Cup On Cups Off Generic Flyer
Cup On Cups Off Generic Flyer
Cup On Cups Off Generic Flyer
Controlling mastitis and achieving high quality milk affects the profitability of all dairy farms. In any dairy, the milking process can significantly affect the spread of mastitis infections and the risk of clinical cases of mastitis.
Topics covered include How and why infections occur Reducing the risk of infection Practical mastitis control Best practice in milk harvesting The importance of teat disinfection The real cost of mastitis How to detect and deal with clinical cases of mastitis
The course runs over one and a half days (approx 7.5 hours total) with participants gaining a statement of attainment for the course and will also achieve the Level 2 Milk Livestock (RTE2112A) qualification.
The course is available through the National Centre for Dairy Education Australia.
To enrol or find out more information visit or contact the NCDEA on 1300 062 332