Avenue, But Not She Lives in 132 Gainsborough Avenue or The Bank Is at Grimshaw Lane?
Avenue, But Not She Lives in 132 Gainsborough Avenue or The Bank Is at Grimshaw Lane?
Avenue, But Not She Lives in 132 Gainsborough Avenue or The Bank Is at Grimshaw Lane?
and She lives at 132 Gainsborough Avenue, but not *She lives in 132 Gainsborough Avenue or *The bank is at Grimshaw Lane? Many learners and teachers sometimes view the usage and meaning of prepositions as a secret that cant be unlocked. However, if we examine the syntactic environments of such key prepositions systematically, patterns of usage and core meaning concepts emerge which can aid explanation and learning. The prepositions at, in and on are often used in English to talk about places (positions) and times. Sometimes the choice of one over another in a particular phrase or sentence seems arbitrary. However, if we analyse patterns of occurrence we can identify key concepts in meaning and usage which consistently apply and can be used as a platform for learning. 1. Prepositions of time The preposition AT is used in the following descriptions of time: With clock times:
My last train leaves at 10:30. We left at midnight. The meeting starts at two thirty.
He doesnt like driving at night. Ill go shopping at lunchtime. I like to read the children a story at bedtime.
With festivals:
Are you leaving at the weekend?** (British English) Shes working at the moment. Hes unavailable at present. I finish the course at the end of April. We arrived at the same time.
The preposition IN is used in the following descriptions of time: With months, years, seasons, and longer periods of time:
I was born in 1965. Were going to visit them in May. The pool is closed in winter. He was famous in the 1980s.
The play is set in the Middle Ages. Theyve done work for me in the past.
Hes leaving in the morning. She usually sleeps in the afternoon(s). I tried to work in the evening.
They managed to finish the job in two weeks. You can travel there and back in a day.
Shell be ready in a few minutes. Hes gone away but hell be back in a couple of days.
The preposition ON is used in the following descriptions of time: With days of the week, and parts of days of the week:
Ill see you on Friday. She usually works on Mondays. Were going to the theatre on Wednesday evening.
Note that in spoken English, on is often omitted in this context, e.g.: Ill see you Friday. With dates:
She was born on Valentines day. We move house on Christmas Eve. I have an exam on my birthday.
If we examine these different aspects of usage for the three prepositions, a general pattern emerges: At is generally used in reference to specific times on the clock or points of time in the day. In generally refers to longer periods of time, several hours or more. On is used with dates and named days of the week. 2. Prepositions of place The preposition AT is used in the following descriptions of place/position:
She kept the horse at a nearby farm. I had a cup of coffee at Helens (house/flat). Angies still at home. Ill meet you at reception. Theres a man at the door. I saw her standing at the bus stop. Turn right at the traffic lights. The index is at the back of the book. Write your name at the top of each page.
Janes at the dentist/hairdresser. I studied German at college/school/university. Shall I meet you at the station? We bought some bread at the supermarket.
With addresses:
With events:
The preposition ON is used in the following descriptions of place/position: With surfaces, or things that can be thought of as surfaces:
The letter is on my desk. There was a beautiful painting on the wall. The toy department is on the first floor. Write the number down on a piece of paper. Youve got a dirty mark on your jumper. He had a large spot on his nose. She placed her hand on my shoulder.
With roads/streets, or other things that can be thought of as a line, e.g.: rivers:
The bank is on the corner of Kings Street. Koblenz is on the Rhine. Bournemouth is on the south coast. Its the second turning on the left.
The preposition IN is used in the following descriptions of place/position: With geographical regions:
Do you like living in Nottingham? They were having a picnic in the park. She works somewhere in the toy department.
With buildings/rooms and places that can be thought of as surrounding a person or object on all sides:
Can you take a seat in the waiting room please? Ive left my bag in the office. Theres a wedding in the church this afternoon. Lots of people were swimming in the lake
With containers:
Theres fresh milk in the fridge. I think Ive got a tissue in my pocket. The money is in the top drawer of my desk.
Do you take milk in your coffee? I can taste garlic in this sauce. Theres a lot of fat in cheese and butter.
A general pattern again emerges if we consider these different aspects of usage. We can think of at as one-dimensional, referring to a specific place or position in space. On is two dimensional, referring to the position of something in relation to a surface. In is by contrast three-dimensional, referring to the position of something in relation to the things that surround it. Thinking of the prepositions in these terms helps us explain certain facts. For instance, in is generally used for larger places and at for smaller, more specific places, so we say: We arrived in Inverness two hours ago. But: We arrived at the campsite two hours ago. However, if we think of a city or larger place as a specific point in space, we can use at, e.g.: The train stops at Birmingham and Bristol. Or if we think of a smaller place as three dimensional, we can use in, e.g.: Weve lived in this little village for many years. Return to top 3. Prepositions at/in/on extended meanings
A systematic analysis of the occurrence of the prepositions at, in and on in their core usage as indicators of time and place, helps us establish some key meaning concepts which will aid us in identifying and explaining their extended meanings:
at - is a mechanism for denoting the specific, it usually refers to fixed points in time (e.g.: clock times) and specific points in space. on is a mechanism which usually describes something in relation to a second, often linear dimension, hence it relates to the calendar (days and dates) and surfaces or lines. in is a mechanism for describing something in relation to the things that surround it in time or space, hence it relates to periods of time and three dimensional spaces or containers.
Extended meaning of AT
Tickets are now on sale at 15 each. He denied driving at 110 miles per hour.
And more generally to talk about the level or rate of something, e.g.:
Interest rates have stayed at this level for several months. The loan repayments are going up at an alarming rate.
Hes always shouting at the children. Jamie threw the ball at the wall. Why are you staring at her like that?
Audiences still laugh at her jokes. We were rather surprised at the news. Extended meanings of ON
We could hear the rain falling on the roof. I dropped my bags on the floor.
On is used to show when the surface of something accidentally hits or touches a part of the body:
I cut my finger on a sharp knife. She banged her head on the cupboard door.
She was balancing on one leg. He was on his hands and knees under the table.
Hes not on the list of suspects. How many items are on the agenda?
Extended meanings of in
She put the letter back in her briefcase.. The farmer fired a few shots in the air.
Ive found one or two spelling mistakes in your essay. Whos the little girl in the photograph? There are several valuable paintings in the collection.
Do you know that girl in the black dress? A man in a brown suit was walking towards her.
We gathered round in a circle. Their names are given in alphabetical order. Complete the form in block capitals. She spoke to me in Spanish.
You can help students remember prepositions by asking them to personalise them. Here are some activities to personalise in, at, on for time and space. When did it happen? Give students a copy of the following skeleton text: An Important Event
I was at/on/in __________________ (place) when it happened. It was at ___________ (time) on ___________ (day). It was in ___________ (month), in ___________ (year). I remember that I felt ___________ (how did you feel?).
Ask them to complete the text, then read it to a partner. Can their partner guess what the event was? You can do the same text but change the title to read A frightening event/My happiest moment/My worst moment etc. Wheres the best place to live? Bring in a map of the city, town where you are teaching. Ask students to tell you where the best place to live in the city is. As students begin to tell you, elicit the following prepositional phrases: on street, in the centre, in neighbourhood, at the end of street. Do the same activity with the following questions:
Wheres the most dangerous part of the city? Where are the best restaurants/discos? Whats the most boring/ugliest part of the city?
Working times The following questionnaire is for business students to practise the prepositions IN, ON, AT for time. It can be easily adapted for general English. Working times questionnaire: Answer the questions. Write a time, day, month or year. Use the correct preposition. 1. When do you leave for work? _________ 2. When do you finish work? _________ 3. What days dont you go to work? _________ 4. When do you get paid? _________ 5. When do you have your holidays? _________ 6. When did you last take a day off? _________ 7. When do you have to do your taxes? _________ 8. When did you start working at the place you are now? _________ 9. When is the busiest time of year for you at work? _________ 10. When is the slowest time of year for you at work? _________