High School Newsletter October2
High School Newsletter October2
High School Newsletter October2
Happy Thanksgiving
We are now over two months into a new year with a new school in a new location. I am excited to welcome Grade 7-12 students to the high school program in North. The main benefit of the new school arrangement is the rotary system that has allowed teachers to specialize and teach to their strengths. This will provide the students with a better education with more one-on-one instruction. Numbers have been consistently strong since the start of the year and jumped again after the professional development break at the beginning of September. Total enrollment for the High School now sits at 51 students. As a staff, we commend the students for such a smooth adjustment and many thanks to parents who are making sure that their kids are getting on the bus every morning. Probably the most rewarding feeling as teachers is seeing full classrooms with students who are eager to learn. Despite many changes the goal of the school remains the same: to deliver quality educational opportunities for the students the Tallcree communities. We encourage students to get a good nights rest on all school nights so that they may be ready to participate fully in all their classes. We also welcome parents involvement in their childrens education and their questions about what their students are learning. We look forward to continued support of the community for continued student success.
Happy Thanksgiving from the Staff at Tallcree High School. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Oct.22
The Kindergarten program has proven to be very successful, running four days a week.
Math and 3 Science News Junior Chief and Council Art and Social Studies English Class News Meet the Staff Kindergarten News Volleyball
3 4 5 6-7 7
Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 5 Sat 6
Schedule of Events
} FRIDAYSBake Sales at Lunch and After School } Oct 5International World Teachers Day } Oct 7-13National Fire Awareness Week } Oct 8-19First scheduled break of the new flexible calendar. Classes resume on Oct 22, 2012 } Oct 25Thanksgiving Dinner Hosted by Tallcree High School. Dinner starts at 5PM. Pie throwing fundraiser to follow. ($2 a pie) } Oct 31Halloween
} Oct 31Last day to get orders in for the first jersey sale. ( Orders need to be made in order to arrive before Christmas.)
As a staff, we have engaged the students in discussions of where they would like to do for their field trip at the year end. The trip will be based on the fundraising that the students are able to raise over the course of the school year.
So far this year for science, our grade 7/8 students have studied ecosystems and biomes throughout the world what they are, how they are made up, etc. We have looked at interdependencies and dependencies, producers and consumers, food chains and food webs. We have also looked at different Biomes throughout the Earth as a class: tundra and taiga (boreal forest), and have started to work on different Biomes on their own in
Math is the only universal language in the world. It is read without translation worldwide
Congratulations to Cole Alook on becoming the Chief for the student government
Students have looked at different artists each week as a part of Artist of the Week
Tracking charts are being used in all classes to show students when they are missing
This year physical education will focus on encouraging healthy active lifestyle and develop student leadership potential.
Physical Education
This semester all students are taking part in the physical education. Physical Education is required for grade 7-10 students. It is a great way to help encourage a healthy lifestyle. During the class students will be building on basic skills, as well as developing their leadership ability. So far the students have completed soccer skills and completed a test on soccer rules. They are currently working on volleyball skills. Every Thursday the students are completing various fitness activities, including: suicides (running), pushups and sit-ups. The students are being taught the principle of progression in order to safely improve their physical fitness. Regular participation is required in order to be successful in this class.
Kindergarten News
Happy Thanksgiving from the Kindergarten class! The students are learning many new things with the Discover Reading program that is now used in the class. We are working to practice sounds, recognize letters, and put it all together to form words. Students are also improving with printing, recognizing, and counting numbers. In Social Studies, the unit this month is Working and Playing Together. We are all practicing and learning important skills such as participating and sharing. In Science we are charting the weather and looking at the changes Fall has brought to North Tallcree. Wishing everyone a healthy and happy Thanksgiving Break !
Even with a short bench of six girls, they played very well. The finished the day winning two of three games on the day. The first game was a 25-22, 25-11 two set victory over LaCrete Lancers #2. The victory was led by dominating serving performances by Makayla Meneen, Karalee Laboucan and Louise Meneen. The second game was a close game against the Lancers first team. The girls stunned the Lancers winning the first set 25-14. The game win was an important step for the girls who lost to the Lancers in the championship tournament last year, The second game was lost 25-14, mostly due to service errors in a low ceiling gym. The third game was very close, with the girls The girls won 2 of 3 games on coming up just short 15-13. At one point the girls were Super Saturday in High Level. down 13-6 and stormed back to erase the 7 point deficit. Key digs were made by Sabrina Tallcree and Carradine Alook in the loss and serves by Makayla Meneen and Taylor Noskiye. The last game of the day was a two set win over the High Level Public School Bears. The girls controlled the game from the outset with strong serves and good defensive play. Great leadership was displayed by Karalee, who kept the girls energy up throughout the day and made many key plays. The next action for the girls is scheduled for Oct. 11 at Hillcrest School. This game will likely be rescheduled as the school will be closed for break at that time. This year the High School will have a Senior Boys team that is expected to compete in 12 games this year. The boys did not have enough play-
Thank You
Emily Davis and I (Aaron Stevenson) will be moving to North Tallcree over the first school break. With my position as principal at the High School, I feel it is my duty to be more available to the school and the North community. However, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank the community in South for welcoming us so warmly over the past two years. We truly enjoyed and appreciated being a part of the community. Although we are moving to North we will continue to be involved with school events. On that note, we look forward to getting to know the North community better over the remainder of the school year. Thank you again and we look forward to new experiences and maintaining old friendships.
Indoor Shoes
With winter coming and muddy conditions outside. We would recommend that students bring a clean pair of indoor shoes or slippers to wear inside the school. Muddy and wet footwear make the schools dirty and slippery. The floors in the school will be cold in the winter; plus dirty or wet socks are no fun for anyone. IN the event of an emergency, students will not have the opportunity to grab their shoes before existing the school.. Thank you for your support in this.