Bhratrukaraka and The Parampara Yoga: Offered Onto The Lotus Feet of SRI KRISNA and Lord KASHI Vishwanath
Bhratrukaraka and The Parampara Yoga: Offered Onto The Lotus Feet of SRI KRISNA and Lord KASHI Vishwanath
Bhratrukaraka and The Parampara Yoga: Offered Onto The Lotus Feet of SRI KRISNA and Lord KASHI Vishwanath
R .guvkm!. p< zrIr< sUp< twa va kl< yza ic< xn< metuLyM mnSce l< guraeri'pe tt> ik< tt> ik< tt> ik< tt> ikm!.1. ||gurva akam|| arra s r pa tath v ka atra yaacru citra dhana merutu yam manascenna agna gurora ghripadme tata ki tata ki tata ki tata kim||1|| The above slokh of Guru Ashtakam composed by Sri Adi Guru Shankracharya thus explains that even if one has good looking features, beautiful wife, money and fame and the mind does not submit and bows to the Guru. What is the use? What is the use? What is the use?
Thus Jupiter represents the qualities of ones guru and 9th lord represents the physical body of the Guru. Thus relationship between Jupiter and 9th lord will reveal how much association and transfer of knowledge is there. Thus taking Jupiter as being in the ascendant and we see the 9th lord from it to see how much knowledge is being absorbed by the native from his/her guru. Standard Nativity
The native is a Jyotish guru and a writer who teaches Jyotish. If we notice the above chart here Jupiter is placed in Libra with mercury in 12th house. Mercury is the chara BK and its association with Jupiter shows that the native has a yoga or union with his Guru. 9TH lord shows the physical body of the Guru and BK the soul. The 9th lord shares a dwidwadasha sambhanda with Jupiter-mercury which on 1st instance seems a bit negative however we cannot ignore the dispositor of Moon-9th lord joining Jupiter and thus giving more power to the yoga with guru. Morever, mercury is the 9th lord from Jupiter joining Jupiter thus ensuring the native absorbs the knowledge received from Guru.
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This is the chart of Sri Maa Sharda devi- the divine consort of Sri thakur Ramakrishna paramhansa. Here we see, Jupiter as the 9th lord. Thus we see the sambandha or relation of Jupiter (9th lord) with BK. Charakaraka BK is Mars (UL lord) with AK Moon. 9th lord from Jupiter is sun and has joined a strong Jupiter in 6th bhava showing the yoga with Guru. There is a relationship of moon i.e. dispositor of Mars has joined Jupiter thus bridging the gap between the native and her guru. Sri maa sharda devi was the 1st disciple of Thakur Sri Ramakrishna.
Rahu as BK
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The native although had Christian upbringing. Her interest in occult has always kept her enchanted. The lagna lord in 8th house along with 5th lord Venus, Rahu is the 9th lord and BK in Virgo .The lady has practiced Wicca, chaos magic and got initiated into kriya yoga and finally taking up Sri-Vidya. There is a rasi dristi working between Jupiter in lagna and Rahu BK and 9th lord in Kendra thus assuring the clear association with Guru and grasping the knowledge of Guru. Since Rahu is the BK and it is in 12th from karkamas as one of the planets. The native had been worshiping Goddess Durga for last 6months after which she has got intiated into Sri Vidya. We can see the natives Tithi pravesha chart2008 whereby Jupiter and venus aspects her mantrapada by rasi dristi.
The native TP2008 Shows two benefic planet a powerful Jupiter with venus aspecting the mantra pada A5 By rasi dristi.The native has been intiated into the bala mantra of sri vidya in the JUPITER vimoshattari dasha. And narayana dasha of Sagittarius Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Jup MD: 2008-03-16 - 2008-05-03 Antardasas in this MD: Jup: 2008-03-16 - 2008-03-22 Sat: 2008-03-22 - 2008-03-30 Merc: 2008-03-30 - 2008-04-06 Ket: 2008-04-06 - 2008-04-08 Ven: 2008-04-08 - 2008-04-16 Sun: 2008-04-16 - 2008-04-18 Moon: 2008-04-18 - 2008-04-23 Mars: 2008-04-23 - 2008-04-26 Rah: 2008-04-26 - 2008-05-03
Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa): Sg MD: 2008-03-26 (5:27:23) - 2008-05-01 (6:10:15) Antardasas in this MD: Sg: 2008-03-26 (5:27:23) - 2008-03-29 (12:38:40) Cp: 2008-03-29 (12:38:40) - 2008-04-01 (16:26:40)
Aq: 2008-04-01 (16:26:40) - 2008-04-04 (13:26:04) Pi: 2008-04-04 (13:26:04) - 2008-04-07 (4:51:03) Ar: 2008-04-07 (4:51:03) - 2008-04-09 (18:46:24) Ta: 2008-04-09 (18:46:24) - 2008-04-12 (11:22:25) Ge: 2008-04-12 (11:22:25) - 2008-04-15 (8:55:18) Cn: 2008-04-15 (8:55:18) - 2008-04-18 (11:02:45) Le: 2008-04-18 (11:02:45) - 2008-04-21 (16:19:29) Vi: 2008-04-21 (16:19:29) - 2008-04-24 (23:26:43) Li: 2008-04-24 (23:26:43) - 2008-04-28 (5:32:11) Sc: 2008-04-28 (5:32:11) - 2008-05-01 (6:10:15)
Swami Vivekananda
The above name needs no introduction. The person who is the most dynamic disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa. Swamiji has Saturn as BK and this clearly does justice to
his fiery personality and bold attitude initially whereby he did not accept his guru and his teachings. The relationship of Swamiji with his guru is beyond the description of this article. However, we find in the chart of Swamiji that Saturn is the BK and 9th lord sun as AK and the relation of ak[Sun] as 9th lord and BK Saturn shows atma or soul level association due to rasi dristi between the sun and Saturn. Sri Ramakrishna had said about Swamiji that Naren (swami Vivekananda) was one of the saptrishis born to do the work of divine mother. Swamiji had sun as the ak sitting in lagna in dhanu rasi and it is vargottama. The sign that signifies the Rishi is Pisces and the karma of saptrishis should be 10th from Pisces being the sign of Sagittarius whereby SUN occupies it and being vargottama shows Swamiji karma was to be the spread of light(SUN) i.e. Vedanta and dharma and to be a Guru.
Swami Sardananda
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The native was the one of the 16 monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna Jupiter is strongly placed in Sagittarius with Sun and Mercury .The lord of 9th house both Rahu and Saturn are in a very good position from Jupiter. Saturn is chara bhratrukaraka and is aspecting the Jupiter. Rahu is the 9th lord having a rasi dristi sambandha with
Jupiter and they are together in navamsa. Thus sambandha of Jupiter with 9th lord of bk shows one has a Yoga with his guru.[Yoga in Sanskrit means union].
Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Jup MD: 1873-06-17 - 1889-06-17 Ven AD: 1881-04-28 - 1883-12-30 Pratyantardasas in this AD: Ven: 1881-04-28 - 1881-10-11
Sun: 1881-10-11 - 1881-11-28 Moon: 1881-11-28 - 1882-02-14 Mars: 1882-02-14 - 1882-04-12 Rah: 1882-04-12 - 1882-09-08 Jup: 1882-09-08 - 1883-01-14 Sat: 1883-01-14 - 1883-06-17 Merc: 1883-06-17 - 1883-11-04 Ket: 1883-11-04 - 1883-12-30 The native met his Guru Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa during the Mahadasha of Jupiter and Antardasha of Venus and pratiantar dasha of mercury Venus joins Ketu the 9th lord from karkamsa and Jupiter Rahu[9th lord] aspects karkamsa by graha dristi. Mercury being the GK[cousin] and lagna lord shows association with Guru .He had met his guru for the 1st time with his cousin who too became Sri Thakurs follower.
Swami Ramakrishnanda
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The revered native is the brother disciple of his holiness swami Vivekananda and his real name is Shashi Bhusan Chakrabarty. He met his guru at the age of 21 in October 1883. The natives BK is Moon being exalted with Ketu and 9th lord has Saturn has joined Jupiter and there is a yoga of JUP-MOON-VENUS Venus lords the 12th from karakamsa and swami ramakrishnanda was the only disciple who was known for his firm devotion to his guru sri Ramakrishna and the one who stayed at barangore monestry worshiping his gurus shrine. The native met his guru in October 1883 in the shasti-hayani mahadasha of Moon [BK] Antardasha of Jupiter and pratiantar dasha of Sun[ak] Saturn and Jupiter Also we can notice that as per jataka parijata the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter with sun in lagna produces a muni yoga.. ek abhgau gurusryaputrau dharmasthitau v yadi karmasa sthau| arkdaye saumyanirk yam au munirbhavedatrabhavaciryu
Thus Jupiter Saturn conjunction with either of them having a lordship over 9th or 10th house or their conjunction taking place in these bhavas with sun in the lagna produces a muni. This should also be checked in navamsa as the presence of this yoga can reveal the attainment of brahma gyana [Jupiter + Saturn] .Here there is partial yoga of Saturn in 10th house with sun in lagna with Jupiter dispositor Sun sharing a rasi dristi with Saturn.
Shasti-hayani Dasha (applicable if Sun is in lagna): Moon MD: 1880-08-03 (16:21:43) - 1886-08-04 (5:15:20) Jup AD: 1883-08-04 (10:44:29) - 1884-08-03 (16:58:43) Sun PD: 1883-10-05 (6:33:16) - 1883-12-04 (3:40:45) Sookshma-antardasas in this PD: Sun: 1883-10-05 (6:33:16) - 1883-10-15 (9:12:44) Mars: 1883-10-15 (9:12:44) - 1883-10-25 (10:30:59) Moon: 1883-10-25 (10:30:59) - 1883-10-31 (10:35:48)
The native has Saturn in 24degrees[Amk] in Virgo and Mercury[BK] in 24degrees in Libra. Due to Saturn and Mercury falling in the same longitude there is a charakaraka replacement occurring here however such a replacement in never an event of immediate impact but takes time and since this involves the direction and attitude shift of soul we use the atma kendradi graha dasha to see the shift. Here mercury becomes the amk and the slot of Bk falls vacant whereby this is taken over by mars the natural significator for Bk. Amk denotes karma and profession and here it is Saturn which is in sanyas yoga giving inclination to lead a life of renunciation however since mercury is forming a gurushisya yoga the native was directed to follow his teacher[bk] to propogate and spread the light of Jyotish. Thus this is a clear case of ones dharma towards [bk] GURU becoming ones karma [amk].
Parampara Yoga
#m ivvSvt e e < e va V ! < ya a nhm yym g , ivvSva m a m irva vevIt ! 1. N nve h nu k = . ima vivasvate yoga proktavnahamavyayam| vivasvnmanave prha manurikvkave'brav | 1| | t| The 1st slokha of chapter 4 of bhagavad Geeta begins with the verse said by Sri Bhagwan how he instructed the divine science of yoga to sun-god Vivasan and how Vivasan instructed this to Manu-the father of mankind and thus this was instructed to Iksvaku. Thus we see the transfer of knowledge given by Sri Krishna to sun god and thus there is a continuous transfer of knowledge forming a GURU-SHISHYA lineage which is called as Parampara Yoga.
Thus the Parampara yoga if formed when JUPITER conjoins with Ketu or Mercury. Jupiter + ketu is the yoga whereby a lineage is established out of Ketu [shunya dhyana meditation]. Jupiter + mercury is the yoga whereby a person joins the lineage of guru Parampara and this is also known as japa yoga [mercury repetition]. Both the yogas have to seen in rasi and navamsa. Presence of yoga in navamsa can show the actual will of Sri Vishnu whereby a native joins the Parampara Or creates one.
Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda , January12,1863,06.33hrs, 88e30,22N40 In swami Vivekanandas chart we do see the yoga of Jupiter and Ketu present in rasi and navamsa. Thus Parampara yoga is clearly present in Swamiji chart. Swamiji established the Ramakrishna mission ashram to propagate Vedanta.
Sri bhaktivedanta swami srila Prabupada is the founder of ISKON and he has a Parampara yoga of Jupiter Ketu conjoined in Rasi and navamsa.
Swami Ramakrishnanda-Shashi July13,1863-4:57hrs,Ichapur,India The native is the brother disciple of swami Vivekananda and there is a yoga of Jupiter mercury present in both rasi and navamsa. From the above charts- it is very much important that Parampara yoga be supported by navamsa as this shows even the will of God. Mere presence of yoga in the rasi will only show the association of native with some spiritual organization or Parampara.
If Gurudevta is associated or conjoined with Ishta devta in navamsa then worship of Ishta devta can bring a guru in ones life. The ishta devta is the deity which guides the native towards the path of salvation or moksha. If ishta devta is related to BK then worship of ishta also ensures that one meets his spiritual guru as it is sat guru who guides the native towards the path of moksha or nirvana. In case of people having Rahu as their BK or 9th lord, their association with Guru from a foreign culture brings more pratibha or god communion to them.This is mostly evident in the charts of European and western world natives whereby they are actively inclined towards Buddhist or hindu spiritual ways of life.