UG - PG Prospectus Eng 2011-12
UG - PG Prospectus Eng 2011-12
UG - PG Prospectus Eng 2011-12
Annexure (Various Forms)
1.1 About the University
1.2 About the Institute of Distance and Open Learning (IDOL)
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Special Features
1.5 Instructional System
2.1 Admission Kit
2.2 Admission Procedure
2.2-A Common Required Documents for admission to all Courses
2.3 Eligibility Cases for other University and other State Board students.
2.4 Admission Sub Centers
2.5 Examinations Hall Ticket:
2.6 H.S.C. Passing Certificate
2.7 Induction meeting schedule for all Programmes
3.1 Under Graduate Course: B.A. (F.Y/S.Y/T.Y)
3.2 Post Graduate Courses:
3.2.1 M.A. (Part I/II)
3.2.3. M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics: (Prt-I/ II)
4.1 Under Graduate Course: B.Com. (F.Y/S.Y/T.Y)
4.2 Post Graduate Course: M.Com. (PART- I/II)
4.3 Management Courses: PGDFM and PGDORM
6.1. Personal Contact Programme Centres
6.2 Library Facilities.
6.3. Syllabus & Old Question Papers.
6.4. Studio / Virtual Class Room & Audio Visual Centre.
7.1. Cancellation of Admission/ Refund of Fees.
7.2. Change of Name/Address/Subject.
7.3 Issue of Duplicate Identity Card/Statement of Marks/Bonatide Certificate.
7.4 Examinations.
7.5 Refund of Examination Fees.
7.6 Transfer & Migration Certificates.
7.7 Admission on Fake Certificates.
7.8 Admission Validity.
7.9 Convocation/Degree Certificate.
7.10 Standard of Passing (F.Y.BA/B.Com.)
7.11 Standard of Passing (T.Y.B.A.)
7.12 Standard of Passing (M.A./M.Sc.(Maths)Part-I/II)
7.13 Self Study Technique
The University of Mumbai (earlier known as University of Bombay) is one of the oldest and premier Universities in
India. Established on 18 July, 1857, it is one amongst the first three universities in India, other being Calcutta and
Madras Universities.
It is a University with Potential for Excellence award accorded by UGC. Recently Mumbai University has earned its
place in the list of the first 100 universities in Asia.
University of Mumbai has two campuses having area of 230 acres at Vidyanagari,Kalina, Santacruz (E), and 13
acres at Fort. 609 affiliated colleges and 55 Departments with an enrolment of 6.5 lakh students are engaged in
teaching-learning process. It has established its name in industrial collaboration and runs various professional
courses. The University is leading at national level in sports, cultural and other activities.
The University started its correspondence education on 24 March 1971. It was known as Directorate of
Correspondence Courses. In the year 1985 it was upgraded as Directorate of Distance Education which was
further in 1993, upgraded as Institute of Distance Education (IDE) In the Academic Year 2008-09 The Institute of
Distance Education is now upgraded as INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE AND OPEN LEARNING(IDOL). Since its
inception IDOL has been giving high priority to human resource development by introducing various traditional
Degree courses as well as technical and professional courses through distance mode.
Institute has 75 permanent staff members including Professor-cum-Director,
and 4 part-time co-ordinators of I.T. Courses, 2 Deputy Registrars, 1
Public Relation cum Publicity Officer, 5 Assistant Registrars and 5 Superintendents and 150 Seasonal Clerks and
Peons are also working in this Institute. Apart from this 1500 visiting Faculties are also working in this Institute for
examination, Counselling and other academic works.
University of Mumbai is the 7 University in the country which started Distance Education Program in a conventional
set up. Initially it started with the registration of 845 students which has grown up to a staggering figure of about
80,000 in the last academic year. Students are also doing well by topping the merit list of the University and have
bagged Gold Medal in M.A. Sanskrit, M.A. Marathi and Chancellor's Medal in M.A. Hindi. There are a good number
of students securing 1 Class at B.A. / B.Com. and M.A. / M.Com. level during last year. Many students of IDOL
have gone abroad for seeking higher education in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand etc. during last
year. Many well known film personalities have been also enrolled in IDOL.
All courses offered by the Institute are approved by Distance Education Council, New Delhi, Vide Letter No.
F. No./DEC/2009/4872 dated 17/12/2009
The main objectives of the Institute are:
1. To provide facilities of higher education to the working population, women and adults, who wish to upgrade their
education or acquire knowledge in various discipline.
2. To provide education for poor and such other people who cannot attend regular face to face class room
3. To help the students to upgrade educational qualification, for academic achievements in the process of lifelong
4. To develop education as a lifelong activity so that the individual can refresh his knowledge or can acquire
knowledge in new areas.
Dy. Director (Academic), 5 Teaching
Faculty, 1 Assistant Director, (Academic)
The Institute is presently located in its own building of about 77,000 square feet area with connectivity.
Curricular contents, mode of examination and the degrees to be awarded are the same as applicable to the
students of the colleges affiliated to the University of Mumbai.
The learning process of the Institute is mainly through the medium of printed study materials.
The audio-Visual and Electronic aids are being added in some subjects as a reference.
The Institute is also developing the Virtual Learning Class-rooms (VLC) facility for the students. As an
additional facility.
The Institute has an independent Library and two reading rooms for the students. Forty-one thousand books
are available with a good number of journals of national and international.
Guidance Lectures (Personal Contact Programmes) are conducted every year at about 76 centres in Mumbai
and around.
Counselling to the students during office hours at Head Quarter is given by the core faculty.
The methodology of instructions at Institute of Distance and Open Learning of the University of Mumbai is different
from that of the conventional University/College. Our system is more learner oriented & the learner is an active
participant in the teaching learning process.
I.D.O.L. follows the multimedia approach in instruction. It comprises:
1. Printed study materials are basically in English & wherever possible in Marathi also. The question-
papers in the subject other than languages are printed in English with Marathi version. The students can write their
answers in English, Marathi, Hindi or Gujarati if they indicate their choice for medium of answering in their
Examination Form.
2. Face to face interaction & Counselling with teachers at IDOL by the core faculty is available between the
nd th
time 3.00 p.m. to. 5 p.m. from Monday. to Saturday. (Excluding 2 & 4 Saturday of every month and public
holidays) in Room No. 106 A, IDOL.
T e admission kit conta ning the pros ec us, admissio orm he examination o m and othe e evant
orms w ll be availab e at the institute o a the adm ssion cen e s as g ven in p ospectus T e admission kit can
be procu ed a he prescribed ees o RS.100 n cash from Monda o F iday du ng off ce i e 1.00 a.rn o
2 30 p m (lunc break wil be rom 00 p m. to . 0 p . To ob ain the same by pos w i e o
- i , ea n , i r
g as , , giving following
p rticul s:
. Name and Add ess wit e ep one u ber
2. Cou se (w th u ec s
3 Cost o Admiss on i w ll be RS 00/- wil be acce e as
4 e : If you are u able- o c e son o co lect e adm ssio
kit, you ay send demand d a t o Rs. 150/- (Rs 00/- i e co o admission k t and Rs. 50/- fo
pos al c arges , ent oning the cou se and comp e e os l d
emand d aft! ay o e a o of rofesso cum
irector IDOL Un versity o Mumba ayable at M mba o o sc eduled ban .
/ i .
dmiss o ees is o be paid Demand D a /Pa e o e e o u l name
os a ad ess e e ho e nu be course fo m No d o o ees o the everse
si e o e O/ ay O der
2. Su it t e ap lica o l c m le ed and sig ed alo i h e n
to he sta f a he respective cou nte s o ver f c o .
i l in A Pa s of d e o the same an you
Identity Ca d du y signed a d stamped
Col ec he s udy a er al ro the g ound f oo of he s i e. be ween
00 a . an 5.00 p. .
5. I you a e ot in a pos ion o come in perso to e st e ec ri g ad issio ,
l e a o i he ce i icates a d o he
ocuments as mentioned above a d a Dema D a / O e o e amoun of fees for t e course. I
ust reach nsti ute efore the las da e f o ccep g he admiss on forms.
en i y Card and part '0 o the Account-cum- ece p a d dy ate al will be dispatched by
Regis ered Post Parcel on y .The applicat on Which s ec e e pos a e he las da e is
l able to be rejected.
6. The st dents passing n s ppleme a y e amina i e/ ovembe of the c en
academic year wi l not be pe mi ed o ta e admiss o i e next class fo he sa e year
7. Rol nu be s wi l be al o ed to s dents in he mon o eb ua y, 2012 and w ll be up oaded
on unive si y e s e: w . i Studen s a e e uested o chec their roll numbers
displayed on un ve sity web si e .
8 Righ s to ad ission is reserved w th the Pro esso c -Di ec or DOL
9. Confirmatio o Admission: Admission of the s den wi l be provisional a he f rst stage w l
be conf rmed only on submiss on o the re evan documents/certificates viz TC. M gration
Certif cate S atement of Mar s pass ng/Deg ee certificate etc. and consequent y it will be app oved by the
competent authority of the DOL and those of Unive sity of Mumbai in due course.
h i p t n f , t f r r r l
f i l r t t r i r . h
r t t f f i y t r ri i t m 1 . t
. h l f 1. 1 3 m ). t t r t t The
Professor cum-D rector Institute of Distance and Open L rni g University of Mumba ,Dr. Shanka
Dayal Sharma Shavan, Vidyana ari Campus, Santacruz (E t) Mumbai 400 098
a ar
1 r h T l h N m
r i s bj t )
. f i K t i .1 it pt d by c h only.
D mand of Admission kit by Post n t om in per t l th i n
m r f f . 1 w ll b st f i r
t h ) m i r l t p ta a dress
D r P rd r 'with six months validity' must be n f v ur P r
D , i f i p u i f any nati nal zed/ h k (Please
note that postal order/ money order/ cheque will not be accepted by the nstitute for
admission Exa inat on fees)
1. A i n f t by r ft y Ord r nly Pleas writ y ur f l ,
p t l dr , t l p n m r, , r . and ate f payment f f n r
d f th D P r
bm h p ti n du y o p t n ng w t th orig al certificates and self
attested copies t f t t r f r i i ati n
2. F l S C, 0 rt Account-cum-Receipt Form an r tain '0' part f d r
r l n
4. l t t t m t i f m r l t in t tut (Room NO;5) t
11 m d m
f r n it t n th n itut for s u n m n you
May send your app ication by register d post to the Director, l ng w th t rt f n t r
d n nd r ft Pay rd r f r th t h t
m i t b t t xed f r a tin t i
Id t t ' f R i t n Stu M ri
t l i , i r eiv d by th t ft r t t t
u , i u nt r x t on (i e Jun N r) urr t
, l r tt t k i n n th r t m .
l m r l l tt tu t th f F r r it i l
r t w b it w ac in l dol t r r q t k
i r t
. t m i f r- um r t , I
n f tu t l t t i . It i l
i i f l t , i
i , t k i r l r
I r
, i
. :
, , i
i .
, ,
. .
. . .
(All Xerox Copies should be Self Attested):
1. Date of Birth Proof - Two self attested Xerox copies.
2. Proof of Residence: - Produce residence proof (any one of the following: Election Card/Driving
License/Telephone Bill /Electricity Bill /Ration Card/ Society Letter/ Agreement with one attested Xerox copy).
3. Affix three Passport size recent Photographs on each of following: Admission form Examinatiom on
Form and Identity Card.
4. Statement of Marks of all attempts of (all lower Exams are required to submit with three xerox copies.)
5. Xll Std. Original Mark sheet with three self attested Xerox copies. (For FYBA/B.Com only)
6. Original Leaving Certificate + three Xerox copies. ( For FYBA/B.Com only)
7. Identity card of previous course (For old IDOL students only)
8. The student from other college affiliated to University of Mumbai who is transferring
his/her admission to IDOL. He/She is required to submit original No Objection Certificate (NOC) of current
academic year from the concerned college and submit along with three Xerox copies.
9. Bachelor Degree Certificate with three Xerox copies for MA/M.Com/M.Sc (Maths) Part-I Course only.
10. Two years work Experience Certificate, only for PGDFM and PGDORM first year.
The students from CBSE, NIOS, H.S.C. Boards other than Maharashtra State, Diploma and Degree from
other than University of Mumbai will have to obtain the Eligibility Certificate which will be issued from
Eligibility Unit, Room No. 108 A, Institute of Distance and Open Learning, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma
Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai-98, before the admission.
1. H.S.C and onwards all Examinations (F.Y., S.Y. & T.Y.) Original + 2 self attested Xerox copies
of Mark sheet.
2. Proof of Date of Birth.
3. Migration / T.C. Certificate.
4. Passing/Convocation/Degree Certificate.
5. Marriage Certificate/Gazzatte Notification (for female married students.).
2.3.1 Required Documents for Eligibility Certificate before the admission:
Name of Address of the Admission Centers :
Students can submit their admission forms at the following I.D.O. L. Admission Center. However, who wish to
apply for Free ship/ Scholarship and Eligibility case are requested to submit their admission
form only at Institute of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai, Dr. Shankar Dayal
Sharma Bhavan, Vidyanagari Campus, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai 400 098.
CHURCHGATE: IDOL Library, Vidyapeeth Bhavan, B-Road,Mumbai 400 020.
MALAD (E): Sanskar Sarjan Education Society's D. T. S.S College of Commerce, Kurar Village, Malad (East)
Mumbai 400 097.
Bhayander: Reena Mehta College, S.No. 574/5, Near New Fly-Over Bridge,150, Feet Road, Bhayander (West)
THANE: (1) Dnyansadhana College, Parab Vadi, Service Road,Thane (W).
(2) N.K.T. College, Thane (W).
BHIWANDI: Bhiwandi Nizampur Nagar Palika College of Arts and Commerce, (BNN) Bhiwandi, Dist. Thane.
DOMBIVALI : Eknath Baburao Madhavi Senior College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Aarye Road, Dombivali
(East.), Dist.Thane.
KALYAN (w): Birla College, Kalyan (W), Dist. Thane, PIN- 421301.
KALYAN (E) : Samyak Sankalp College of Arts,Commerce and Science,Malang Road,Kalyan (E),
Dist Thane.
NAVI MUMBAI : DVS College of Commerce, Plot No. 20/23, Sector 17, Koparkhairne, Navi
Mumbai- 400 709
NEW PANVEL:C.K.Thakur College, Plot No.1, Sector 11, Khanda Colony, New Panvel(W).
ALIBAG: J.S.M. College,Alibag, Dist. Raigad.
MAHAD: Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College, Mahad, Dist. Raigad.
MHASALA : V.N. College, Mhasala, Dist. Raigad
POLADPUR : S.M. College, Poladpur, Dist. Raigad.
KHED: I.C.S. College of Arts, Commerce and Sci. Khed, Dist Ratnagiri.
RATNAGIRI: University Sub Centre, MIDC Mirjole, Dist. Ratnagiri.
BANDA : Gogate College, Banda, Dist Sindhudurg
2.6 Induction Meeting Schedule for All Programmes
Each student has to obtain proper Hall Ticket prior to each examination and present the same in the
examination hall. Without hall ticket the student will not be permitted to appear in the examination.
M.A. Part I
Saturday November,
IDOL Building
(Room No.006)
M.A. Part I
Saturday November,
IDOL Building
(Room No. 006)
M.A. Part I
Saturday November,
IDOL Building
(Room No. 006)
M.A. Part I
Saturday November,
IDOL Building
(Room No. 006)
Sunday 16
IDOL Building
(Room No. 207)
Sunday 20
IDOL Building
(Room No. 207)
Saturday November,
IDOL Building
(Room No. 208)
Name of the
Date of Induction
Time Venue
Sr. No
3.1.1 F.Y.B.A.Course:
3.1 Under Graduate Courses:
The duration of the course for the degree of Bachelor of Arts Shall be 3 years.
Total Marks 600 in 6 papers.
A) Eligibility: - Pass in 10 + 2 or equivalent examinations.
B) Admission Fees for the Course:-
(1) Rs. 3280/- for the students of General Category.
(2) Rs. 120/- for the students of Reserved Category (Only for those who are eligible and wish to apply for
Freeship / Scholarship Scheme)
(C) Subjects to be offered:
Optional Subjects (3 Papers)
Select your Three optional subjects carefully at the F.Y.B.A. as the same Three optional subjects will remain as
Paper II & III each at S.Y.B.A. and among them, combination of any two subjects with Three papers each OR any
one subject entirely with six papers will remain at the T.Y.B.A. course.
Select any Three subjects from Social Science Group-I
Select any Two or One subject from Social Science Group-I and any one subject from Social Science -
OR any one from Ancillary Language Group.
OR Select any one from Social Science group I,one Subject from Social Science Group-II and One
from Ancillary Language Group.
Group A - Social Science - I
Group A - Social Science - II (Any one)
Group B - Ancillary (Optional) Language II (Any one)
Marathi Literature, Hindi Literature, & English Literature (Reading Fiction & Drama)
ts ts ts to to be be of offe fere red: d:
Sr. No.
Name of the Subject
1 Communication Skills in English
2 Compulsory Languages (Any one of the following)
(a) Marathi,(Rev) (b) Hindi (c) Urdu (d) French
3. Foundation Course - Paper - I (Social Awareness, and Personality
Name of the Subject
Psychology -Paper - I (General Psychology)
Economics - Paper-I ( Economic Theory)
History - Paper - I (option B) (History of Modern Maharashtra (1848-1960)
Sociology - Paper - I Foundation of Sociology
Political Science - Paper - I (Introduction to Politics)
Commerce - Paper I (Introduction to Commerce) (Rev)
Philosophy - Paper I (Moral Philosophy)
Rural Development (Introduction to Rural Development)
Education - Paper -I (Principles of Education)
.1.2 S.Y.B.A. Course:
Total 800 Marks in 8 Papers
A) Eligibility for Admission:
1) The student must have passed F.Y.B.A. examination of University of Mumbai or equivalent
examination of other university.
2) The student must have Allowed to Keep Terms (ATKT) as per prevailing rule of at the F.Y.B.A. examination of University of
B) Admission fees for the course:-
(1) Rs. 3060/- for the students of General category.
(2) Rs. 120/- for the students of Reserve Category. (Only for those who are eligible and wish to apply for
scholarship/freeship scheme)
C) Subjects:-
Compulsory Subjects
Optional Subjects - Select only those THREE subjects which were offered at F.Y.B.A. Examination
Sr.No Name of the Subject
1. Foundation Course - Paper II (Rev.)
2. Applied Component Group (Any ONE of the following)
a) Journalism
b) Business Communication
c) Advertising (Rev.)
Name of the Subject
Psychology - II - Social Psychology
III - Developmental Psychology
Philosophy (Rev) - Paper II - Indian Philosophy
Paper III - History of Western Philosophy
Economics - Paper II - Macro Economics
Paper III - Policies and Prospects of Indian Economy.
History - Paper II - History of Asia (1900--1976)
Paper III - Ancient India (Up to 1000 AD.)
Sociology(Rev) - Paper II - Indian Society :Concept, Structure and process.
Paper III - Emerging Issues in Indian society.
Political Science - Paper II - Indian Political System
Paper III - Public Administration
Commerce - Paper II - Financial Management
Paper III - Introduction to Marketing
Rural Development
Paper II - Rural Society and its Problems.
Paper III - Rural Administration & Iows related to Rural Development
Education Paper II - Educational Psychology (Rev)
Paper III - Guidance & Counselling(Rev)
English Literature ( Ancillary Language )
Paper II - Reading Poetry
Paper III - Indian writing in English & Indian Literature in Translation
Marathi Literature Paper II / III (Rev.)
Hindi Literature Paper II / III
Urdu Literature Paper II / III
S.Y.B.A. Standard of Passing:
R-1876: To pass the Examination a candidate must obtain a minimum 35 per cent of the full marks in the subject having one (1)
paper and To pass in a subject having Two (2) papers of 100 marks each, a candidate must obtain a minimum of 35 per cent of
the full marks assigned to the subject, having theory and practical /project work separately, wherever practical/project work is
prescribed, with a minimum of 20 per cent marks in each theory paper.
A.T.K.T. provision from Second Year B.A. to Third Year B.A.
O.2217-A : A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Third Year B.A. course commencing from June, 2000
and thereafter must have either (1) passed the First. Year and Second year B.A. examination or (2) passed the First
Year B.A. examination and have failed at the Second year B.A. examination in not more than two heads of passing
and also not more than 300 marks, in which case he will be required to appear for the second year examination in the
remaining head/s in which he has failed either previously or simultaneously with the Third Year Examination and his
result of the Third Year Examination will not be declared unless he has passed in the remaining head/s of the
Second Year Examination.
Further, a candidate who has failed at the First Year B.A. Examination in not more than two heads of a passing and
has passed in all the subjects or has obtained the minimum percentage of marks for passing in all the subjects
prescribed for the Second Year B.A. examination but whose result has not been declared will be permitted to keep
terms and appear for the Third year B.A. examination with effect from the academic year 2000-2001 but such
candidate will not be declared to have passed the Third Year B.A. examination unless he has passed in the
remaining head/s of the First year B.A. Examination in ordinance with the provisions of O.2163-A
Total Marks 600 - in 6 Papers
A) Eligibility for Admission:
1) The student must have passed F.Y.B.A. and S.Y.B.A. examination from University of Mumbai or equivalent
examination of other University.
2) The student must have prevailing rule of A.T.K.T. / Allowed to Keep Terms (ATKT) as Per 0.2217 A at the
S.Y.B.A. examination University of Mumbai. Students migrating from other Universities, require to obtain
Eligibility Certificate to secure admission for T.Y.B.A. course, from Eligibility Unit, Room No. 108, Dr. Shankar
Dayal Sharma Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Kalina, Santacruz (E.), Mumbai 400 098.
B) Total fees for the course:-
(a) Rs. 3210/- (Including Convocation Fees) for students of General Category.
(b) Rs 370/- (Including Convocation Fees) for students of Reserved Category.
(Only for those who are eligible and wish to apply for Freeship/Scholarship Scheme).
3.1.3 T.Y.B.A. Course
Name of the Subject
1. COMMERCE (3 Papers only)(Rev)
Paper IV- Introduction to Management
Paper V-
Human Resourse Management
Paper VI- Export Management
2. SOCIOLOGY (3 Papers IV, V VI or 6 Papers from
Papers IV & IX) (Revised Courses)
Paper IV- Social Theory
Paper V- Sociology of Work
Paper VI- Gender and Society
Paper VII - Urban Sociology
Paper VIII- Urban Sociology
Paper IX Research Methodoogy
3. HISTORY (3 Papers with Paper IV, V & VI or 6
Papers from Papers IV to IX)
Paper IV - Medieval India (1000 AD to 1707 AD)
Paper V - Modern India (1857-1984)
Paper VI- Archaeology, Musicology,
& Library Science.
Paper VII - History of the Marathas (1600-1818)
Paper VIII -Contemporary World (1945-2000 A.D.)
Paper IX -
Elements of Research Methodology.
(3 papers Only)
Paper IV -
Indian Education System, Structure &
Paper V -
Communication Mode in Education
Paper VI
Educational Evaluation
PSYCHOLOGY (Revised) (3 Papers only)
Paper IV -
Psychological Testing and Statistics
Paper V -
Abnormal Psychology
Paper VI -
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
ECONOMICS (3 Paper with Paper IV, V & VI or 6
Papers from Papers IV to IX)
Paper IV -
Advanced Economic Theory
Paper V -
Growth and Development
Paper VI -
Indian Financial System
Paper VII -
Research Methodology
Paper VIII
Internatinal Economics
Paper IX -
Entrepreneurship and Small Scale
LITERATURE 3 Papers only
(Revised w.e.f. 2008-09 for IDOL students)
Paper IV
British Literature from 1550-1750
Paper V -
English Language and Literary Criticism
Paper VI
Theory & practice of Translation
N.B. : 1. Students can select only those Optional subjects which they have offered at the F.Y. and S.Y.B.A. Level. 2.
There will be 100 marks paper of 3 hours duration in the Examination for Applied Nature Paper Nos. VI & IX in all
subjects at T.Y.B.A. Examination for IDOL students only, 3. The student will not be allowed to opt for two languages at
a time. 4. The students offering combination of two subjects will have to select Paper No.IV,V and VI only.
C) Subjects :-
MARATHI LITERATURE (Revised) (3 Papers with
Paper IV, V & VI or 6 Papers from Papers IV to IX)
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Rural Development (3 Papers only)
Paper IV
Rural Development in India Theory &
Paper V
Agriculture & Allied Activities.
Paper VI
Voluntarism & Management of Voluntary
Political Science (3 Papers only) (Rev.)
Paper IV -
Political Process in Maharashtra
Paper V -
Political Thought
Paper VI
Major issues in Contemporary Politics
M.A. Part I
The duration of the course for the degree of Master of Arts shall be two years.
M.A. Part I (Online)
(A) Eligibility for Admission to M.A. Part I Course.
1. Student must have passed the Bachelor's Degree examination in any faculty of this university OR
equivalent degree in any faculty from other university.
Students who have passed Bachelors's Degree from other University and completed another
Degree course viz. B.Ed, LLB, M.B.A. etc . from University of Mumbai are also required to obtain the
Eligibility Certificate.
The students from CBSE, NIOS, H.S.C. Boards other than Maharashtra State, Dip. Edu. and
Degree from other than University of Mumbai, will have to obtain the Eligibility Certificate which will be
issued from Eligibility Unit, Room No. 108, Institute of Distance and Open Learning Dr. Shankar Dayal
Sharma Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E.) Mumbai 98, before the admission. Original with three
attested photocopy for Provisional Statement of Eligibility Certificate. Without provisional Eligibility
Certificate student will not be allowed to take admission in any course.
Old Eligibility Certificate will not be valid for the admission.
Students admitted on the basis of Provisional Eligibility Certificate should submit their following
documents to the IDOL office :-
Original Migration Certificate.
All Mark sheets.
Degree / Passing Certificate.
Marriage Certificate (if applicable).
Identy Card (with two Attested Xerox copies) of the qualifying examination for
confirmation of eligibility for admission to the said course on or before 31 October, failing which
there admission is liable to be cancelled.
(B)Fees for the M.A. Part I
(1) Rs. 5525/- for the students of General category.
(2) Rs. 120/- for the students of Reserve Category. (Only for those who are eligible and wish to apply for
scholarship/freeship scheme)
1. Students should have the following documents at the time of admission
1. Admission, Examination and P.G. Registration forms duly filled signed and dated alongwith Enrolment
form for Provisional Statement of Eligibility & DD/ Pay order.
2. Original Statement of marks with three attested xerox copies of passing the lower Examinations.
3. Proof of Residential Address : Original with two attested xerox copies of the Ration Card/Voters'
Identity Card issues by Election Commission / Driving License / Telephone Bill / Electricity Bill / Indian
Passport or any other document issued by State / Central Govt. as proof of residential address. Original
will be returned immediately after verifying the attested xerox copies.
4. Three (Passport Size) recent photographs. One affixed on the Admission Form , Second on the
Examination Form and Third on the Identity Card.
5. Proof of Date of Birth : Original with two attested Xerox copies of the School / Jr. College Leaving
Certificate / Birth Certificate / X Std. (S.S.C.) Passing Certificate. Original will be return immediately
after verifying the attested Xerox copies.
2. (A) Additional Documents Required for Admission to M.A. Part I (Online)
1. Category 'A' (Old Students of I.D.O.L)
(i) Original Mark sheet of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3 Attested Xerox copies.
(ii) I Card of IDOL
(iii) Proof of Residential Address.
(iv) Proof of Date of Birth.
2. Category 'B' (Students from Affiliated Colleges of University of Mumbai (TC Cases)
(i) Original Mark sheet of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3 Attested Xerox copies of each.
(ii) T.C. in origional.
(iii) Proof of Residential Address.
(iv) Proof of Date of Birth.
3. Category 'C' (Migration Students Students who have Graduated from Mumbai
University and have done courses from Other University)
(i) Original Mark sheet of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3 Attested Xerox copies of each.
(ii) Migration Certificate Original + Two Xerox copies.
(iii) Proof of Residential Address.
(iv) Proof of Date of Birth.
4. Category 'D' (Students from Other Universities)
(i) Original Mark sheet of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3 Attested Xerox copies.
(ii) Provisional Statement of Eligibility (Obtained from Eligibility Section,
Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Bhavan) Original + 3 Attested.
(iii) Proof of Residential Address
(iv) Proof of Date of Birth.
5. Category 'E' (Eligibility / TC Case Graduation from Other University and done courses
from College/ Department of Mumbai University)
(i) Original Mark sheet of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3 Attested Xerox copies of each.
(ii) Provisional statement of Eligibility + 3 Attested Xerox copies.
(iii) Transference Certificate Original + 2 Attested Xerox copies. (Affiliated to University of
(iv) Proof of Residential Address.
(v) Proof of Date of Birth.
M.A. Part II
(A) Eligibility for Admission.
M.A. Part I students can take admission to M.A. Part II course irrespective of pass or fail in M.A.
Part I examination. However, they will not be allowed to write M.A. Part II examination unless
they pass M.A. Part I examination held in the month of Oct/Nov. and submission of M.A. Part I
mark sheet.
0.2239:- No candidate will be permitted to appear for the M.A. Part II examination unless he/she
has taken the Bachelors Degree earlier, in person or in absentia at Convocation.
0.2245:- Students will not be permitted to appear for M.A. / M.Sc. Part II examination unless
he/she has passed the Part I examination, previously.
(B) Fees for M.A. Part II
(1) Rs. 4350/- for the students of General category. including Convocation fees
(2) Rs.370/- (Rs. 120/- Admission fees + Rs.250/- Convocation fees)for the students of Reserve Category. (Only
for those who are eligible and wish to apply for scholarship/freeship scheme)
1. Students should have the Admission form, Examination form, DD/ Pay
order at the time of admission.
(B) Additional Documents Required for Admission to M.A. Part II (Off line)
1. Category 'A' (Old Students of I.D.O.L.)
(i) Part I Passed (If Failed Also) Original Mark sheets + 3 Attested Xerox copies.
(ii) Convocation Degree Certificate in Original of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3
Attested Xerox Copies.
(iii) I Card of IDOL.
(iv) Proof of Residential Address.
(v) Proof of Date of Birth.
2. Category 'B' (Students From Affiliated Colleges of University Of Mumbai)
(i) No Objection Certificate (NOC) Issued by the College / University Dept.
2 Attested Xerox copies.
(ii) Part I Passed (if Failed Also) Original Mark sheets + 3 Attested Xerox copies.
(iii) Convocation Degree Certificate in Original of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3
Attested Xerox Copies.
(iv) T.C. Application Form to be filled.
(v) Proof of Residential Address.
(vi) Proof of Date of Birth.
3. Category 'C' (Migration Students Students who have Graduated from Mumbai
University and have done courses from Other University)
(i) Part I Passed Original Mark sheets + 3 Attested Xerox copies.
(ii) I Card of IDOL.
(iii) Migration Certificate Original. + 3 Attested Xerox copies.
(iv) Proof of Residential Address.
(i) Proof of Date of Birth.
MA-I Papers Name MA-II Papers Name
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N. B. The students who had taken admission & kept terms at M.A. Part I course of IDOL during
the last Five academic years (i.e. from 2006-2007 to 2010-2011) but had not appeared or appeared &
failed at the examination of the said course held till the First Half of the year 2011 (i.e. April/May
their passing the M.A. Part I Examination to be held in the Second Half of the year 2011 (i.e.
October/ November 2011) and their submission Original and 3 attested Xerox copies of the
statement of mark of passing the M.A. Part I Examination within ten days of the declaration of the
result of the examination, their Part II Examination Form will be sent to the Exam Section.
If the students do not submit their mark sheet of passing the M.A. Part I Examination by the
due date, their advance application form for M.A. Part II Examination to be held in the First Half
of the year 2012 (i.e. March / April 2012) will be treated as cancelled and will not be forwarded to the
Controller of Examination.
In that case, the Advance Examination fees paid by the student will be refunded by the IDOL on
receiving the necessary application from the student within ten days from the date of declaration of
their result of M.A. Part I Examination, falling which the advance examination fees paid by the
student will get forfeited.
Original and 3 self attested Xerox copies of the statement of mark of passing
MARATHI (With Study Material)
Papers Name
Papers Name
P- I Theoretical Perspectives of
P-V Industry labour
and Society
P- II Theoretical Anthropology P-VI Environment
and Society
P- III Sociology of Development P-VII Sociology of
Perspectives of Indian Society P-VIII Gender and
Papers Name
Papers Name
History of Modern
P-V Historical Method
and Philosophy of
Indian National Movement(1858-
P-VI History of U.S.A. in
History of Europe (1789-1919)
History of Buddhism
& Jainism up to 1000
P -
History of China
(1900 1992)
P- VIII Social, Economic
and Administrative
History of
The Marathas
(1630 -1818 A.D.)
Papers Name
Papers Name
Micro Economics
Development Economics
Public Economics
Agricultural Economics
Industrial Economics
Papers name MA-II Papers name
Modern Prose Literature P-II Modern Poetry
History of Hindi Literature P-IV Linguistics & Hindi Language
Ancient & Medieval Poetry P-VI Theory of Criticism
Functional Hindi P-VIII Mass Communication
Papers name
(M.A.I Syllabus Revised with effect
from 2008-09)
Papers name
Indian Literature in English (1820s
Literary Theory And Criticism
Linguistics and Stylistic Analysis of
Literature of Romantic & Victorian
Literature of English Renaissance and
Angle-Irish Literature of the
Twentieth century
Nineteen and Twentieth American
Century Literature
Indian Literature in Translation
A) Eligibility for Admission:
Those who have passed the B.Ed./B.A( with Education as one of the Elective paper ) or
equivalent degree from other University are eligible whereas Students who have passed B.P.Ed.,
B.Ed.Physical, B.Ed. (Spl. Edn.)
etc. are not eligible for admission.
B) Fees for the M.A.Edu.Part
I Rs. 7500/ -
for all Categories.
0.2239: No candidate will be permitted to appear for the M.A.Part II examination unless he/she has taken the
bachelors degree earlier, in person or in absentia at Convocation.
0.2245: Students will not be permitted to appear for M.A./ M.Sc. Part II examination unless he/she
has passed the part I examination previously.
A) Eligibility for Admission:
M.A. Part I students can take admission to M.A. Part II course irrespective of pass or fail in M.A.
Part I examination. However, they will not be allowed to write M.A. Part II examination unless
they pass M.A. Part I examination held in the month of Oct/Nov. and submission of M.A. Part I
mark sheet within 10 days from the date of declaration of result.
B) Fees for the M.A.Edu. Part II Rs. 6000/- for all categories.(including Convocation Fees).
C) About the Course:
M.A. in Education is aimed at developing professionals for effective participation in educational activity
in different areas. Post graduate programme is an innovative course in education which emphasizes both
disciplinary & professional dimensions of education.
The program comprises of 6 core papers and 2 electives to be selected from 4 papers.
Apart from theoretical courses, a student is required to submit 16 assignment response sheets (2 in each
paper) as a part of internal assessment. The programme is designed to include such thematic courses as are
available for master's level programme of various Indian universities and is in line with the Curriculum
Development Center of UGC in the subject of education. Students will also develop special expertise in
chosen areas of study relating more directly to professional needs in the subject. The broad purpose of
introducing M.A. in Education Programme is to offer education as a liberal arts as well as professional
course and to promote such reflections on education.
The introduction of this course will lead to the emergence of a cadre of post graduates who will be capable
of looking at education form a broader social, cultural perspective to initiate debates and discussions on
various aspects of education in relation to larger social milieu and provide the state inputs for policy
formulation. After completion of this course one may proceed to M.Phil. or Ph.D or both. One could also
join in Non Government Organizations & teaching career in the teacher's training colleges at various
levels. The National Council for Teacher Education Mentions M.Ed./M.A. Education as qualifications of
teaching staff. ( The Academic Council of the University of
Mumbai has accepted M.A. in Education as qualification for Lecturer in college of education.
D) Induction Meeting
An induction meeting of all the students of M.A.(part I only) will be held on 5 November, 2011
every year in room number 006, Ground floor at 11.30 a.m. IDOL Building to orient the students
about the new M.A. in Education programme launched by the institute. Details of the curriculum
transaction, personal contact programme lecture, assignment submission, examination pattern etc. will
be clarified by the faculty. All the students are required to attend the meeting.
There are 2 assignments in each paper. Thus there are 16 assignments to be submitted by each student both in part one and
part two. The assignment comprises 20% weightage of the total marks. The assignment questions of academic year 2011 -12 are
also valid for Second Half examination of 2012.
It is necessary & compulsory to submit the assignments before the deadline prescribed for that purpose, without which you
will not be permitted to write the University examination.
You are required to score a minimum 5 marks out 20 in the two assignments prescribed for each paper.
If you fail to score 5 marks in each paper or cannot submit the assignments in the stipulated time of that year, you will have to
wait for the assignments meant for the next year and submit them afresh.
Once you get 5 marks in one paper, you cannot resubmit it for improvement of marks. assignments are not sent for re-
Last date for Submission of Assignments- 31 January, of every Academic Year.
E) Questions for Assignments:
M.A.Part I (Education)
Advanced Philosophy &
Sociogy of Education
What are the causes of terrorison in India ? How for value education is
effective in countering it.
What are the main feateres of symbolic interact ionism? Expiain labeling
thory of interactionism.
Advanced Educational
1)Expiain the application of thinking styles in Education.
2)How does the A-B-C Chart serve as a very useful method of analyzing
classroom behavior? Relustrate your answer with suilable example.
Research Methodology
in Education
1)Explain the different types of meaturement scales wish appropriate
exa mple.
2)Describe the types characteris ties of case-srady.
Teacher Education
1)Expiain the function of UGC and NCERT in enhancing the quality of
Teacher Education.
Relustrate any four approaehes to roluc based Education.
M.A.Part -II (Education)
th th
1) Analyse and compare lO 11 5 year plan with special reference to
higher Education.
2) Analyse the present policy of pricing of higher Education vis-a-vis
Privatization and globalization.
Group A
Paper - II
Economics of
Group A
Paper -IV
Histcry of
1) Discuss the similarities and dissimilarities between the Vedic and Buddhist
system of Education.
2) Describe the following problems ofIndian Education.
(a) Examination Reform (b) Education for marginalized group.
Group B
Papel - VII
Technology &
1) Assignment to be submitted online at PCP center
Group B
Guidance and
1) What is job analysis? How is done?
Write with reference to any particular job.
2) Why is 'conflict resolution essential now a days? Write some
examples of conflicts at your work place. What conflict resolution
skills well you adopt to solve these conflicts?
Group B
Paper - X
Open and Distance
1) Discuss the concept, nature and scope of ODL.
2) With the help of suitable examples illustrate the various stages of
planning an ODL module of unit (unit could be from subject of
specialization in English, Mathematics, History etc.)
M.A. (Education) (Rev.)
Part - I
Name of the papers
Part - II
Name of the papers
P - I
Advanced Philosophy
and Sociology of
Group- A
(Any two)
P -
Advanced Educational
Economics of
P -
Research Methodology
in Education
History of Education
P -
Teacher Education
(Any Two)
Information and
Guidance and
Open and Distance
Instructions Regarding Assignments
The answers to the assignments are to be written in the prescribed response sheet. Each student will be supplied 04 response sheets
of 12 pages. Additional sheets, If required, may be added to the response sheet.
ICT assignments is online assignment shall be uploaded on the IDOL website by 1 week of October 2011.Instruction shall be
available on website.
10 marks active participation in forum, 5 marks spoken, 5 marks waiting wiki education center site.
Attendance for the induction shall help to clarify online center site.
Fill up all the columns on the first page of your response sheet & retain the acknowledgement slip while submitting the response
sheet at Room No. 209, IDOL Building.
The answers to the assignment should be in your own words. You should not reproduce the study material or copy the information
from other sources. Whenever you quote the text/ books/ journals, you must give the reference.
Each assignment should have a suitable introduction and an apt conclusion.
The answers should be precise, well documented and relevant to the questions raised in the assignments. Make sure that you have
attempted to deal with all the main parts/ sections of the assignments & illustrate relating the content of the assignment to present
day situations & with relevant current examples.
Keep the work limit of a particular question in mind if mentioned. Slight variation in length does not matter much, but your answers
should not be too short or too lengthy.
Write your answers in your own handwriting. If your handwriting is not legible and if you are convinced that others will have
difficulty in reading your handwriting, you may type your responses.
Please keep with you a copy of the assignment response which you send us. You may need them in case you have to resubmit them
in situation they may have been lost in postal transit or misplaced in the institute.
Sent your assignment response sheet well before the last date set for this.
F) Subjects for M.A. Education
Note: Scheme of Examination: 80 marks (external examination), 20 marks (internal assessment). The internal assessment will
comprise of two assignments in each paper (10 marks each). There will be 16 assignments in all having 160 marks.
Personal Contact Programme for M.A. Education
The institute organizes guidance lectures under Personal Contact Programmes in certain subjects in
Mumbai for the benefit of students, in the evening from 6.00 to 8.00 p.m. or sometimes on
Sundays/Holidays. Though the lectures are not compulsory, it is an attempt to provide guidance to
students in solving their academic difficulties.
1) Students are requested to check details of time table on University
Website: / idol or on Notice Board at the Institute of Distance and Open
No separate correspondence in this regard will be made.
Students can contact Dr. D. Harichandan. Professor-cum-Director, I.D.O.L. in Room
No. 106 for further details & guidance about the course.
Sr. No. Name of the College and Address Sr. No. Name of the College and
1. Institute of Distance and Open Learning,
University of Mumbai, Dr. Shankar Dayal
Sharma Bhavan, Santacruz (East), Mumbai
400 098.
2. St. Xavier's Institute of Education, New
Marine Lines, Churchgate, Mumbai 400
020. Tel. No. 2201 4666
Course Co-Ordinator: Dr. Adelaida Vaz
3. Bombay Teachers' Training College, Mahakavi
Bhusan Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 037
Tel. No. 2204 7160
Course Co-Ordinator: Dr. Mintu Sinha
4. Chembur Comprehensive College of
Education & Research, Ramakrishna
Chemburkar Marg. Chembur Naka Mumbai
400 077
5. Seva Sadan's College of Education, Ulhasnagar
421 003, Dist Thane.
Tel. No. 95251 2545565
Course Co-Ordinator: Dr. Beena Khemchadani
6. Secondary Training College, 3, Mahapalika
Marg, Dhobitalao, Mumbai 400 001.Tel.
No. 2262 0050.
Course Co-Ordinator: Dr. Chiklikar
7. Gurukrupa College of Education & Research
Ramkrishna Nagar, 'E' Wing, Poornima
Campus, Murbad Road, Kalyan (W)
Dist Thane.
Course Co-Ordinator: Dr. Karuna Gupta
Tel. No. 95251- 232 8406
8. Nav Jeevan Education Societies College Of
Education, Neral, Dist Raigad.Course Co-
Ordinator: Dr. Saumitri Mitra
9. Smt. Kapila Khandvala College of Education,
Juhu Road, Santacruz (West), Mumbai 400
054 Tel. No. 2660 8747
Course Co-Ordinator: Prin. Dr. (Mrs.) Vandana
10. Sainath Education Trust's H.B.B.Ed. College,
Sector 10 A. Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703,
Course Co-Ordinator:
Prin Dr. Swarnalata Harichandan
11. Pillais College of Education & Research Sector
8, Khanda Colony, New Panvel (W) Tel. No.
2293 5554
Course Co-Ordinator: Dr. Sally Enos
12. H.J College of Education, Khar (West),
Mumbai-400 054 Tel.No. 2604 4641
Course Co-Ordinator: Dr. Anita Swamy
Column 1 Column 2
(a) Second Class at least 55 per cent marks or First Class
Second (b) At least 55 per cent marks or First Class
H) Standard of Passing (M.A. Education Part I and II)
Improvement of Class
Candidates shall be required to obtain 20 marks out of 80 marks in each Theory paper, 05
marks out of 20 marks in each Assignment and 40 percent of the aggregate at each of the
part examination.
Those of the successful candidate who pass Part I and II examinations and obtain
minimum of 60 percent of the total marks will be placed in the First Class and those obtain
minimum of 50 percent in the Second class.
0.2260: Candidates who have passed the M.A. degree examination of this university either
by papers or by dissertation with the class mentioned below in Column 1 and who desire to
improve their class or percentage as shown in Column 2 will be permitted to appear again
for the same subject in both the parts simultaneously without being required to keep any
terms within a period of five years, following the April or October examination at which
they pass under provision of 0.2260.
If candidates who reappear for the two year M.A. degree examination under the
provisions of this ordinance fail to improve their class, their performance at such
reappearance will be ignored.
A. Eligibility for Admission to M.A./M.Sc.(Mathematics) Part I
Those who have passed B.A./B.Sc. degree examination with at least six papers in Mathematics of this
university or any other university.
B. Fees For The Course:
A. Rs. 5,425/- Fees for the General Category:
B. Rs. 120/- Fees for the Reserved Category students (Only for those who are eligibility and wish to apply
for Freeship/Scholarship Scheme)
A. Eligibility for Admission to M.A./M.Sc.(Mathematics) Part II
0.2239:- No candidate will be permitted to appear for the M.A./ M.Sc (Mahths) part II
examination unless he has taken the bachelors degree earlier, in person or in absentia at a
M.A./M.Sc.(Maths) Part I students can take admission to M.A./M.Sc. (Maths) Part II course
irrespective of pass or fail in M.A./M.Sc. (Maths)Part I examination. However, they will not be allowed
to write M.A./M.Sc.(Maths) Part II examination unless they pass M.A./M.Sc. Part I examination held
in the month of Oct/Nov. and submit the M.A./M.Sc. Part I mark sheet within 10 days from the date of
declaration of result.
M.A./M.Sc.(Mathematics) Course
M.A./M.Sc.(Mathematics) Part II
Eligibility for Admission:
Fees For The Course:
A. Fees for the General Category:
Rs. 4,350/- (including Convocation Fess)
B. Fees for the Reserved Category students:
Rs. 370/- (Rs. 120/- Admission fees + Rs. 250/- Convocation fees) (only those who
apply for Scholarship /Freeship Scheme)
Subjects for M.A./M.Sc.(Mathematics) Part
I & II
There will be 5
papers for Part I & 5 papers for Part II separately.
Name of the
Name of the
Paper I
Paper I
Paper II
Analysis -1
Paper II
Analysis -
Paper III
Topolo gy
Paper III
Differential Geometry
Paper IV
Complex Analysis
Optional Papers
Paper IV and V
Any two from the
Graph Theory
Paper V
Group A
Numerical Analysis
Group B
Fuctional Analysis
Number Theory
Group C
Sr. No. Name of the Subject
1 Foundation Course - Paper- 1 (Revised)
2 Business Communication
3 Business Economics Paper - 1
4 Commerce - Paper- 1 (Business
5 Environmental Studies (Revised)
6 Mathematical and Statistical Techniques (Rev)
7 Accounts Paper 1 Accounting and Financial
4.1.2. S.Y.B.Com.Course
4.1 Under Graduate Courses.
The duration of the course for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce shall be three years.
A) Eligibility For Admission To First Year B.Com
Pass in 10+2 in Commerce/ Arts/Science 10 + 2 in any strem Equiralement vocational subject as
per circular No. UG/142/of 2010, dated 1 July 2010.
B) Fees for F.Y.B.Com course:-
a) Rs.3280/- for the students of General Category
b) Rs.120/- for the students of Reserve category (only for those who are eligible & wish to apply for
free-ship/scholarship Scheme)
C) Subjects:-
F.Y.B.Com All subjects are compulsory. Total 7 Papers. (Total Marks 700)
A) Eligibilty for Admission.
1) The student must have passed F.Y.B.Com examination of University of Mumbai or equivalent exam
of other University.
2) The student must have prevailing rule of Allowed to keep Terms (ATKT) as per 0.2165-B at the
F.Y.B.Com Examination of University of Mumbai.
N.B. When a student has secured ATKT from a college affiliated to University of Mumbai at any
class and takes admission to a higher class in the IDOL, as per the rule, he/she has to clear his/her
ATKT from the IDOL only and not from his/her previous college.
Students having vocational subjects at F.Y.B.Com.class are not eligible for admission to S.Y.B.Com
Class of IDOL.
Sr. Name of the Subject
1 Foundation Course - Paper- II (Rev)
2 Applied Component Group
i Advertising (Revised)
ii Company Secretarial Practice
3 Business Law
4 Business Economics Paper II
5 Commerce - Paper- II (Principles of Management and Finance)
6 Accounting and Financial Management Paper II
B) Admission Fees for the Course:-
C) Total 6 Papers. All subjects are compulsory.(Total 600 marks)
D) S.Y.B. Com. Standard of Passing
a) Rs.3060/- for the students of General Category
b) Rs.120/- for the students of Reserved category (only for those who are eligible & wish to apply for
Freeship/Scholarship Scheme)
R. 1882: To pass the S.Y. B. Com. examination, a candidate must obtain a minimum of 35 per cent of
the full marks in each paper and in each practical, if any, separately, prescribed for the examination.
A candidate who appeared for S. Y. B. Com. examination and failed in any head of his/her
subject/s, he/she will have to appear only for failed subject/s.
O.2221-B : A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Third Year B. Com., course commencing
from June, 2000 and thereafter must have either I) Passed the first Year and Second Year B. Com.
examinations or (II) passed the First Year B. Com examination and have failed at the Second year B. Com.
examinations in not more than two head of passing in which case he will be required to appear for the
Second Year B. Com. examination in the heads in which he/she has failed either previously or
simultaneously with the Third Year B. Com. examination and his/her result of the Third Year B. Com.
examination will not be declared unless he/she has passed in the head/s in which he/she has failed at the
Second Year B. Com. examination.
Further, a candidate who has failed at the First Year B. Com examination in not more than two head/s of
passing and has passed in all the subjects and has obtained the minimum percentage of marks for passing
in all the subjects prescribed for the Second Year B. Com. examination but whose result has not been
declared will be permitted to keep terms and appear for the Third Year Com. examination but such a
candidate will not be declared to have passed the Third Year B.Com examination unless he/she has passed
in the concerned head/s of the First Year B.Com Examination.
1.1.3. T.Y.B.Com Course
A) Eligibility for Admission.
B) Admission Fee for the course:-
1) The student must have passed F.Y.B.Com and examinations from University of Mumbai or equivalent
examination of other university. The student must have prevailing rule of Allowed to keep Terms (ATKT) as per
0.2221 B at the S.Y.B.Com.examination of University of Mumbai. Students migrating from other Universities,
are required to obtain Eligibility Certificate to secure admission for T.Y.B.Com course, from Eligibility Section,
Dr.Shankar Dayal Sharma Bhavan,Vidyanagari,Kalina,Santacruz (E),Mumbai 400 098.
i) Students having Vocational Subjects at F.Y./S.Y./ courses are not eligible for admission to T.Y.B.Com
courses of IDOL.
ii) A student who has either passed in F.Y.B.Com/S.Y.B.Com examinations OR obtained F.Y.B.Com
OR S.Y.B.Com examinations are eligible to get admission in T.Y.B.Com.
a) Students of General Category Rs.3210/- (Including Convocation fees.)
b) Fees for the students of Reserved Category: Rs.370/-(Rs.120/- Admission fees+Rs.250/- Convocation fees
only those who apply for Scholarship/Freeship Scheme)
c) Subjects at Sr. Nos. 1 & 2 are Compulsory Total 7 Papers (Total 700 Marks)
Sr. No. Name of the Subject
Paper III ( Marketing and Human
Resource Management )(Rev. Syllabus)
Business Economics
Paper III (Rev.Syllabus)
Accounts Group
Financial Accounting & Auditing
Paper I
(Financial Accounting)
Financial Accounting & Auditing
Paper II
(Auditing & Cost Accounting)
Financial Accounting & Auditing
Paper III
(Introduction to Management Accounting)
Business Management Group
Management and Organisational Development Paper I
Financial Management Paper II
Marketing Management Paper III
Applied Component Group (Any two of the
Export Marketing (Rev. Syllabus)
Marketing Research (Rev. Syllabus)
Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations
Direct and Indirect Taxation.
Psychology for Human Behaviour at work (Rev.)
E) T.Y.B.Com. Standard of Passing:
1.1. Postgraduate Courses in Commerce (M.Com.)
4.2.1.M.Com.Part-I Course.
) Eligibility for Admission:
M.Com. Part I (Online)
(A) Eligibility for Admission to M.Com. Part I Course.
R-1943 : To pass the Third Year B.Com examination candidate must obtain minimum 35 per cent of the full marks
assigned to the subject in theory papers and a minimum of 35 per cent of the full marks, assigned to the subject in
practical separately, If the practical is prescribed for the subject.
Those of the successful candidates who obtain at least 60 percent of the marks on aggregate in one sitting
will be placed in the first class and those obtaining at least 45 percent in one sitting will be placed in the second class.
A candidate who has appeared for T.Y.B. Com. examination and failed in any held of his/her subject group,
will have to appear for only failed subject/s.
0.2311 : The duration of the M.Com degree course shall be two years.
0.2313 : No candidate will be permitted to appear for the M.Com part II examination unless he has taken the
bachelor's degree earlier, in person or in absentia, at a convocation.
0.2314 : A candidate who is declared to have passed Part I of the examination will not be allowed to reappear for the
same examination with a view of improving his results.
The duration of the course for the degree of Master of Commerce shall be two years.
. Student must have passed the Bachelor's Degree examination only B.Com/B.M.S./B.M.M. of this
university OR equivalent degree in any faculty from other university. *B.M.M. degree examination (Only
for the management specialization subjects at the M.Com degree levels)
Students who have passed Bachelors's Degree from other University and completed another Degree course
viz. B.Ed, LLB, M.B.A. etc . from University of Mumbai are also required to obtain the Eligibility
The students from CBSE, NIOS, H.S.C. Boards other than Maharashtra State, Dip. Edu. and Degree from
other than University of Mumbai, will have to obtain the Eligibility Certificate which will be issued from
Eligibility Unit, Room No. 108, Institute of Distance and Open Learning Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma
Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E.) Mumbai 98, before the admission. Original with three attested
photocopy for Provisional Statement of Eligibility Certificate. Without provisional Eligibility Certificate
student will not be allowed to take admission in any course.
Old Eligibility Certificate will not be valid for the admission.
Students admitted on the basis of Provisional Eligibility Certificate should submit their documents to the
IDOL office : Original Migration Certificate, All Mark sheets, Degree / Passing Certificate / Migration
Certificate / Identity Cord. (with three Attested Xerox copies) of the qualifying examination for
confirmation of eligibility for admission to the said course on or before 31 October, failing which their
admission is liable to be cancelled.
(B)Fees for the M.Com. Part I
(1) Rs. 5525/- for the students of General category.
(2) Rs. 120/- for the students of Reserve Category. (Only for those who are eligible and wish to apply for
scholarship/freeship scheme)
1. Students should have the following documents at the time of admission
1. Admission, Examination and P.G. Registration forms duly filled signed and dated along with Enrolment
from for Provisional Statement of Eligibility & DD/ Pay order.
2. Original Statement of marks with three attested xerox copies of passing the lower Examinations.
3. Proof of Residential Address : Original with two attested xerox copies of the Ration Card/Voters'
Identity Card issues by Election Commission / Driving License / Telephone Bill / Electricity Bill / Indian
Passport or any other document issued by State / Central Govt. as proof of residential address. Original will
be returned immediately after verifying the attested xerox copies.
4. Three (Passport Size) recent photographs. One affixed on the Admission Form , Second on the
Examination Form and Third on the Identity Card.
5. Proof of Date of Birth : Original with two attested Xerox copies of the School / Jr. College Leaving
Certificate / Birth Certificate / X Std. (S.S.C.) Passing Certificate. Original will be return immediately
after verifying the attested Xerox copies.
2. (A) Additional Documents Required for Admission to M.Com. Part I (Online)
1. Category 'A' (Old Students of I.D.O.L)
(i) Original Mark sheet of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3 Attested zerox copies.
(ii) I Card of I.D.O.L. one zerox copy.
(iii) Proof of Residential Address one zerox copy.
(iv) Proof of Date of Birth one zerox copy.
2. Category 'B' (Students from Affiliated Colleges of University of Mumbai (TC Cases)
(i) Original Mark sheet of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3 Attested zerox copies of each.
(ii) original.
(iii) Proof of Date of Birth.
(iv) Proof of Residential Address
3. Category 'C' (Migration Students Students who have Graduated from Mumbai
University and have done courses from Other University)
(i) Original Mark sheet of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3 Attested zerox copies of each.
(ii) Migration Certificate Original Two zerox copies.
(iii) Proof of Residential Address Two zerox copies.
(iv) Proof of Date of Birth Two zerox copies.
4. Category 'D' (Students from other Universities)
(i) Original Mark sheet of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3 Attested zerox copies.
(ii) Pr ovi si onal St at ement of El i gi bi l i t y ( Obt ai ned f r om El i gi bi l i t y Sect i on,
Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Bhavan) Original + Two zerox copies.
(iii) Proof of Residential Address.
(iv) Proof of Date of Birth.
5. Category 'E' (Eligibility / TC Case Graduation from Other University and done courses
from College/ Department of Mumbai University)
(i) Original Mark sheet of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3 Attested zerox copies of each.
(ii) Provisional statement of Eligibility Three zerox copies.
(iii) Transference Certificate Original + 2 Attested zerox copies. (Affiliated to University of Mumbai).
(iv) Proof of Residential Address
(v) Proof of Date of Birth.
M.Com. Part-I students can take admission to M.Com. Part II course irrespective of pass or fail in M.Com.
Part I examination. However, they will not be allowed to write M.Com. Part II examination unless
they pass M.Com. Part I examination held in the month of Oct/Nov. and submission of M.Com. Part I
mark sheet.
0.2313:- No candidate will be permitted to appear for the M.Com. Part II examination unless he/she has
taken the Bachelors Degree earlier, in person or in absentia at Convocation.
0.2314:- A candidate who is declared to have passed M.Com Part-I examination will not be allowed to
reappear for the same examination with a view of improving his/her result.
0.- Students will not be permitted to appear for M.Com. Part II examination unless he/she has passed the
Part I examination previously.
(1) Rs. 4350/- for the students of General category. including Convocation fees
(2) Rs.370/- (Rs. 120/- Admission fees + Rs.250/- Convocation fees)for the students of Reserve Category.
(Only for those who wish to apply for scholarship/freeship scheme)
1. Students should have the Admission form, Examination form, DD/ Payorder at the time of
2. (B) Additional Documents Required for Admission to M.Com. Part II (Off line)
1. Category 'A' (Old Students of I.D.O.L.)
(i) Part I Passed (If Failed Also) Original Mark sheets + 3 Attested Xerox copies.
(ii) Convocation Degree Certificate in Original of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3 Attested Xerox
(iii) I Card
(iv) Proof of Residential Address
(v) Proof of Date of Birth
2. Category 'B' (Students From Affiliated Colleges of University Of Mumbai)
(i) No Objection Certificate (NOC) Issued by the College / University Depertment + 2 Attested
xerox copies.
(ii) Part I Passed Original Mark sheets + 3 Attested Xerox copies.
(iii) Convocation Degree Certificate in Original of Bachelor's Degree Examination + 3 Attested Xerox
(iv) T.C. Application Form to be filled.
(v) Proof of Residential Address
(vi) Proof of Date of Birth
M.Com. Part II
(A) Eligibility for Admission to m. com part-II course.
(B) Fees for M.Com. Part II
M.Com - I M.Com - II
Compulsory Subject
Strategic Management
Economic of Global Trade and Finance
Group-A- Accountancy Group (Rev. Syllabus)
Paper-I Advance Financial Accounting
Paper-II Advanced Cost Accounting
Group B- Business Management
Paper-I Human Resource Management
Paper-II Marketing Strategy and Plan
Compulsory Subject
Research Methodology
Group-A- Accountancy Group (Old)
Paper-III Advance Financial Management
Paper-IV Advanced Auditing
Paper V Direct & Indirect Taxes
Group B- Business Management
Paper-III Organizational Behavior
Paper-IV International Marketing
Paper V Entrepreneurship Management
3. Category 'C' (Migration Students Students who have Graduate from Mumbai
University and have done courses from Other University)
C) List of Subject for M.Com Part I/II Course.
(i) Part I Passed (If Failed Also) Original Mark sheets + 3 Attested zerox copies.
(ii) I Card of I.D.O.L.
(iii) Migration Certificate Original Two zerox copies.
(iv) Proof of Residential Address
(v) Proof of Date of Birth
N. B. The students who had taken admission & kept two terms at M.Com. Part I course of IDOL during the
last Five academic years (i.e. from 2006-2007 to 2010-2011) but had not appeared or appeared & failed at the
examination of the said course held till the First Half of the year 2011 (i.e. April/May 2011), ARE
M.Com. Part I Examination to be held in the Second Half of the year 2011 (i.e. October/ November 2011)
and their submission of the Original and three Attesteed Xerox Copies of the statements of marks of
PassingM.Com. Part I Examination within ten days of the declaration of the result of the examination,
their Part II Examination Form will be sent to the Examination Section.
If the students do not submit their mark sheet of passing the M.Com. Part I Examination by the due
date, their advance application form for M.Com. Part II Examination to be held in the First Half of the year
2012 (i.e. March / April 2012) will be treated as cancelled and will not be forwarded to the Controller of
In that case, the Advance Examination fees paid by the student will be refunded by the IDOL on receiving
the necessary application from the student within ten days from the date of declaration of their result of
M.Com. Part I Examination, falling which the advance examination fees paid by the student will get
Scheme of Papers: There will be 8 papers carrying 800 marks on the aggregate.M.Com.Part I examination will
consist of 4 paper and M.Com Part II will consist of 4 papers of 100 marks each. Each paper will be of three hours
M.Com.Part I & II Course : (Study Material available in English Only.)
Name of the Paper
I Accounting System
II Basic Cost Concept
III Financial Management - I
IV Taxation - I
D) Standard of Passing M.Com Part I/II
R.2049 : To pass the M.Com Part Examination, a candidate must obtain at least 40 percent marks in each of the
papers prescribed for the examination.
R.2052 : To pass the Part II Examination, a candidate must obtain at least 40 percent marks in each of the papers
prescribed for the examination.
Those of the successful candidate who obtain at least 60 percent of the marks on aggregate in Part I And Part II
examination taken together will be placed in the First Class & those obtaining at least 50Percent in the Second Class.
If the candidate who re-appear for the M.Com degree examination under the provisions of this Ordinance fail to
improve their class, their performance at such re-appear will be treated as null and void.
1.PG Diploma Course in Financial Management
2.PG Diploma in Operation Research for Management
Duration of the course shall be 2 years.
Examination will be held once in a year.
A. Eligibility for Admission to First Year PGDFM Course:
A Candidate for being eligible for admission to the PG Diploma Course in Financial Management and PG Diploma
Course in Operations Research for Management must hold a university degree in faculty with two years work
experience in any organization, or must have recoganized professional qualifications and at least five years
professional experience. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above the Defence Services personnel may be
admitted to the course even if they are not degree holders.
A. Fees for the First Year : Rs.4285/- (For all category)
B. List of Subject (With Study Material)
Standard of Passing
R-3984 : In order to qualify for Diploma Course, a candidate must have secured 50% of the marks in each of the
subject prescribed for the respective Diploma Courses. A candidate who obtain 50% percent or more marks in any
subject may at his/her option, be exempted from appearing in the said subject/s at the subsequent examination and
will be declared to have passed the whole examination when he/she passes all the subjects of the examination.
A. Eligibility for Admission to Second Year PGDFM Course:
A candidate must have passed at least one paper of First Year PGDFM Course.
O2239 : No Candidate will be permitted to appear for the Second year PGDFM Examination unless
he has taken the bachelors degree earlier, in persona or in absentia at a Convocation.
B.Fees for the Second Year : Rs.3710/- (For All Category)
C.List of Subjects (With Study Material)
Paper No. Name of the Paper
V Financial Management - II
VI Management Accounting
VII Taxation II
VIII Management Information and
Control Systems
Personal Contact Programme for PGDFM/PGDORM- I & II Year : PCP centre will be at IDOL.
R-3984: In order to qualify for the Diploma Course, a candidate must have secured 50% of the marks in each of the
subjects prescribed for the respective Diploma Courses. A candidate who obtains 50% or more marks in any
subjects any at his/her option, be exempted from appearing in the said subject/s at the subsequent examination and
will be declared to have passed the whole examination when he/she passes all the subjects of the examination.
Duration of the course shall be 2 years.
Examination will held once in a year.
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the P.G.Diploma in Operations Research for Management must hold
a University bachelor degree of this University or any other University in any faculty with two years work
experience in any organization or must have recognized professional qualification and at least five years
professional experience.
B.Fees For First Year : 4285/- (For All Category)
C.List of subject: (With Study Material)
Standard of Passing
A. Eligibility for the Course:
Paper No. Name of the Paper
I Business Mathematics
II Statistics for Management
III Managerial Economics and
Basics of Operations Research I
Basics of Operations Research II
Standard of Passing
R-3984: In order to qualify for the Diploma Course, a candidate must have secured 50% of
the marks in each of the subjects prescribed for the respective Diploma Courses. A
candidate who obtains 50% or more marks in any subjects may at his/her option, be
exempted from appearing in the said subject/s at the subsequent examination and will be
declared to have passed the whole examination when he/she passes all the subjects of the
A. Eligibility for the Course: Student must have passed at least one paper of First Year
PGDORM Courses.
O2239 : No Candidate will be permitted to appear for the Second year PGDORM
Examination unless he has taken the bachelors degree earlier, in persona or in
absentia at a Convocation.
B. Fees For Second Year : Rs.3710/ - (For All Category)
Paper No. Name of the Paper
VI Advanced Operations Research I Finance or
Marketing or Production Stream
VII Advanced Operations Research II Finance or
Marketing or Production Stream
VIII Use of Computers in Operations Research
IX Integrated Approach to Operation Research
Standard of Passing
R-3984: In order to qualify for the Diploma Course, a candidate must have secured 50% of
the marks in each of the subjects prescribed for the respective Diploma Courses. A
candidate who obtains 50% or more marks in any subjects may at his/her option, be
exempted from appearing in the said subject/s at the subsequent examination and will be
declared to have passed the whole examination when he/she passes all the subjects of the
This facility will be applicable only in the following conditions:-
1. Those students who have taken admission on the basis of NOC/TC from the colleges affiliated to University of Mumbai and on
the basis of Eligibility (Within Maharashtra) have to apply for Fresh Application.
2. Only Last Year IDOL students who have been awarded Scholarship/Freeship can apply for Renewal.
3. If a student has cancelled his/her admission in the year, He/She will not be eligible for the Scholarship/Freeship.
4. If Scholarship / Freeship is not sanctioned by the government for any reason, the student will have to pay the entire fees to the
5. Freeship is not applicable to OBC candidates.
6. Students who are working anywhere will not be eligible for above scheme. However, employed students who are on leave without
pay for the entire duration of the course and study as full time student are eligible for the same.
7. Scholarship / Freeship form should be completed along with all necessary documents at the time of submission of admission
8. Students have to produce all the documents in Original and can submit attested Xerox copies of the same alongwith
Scholarship/Freeship form. Incomplete Scholarship / Freeship forms will not be accepted in any case.
9. The students from other than Maharashtra state are not eligible for Scholarship/Freeship schemes.
10. Caste Validity Certificate is essential for all Reserve Categories students who wish to take admission for MCA course.
11. The student who have completed B.Ed. degree course and wish to apply for M.A./M.Com/M.Sc course etc. are not eligible for
Scholarship/Freeship Scheme.
N.B.: 1) For the last year IDOL Students whose Scholarship /Freeship sanctioned by the Government, only can apply for the renewal. Such
students need not to submit the above mentioned document except previous year passing statement of marks
2) Government of India Post Matric Scholarship to Physically Handicapped Students will be available as per the norms of Social Welfare
Department, Government of Maharashtra. Students are requested to contact District Social Welfare Office, New Administrative
Building, 4 Floor, Ramkrishna Chemburkar Marg, Chembur (East), Mumbai-400 071 for Scholarship Forms.
Required documents for Freeship / Scholarship and Renewal.
Scholarship Scheme for all Reserved Category.
(Annual Income below Rs.1 lakh).
Free ship Scheme (Annual Income above Rs.1
1. Caste Certificate
2 Father's Income Certificate from Tahasildar (Salary period from April 2010 to March 2011) for
3. Form No. 16 In case Private Service OR Annual Income Certificate from Tahasildar for Freeship
4. District Change Certificate (Other than Mumbai Suburban District Students) issued from District
5. Non Creamy Layer Certificate for VJNT (A, B, C, D), SBC for Freeship.
6. Gap Certificate (If there is gap in Education). Affidavit from the Hon'ble Court (Minimum ` 50/-
7. Ration Card (Showing the name of the student).
8. Passport size photograph for Scholarship/Freeship.
9. Statement of Marks (Passing) of previous year.
10. Death Certificate (If Father /Mother is expired).
11. Incase Female Married Candidate, Husband's Income Certificate & Marriage Certificate /Gazzatte.
6.1 Personal Contact Programme Centres for B.A.,B.Com.,M.A.,M.Com.,M.Sc.(Maths) and
Management Courses
The institute organises guidance lectures under Personal Contact Programmes in certain subjects in Mumbai for
the benefit of students, in the evening from 6.00 to 8.00 p.m. or sometimes on Sundays/Holidays. Though the
lectures are not compulsory, it is an attempt to provide guidance to the students in solving their academic difficulties.
Chembur (W)- Acharya Marathe College ( BA & B.Com)
Vidyavihar(E) - S.K. Somaiya College(BA & B.Com)
Bhandup (E) - Ramanand Arya DAV College. (B.Com)
Thane(W) - Joshi Bedekar College. (BA)
N.K.T. College, Thane (W)
Mumbra - M.S. College. (BA , B.Com & M.Com)
Dombivali (E) - Model College, M.I.D.C. ( BA , B.Com & M.Com)
Dombivali(E)Vivekanand Night College,Ayre Road,Dattanagar(B.A,BCom &M.Com)
Kalyan (W) Birla College ( B.A , B.Com & MA - Hist)
Kalyan (E) - Samyak Sankalp College , ( B.A , B.Com & M.Com) )
Ulhasnagar (W) - R.K.Talreja College (B.A , B.Com ,M.Com & MA- Hist)
Bhiwandi - Samadiya College,349,Samad Nagar, Kaneri (B.A & B.Com)
Navi Mumbai - Rajiv Gandhi College, Sector 10, Vashi (B.A, B.Com & M.Com)
SANTACRUZ(W): L. S. RAHEJA College of Arts & Comm., Juhu-Tara Road, Santacruz (W.)
Malad (E) DTSS College, Kurar Village, (B.A,B.Com & M.Com)
Malad(W) Nagindas Khandwala College,Bhadran Nagar,Road No.-1, S.V.Road. (B.Com)
Goregaon (W) - Patkar College , S.V. Road (B.A)
Kandivali (W) KES College ,Bhulabhai Desai Road ( B.Com & M.Com)
Borivali(W), A.D. Kale College,Saibaba Nagar, Near B.M.C. Garden (B.Com )
Dahisar(E) - Shailendra Education's Society's College , Shailendra Nagar
Bhayandar (E) Shankar Narayan College,(B.A & B.Com)
Bhayander:-- Reena Mehta College, S.No. 574/5, Near New Fly-Over Bridge,150 Feet
Road, Bhayander (West) Dist. Thane-401101 (B.Com )
Vasai Road - Annasaheb Vartak College (B.A , B.Com & M.A- Hist.,Mar.,ECO)
Uran (Raigad) - Veer Wajekar College(B.A & B.Com)
Alibag (Raigad) - JSM College (B.A & B.Com)
Mahad - Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College, Mahad, Dist. Raigad (B.A., B.Com, M.A.(Eco) &
M.Com (Mgmt.))
Poladpur(Raigad)Sundarrao More College, ( B.A,B.Com,M.Com & M.A- Hist,Eco,Marathi)
Mhasala (Raigad) - Vasantrao Naik College ( M.A -Marathi)
Banda (Sawantwadi)- Raosaheb Gogate College(B.A & B.Com )
Ratnagiri - Navnirman Shikashan Sanstha's College, (B.A)
: Please note that above-mentioned centres' list is tentative. Final list with some additional centres will be made available
on university web site: and on Notice Board of IDOL along with detailed time table in the month of November.
1. Students are requested to visit nearest centre from their residence. Detailed time table will be available with the Co-
ordinator of the centre or on Notice Board of the College. No separate correspondence in this regard will be made.
2. PCP Programmes for undergraduate courses and post graduate courses are likely to commence from November
every year.
3. Students must always carry with them their valid identity cards every time when they attend their lectures or visit the
Institute of Distance and Open Learning.
4. Students are requested to meet the center Co-ordinators for academic problem.
5. Students are requested to remain in contact with the center co-ordinator for any change in the Time Table.
6. Attending the PCP lectures for B.A./B.Com. Programme is not compulsory.
PCP LECTURES TIMING. 6.00 p.m. TO 8.00 p.m.
Study material has been a pivot of the student. In that point of view the institute is providing maximum study material in
Marathi and English. Our study materials are of the best quality materials which are prepared in SLM format that is
prescribed by DEC. Every year, about 75-90 thousand students are taking benefits of our study materials.
(V.L.C. Studio)
The students can avail the facility of virtual learning classroom through EDUSAT in the studio located at IDOL building,
second floor, and room no. 204, or they can visit for virtual class room lectures in the subjects of
Commerce & Economics.
While the print material is, by and large, complete in itself, to facilitate better comprehension and understanding, some
concepts and their application have been explained through the audio and video programmes as well. The A.V. center
has more than 100 video cassettes in the subjects of Commerce and Economics. The audio video cassettes will not be
supplied to the student individually, but will be made available for listening and viewing at the A.V. center of the
institute. A catalogue of the cassettes is available in the center located at room no. 205, in the IDOL building.
The institute has been providing Free ship/ Scholarship facilities to the students belonging to the reserved category
from the academic year 2007-08. About 14-15 thousand students have taken benefit of these facilities. We are giving
admission to reserved category students at only Rs.120/- , consequently, the enrollment trend is increasing every year.
The poor and needy students are turning to the IT courses, earlier due to financial problem they were not taking
admission to these course, but because of Free ship/Scholarship scheme, a number of students are taking admission
to IT/Comp.Sci. courses.
6.1 Study Material
6.2 Virtual Learning Class Room
6.3 Audio Video Center(A.V.)
6.4 Free ship/Scholarship Facilites.
Important Notice
Ragging is strictly prohibited in higher educational institutions, as per the directions of
Hon'ble Supreme Court and University Grants Commission has Made provision of 6.1 (0)
of the UGC Regulation,2009.
1. Incomplete forms without any of the required documents/ information will be rejected.
2. The N.O.C., Statement of Marks / Provisional Statement of Eligibility etc. submitted by the students will be sent for
verification to their previous colleges / institutions and provisional admission will be granted only after the documents get
authenticated. Otherwise, the provisional admission given to the student will automatically get cancelled without any
intimation/ notice to the student. No refund of fees will be given. The matter will also be reported to the police.
The Circulars / Notifications giving details of the Personal Contact programme Lectures, dates of filling in the examination
forms., declaration of results, submission of remaining documents, if any, change of subject granted etc. will be displayed
on the Notice Boards of the Institute. Details of these will not be sent individually to any student. It is responsibility of the
students to obtain information about such matters from time to time.
Non-receipt of any such information can not be accepted as an excuse for lapse on the part of the student.
For intimating changes in name and address, student should apply to the Professor-cum-director, IDOL, in the prescribed forms.
Change in the name should be supported with documentary evidence such as a Gazette Notification, Marriage Certificate etc;
For changing the subject once offered, the students must apply for it before 30th September of the same Academic Year. For
rules and procedure regarding subject change please contact the enquiry counter. Students admitted after 30th September; if
any, will not be allowed to change any subject.
a) Duplicate Identity Card (Rs.50/-)
The prescribed fee for applying for Duplicate Identity Card is Rs.50/- to be paid in cash on any working day from Monday to Friday
during cash transaction hours (11 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. with lunch break from 1.00 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.)
The prescribed form which gives the documents required to be submitted with it, is included separately in this Admission Kit.
For Ex-students, the form will be available in the institute.
(b) Duplicate Statement of Marks. (Rs.100/-)
The prescribed fee for applying for Duplicate Mark sheet is Rs.100/- to be paid in cash during cash transaction days and
hours. Please attach Affidavit on 100 Rupees Non Judicial stamp paper and also attach FIR copy of Police Station.
The prescribed application form which gives the details of documents required to be submitted with it, is available in the institute,
in the case of F.Y./S.Y. examinations. In the case of T.Y. and other examinations, the prescribed application form is available with
the examination section of the university at the Mahatma Jotirao Phule Bhavan (Exam House) in Vidyanagari Campus.
(c) Bonafide Certificate (Rs.10/-) and Transcript Certificate (Rs.500/- for U.G and Rs.750/-for P.G.Course.)
The prescribed fee for applying for the Bonafide Certificate is Rs.10/- and the Transcript Certificate Under Graduate
Programme is Rs.500/- and Post Graduate Programme is Rs.750/- (per copy) to be paid in cash during cash transaction
days and office hours.
The prescribed application forms for this purpose are available in the Despatch Section of IDOL. The details of documents
required to be submitted are given in these forms.
7.2 Changes in Name/ Address /Subject
7.3 Issue of Duplicate Identity Card/ Mark sheet/ Bonafide Certificate/Transcript Certificate etc.
6.5 Library Facilities
6.6 Xerox Facilities
6.7 Syllabus and Old Question Papers
6.8 Radio MUST: Community Radio
6.9 Guidance and counseling
6.10 Online Examination Hall Ticket
7.1 Cancellation of Admission / Refund of Fees
The Institute has an independent library having 41 thousand books including texts and references and 22 research journals
and periodicals. The IDOL provides reading hall and the book lending facility for the students at its building in room no. 203
nd th
and 215. It remains open during office hours i.e from 10:20 am to 06:00p.m.only on working days except 2 and 4 Monday.
During the Examination seasons the reading hall of the institute is open from 08:00 am. to 08:00 pm. on working days (Monday to
Only the reading hall facility is also provided at Vidyapeeth Vidyarthi Bhavan, 'B' Road, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.
Book lending facility for home-study for 7 days is provided on payment of a deposit of Rs.200/- in cash at IDOL at Vidyanagari.
The deposit can be claimed by the student at the end of the academic year or latest before 31st December of the next calendar
year, provided there are no dues or books outstanding in his/her name.
From the academic year 2009-10 institute has given Xerox facilities to the students/staff in our premises is a very low cost.
Numbers of students are taking benefits of this scheme.
For the reference, the institute provides old question papers and syllabus Copies to the students. This facility is
available in the study material unit in the IDOL library and on our website
University of Mumbai has recently introduced a community Radio 'MUST' (Mumbai University Students Talk), set at the
frequency wave 107.8Fm. It is located at Ranade Bhavan. It broadcast the educational programmes.
IDOL conducts PCP lectures at various centers located in Mumbai and suburban areas. The institute has also
appointed its own teaching faculties for various subjects. At the headquarters our teaching faculty regularly counsel
the under graduate students during the office hours.
The institute is providing online examination hall ticket facilities to the FY and SY students of Nautical Technology
course on experiment basis.
If any student wishes to cancel his/her admission, he/she should apply in the prescribed form within thirty days from the date of
admission and his/her fees will be refunded as per following ordinances:
0.2859(C) : All the fees paid by a student at the time of admission shall be refunded to him/her after deducting Rs.30/- (Rupees
Thirty only) as administrative charges, if the student informs the Professor-cum-Director, Institute of Distance and Open
Learning, in writing within 30 days from the date of his/her admission, provided he/she has not been issued study material.
0.2859(D) : All the fees paid by a student at the time of admission shall be refundable to him/her after deduction of Rs.250/-
(Rupees Two Hundred Fifty only) as administrative charges, provided that, study material has not been issued to him/her and
provided further that - i) At the time of applying for admission, he/she intimates in writing that he/she has also applied or intends to
apply for admission to one or more of the professional courses conducted by the institutions or departments (including the
Institute of Distance and Open Learning ) of the University or affiliated Colleges to the University.
ii) He/she withdraws his/her application within seven days from the date of his admission to a professional course as mentioned
in (i) above, but not later than 30th September, if he/she is a Post-graduate/management student of the same year. In such
cases, it shall be binding on the student to produce documentary proof of his/her being admitted to the professional course.
Students admitted after above mentioned dates, if any, will not be entitled for the refund of the fees.
N.B. : Ordinance 0.2859 amended. Deduction of refund of fees will be return as per revised ordinance. (pl. visit our website for
revised rules).
7.4 Examinations
7.5 Refund of Examination Fees
7.6 Transfer Certificate and Migration Certificate:
Generally examinations are held twice a year i.e. in Feb/March/April and October/November i.e. the First half
and Second Half of the Calendar Year
1. Fresh/New students are eligible to appear for the university examination only after satisfactory completion of one
academic year.
2. Students are permitted to write their answers in English, Hindi, Marathi, and Gujarati if they indicate their choice in the
examination form. However, the question papers will be printed in English with only Marathi Version.
3. In case students do not appear or appear and fail or ALLOWED TO KEEP TERMS for the examination of higher class
(awarded ATKT), can appear as an Ex-student/Repeater in the Second Half (October-November) examination. For
this they are required to make enquiries in the month of July for filling in the Examination Form.
4. As an Ex-Student/Repeater if he/she wish to appear for the Feb/ March/ April examination of the next subsequent
calendar year he/she is required to make enquiries in the month of December for submission of the examination forms.
5. The IDOL does not send any information to its Ex-Students/Repeaters.
6. The time-table of the examination will be put-up on IDOL Notice Board about 10 days before the date of
commencement of the respective examination. The information regarding the examination, seat numbers and the hall
ticket and the centre of the examination will be available about 4 days before the commencement of the examination,
provided the same are received in time from the Controller of Examinations.
7. Documents Required for filling in examination forms.
i) Identity Card of IDOL ii) Statement of Marks of previous attempt with Xerox Copies.
The Rules presently in force relating to refund of examination fees are as follows
1. Where a candidate expires in the period of the examination, the entire fee shall be refunded.
2. Where a candidate falls ill subsequent to the submission of his /her application for admission to the examination and is
prevented on medical grounds from appearing at the examination, 50% of the fees shall be refunded to him /her
provided an application of such refund, supported by a medical certificate, is submitted to the Professor-cum-Director
of the Institute before three days from the date of commencement of the examination.
(Note : By the expression date of commencement of the examination is meant the date on which the first paper at the
examination is set and not the date on which the candidate has to appear for his/her first paper. It is necessary that the
application for refund should invariably be submitted through the Professor-cum-Director of the Institute. The amount, where
refund is granted will be disbursed to the student concerned through the Finance& Accounts section IDOL.
Whenever a student who desires to leave the Institute either before completing the course for which he/she has been admitted
or after completing the course, will be required to take the following certificate from the Institute/University:
1. For seeking admission in another institution/college affiliated to this University, a Transference Certificate from the
IDOL by paying the prescribed fees of Rs.100/- and applying on the prescribed application form with the necessary
2. For seeking admission in other Universities within the country or abroad, the student is required to obtain Migration
Certificate by submitting an application in a prescribed form, from the Migration Certificate Section of the University,
which is situated at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai 400 098.
The Migration Certificate Form, along with a Demand Draft for Rs.220/- drawn in favour of the Finance and Accounts
Officer, University of Mumbai should be submitted in the office of the Asstt. Registrar (Administration),Institute of
Distance and Open Learning. Before submitting the application for Migration Certificate, he/she should obtain a
Transference Certificate from the Institute by filling the required form, along with the fees of Rs.100/- in cash from
Monday to Friday from 11.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. with lunch break from 1.00 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.
The prescribed form/s for obtaining above mentioned certificates will be available in the office of the IDOL.
7.7 Admission on Fake certificates:
7.8 Admission Validity:
7.9 Convocation and Other certificates:
7.10 Standard of Passing (F.Y.B.A./B.Com.):
7.11 Standard of Passing (T.Y.B.A. ):
Improvement of Class B.A. / B.Com
If any document submitted by the student at the time of admission of any course at any admission centre and found
false and fake then the Institute will be cancelled the admission instantly and the matter will be reported to police for
futher necessary action.
The admission is valid for a period of 5 years from the date of admission after which she/he has to take a fresh admission to any
course of the Institute.
The students who have completed the course i.e. who have passed their the University, will get their degree certificate after the
Convocation. Enquiries in this regard may be made with The Deputy/Asstt. Registrar, Examination Section, University of
Mumbai, Mahatma Jotirao Phule Bhavan, Examination House, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (East), Mumbai 400 098 on Degree
Examination of working days during office hours.
Similarly, for duplicate copies of Statement of Marks, Passing Certificate or Degree Certificate, of Graduate examinations, the
candidates have to apply in the prescribed form (during the money transaction hours) at the M.J.Phule Bhavan, Examination
House, Accounts Section, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (East), Mumbai 400 098.
To pass the First Year B.A./B.Com examination a candidate must obtain minimum 35 per cent of the full marks in each Subject
and in each practical, if any, prescribed for the examination.
If the candidate has failed at the First Year B.A. examination in not more than two heads of passing in which case he will be
required to appear for the First Year examination in the remaining heads in which he has failed either previously or
simultaneously with the Second Year examination and his result of the Second Year Examination will not be declared unless he
has passed in the remaining subjects of the First Year examination.
R-1933 : To pass the Third Year B.A. examination a candidate must obtain minimum 35 per cent of the full marks assigned to the
subject in theory papers and a minimum of 35 per cent of the full marks, assigned to the subject in practical separately, if the
practical is prescribed for the subject.
Provided, however, that where a subject consists of more than one theory paper, the candidate must secure a minimum of 20 per
cent of the marks assigned to each theory paper in the subject, at the examination.
Successful candidates who obtain at least 60 percent of the marks on aggregate in one sitting will be placed in the First Class and
those obtaining at least 45 percent of the marks in one sitting will be placed in the second class.
A candidate who appeared and failed at T.Y.B.A. in any paper of subjects offered by him / her , will have to apply and appear for all
three or six paper of the subject /s under the group, for subsequent examination.
O.2217-B : Candidates who have passed the B.A./B.Com Degree examination of this University with the class mentioned in
Column 1 and who desire to improve their class as shown in Column 2 below, will be permitted at their option to appear again for
the third and final year of the three year B.A./B.Com degree examination with the same subjects without being required to keep
any terms.
Column 1 Column 2
Pass Class Second Class/First Class
Second Class First Class
If the candidates who reappear for the three year B.A./B.Com Degree examination under the provisions of this ordinance fail to
improve their class, their performance at such reappearance will be ignored.
R.1967 :- Candidates shall be required to obtain 25 percent marks in each paper/practical of the part Examinations and 40
percent of the aggregate at each of the Part Examinations of the branches.
Those of the successful candidate who pass Part I and Part II examinations and obtain minimum of 60 percent of the total marks,
will be placed in the First Class and those obtain minimum of 50 percent in Second Class.
O. 2260 : Candidates who have passed the M.A./M.Sc.(Maths) degree examination of this University either by papers or by
dissertation with the class mentioned below in Column 1 and who desire to improve their class or percentage as shown in
Column 2 will be permitted to appear again for the same subject/s in both the parts simultaneously without being required
to keep any terms within a period of five years, following the April or October examination at which they pass under
provision of 0.2260.
7.12 Standard of Passing for M.A./M.Sc. (Maths) examinations (Part I and II)
Improvement of Class (M.A./M.Sc.(Maths)
Column 1 Column 2
Pass Class (a) Second Class or at least 55 per cent marks or
First Class
(b) At least 55 per cent marks or First Class
If candidates who reappear for the two year M.A./M.Sc.(Maths) Degree examination under the provisions of this ordinance fail to
improve their class, their performance at such reappearance will be ignored.
Since this programme is offered through Distance Education mode, it is quite likely that some of you may be wondering how to
complete the programme successfully
It should not be difficult for you to complete the course if you plan your work schedule carefully. If you practice somewhat
systematic way of studying the print materials, much of your job will become easy. We shall give you a few suggestions to make
you studies easy and interesting.
We understand that you have many domestic and social commitments to attend to. Most of you are working in some schools,
colleges or other institutes or work places. You may not have ample of time for studying. But it is possible to have some time
regularly for your studies. Convince your colleagues and family members that you need some privacy to study and stick to a
regular time table. As soon as you receive the study materials start-working on it and don't postpone studying the materials or
writing your assignments/responses.
We suggest, you should know the techniques of self study. Your study materials contain a lengthy reading list for reference
purpose and for deeper understanding of the content. One strategy that gained wide acceptance is the SQ3R technique;
SQ3R stands for the initial letters of the five steps in studying text. The five steps are:
(i) Survey (ii) Question (iii) Read (iv) Recall (v) Review
Survey refers to the quick glance through the title page, preface, chapter headings, etc. of a text book. Surveying a text helps the
students grasps the main ideas. A glance at the title page may give you.
(i) the general subject area (ii) the level of approach (iii) the author's name and (iv) the date and place of publication
Preface helps you decide whether or not the book deserves your attention. Contents tell you what topics the author is dealing
with and how he has organized the themes. An index survey will tell you instantly whether or not the text contains what you need.
It also helps you save time and efforts by directing you straight to the relevant pages.
Your survey of the text will raise in you some questions. For example glancing at the title page, preface and contents, you might
ask yourself:
How far can I depend on this book?
Will the book be helpful to me as its preface suggests?
Why should the author devote a whole chapter for such and such topic?
Having made your survey and started to question, you are now ready for reading the text.
Reading a text material demands a critical mind. When we read a text, we apply our mind with all its critical skills.
Unless we read actively the questions which have been formulated cannot be answered satisfactorily.
It is not advisable to make notes at this stage.
This is not the stage to underline words or phrases either.
Keeping these two points in view, what perhaps, we can do at the first reading is just to look for the main ideas and
the supporting details.
Reading a text is not the final step in learning. It is, instead, the first step in learning. What is read needs to be
recalled for intention. Regular attempts to recall will help improve our learning in three ways (i) better concentration
(ii) chance to remedy misinterpretation and (iii) reactive reading. How often to recall chiefly depends on 'how good' a
reader you are.
The purpose of reviewing is to check the validity of our recall. The best way to do this is to do a quick repeat of the
other four steps i.e. Survey, Question, Read and Recall.
Although the steps of SQ3R are in the logical and natural order there may be overlapping and repetitions between
them. Since Distance Learning students have to work on their own most of the time during their academic career, in
this situation, study skills become very important.
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Course Code
(Application for change of Name / Address / Subject)
Name of the Student (In Block Letters) Date: ____________________
(Surname) (Own Name) (Fathers/Husband's Name) (Mother's Name)
Residential Address ( As registered in the IDOL record)
Pin. Code:___________________Tel No.___________________________
Course_______________ Year 2011 to 2012. Roll No._________________
The Professor-cum-Director, IDOL.
I have taken admission to the __________________________________Course.
My new name/address/subject is as under. Kindly change the same accordingly.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Signature of the student
N.B: 1. As documentary proof, I am submitting the Original with two attested Xerox copies of the Gazette Notification of the
Government and / or the Marriage Certificate for change in Name/Original Address Proof for Change of Residence. I
request you to kindly make the necessary change in my Name/Address/Subject in your office records.
2. Attach Ration Card/Election Card/Telephone Bill/Electricity etc.
3. Students desirous of changing the subject once offered can do so before 31 October of the academic year. Students
admitted after 30th September if any, will not be allowed to change any Subjects.
Permitted to change the Subject Name /Address /Subjects. Yes No
Signature of the Concerned Clerk Signature of the Asstt. Registrar (Admn.)
Undertaking from Reserve Category Students
A) Undertaking from reserve Category Students applying for Free ship / Scholarship
I the undersigned Shri/Smt/Kum.______________________________________ student of Institute of Distance
and Open Learning for_______________ Class during the academic year 2011-2012 hereby declare that I belong
to SC/ST/DT/NT/OBC Category student and I am willing to apply for Government Scholarship /Free ship. I further
declared that my family annual income during the financial year 2010-2011 is Rs.________________ from all
income sources. In case if my scholarship/free ship application form is not accepted and sanctioned by Govt.
Authorities then I am ready to pay entire fees prescribed for the course.
Name &Signature of the Student
I the under signed Shri/Smt/Kum._________________________________________ student of Institute of
Distance and open learning for _______________ Class during the academic year 2011-2012 hereby declare
that I belong to SC/ST/DT/NT/OBC Category student and I am not wiling to apply for Government
Scholarship/Free ship. I further declare that I am ready to pay fees prescribed for the course willingly and I will
not claim Govt. Scholarship /Free ship.
Name & Signature of the Student
For Scholarship / Free Ship
B) Undertaking only for Students not applying to Govt. Free ship / Scholarship
Last Two Years Current Year
20 - 20 20 20 20 - 20
Std. Std. Std.
(Additional Information)
Signature or thumb impression
Place: of the parent / guardian.
1. (a) Student's detailed Postal Residential _____________________________
(b) A Native District of the Student ________________________________
2. Whether the student is employed or not. _____________________________
If employed give the details of service _____________________________
and timing of service. ______________________________
3. Whether enjoying any more educational _____________________________
Concessions other than for this course _____________________________
(ie. Night School, Evening College etc.) ____________________________
Mention the name of such institution.
4. Course of standard in which studying ______________________________
during the past year _____________________________
p x p size
5. Amount of deposit or any other amount ___________________________________________________
Recovered by the institution.____________________________________________________________
6. Whether the parent or guardian of the
Student is Central Government servant, ___________________________________________________
If so, whether he has applied for Educational _______________________________________________
Concession from the Central Government. _______________________________________________
Please give details.
(In case Neo Baudha the following certificate is required from a competent authority) This is to Certify
that (Student's Name) ________________________________________________________________________
Son / Daughter of Shri __________________________________________Village _______________________
Taluka _________________ District _________________________in the Maharashtra State who now belongs to
Buddhist faith Since _________________belonged before conversion to the _____________community which is
recognized as a scheduled caste under the scheduled caste and scheduled tribes list (Amendment Act, 1956 as
adopted for Maharashtra State viewed Bombay Recognisation Act, 1960)
This certificate is issued, on the strength the declaration made by of the Applicant in presence of and
Signature :
Sr. No.___________________
Note : 1. This declaration must be obtained from the parent or guardian of each pupil by the Headmaster and
submitted to the Social Welfare Officer, the parent or guardian must make separate declaration for each pupil in
2. Each declaration must be authenticated by the Headmaster or by some other responsible person of the
Village or Town such as a School Teacher, Post Master, M.L.A.,Pleader,Panchayat Member etc.
The details for freeship etc. furnished by my Son/Ward:
Name ______________________ _________________
of standard_____________________ Div._________________of the __________________________________
are correct free ship during the academic year 20________20_______I declare that the above name pupil Son/Ward
has falsely claimed to belong to the caste of_________________________________________ which is included
in the list of Scheduled Tribes___________________ if any my Son/Ward has falsely claimed to belong to the
Backward Class, my Son/Ward has falsely claimed to belong to the Backward shall not be allowed to join any
school, college or institution in the state for three years, in addition to any penal proceedings that may be taken
against him.
I also undertake to refund whatever amount by way of Studentship Fee Examination Fees which my
Son/Ward has received on the statement made by me if proved false.
I solemnly declare that the net income of my Son/Ward and that of his parents from all sources during
20_______ 20______ was Rs.__________.
My Son/Ward is not enjoying any Educational Concession for more than one course of institution.
Place : Signature or thumb impression
Date : of the parent/guardian or the pupil.
I__________________________________________________ of Village or Town _______________________
of Taluka _____________________ of District _________________________ ; attest;
to Signature /thumb mark of the person (applicant) above as having been made in my presence.
Place : Signature :_________________
Date : Designation :_________________
Shri/Smt./Kum. _____________________________________________________________________________________
(In Block Letters) (Surname) (Own Name) (Father's/Husband's Name) (Mother's Name)
Residential address of the student ________________________________________________________________________
Pin Code ______________________________Tel No. _______________________________________________________
The Principal / Head of the University Dept.
(Full Name and Address of the last attended College / University Dept.)___________________________________________
Through Asstt. Registrar (Adm.), IDOL
I am to state that I have taken provisional admission to the _______________Class in the institute of Distance and Open
Learning of the University of Mumbai on the basis of the No Objection Certificate dated_____________ issued to me by the
College / University Dept.
I attended the ___________________ Class ( Div. __________ Roll No. _____________) during theFirst/Second
Terms/s of the academic year ____________at your College and passed / failed / was awarded A.T.K.T. at the examination held
by the University Dept./ College in April / October ___________ Examination (Seat No. ______________)
My Date of Birth is ________________________
I am enclosing the attested xerox copy of the mark-sheet/s of the above mentioned examination/s. I have also paid
the T.C. Fee of Rs.100/- at the IDOL at the time of admission.
I am to request to send my Transference Certificate directly to the Director, Institute of Distance and Open
Learing University of Mumbai, Santacruz (East), Mumbai- 400098 at the earliest.
Thanking you,
Verified by Yours Obediently,
Date (Signature of the Adm. Clerk) (Student's Signature)
N.B. 1) This Application for Transference Certificate must be submitted at the admission counter by only those
those students who seek admission to IDOL on the basis of N.O.C. from the affiliated college or the
Department of the University of Mumbai last attended by them.
2) The old students of IDOL are NOT required to fill up this form.
Shankar Dayal Sharma Bhavan,
Vidanagari, Santacruz (East), Mumbai 400 098.
Application for Transference Certificate from the last attended
College / University Department
Course Code
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCoooooooooouuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrsssssssssse e e e e e e e e e e CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCooooooooooddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeee
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrr uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ssssssssssseeeeeeeeeee
Course Code
(To be filled in by the student)
1. Name of the Student________________________________________________________________
(In Block letters) (Surname) (Own Name) (Fathers/Husbands Name) (Mother Name)
2. Residential Address (As registered in the IDOL record): -
Pin Code :______________________ Tel No _________________________________
3. Name of the Course : _____________________________ Course Code
4. Date of Payment of fees of Admission ____________________________Fees Receipt No.______________
Recevied study material in the following subjects for the Academic year 2011 12 -
(N.B.Before filling up this form please check availability of study material status under each course.)
Date: Signature of the Candidate/Receiver
Name : ( )
N.B : Study material will be given from Monday to Friday only. Attach letter of authority if not collected by
the student in person. Also send the fee Receipt and Identity Card duly stamped by the institute. The Study
material should be collected in the same academic year, failing which no study material be issued.
Tick ( ) which ever is required.
Sr.No Paper No. Name of the Subject Study Material
Required In
1 English Marathi
Roll No.____________
Year : 2011-12
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