Standard 6 - Stakeholder Communication and Relationships: Quality School Indicators
Standard 6 - Stakeholder Communication and Relationships: Quality School Indicators
Standard 6 - Stakeholder Communication and Relationships: Quality School Indicators
CITA-AdvancED Self
The school fosters effective communications and relationships with and among its stakeholders.
QUALITY SCHOOL INDICATORS IN FULFILLMENT OF THIS STANDARD, THE SCHOOL: 6. 1 6. 2 6. 3 6. 4 6. 5 Fosters collaboration with community stakeholders to support student learning Has formal channels to listen to and communicate with stakeholders Solicits the knowledge and skills of stakeholders to enhance the work of the school Communicates the expectations for student learning and goals for improvement to all stakeholders Provides information about students, their performance, and school effectiveness that is meaningful and useful to stakeholders
Qimam Al-Hayat International Schools Study 6.1. Focus Questions for Standard 6
CITA-AdvancED Self
The information collected and analyzed in the self-study section (see above) should be considered when answering the following focus questions. The responses to these questions should support the schools selfassessment on the Standards Assessment Report (SAR). Also, these questions will be asked by the review team regarding the processes that are in place to support the schools or schools implementation of the research-based practices outlined in the indicators rubric.
6.1.1. How the schools leadership ensures that the school is responsive to community
expectations and stakeholder satisfaction. The administration always accepts suggestions, listens to the needs of the employees (all staff) and supports them in their personal and professional difficulties so that the school provides a homely atmosphere for the successful and pleasant working environment. We grow hand-in-hand.
and and the survey graphs booklet
Semester Reports
The school administration conducts a semester report for parents to acquaint the stakeholders with all updates and accomplishments, and even conflicts in the school. Parents and teachers respond accordingly and suggestions are considered by a committee.
CITA-AdvancED Self
Sample Report
CITA-AdvancED Self
The last week of January was spent in thorough preparation for the Mid-Terminal Exam so that the past half-year preparation will yield a successful outcome. We completed all exams and closed the school first term on 14th of Feb.
Quick Interventions
CITA-AdvancED Self
Having face-to-face discussions with the required staff, meetings with general discussions and specific problem oriented discussions give a helping hand to the teacher in need to strengthen in crises. The teachers by themselves are welcome to the administration in concern with the student progress/ performance and to take effective measures for improvement. Teachers are often asked to report on students' progress to parents and school principal .Teachers also analyze the results to work out points of strength and weakness in order to help in providing feedback and further planning, taking into account standardized international tests in their teaching . These reports present useful information about what a student knows and what he/she can do. These reports also provide space for specific teacher comments and space for parental response. On a weekly basis, teachers log onto the schools server to fill in the relevant follow up for all students and give assessing comments. The administration in turn forwards the students follow up Excel sheets to their parents e-mails. Data collected from results is organized in graphs to observe upward & down ward trend and discussions are held with those parents and teachers to improve the performance. To encourage students to excel with their best, special awards are given to those students who obtain 98% and above. A specific % of their fee is waived and a certificate of excellence is awarded. All teachers receive the faculty handbook at the beginning of the year. It includes the schools assessment system and grading policy. They are asked to follow the rules and require information from supervisors when necessary. Seminars and workshops are often held to introduce teachers, especially new commers, to methods and techniques of teaching and assessment, to design valid and reliable tests which include items that are appropriate to the goals of the tests, and have a balanced coverage of skills as presented in the curriculum. In addition, teachers are urged to take steps to lower tests anxiety by appropriate preparation, and by creating a supporting classroom climate. Also refer to
Semester Reports
CITA-AdvancED Self
The school fosters collaboration with community stakeholders. The school has formal channels to listen to and communicate with stakeholders. The school seeks and enhances the knowledge and skills of stakeholders to enhance the work of the school. The school communicates the expectations for student learning and goals for improvement to stakeholders. The school provides information about students, their performance, and school effectiveness that is meaningful and useful to stakeholders.
The administration always accepts suggestions the school. The school provides a homely atmosphere for the successful and pleasant working environment. The school administration conducts a semester report for parents. The school administration reviews the learning methods & facilities. Teachers are often asked to report on students' progress to parents and school principal. Teachers also analyze the results to work out points of strength and weakness. All teachers receive the faculty handbook at the beginning of the year.
CITA-AdvancED Self
Qimam Al-Hayat School is successful in meeting this standard, as it has the understanding, commitment, and support of stakeholders that is needed to run the school smoothly and trust worthily. Our school personnel seek opportunities for collaboration and shared leadership among stakeholders to help students learn and advance improvement efforts.
2.5. Interventions
1. The school innovated the school semester report to keep parents informed with all achievements and updates. 2. The school developed a hansome parents handbook to orientate parents with school policy and system.
CITA-AdvancED Self