Marriage Breakthrough Stratetgic Prayers

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The key takeaways are that this book discusses strategic prayers for marriage breakthrough and teaches principles of effective prayer such as relying on God's promises and using the Bible to guide prayer requests. It also discusses qualities to look for in a potential spouse.

The purpose of this book is to help people who are seriously believing God for a life partner by enhancing their understanding of prayer and teaching them biblical principles and strategies for effective prayer related to finding a marriage partner.

Some principles of effective prayer discussed in the book include placing strong demands on God's promises, producing biblical reasons for God to answer prayers, relying on faith that the request has been received, reasoning with God by bringing his words back to him in prayer, and praying consistently without fainting.




This book is dedicated to God Almighty and to the would-be Priests who are eager to learn the principles of answered prayers.

INTRODUCTION To the people of God wanting to marry: This inspired book is written for ladies and gentlemen who are believing God seriously for their life partner. MARRIAGE BREAKTHROUGH STRATEGIC PRAYERS will enhance your understanding on the subject of prayer. It will also catapult your level of prayer or communion with God and fortify your dependence on Him as your all in all. It will also help to establish you as an all-time commander in life situation as you desired change. This book will also help to guide you in to establish that God answers prayer. It will arm you with the all the biblical principles to answered prayer. This book will also provoke the trilling to affect a life of answered prayer. This book will convince you that prayer is an art that is ought to be learnt and developed by all you will learn in this book, the basic truth that will properly guide you to pray and receive your answers. Besides, with this books special interest in marriage breakthrough prayers and teachings, the readers of this book shall understand that marriage is instituted by God for our own good. As you read on, you shall also learn how to find a marriage partner and understand courtship.

Finally, you will learn how to produce you strong reasons in prayer. How to place a demand on Gods promises for your life. You will also learn to bring back to God his words or will through prayer. You will also understand that God is a respecter of no man. He answers prayers of only those who know how to hold him by his words. God respects his word above his name. -1THE PRAYER THAT GOD ANWERS Whenever a man places a strong and passionate demand on Gods promises for his or her life, by producing divine biblical reasons why God should answer the prayers offered, God becomes helpless and bent on answering such an irresistible prayer. On the contrary, if you lack the knowledge to biblical offer up your prayers, you will end up praying amiss. What is Prayer and how to say it? Prayer is placing continuous, ceaseless demands on Gods promises or words with the expectation or strong faith that you have already received your request. And the approach is to call on God, cry unto him and also attend his heavenly banquet-Ps 50:15, Ps 34; 17, Lk. 14:17, Jer. 33:3, Matt 7:7. Prayer is the most effective when it is a dialogue and never a monologue or complaint. Prayer means reasoning with God: Isa 1; 18, Isa 41:21, Ps 65:2,Ps 94; 9.Prayer is talking to God and hearing him talk back to you.

Prayer is asking and receiving from God Matt 7:7, Matt 6:32.When you ask God to intervene in your situation, He will because you called on Him base on his word.Jer 33:3.Coming to God by His word is prayer. Prayer is the key to unlock the doors of rich joyous life. Isa 34; 16, Lk 18:1, 2Cor.10:45, James 5:17. Prayer is not begging without knowledge or believers authority. It is searching out of the book of the law what Gods will is for you on any or particular matter. When you search out what the will of God is, believe it, hear it and know that it is for your good. Prayer is not a way of overcoming Gods reluctance but rather, it is laying hold on Gods willingness to get done what He has already said. In Lk 5:13 Jesus said; I am willing be thou clean. Prayer is the cornerstone of Christianity John 16; 24.untill you receive answers to your prayers, you have not prayed through. Acts 4:30, LK 18:1 Finally, prayer is the key .Jesus said And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven therefore with the instrument of prayer, you will establish heaven on earth. Make it a habit today to pray without at this juncture, we will be learning how and what it means to produce your strong reason and divine reasons in prayers for God to hear you.

-2PRODUCING STRONG AND DIVINE RESONS WHILE PRAYING This topic is simply and expressly the true meaning of prayer because the word of God is the will of God which He respects highly more than his name .When you produce your strong reasons why God should answer you scripturally, then be rest assured that God will not fail in his own part. For instance, we will be looking at those strong and scriptural reason laid down already in Gods word before we were born into this earth. What we are trying to prove in this chapter is to tell the devil that he cannot stop you from marrying but only ignorance of the word of God that can stop you. Another thing we are also going to establish here is that God can give you your right mate, the person He has predestined to be your wife or husband. And finally, to establish that you can marry without making mistake as God is ready to give you your heart desire. Those strong reasons why a man or woman must marry to the Glory of God include: A.TO HAVE A HELPMEET God said in Gen 2:1 it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helpmeet for him. Beloved, whenever you are praying for a life partner, please dont fail to remind God this particular scripture that shows how emotional God is when it comes to settling his children marritally.God is emotionally concerned and feels involved when he sees his son or daughter who has reached the age of marrying still staying alone because he has not got a spouse to a helpmeet or a husband. For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with

the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted like as we are ,yet without sin-Heb.4:15-so ,every child of God has the boldness which was given to him or her to approach the throne of grace, that he may obtain mercy ,and find grace to help in the time of need. This need the bible talked about herein, I want you to see it or take it as that marriage burden that has delayed and even become a barrier and a thing of riddicle.God has said it all that why He us Jesus Christ and allowed Him to come out among men even in fleshly form is to make Him our confidant. Our God, Emmanuel-that is God is with us. Immediately, God said it is not good for man to be alone, He provided Adam or the man a help meet. And Adam said this is the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man-Gen 2:23.When you are praying for your marriage remind him to complement you so that you can fulfill your responsibility inn life. Bible says that immediately God breathed into Adams nostril the breath of life, he became a living soul-Gen 2:7.Tell God in your prayers that you are an emotional being and that the soul He gave you is the home of emotions, therefore He is the one that caused it to be and should also satisfy it.Do you know why you should pray to God like this? It is because He is the one that said produce your strong reasons why He should give you not just a wife but also a helpmeet, a virtuous woman or man, husband or wife. God said seek ye out of the book of the lord, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded and his spirit it hath gathered them-Isa 34:16 If you are a woman looking for your husband, or a man looking for your wife, pray and remind God that He said in Gen 2:18 that it is not good for man to be alone whenever something is not good then it is

being alone as a man when you have literarily reached the age of marrying is bad and the same thing goes the man. But be careful here, because God cannot give a helpmeet to a man or woman who is praying for a sex partner outside marriage. The book of Heb.13:4 said that marriage is honorable in all, and bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge Hera me my beloved why you have not married is not because you dont pay your tithe or give your offerings or serve in Gods house but might be that simply you lack the knowledge and reject knowledge-Hos 4:6.Have you forgotten the word of God that says in Matt 19;4 have ye not read from, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female Why cant you now with faith call out your own wife or husband which Jesus is reminding you and which you have in the bible and have read only for you to claim it as you own and call it to come into existence.Dont you know that you can pray the book of Heb.11:3 which said so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear what bible is trying to say here is that it is now your work to settle your marriage with your mouth. Use the positive and optimistic side of your mouth to call out your husband so that he can come out into existence and wed with you, the same thing is applicable to the man-why because from the beginning, God already knows who your wife or husband will be and has created him or her for you. So, what God is expecting from you to do now is call on Him and He will show you great and mighty things you dont know aboutJer. 33:3.He wants you to remind and call upon Him to rescue you, because even this poor man called and He delivered him ,so call your own and He will do it for His name sake. I dont want you to ever

in life think that God does not want to rejoice in your marriage and your wedding day, because He wish above all things for you to prosper. God cannot forget your marriage, His settling you down in your husbands house and giving you a virtuous woman and heart desires so easily. As he after all remembered that Adam was alone, so also will He remember that He has not given you your wife or husband as you cooperate with him in prayer faithfully. Do your responsibility towards God. Adam fulfilled his responsibility towards God: he dressed the garden and kept it ,he ate freely only the tree of life and avoided that tree of knowledge of good and evil, Adam called every living things their names .After all this obedience toward God ,God saw that everything He created was good and have their mate except Adam, And to break that jinx of bachelorhood and loneliness in Adams life, He caused Adam to fall into a deep, He took a rib from ,his ribs and closed up the flesh and formed Eve from it and brought her to Adam ;and called her woman. Your prayer from today will be: God, please help me to serve you for I know for sure that my wife or husband is within me not outside. Help also to be alone not having immoral relationship prior to my marriage so that you can fell for me and bring me my desired husband or wife Amen. So try to be alone as much as you can.Being alone is state of purity, morality while waiting for Gods quick notice, is a sinequa non in your life. Praying for life partner is always a prayer that hinges on ascertaining the perfect will of God, not His permissible will if that marriage must be successful and prosperous. Praying to have a helpmeet is scriptural because is Gods concern, therefore, the need to get clearance is indispensible. It is also when there is a true consecration, dedication or separation that is all-important that prayer

works most in the life of any man or woman who is in dire need for marriage breakthrough. Remember, that whenever you are praying for a helpmeet or life partner, you are not trying to change the will of God or His original intent for you concerning that marriage or the very man or woman He has before the foundation of the world formed for you or paired you up with; rather, you are yielding your soul, spirit and body for God to use.So, today relax your thought, desire, wishes unto God and the devil not harm you forever. B.FOR SPIRITUAL RE-ENFORCEMENT This is another strong,desire,scriptural reason why God should give you your husband or wife .Why wont perish if you lack this knowledge that it is Gods wish in all things to give you a helpmeet, your mate or life partner. To some, the devil ha corrupted this reliable truth in their mind that God does not care for their marriage breakthrough. Look! my dear reader even when the enemy has vow that you will not marry and settle down ,let me tell you as soon as you start praying in full knowledge of the treasures you have already in the Lord that are contained in the word, then nothing will stop you from winning this just battle that will liberate you. The phrase spiritual reinforcement could mean multiplying your force to do something spiritually, intensifying your force, zeal or destroying the foundation of the devil. Re-enforcement-the re means adding to, replacing while enforcement means enforce again, put into full effect, empower something into a law or activation. Therefore, marriage is very important from

Gods own stand point. So as that the couple involved could fan into flame their prayer, authority, talent or gifts to the glory of GOD. Notice this today: How shall one pursue a thousand and two one ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the Lord hath shut them up-Deut.32:30.The book of Ps 28:1-says that the Lord is my rock. It is the wish of God your rock to sale you to your wife or your husband for spiritual reinforcement. God cannot make mistake because he knows that when you are praying for spiritual reinforcement as one of your strong reasons for marriage or why God should settle you, He know that you would have prayed without knowing that you have prayed a prayer of unity which involves putting faith together as Matt 18:19 says: that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that shall ask, it shall be done for them of my father which is in heaven. If you sincerely pray this prayer of unity of spiritual reasons, God is bent on answering you because you are putting forth His words to Him by placing a demand on His promises for you. Prayer of unity between a man and his wife availeth much. God honours it what if it is specific. And when they (disciples) heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord- Acts 4:24-30. No wonder the book of Deut 32:30 makes reference to one pursuing one thousand and two ten thousand. That is to say that two is better than one .Therefore let God know that there are battles of life that you alone cannot fight effectively as a spinster or bachelor. Put God to remembrance! He honours His words more that His name. You are a heir .Christ has died and rose, so you can access your right through the word of God by the power of the Holy

Spirit. Rise today claim, call and have your husband.Dont die desiring it. God called forth what was not in existence as though they were-Rom 4:7, Gen 1:1-3. Remind God vigorously and substantially that the reason why you want to marry is beyond mere having sex. It is all about having your matrimonial prayer partner-a man or a woman that can pray and war in the spirit. Tell God that His word says that iron sharpeneth iron-Prov. 27:17.Cry to God that as woman, you are the weaker sex and you are in need of your own man, your mate, your husband to pursue the ten thousand enemies pursuing your life an destiny as a single person. The same thing is applicable to the man. Your strong scriptural reasons in prayer why God should give you your helpmeet or life partner ,is to claim the secret things that God reserves to those who are married and who know that when you have married legitimately, you have kept the word of Gos covenant and you are bound to prosper in all that you do! Deut 29:9. Pray and cried unto the lord that you have searched for the scripture that if you are not married, you have not fulfilled the marriage covenant that has blessing attached to it. As Jesus fulfilled all righteousness, tell God that you want to do the same (His will).Be sincere and be specific in this prayer point. God is closer to the broken hearted. When He hears your cry for mercy, He will listen to you. Dont ever try to quit in in your prayers because winners never quit and quitters never win. God arranges such a situation sometimes to allow you pray out yourself. See your marriage issues as a light affliction. Then, groan and the Holy

Spirit will finish the groaning-Rom 8:18-20.Before you marry, try to know God, because marriage is not a holiday trip! C.FOR COMPANIONSHIP Having a companion is another strong scriptural reason why God will not fail in giving you your heart desire in marriage .Do you that companionship which is the relationship of companions, is also a fellowship. Adam was alone in the Garden of Eden except that God visits him .Therefore relating with the opposite sex becomes expedient and came to the notice of God. When God intervene on Adams case by seeing the need to give him companionship which is the most important aspects of a married life; God now fulfilled His word to men as recorded in Isa 34:16 seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate Pray this prayer: O Lord, I beseech thee, let now thy ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servant, who desire [delight] to fear thy name: and prosperNeh. 1:11. When you pray for your life partner or helpmeet, be serious about it like Nehemiah, the cupbearer, Why this companionship is very important is that you, the suppliant is desirous of pity before God. So, tell God point clear that you to delight to fear His name so as to prosper and wouldnt like to indulge in immortality with another man or woman that is not your right mate .But make sure here as you remind God all these, that you are in one way or the other serving Him sincerely or else you might be delaying the Nehemiah, who prayed, was cupbear,that is, he was serving during the time of this prayer. And y shall serve the Lord your God, he shall bless thy bread, and

thy water, and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee Exo. 23:25. Praying for companionship as a prayer point is a sensitive prayer that must be prayed aright and not amiss. This is the confidence we have if we pray according to the will of God, he hears us1Jn4:5.Whenever you pray for companionship as a strong reason and prayer point for your marriage, believe that God is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him. As prayer for a companion, ask in faith. Dont waver. If you do not ever think that you will receive, it is because you are unsettled in all your ways. If you are desirously and sincerely praying through this strong reason-companionship as an indispensible fact for God to give you your companion as ma n or a woman, God will not fail you. Do you know why God is a respecter of His word? When He said that none shall want her mate, He meant it through and through, because from the beginning, He made them male and female. Another underlying reason why He would answer as pray for your life partner while presenting companionship as one of the strongest reasons for entering into marriage is because God is unhappy and disappointed seeing His sons or daughter or son of a stranger God. Because any man or woman that does such, God will cut him or her out of His tabernacles of Jacob.Mal.2:11,12, 14. Prayer is inevitable before, within and after marriage. Without praying for companionship as a scriptural reason for marriage, you might as well get the permissible will of God which is not His perfect will. God is interested in your wedding not just your marriage alone. It is because He witnesses in every marriage and would like to witness in your own who is importunately calling on

Him to provide you with a companion or helpmeet. As a man, God will give you the wife of your youth, and demand that you that you do not treat her treacherously, because she is your companion and the wife of your covenant. Marriage is a covenant, and must be approached spiritually and not carnally. To be carnally minded marriage is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. If you sincerely desire life and peace in marriage, earnestly pray for companionship, it is the most important aspect of married life. Tell God that why you want to marry is to have and enjoy companionship; being with your covenanted husband and wife and not the strange daughter or son of a strange god. Instead you to marry and never enjoy companionship, you better remain alone or wait for Gods time .Dont ever rush into any marriage without Gods will or else, you will rush out. If God says no then wait! A broken courtship is even better than a broken marriage. D. IT IS A COVENANT One of the strongest reasons for marriage is that it is a covenant. When praying to God about your spouse your husband or wife ,dont fail to remind Him that marriage is a covenant and never a n ordinary promise and as such, you dont need to be outside His covenant that has a tremendous blessings attached to it . Whenever marriage is consummated, a serious covenant that is honourable has been entered into. And bible said no man should put asunder or separated it. What is then Covenant? Covenant means an agreement between two people ratified by the blood of Jesus.Covenent is different from promise. Promise simply means a transaction between two

or more persons with law binding it.Covenant has conditions attached to it.Covenant is usually written. Gods side of the covenant is always constant Mal. 3:6. Let your strong reason be that you as a child of Gog wants to enter into this covenant (marriage) which involves always two individuals-men and woman on three different levels involving: Spirit, Soul and Body (Flesh). Since marriage is a serious covenant God witnesses in from the beginning keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them that ye may prosper in all that ye do-Deut 29:9.Prayerfully and sincerely convince God that you want to keep the words of this covenant-marriage which is the word of God. You cannot partake in the will of God which you are not ready to keep and honour.So, my beloved, this is part of the strong reasons you are to bring before God for your marriage breakthrough should not scare you away because it is still your many .Dont run away from your already made blessing, just embrace it and claim it. God is simply telling you that you can do all things. He is saying that His law is not grievous ,that you can keep His law when He says if thou shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God , to observe and to do all His commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy Gog will set be thee on high above all nations of the earth-Deut 28:1 Another strong reason why you should not be afraid about whether you will marry or not as a result of time running out against your age; is because you have heard that the first shall be the last. Have you forgotten that God has engraved you on the palm of His Hand? Even though a nursing mother can forget her

suckling baby, the Lord will not forget you. Do not be afraid. Pray always about your marriage and the Lord will bring it to pass hastily at the appointed time. If you can convince God who keeps the vows of this covenant(marriage) which He cherishes so much, then know it that He will not despise your prayers and the strong reasons for the marriage .Your scriptural reasons why God should give you your own spouse is anchored now on your preparedness to observe the whole commandments pertaining to marriage by His grace. Remember you cannot deceive God. Bible says because the lord hath been witness between thee ant the wife of your youth-Mal 2:14.If you want God to give you your helpmeet or your spouse divinely, then pray to Him that you will not cheat your own or your mate. Tell God that you as a man or woman enter into a conscious covenant with Him through the holy institution of marriage. Pray and remind God that His direction is needed in this covenant in as much as it is for two walk together. Agreement is absolutely important; because you want to enter into a lifelong agreement, then there must be acceptance between the two people joining themselves as one. God is not man, when He sees your sincerity; He is bent on answering you by giving you His desired portion for your life. F. FOR PURITY SAKE Purity means the sanctity of the body-1 Cor. 6:9-40.The body of every child of God is holy by the reason of being washed by the Blood of the Lamb. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Therefore, here, you have every strong reasons to tell God in humility and all sincerity that you

cherish and wished to maintain purity instead of burning in lust and impurity. Present to God again His word in prayer which says that fornicators or adulterers shall not inherit the kingdom of God. By the time you ceaselessly back up your prayers of marriage breakthrough with strong reasons as concerning why you should be given your real wife or husband, God is vent on giving you what He thinks is the best for you. Jesus said concerning this marriage issue, you should pray about it without getting faint. Whenever a righteous man or woman of God cries to God, He must answer. He does not joke with the cries of the righteous. Remind Him in your prayers seriously that that the sin of fornication to you as a single lady or man is not expedient to you and cannot be brought down under its power. Do you know that fornication as a sin has terrible power over your spirit, soul and body? Therefore cry to God to settle your marriage issue so that Satan tempts you not-1Cor 7:1-9. Your strong reason as you pray to God for breakthrough in your marriage should be that your body is your Lords temple and because it is the temple of Holy Ghost, it is no longer good for a man to touch a woman outside marriage. Remind God who is your father that He established marriage so as to discourage impunity and as such, should settle you with your own helpmeet or spouse. God loves His children who know their right or inheritance in Him. God said O Jacob you have not wearied yourself out for me. Prayerfully put God to remembrance that marriage is a covenant established by Himself and as such should be honourable and undefiled. God said keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them that ye may prosper in all that you do-Deut

29:9.Also because the Lord hath being witness between thee and the wife of thy youth. Yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenatMal. 2:14. So, from this context, it becomes clearer that marriage is a covenant and commandment that God is interested in and protects seriously. The bible says for the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life- Prov. 6:23. From this scripture therefore, we will produce another stronger reason why God should give you your husband or wife. I want you at this juncture to place a demand on Gods promises for you in the areas of marriage from the stand point of purity which He cherishes so much. The bible says kiss a childless he grows angry. It is time for you to remind Gog importantly that you are an emotional being subject to fall and mistakes. Tell Him that you are tired of staying alone and single and as such needs a lawful spouse for purity to be encouraged in your life. Hear Gods wish for you, whether you are a man or a lady; it is to keep you from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids. For by means of a worish woman a man is brought to piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life. Can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned? Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? So he that goeth into his neighbours wife; whosever toucheth her shall not be innocent. Men do not despise a thief, if he steals to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house. But whosever committed adultery with a woman lacketh

understanding; he that doeth it destroyeth his own soulProv. 6:24-32. Therefore, let your cry, your prayer point from now onward be: Father I dont want to destroy my own soul through the sin of immorality, therefore my good God, provide me my own husband or wife Amen. G. FOR PROCREATION And God blessed them, and God said unto them Be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth-Gen 1:28. IF God has given this very first or Edenic covenant to man, who are you not to t fulfill it in your life. For every gift of God is good and should be received with thanksgiving. Therefore tell God in prayer that your another strong reason for marriage is to receive and to accept this wonderful gift of procreation as you manifest in your life on earth. God finished creating man and gave him the power of procreation- which is to beget and conceive offspring to produce or to create. Following this divine instruction or mandate, Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceive, and bare Cain and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord. And she again bare his brother Abel,And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of ground-Gen 4;1-2.The very act of creation is crucial to God in order to establish a kingdom on earth and this led Him to replace creation with procreation. God knew too well that His original method of creation mat not necessary continue, then He replaced it with procreation which is solely the role of man and woman, husband and wife. That was why in the day that God created man,

He make man in His own likeness but afterward, man (Adam) through the process of procreation, begat a son in his(mans) own likeness, and image. Therefore man and woman, husband and wife, pares, couples, spouse, etc. You have no excuse for not having your own children. The bible said increase and multiply, subdue, replenish and dominate. This open cheque in Gen 1:28 is a kingdom blessing, pray it out, key into it and remind God that He should fulfill His word that is infallible, shaper than two edged sword in your marriage that is honourabl.And when Jabez remembered that he is more honorable than his brothers, he prayed radical prayers reminding God that he (Jabez) is fearfully and wonderfully made. God now enlarged his coast, blessed him, changed his name and all through his life, he no longer knew sorrow and pain. Every barren woman or man is not yet enlarged; therefore, procreation is next to enlargement. The joy of every wife, woman is not yet complete until she becomes a mother so, you have an assignment to pray and seriously believe God for fruit of the womb that is procreation. It is not just because you sinned or that your parents sinned, or your forefathers sinned that is the cause but because you have not prayed and believed god enough but have been busy complaining away your blessings. Little prayer that is feeble and weak plus lack of faith coupled with your complain attitude in prayers are responsible for lack of breakthrough in your prayers. If you are ready to change your prayer pattern, God is ever ready to release your miracle baby. In the same vein, there is another strong reason why couples should have children after fulfilling Gods instruction by marrying. God said in Deut.7:13-13 And he will love thee and bless thee,

and multiply thee: he will also bless the fruit of thy womb; thou shall be blessed above all people: there shall not be male or female barren among you or among your cattle. Let me explain to you what God is unequivocally saying in this scripture. He made an unconditional statement of promises and love to mankind. So, if there are a people to pray and believe God by His words then answers will definitely come to you. The problem with men is that we have not prayed the effectual, fervent prayer of Elijah in that case of barrenness and childlessness. God promised us that when we pray like the importunate widow, He will hear the heavens, heavens will hear the earth, the earth will hear the corn and the wine and the oil and they will hear you-Hos 2:21-23.The secret things of the Lord is with them that fear; and He will show the His covenant-Ps 25:14.A person who fears the Lord is the person who delights in His words to observe them and to do them and by so doing, increases in wisdom. The wisdom of God will add life and health to your length of days on earth. You husband and wife hears me well: God cannot lie because he is not man and his foundation is based on truth. He has given you his words which he values above his names so that you can come to Him boldly and confidently by His word. Prayer simply means making demands on your blessings that God promised you by reminding Him prayerfully the chapters and the verses of those scriptures as evidence or prove continuously and continually. God has said it long ago to you to present your case, set forth your arguments tell us what the former things were, so that we may consider them-Isa 41:21-22.Immediately you are in the constant habit of presenting your best argument to God here on earth, heaven will

hear you at the set time. When the clouds are full, rain will fall. Answer to prayers will finally come when your arguments before the heavenly court are considered biblically and found worthy. When your prayer for the release of your wife or husband, present to God your best argument which is procreation, one of the mandates He authorized you to fulfill. Tell God how desperate you are for your marriage, because marriage must come before procreation. You must fulfill His injunction to marry and to procreate. God will like to know your best reasons why you want marriage before he can release your wife or husband to you; you as the man have to sincerely tell Him that it is written in Ps 128:3that Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house, therefore, you want to see His word fulfilled in your marital life. Your children will be like olive plants around your table. Your house need to be pact full not like a quiet burial ground. The bible says that children are like arrow flung into eternity and blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. Return Gods word back to Him in prayer, Say what you need and say it how you heard Him say it how you heard Him say it in His word. For example, God said in Job 5:25- your children will be many; your descendants will be as plentiful as grass! Put this very scripture back to God, He will be helpless only just to answer and give you your baby after your obedience to His word commanding you to marry has been fulfilled. Just as some teachers mark their students good on impression when they make a good point or points that interest them, so also God rejoices when you make good arguments in your prayers through the knowledge of His word. Note, your prayers do not change God or bribe Him rather your fervent

prayers changes things and move mountains and obstacles that drove you to pray. Call upon Him, He will show you great and mighty things you know nothing about. His position is always for you to call on Him and He wills answer you. So a man who has no answer is a man who did not pray, ask or call upon the Lord. At least no or wait, is still a response. When He tells you no, then it is not His will. When He says wait, then know that He will do it in His best time. Your best reason to God on why you need your marriage is because He said in Deut 28:4 your fruit of womb will be blessed. Woman why are you crying as if crying alone will give you a child add prayer and faith declaration of these secrets of the Lord that belongs to the that fear Him and see if it will not work. By knowledge and wisdom God created the universe. So therefore there is life in your tongue, create your baby, your marriage, your car, your house, your world etc. H. THEROLE OF A BISHOP REQUIRES MARRIAGE I will explain as much as possible what I meant here. St. Paul said to Titus that A bishop must be blameless. He must be faithful to His wife, and his children must be believers who are not wild or rebellious-Titus 1:6.With this kind of reason, you can pray to God for hours reminding Him to do something by giving you a faithful wife and make you a faithful husband so that you can qualify to be a bishop or overseer of His flock. You need also to have children that are not rebellious to man and God. So, these good conditions and prayers must come to you by the avenues of prayers and fasting. If a man desires the office of a bishop, he desires a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the

husband of one wife ,vigilant, not given to wine, no striker, not greedy, of filthy lucre ; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; one that rules well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity..1Tim 3:1-4.Since it takes good marriage (husband and wife) to be qualified as a bishop, it also behooves on a bishop to desire a good wife and pray it out the same applies to the woman, pray and be sure that the man you are about to marry is Gods desire for you otherwise divorce, unfaithfulness in marriage is inevitable which may finally lead to polygamous life and automatically disqualifies you as an exemplary bishop. When this happens, the spiritual life of the person in question will start to decline. Good marriage will encourage you to desire for good and spiritual things. So, tell God your good reasons for marriage. He is a merciful God. He knows your heart that you dont want failed and troublesome marriage. I. FOR EARLY SATIFACTION David prayed to God persistently for early satisfaction and for his joy to be complete in life and marriage. As you are desperately searching for your own spouse prayerfully, know it for sure that God will answer you. One of your anchor reason why you need your spouse, should be fort the reasons of early satisfaction. Oh! Satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days-Ps 90:14.Marriage is a merciful institution authored by God.In Gen 2:18,God mercifully said to Adam it is not good for you to be a alone. Therefore, cry to God today with this best argument which is early satisfaction. He has already promised you and taken an oath with his name and cannot go

back in what He said. His spirit is committed at all times to gather and fulfill whatever His mouth has uttered concerning you. Put it back to God in your effectual prayers saying satisfy me in the morning with your unfailing love(marriage),that you may sing for joy and be glad all your days If your marriage has been delayed ,if you have not stepped into your early satisfaction as a man or as a woman and your age is going older day by day, month by month, year by year, then you have to seriously cry out and pray out your soul in desperation by saying: Oh Lord make me glad for as many days,months,years as you have afflicted me Marriage is the unfailing love o and loving kindness that God has packaged and kept for you to enjoy early in your life before the world was made. I know that it is the will of God to satisfy you early because He said it in Isa 34:16 search in the Lords book of living creatures and read what it says: not one of these creatures will be missing, and not one will be without its mate In the book of Mal 2:14-16,God talked about the wife of your youth therefore, know it today that it has been in Gods agenda to give you early satisfaction by giving you your own wife or husband. I want to tackle this wonderful and strong reason called early satisfaction headlong so that God will know that you know His word and release your spouse. If you are a friend of God, then you must know Gods word and approach Him boldly by prayer. Prayer is a serious business that needs boldness. Boldness is the very first thing in business. Pray to God; determine to get your marriage early. Nobody enjoys late marriage. God does not even subscribe it to His friends but He purposely subjected your good and desired spouse in hope so that you can learn how to cry, groan for your

deliverance, liberation before getting your early satisfaction. Hear what the bride said to the bride groom in Song of Solomon 7:10- I am my beloveds and his desire is toward me .come ,my beloved, let us go forth into the field; let us bodge in the villages. Let us get up early to the vineyards. Therefore, know it today that both man and woman in their inner man, cherish early marriage but because life generally does not give you what you just desire and wish but those things you strongly place a demand upon. The more you learn the more you earn. Learn the word of God, study it, meditate it and pray yourself out of spinsterhood or bachelorhood. Tell God that you need marriage and that your reason for it is that marriage and that your reason for it instant you want early satisfaction which He promised you in His word. When you ask God to give you your own spouse, let Him to know also that His word promised you early satisfaction and divine settlement. Provide God with evidences why He should do what you are praying for .Prayer is not just crying and complaining alone in fear. The case you have to present to Him to consider you is what the bible referred to in 1 Pet 5:10 But God of all grace who has called us into His eternal Glory by Christ Jesus, after that you have suffered a while, make you perfect,stablish,strength,settle you. You have suffered a while now is the time for you to do something, turn to prayer. Why would you die in ignorance and laziness? Dont you know that anytime that you are not exercising your faith in prayers and in the word, you are only lazying around? Your assignment today is to pray for your early satisfaction. J. FOR PROSTERITY SAKE

Marrying for posterity reason is one of the best arguments worthy of taking to God in prayer by any of His children. God is a disciplinarian. He said that even though earthly fathers are wicked, He has never seen them for one day, giving their children snake when they asked for fish or give then scorpion when they requested for egg. Therefore God is saying today that if you can present His words back to Him where He said that I will give your descendants, posterity, offsprings, and successors, then He is bent on giving you that which He promised. Moses is an example of a man, bishop, overseer, leader, priest who married for posterity sake and was saved by it without giving a damn to all his critics who happened to be his own people. You dont just pray for marriage settlement, you have to back it up with best argument ever you can find in the word of God. He Moses married her wife Ziporah, his family members were against his marriage but they dont know what Moses saw in her. Moses really prayed for a woman who will help preserve his life, seed and generation; a woman that will stand by Him in prayers. Moses married a woman who understands the word of God by constant usage that made her grew by it.His family members were busy tracing her lingae and genelolgy whereas God has choosen her already for His servant Moses as a perfect helpmeet to assist him in his Gods given assignment to lead the Israelites to the promise land. Though Zipora is Midianite, she knows and understands the law of God; because the Midianites also came from Abraham and Keturah his wife-Gen 25.2,;1Chr 1:32,33.Concering Ziporah, the bible said in Exo. 4:24-26 And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the Lord met him and sought to kill him. Then Ziporah

took a sharp stone, and cut of the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me. At the time she said Bridegroom of blood, she referred to the covenant of circumcision which God entered with Abraham. Moses by the grace of God married a woman who is a custodian of the law of God. If not for her clear understanding of the law of God, she would not have known the appropriate solution to render or proffer in that dilemma and critical condition that her husband found himself.She remembered quickly their son Gershom has not been circumcised after the eight day which may have rained the anger of God on Moses. But whatever may have caused Moses to forget that Gershom was not been circumcised on the eight day, brought to bear the clear reason why God gave him Ziporah as helpmeet. Bible recorded that she upon realizing, quickly took a flint of knife and circumcised the child on the spot and that very act pacified the wrath of God immediately. My question now is: what would have been Moses fate if Ziporah was a total novice in the law of God? Therefore every man should see himself as a priest of God and every woman as a helpmeet. Ziporah prayed to God on the spot as she placed the foreskin of Gershom on Moses feet saying: you are indeed a bridegroom of blood to me and immediately, God left him alone. Ziporah preserved the posterity of Moses. So from today change your pattern of prayer from complain to serious business of producing your reasons in the light of the scriptures for God has lifted his words high above His name .Dont ever marry because of beauty,money,height,academic background,sex,pressure etc. but marry because you love posterity. Let posterity be one of your

best reason s for marriage as Moses did. Hello, my beloved readers; I am pleading with you to take marriage prayers serious. Endearvour to marry a spouse who will preserve your posterity in the earth, and save your lives by a great deliverance as Ziporah did to Moses. Make sure you are marrying a word-based child of God and not a religious person. Remember religious is different from Christianity. Bible says for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one fleshEph. 5:3.But be careful that you are not just leaving your sweet family only to find yourself in a worst case scenario.Remeber that the bible said that everyone who prays receives. Pray to God, he will give you His own daughter as a wife. Prioritize your needs. Make posterity your utmost priority in marriage affairs. All that glitters are not gold. Gold must be refined seven times in the fire before it becomes precious object. Refine your marriage in prayers before you start gathering people for celebration.Remeber that it is after wedding comes marriage. HOW TO FIND YOUR SPOUSE Have you ever asked yourself why you are getting married in the? The answer is that you are marrying to obtain the favour of GodProv. 18:22.You are not just marrying to start struggling in life. Whenever any marriage is consummated, it should open doors of favour to the newly married couples unless the foundation is faulty. So therefore, to avoid the wrong things in your marriage, you have to do the right things now. I believe so much in divine direction. So let us follow these steps to find your spouse:



Falling into deep spiritual sleep to find your capable, sensible wife and helpmeet is a sinequanon.The challenge that most men face here is their unwillingness to fall into this very deep spiritual sleep. The book of Prov. 19:14 say A man can inherit a house and money from his parent, but only the Lord can give him a sensible wife. Yes, this scripture is reliable and trustworthy. We saw it in the life of Adam, who God provided everything in this world and still told him that he is not yet capable to find a wife for himself and decided to give him a helpmeet. But God followed a particular procedure in doing it as I am going to unfold to you. In Gen 2:21God initiated a divine process of providing Adam a helpmeet. So the Lord caused Adam to fall into deep sleep. The deep sleep the bible is talking about here is book divine and symbolical. In our own time today, we may term it laziness on the part of Adam. How can a sensible man be sleeping when he is supposed to be awake with his two eyes open as he engages himself in the search of whom to marry. The deep sleep Adam fell into is divine because the bible says in the book of Ps 127:2 that God gives His beloved sleep Adam had not just a physical sleep, he slept a spiritual sleep. That sleep is a way of expressing his trust in God who gave him the whole earth to: increase, multiply, subdue, replenish and dominate. He reasoned that if God can lavishly gave him the earth is it ordinary given him a helpmeet that He cannot be able to do for him? For one day in Adams life he did not even think about marrying because he thought of the presence of God around Him, the happiness he derives from animals that are pets to him. So he left the choice for God. He may have said in His

mind God you can give me a wife any day you feel I am due and ready to have her. So, Adam did not bother himself over marriage issue because he trusts Jehovah Jireh-The Lord that provides. The symbolical meaning of Adas deep sleep may also point towards the fact that The sleep of a laboring man is sweet-Eccl 5:12.Adam is a working man, a labourer, and hardworking, farmer, Gardner-he dresses the Garden of Eden and keeps it as directed by God. So each day he returns from the garden, after a hectic day, God gives him rest and gets him loaded daily with blessings. But God said to Himself that it is not good for Adam to continues to labor alone.Perhaps,when he comes back from the field, he will find somebody who is not animal to welcome him, look for him and keep him company. Maybe someone that will join to the garden and help to dress and keep it is as well. God became worried that Adam needed a suitable companion. So the Lord caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep.Ge took one of Adams ribs and closed up the place from which He had taken it.Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib and brought her to Adam. At last! Adam exclaimed. She will be called woman because she was taken out of a man. This explains why a man leaves His father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one-Gen 2:21-24.Let me quickly say something here: Adam found in his work place, he discovered that his wife did not come from abroad but in broad, nobody told him that this is his wife, he immediately loved him because she was beautiful. God gives us the best if we leave the choice for him to make. Mike Murdock said everything you need is already in you. Also in the book of Matt.1:19-24,we saw how Joseph married his own wife

marry .The bible describe Joseph as a righteous man with whom the angel of the Lord appeared to in dream saying Josephson of David, do not be afraid to take many as your wife,Ana Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord command him, and took Mary as his wife I want you to master the similarities that took place in the marriage process of both Adam and Joseph. God made both of them to fall into deep sleep and as they woke up from their various deep sleep, the became convinced the take their wives. They did not doubt again. The divine sleep of God is always needed in the life of any man who is seeking his suitable companion. If dont sleep (that is committing your desires to marry into Gods hand), you will not know who your wife is even when you are seeing her face to face. Deep sleep removes confusion. When a man sleeps deeply, God will provide for him. Marriage is a major breakthrough in a mans and womans life, so the need to sleep deeply. To every man, I say: for you to find your own Eve follow the way of Adam, our first father and you will find your own Mary, follow the footsteps of Joseph! The covenant that God had with Abraham also involved a deep sleep. Remember also here that marriage is a covenant between a man and the wife of his youth. In Gen 15:12-13 That evening as the sun was going down, Abram fell into deep sleep. He saw terrifying vision of darkness and horror. The Lord told Abram, You can be sure that your descendant will be strangers in foreign land, and they will oppressed as slaves for four hundred years The bible said that it was only when the deep sleep fell upon Abram that God completed the covenant with him. From morning to afternoon ,Abram did not sleep and he refused to sleep, God also

refused to speak and to ratify the covenant but immediately he slept(yielded),God appeared .Help in marriage only comes from God to a man or woman who has decided to sleep in Gods hands. It is because when he opens his hands. It is because when he opens His hands, good things flow. This truth was given to me in secret, as though whispered in my ear. It came in a vision, as the bible puts it at night when deep sleep falls on men-Job 4:1213.Whenever you are willing and obedient to fall into deep sleep as the requires, you will hear a voice speaking behind you this is the way, walk in it. It takes God nothing for Him to show or give you your right mate but you are in most cases unwilling to cooperate with Him. If you will obey Him today by sleeping deeply, then your joy will come like a river. Job 33:15 says that God will visit you in a dream, vision of the night, when sound sleep falls on men, while the slumber in their beds. God in this context is saying that his requirements towards involving himself in finding a wife or husband to any child of his absolute deep nothing more, nothing less. As soon as you are ready to sleep deeply, He will appear.Anytrime you are awake refusing to sleep, that is a clear indication that your eyes are not single and that you want to see God with your two eyes whereas he has said that no eyes will see Him and leave. So God does not want to kill you yet and dont force your Him to do it either. Just sleep deeply, a simple instruction! Whenever you become born again, begin to pry for your wife or husband and by so doing you are already sleeping and dont stop praying until your spouse comes. Praying in season and out of season. When you do that, you are sleeping. Get lost in prayer as you wait for Gods release of your

spouse unto you. For any man in need of s suitable wife and a woman in need of a capable husband, who will freely give him or herself to deep sleep, will wake up to inherit a good marriage. Bible says in Jer. 31:26 At this, I woke up and looked around, my sleep has been very sweet Looking, watching or observing is only acceptable after deep sleep. Upon waking up, you will always see the bone of your bone, the flesh of your flesh. Deep sleep from God is responsible for unveiling the real helpmeet. Daniel said Now while he was talking with me, I sank into deep sleep with my face to the ground, but He touched me and made me stand upright. He said, Behold, I am going to let you know what will occur at the final period of the indignation, for it pertains to the appointed time of the end-Dan 8:18.So, let us establish a fact in our discourse deep sleep is a condition that must be fulfilled before God will intervene in finding you a wife or a husband. You are not permitted to get up from the deep sleep until he says do. Anytime He wakes you up by himself, he must surely give you your wife or your husband even as He instructs you. (ii) YOU WILL IDENTIFY YOUR VIRTUOS WIFE BY THESE BIBLICAL CHARACTERISTICS FROM PROVERBS 31:10-31

An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him goo and not evil. All the days of her life. She looks for wool and flax. And works wither hands in delight. She is like merchant ships; She brings her food from afar. She rises also while it is still night, And gives food to her household, And portions to her maiden. She

considers a field and buys it; From her earnings she plants a vineyard. She girds herself with strength, And makes her arms strong. She senses that her grain is good. Her lamp does not go out at Night. She stretches out her hands to the distaff, And her hands grasp that spindle. She extends her hand to the poor, And she stretches out her hands to the needy.She is not afraid of the snow for her household, For all her household are clothed with scarlet. For all her household are clothed with scarlet. She makes covering for herself; Her clothing is fine Linen and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, When he sits among the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them, And she smiles at the future. She opens her mouth in wisdom, And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household And does not eat the bread of idleness, Her children rises up and bless her, Her Husband also, and her praises her, saying: Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her the product of her hands, And let her works praise her in the gates. These are the words of King Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him. These words are the words of God. His spirit has already gathered it from the beginning. Look out for these divine qualities prayerfully before you marry any woman of your choice. Note that you cannot find these qualities written on any woman but in the

content of their character. As a result you have to call upon God to show you the secret and hidden good qualities that he has deposited in the woman of you dream. By so doing, you obtain favour.Dont ever marry because of beauty or money alone! (iii) YOU MUST MARRY FROM THE HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH Abraham is our father in faith. Let me start with him to buttress a fact on how a Christian a Godly marriage ought to follow.Here,I am talking to both men and women. Mistake is not good for practicing Christians. It has a lot to communicate to the world as they watch us as examples. The bible says in Gal 6:10- So then, while we have the opportunity, let us do well to all people and especially to those who are of the household of the faith. Whenever two people be it ,man or woman ,who are believers seize the opportunity that they belong to the household of faith to marry themselves, they have really done good to the body of Christ: That they might seek Godly seed, children-Mal 2:15.The Psalmist said blessed are they that dwell in thy house Ps 84:3.How blessed, how favoured are believers when you are in the habit of believing this word of life. If you marry a sincere believer, man or woman, you will be happy and have rest of mind even if you have money or not, children or not, cars or not, house or not, you find out that joy and happiness has taken over those positions. When genuine believers marry together, there will be nothing like divorce. Ephesians 2:19 says fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of Gold. In Gen 24:1-3,the word of God says: Now Abraham was old, advanced in age, and the Lord has blessed Abraham in every way.

Abraham said to his servant, the oldest of his household, who had charge of all that he owned, please place your hand under my thigh, and I will make you swear by the lord, the God of heaven and the God of earth, that you shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among who I live, but you will go to my country and to my relatives, and take a wife for my son Isaac. This is a detailed instruction, direction and description coming from a father of faith and a righteous man.From here, we have learnt that marriage is not anyhow, or anywhere thing serious that has Godly formula and manual. For Abraham, anything less than Godly family or household of faith, his servant should not get a wife for his son Isaac there. He even told him to go straight to his own country and relatives. Parents should be careful, they should play their own role whenever their children want to marry. You are not called as a believer to marry money, family financial status, and family educational background but to marry from a household of faith for posterity sake and heavenly race purpose. Another major reason why contract it in the household of faith is because any woman who is from the household of faith is always are Nahor and Milcah.Yes, we have plenty of straw and food for the camels, and we have a room for guests The man fell down to the ground and worshiped the Lord. Praised be to the lord, the God of my master, Abraham, he said The Lord has been so kind and faithful to Abraham, for He has led me straight to my masters relatives-Gen 24:15-27.God is a God of divine direction. Blessed are you if God chooses to be kind and faithful to you in the areas of marriage. I think if you are finally favoured by God but giving

you your helpmeet or husband, then know for sure that you will be happy all the rest of your life and you will see your ripe old age. There is nothing more blesses as when God determines for you who to marry as He did in the life of Adam, and as the person comes from the household of faith. I want you that is praying and searching for whom to marry to closely appreciate that above scriptural passages used to exemplify who a Godly wife is through her character, how to know her, how her family behaves, and how she loves unconditionally, how the household of faith practices hospitality.Rebeccah said to Abrahams servant yes we have plenty of straw and food for the camels, and we have a room for guests. Her openness, simple heartedness and charitable virtues were seen clearly her speeches, actions and thoughts. She spoke unbehalf of the entire family. She is willing to part with her food, shelter and clothing. She loved to the extent of laying down her life. No wonder the bible said that the ignorance of the word of God is the ignorance of God Himself. How then can a young man fear the Lord when he does not read the word of God? If a young man or woman desiring to marry cannot read the word of God, then know that something bad maybe inevitable in that marriage.Anytime,anyday a dying mans wish is always important to him and how do I know? Lets take Abraham as a case study. He said to his servant that you shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites Parental role before marriage exchange proper is indispensible. Every genuine household of faith, this directives to the letter. Marriage is honourable.I cannot subscribe for anybody to do marriage in a rush or fire brigade approach. If you actually understand what

bible meant by the phrase household of faith, you will be cautious before contracting any marriage.The spiritual rules the physical. Marriage is a spiritual exchange of vow s of love, companionship, fidelity and unity. Whenever a family belongs to the house hold of faith, hare are then some Godly standard that ought not to be compromised. Household of faith is always an exemplary family in a given community, state and country. People will always rush to your family for marriage exchange whenever they see Gods hand upon it.Therefore train a child the way he or she should go and when they grow up, they will not depart from it. Home training id important also, faith is not always a measure of character. They are numerous faiths around town that has no basic prove of work. Tell me, how we can justify such faith moreover when it is coming from a household of faith. That kind of faith is dead on its own. So as a man, when you are about to marry, may you never be in a haste. Make sure to priorities your needs starting from Gods angle to human angle otherwise, you will still cry tomorrow. Abrahams family is a household of faith. He is avoiding a lineage that is spiritually contaminated that was why he strictly gave such instructions. A good wife is always liberal. And the bible says a liberal soul shall be made fat.Rebeccah is always in the constant habit doing charity. She had pity on a man she does not know by giving him water to drink, watered his camels, provided accommodation and food for strangers she has never seen before. He that gives a cup of water to a prophet will receive a prophets reward. Hello! My fellow men! Bear always at the back of your mind all these important inner qualities whenever you are searching for a wife before

saying I love you. Charity is a million dollar virtue that attracts the good and the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. Even when a man or a woman is faking his or her act of charity, if you are observant enough, you will know. It is because by their fruits, we shall know them.Beacuse Esau took his wives from the daughters of Canaan then Rebeccah said to Isaac, Im sick and tired of these local Hittite women. Id rather die than see Jacob marry one of them-Gen 27:26.When it came for Jacob to marry, both parents made sure that Jacob married from a household of faith. So Isaac called Jacob and blessed him and charged him, and said to him, you shall not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan. Arise, go to Paddan-Aram, to the house of Bethuel your mothers father; and from there take a wife to yourself, a wife from the daughters of Laban, your mothers brother-Gen 28;1-2.Here, the household of faith from which Jacob should marry from is the house of Bethuel.dont b ever conclude in a haste that there no longer household of faith. There are many of them, just pray to God to direct you to His own remnants. There are still strong believers till date. Prayer is important for your eyes of understanding to be enlightened so that you can see well the plans of God for your life. Joseph married Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera priest of OrGen 41:45.The father of Moses, a man from the house of Levi went and married a daughter of Levi-Exo 2:1. Note, I am not in any way here laying emphasis on social, financial, Levitical or educational status or background of spouse but on the spiritual stand of the two families about to marry each other. Samson, a Nazarite,set apart to God from birth, went down to Timnah and saw a woman, one of the daughter of the Philistines. His father

and mother said to him Is there no woman among the daughters of your relatives, or among all our people, that you go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?-Judges 14:1-3.These are the few of the examples of marrying from both Godly and ungodly families. Finally, I will suggest to you: marry from a genuine household of faith .Man know thyself! Therefore, hearthe conclusion of the whole matter from Eccl 9:9 Live happily with the woman you love through all the meaningless days of life that God has giving you in this world. The wife God gives you is your reward for all your earthly toil. (iv) YOU MUST ALWAYS SEE SUBMISSIVENESS IN HER People often mistake being submissive for stupidity. It is not! Submissiveness is a rare character that most spinsters who may not have married lacked in a great measures.Subnissiveness is an important characteristic of spirit-guided marriage between husband and wife Wives, submit to your husband as to the lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holyEph 5;22-25.Any woman who is not ready to submit to the authority and rulership of her husband is not yet ready for a long lasting marriage because there cannot be two captains in a ship at same time. Before ever a man leaves his parents, he should make sure that he has a greater level of submissiveness in the wife he wants to marry. Women please before ever you marry any man, look out for these qualities: is he God-fearing, loving, responsible etc. Love

is an essential lubricant in any successful marriage. Hear this: husband love your wife, wife submit to your husband. Sarah called Abraham Lord. Ruth submitted to her mother in-law Naomi when her husband was no more. Submission comes before exaltation. Exaltation is the reward for submissiveness. If a woman is not proud, she can submit herself to her husband. In the book of James 4:6-7 God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble Submit yourselves then to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Devil comes or manifests itself in the form of pride. When a woman is proud or a man is proud, both cannot submit to one another. Devil did not submit to Gods authority in heaven; as a result, he was driven from Gods presence Divorce is always at the family of any spouse who are ready to love and submit. (v) YOU SPOUSE SHOULD BE AN INTERCESSOR

If your wife to be is an intercessor, then you are a favoured man, so also the man.An intercessor wife or husband can be unknown through these manifestations: Intercessors pray longer than anyone else They see prayer as a higher priority. They are usually the first to agree to pray for you They rarely miss a prayer meeting. They derive the greatest fulfillment from praying. They are particularly sensitive to the traumas and moral decay in the society and consider prayer to be a primary answer. They are anointed to pray aloud.

They carry Gods burden and experience travail. They are committed to developing prayer strategies, organizing prayer chains etc. Prayer is a business. Jesus said my house will be called a house of prayer for nations Mk 11:17.Moses,the meekest in all of Gods house, was an ardent intercessor that also married Ziporah,another terrible intercessor.Ziporahs prayer based-life, saved Moses from anger of God. There was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and the was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying-Lk 2:32-37. Anna in the whole of New Testament became one of the exemplified wife-intercessor. She never give up her fasting and praying duties. Jesus said this kind of sickness can only go by fasting and prayer. Your family will always be in peace when they are praying always. If your spouse is an intercessor, then you will surely obtain favour.Dont ever play down on the importance of marrying a praying spouse. The bible says in Job 14:1-2 that man is born into trouble in the midst of few numbers of years he has on earth to live. Therefore, spouse should call upon God everyday because everyday is a day of trouble, and I will deliver you. Blessed be the God who gets us daily loaded with blessings. Prayer is making demand on Gods promises. If the wife you want to marry does not like prayers please drop her. If the husband

you want marry hates prayer please leave him alone. You cannot change him without the help of God because you are not the Holy Spirit .But if he or she shows interest to learn how to pray, if he or she is willing and has realized the importance of prayers, then know that such a person has teachable spirit and will learn by the grace and help of God. Please dont over assume because human beings can change but God cannot change. If a man or woman does not place any priority on the spirituality of the spouse, then, he or she is leading to calamity. How can spouses pursue ten thousand if they dont pray together? When a man or woman is single, the challenges of life multiply. So, it now needs spouse who are prayer warriors to overcome. Hannah was also an intercessor. She prayed and prevailed and overcame her marriage and child bearing challenges. Elkanah and Hannah were in constant habit of prayers, then Hannah rose after eating and drinking in Shilohshe made a vow and said, O lord of hosts, If you will indeed look on the affliction of your maid servant, but will give your maidservant a son, then I will give him to the Lord..- 1 Sam 1:9, 11. Marriage is honourable when especially both spouse are prayerful and Godly. A praying wife is a plus to her husband and also a praying husband is a plus to his wife. There are many good qualities that both spouse should possess for a sweet and harmonious marriage. It is not that I have dished out the whole requirements, factors to consider before marrying a man or woman. But remember the bible says

that whatever that is honourable, good, trustworthy, loving, peaceful etc.; go after those things. You know what good virtues are all about and you can also easily dictate or even see them in a man or woman who possesses them. Therefore, the work or the task of searching for the right mate is a now made easier for every inquisitive mind who will seize opportunity to read this book because where there counselors, mistake is always avoided. Remember that in all things, prayer is the key. It is also the highest priority you should consider before falling in love .By the grace of God, I have been able to point out in summary with very few points, what should form the basis of a good ,Godly marriage. God witnesses in every marriage so he does not like to witness in a given marriage that will end up in divorce because He already knows the end from the beginning. He is not an utter of confusion. Hats why he has brought these strong reasons that will inform, guide your prayer points so as to not to pray amiss and avoid making the wrong choice in marriage. God wishes that you be in health prosper financially, even as your soul prospers. Constantly searching the word for proper usage, direction and conviction about whom you want to marry. Take out time to re-read and study Proverb 31:10-31.Gen 24:15-27.Make bible your manual for operating the institution of marriage. Pray for insight so that the veil covering your marriage breakthrough be lifted. Dont always tell God the cumbersomeness of your marriage challenges, rather tell your marriage challenges the almightiness of your God. Pray in season and out of season.

This is the confidence that we have, that if we pray according to His will, He hears us. Men ought to pray and not to faint. If you fail in the days of adversity your strength is small. Elijah a man like us prayed that it might not rain on earth for three and half years and God honoured him. When they were in their wits end, they called on God and He delivered them. God is still in the business of honouring marriage prayers. Dont ever quit praying. Continue praying, for your prayer to continue. Jesus, the Son of God and Son of man prayed all the days of His life on earth. Therefore follow His footsteps and exemplary life. GOD BLESS YOU! AMEN.

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