Iec 6036
Iec 6036
Iec 6036
temperatures for a defined minimum period of time under direct fire. These cables are useful to maintain their integrity during the defined period of fire. The conductor is manufactured with a specially designed heat barrier and fire resistant insulation which resists the fire to reach conductor surface. The cable continues to remain into operation at high temperatures like 650C, 750C and 950C as per various conditions of operation and applications These cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with BS 7846, IS 7098(P-1), IEC 60331 and BS 6387 for required temperatures and duration - depending upon the application of cable and site conditions FS CABLES are manufactured with the following materials. 1. Annealed plain copper conductor 2. Heat barrier over the conductor 3. Cross linked polyethylene 4. Galvanised steel armour 5. Zero halogen & low smoke compound Test Requirements CIRCUIT INTEGRITY CABLES are tested in accordance with IEC 60331, IEC 60332-1, IEC 60754-1, ASTMD 2863 & 2843, BS 7846 and BS 6387 for the following properties. 1. Fire resistance test 2. Smoke density rating 3. Halogen gas emission test 4. Oxygen index test 5. Flammability test as per Swedish chimney Circuit Integrity (Fire Resistance) Test: as per IEC 60331 The test is carried out on the cable operational on load and burning at a temperature of 750 Deg C for 3 hours. The cable is put on the clamps above the fire burner of high flames. The power supply is connected to one end of cable at rated voltage and the load is connected to other end. Fire applied for 3 hours and during this period, the circuit integrity must be uninterrupted. After the 3 hours, the fire and power is switched off. The cable should report as usual when energised again after a gap of 12 hours. BS-5308 Part-1 & 2, BS-7655, IEC-189 (1 & 2), VDE-0815 & 0816, IEC-60332 and IEC-60331 Special Properties: 1. Circuit Integrity under fire at high temperature 2. Enhanced Current Carrying Capacity due to high permissible conductor temperature 3. Higher Short Circuit Capacity 4. Lighter in weight hence easy to handle and installation 5. Reluctant to Overheating 6. High Oxygen Index refrains the cable from spreading the fire
7. Low smoke density reduces the environmental opaqueness during fire 8. High degree of light transmission in the event of fire 9. No chance of emission of Halogen Gases safe for humans 10. Negligible emission of Toxic and Corrosive gases - diminishing the chance to damage the human body/sensitive equipment IEC 60364: The rules are intended to provide for the safety of persons, livestock and property against dangers and damage which may arise in the reasonable use of electrical installations and to provide for the proper functioning of those installations. IEC 60364-1 applies to the design, erection and verification of electrical installations such as those of a) residential premises; b) commercial premises; c) public premises; d) industrial premises; e) agricultural and horticultural premises; f) prefabricated buildings; g) caravans, caravan sites and similar sites; h) construction sites, exhibitions, fairs and other installations for temporary purposes; i) marinas; j) external lighting and similar installations; k) medical locations; l) mobile or transportable units; m) photovoltaic systems; n) low-voltage generating sets. IEC 60364-1 covers a) circuits supplied at nominal voltages up to and including 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.; b) circuits, other than the internal wiring of apparatus, operating at voltages exceeding 1 000 V and derived from an installation having a voltage not exceeding 1 000 V a.c., for example, discharge lighting, electrostatic precipitators; c) wiring systems and cables not specifically covered by the standards for appliances; d) all consumer installations external to buildings; e) fixed wiring for information and communication technology, signalling, control and the like (excluding internal wiring of apparatus); f) the extension or alteration of the installation and also parts of the existing installation affected by the extension or alteration. IEC 60228: Specifies standardized nominal cross-section areas from 0.5 mm2 to 2 000 mm2, numbers and diameters of wires and resistance values of conductors in electric cables and flexible cords. Classifies conductors for: 1) Cables for fixed installations- Class 1, solid conductors; - Class 2, stranded conductors. 2) Flexible copper conductors- Class 5, - Class 6 (more flexible than Class 5). Includes table of temperature correction factors kt for conductor resistance to correct the measured resistance at t C to 20C. Does not apply to conductors for telecommunication purposes. Applies to conductors of special design only when stated in the specification for the type of cable. Conductors of special design are, for example. Conductors for pressure cables, conductors in extra-flexible welding cables or in special types of flexible cables for having the cores twisted together with unusually short lays. IEC 60287: Provides a method for calculating the phase currents and circulating current losses in single-core cables arranged in parallel. The method described in this standard can be used for any number of cables per phase in parallel in any physical layout. The phase currents can be calculated for any arrangement of sheath bonding. For the calculation of sheath losses, it is assumed that the sheaths are bonded at both ends. A method for calculating sheath eddy current losses in two circuits in flat formation is given in IEC 60287-1-2 BS 6387: Specification for performance requirements for cables required to maintain circuit integrity under fire conditions. The purpose of the standard is to determine a cables ability to function under differing conditions of Fire Fire with water spray Fire with mechanical shock British Standards BS 5837 titled Fire Detection and Alarm Systems for Buildings. BS 5266 titled Emergency Lighting.
BS 6387 is called for in both of the above standards to give the system designer guidance when cable types are being selected. There are three key tests: RESISTANCE TO FIRE The cable is tested by exposure to gas burner flamer while passing a current at its rated voltage. Four survival categories are defined in the Performance Table below: RESISTANCE TO FIRE WITH WATER SPRAY The cable is again exposed to flames at 650C for 15 minutes whist passing a current of 250MA at rated voltage and then the spray is turned on to give exposure to both fire and water for a further 15 minutes. A single surviving category is defined in the Performance Table below: RESISTANCE TO FIRE WITH MECHANICAL SHOCK The final requirement is mechanical shock damage. The cable is mounted on a backing panel in an S-bend and is exposed to flames whilst the backing panel is struck with a solid steel bar the same diameter as the cable under test every 30 seconds for 15 minutes, whilst the cable has been exposed to temperatures as defined in the Performance Table below. If cables subjected to the BS 6387 series of tests are allowed to be conducted using a different cable each time then doubt on its true real world performance must be raised.
IS 7098: Part 1 - 1988 - Cross-linked polyethylene insulated PVC sheathed cables: Part 1 for working voltage up to and including 1 100 V IS 7098: Part 2 - 1985 - Cross-linked polyethylene insulated PVC sheathed cables: Part 2 for working voltages from 3.3 kV up to and including 33 kV IS 7098: Part 3 - 1993 - Cross-linked polyethylene insulated thermoplastic sheathed cables: Part 3 for working voltages from 66 kV up to and including 220 kV
Fire survival c ables ar e c ables that are designed t o continue to operate for a defined minimum period of tim e during a fir e. They ar e also known in the North American market as circuit integrit y cables, since th ese are us ed in circuits that must be able to maintain th eir int egrit y during a f ire. Many manufacturers refer to these products as fire resistant c ables . Tr aditionally, the main applicat ion for fire survival cables was in fire alarm systems, as in some countries it is a requirem ent that such cable s must continue to operate for a specified period in the event of a fire. In addition to fire alarm systems, thes e types of cable may also be used in other safety -critic al wiring circuits, such as those powering emergency lighting and sprinkler pumps. Various Test Standards In addit ion to the international standard IEC 60331, t here are s everal diff erent national fire survival cable standar ds. These n ational standar ds are generally more rigorous than IEC 60331. The fire performance tests check that the ca ble can survive not only fire, but also mechanical shocks and water spray. Some standards involve testing not a just a length of cable, but apply to the cable plus fixings . For example, the North American standard f or circuit integrity cables involves part icular ly robust tests of the cable and its fixing system, inc luding a blast from a high pressure hose after a fire test in a large furnace.