looked at different Biomes throughout the Earth as a class: tundra and taiga (boreal forest), and have started to work on different Biomes on their own in

Math is the only universal language in the world. It is read without translation worldwide

Get Better Soon Rob!

Rob has returned home to BC for surgery to resolve a problem with his vision. We wish him all the best in a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him back in the classroom after the break. In the interim, Robs classes will be covered by Ms. Davis.

Junior Chief and Council Elections

Students have been campaigning for Jr. Chief and Jr. Council this last month. We have a wide array of candidates, from grade 7-12, who have taken part. October 1-3rd polls were opened and, just like in Provincial elections, each student in attendance cast a ballot. Based on a preliminary count, more than half the students voted, which is better than the national turn-out in the last Federal election! After carefully counting the ballots, Cole Alook has won the popular vote and will become the Jr. Chief of Tallcree High School. All the other candidates will become the Jr. Council which includes Michelle Konda-Martel (Grade 8), Evan Judd (Grade 9), Vernon Okemow (Grade 7), William Fioraso (Grade 10), and Cole Meneen (Grade 12). A great big shout out to all students who participated and to the students who voted!

Congratulations to Cole Alook on becoming the Chief for the student government


Grade 11/12 Art and Social Studies

The class has focused on Nationalism and its historical roots as well as its variety forms in the modern age. The reasoning for this focus is because the Grade 12 Provincial exam requires knowledge of Liberal ideas, such as rights, ideologies, collective and individual identities, and detecting bias. My goal is to continue with the textual readings but also expand to include multi-media presentations and a weekly current events discussion. Similar to the 9/10 class, students have completed their portfolios, shading exercises, and practice drawings in preparation for their Still Life. Students also have personal drawing books in which they are drawing what they like: this has included logos, animals, and intricate designs. We have also discussed carrying this drawing unit into printmaking. All the students are very enthusiastic about the idea of putting their own designs on t-shirts, ball caps and Hoodies. Overall, this class is doing very well. All assignments have been completed in a timely manner, care of art supplies has been excellent and staying on task is not a problem. The following weeks will include the completion of the Still Life Project, further personal drawing and, with the Artist of the Week, an exploration of Cree artists and their personal styles.

Students have looked at different artists each week as a part of Artist of the Week

Grade 9/10 Art and Social Studies

Globalization, Nationalism and Early Canadian History are the topics of study so far in Social Studies.
Currently students are exploring Globalization and its personal impact on their lives. The students have researched a Global Brand and are preparing a power point presentation that outlines key facts about the Brand, such as products that are made, who owns the company, why it is so popular and so on. Similar to the 9/10 class, students have completed their portfolios, shading exercises, and practice drawings in preparation for their Still Life. Students also have personal drawing books in which they are drawing what they like: this has included logos, animals, and intricate designs. We have also discussed carrying this drawing unit into printmaking. All the students are very enthusiastic about the idea of putting their own designs on t-shirts, ball caps and Hoodies. The following weeks will include the completion of the Still Life Project, further personal drawing and, with the Artist of the Week, an exploration of Cree artists and their personal styles.

Grade 7/8 Art and Social Studies

We are currently studying early Canadian history: the arrival of Europeans, colonization and the beginning of the Fur Trade. Studies will continue to focus on learning methods of gathering information from resources that are visual, multi-media and print based. During Art class the students have made their portfolios to keep their work in, explored pattern and contrast, and have practiced completing an image -1/2 and Drawings. We have also checked out different types of lettering using computer technology.








Grade 11/12 English

The grade 11/12 English class has been a busy place since the start of the school year. The students have been working through a modular designed class. Instead of working through on their own, the students are being guided through the lessons. When students miss classes the lessons are made accessible from a binder at the rear of the classroom. The goal is to encourage student accountability, responsibility and encourage students to take ownership of their education. So far the students have focused on developing and sharing their ideas. They have looked at advertisements, cartoons and completed assignments for each of these concepts. Lessons have also focused on improving student writing ability in preparation for completion of the diploma exam issued by Alberta Education.

New Special Education Coordinator: Trudy Chambers

Tansi! Wow! What a busy time! I am in a new position for both schools as Special Education coordinator for both schools. Up until now I have been assessing students to figure out where they need extra help. After the break I will be setting up a program where I can work one on one with students who need support. After working and living in North Tallcree, it has been a nice change to move to South Tallcree. I really appreciate the welcome I have received in both communities. Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at either school. I will get the message! Have a great Thanksgiving!!!

Grade 9/10 English

Though the class started out small the numbers in the class have blossomed since classes resumed after the professional development break. This has meant bringing many students up to speed on missed assignments. Students are being reminded to bring their work home and to come and visit me at home to receive help as needed. The course started with the students engaging in the writing process to develop their own autobiographies. Since then the students have looked at various short stories that have focused on the development of personal identity. As well as looking at songs as a form of poetrythus far their studies have looked mostly at reading for understanding and pulling information from a context. I have been focusing strongly on developing reading comprehension skills, which lie at the heart of Grade 9 PAT tests and are essential for success in high school programming. Although numbers in the class have jumped up, often attendance has been inconsistent which is leading to set backs in student learning.

Tracking charts are being used in all classes to show students when they are missing

Grade 7/8 English

The 7/8 class has looked at heroes and the importance of everyday heroes. Attached to that idea the students have looked at developing and researching biographies. They started with an interview of their classmates which they compiled into a short synopsis paragraph. This project then developed into a research project that has had the students focus on an individual they look up to. Many of the students have chosen artists and athletes, with a few looking at inventors. The students have completed their research and are now beginning to put together their PowerPoint presentations that they will present to the rest of the class. For the two week professional development break students were given a homework assignment that was not completed by many of the students. We are now working through the assignment to get all students on the same page.



Aaron Stevenson: English/ Phys. Ed

Mr. Aaron Stevenson, will be teaching English and Physical Education. I majored in English and History at Nipissing University in North Bay, Ontario. I am originally from Ontario, growing up in the Muskoka area. This will be my third year working for Tallcree School Division. I have experience as a coach in volleyball and soccer. I look forward to continuing to work with students to help them find their way and become young adults. I also plan to be coordinating CTS credit classes throughout the school year, which will give students an added credits towards the 100 needed for their high school diploma. This year I will be serving as Principal at the North Tallcree High School. During the last half of the past school year I served as the Acting Principal in South Tallcree and taught grades 7 through 12 during my time here in this community. I would like to encourage all parents to be actively involved in their students education and approach the staff or myself if you have any questions.

This year physical education will focus on encouraging healthy active lifestyle and develop student leadership potential.

Rob Fioraso: Math/Science

Mr. Robert Fioraso, will be teaching Math and Science. Rob worked with the adult education program during the last school year. The program has resulted in twelve participants gaining full or part time employment. All participants have also gained numerous safety tickets, and have had the opportunity to get their drivers license. Robs background includes twenty years of adult education as a math specialist. In those years he also taught English, Science, and Computer Technology. Among his many talents include being a master bingo hall worker and a bricklayer. He moved with his wife and three kids from Port Alberni, BC and they are thoroughly enjoying life at Tallcree. For this coming winter, He is REALLY looking forward to those -40 walks to work.

Brighid Bowman: Art/Social

Ms. Brighid Bowman will be teaching Social Studies and Art during the first semester. She grew up in a small community in the heart of the West Kootenays of BC. Much like Tallcree, her town is very small and everyone knows everyone. Besides being an artist, she likes to cook, read, sew, garden, go for long walks and when there are mountains around, snowboard in the winter. She is a mother of two children. Her 19 year old son lives in Nelson, BC and her 16 year old daughter lives with her dad in Williams Lake, BC. Shes looking forward to meeting the community and working with your children this year.








Emily Davis and Pam Auger: Kindergarten

My name is Emily Davis. I moved to South Tallcree in March of 2011 from Ontario with Aaron Stevenson. Upon my arrival I worked as a supply teacher for Tallcree School Division and ended the year working daily as an Art teacher working with students from K-9. During the 2011/2012 school year, I taught 1,2,3 in South Tallcree School. This year I am teaching Kindergarten at both North and South Tallcree Schools. Im working closely with Pam Auger and Lilly Auger to run Kindergarten 4 days a week. Last year I taught 1,2,3 at South Tallcree School. Im excited for the new experience of teaching Kindergarten. Hi Pam here, This year Im working with the kinders 4 times a week and high school students on Fridays. As you might all know I am doing the ECE program and will be finishing in June. Please feel free to come visit with us in the kinder class. Our door is always open! See you soon.

The Discover Reading Program stands to help young students

Physical Education
This semester all students are taking part in the physical education. Physical Education is required for grade 7-10 students. It is a great way to help encourage a healthy lifestyle. During the class students will be building on basic skills, as well as developing their leadership ability. So far the students have completed soccer skills and completed a test on soccer rules. They are currently working on volleyball skills. Every Thursday the students are completing various fitness activities, including: suicides (running), pushups and sit-ups. The students are being taught the principle of progression in order to safely improve their physical fitness. Regular participation is required in order to be successful in this class.

develop their reading ability.

Kindergarten News
Happy Thanksgiving from the Kindergarten class! The students are learning many new things with the Discover Reading program that is now used in the class. We are working to practice sounds, recognize letters, and put it all together to form words. Students are also improving with printing, recognizing, and counting numbers. In Social Studies, the unit this month is Working and Playing Together. We are all practicing and learning important skills such as participating and sharing. In Science we are charting the weather and looking at the changes Fall has brought to North Tallcree. Wishing everyone a healthy and happy Thanksgiving Break !

High School Volleyball

During the weekend of September 22. The junior girls travelled to High Level to compete in the seasons first Super Saturday.


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Even with a short bench of six girls, they played very well. The finished the day winning two of three games on the day. The first game was a 25-22, 25-11 two set victory over LaCrete Lancers #2. The victory was led by dominating serving performances by Makayla Meneen, Karalee Laboucan and Louise Meneen. The second game was a close game against the Lancers first team. The girls stunned the Lancers winning the first set 25-14. The game win was an important step for the girls who lost to the Lancers in the championship tournament last year, The second game was lost 25-14, mostly due to service errors in a low ceiling gym. The third game was very close, with the girls The girls won 2 of 3 games on coming up just short 15-13. At one point the girls were Super Saturday in High Level. down 13-6 and stormed back to erase the 7 point deficit. Key digs were made by Sabrina Tallcree and Carradine Alook in the loss and serves by Makayla Meneen and Taylor Noskiye. The last game of the day was a two set win over the High Level Public School Bears. The girls controlled the game from the outset with strong serves and good defensive play. Great leadership was displayed by Karalee, who kept the girls energy up throughout the day and made many key plays. The next action for the girls is scheduled for Oct. 11 at Hillcrest School. This game will likely be rescheduled as the school will be closed for break at that time. This year the High School will have a Senior Boys team that is expected to compete in 12 games this year. The boys did not have enough play-

As Long As The Sun Shines and the Water Flows

Thank You
Emily Davis and I (Aaron Stevenson) will be moving to North Tallcree over the first school break. With my position as principal at the High School, I feel it is my duty to be more available to the school and the North community. However, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank the community in South for welcoming us so warmly over the past two years. We truly enjoyed and appreciated being a part of the community. Although we are moving to North we will continue to be involved with school events. On that note, we look forward to getting to know the North community better over the remainder of the school year. Thank you again and we look forward to new experiences and maintaining old friendships.

Indoor Shoes
With winter coming and muddy conditions outside. We would recommend that students bring a clean pair of indoor shoes or slippers to wear inside the school. Muddy and wet footwear make the schools dirty and slippery. The floors in the school will be cold in the winter; plus dirty or wet socks are no fun for anyone. IN the event of an emergency, students will not have the opportunity to grab their shoes before existing the school.. Thank you for your support in this.


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