2.1 2.2 2.3 Introduction Objectives The Meaning of Counselling
2.3.1 2.3.2 Definitions of Counselling Counselling and Related Fields
Counselling Process
2.7.1 2.7.2 Concepts Stages
2.8 2.9
You have already studied the unit one titled Understanding Guidance and it will help you to understand the concept of Counselling better. In fact, Counselling is considered the central and most important part of the whole Guidance Programme in the school. All other activities and services of a School Guida~lce Programme leads to and help in the counselling process. And it is through counselling that the individual is ultimately helped. Therefore, it is very essential to understand the concept of Counselling clearly. The meaning of Counselling in the professional sense differ very much from the popular understanding of the term. For the layman it means a piece of advice, a suggestion, recomrnendatioli or providing some information. But professionally, Coullsellillg is the scientific process of helping the individual to understand himlherself better in relation to liislher environment so that helshe becomes self-dependent, sclf-directed and selfsufficient and is able to lead a better and meaningful life. Coullselli~lg aimed at helping is the individual in solving problems that are already present, preventing the occurrence of probleins in future and also enhancing personal, social, emotional, educational and vocational development. Thus, Counselling has remedial, preventive and develop~ne~ltal aspects.
In this /unit, we will provide you with a clear understanding of the concept and meaning of Counselling. Later on we will discuss the Priilciples and Goals of Counselling, theoretical orientations, techniques and the process of Counselling in detail. Then we will examine the qualities and characteristics of an Effective Counselling. Since Group Counselling is emerging as a separate field in recent time, we will also discuss it . We will also discuss briefly the special areas in counselling as well as the importance of Evaluation of Counselling Services. You should remember that the purpose of this unit is not merely creating an awareness but alsb, you should be able to make practical applications.
After going through this unit, you will be able to: explain the term counselling and its relation to various fields; state the goals of counselling; describe the principles of counselling; compare the various approaches to counselling; describe and discuss the process of counselling; differentiate various areas of counselling; list the characteristics of an Effective Counsellor; identify cases requiring help through counselling; and select the appropriate approach(es) and technique(s) for dealing with a given case.
realistically defined goals to the end that the client may become a happier and more productive member of society". From the several definitions given above it call be seen that "Counselling involves a relationship. It involves a relationship hetween a professionally trained, competent counsellor and an individual seeking help. This relationship is not casual, matter of fact or business like. It is characterized by warmth, understanding, acceptance and trust".
Psychotherapy is the treatment of problems of an emotional nature by psychological means. The fields of counselling and psychotherapy are having a lot of similarities as well as differences. Rogers help the view that counselli~lg psychotherapy are exactly and the same. However it is not totally true. We can distinguish both on the basis of individuals receiving help, persons giving help, severity of the problems covered, etc. In psychotherapy the person receiving help is generally collect a patient who is suffering from some kind of a mental illness. But in counselling the person receiving help is generally a normal person facing some difficulties of adjustment or developmental problems. Secondly, the person(s) who is giving psychotherapy is called psychiatrist who has a basic medical background where as the counselling do not have ally medical background but has extensive training on tho field of psychology. Moreover, in psychotherapy the aiin is to cure a certain ailment. But in counselling the aim is to help in self-understanding. It is more of a learning process. Inspite of the distinctions mentioned above, it is very difficult to separate these two fields. There is more overlap than differences. In both the aim is to assist the person to lead a more adjusted and satisfying life. In both counselling and psychotherapy the relationship between the client and the therapist/counsellor is of vital importance. Moreover while handling emotional problem of a deep nature, counselling approaches psychotherapy very closely.
Guidance and Counselling
Guidance and counselling terms have been in use interchangeably. Laymen and sometimes even counsellors use these terms as if they are synonymous. But it is not correct. Both counselling and guidance are mutually related processes but not the same. Guidance is a more comprehensive process which includes counselling. Guidance services includes many other services apart from counselling. We may say that counselling is the most specialized and most important service in the whole guidance programme.
Instruction and Counselling
Another term closely related to counselling is instruction. There are soine basic differences between instruction and counselling. Instruction is usually obligatory to be followed hy the person who receives it where as in the case of counselling the counselee is not obliged to act according to anything said by the counsellor. Actually nothing is told to be done in counselling. Similarly although the ultimate aim of instruction is the development of the individual. The immediate aim is the learning of a subject, skill, etc. But this is not so in the case of counselling. Moreover, the instructional programme is time bound and structured but counselling on the other hand is not structured and no time limit is also fixed in the case of counselling.
Advice and Counselling
Counselling is sometimes confused with advice giving. It is necessary to dispel this confusion. Advice is sought with lhe conviction of being told what to do and advice is given with the expectation that what is told will be done. The persoil seeking advice is not really responsible for the course of action and the consequence there 01'. It is not always necessary for the individual to understand all factors related to hislher action. In counselling on the other hand the very understanding of all related factors is the crucial matter. Moreover, in advice giving the advisor is making decisions for the individual where as in counsellin$, decision making is wholly the responsibility of the counselee.
Therefore, the counsellor is fully responsible for hislher actions too. ~ d v ~ giving may ce be an incident and will be over i n n brief meeting. But counsellin,o, as we h;~vi:seen, is a
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iii) Tl~e person who givcs psycliotllcrap)l is ci~lleda .................... :111ci ~ h c person i-ecci\.ir~g help i s callc~l ................................... :I
i i i ) De!'iric co~rnsclling.
nselling is based on n number of principles. These principles are: Counselling is a process. It is necessary for the counsellor to understand that cotinselling is a process and a slow process. Failure lo understand this will result in annoyance ant1 disappoint~nent. Counselli~ig for all. Especially in the school situation counselling is rneanr for all is the students and not only far those who art: Ihcing prohlems or other cxceplional studrnts. As we have already discusscd in the school situation cou~iselling more is
Counselling is based on certain fundamental assumptions. a) b) every individual in this world is capable of taking responsibilities for Iii~ntherself. every individual has a right to clioose histher own path, based on the principles of democracy.
Counsellor does not deprive the right of self-choice but simply l'acilitalcs choice. Tht: counsellor should give due respect to the individual and accept hi~ntheras hetshe is. Counselling is not advice giving. Counselling is not thinking for the client, but thinking with the client. Counselling is for enabling the client to do judicious thinking. Counselling is not proble~iisolving. The counselior simply assist the person to find solution on histher own. Counselling is not interviewing but co~)versingwith the client in orclcr to help himtlier develop self-understanding, The counsellor sliould determine individual differences and provide for them.
10. The courlsellor has to prepare the client to open to criticism including self-criticism.
I I . The counsellor acts as a facilitator or catalyst only. Hc creates an atmosphere which i s perniiss~veand non-threatening, through his war111 and accepting relationship with the client which lielps [he client to cxplore himselftlierself and i~ndcrstantl hiniselftherself better.
C ' o ~ ~ ~ l x ~ r l :answers WIIII [how g ~ v c :I\ ltlic c~ic! your ~ i!I'~!lc block
Achievement of positive mental henlth An individual is said to have positive mental health when he is able to relate Qenningfully with others and lead a fulfilling life. He is able to love and be loved. One goal oi'counselling is to help the intlividual to attain this state.
Probleiii resolution gnother goal of counselling is to help the individual to come out of a dii'ticult situation or problem. It must be remembered that the individual is only ass~sted and he himself find solution for lhe problems.
~ o u n s e l l i n g decision-ninlting for Ability to ~riakeright and timely decisiorls is crucial for success In life. One major goal of counselling is to make individual capable of making independent decisions. or Counsellor may assist the individual by providing necessary inforn~at~on clar~fying the counselee's goals, etc. but the decision should be taken by the counselee hrrnselfl herself.
Iniproving personal effectiveness As effective person is one who is able to control impulses, think in creative ways aind has the competence to recognize, define and solve problems. It can bc seen that these diil'erent goals are not exclusive. These are all interdependent and ovcrlapping.
Help change For development, change is always necessary. Counselling helps individual to niake changes i n their attitudes, ~)crccplions personality. or
Another aim oi' counselling is to help I n ~ n o d i f y ~ n g behaviour. Rc~novalof des~rnble behav~our undesirable behaviour or sell-defcctrng behaviour and leani~ng iS consiclcred necessary for atta~ningeffectiveness and good acijustment. The behaviourally oriented counsellors :ire the chiei proponents of this vlew. Cherlc Your I'rogress Notes : a ) U'rric j our aliswcr.\ 111 illc >p;icc glvcn bclo\v.
b) Coml~urc: your ;~ns\+cl->~ t h w tllo\c 6.
~ I V ~ 3 Itlic 1 I
There are three major approaches to counselling. The directive approach, the non-directive approach and the eclectic approach.
Understanding Counselling
a) Analysis
This involves collecting from various sources the data needed for an adequate understanding of the client. This include administration of psychological tests, etc. However, such testing and form filling should not come between the counsellor and counselee and its importance should be limited to the extend that it gives a better idea about the counselee. b) Synthesis This refers to summarising and organising the data so obtained, as to reveal the assets, liabilities, adjustments and maladjustments of the counselee. This includes of the data obtained through psychological testing also. c) Diagnosis This stage is concerned with formulating conclusions regarding the nature and the course of the problems exhibited by the student. Drawing conclusions from the results of psychological testing, administration of questionnaires etc. are done here. d) Prognosis This refers to predicting the future course of development of the counselee's problem in the light of conclusions as made earlier. e) Counselling This is the most important and time consuining step in the whole process. This is where the expertise of the counsellor is needed most. It is a highly persoi~alised teaching and learning process. It may be direct teaching through explicit explanations, assistance in searching for relevant aptitudes, interests, etc. that illuminate the counselee's problems and so on. Sometimes the counsellor listens in a friendlytencouraging way. It may also involve practice sessions where with the warm support of the counsellor the counselee acts out the way hetshe should. Thus hetshe becomes histher own teacher to the extend histher capabilities and circumstancespermits. Success thus achieved reinforces and retains those successful behaviours which in turn establishes an adjusted way of life. Thus counselling involves (a) assisting the student in self-appraisal, i. e. identifying hisher interests motives and capabilities (b) helping himther to plan a course of action which utilizes the capabilities and potentialities so identified and (c) finally in establishing an adaptive life style. To help the counselee appraise himtherself two types of data are needed - self perceived data and data from external appraisal. The counselee himself is the best
saurce of certain type of infonnatioo. However the counsellors should also cqmmunicate those information obtained through ailalysis and diagnosis. However, helshe should be cautious enough not to make the counselee think that both of them are in the sane state of ignorance. Couilsellor doesiiot enumerate in detail the steps of hislher analysisldiagnosis, etc. But the couilselee is given an overall idea. HeIShe should avoid a dogmatic position but through hislher theoretical knowledge, eNperience and judgment, assist the counselee. The counsellor should not at any time appear indecisive because it can cause loss of confidence in himther. He should maintain a varied and running discussion of the case-data taking clue from the caunselee changing facial and verbal expressions. Thus the counsellor co-operate with the counselee to reach a valid interpretation of the case and an effective prlogramme of adaptive behaviour changes.
Czirl RBgers, the chief proponent of the client centered approach has formulated a central hypothesis as follows: a) The individual has within himlherself the capacity latent if not evident to understand those aspects of himlherself and of hislher life which are causing himlher di$satisfaction anxiety or pain and the capacity and the tendency to reorganise him1 herself and hisfher relationship to life in the direction of self-actualization and maturity in such a way as to bring a greater degree of internal comfort. THis capacity will he realised when the therapist can create a psychological climate chbracterised by genuine acceptance of the client as a person of unconditional worth, a continuing sensitive attempt to understand the existing feelings and communications of the client as a person of unconditional worth, a continuing sensitive attempt to understand the existing feelings and communications of the client and a continuing attempt to convey this empathetic understanding to the client.
1 C) It 1sfurther hypothesized that in such an acceptant understanding and non-threatening amosphere the client will reorganise lliinlherself.
d) This adjusted way of life as achieved in the therapeutic relation with the counsellor will be generalized to real life situations as a whole. Thus the whole idea of the theory is that the clients are capable of correcting misperceptions or incongruencies between self and experience, in the accepting enviro+ent of a counselling situation. If the counsellor possess some personal qualities like codgruency (counsellor being a genuine and integrated person), unconditional positive regard {non evaluative attitude of the counsellor whereby client's thoughts, feelings or behaviour are accepted without judging them as good or bad) and empathy (counsellor's ability to know the client's world as helshe does and to convey this understanding). However, this theory underestimates the need for the counsellor to be an expert in behavipur dynamics, problem solving techniques or developmental processes, etc. Moreover, Rogers rejects the use of diagnosis testing and other such techniques saying that they hinder the client's natural growth. Instead helshe stresses listening, paraphrasing, reflecting client's comments rather than interpreting direct questioning, etc.
According to Thorne, eclecticism is the most practicable and apt approach to counselling. Because no two people are able and as such no single theory of personality could explain the various behavioural pattern exhibited by individuals. So also each problem is unique in its content and intensity and a technique or approach suitable in one case need not even he effective in the second case. These suggests an approach which is tailor made to handle individual cases and eclecticism advocates this neopant. Thorne has coined the word 'Integrated psychology' to express his eclectic view. .Its theoretical foundations are based on the following postulates:
All psychological conditions are examples of disorders of integrations and the goal of psychological counselling is to strengthen this integrative process, thus fostering high levels of self-actualization. The focus is therefore, the person in the present situation. The therapist has to assess whether [he client has the necessary resources to take on the responsibilities of life.
iii) If the therapist is satisfied, he gives the client the responsibility of taking on some routine tasks to start with. iv) Therapy involves the training and reduction of the client in acquiring the controls necessary for self-regulation. Thorne uses tlle term psychological case handling instead of psychotherapy. Steps involved in psycholo~icalcase handling are: a) b)
Systematic diagnosis lo ohtain a complete picture of the clients prohlem. Understanding thc various counselling methods in term of their strengths and limitations. Concentrating on the underlying causes rather than symptoms. Choosing a specific method suited to the needs of the client. Evaluating the method on the basis of the results obtained. Scientifically analyzing the data and evaluating the result.
d) e) f)
'Multimodal therapy' originated by Arnold Lazarus is yet another exilmple of cclectic approach. He explains seven major areas of personality function ( I ) behaviour (observable action), (2) affective (emotional), (3) sensation (feelings), (4) images (imagination), (5) cognition's (thought process), (6) interpersonal relationsliips (socii\l) and (7) drugs/ hiological (physical). He uses the acronym BASIC ID to encompass ill1 these modalities. An important feature of this approach is the insistance that every individual is unique with his own BASIC ID. Maladaptive behaviours are assumed to result frorn faulty learning and the goal of counselling is to bring about client desired changes that will be enduring and to acconlplish this is an efficient and humane way.
Check Your 1'1-ogress Notes : a i W11tc yciur a n s w e r s In
i) ii)
ill counselling.
; I ~ ' L ~arlotllcl- ti1 I.
to Guidalncc and
1ntcgrute.d psychology i s the term coined by ........................ . to cxplain ....... his ............................... :.~l~lwo;idi cnunsellii~g. . to Tllc nnmc (!I' Frcdel-~clc l - h o r ~is c c ~ ashocintcd with ..................................
10. ii
i n Directive C:o~~nselling.
Counsielling starts with i'illing out u l i l t history questionnaire where the effective in the case o/f that particular counselee. It includes reinforcement procedures, assertiveness trainitig, tlesensitization, feedback and cognitive restructuring especially i n hehaviours, cffeclikc and cognitive modes. In physical ant1 imagery modes, he uses Gestall and holistic tcchni~qucssuch as empty chair of role reverse dialogue, confronlation. abtlominal b r c a ~ b i n g ,positive usual imagery and focussing. Self-management, instruction in pal.enclnp and social skills arc used in ~nterpersoncil ~nodes. drugs and biologic:ll mode, In this iq for the use of appropriate medicines and curtailing inappropriate individual behavbour are assulned to result from faulty social learning In the b a s ~ c . The tqrm counsell~ng the professional sense is always concerned wtth helping others in irresppct~ve f t h e contcxt i n which i t is used. Here. i t is all the more so, since the person o as a Gholc is our I'ocus of attention rather than a specific problem. CounSelling can best be described as a process. It means that counselling involves a seque~nce identifiable cvents s]>re;~d of over a period of lime. The time taken, tlie sequence oi'cvgnts and dynalnlcs involved, the nature and extent of exploration, ctc. differ from individual to ~ndtvidual. Howcver there are certain basic stages which Ibrm tlie part and parceb of each of such counsclling processes. But hcfore going into Ihe details of i t we will qcquaint ourselves with some of the related concepts.
2.7.1 Concepts
Clicljts broadly hll under two broad categories, the first consisting of those who seeks assistance volul~tarilyand thc second comprises those referred. Whatever the case be coungelling presupposes a desire on the part of the counselee, that makes the client comq for assistance. This tlesirc is referred to as 'readiness'.
Counter Will
Often people cxpcrience difficulty i n asking for help and accepting i t as well. Because i n sqme cases, they are reluctant to fi~cethc consequences of change and for some receilviny help means an admission ol'i~~adequacy failure. Some feel that they need no of assisltance or cannot be helpetl at all. 'This negative feeling that holds back one from seeking help is refel-red to as 'counter w ~ l l ' . Case History
This 1s a tcrlli very often used i n this l'icld. A case history can he defined as a systematic collqc~ion facts about thc c l ~ e n present and past life. However, tlie focus of attention of i varids with the tlieorellcal oricn~ations orthc counsellor like a psycho:u~~a~lytlcally oriented couqscllor looking for relev:uit cliiltlhootl cxpericnces, etc.
The importance of rapport in counselling cannot be overen~phasized. is a warm friendly It and understanding atmosphere created by the counsellor which is catalytical i n the formation oS an effective counselling relationship. Warmth of relationship, comniunication of this warmth to the counsel'ee and feeling oftrust which grows out of unconditional acceptance are all important factors contributing to the establishrncnt of rapport. Moving out to receive the client, greeting him warmly, putting him at ease and directing his attention away from the prohlem initially, are some of the techniques th:~t can be used.
Understanding C o ~ ~ n s e l l i n g
It refers to the client transi'erring to the therapist emotions originally felt toward significant others in early life. This is quite natural in counselling situation because the clicnt trusts counsellor and is encouraged to express histher feelings and emotions freely. As a i counsellor, one should acknowledge these feelings and should be handled in : therape~~tic wily lest tlie relation sho~rld break down.
Counter Transference
This pheno~nenonis said to occur when therapists project their s in resolved conflicts with the client or experience upon the client. When counsellors feel ~~ncoml'ortable irrational feelings of anger, resentment, etc. or when they tend to i'oster tlepentlence on clients or become overemotionally involved. We can infer that counter transference has set i n persistence of such i'eelings is not healthy and the counsellor himself should seek professional help if reasoning out by self does not i~nprove condition. his
It refers to clients inclination to oppose the counsellors attempt to work towartls set goals. Recent trend is to view this as an expected part of counselling and is found to influence counselling outcolne positively. Resistance ranges frorn open hostility to passively resistant behaviour like heing late for an appointment etc.
2.7.2 Stages
Thc process of counsclling passes through certain stages which can be broad1y classified as follows: I.
The initial stage is sub-divided into (a) first interview and (b) initial counselling sessions.
First interview: It's prirnary objective is to set the foundation i'or an effective working relationship. This is the most challenging stage. Client's appro;~chesthe counsellor with a feeling of uncertainty and ambivalence. Counsellors tliro~~gh their words, facial expressions and overall behaviour conveys his ~~ndcrstanding and acceptance of tlie client and his sincere interest in his probte~n. Silnplc courtesies like seating the clients comfortably, avoiding interrupting phone calls are very important in the development of rapport. During this interview tlie counsellor needs to make a tentative decision whether the task at hand is within his expertise. If not, it is necessary to refer the client to an appropriate proltssional agency. Clients should be made aware of what can be expected out of counselling and what they arc hoping for. Confidentiality, rights of privacy, other ethical and legal considerations need to be clarified. Discussion about the lensth of sessions, payment ol' fees, arrangement of mutually appropriate meeting times, etc. are also done now. Initial counselling sessions: Here, the counsellor mostly listen to the client's concerns arid encourages the expression of feelings, witlio~11 ~ n d u c ~ cluestion:iing.
Thus information is gathered by active listening, attending to client's self talk, ahserving his body behaviour and other reactions, to be used later in deeper e8plorations. If client's have difficulty in expressing, non-threatening questions can Help.
Middle stage :Deeper expioratio~l and analysis This stage is marked by a shift of counsellor attention from clients exrernal problem tb his internal problems from primarily cognitive level to elnotional level. Thus, the cllientsdisclose his feelings increasingly. Counsellors explore more intensively with c~lients,confronts him with contradictions, stronger interpretations of client's aomments, etc. At this poin~, some counsellors use more tests to further explore ieto the clients intellectual or personality functioning. Thus as the clients move to increased disclosure and awareness, counsellors and clients begin to dcvelop qmotional interactions like transference, counter transference, resistance, etc. Though rooted in psychoanalysis experts are of the opinion that these are universal flhenomena in all coul~selling relationships.
l#y this stage, clients would have started acting upon reality. They become more dFlf aware, assertive and genuine and start generalising these to everyday life. This is a working through phase in which understanding is put into constructive action. amphasis is on making changes in behaviour, attitudes and skills, specified as goals ih the initial stages. For those who delay decision-making, specific strategies like role playing behaviour, rehearsal, assertiveness training, etc. are used.
If the goals as set in the beginning are met termination follows. If the counsellor
believes the problem has been solved, he rnay raise the issue directly. Or if the olient is sure to have recovered he rnay bring up the idea. If the counsellor agrees, termination proceeds. However, the counsellor must be alert to the possibility that sffort to termination arise due to lack of progress. Also he should be aware that clients signalling termination is a sign of resistance and should be handled carefully.
If termination is reasonable, counsellor must use last few sessions to wean the clients. They often feel a renewal of symptoms, grieving, sadness or separation, anxiety. when counsellor manages tern~inationsuccessfully he maximises counselling qutcome as well as maintains new learning in later life situations.
Clneclc Your Progress
SPLIC~ given
helow. -.
i I
I t is quite okay I'or the ccunsellor lo hccvmc emotionally involved o~.deprndcnt o n thc client during cclunsell~ng.
I 12.
13. i )
1 5 res~stalrct' In
!i S
General Characteristics The National Vocational Guidance Association of USA has listed such characteristics as interest in people, patience, sensitiveness. emotional stability and objectivity as important. Harrnin and Paulsen (1950) listed understanding, sympathetic attitude. friendliness, sense of humour, stability. patience, objectivity, sincerity, tact, fairness, tolerance, neatness, calmness, broad, mindedness, kindness, pleasantness, social intelligence and poise. According to Howrer (1951) personal niaturity is the most important desirable characteristics to be an effective counsellor. Association for counsellor education and supervision holds that there are six basic qualities viz. belief in each individual, commitment to individual human values, alertness to the world, open mindedness, understanding of self and professional commitment. Variables likes age, sex, experience also to a certain extent are found to affect counselling process. Clients were found to be confident in the ability of younger counsellors. Experience increases with age and counsellor improves with experience. Generally, female clients prefer to discuss emotionally loaded problems with female counsellors. Sex of the counsellor is importance depending on the clients ease or difficulty with which they can discuss their problem to the same or opposite sex. Personality Clraracteristies Several studies have been conducted to identify the personality characteristics basic to effective counselling. Weitz (1957), Snyder and Snyder (1961) and Styler (1961) have suggested the following traits: a) Interest in helping people If the counsellor has a basic interest i n helping others, the clients will feel more comfortable in their presence and this will increase the effectiveness. Counsellors should perceive and understand the Perceptual sensitivity thoughts and feelings of the clients as well as the clues given by him. Personal adjustment Counsellor should be a well adjusted person if he should be effective in solving other's problems. Personal security Weitz (1957) suggests that the feeling of sccurity i n the role of a counsellor is a very important factor in effective counselling even though insecurities outside this area and other life situations is rather not that important as far as effectiveness is concerned. Rogers (1958) suggests that counsellors should be able to Genuineness establish a genuine relationship with the client to achieve thc counselling goals to the best.
b) c) d)
Counsellors Attitudes and Beliefs This is important because it determines the nature of the counselling relationships formed. These are as follows:
Ucliefs: Counsellor s h o ~ ~ l t l bcl~evcn 11-eatingthe clicnts with tlrgn~ty, i ecluality rind inclividu~~lity, should believe i n the worth of ant1 v a l ~ ~ c He ol'thc counselec and i n his need for Frectloni and Ithcrty. Hcre liberty Inearls the power to strive for goals without external co~\straint\. Values: Willia~nson 1958) points out that counsellors cannot bc irldifl'ercnt to ( social rrnd inoral standrirds and thcy be neutral. Salmcr ( l0hO) states that counsellors SI~OLIICI be fully uwirrc ol' social values ant1 expose it also, hcca~rsc, change i n value constitute a n i~nportont a counselling foal.
Acceptance: Rogers (I 96 I) tlefincs i t us :I warn1 reg:trd lor the client as a p c r s o ~ ~ of unconcLitiona1 self-wortll ant1 of value, no matter what his condition liis bchaviour or his feeling rrrc. It inlplics a respect rind liking I'or tlie client as a person. Tyler ( I 9 6 l ) iclcnlil'ies two basic components o f acceptance ( i ) willingness to set indivitlur~ls differ from one nothe her i n their bclla~iour and (ii) realization that experience of cacli person comprises a complcx pailern of striving, thinking ant1 feeling. Thus the counsellor should have a nonj~~ilgc~ncntal attitude and this implies helping r n individual and not controlling u him.
d ) ! Underst:~riding: Tyler (1961) defines understanding as tlie abilily LO grasp ; clearly and conipletcly the meaning 11le client is trying to convey. Cou~isellors h o ~ ~ be able to participate co~npletclyi n the clients cornmunicatio~ls ld and liis conllncnts S I I ~ L I I C I Ii:~r~liorlize \villi wllr~tthe client is trying to co~ivcy.
Espbrience: Wcll trained arid cl'fcctivc counsellor5 agree with each other on various coumsell~ngconcepts a n d ol'ler more e ~ n p a l h yand are iiiore succes\ful in cornlnunirating with their clrcnrs.
Tbe rounselling relationship: I L is cliarac~erisedby a better understanding of their clietits, thcy can mainta~nan appropriate emotional dista~icc and divest tliemselves
of status concerns.
i ~ i ) Nonrintellective f a c t o r s : This include tolerance for a ~ l i b i g u ~ t y , ~ l i t yof ab untlerst:ind~ng of the client. maturity and ability to establish gootl social ~clationship with all. Also they arc found to be rnorc anxlous. scnsitrve to tlie expectations of otheqs ant1 society, patient ant1 noo-aggressive I n i~~terpersonal relntionslrrps and showbd appropriate sell-con11.01.
Undcrst;ulding Counselling
i i i ) \bllla~ i s acccl~li~~:cc'!
Now you know what is counsclling, whi11 are thc principles governing it, the different npproaches to counselling and the aclual process involved. As you have alreurly seen from tlie definitions, counselling has generally been considered as LI one to one process. However, due to various reasons, this concept has undergone change. Now. tlie concept of 'group counselling' has gained wide acceptancc. One main reason for this is cconomic. There is shortage o f resources i n terms o f nioncy as well as trained personnel. Therefore, if n group o1'individuals c;ili be helped at the sunie time, i t is a great advantage. 'Sliere are other benefits also. In a group setting, the individual tends to loosc his identity and therefore resl~oods Inore nat,urally. Moreover group interaction llelps to cli;lnge some attitudes, beliefs, feelings, needs, elc. Group co~lnselling can be 01' great atlvantagc to persons who are shy or aggressive i n their interpersonal interactions. who are anxious or uncomfortable i n groups or who are untluely resistant o f overconforming to social expectations. Also special groups like alcoholics, bused and other groiIps can prollt Inore ~'rorng r o ~ ~ p counselling.
Understanding Counselling
All these behaviours represent the resistance to exploring painful feelings. Resista~ice is a sign that members are getting closer to the care of their problems. Resistance may manifest in various other forms also like missing sessions, not participating, criticizing others or simply talking with no mention of feelings. When resistance arise, counsellors should encourage group members to work through conilicts and move toward more authentic self-explorations.
Working stage: In this stage, the members feel more close to each other and morc aware of others problems. Since trust has increased, they are more willirig to take risks in sharing feelings and Lhouglits and to give construclive feedback to each other. They are more supportive and cooperative aiid hence have more confidence in each other. But at this stage, there is a danger of this group intimacy leading to a false cohesiveness in which members protect each other and suppressing negative emotions.
Counsellors at this stage should confront the group members with their behaviours and insist that they challenge each other to convert insights, they have gained in the group into action. For exainple, a group can confront a member who says he recognises the need to assert himself but rcinains passive in the group and his interactiuns outside the group.
Slowly the group becomes productive and committed to going deeply into significant problems and to giving attention to interchanges in the group. There is less dependence on the counsellor and the group begins to focus on working towards specified individual goals and group goals. The group members feel free to confront
each other and arc more willing to acccpt coilfrontations as a constructive means to change. As the group interactions bring about attitudial and behavioural changes in the group, members accept challenges atnong them to reform their everyday life. Counselling uses a variety of techniques in accordance with their theoretical orientations. Role playing, psycho-drama, assertiveness training, etc. are frequently u$ed techniques.
Consolidation and Termination: Termination is not simply the 'stopping'. In fact, it is an integral stag6 of the process of "group counselling". It is usual in group counselling to fix a tennination date in advance. It is always wise to start discussion about the tennination, three or four sessions before the final one. It gives adequate tikne for haildlii~g psychological or emotional upsets associated with weaning, to work toward transferring new experiences to outside world, to work through any untiaished problems, to review tlle experiences of individual members and work out how each can build on these changes, once the termination is over, suggestions for future help can also he made when necessary. Specific suggestions of how to build on new learning by joining a support group or other more advance groups by reading or by attending workshops, etc. may also be provided.
a) b)
It is economical in maby ways. In group counselling a large number of individuals are helped at the same time by a counsellor. This saves time and money.
Some individuals who cannot be reached through individual counselling can be reached through group counselling. In a group counselling situation feelings of depression, isolation are reduced and talking made easy. Apart from these, group counselling gives the counsellor an opportunity to study persons in an initial group setting.
Group counselling is not suitable for all individuals. Some individual finds the group situation too threatening. Moreover some individuals have a very low level of tolerance and \Nil1 not be able to adopt their behaviour to the demands of the group. Similarly very persdnal and private problems cannot be discussed in the group siluation. Apart from these the counsellor has less control over the situation in group counselling. As a result the counsellor may sometimes tilid himself seriously impeded in establishing good working relationship with members. 'rllercefore, the counsellor has to take into consideration all these factors and decide whether group counselling is suitable for particular individuals and type of problem.
Individual versus Group Counselling
There are differences as well as similarities between illdividual counselling and group coungelling.
The aims of hot11 are the sane viz helping the counselee achieve self-understanding and become an integrated self-dependent, self-directed and responsible person.
The technique used are also similar, like clarification of feelings, restatement of contents, etc. Confidentiality and privacy are maintained.
Understauding Counselling
d) The most important thing is the climate diat is accepting, permissive and nonthreatening. e) The i~idividuals who receive help in both are normal individuals who are trying to cope with stresses, frustrations, anxieties or other developmental problems.
. Differences
Individual counselling is a one to one, face-to-face relationship where the counsellor interacts interacts with only one counselee. But in group counselling the cou~isellor with number of individuals at the same time. In individual counselli~igthe counselee only receives lielp whereas in group counselling, the counselee also gives help to others. In group counselling, the principles. of group dynamics find a lot of application. But in individual counselling it is the relationship of the counselee with the caunsellor that is important.
('ompart: your answers with tliose given at the end ot the block.
i) ii)
( :
group uou~i*elling;I group of professional pool Lhe~r erpcrtirc h~ liulp Lllc ( c:l~ent.
iv) Irlg groups ;ire suitable t i s group coussull~~ig. v) I-xtremely hostile and aggressive pcrsons are he\t liclped tl~rouglig,roup counsell~ng.
vi) i'hysical s e t t i ~ ~ g more importa~itthan tlre skill oi the counsellor i n lrroup is c:ounselling.
16. Writcb short athwers of the g ~ v equestions. ~i
ivj What are thc assumptions of group counselling.
to help disadvantaged or handicapped persons with respect to jobs. Considerable research gone into this field shows that career counselling is generally beneficial.
Drug abuse counsellors emphasize in patient residential treatment programines in highly structured and protected environment. This is because it is important to protect them initially from bad environmental influences. Moreover inedication is advisable in many cases to help addicts to wilhdraw from dependency that they have developed.
The drug abuse counsellors after ruling out the need for hospitalization inducts the client into the counselling programme. They insist that the client abstain from taking drugs, as the first step. Because without that, proper rapport or communication is impossible. l'amily members are also counselled and make aware of there faulty roles, dysfunctional communication, etc. which have caused or perpetuated the problem. Rot11 the client and family members receive help to develop feelings of self worth and responsibility for their behaviours. They learn to express their needs more direct1y. Through exploration of childhood experience they become aware of repressed negative emotions that are affecting their present behaviour. They also lean] new ways of dealing with stress. Drug addicts should receive group counselling because they often lack social skills. Auxiliary services like recreational or occupational therapy helps them to cultivate new interests. Nutritional guidance helps them to cultivate healthy eating habits. Counselling ensures their successful return to the society thus alienating the problem once for all.
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I Notes :
~~~~~~~~~~c your aohwcrs with those given ill the end of thc !>lock.
17. S1;itc v~hclhcr Collowing statclneill are true or false: the
1 .!inily couasull~ng rcfers to the psychological help the c~ourracllor picsvitics to I l r , own fulillly ~nc.n~hclb rcl;llivcs. and
A.l:trriage counsrlling and family counsrlling lur one ;uitl the s;unc.
18. What
The term evaluation refers to judging the effectiveness with which the objectives of a programme are achieved in relation to specified standAards. It may be improved adjustmenl, a sensible vocational choice, realistic self-concept or a belter grade in school. So, in the context of counselling, evaluation means, determining whelller these goals were achieved or not and if 'yes', to what extent. It is also the business here to see the effectiveiless of
various counselling approaches as well as the situations in which counselling can be used at its best. Probllems in Evaluation 1. Selection of criteria: As any other evaluation programme, evaluatioqof counselling also presupposes a criterion, to be used as a yardstick to measure the counselling olutcomes. A good criterion is one, that is relevant to the problem which is to be studied and at the same time is measurable also. It may be easy to find a criterion . relevant to a particular situation, but many a times, they are so vague and abstract that it is difficult to quantify them. If we propose to choose a subjective criterion viz. the clients own judgement about the effectivenessof the counsellors judgement, chances are that at times, they become too subjective to be reliable. Objective criterion, like the judgement given by a third pwty or a score in a psychological test q e usually found to be predictable and the best means of evaluation. But they also have their limitations like, if we take "feeling of inferiority" as the criterion they dannot be observed by an outside agency. Psychological tests can be used here as an alternative. But at present only a few psychological tests are established to he valid. In fact, no test is valid for all situations and persons.
Complexity of the goal to Ile evaluated: The goals of counselling, many a times are to secure self-direction and self-dependence. With such goals evaluation is not going to be a simple process because they are unique, complex and dynamic. This especially happens in case of personal counselling rather than academic counselling where the goals are mainly concerned with obtaining a better score in school, improving memory skills, study habits, etc. t a c k of adequate data regarding the pre-counselling status for comparison with best counselling status thus making meaningful evaluation impractical.
Not withstanding the difficulties and practical problems, we cannot do away with evalgalion of counselling programmes. Reasons are many. One reason is that the appropriateness and usel'ulness of a particular programme cannot he judged without evaluating it. Secondly it brings to light the limitatio~is a programme thus ensuring of remedial measures and thereby improving the quality of the services rendered. Finally for the clie~~ts theinselves evaluation provides a feedback motivating them towards better results. Now that we have seen the need for evaluation and the problems faced hy researchers in this tield. We will go to see the different ways in which evaluation is done.
Survey Approach
It is a very simple method. Here data are collected by surveys conducted 011the scunple selected for the purpose and hence the name. This approach consists of identifying the population, obtaining a representative sample from it, collecting information, emplqying suitable evaluative schedule and finally interpreting the results in terms of pre-determined critqria. I-Iere the clients are asked questions directly or made to fill up questionnaires as how they feel about the usefulness of counselling, whetller they have benefitted from i t eic. They are also asked to highlight 2 n flaws observed irnd suggestitlns regarding possible 1y solultio~ls ~neans improvement are also solicited. and of This method is a very useful approach since a large umber of data call be colles@d within a reasonable time which makes the conclusions more valid. Some drawbilcks of this approach are unreliability of the subjects answers since they tend to give socially desirable answers, lack of experimental validation and possibility of sampling errors leading to biased conclusions.
2. ' Case Study Approach
Thib approach focusses attention on individual cases handled by counsellors. Each case is analysed in depth to assess the effectiveness of the counselling programme ilttended
by the client. Evaluation again is made using a subjective criterion like the clients judgements or clienls own judgement regarding his progress. Objective criteria as described earlier may also be used, subject to their own limitations. Advantage of this approach lies ip its emphasis given to individual cases. A big drawback of this approach is that it is a time consuming process. Also, since each individual is unique it is improper to make generalizations based on such data. To counteract this if we miss data pertaining to different individuals it may miss the unique features of individual approach.
~ l ~ d e r s i i l n d iCounselling n~
Experimental Approach
The basic requirements of this approach are (a) determining the objectives or setting of agoal for the study undertaken (formulation of the hypothesis), (b) choosing appropriate method or design of the experiment, (c) selecting two or more groups as the case may be, which are comparable to each other, (d) application of such counsellillg techniques the outcome of which can be measured objectively and (e) Analysing the data and interpreting the results. The vital step in this approach is the selection of comparable groups. In scholastic fields as in counselling for improving study skills, comprehension, memory, reading ability, etc. progress can be assessed easily through this method. Where as in areas like vocational choice and personnel counselling client satisfaction often is a complex phenomena which is not easily amenable to objective assessment.
Usefulness of Counselling
Now, we will summarise the conclusions arrived at through evaluation studies of cou~iselling programmes. Follow up studies have indicated that counselled students are inore successful at school and after having also, than those without any exposure to counselling even after controlling the motivation dift'erence between the.two groups, significant differences in success rate has been observed. Counselling does not work equally well in all cases. Vocational counsellillg is found to improve vocational adjustment. Studies have proved that it is not thelheoretical orientation of the counsellor but hislher expertise is that which matters.
Motes :
Write your is~swcrs thc space giscn below. in ('ompare your answcrs wit11 those given a1 the end of tl~c hlock.
i ' l i c ~ ~ l s Judgement ;thout the el'fcctiveness of counselling is a 1 objective own 1 ~:rilcrionli)r ev:~luation.
ii) 'J'lle scores 011 a psychologiwl test is ;I subjective crilcrion i\)r evi~laiilion.
iii) i:valurtius of cou~~scllisg the clients ;~lss. helps
Different authors have defined counselling with differing emphasis on various aspects. However, most of them agree that counselling is a process and involves a relationship between professionally trained counsellor and an individual in need to help. Psychotherapy, Guidance, Instruction and Advice giving are some lields closely related
to cbunselling. Although these fields arc closely related to counselling and there are s o m similarities in their functions, they are different from counselling. Coulnselling as a scientific technique is based on a set of principles and assumptions. Couinselling assumes that every individual is capable of taking histher own decisions and d s o that helshe has a right to choose hislher path. The counsellor does not give him/ her ~ d v i c e solves problems for himlher but only facilitates judicial thinking and or decision-making . Lack of proper understanding as to what exactly are the goals of counselling win lead to unraistic expectations and resultant disappointment. (1) achievement of positive mental health, (2) problem resolution, (3) decision-making, (4) improving personal effectiveness, (5) help change, and (6) behaviour modification are the major goals of counselling. The$e are three main approaches : (1) Directive (2) Non-directive, and (3) Eclectic. Irrespective of the approach used, couilselling generally pass through four stages viz. initial stage, middle stage, final stage and termination. The effectiveness of counselling to a great extent is dependent on the personality and other characteristics of counselling. The Foncept of group counselling is gaining increasing popularity and main reason for this Is economic.
Certain areas in counselling requires special expertise such areas are family counselling, career counselling and counselling of drug addicts and alcoholics. As ill the case of any other services, evaluation is essential for counselling services also. Evalbalion helps in judging the effectiveness of the programme.
Identify a student requiring help through counselling in your school. Select an hppropriate counselling approach. Describe the techniques you will use to help the $tudent. State the reasons for selecting the particular approach and the techniques. Understanding of the term. Discuss.
2. The meaning of counselling in the professional sense differ from the popular
Critically evaluate the advantages and limitations of group couilselling.