MeatGoat PennSt
MeatGoat PennSt
MeatGoat PennSt
the line, nip the rosebuds, or bounce onto a parked vehicle. Female goats are called does or sometimes doelings if they are less than a year old. Males are bucks or bucklings. Young goats are called kids. Bucks usually do not make good family pets because of their aggressive behavior and strong urinelike odors. Buck odors are most offensive during the breeding season, usually from September to early January. Does do not secrete strong odors from their scent glands. Goats adapt well to hot environments because of their small size and higher ratio of body surface area to body weight. Also, their ability to conserve body water, their limited subcutaneous fat cover, and their hairy coats are good survival traits under desertlike conditions. The foraging preferences of goats encompass a wider spectrum of plants than those of other small ruminants. Goats are inclined to forage or browse from the top of a plant downward, making them an effective biological herbicide for controlling many undesirable plants and shrubs. Goats are called selective browsers because of This publication was developed by the Small-scale and Part-time Farming Project at Penn State with support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Extension Service.
their desire to choose from a large variety of vegetative types. This grazing behavior enables them to survive harsher semiarid conditions than either sheep or cattle.
Goat Breeds
Over sixty recognized or official breeds of goats exist in the world. These multipurpose breeds produce milk, meat, fiber, and skins. In the United States there are three primary types: the Angora or Mohair breed of approximately two million head, and the meat and dairy breeds estimated at one million head each. In the Southwest, meat goats are referred to as Spanish goats (though they are not necessarily of Mexican or Spanish ancestry). All three breed types can produce meat, but only the Spanish goat is kept exclusively for meat. In many small-herd dairy goat enterprises, not all does must be milked, so meat is often the main product. Along with meat, the sale of breeding stock from small flocks of dairy goats may be an important income source. This versatility allows the producer to plan and operate a more stable economic production unit.
pounds) per day from birth to 100 days of age. The higher collagen content and lower solubility of goat meat, compared with lower levels of the same features in lamb, does reduce goat meats overall palatability and tenderness. Breeding and slaughtering techniques appear to be key in improving the tenderness factor of goat meat.
Fiber Breed
Angora goats originated in Ankara, Turkey, a mountainous area with a dry climate and extreme temperatures. Both sexes are horned and open faced, with long locks of hair over the rest of the body. Mature bucks weigh from 125 to 175 pounds, mature does 80 to 90 pounds. Angora goat hair is called mohair. The fiber quality of mohair from goats raised in high rainbelt areas (greater than 30 inches annually) usually does not match that of mohair produced in more arid regions.
Pasture Management
Goats, in general, should be figured at the rate of five to six does to one animal unit equivalent. If stocked according to area recommendations, they can be grazed along with other livestock. In marginal grazing lands, goats have been shown to complement both sheep and cattle. Goats consume a higher percentage of brush and other less desirable plants; thus, they help to maximize the use of marginal pastureland as well as improve forage production over time. A carefully planned rotational grazing program can enhance pasture production and help control internal parasites. Deferred pastures and small grain pastures are good for kidding since they provide excellent feed for milk production. Supplemental grazing in stubble fields, corn fodder, winter rye or wheat pastures, and brassicas can be used either to extend the grazing season or to boost required nutrient levels for some critical phase of production.
adapted by making the lower section goat tight. An open shed arrangement of 10 to 12 square feet per doe can provide shelter during extremely hot or cold weather.
Health Considerations
A preventative health program should be carefully worked out with your veterinarian. Internal parasite control is probably the most important health issue for goats. Generally, what works for sheep within a certain region of the country will work for goats. Problem diseases associated with reproduction or kidding can be managed and treated, in most instances, the same as for sheep. Consult a veterinarian when in doubt.
4" 6"
36" 44"
4" 4"
Ground level
8" barbed for kids, not electrified. Reverse polarity where predators are a problem.
The GoatKeepers Veterinary Book, Third ed., Farming Press, Ipswich, U.K. ISBN 0-309-03185-0. Meat Goats, a booklet about the basics of goat production, is available from the Alberta Goat Breeders Association for $15.00 (U.S.). Meat Goat Monthly News, news magazine of the American Meat Goat Association, is available from: Ranch Publishing, P.O. Box 2678, San Angelo, TX 76902. Phone: (915) 655-4434
Prepared by Clair Engle, associate professor of animal science, George Greaser, senior research associate in agricultural economics, and Jayson Harper, associate professor of agricultural economics
Table 1. Spring kidding program for one hundred meat-type does and three bucks.
1. 170 percent kid crop raised; 20 doe kids saved as replacements. 2. Does purchased at $45 each; bucks at $100 each. 3. Limited supplemental feeding of hay to does during winter; limited grain feeding during late gestation and early lactation. Kids fed 1.0 pound per day for 100 days postweaning.
150 kids @ 70 lbs x $0.70/lb 16 cull does @ 70 lbs x $0.30/lb Gross income/doe
Hay (10 tons x $80/ton) Grain (300 bushels corn x $2.75/bushel) Salt and minerals, 11 lbs x $0.12/lb Veterinary medications Buildings and fences Marketing and hauling Vehicle, fuel, utilities, other miscellaneous Operating capital interest @ 200 days x 13% interest Operating cost/doe Net receipts/doe
8.00 8.25 1.32 1.75 5.00 2.50 5.00 2.12 33.94 42.92
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
1. Kids started on creep feed at birth and weaned at 28 days old weighing approximately 20 pounds. Postweaning diet a 16percent protein, high-concentrate feed on good pastures. 2. Postweaning growth rate of 0.4 pound per day, with 5-pound concentrate feed required per pound of grain. Postweaning death loss estimated at 4 percent.
Milk @ 5 gal/kid x $1.04/gal x 50 kids* Feed @ 200 lbs/kid x 48 kids x 0.75/lb Pasture costs @ $2.00/kid Veterinary and medication @ $1.00/kid Facilities and equipment @ $2.00/kid Marketing and hauling @ $1.50/kid Miscellaneous costs @ $1.00/kid Operating capital interest @ 100 days x 13% interest Total Net income for 48 kids *The milk price used for this budget is a farm price of $1.04 per gallon.
260.00 720.00 96.00 48.00 96.00 72.00 48.00 47.35 1,387.35 628.65
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
These same kids could conceivably sell as 20-lb fat kids at weaning. Based on an estimated sale price of $0.85 per lb, the income would be $850 for 50 kids. The estimated expenses would be $491.60, leaving an estimated return to land, labor, and capital of $358.40.
Table 3. Estimated costs and returns per meat doe for a year.
Kid: 150% kid crop x $22.00/head Aged goats: 10% @ $25.00 Total
Feed (0.25 lb/day x 90 days) ($200/ton) Death loss (3% @ $35.00) Veterinary and medicine Salt and minerals Equipment, fuel, and miscellaneous Bulk cost Marketing Taxes Interest on does ($35.00 @ 13% interest) Replacement (13% annual rate for 7 years) Net income/doe
2.25 1.05 0.60 0.60 3.00 0.40 1.50 0.10 4.55 4.55 17.30
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
Table 4. Estimated returns to land, labor, and management at various kidding rates per doe.
Value of kids Value of aged goats $16.50 2.50 $19.00 Minus estimated costs Returns to land, labor, and management 18.20 $0.80
$22.00 2.50 $24.50 18.20 $6.30
$27.50 2.50 $30.00 18.20 $11.80
$33.00 2.50 $35.50 18.20 $17.30
$38.50 2.50 $41.00 18.20 $22.80
$44.00 2.50 $46.00 18.20 $28.30
NOTE: All cost and income estimates are based on data taken from The Extension Goat Handbook, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, College Station, Texas.
Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences research, extension, and resident education programs are funded in part by Pennsylvania counties, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This publication is available from the Publications Distribution Center, The Pennsylvania State University, 112 Agricultural Administration Building, University Park, PA 16802. For information telephone (814) 865-6713. Where trade names appear, no discrimination is intended, and no endorsement by Penn State Cooperative Extension is implied. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of Congress May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Pennsylvania Legislature. T. R. Alter, Director of Cooperative Extension, The Pennsylvania State University.