Heinrich Schenker. Der Tonwille I
Heinrich Schenker. Der Tonwille I
Heinrich Schenker. Der Tonwille I
Pamphlets in Witness of
the Immutable Laws of
Volume I
d e r t o n w i l l e
v o l u m e i
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Der Tonwille
Pamphlets in Witness of the Immutable Laws of Music,
Oered to a New Generation of Youth by
Semper idem sed non eodem modo
VOLUME I : Issues 15 (19211923)
Edi te d by Wi l l i am Drabki n
translated by
i an bent
wi lli am drabki n
j oseph dubi el
ti mothy jackson
j oseph lubben
robert snarrenberg
Oxford New York
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Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata
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Copyright 2004 by Oxford University Press, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Schenker, Heinrich, 18681935.
[Tonwille. English]
Der Tonwille : pamphlets in witness of the immutable laws of music /
Heinrich Schenker ; edited by William Drabkin ; translated by Ian Bent . . . [et al.].
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-19-512237-2
1. Schenkerian analysis. 2. MusicHistory and criticism. I. Drabkin, William.
II. Tonwille. III. Title.
MT6.S2874 T6513 2002
781dc21 2002019636
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 1
Printed in the United States of America
on acid-free paper
Heinrich Schenkers contributions to music theory and analysis have had a
powerful impact on the English-speaking academic world, and their importance,
a century after he embarked on his major projects in these elds, is perhaps even
greater than ever. In recent years, analysts and historical musicologists have
grasped the signicance not only of his techniques of analysis, as documented by
numerous voice-leading graphs of works from the Western musical canon, but
also the accompanying texts, which both clarify their meaning and help us to put
his contributions to music theory into historical perspective.
Since the publication of Der freie Satz in English, in 1979, there have been
complete translations of the two volumes on counterpoint, the monograph on
Beethovens Ninth Symphony, the three volumes of Das Meisterwerk in der Musik,
and several shorter writings. To date, only a small number of essays from the ten
issues of Der Tonwille, which date from the rst half of the 1920s, have been pub-
lished in English translation;
this publication represents the rst half of what
will be a complete English edition of the series.
Origins and History of the Project
Abrief discussion of the history of the Tonwille project, and a review of Schenk-
ers relationship with Universal Edition, may be in order at this point.
Schenkers association with Universal Edition began around 1902, with an
edition of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach keyboard works, arrangements of Handel
organ concertos, and Ein Beitrag zur Ornamentik. Universal had been founded in
1901 to produce Austrian editions of the standard repertory that would compete
with those of Breitkopf & Hrtel and C. F. Peters in Leipzig, and it is interesting
to see Schenker as part of this initial missiona failing one by 1907, when Emil
Hertzka was appointed general manager either to liquidate the company or to
turn its fortunes around.
Hertzka must have appreciated Schenkers worth, for
he undertook the second edition of the Beitrag and also the Instrumententabelle
(both published 1908), the Bach Chromatic Fantasia edition in 1910, Beethovens
neunte Sinfonie in 1912, and the Erluterungsausgaben of late Beethoven sonatas
from 1913 on. Universal also took over Schenkers principal theoretical project,
the Neue Musikalische Theorien und Phantasien, from the Stuttgart rm of
J. G. Cotta, publishing the second volume of Kontrapunkt in 1922; by this time
they had taken over the imprint of the earlier volumes, and they completed the
series with the posthumous publication of Der freie Satz (1935).
Schenker, however, must soon have noted Universals change of policy: the re-
mark in the Preface to Kontrapunkt i (1910), On the one hand, J. S. Bach, Haydn,
Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Brahmssuch abun-
dance! Strauss, Ptzner, Humperdinck, Mahler, Regersuch poverty, might
be seen as a covert commentary on this change of direction. He might have
applauded Hertzkas encouragement and promotion of German and Austro-
Hungarian composers, which was worldwide, ruthless, and victorious.
ever, many of the composers Universal took on, including Mahler and Strauss
and the members of the Second Viennese School, were modernists for whose
music Schenker had little sympathy; moreover, it promoted the music of such
General Preface
These include the rst part of the essay on Beethovens Fifth Symphony (Tonwille 1), translated
by Elliot Forbes and F. John Adams, Jr., and published in the Norton Critical Score of the symphony
(New York: W. W. Norton, 1971), pp. 164 82; the essay on Haydns Sonata in E
, Hoboken XVI:52 (Ton-
wille 3), translated by Wayne Petty, published in Theoria 3 (1988), pp. 10560; and the analysis of
Schuberts song Ihr Bild (Tonwille 1), in two versions: one, translated by William Pastille, in Sonus 6
(1986), pp. 3137, the other, by Robert Pascall, in Music Analysis 19 (2000), pp. 37. The Erluterun-
gen, a brief introduction to Schenkers theory of voice-leading, rst appeared in Tonwille 8/9 and
were reprinted in Tonwille 10 and Das Meisterwerk in der Musik i and ii; they were translated by Ian
Bent in Music Analysis 5 (1986), pp. 18791 and reprinted with modications in the English transla-
tion of Das Meisterwerk.
Hans Heinsheimer, Best Regards to Aida (New York: Knopf, 1968), pp. 1011.
Ibid., p. 11.
non-German composers as Bartk, Jancek, Kodly, Milhaud, Casella, and
The journal is rst announced nine years before its eventual publication, in
the Preface to Beethovens neunte Sinfonie, which was probably written in spring
1912 (the book was released in September of that year). Implying that his edition
of C. P. E. Bach keyboard works, the Erluterungsausgabe of J. S. Bachs Chromatic
Fantasy and Fugue, the monograph on Beethovens Ninth Symphony, and the
forthcoming Erluterungsausgaben of Beethovens late piano sonatas constituted
his Big Library, he comments:
If the labors on my principal work somehow or other permit it, I plan to
recount, in brief, concise words in a Little Library to be newly founded,
those necessities that reign supreme in other masterworks of our geniuses.
The Little Library (Kleine Bibliothek) is discussed intermittently throughout
191320, and serves as the provisional title on the Tonwille contract of April 30/
July 30, 1920. By 1913 it has taken shape as a series of short analyses of master-
works, together with other essays, issued together between covers as a pamphlet,
possibly sold to the public in concert halls as a rival to Kretzschmars concert
guides. Works suggested by Schenker include some of those that would later ap-
pear in Tonwille and Meisterwerk (WSLB 149, 31813; WSLB 238, 2715; WSLB
242, 22615). Around New Year 1914, with war in Europe seeming imminent,
Schenker proposes the idea of a series of Flugschriften (literally leaets, a term
suggesting wide distribution, and public opinion-forming) to Universal Edition
(OC 2/5051), and receives a cordial welcome from Herztka (OC 52/138). In Feb-
ruary 1915, anticipating diculty in making headway with the Beethoven Er-
luterungsausgaben during the war, Schenker revives the project. Hertzka prema-
turely welcomes its rst year of operation in substitution for the Beethoven.
Op. 109 and Op. 110 had already appeared and Op. 111 would appear that year,
further work on Opp. 101 and 106 had become impossible under wartime con-
ditions, so their publication would be suspended until cessation of hostilities
(OC 52/555).
The Kleine Bibliothek/Flugschriften idea was thus envisioned as a gap-lling
series of wartime issues, perhaps starting in 1916. The modest size of each issue
and its exibility of publication schedule must have appealed to Hertzka; yet the
project is shelved once Schenkers demands as to the scope of the work and his
fees as its author are known (OC 52/556). In January 1917, the two men are again
in negotiations. Hertzka, unwittingly prophetic of the eventual title, declares
Where theres a will, theres a way, oering Schenker monthly payments of 200
Krone in return for ve to six short volumes during the coming year (OC 52/
5578). After further negotiations, however, the matter rests until Hertzka revives
it at the announcement of the conclusion of peace with Russia in March 1918 (OC
52/559)but still to no avail.
Three times the proposal is raised at New Year, the last time in 1920. Schenk-
ers attorney, Dr. Leo Fischmann, drafts the terms of contract, which are nally
agreed and signed in July. Issues would comprise two gatherings (i.e., thirty-two
pages), with a maximum of twelve issues a year. They would be published not ac-
cording to a strict schedule (als zwanglose Folge), and would examine various
topics in the eld of music, e.g., discussion of symphonic and chamber music,
song and piano works, as regards both content and performance, studies of per-
formance per se, critical essays, and miscellanea. Two thousand copies are to be
printed of each of the rst four issues, the shop price being two to four marks,
Schenker taking 20 percent of home and 30 percent of foreign sales, the contract
being for ten years renewable. Crucial for later disputes is the clause binding Uni-
versal Edition to respect my right to free expression of opinions without any
limitations, and not to change or condense the wording of the works on any
grounds under any circumstances without my agreement (OC 52/517).
Not until proofs of the rst issue are already in circulation does Hertzka
admit, on February 23, 1921, to having second thoughts about the title and sub-
title (OC 52/549), which appears to have stood as follows:
Kleine Bibliothek
Bltter zum Zeugnis unwandelbarer Gesetze der Tonkunst
einer neuen Jugend erlutert
(Little Library: leaves in witness to immutable laws of music, explained to a new
generation of youth.) Kleine Bibliothek might be misunderstood by the pub-
lic, and by the book and music trade. Hertzka toys with alternatives, including:
zum Zeugnis unwandelbarer Gesetze der Tonkunst
(Pamphlets in witness to immutable laws of music). Schenker evidently rejects
this formulation, suggesting Der Fortschritt (Progress). Hertzka does not warm
to this, and asks how Schenker would feel about Tonschpfer or Tonschpfung or
some combination including one of these; or, if not, then how about Tonkunst-
Flugbltter or Tonwille-Flugbltter (OC 52/251). It is unclear whether the word
general preface
Tonwille comes from Hertzka or has already been mooted by Schenker, but it is
interesting to see the publisher take so critical a role in the formulation of the
title. The matter is swiftly settled, and from April 1 on the work is consistently re-
ferred to in correspondence as Der Tonwille.
Perhaps the rst sign of the eventual troubles comes when, on December 30,
1920, Hertzka writes that he has just read the corrected proof of The Mission of
German Genius and has urgent need to speak with [Schenker] in this regard
(OC 52/561). Schenkers diary contains a report of that meeting: Hertzka says he
dare not publish the article for fear of oending his foreign readership. Then he
hits on the idea of creating a ctitious publishing house, so leaving Schenker free
to write whatever he wants. They agree, as can be seen from Schenkers diary
entry for January 5, 1921 (recorded in Hellmut Federhofer, Heinrich Schenker,
nach Tagebchern und Briefen [Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1985], p. 33).
The publishers imprint is not referred to in the contract. Hertzka discusses it
in a letter, suggesting Verlag der Tonkunst-Flugbltter, or Tonkunst Flugbltter-
Verlag (OC 52/549, 22321). The nal designation is Tonwille-Flugbltter-
verlag. We know from another source that Schenker had come to regard Univer-
sal as one of the betrayers from within that were his main target in Mission, for
in a draft of a letter sent in the autumn of 1921 to Paul von Hindenburg, the
revered elder statesman of Germany who would be elected president of the Wei-
mar Republic in 1925, he wrote:
. . . the publisherthe Tonwille-Verlag is a ctitious name, behind which
stands the major publisher who publishes my other works, but above all
operates internationallyfelt himself personally attacked, and also be-
lieved that his international business dealings (which he prefers to
honor) had been damaged. In the end, the publisher was obliged to give
up the ght. (OC 24/14)
Universal was a predominantly Jewish rm, and Schenker, himself Jewish, partic-
ularly condemned those Jews whom he saw as cosmopolitan and therefore dis-
loyal to the German-Austrian nation.
From Universals side, serious concerns were expressed about a year later, in
December 1921, when Schenker was warned that, because of the likely production
costs of Tonwille 2, the continuation of the article on Beethovens Fifth Symphony
would have to be deferred to Tonwille 3 if Schenker considered that the essays on
the Mozart A minor Sonata and Beethoven Op. 2 No. 1 had priority (OC 52/296).
In spring 1922, printing of the Miscellanea for Tonwille 2 was held up for lack
of an adequate supply of small type; but that only masked much greater concern
at the sheer bulk of Tonwille 2 (OC 52/296, 56263). Then came a blow from
Hertzka in May: he regretted that he would be unable to print the anthology
(i.e., the Miscellanea), most interesting though it is, in its entirety, because it
would make the issue unsaleable. Hertzka continued:
Permit me to point out that we envisioned the issues of Tonwille as com-
prising two gatherings, i.e. 32 pages. . . . Apart from that, our contract says
expressly that Die Kleinbibliothek [sic], i.e. Der Tonwille, examines various
topics in the eld of music. In the fourteen pages of Miscellanea, no top-
ics whatsoever in the eld of music are examined, but only topics in the
eld of politics and demagoguery. (OC 52/564 65)
While expressing the greatest respect for Schenker, he advocated dropping
the item altogether from Tonwille 2, leaving a forty-eight-page issue (the eventual
outcome), and expressed his willingness to include some of the Miscellanea
by mutual consent in Tonwille 3. In a rare and signicant confessional moment,
Hertzka wrote: I nd it impossible to believe that a genius-aristocracy would
ourish better in the context of imperialism and militarism than in the context
of democracy (OC/51213). This remark was made against the background of an
altercation between Schenker and Paul Bekker, a friend of Hertzka, who had in
February and April 1922 produced sharply critical reviews of Schenkers Erluter-
ungsausgaben in the journal Musikbltter des Anbruch (published by Universal
Edition) and his facsimile edition of Beethovens Moonlight Sonata in the
Frankfurter Zeitung, of which he was chief music critic (OC 2, p. 60). Schenker had
cut more than half of his nine-column critique of Bekker from the page proofs of
the Erluterungsausgabe of Op. 101 (OC 39/5153), presumably at Hertzkas insis-
tence, but subsequently appropriated a substantial portion of this text for a piece
entitled Musik-Kritik, adding a vigorous defense of his Moonlight facsimile
edition against Bekker (OC 39/3350), whose review had spoken of superuous
and sterile introductions by editors and had cited some of Schenkers ridiculous
commentary on Beethovens manuscript. If such personal expectoration has to
general preface
Even before the publication details had been agreed on, Schenker was referring to his forth-
coming Kleine Bibliothek in the Erluterungsausgabe of Op. 101. He had already assigned it the ab-
breviation kl. Bibl. in his list of writings on the contents page; the foreword to the edition, on the
page opposite, is dated August 30, 1920. But publication of the sonata was held up until the spring of
1921, so that the list of abbreviations could accommodate the new title. (The publication date of 1920,
given in many sources, is an error.)
be published at all, Bekker wrote, then at least it is out-of-place in this context,
and immediately spoils the impression that such a publication ought to give.
Schenker envisaged Musik-Kritik as a further item of the Miscellanea originally
intended for Tonwille 2; again, Hertzka declined to publish it (OC 52/569).
By August 1922, Tonwille 3 was expected to present the conclusion of the Bee-
thoven Fifth Symphony essay and the deferred Miscellanea (with far too few
cuts, as Hertzkas colleague Dr. Alfred Kalmus observed in a later communica-
tion), making thirty-six pages in all. The fourth issue was, at Schenkers sugges-
tion, devoted to music for children, with Urlinie graphs of the Little Preludes of
J. S. Bach and other short pieces; it acquired the working subtitle Kinderheft
(volume for children) in the correspondence (OC 52/570), and, as initially con-
ceived, was not to contain any polemical material. However, by September, Ton-
wille 3 threatened to run to eighty pages with the arrival of Die Kunst zu hren
and an essay on a Haydn sonata.
Yet again, the Fifth Symphony continuation was
shunted back, this time to Tonwille 5. In the event, the Kinderheft became com-
promised by a sizeable Miscellanea, and three of the Bach preludes had to be de-
ferred to the following issue. (As a result, the Kinderheft straddles Tonwille 4
and 5, and neither volume refers to the special nature of the contents.) In Febru-
ary 1923, yet another crisis arose, as Hertzka red-penned some derogatory re-
marks by Schenker about Bekker, Kretzschmar, and others. Schenker, who had
accused Hertzka of terrorist censorship over the cuts in the Miscellanea pub-
lished in Tonwille 3, now accused him of being unjust, partisan, and terrorizing
(OC 52/57374).
Our review of the publication history of Der Tonwille and Schenkers relation-
ship with Universal will be continued in the second volume of this translation.
Survey of the Contents
Der Tonwille is a central workin several respects, the central workin the
Schenkerian canon. Publication began immediately following the appearance of
the fourth of the Beethoven Erluterungsausgaben in 1921, in which the concept
of Urlinie was introduced and rst explained. It borrows its overall approach to
musicthe close reading of scores, together with remarks on textual and inter-
pretative matters, and a survey of the secondary literaturefrom earlier publi-
cations, but the musical document on which readers are asked to focus their at-
tention is no longer the score (whether or not this was integral to the text, as in
the Erluterungsausgaben) but the Urlinie-Tafel that is supplied with each issue.
The Tonwille series is the immediate forerunner to Das Meisterwerk in der
Musik; indeed, despite the change of format, from occasional publication (Ton-
wille 16) to quarterly journal (Tonwille 710) to yearbook (Meisterwerk), the
two series oer an almost unbroken record of Schenkers most advanced analyt-
ical and theoretical work during the decade immediately following the rst con-
ceptualizing of the Urlinie. Although he welcomed the opportunity aorded by
Meisterwerk for the publication of longer essays, and took advantage of this in the
second and third yearbooks by publishing complete analyses of symphonies in
each, Schenker regarded the two titles as a single series: advertisements for his
work specically describe the Meisterwerk yearbooks as the continuation of the
Tonwille issues.
The order of events in the analytical essays in Der Tonwille is, to a large ex-
tent, derived from his earlier analytical and editorial work on the Beethoven sym-
phonies and sonatas. Matters of analysis (form, harmony, and counterpoint) are
generally followed by remarks on autograph materials and early editions, and on
editorial issues arising from them; recommendations on performance, in relation
to both the analytical and text-critical discussions that precede them; and nally
a dismissive survey of the secondary literature. Not every rubric can be applied to
every piecethe ideal here is middle- and late-period Beethoven, for which there
is usually some account of the sketches (for this, Schenker relied on the work of
the Beethoven scholar Gustav Nottebohm), an autograph manuscript, and an
enormous critical literature. But in all the longer essays, the close readings found
in an analysis at the beginning of an essay are balanced by a less technical and (in-
variably) more polemical consideration of other matters.
To the generations of musicologists trained in the techniques of making edi-
tions of old music, Schenkers text-critical work in the 1910s and 1920s will seem
primitive, and at times nave. No attempt was made at a stemmatic liation of the
sources, the chronological ordering that claries the stages by which a composers
ideas make their way toward publication. Yet, he was ahead of his time, both in
his insistence on using the best text of a work as the basis on which to understand
general preface
Kalmuss letter refers to an Aufsatz ber die Haydn Sonaten, but the lead article of Tonwille 3
concerns just one work, the Sonata in E
, Hoboken XVI:52. (It is improbable that this essay once em-
braced the Sonata in C, Hob. XVI:35, the subject of one of the short essays in Tonwille 4 and a com-
panion piece to the essays on easy sonata movements by Mozart and Beethoven.)
and explain its meaning, and in his repeated pleas to respect the wishes of com-
posers in matters of performance. The discussion of textual matters can provide
a useful bond between the analysis, with which an essay begins, and the remarks
on performance, which will follow; the interconnections are sometimes extended
to the discussion of the secondary literature, especially where performers are con-
cerned (Czerny, Reinecke, Weingartner). Moreover, Schenker articulated a posi-
tion on textual criticism whose fullest realization is perhaps yet to come, namely,
that one must have the deepest understanding of structure in order to determine
the best reading of a musical text. This is expressed with the greatest force in the
paragraph introducing the text-critical commentary to Beethovens Sonata in
F minor, Op. 2, No. 1:
As little as one may say of Beethoven himself that he was merely practic-
ing musical philology when he sought the best notation, improved slurs,
etc., just as little may the work of an editor in this matter be regarded as
philology. It is rather of a purely artistic nature, and demands the full in-
terest of all those who want to make the content of the work of art truly
their own.
The analysis of individual works accounts for eighteen of the twenty-eight discrete
writings in the rst ve issues of Der Tonwille. Of these, two represent the major
part of what was conceived as a continuous essay on Beethovens Fifth Symphony,
which was completed in Tonwille 6 (dated 1923 but not issued until the spring of
1924) and which Universal Edition published separately as a seventy-three-page
monograph a year later.
Three of the essays, published successively across Tonwille 2 and 3, form a tril-
ogy on the piano sonatas of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. They follow the
order of composition (Schenker makes a point of saying so), and the procedures
of these masters are compared and contrasted with each other. In the discussion
of the secondary literature, the writings of Adolf Bernhard Marx and Hugo Rie-
mann are common targets of Schenkers contempt.
In Tonwille 4, the Viennese triumvirate of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven make
a further appearance, each with a movement from one of their easier sonatas. This
was the volume that Schenker and his publishers provisionally referred to as a
Kinderheft, not because it was specically designed for children to read but be-
cause the music discussed there served a largely didactic purpose, more suited to
the piano lesson than the concert hall, and the essaysall of them very short
were largely free of polemic.
One of Schenkers projects conceived along didactic
lines was a series of Urlinie graphs for Bachs twelve Little Preludes; this partic-
ularly appealed to Hertzka and Kalmus.
Schenker eventually completed seven of
these, each accompanied by a short essay: two appeared in Tonwille 4, three more
in the next issue, and a further three in the rst of the Meisterwerk yearbooks.
The inclusion of two essays on Emanuel Bach in Tonwille 4 is partly driven by
a personal agenda: one piece comes from a collection of easy pieces in binary
form published by Universal Edition in 1914as an Erluterungsausgabe!
under the editorship of Otto Vrieslander, who had been a pupil of Schenkers for
two years before the war and who became one of his most ardent champions
over the next two decades.
The other is taken from Schenkers own selection of
Emanuel Bachs keyboard works, which Universal had issued back in 1902.
The theoretical writings in Tonwille 15 are all short essays, ostensibly con-
cerned with such matters as musical structure, history, and perception; but they
are more philosophical in tone. With polemical sentiments lying not far from
the surface, Schenker sometimes digresses from the topic advertised in the title.
The Art of Listening begins as a dialogue between himself and a highly gifted
composer on the harmonic interpretation of a prelude from the Well-Tempered
Clavier, but later slips into an attack on editors who corrupt musical textsa
subject that Schenker was to treat with greater imagination and insight in the rst
Meisterwerk yearbook.
The sections that are most unashamedly polemical in tonethe lead article,
and four sets of Miscellaneaare also among the longest in Tonwille 15. To-
gether with Schenkers one-sided critique of the secondary literature on the music
he wrote about, they are usually dismissed as being of little relevance to his con-
general preface
An early formulation of this project conrms this intention. In a letter to Hertzka in early May
1922 (OC 52/58990, Schenker proposes that Tonwille 4 should be dedicated to the very young, for
Christmas [an die Jngsten, zu Weihnachten], with analyses of works by Bach, Haydn and Mozart,
etc. This issue will be published ohne Vermischtes (these words are trebly underlined), that is, with-
out the usual polemics.
We greet with enthusiasm your idea of bringing out the Urlinien to Bachs Little Preludes in
succession (OC 52/570).
One of the few pupils of Schenker to achieve success as a composer as well as a musicologist,
Vrieslander published a number of articles and reviews extolling his mentor as a theorist and music
philosopher, which are preserved in the scrapbook relating to Schenkers career as a musician and
writer (OC 2). A reviewer of Tonwille 5 and 6 in Die Musik in 1925 (see OC 2, p. 67) noted, with re-
gret, that Vrieslander had himself adopted the polemical tone that characterized his teachers writings,
for example, in his recent book on Emanuel Bach.
cerns with musical structure. Yet this material accounts for almost ninety full
pages of the original German edition, and of these about seventy are in small type-
face, which can accommodate many more words per page. By contrast, a little over
one hundred pages of the original German editionincluding the interleaved
music examplesare devoted to matters of analysis, performance, and textual
criticism. It is therefore no exaggeration to say that Schenkers polemics loom
very large in these pages. (In the remaining ve issues of Tonwille, the proportion
of polemical writings is drastically reduced.)
One is bound to ask: why did Schenker attach so much important to these
parts of his work, even to the point of expressing the hope that all the Miscellanea
and similarly conceived passages from his monographs and editions might be
collected and published as a separate book? He believed that they served a didac-
tic purpose: Polemic is the classroom in which the people learn! The rest they
will not understand for a long time to come.
Indeed, readers who lacked a basic
grounding in music theory but nevertheless shared his artistic outlook would
have viewed the analytical portions of Der Tonwille as the objective proof of his
philosophy, an attitude that is diametrically opposed to that informing the re-
ception of Schenker in the later twentieth century, according to which his polem-
ical writings bear little relationship to his conception of music.
But the principal reason for the polemical tone is, of course, the intensication
of Schenkers pride in the German nation during and immediately after World
War I. The very idea of a series of Flugbltter suggests a military operation; their
association with the war was thus part of his intention from the outset. There is
a senseand one that would almost certainly have been foremost in Schenkers
mindin which the opening article of Der Tonwille, The Mission of German Ge-
nius, set the agenda for the entire publication, and also for Das Meisterwerk in der
Musik. All of the subsequent materialthe analyses of J. S. Bach, Haydn, Mozart,
Beethoven, and Brahms, and the theoretical essays, as well as the Miscellanea
constitute the empirical body of evidence for the assertions made in the Mission:
that Germany was battleworthy when it was tricked into a cease-re; that the
Western nations dishonestly used the Treaty of Versailles to lay the burden of
guilt for the war on the German nation; that Germany herself had come to believe
her guilt, so forgetting her great intellectual and spiritual heritage; and that she
needed to be reconnected with her past tradition, and made to recognize the un-
worthiness of France, Italy, and the Anglo-Saxon countries. It is not far-fetched to
suggest that the ashpoint for Der Tonwille was the Versailles Treaty itself (1919),
and that all ten issues were impelled by a fervor to expose democracy and cos-
mopolitanism as mortal dangers to Germanys inherently monarchic society.
Schenker was by no means an isolated gure either in his antipathy toward
the French and other Western nations or in his willingness to publicize it; in-
deed, there is a long tradition of Francophobia among German men of letters,
stretching back to the late eighteenth century; many sections of the Miscellanea
are devoted to an exhumation of that tradition, and to the investiture of com-
posers such as Mozart and Beethoven into the pantheon of German genius whose
members unashamedly expressed their belief in German superiority: it is for this
reason that large extracts of Mozarts correspondence are included in the Miscel-
lanea of Tonwille 1 and 3, and that Schenker picks up Beethovens remarks on the
genius of the German Handel and Sebastian Bach in Tonwille 5, insisting, more-
over, that Beethoven went out of his way to highlight the fact that Handel was a
German in making this remark.
The citations from the secondary literature, which can at times seem to domi-
nate an essay (those on Beethovens Sonata in F minor and Fifth Symphony occupy
a great deal of space), should not be understood merely as the targets for ridicule by
a writer who thinks he knows better, but as examples of (mostly) German writings
that fail utterly to shed light upon the tradition of German musical mastery which
they claim to understand. Seen from this viewpoint, the greatest transgression a
German author can make is to observe foreign traits in a German genius. This helps
to explain Schenkers serialized attack on Artur Schurigs biography of Mozart,
which was among the rst to describe French inuences on the development of
his musical style; the attack reaches fever pitch in the Miscellanea of Tonwille 4.
general preface
Polemik ist die Schulklasse, in der das Volk lernt! Das Andere verstehen sie noch lange nicht!
This aphorism concludes the draft of a long letter to Hertzka (OC 52/58990), which is undated but
concerns the contents of Tonwille 3 and 4 and replies specically to the charge of demagoguery raised
in Hertzkas letter of May 2, 1922 (quoted earlier).
Thus, for example, Allen Forte, in his Introduction to the English Edition of Der freie Satz,
could write in 1978:
In part, this material is typical of many other German language authors of an older period;
in part, it is characteristic of Schenker, and must be placed in proper perspective. Almost
none of the material bears substantive relation to the musical concepts that he developed
during his lifetime and, from that standpoint, can be disregarded; it is, however, part of the
man and his work. (p. xviii)
These sentiments are echoed almost a decade later, by John Rothgeb, in his foreword to the next major
Schenker translation, Counterpoint (1987):
We urge the reader to recognize that however much Schenker may have regarded his musi-
cal precepts as an integral part of a unied world-view, they are, in fact, not at all logically
dependent on any of his extramusical speculations. (p. xiv)
Universal Edition never seems to have grasped Schenkers conception of the
Miscellanea as integral to their volumes: they viewed this section as an appendix
(Anhang), while referring to the remainder of an issue as its content (Inhalt).
Schenker made an eort to link the Miscellanea to the musical topics discussed
in same issue. Tonwille 4, the childrens issue, recreates an imagined lesson be-
tween Bach and his wife concerning a keyboard aria from the Notebook for
Anna Magdalena Bach, as well as including extracts from Emanuel Bachs Ver-
such on the importance of ngering. Tonwille 5 brings a conjunction of Bach and
Beethoven in both the analytical essays (little preludes, Fifth Symphony) and the
rst section of the Miscellanea; later on in the same Miscellanea, Schenker draws
an analogy between a prelude by Bach, that is, a tiny work by a composer of ge-
nius, and a German speck of dustSchenker himselfwhose ability to under-
stand and convey the meaning of that prelude places him on a higher level of
humanity than all foreign armies, presidents, and statesmen. And when Univer-
sal Edition postponed the publication of the Miscellanea of Tonwille 2, Schenker
included a footnote in Tonwille 3 to the eect that this section was intended for
the earlier issue, lest his readers be puzzled by, for instance, the inclusion of
lengthy extracts from Mozarts correspondence in an issue largely devoted to a
Haydn sonata.
A Note on the Translation
All previous translations of Schenker were based only on nal published text. In
this work, we make use of materials in the Oster Collection in the New York Pub-
lic Library and Vienna Stadt- und Landesbibliothek: although he never changed
the text of his essays once they were published (this applies to Tonwille, which was
reissued in three volumes, and also to the sections devoted to Beethovens Fifth
Symphony), Schenker annotated his personal copies of Tonwille, sometimes to
reect the developments in his notation of musical structure, and sometimes to
add a further thought about a composer and the signicance of his work. These
will be duly noted in the appropriate places of our translation.
The Oster Collection also preserves portions of text that were deleted from
the page proofs of Tonwille 3. These are part of File 39, which contains passages
censored by Schenkers publishers, as indicated by the heading on the folder:
(von U.[niversal] E.[dition] u.[nd] 3 M.[asken-Verlag])
Although we respect the principle of Fassung letzter Hand, there seemed a strong
argument for restoring those passages that he acquiesced to cutting at the last
minute, against his will. These will be shown in the translation as enclosed be-
tween forward and backward pointing arrowheads, and . The long diatribe
against Paul Bekker, whose opening was deleted from the page proofs of the Er-
luterungsausgabe of Op. 101 and whose additional materialalthough intended
for Tonwillewas never typeset, appears as an appendix to the second volume of
this translation.
The publication of Tonwille in English completes a project to translate Schenk-
ers principal collections of analytical and theoretical essays from the 1920s. Our
approach to the translation generally follows that to Das Meisterwerk in der
Musik, which was coordinated by us and completed in 1997. Some of the conven-
tions new to that project have been retained here: thus, for instance, we have left
Urlinie and Ursatz in the original German. But we now render Urlinie-Tafel as
graph of the Urlinie, rather than foreground graph, which would have been
anachronistic. Oberstimme and Unterstimme are now rendered more neutrally, as
upper voice and lower voice, respectively, rather than treble and bass (as
for Meisterwerk).
After much consideration, it was agreed to translate Schenkers neologism
Auskomponierung as elaboration, rather than the more familiar composing-
out. Schenker devised the word as a musical analogue to Ausarbeitung, and used
it consistently in the sense of a development, an elaboration or working out of the
details. In each essay, however, the rst instance of Auskomponierung will be
noted in brackets.
Schenker used the expression an der Wende des T. 1011 when describing a
musical event straddling bars 10 and 11 (and similarly for any other adjacent pair
of bars) but not actually covering the full space of two bars: we give this as across
bars 10|11, and so on.
Some Bibliographical Conventions
We have endeavored to locate the sources of the numerous extracts from Ger-
man literature quoted in Der Tonwille. For some authors, it has been possible to
nd the specic passage, other texts have proved more elusive; in an eort to
general preface
strike a balance here, we give the name of the work from which the quotation has
been extracted. Schenker was sometimes attracted to texts that he came across
while reading the Neue freie Presse, a Viennese daily newspaper. (The newspaper
clippings preserved in the Oster Collection are a useful source of these quotations,
and we have been able to trace some of the quotations in Der Tonwille to these
clippings.) Prose quotations have been translated into English; quotations of Ger-
man poetry are given in the original language and in parallel English translation.
In all of his writings, Schenker referred frequently to his earlier published
work. These, together with all editorial references to Schenkers published work,
will identify both the page numbers of the original German text and those of
standard English translations (see the Bibliographical Abbreviations for a list of
these), with the German page numbers in roman type, those for the English
translation in italics. The same practice will be applied, where relevant (and
where possible), to other German writings that have been translated into English.
For Der freie Satz, we will refer to section numbers (indicated by the symbol ),
which are common to both the German and English editions.
The vast majority of the secondary music literature cited in Der Tonwille is by
German authors (e.g., Marx, Lenz, Riemann, Bekker). The essay on Mozarts So-
nata K. 310 quotes extensivelyin the original Frenchthe monumental life-
and-works study of Mozart by Thodore de Wyzewa and Georges de Saint-Foix;
we have translated these extracts into English. The case of George Groves Beetho-
vens Nine Symphonies, originally published 1896, is more complicated: Schenker
was using a 1908 German translation that can at best be described as a paraphrase
of the original, a translation more of the spirit of Groves text than of the letter.
For the most part, these passages have been translated afresh; where Groves orig-
inal text departs more radically from the German translation that Schenker was
using, we also give it, in a footnote.
Quotations from the Bible follow the New International Version, unless other-
wise indicated.
For readers who wish to compare the original text of Der Tonwille with this
translation, the start of each page in the German edition is marked in our trans-
lation by the corresponding number in curly brackets. Since the numbering be-
gins anew for each issue of Der Tonwille, we give the issue and page numbers for
each essay, alongside their original German title.
The essays are presented here in the sequence in which they originally ap-
peared: to preserve the informal structure of the publication, we have decided
against assigning to each essay an identifying chapter number. The numbering of
the music examples in the text (Figuren) is the same as in the original, and begins
afresh in each essay.
The great majority of footnotes are editorial. Those by Schenker himself are
prefaced by the symbol [S]; editorial additions to these are enclosed in square
This translation will use mainly American, not British, music terminology.
Two exceptions have been made: for Folgen and oene Folgenand the words
Oktaven and Quinten where they refer to the same type of part-writing error
we shall speak of consecutive fths and octaves (rather than parallel fths and
octaves). And for Takt(e) and its abbreviation T., we use bar and bars (with-
out abbreviation), not measure, measures, m., mm.
In common with the Meisterwerk series, the original edition of Der Tonwille
followed an older style of German book publishing by using Fraktur for the main
text, and roman type for foreign words (such as forte, cresc., revanche) and
note names (Es, c
, etc.). We shall use italics for foreign words, but will keep note
names in roman typeface. Where Schenker uses Sperrdruck (spaced type) for em-
phasis, we use italics; where he uses it to mark the beginning of a subsection of
text, for example, remarks on an autograph manuscript, or a critique of a partic-
ular writer in the discussion of the secondary literature, we use boldface.
Octave registers will be given as Schenker indicated them, in accordance with
the Helmholtz system, with the middle C as c
(and higher superscripts as neces-
sary). Where Schenker deliberately does not specify register, we follow his usage:
small letters for notes in the upper voice or melody and capital letters for bass
notes, the roots of chords, and the names of keys. The reader should be able to
distinguish which of Schenkers unsuperscripted note names are register-specic,
and which are not.
Urlinie graphs and music examples in Schenkers original text have not been
reset; to do so would not only have been expensive but also risk the introduction
of errors (of which very few have been found, and tacitly corrected).
We have not attempted to translate the main title of this publication. Each of
the constituent parts of the word Tonwille conveys a range of meaning, result-
ing in a large number of possible English renderings, none of which would have
the concision of the original German. (It is perhaps signicant, in this regard,
that two other Schenkerian titles have shown resistance to translation: Erluter-
ungsausgabe and, to a lesser extent, Der freie Satz.) Some idea of what Schenker
general preface
meant by it is given in the essay on Beethovens Sonata in F minor, in which he
speaks of being able to feel the ery will of the tone e
(den ammenden Willen
des Tones es
nachzufhlen); see Tonwille 2, p. 35 and explanatory note 16 provided
by the translator, Joseph Dubiel.
This project could not have been realized without the encouragement and as-
sistance we have received from within and without. Our contributing transla-
tors, in addition to undertaking their individual assignments with professional-
ism and imagination of the highest order, have always been ready to help us
resolve matters of terminology and format relating to Der Tonwille as a whole.
We are also grateful to Maribeth Payne, former music editor at Oxford Univer-
sity Press, for overseeing the project in its early stages, and to Ellen Welch,
Kimberly Robinson, and Robert Milks of O.U.P. for working so patiently on the
production of a music theory text with illustrative materials in an unconven-
tional format. Thanks also are due to John Shepard (New York Public Library) for
granting us access to original documents in the Oster Collection, and to Nigel
Simeone (University of Wales, Bangor), Thomas Betzwieser (University of Bay-
reuth), and Brian Sparkes and Jeanice Brooks (University of Southampton) for
their answers to specic questions.
A special debt of gratitude is owed to Andrea Reiter of the University of South-
ampton, whose command of the German language and insight into Schenkers
style, which had greatly benetted the translation team for Das Meisterwerk in der
Musik, has again proved indispensable to all who have contributed to this edition
of Der Tonwille.
Ian Bent
William Drabkin
general preface
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German Words, Phrases, Technical Terms, and Abbreviations
Used in the Music Examples xvii
Bibliographical Abbreviations xix
Tonwille 1
The Mission of German Genius 3
The Urlinie: A Preliminary Remark 21
Beethovens Fifth Symphony [rst part] 25
The E
Minor Prelude from Bachs Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I 34
Schuberts Ihr Bild 41
Miscellanea 44
Tonwille 2
Laws of the Art of Music 51
History of the Art of Music 52
Yet Another Word on the Urlinie 53
Mozarts Sonata in A Minor, K. 310 55
Beethovens Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. 1 72
Tonwille 3
Haydns Sonata in E
Major, Hoboken XVI:52 99
The Art of Listening 118
Miscellanea 121
Tonwille 4
Bachs Little Prelude No. 1 in C Major, BWV 924 141
Bachs Little Prelude No. 2 in C Major, BWV 939 145
The Allemande from Handels Suite in G Major, HWV 441 146
C. P. E. Bachs Allegro in G Major 148
C. P. E. Bachs Keyboard Sonata in C Major 150
Haydns Sonata in C Major, Hoboken XVI:35 153
Mozarts Sonata in C Major, K. 545 156
Beethovens Sonata in G Major, Op. 49, No. 2 158
Miscellanea 160
Tonwille 5
Bachs Little Prelude No. 3 in C Minor, BWV 999 175
Bachs Little Prelude No. 4 in D Major, BWV 925 177
Bachs Little Prelude No. 5 in D Minor, BWV 926 180
Beethovens Fifth Symphony (Continuation) 182
Miscellanea 210
Index 227
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This is an alphabetized list of all the analytical labels and explanatory text
found in the music examples and Urlinie graphs of Tonwille 15. In general, an
abbreviation is followed by the full form of the word in question, either after a
comma (if that word also appears somewhere in the examples), or in brackets (if
it does not).
To obtain a translation of a short phrase, it may be necessary to look up the
component words or abbreviations: thus II Ged second subject (or
group), in sonata form. The note to the graph of the Urlinie for Haydns Sonata
in E
(Tonwille 3) is not included in this table, but appears in the text of the essay,
at the bottom of the graph of the rst movement.
1., 2., 3. rst, second, third
2 Okt tiefer two octaves lower
8va tiefer one octave lower
als Durchgang as passing note
als Vorhalt as suspension
alteriert altered
As A
Auftakt upbeat
Br. [Bratsche(n)] viola(s)
c.f cantus rmus
ces C
d, dur major
Df., Durchfhrung development section (in sonata form)
Dg. [Durchgang], Durchgnge passing note(s), transitional harmony
Erster Teil rst part, exposition (in sonata form)
Es E
Fag. [Fagott(e)] bassoon(s)
fes F
Fis F
Fl. [Flte(n)] ute(s)
fr for
Ged [Gedanke] subject, group (in sonata form)
ges G
H B (note)
I, II rst, second
Holzbl. [Holzblser] wind instruments
Hrn, Hrner horns
Kl., Klar. [Klarinette(n)] clarinet(s)
leicht light, unstressed
m, moll minor
Md, Modul. [Modulation] modulation (in sonata-form
Mischung mixture (of major and minor)
N. S. [Nachsatz] consequent phrase
Nbn. [Nebennote] neighbor note
Nbn. Hm(n). neighbor-note harmony
[Nebennotenharmonie(n)] (harmonies)
Oberquint als Teiler upper fth as divider
oder or
p.v. [prima volta] rst ending (of a repeated section)
Quartzug fourth-progression
Quintzug fth-progression
Repr., Reprise reprise, recapitulation (in sonata
s.v. [seconda volta] second ending (of a repeated section)
German Words, Phrases, Technical Terms, and
Abbreviations Used in the Music Examples
Schluged. [Schlugedanke] closing subject, group (in sonata form)
schwer heavy, stressed
Sept, Septime seventh
sog[ennanter] Akkord d[er] gr[ossen] so-called chord of the major
Septime seventh
Strch [Streicher] string instruments
T. [Takt] bar, bar number
Takttriole three-bar group
Teiler divider
Teilgedanke part of a group (in sonata form)
Terzgang des Aussensatzes succession of thirds between the
outer voices
Thema theme
Tp. [Trompete(n)] trumpet(s)
u.s.w. [und so weiter] and so forth
und and
V. S. [Vordersatz] antecedent phrase
Vcl., Vlc. violoncello(s)
Viol. [Violine(n)] violin(s)
weiblich feminine
wie as, the same as
Wiederholung repetition
german words, phrases, techni cal terms, and abbrevi ati ons used i n the musi c examples
Unpublished materials
OC The Oster Collection: Papers of Heinrich
Schenker, New York Public Library (New York,
A Finding List of this collection, compiled by
Robert Kosovsky, is dated May 31, 1990, and issued
by the New York Public Library
WSLB Wiener Stadt- und Landesbibliothek [Municipal
and Provincial Library of Vienna]: collection of
446 letters from Schenker to Universal edition,
Vienna. (On loan from Universal Edition.)
Schenkers published writings
Harmonielehre Harmonielehre Neue musikalische Theorien
und Phantasien, part 1 (Stuttgart: Cotta, 1906)
Abbreviated English translation: Harmony, ed.
Oswald Jonas and trans. Elizabeth Mann Borgese
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1954)
Ornamentik Ein Beitrag zur Ornamentik, revised 2nd edn
(Vienna: Universal Edition, 1908)
English translation: A Contribution to the Study
of Ornamentation, trans. Hedi Siegel, Music
Forum 4 (1976), pp. 1139.
Kontrapunkt i, ii Kontrapunkt Neue musikalische Theorien und
Phantasien, part 2; vol. i (Stuttgart: Cotta, 1910),
vol. ii (Vienna: Universal Edition, 1922)
English translation: Counterpoint, trans. John
Rothgeb and Jrgen Thym, ed. John Rothgeb, 2
vols. (New York: Schirmer, 1987)
Beethovens neunte Sinfonie Beethovens neunte Sinfonie (Vienna: Universal
Edition, 1912)
English translation: Beethovens Ninth Symphony,
trans. John Rothgeb (New Haven, CT: Yale
University Press, 1992)
Erluterungsausgabe Beethoven, Die letzten fnf Sonaten: kritische
Ausgabe mit Einfhrung und Erluterung (Vienna:
Universal Edition)
of Op.101 Sonate A dur Opus 101 (1921)
of Op.109 Sonate E dur Opus 109 (1913)
of Op.110 Sonate As dur Opus 110 (1914)
of Op.111 Sonate C moll Opus 111 (1915)
(Opus 106 not completed or published)
abbreviated second edition: Beethoven, Die letzten
Sonaten: kritische Einfhrung und Erluterung ed.
Oswald Jonas (Vienna: Universal Edition, 19712)
Tonwille 1, 2, 3 etc. Der Tonwille, ten issues (Vienna: Tonwille-
Flugbltterverlag [Universal Edition], 192124)
English translation: the present publication
(projected in two volumes)
Meisterwerk i, ii, iii Das Meisterwerk in der Musik, three vols. (Vienna:
1925, 1926, 1930)
English translation: The Masterwork in Music,
trans. Ian Bent, Alfred Clayton, William Drabkin,
Bibliographical Abbreviations
Richard Kramer, Derrick Puett, John Rothgeb
and Hedi Siegel, ed. William Drabkin (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1994, 1996, 1997)
Der freie Satz Der freie Satz Neue musikalische Theorien und
Phantasien, part 3 (Vienna: Universal Edition,
1935, rev. 2/1956)
English translation: Free Composition (Der freie
Satz), ed. and trans. Ernst Oster (New York:
Longman, 1979)
To facilitate reference to Schenkers original writings and the current standard
translations, a system of double page references is used in this translation. Thus,
for example,
(see Kontrapunkt i, pp. 63/pp. 4244)
indicates that the Schenker original referred the reader to pp. 63 and following of
the rst volume of his Kontrapunkt, and that we have in addition supplied the
corresponding page numbers, 4244, in Rothgeb and Thyms English transla-
tion. This dual reference system also applies to this publication, that is, to the rst
ve issues of Der Tonwille; thus, for instance, see Tonwille 4, p. 24/i, p. 162.
Schenkers references to II
are to a projected third volume of Kontrapunkt,
which used the title Freier Satz throughout the publication of Der Tonwille; this
work is extensively documented in the Oster Collection. Schenker worked out a
plan for it during World War I, and had completed an initial draft by August 1917,
to which additions and emendations were made.
Sometimes he refers to sections
of this work that can be specically identied in the early draft; other references
show that his conception of this work was changing, although the nal version,
published posthumously with the title Der freie Satz as the third and nal part of
the Neue musikalische Theorien und Phantasien, was to turn out very dierent.
We have attempted to trace these references back to Freier Satz as preserved in
the Oster Collection, and ahead to the published form of this work. Our refer-
ences to Der freie Satz use paragraph numbers (), which are the same in the Ger-
man and English editions.
For the Erluterungsausgaben of the late Beethoven sonatas, the italicized
page numbers refer not to an English translation (at present, none has been pub-
lished) but to Jonass revised German edition.
Unless otherwise stated, references to material in the Oster Collection are by
le and item number. Thus, for example, OC 52/138 refers to le 52, item 138, in
the collection.
bi bli ographi cal abbrevi ati ons
For an introduction to the exceedingly complex prehistory of Der freie Satz, see Hedi Siegel,
When Freier Satz Was Part of Kontrapunkt: a Preliminary Report, Schenker Studies 2, ed. C. Schachter
and H. Siegel (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp. 1225.
Tonwille 1
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In these grave times, in these most grievous of times, when universal economic
and spiritual poverty threatens to make any headway whatsoever in art, albeit
threadbare and indigent, impossible, may these pamphlets,
which will appear
from time to time,
be dedicated unswervingly to the nourishing of genius.
Once the artist, in such times, sees how the political parties vying with one
another for power sin against art in general, and against his own art in particu-
lar, through ignorance and ineptitude, then he must be inamed, purely in his ca-
pacity as equal citizen of the stateeven if he were the most detached of citi-
zenswith the duty to protect art. Even more imperative becomes this impulse,
the more conscious is he of the lesson of history that, among the arts, music in
particular owes its foremost and nest achievements to kings, to the nobility, and
to the Church, and the more is he convinced that this represents no chance al-
liance but an intrinsic bond.
It is in just such a frame of mind that the author of Der Tonwille, too, now
nds himself. As he sets about placing this collection of essays before the public
with the intention of nurturing an elite group, he feels bound rst to draw atten-
tion to the obstacles that, today more than ever, stand in the way of such an elite.
No denying, there has always been resistance to genius throughout history. It
has to be said, though, that the accursed World War,
crueler even in its length
than in its ferocity, has intensied that resistance to the utmost. Because of this,
the World War has naturally moved to center-stage here, along with all that it has
uncovered that is hostile to culture and genius, or (which amounts to the same
thing) to the people and to humanity, whether these be the Germans, their ene-
mies, particular social classes, or even individuals, whether on the basis of old or
new worldviews, systems of government, or social forms, etc.
If the present author speaks in this connection of betrayalbetrayal perpe-
trated by Germans upon Germans, by nations upon one another and upon the
whole of humanity, in the past, and still todayand if he speaks in detail and at
some length, then he means not so much to denounce betrayal and betrayers in
the political sense as to bring to light that which, springing from causes long past,
having deep roots, was bound to lead to present betrayal. How, and by whom, the
betrayal was perpetratedat the heart of that question (and our emphasis will
be solely on that) lies the demise of genius, the decline of those solutions to the
problems of humanity that have from time immemorial been attained through
genius: solutions such as nation, state, religion, monarchy, republic, democracy,
freedom, art, science, etc. It amounts to all well-established, unalterable concepts
having utterly vanished, to a total breakdown of knowledge and ethics, leading to
ultimate spiritual and moral degeneracy. This breakdown must be reversed if the
path to genius and to human dignity is to be rediscovered.
Nor if the present author, in dilating further on the betrayal of culture, turns
his criticism against middle class and working class alike, does he for a moment
wish to engage in politics as conventionally understood. He means only to inves-
tigate the special conditions required for the creation and acceptance of an art-
work of genius, and to delineate the path that leads uniquely to that goal. {4} He
has thus no intention of playing o the working class against the middle class,
or vice versa. Rather, in taking up the cause of genius as something higher than
middle class, something higher than working class, as guarantee
of nation and
humanity, as resolution and redemption, he seeks to say which soil (the land of
The Mission of German Genius
Von der Sendung des deutschen Genies {Tonwille 1, pp. 321}
t r a ns l at e d b y i a n b e nt
Bltter: literally leaves, pages. The word reects the subtitle of the journal: Flugbltter zum
Zeugnis unwandelbarer Gesetze der Tonkunst and also the name Tonwille-Flugbltterverlag, which was
devised to conceal the identity of the publisher, Universal Edition.
In zwangloser Folge. This reects the wording on the cover of the rst six issues of Der Tonwille:
erscheint in zwangloser Folge (appears from time to time). In 1924 Schenker and Universal Edition
settled on a quarterly format, deleted this rubric, and adopted a double numbering system.
That is, World War I, 1914 18.
Brgen: play on words with Brger, middle class, bourgeois.
the poet) may be best suited to genius, and whether the latter will be able to take
root and ourish among us.
The fact that Germans recognize and value their own great minds so little
nowworse, that they deprecate them, indeed betray them, preferring those of
foreignersmerely conrms that the propagating soil of humans is, after all,
only soil. It cannot, however, deect the authors unshakeable convictiona con-
viction borne of recognition that the temperaments of nations dier so greatly in
essentialsthat the one, the redeemer, will once again arise only from the Ger-
man propagating soil of humans. This redeemer will strengthen the immutabil-
ity and eternal validity of the solutions hitherto achievedsemper idem sed non
eodem modo
newly promulgatedand will moreover bring them to universal
validity, though only to the extent of mans capacity to accept them.
Shameless betrayal has been perpetrated during the World War on the genius of
Germanity as a whole, and on the genius of those two time-honored generals,
Hindenburg and Ludendor;
for the sake of their illustrious personages, sacri-
ced in exemplary fashion to a supreme goal, the very genius of humanity itself,
which sits enthroned on the loftiest peaks, will one day become reconciled to all
the dismal happenings of the World War.
Betrayal was perpetrated on their own territory:
by a spiritually and morally venal fringe group, whichwhen not treason-
ously exploiting the market, and racketeering as manufacturers, merchants,
farmers, etc.were obeying the law whereby human commonplaceness ever
lusts after other commonplaceness by selling itself body and soul to the West,
to the disadvantage of the fatherland, its dignity, and its future, the very epit-
ome of human commonplaceness, its tawdry form concealing an even more
trivial spirit beneath, and in this sense of the word concealing by form, lying
by form;
by that trouble-making megalomaniac wage-church
of Karl Marx, which
not even the choicest insults and aronts on the part of a deceitful Interna-
deterred from acting in a thorough-going internationalist manner, to
the general joy and delight of the enemy; and which, fooling all whom it en-
countered, concentrated on shamelessly practicing wage-politics and usury;
and moreover by openly inciting mutiny and desertion within the army even
proteered with freedom itself, insofar as any church so totally uncreative,
and made up solely of job-seekers and -takers, can ever understand freedom,
namely as the rejection of every authority except that which guarantees a
higher wage, i.e. the churchs founder and his apostles;
by a certain gang of sailors in Kiel who, to the utter dismay of the whole nation,
so unexpectedly and unwelcomely sent the German Empire up in ames;
by certain so-called pacists and professors, their mouths rank with lth, who,
counter to all logic, railed nauseatingly against Germany alone while leaving
the nations of the West
unreproached; men whose heinous, dishonorable
tonwi lle 1
Always the same, but not in the same way. This became Schenkers artistic creed from 1921 on-
wards and appeared on the cover of every issue of Der Tonwille, after the Foreword to Kontrapunkt II
(1922), and on the title-page of Der freie Satz (1935).
Paul von Hindenburg (18471934), who had served in the Austro-Prussian and Franco-German
wars (1866, 187071), was recalled to service in World War I, rising to commander of all German land
forces, and was later to be the second president of the Weimar Republic, 192534; Erich Ludendor
(18651937), chief of sta of the Eighth Army from 1914, and appointed to direct the entire German
war eort under Hindenburg from 1916. Schenker had brief exchanges of letters with both Hinden-
burg and Ludendor in 1921. He sent copies of Der Tonwille to each with separate covering notes,
drawing their attention to specic pages in the present essay and probably the Miscellanea of Ton-
wille 3; drafts of his letters, and the responses they elicited, are preserved in the Oster Collection, le
24, items 1118.
For Schenker, form represents a concern with outward appearance, the treatment of form as
separate from content, hence as something pretentious and obfuscating. For him, the English phrase
good form is an emblem of French as well as English superciality. Form should be the outward re-
sult of that which arises from within, and therefore should not need to be viewed in itself. This is, for
him, one of the most blatant distinctions between the German mind and that of the Western nations
of Europe.
Lohnkirche: neologism by Schenker or contemporary commentators, from Lohn (wage)
Kirche (church), referring to the communist movement in general, and containing an ironic refer-
ence to the atheism professed by Marx and that movement. See also note 29.
The International movement, a succession of federations of working-class socialist parties, the
relevant ones being the First International (1864 76), of which Marx was the dominant force,
founded in London; the Second (18891914), founded in Paris; and the Third, or Comintern (1919
43), founded in Moscow.
On October 30, 1918, some two hundred sailors on two ships in Kiel (principal port of the Ger-
man eet) refused to weigh anchor, and damped the coals in their boilers, in response to the order to
raise steam for battle. They were imprisoned. On November 2, ve hundred sailors from other ships
rallied to demand their release; the next day 20,000 people demonstrated, breaking open the prison,
seizing weapons from stores, and running up the red ag on all ships; and by November 6, there were
40,000 people calling for revolution. These events contributed to the exile of the kaiser, led directly
to the downfall of the German government, and on November 9 to the declaration of a republic. See
R. M. Watt, The Kings Depart: The Tragedy of Germany: Versailles and the German Revolution (New
York: Simon & Schuster, 1968), pp. 158200.]
That is, France, Italy, Britain, and by extension the United States.
conduct from childhood to the present day equipped them pitifully and des-
picably to be lackeys of foreign countries; [nations] whose piracy, drug traf-
ficking, commandeering of Gods high seas, whose navalism,
slaughtering of {5} women, children and old people inside and outside of
concentration camps, the dissolute conduct of whose kings and aristocracy,
whose Armagnacism,
constant sorties to rob and plunder, squabbling over
revolution, militarism, lust after gloire,
Senegalese marriage relationships,
Congolese atrocities,
etc., etc.in short, whose pronounced barbarism, nay
cannibalism, they conceal from themselves and others only scantily beneath
high-own language, verbal trickery, formality, and form itself (here is a ran-
dom sampling from the lying maw of that infamous civilization:
great Revolution,revanche,
nobles traditions,
genius of the people, chivalry, eternal soldier of right, traditional jus-
tice, global conscience, battle against militarism, liberation of peoples,
League of Nations,
etc., etc.).
Betrayal was perpetrated, furthermore,
by certain sensation-mongers
who, having no genuine spiritual roots to
guide them, hence apt merely to latch on to anything anywhere in the world
and publicize and proclaim it indiscriminately, even during the War dispar-
aged all things German in favor of things foreign;
by certain other writers, who snored their way loudly through the Russo-
Japanese War,
the Spanish- American War,
and the Boer War,
and snored,
too, as mankind endured the agreements not worth the paper on which they
were printed concerning Morocco,
and Persia;
but who, when the
Germans had to defend themselves against an invasion long premeditated by
nations whose virulent envy of it exceeded their incompetence, suddenly woke
up to discover, oh-so-smugly, the spiritual and moral truth that peace was more
humane than war; they then mendaciously painted their own fellow-country-
men as the very instigators of the war and perpetrators of the rst murder;
The Mission of German Genius
That is, the policy of building up naval eets as instruments of war. Before 1914, the British eet
had been the largest in Europe. From 1912, Germany embarked on enlargement of its eet to rival the
British. However, the German eet did not engage the British in full-scale battle.
Armagnac: state in what is now southwest France; from the twelfth century a buer between the
French and English (during the Hundred Years War, the Burgundian, French, and English) spheres of
inuence, it wielded power by switching allegiance strategically; hence allegiance-switching by West-
ern countries.
Gloire-Brunst: Gloire: patriotic French rallying-cry, closely associated with the French Revolu-
tion, and reected in the text of the Marseillaise (written by Rouget de Lisle on April 24, 1792, during
the Revolution): (vs. 1) Allons enfants de la patrie, / Le jour de gloire est arriv, (vs. 6) Que tes en-
emis expirants / Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire; Brunst: lit. rutting, or being on-heat.
This is perhaps a reference to intermarriage between Europeans and Africans in the French
colony of Senegal; or possibly to the polygamy-based social structure indigenous not to Senegal alone,
but to many of the West African colonies. On Senegal, see note 40.
King Leopold ii of Belgium had established the Congo Free State (since 1960 the Republic of
Zaire) in 1884, and the abuses which his administrators and soldiers committed upon villages, espe-
cially in the collection of rubber, had become the subject of international protest from 1904. Belgium
was held accountable, and sought to address the atrocities during and after World War I. The issue
was still current in 1921.
Schenker contrasted civilization with culture, the former being preoccupied with the outer
trappings of a nations heritage, and with elegant and articulate expression (hence associated with the
supercial Western nations), the latter denoting inward, deeply felt heritage, and the struggle for
expression (hence associated with Germany. See Thomas Mann, Reections of a Nonpolitical Man
[1918], especially chapters 23).
King Louis xiv, reigned 16611715.
Revenge; also return match in a game, or (as here) a policy that seeks to recover territory
lost to an enemy.
That is, the reversal of the annexation by Germany of Alsace and Lorraine, which had been ac-
complished by Germany during the Franco-Prussian War of 187071.
The League of Nations, formed at the instigation of the British and Americans at the end of
World War I to prevent future world conicts and preserve the postwar status quo, hence viewed by
Schenker as an instrument of enforcement upon Germany.
Litfakreaturen: lit: creatures of Litfass, perhaps in reference to war correspondents. Ernst
Litfass (181674) was a printer, publisher, and advertiser, who during the Franco-Prussian War of
187071 obtained the exclusive rst access to wartime dispatches and bulletins, for quotation in his
newspapers. He is best known for having negotiated with the Berlin police commissioner to construct
one hundred circular pillars and fty hydrants and public conveniences at his own expense in return
for the sole right to post placard advertisements on them. The round pillars became popularly known
as Litfasulen (Litfass pillars); Schenkers aushngen (translated here publicize) implies to post
as on a billboard or hoarding.
1904 5, won decisively by Japan, and triggering revolutionary unrest in Russia.
February to August 1898, fought in Cuba and Puerto Rico, resulting in Spains recognition of
Cubas independence and ceding of Puerto Rico to the United States; and also in the Philippines, re-
sulting in the American acquisition of these islands.
18991902, fought in South Africa, won by the British, but with a reputation for barbarity in the
concentration camps in which 26,000 Boers and more than 13,000 Africans died.
By 1906, growing French inuence in Morocco troubled Germany. In 1906, Kaiser Wilhelm ii
visited the sultan of Morocco to assert Germanys claim to equal rights in that country, causing in-
ternational alarm; the Conference of Algeciras resulted. In 1911, the German gunboat Panther ap-
peared outside the southern port of Agadir in an attempt to stem French encroachment; Germany
backed down. See also note 49.
The Italo-Turkish War of 1912 was fought over the provinces of Tripoli and Cyrenaica (both
part of Libya since 1951), which were then controlled by the Turks, but were ceded to Italy as a result.
The Anglo-French Entente of 1904 divided Persia into three spheres of inuence, British, Russ-
ian, and neutral, causing Germany to protest encirclement. See also note 49.
by certain ballad-mongers of intellectualism, certain world citizens with love
for the fatherland, representatives of a spiritual half-world who, lacking any
truly national feeling, let alone love for the fatherland, were incapable even of
discovering for themselves how the exalted world citizenship of our greatest
poets and thinkers is rooted primarily in a keenly felt, deep-running Ger-
manity; and whose unprincipledness it served to make out a quintessentially
German poet such as Goethe, Jean Paul, Hlderlin, etc., as just the opposite:
anti-German, un-German;
by certain novelists and spiritual vassals of Frenchness who have never been
able to see through all the hullabaloo to its all-too genuine and oh-so-droll
philistinism, and realize how, given its skeptically lifeless preoccupation with
lofty questions, it seeks and nds its emotional fulllment, refreshment, and
delight in genital play and form (unmistakable signs of a typical mediocrity),
and also how out of complacency it seeks to convince itself and others that its
all-too-limited world is something important, using cheap aectation, cheap
wit (esprit and the like: as Jean Paul puts it, The spiritually-minded German is
almost ashamed of being as ready a wit as a Frenchman, and has to try hard not
to try hard), and a form that is attractive to those of inferior mind (again, un-
mistakable sign of the genuine philistine, who is infatuated with his own wit,
temperamentI say! hes a devil of a fellow! a real wag!and especially his
form), much less that they could ever aspire to so profound an armation,
so profound a form, and so demonic a nervous tension as is the preserve of
great German geniusestruly, a proposition by Luther, its content as well as its
formulation, or an Adagio by Sebastian Bach, has more nervous energy, more
true bravery than all the French armies over all the centuries have exhibited in
body or spirit; a line of Goethes poetry, {6} a musical smile by Brahms, has
more loveliness than all the bestiality of French masculinity and femininity;
by certain foreign nationals who, while those in France (out of calculation,
cowardice, or pride?) became Frenchmen through and through, and those in
England (out of calculation, cowardice, or pride?) became dyed-in-the-wool
Englishmen, in Germany by contrast, with barefaced ingratitude, not to men-
tion at the cost of their good German-minded brothers-in-faith, styled them-
selves as internationalists, more often than not as high priests of the wage-
by certain international newspapers, oozing so-called democratic conviction
and, needless to say, well disposed toward all progress(the kind that a demo-
crat, a newspaperman calls progress, and about which he is all empty talk
while others get on and make it, but that he resists when anyone else tries to
suggest he make it himselfjust think of Bismarck and the German demo-
crats); these newspapers saw genuine democracy and true progress only in the
deeds of Western nations, and held these up as a model to their own nation,
which they claimed had been enslaved by the Junkers
and deprived of real
progress by German chauvinism and Pan-Germanism; in so believing, they
have only exposed Germany all the more to the slanders of her enemies, who
as one should, with a little more experience, have foreseenhad not the slight-
est intention of expending money or spilling blood on Germanys democra-
tization, or on freeing the German people from the yoke of the Kaiser, the
princes, and the Junkers;
and betrayal was constantly being perpetrated in their own backyard:
by Magyars playing tricky economic politics and blockading basic foodstus
against their comrades-in-arms, to the point of barefaced, infamous betrayal
in the eld, orchestrated by a genuine French catspaw;
by some Slavic nations belonging to Austria who, to this very day, fail to real-
ize that on the scales of true genius one solitary gure, Chopin,
and perhaps
also just the one string quartet, From My Life, by Smetana,
are worth more
tonwi lle 1
Pfaen der Lohnkirche: reference to communists, the workers movement, and, ironically, their
professed atheism. See note 8.
Junkertum: the landed aristocracy, especially that of Prussia which traced its descent from the
Order of Teutonic Knights, founded in 1225. Bismarck belonged to this class, which represented ex-
treme conservatism and upheld the monarchy, and from the ranks of which the Prussian army was
staed. Schenker shared their intense hostility to the Weimar Republic: Otto von Bismarck (181598),
prime minister of Prussia from 1862, and the rst chancellor of the German Empire, 187190, under
Wilhelm i.
See Schenkers analyses of two Chopin etudes in Meisterwerk i, pp. 14573/pp. 8198, and Ian
Bent, Heinrich Schenker, Chopin and Domenico Scarlatti, Music Analysis 5 (1986), pp. 13149.
String Quartet No.1, subtitled From My Life (1876): this remark relates back to early articles
and reviews by Schenker: Friedrich Smetana, Die Zukunft 4/40 (711893), 3740; Smetanas Kuss
and review of same, Neue Revue 1 (1894), 34750, 375, and review of Dalibor, ibid. 8/2 (1897), pp. 448
49; Aus dem Leben Smetanas (Ein Besuch bei Fr. Smetanas Witwe),Neues Wiener Tagblatt 28/245 (9
61894); all reprinted in Heinrich Schenker als Essayist und Kritiker: Gesammelte Aufstze, Rezensionen
und kleinere Berichte aus den Jahren 18911901, ed. H. Federhofer (Hildesheim: Olms, 1990), pp. 4854,
7075, 10914, 274 75, 35758. The rst of these acknowledges Smetana as a genius, and states that
Since Mozarts time no composer in the realm of buo opera has realized the mysteries of the motive
and melodic material, especially the fecundity and capacity for proliferation of the motive as has
Smetana. It describes the quartet as a shattering autobiography over which Beethovens blessing
hovers, and states signicantly that: In its originality I discern a certain quality that causes ones
than all that the nations of the West have produced; nations that, seduced by
feeble-minded, wrong-headed leaders, surrendered themselves to those bar-
barians in totally undeserved servitude, so placing the blood and honor of
their children at the disposal of the basest avarice and rapaciousness of foreign
Junkers of capitalism, thereby vitiating the future of their natural and un-
tainted manhood and making them the dupes of the West.
Beyond its own boundaries, betrayal has also been perpetrated:
by the Monroe-lying,
perdious United States of America, led by that living
incarnation of mendacity Woodrow Wilson;
as betrayer, as desecrator of
mankind and morality, he must surely be named for all time as third along-
side Ephialtes
and Judas;
by certain neutral states whose spiritual and moral code nonetheless allowed
them to be taken in abjectly by the wiles of the French and English, but who
were sly enough to turn their sympathy for the West into massive economic
gainas if such blood-money could bring them any more credit than does
unscrupulous proteering to any peasant, merchant, etc.
On top of the shaming defeats that the nations of the West and South have suf-
fered on all battleelds, the most shaming came at Versailles and St. Germain.
There, Western democracy, judged on its termsin bello veritas!
became syn-
onymous with ultimate moral depravity, lthy mendaciousness, {7} unparalleled
incompetence, crassest ignorance, betrayal of human rights, trickery by black-
mail, and theft of private property, not to mention loutish personal behavior.
Never in the history of mankindneither in Antiquity nor in the Middle Ages
nor in modern times, not under despots or the Caesars, not even in republics
have nations sunk to such moral and spiritual depths as nations did there in the
name of democracy and the middle class. (Even savages and cannibals in their
wild state are purer and more virtuous than the savages and cannibal hordes of
Versailles, who dress themselves as Christians in order to aunt their Christian
principles.) Four or ve human nonentities
upon whom by democratic law the
nations depend, men who with ostentatious contempt for principles (always the
reverse side of spiritual worthlessness) have led on unfortunate nations and coun-
tries, and with thievish intentions for their contemporaries and posterity have
sought to misrepresent whatever has conveniently dropped into their laps, the
fruit of most atrocious betrayal, as a victory. In so doingand this is the heart of
mankinds tragedy, so little understood todaynot only warring governments,
kings, presidents, and other spokesmen, but even the peoples themselves have
been shamed, disgraced, and, in the words of the Old Testament, been made
to stink.
The Earth reeks with the foetor britannicus, and needs to be freshened! Eu-
rope, even more so after the Franco-Senegalese business,
needs purifying, in
body and spirit!
The Mission of German Genius
response to relate back to the very understanding of art itself, rather than just recalling the expressive
manner of some other composer.
Schenker reasoned that Smetana, whose genius was inclined toward the Classical, was the rst to
employ the German system directly for Bohemian music; and because he like no other grasped Ger-
man musical logic so to speak in its inevitability and rationality, he had the privilege of representing
Bohemian music from the start in a perfection that was not to be surpassed. (Neue Revue 8/2 (1897),
pp. 654 55, Federhofer, p. 361).
The Monroe Doctrine of 1823, enunciated by President James Monroe (17581831), proclaimed
that (1) there should be no further colonization by European countries, (2) the United States should
refrain from involvement in European aairs, and (3) Europe should not intervene in governments of
the Western hemisphere. To this was added the Roosevelt Corollary (1904), allowing that the United
States might in cases of agrant wrongdoing act as an international police power.
Woodrow Wilson (18561924), president of the United States, 191320, recipient of the 1919
Nobel Peace Prize; author of the Fourteen Points, which were intended to oer a basis for just and
lasting peace at the end of World War I; one of the principal participants at the peace conference in
191819, and ardent advocate of the League of Nations.
Ephialtes: Malian traitor who, around 480 bc, guided the Persians through the dele of Anopaea
while Leonidas was defending the Pass of Thermopylae, so that they could attack his men from the rear.
That is, at the peace conferences between the Allies and Germany and Austria respectively.
A play on the adage in vino veritas (in wine there is truth), possibly mocking wine connois-
seurship as a national tradition in France.
That is, the Council of Four at the Paris conference (President Woodrow Wilson, and Prime
Ministers David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, and Vittorio Emanuele Orlando), and the
Council of Five (the foreign ministers of the United States, Britain, France, Italy, and Japan).
1 Samuel 27.12. The sentence from which the words are taken reads, in Luthers translation: Er
hat sich stinkend gemacht vor seinem Volk Israel, darum soll er immer mein Knecht sein.
Senegal: a colony of France, part of French West Africa. Schenker is presumably referring to
Frances intensive recruiting of Senegalese to ght in World War I: 13,339 (over half the able-bodied
Senegalese males of military age), out of some 140,000 West Africans in all, recruited to ght in the
French army on the Western front. This recruitment uncomfortably resembled the slave trade (o-
cially abandoned by France around 1800). See J. Lunn, Memoirs of the Maelstrom: A Senegalese Oral
History of the First World War (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1999), esp. pp. 12, 3344; M. Crowder:
Senegal, A Study of French Assimilation Policy (London: Methuen, 1962, rev. 1967). This has to be seen
in a broader context in which Frances overseas colonies swelled her population from forty million to
one hundred million, giving her greater manpower than Germany: see A. Sarraut, La mise en valeur
de nos colonies (Paris, 1923). See also reference to black troop, later, and note 85.
What, then, is the total dissipation of mankind today, if not that after the ig-
nominious example of Versailles no nation on earth, no one social class, no single
person will be spared the degradation; that all are driven by an unquenchable thirst
for prot into lying, blackmail, stealing, robbery, and murder in the same way, in-
tent on bringing about the wholesale emulation of the Western democratic model?
If democracy were really freedom, justice, deliverance, edication, and truth,
the preeminent model of government, as its champions proclaim, and if Versailles
were really the pledge of all those holy blessings upon mankind, would not the
whole of humanity after Versailles have burst into rejoicing at freedoms wonders,
basking in mutual admiration and love, instead of sinking deeper than ever before
into despondency and being so deled that it will take more than an ocean to wash
away the lth?
But is it perhaps all just a mischance, a temporary aberration, a degenerate
form of democracy? No, it is Western democracy itself, the real thing, the lie of the
people, the lie of the middle class, the corrosive poison of which has taken eect
so lethally over two hundred years.
The people, of which no one knows its makeup, its origins, its end: is it only
the poor, and not the rich as well? Is it only the middle class and working class,
and not the nobility, the Junkers, the princes, the kings, the emperors as well? Only
the ranks represented by parties and organizations, and not also the common
people, any rowdy bunch of soldiers, the criminal fraternity, etc.? This very people,
sphinx though it be, is vaunted as the embodiment of the very idea of the state, as
if comprising all the virtuous, all the wise, all the angelically good; as if imbued
with ultimate perfection and maturity (why, then, are religious founders and
world thinkers necessary?)!
The middle class: for them everything has to be pre-digested, pre-believed, pre-
invented, and pre-discovered, pre-discussed, pre-lived, pre-loved, and pre-suered.
But it would never occur to them, because of their limited capacity and ineptitude,
to digest something for themselves, or to believe or love on their own initiative.
They possess no insight into the concept of nation, state, monarchy, republic, reli-
gion, art, knowledge, history, tradition, authority, etc. They confuse nation with
party, state with an institution for satisfying the prot motive
(for their own
prot!), {8} monarchy with king, nobility with nobles, higher realms with author-
ities, belief and church with priests. They are t only for scrabbling after prot, but
cannot use this to prot themselves or mankind. They are oblivious to anything
that belongs outside their own little world of prot. Anything they know, anything
they can do, they consider to be creative thinking, a feat. It is a feat if they nd
themselves ablelike a small childto express their wishes, longings, and dreams
in words, and promptly imagine themselvesagain, like the small childcapable
of anything, t to govern themselves and others, hence qualied for all ocial po-
sitions, instantly well-versed in any eld of knowledge and the arts (on business
aairs in the daytime, on the arts in the evening!), and believe themselves capable
of God knows what heroic deeds. It is a feat if they can depose the king and drive
out the nobility (millions of middle-class citizens against one king and a few hun-
dred nobles!) so as to commandeer their possessions and, surrounded by their new
acquisitions, devote themselves even more single-mindedly to greed, while at the
same time boasting of prudence and the needs of the state. It is a feat if the docile
worker goes to pay them back with the same coinage on which is emblazoned the
motto Make way for eciency,
but on the contrary makes way, especially the
way to power and inuence, for the least ecient people, the least likely candidates
for the title of genius, but all the closer to that of president and ministerial oce. It
is a feat if they feel themselves no match for an ecient person and simply resort
to murder just to get him out of the way. (When Cain saw that Abels oering was
more pleasing to the Lord, and so slew him, this was the rst democratic murder
of someone more capable; when the nations of the West saw that they could lie,
break promises, and rob better than the Germans but were still inferior to them in
knowledge and ability, they simply slew them in the manner of Cain.) These bour-
geois, then, these incompetent, ignorant, incorrigible, unfruitful, lying, corrupt,
megalomaniacal, murdering peoplea straight line leads from ignorance to mur-
derthese bourgeois have the temerity to equate only themselves with the state,
which is and should be more than just what the United Obsession with Prot
among the middle and working classes, much more than what the United Dimwit-
tedness of both groups can ever imagine it to be as they cry: Ltat cest moi!
tonwi lle 1
Bedrfnisanstalt fr Nutzen: Bedrfnisanstalt conventionally denotes public toilet, the impli-
cation being that prot should be laid on like a public utility.
Schenker is writing at a time when German currency was being devalued to the point of being al-
most worthless, and when towns and businesses issued their own currencies: 7,000 coins (and far more
paper money)known commonly as Notgeld or Kriegsgeldwere released between 1917 and 1922.
I am the state!: remark attributed to Louis xiv before the Parlement de Paris, April 13, 1655.
Die vereinigten Nutzschte and die vereinigte Begrissttzigkeit are both presumably jibes at the
United States (die Vereinigten Staaten).
But by their fruits ye shall know them!
One can see well enough, today, what democracy is.
And democracy as we can see it today was preached, understood, and prac-
ticed throughout recent centuries in the barren West; in the West, where not a
drop of true mothers milkthe milk that nourishes with such holy sweetness,
oering life and burgeoning growthreached the lips of that eternal suckling,
mankind; where no eective substitute was provided, merely stones; where as
an oblation only poison was oered. The genuinely shallow, quintessentially
French Enlightenment of the Encyclopedists, of the Rousseaus and Voltaires,
who are rightly proclaimed as the nest products of philistinism, the guillotine,
the Temple of Reason (needless to say, French reason, which under a Napoleon
preferred to go about robbing and plundering in quintessentially French fash-
ion)all of this ran along the lines of such democracy. Along those same lines ran
the obsessive commercial cunning of the Anglo-Saxons in England and North
America. However, because mediocre nations, just like mediocre individuals, love
to make out all that they experience and speak of as new, merely because they have
no idea how very frequently it has been experienced and spoken of before, so the
nations of the West, too, have declared their democracy as a rst, and up to now
and even today (as we see) have done the best business dealings with it. But what
have they achieved?
The dance of death of the uncreative has begun! The middle class and work-
ing class lock horns over prots; millions are ranged against millions, no longer
millions against just the few! {9} They still depend on gifts from kings and
princes, from artists and thinkers, giftsbeing uncultured, they know nothing of
all thisand still they consider plundering and pick-pocketing their special cre-
ative act. But what will they do when the stock of gifts has dwindled to nothing?
How, then, can the German nation save itself from this predicament, and at the
same time point the rest of humanity toward salvation?
Germany will achieve nothing by holding the emperor, his advisers, diplo-
mats, and military commanders accountable for the consequences of the nations
betrayal, any more than by hauling a Hindenburg or a Ludendor before the jus-
tice seat of the Sinzheimers, Cohns,
etc., etc. Rather, it should call the real be-
trayers to account. History will undoubtedly show Kaiser Wilhelm ii to have
brought greater honor to mankind than all the traitors within and outside Ger-
many and all the enemy nations put together;
it will achieve even less if it shoulders the full burden of war-guilt
and all
war crimes, just to oblige the enemy who in true Western democratic vein is
after nothing but his reparations (corriger la fortune)
; surely, for example,
the unimpeachable testimony of a Jaurs,
and the evidence of documents in
the Russian secret archives showing that the war was started (and many En-
glishmen and Americans conceded this) by the Russian order to mobilize, is-
sued at 7:15 in the evening on July 30 [1914], whereas the Austrian order was
not issued until 11:30 the following morning, not to mention by the many
other long premeditated maneuverings of the enemy nations, such as King
Edward viis encirclement of Germany,
agitation for war and revenge on the
The Mission of German Genius
Matthew 7.(16,) 20.
Perhaps a reference to Hermann Sinzheimer (1884 1950), editor of a Berlin newspaper, also
novelist and critic.
War-guilt: the acceptance by Germany and her allies of moral responsibility . . . for causing
all the damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been sub-
jected . . . (Treaty of Versailles, Article 231). This formed the basis for the reparations clause (Article
232); see the following note. Germany repudiated the guilt clause during the 1920s.
To correct fate. Reparations: compensation will be made by Germany for all damage done to
the civilian population of the Allies and their property by the aggression of Germany by land, by sea,
and from the air (pre-Armistice agreement, November 5, 1918). The French, and in part the British,
argued for full indemnity (including cost of the Allied war eort, and pensions to servicemen and
their dependents), with a view to bankrupting and crippling Germany, an aim that America resisted.
The total gure was set at $30,000 million over a number of years to be determined, plus the supply
of 35 million tons of coal over twenty years to France. The Treaty of Saint-Germain with Austria, too,
had war-guilt and reparations clauses, but these were quickly abandoned. See A. Sharp, The Versailles
Settlement: Peacemaking in Paris, 1919 (London: Macmillan, 1991).
Jean Jaurs (18591914), French socialist leader, who at the failed Russian revolution of 1905 de-
clared: From this time forth, the Czar and the regime he represents are the outlaws of human soci-
ety. He strove, at the 1912 meeting of the International and elsewhere, to prevent the outbreak of war,
correctly predicting that without the use of reserves on front-line duty France would be terribly sub-
merged. He was assassinated by a nationalist youth on July 31, 1914.
Germany saw Edward vii as the prime architect of encirclement. Already, the Franco-Russian
alliance (1894) had contained Germany to west and east. The Anglo-French entente (1904) securing
their interests in North Africa began Germanys fears of encirclement, triggering the two Moroccan
crises; the Anglo-Russian entente (1907) regarding control of the Dardanelles, Afghanistan and Persia
intensied the fears. Germany saw its hopes of building a world empire restricted by agreements
among the nations of the triple entente. The German race to build a navy from 1905 in rivalry of the
British was intended to pierce the encirclement.
part of the French, the Pan-Slavs, the murder of the heir-apparent to the Aus-
trian throne,
etc., etc. Surely all of this shows the primary guilt as resting
with the entente.
It will do no good:
to go on casting stones at certain pacists who, instead of vigilantly watching
the entente as it (out of true democratic incompetence, but also with an eye
to more important interests in Asia and Africa) sows the seeds of renewed
wars in Europe and thus adds new and greater guilt to their original guilt,
know nothing more ethical, more Christian, more timely than to repeat yet
again yesterdays catalogue of lies, and to shift the blame for the World War on
to Germany and Austria aloneand why only this Austria, and not also that
of a Bilinsky
and a Masaryk?
(oh! the special ethics applied to German-
speaking lands!);
to go on letting our minds be poisoned against our business operations and
organizations (so much admired by the enemy itself) by certain writers un-
suspecting of our enemys resolve to wipe out these very enterprises so as to
drive us irrevocably into such dire poverty that our superior German spirit
must nally give up the ghost; it is these selfsame writers who, before we
know it, will be speaking enviously of the global expanse of the other nations,
and again pouring scorn on the Germany that they have betrayed for its
poverty and narrow connes;
or to let German humanity be condemned outright, as it is by certain philos-
ophers or philosophizing world-travelers who have clearly never reected on
the relationship between human propagating soil, elite group, and genius; it
would be better if these could nally see that humanity leads, so to speak, a
split life: genius and the remainder; that genius is something quite dierent
from the human propagating soil out of which it grows, just as for example
the oak tree is something quite new and {10} dierent from the mother earth
in which it takes root; that it is futile to demand of earth that it be both earth
and plant at the same time, and thus to demand that human propagating soil
be both soil and genius at the same time; that, nevertheless, only human
propagating soil of a particular makeup can produce this or that genius, just
as only a certain type of earth can yield a particular variety of fruit.
What is the good of preaching reconciliation
to Germany, of all nations,
instead of commending it rst to her enemies, or at least waiting until they nally
desist in their hatred? Germany has never hated. On the contrary, as no nation be-
fore it, Germany has made available to the intellect of all people the powerful su-
periority of its language, more original as it is, innitely surpassing all others in the
richness of its vocabulary and expressive powerbut has this spared Germany
the hatred of those ungrateful nations? Plainly, hatred in them is only a symptom
of envy, so that to abolish hatred they would rst have to root out envybut how
could such unoriginal, impotent people accomplish this? So let the German make
the best of a bad job and at least grant him the right of self-preservation, as na-
ture implanted it in all her creatures so that he might protect his very existence;
just let him not decry as hatred the instinctual self-preservation on the part of
any democratic Biedermeier of Western progress, or of those foreign friends who,
whenever their lies and unproductiveness are touched upon, resort to sturdy self-
In view of this, it is absurd also to expect other nations to appreciate more
fairly, let alone to applaud, the fact that one exerts oneself and strives for new in-
tellectual attainments,new ideas. If not even the attainments of our great ones,
of our greatest ones, of our fellow great ones, indeed of the loftiest minds in all
the world, have so far succeeded in thisand one can see from the base behavior
of those nations that this is the case (but what is Germany to do if the intellect of
other nations is insucient to recognize German greatness and profundity?)
then there is only one cure: Back to school with them!with those democrati-
cally decrepit, spiritually stillborn nations, so that they can at last get their rst
inkling of German genius, greater than theirs as it is! To German school with
them! But in any case, when did robbery and plunder ever balk at genius or in-
tonwi lle 1
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (heir to the imperial throne, occupied by Franz Joseph)
and his wife, visiting Sarajevo, capital city of Bosnia-Herzegovina, were shot and killed in their car on
June 28, 1914, by Gavrilo Princip, who, with other student-nationalists, had been trained by Serbians
as part of a plot worked out several months earlier. Austria-Hungarys declaration of war on Serbia
on July 28 was the direct result; it launched the Third Balkan War, and in turn triggered World War I.
Entente: that is, Britain, Russia, and France, linked by treaty obligations in the event of attack
from Germany, or violation of Belgian neutrality, and agreements elsewhere.
Leon von Bilinsky (18461923), Galician-born imperial common nance minister of Bosnia-
Herzegovina 191218; advocate of military action against Serbia after the assassination of Franz Fer-
Toms Garrygue Masaryk (18501937), philosopher-statesman, instrumental in dividing the
Austro-Hungarian Empire; personally negotiated in 1918 for the establishment of the Czechoslovak Re-
public, of which he was the founding president, reelected in 1920 (and again 1927, 1934). Schenker re-
minds us by his references to Bilinsky and Masaryk that Austria-Hungary was a multinational entity,
with Czechs, Hungarians, and South Slavs, as well as German-Austrianseleven nationalities in all.
Den Abbau des Hasses, literally the dismantling of hatred.
tellectual attainment? For it is all about money and possession. That is why the
spokesmen of todays nations can dispense with intellect in their speeches. Verily,
they have none themselves, and so ought not to speak of that of which they know
not. Were it otherwise, the world would not be crying out todaydespite
democracy, despite the rule of the people and the middle class, despite the ter-
rorism of the clenched sts (what reserves of talent, genius, knowledge, and abil-
ity those would betoken, were they not all mere lying and cheating!)for a
strong personality, a single person, indeed, the genius! The Germans would be
better o, after all, combating the rapacity of those nations with dierent
weapons, weapons more suited to the task in hand than merely intellectual ones.
Archimedes fell victim to the thrust of a soldiers dagger.
The family home of a
Goethe was deled during his lifetime, and again today, when lthy, stinking
French soldiers were billeted there (how clearly we see the ecaciousness of those
nobles traditions!). Thus we can see that Goethe was consistent with his political
beliefs when he valued more highly his proud consciousness of belonging to a
great, strong, respected, and feared nation than proering tiresome consola-
tion, knowledge, and strength.
It will achieve nothing
if the German newspapers couch their articles and feuilletons in language,
as one sees it everyday, heavily laced with French and English, {11} fawning
upon our enemies with such linguistic fealty;
if, instead of cherishing and speaking the one true language, the language of
a Luther, Lessing, Herder, Goethe, Schiller, etc., that most exalted of all lan-
guages, people on every street and in every schooland not just in business
schools that, apart from specialist needs, are the only places in which these
might appropriately be heardare now fooling around in French, trashy,
hidebound, and provincial as it is, and ill-equipped for the highest ights of
the intellect, or in that lowest of all languages, the depraved English language;
if, behind Western literature, the specter of German literature lurks as the
unshakeable, unmistakeable source of foreign borrowings, in which, thanks
in particular to certain foreign-born individuals, every bit of English or
French drivel in Dionysian, Apollonian, Expressionist, Impressionist fashion
is lauded to the skies in disparagement of German literaturehow much
more courageous, pleasing, and conducive to culture are the greatly derided,
upstanding German defendants of the genuine article than these German
foreign-copycats, habitus of Montmartre, and sensation-mongers!
if, in certain German book dealerships, French editors are actually employed
for the express purpose of propagating French literature;
in short, if by their use of language, people publicly parade their very foreign
servility, for which in times past German emperors and princes were so se-
verely castigated, but now do so to an unprecedentedly greater extent, with far
more detrimental eect, and with greater shame than ever before.
But, what is more, it will patently get us nowhere
even if in order to put yesterdays betrayal behind us we muster our courage
today against the advocate-republic of Poincar,
against Wilson, etc.
after all, we were obliged to recognize them yesterday.
even if our great ones, Goethe, Schiller, Jean Paul, Hlderlin, etc., are at last
restored to recognition as German, exclusively German, even universally Ger-
man, and are invoked in the rekindling and uplifting of German courage;
and equally well, even if, as in certain international newspapers, leader-writers
arrogantly oer quack recipes, so as to make something nally out of the rev-
olution that nobody really wanted,
since it is here to stay (only a German
democrat, only a newspaper ponticator, could picture something touched
by aristocratic genius, something Bismarckian, as a creative profession!).
Futile it is, too, to emulate the supposedly engaging, rened qualities of our
enemies, their sang-froid, their ability to cut a gure on the dance oor. Anyone
not summoned to the highest of callings, who has consequently to go around
lying, cheating, and betraying willy-nilly, is also obliged to adopt captivating
forms if he wishes to take his victim in. This is just how it is with the Western
nationsbut what is this sham behavior to the conscientious, honorably indus-
trious German if not condence trickery? Is a manicured Wilson any bit worthier
than an unmanicured German man of honor? Why is it that not one of these na-
The Mission of German Genius
During the siege of Syracuse in 212 bc, Archimedes was stabbed to death by a Roman soldier
while drawing a mathematical gure in the sand. Schenker uses Dolchsto, a word with powerful res-
onances after 1918, in that the army, especially the ocer corps, developed a theory that it had been
stabbed in the back by the civil government, and by the national press, which had called for an
armistice when the German army might have gone on ghting to victory. He refers more specically
to a Dolchsto von hinten in the essay on Mozarts Piano Sonata in A minor (Tonwille 2, p. 22/p. 69),
in his hostile critique of Hugo Riemanns remarks on the work.
Raymond Poincar (18601934), president of France 191320, later premier and foreign minis-
ter 192224.
Presumably the Berlin revolution of November 1918, and perhaps more generally the series of
revolutions that followed, which led to the establishment of the Weimar Republic in January 1919.
tions, in order to unmask the deceitfulness of the others, will show itself by its
manner, bearing, and handshake to be without hypocrisy or mawkishness, with-
out perdy?
Least of all can it avail the German anything to cloak himself, as if in mim-
icry, with the democratic mind of the West. Will the German democrat never see
that Germanys enemiessancta simplicitas: canonization of Joan of Arc,
onization of Jan Hus in the orthodox church!
would just love to have Ger-
many, indeed the whole of Germanity, lock, stock, and barrel, burned at the stake,
so as to free themselves once and for all of German intellect? If he is insuciently
educated to have learned the lessons of history, then are {12} the spot-checks car-
ried out since Armistice Day still not enough for him to gauge the democratic
mentality of Germanys enemies? Does he still feel no shame over democracy,
even just the name alone? Does he feel no shame at aligning himself with morally
decadent nations that in rewarding the treachery of the Austrian Slavs dare to
foist upon Germans in Austria a wholly unconstitutional name (Austria in-
stead of German-Austria), as if they were branding a beast for the slaughter?
nations that for their own monetary advantage forcibly detach nations from
centuries-old political structures, only to turn around and push them into other
similar political unions, etc.? And besides, if democracy is really what was exem-
plied by those Western nations before, during, and after Versailles, then let the
German democrat simply take a good look at democracy and do exactly what he
sees Americans, Frenchmen, Englishmen, Italians, Poles, Czechs, etc. doing. Let
him break promises, violate treaties, infringe international law, steal private prop-
erty, falsify maps, deface monuments, desecrate war-graves, lie, and commit mur-
der as they do, and use words most pleasing unto man and God in the process,
just as they doperhaps he can then gauge, from the disgust that he as a demo-
crat of their ilk would nevertheless arouse in them, the disgust that he as a Ger-
man of that (with all due respect) democracy would surely evoke from the
cesspool of the West!
It is altogether perverse to concede rights, rights of all sorts, exclusively to our
enemies: the right to self-determination, to organizations such as the big and little
to secret and public alliances and military conventions, to world su-
premacy, imperialism, international world police force, domination, nationalism,
chauvinism, strategic borders, other protections, protections of protections, colo-
nies, raw materials, militarism, revenge, incitement to war (even before the war,
France, as the smaller of the two nations, had more soldiers than Germany, and
still today it maintains 800,000 men
), navalism, blockade (which even Wilson
called illegal!
), blackmail of all kinds, classication of archives, the miracle of
the Marne,
victory at Skagerrak,
Fochiade on the Rhine (what suitable
material for a comedy: How Mr. Foch Arrived at the Rhine),
the law. It is per-
verse to concede them the right to rampage about Gods free earth at will and
without compunction: with unprincipledness, moral insanity, presumption, ar-
rogance and loutishness (vide the English), with abusive tongue-lashing and
horse-whippery (vide the French), with rowdy hooliganism (vide the Italians and
Slavs), vandalizing the cultural riches of German high schools (vide certain En-
tente ocers), etc. It is perverse, on top of all these, to concede them the right to
claim for themselves exclusive originality, inspiration,ideas, the gift of inven-
tion and discovery, culture and civilization, a monopoly of the true love of peace,
freedom and justice (traditional justice), the ability to know the minds of all
tonwi lle 1
Joan of Arc (141231), tried, excommunicated, and burned at the stake for heresy in 1431; can-
onized by the Catholic Church on May 9, 1920.
Jan Hus (c. 13691415), early Protestant reformer, excommunicated in 1411 for his preaching in
Bohemia, then burned at the stake in Constance for heresy in 1415. The University of Prague declared
him a martyr, and the modern Czechoslovak church, which was formed at the time that the new
Czech state was created, claims to continue this tradition.
The two postwar European political alliances were: (big) France-Britain-Italy-Belgium (de-
riving from the wartime entente cordiale), and (little) Czechoslovakia-Yugoslavia (Serbia/Croatia/
Slovenia)-Rumania. The initial step in founding the latter came on August 14, 1920, but the name
little entente was rst used contemptuously of this alliance in a Hungarian newspaper on February
21, 1920, and was soon widely adopted. See Robert Machray, The Little Entente (London: Allen &
Unwin, 1929).
Cf. note 40.
The term illegal is not in the Fourteen Points (see note 82), nor does it appear in Wilsons
speeches or communications around the time in question; but the commentary on the Points pre-
pared by Walter Lippmann and Frank Cobb around October 23, 1918, may have used it. If so, it was
scotched by Lloyd George immediately.
Battle fought September 69, 1914, halting the German month-long advance through Belgium
and into France, and march on Paris; widely heralded as the miracle of the Marne by politicians and
Battle of Skagerrak (strait between Norway and Denmark), German name for the Battle of Jut-
land, the only major confrontation between British and German navies, fought May 31, 1916, in which
the British eet, although numerically superior, suered heavy losses.
Fochiade: Ferdinand Foch (18511929), French general, chief postwar advocate for the annexa-
tion by France of all territory to the West of the Rhine River, and the establishment of a Rhineland
state (see also note 94). The sux -iade implies a celebration or competition (e.g., Olympiade);
Wie Herr Foch am Rhein kam follows a generic title for farce and comedy (e.g., How the Camel Got
Its Hump).
peoples (even that of the Germans?), and to dedicate oneself unselshly to their
well-being, etc., etc.
On the other hand, it is thoroughly perverse to picture oneself demoted to
common house servant, even yard dog, forced to show servility and self-depreca-
tion (utterly inappropriately) toward one of those nations, for example, in defer-
ence to the constant mistrustfulness displayed by French people,one has only
to read all about this in The Fate of France in the Year 1870 by Gobineau, a French-
and compare it to the mistrustfulness of todaywhich is surely nearer to
cowardice than to bravery; or, so as not to disturb thieves, robbers, and murder-
ers in their pleasant enjoyment of their booty, namely, to sacrice that German
imperial unity so bravely won in recent times by our great and noble intellects;
or to pursue that most deplorable of policies, particularism;
or to betray Prus-
sianness (the one true dynamic force among all Germans) or deny the right to
self-determination in the {13} Saarland, the South Tyrol, in German Bohemia,
and in Alsace;
or to be ashamed of national pride, maligning it in a derisively
French manner as chauvinism and in a derisively German manner as Pan-
Germanism; to give up the right to celebrate as and when we want our heroes
past and present, our Hindenburgs and Ludendors, in reverence and gratitude
as bets such great men, even to do so in Pan-German spirit; to give up the right
to travel the world freely like them, even if we choose to bluster and bellow and
boast like them; to give up the right to promulgate to all and sundry what great
and supreme things Germans have contributed to humanity over countless cen-
turies, proclaiming their originality in word and deed, the greater profundity of
their artists, thinkers, inventors, discoverers, etc., etc.
Are we really to believe, then, that such total self-abasement is the way to put
an end for ever to the lie of the enemy, a lie that is too big, too uncomfortable
even for the liars themselves, such that they make it out to be something other
than it really is?
Only a fool would expect the salvation of Germany and humanity from an
understanding among nations. Back during the World War, did we not pin our
hopes on the nations to rise above purely national interests in ensuring the vic-
tory of certain humanitarian principles? And did not the nations fail in precisely
this? But it could never have been otherwise: how could nations that, as popu-
laces incapable of lofty reasoning or nobler thoughts, took covetousness and
gluttony as their sole yardsticks, ever have reached agreement over the questions
that mattered most to them: possession and power? Add to this that nature
knows no gaps,
and her rst word is also her nal word: as little as, for example,
an Eichendor or a Mrike could ever have become a Goethe, or a Mendelssohn
a Beethoven, even less could an Anglo-Saxon, a Frenchman, an Italian, or a Slav
have by a miracle become something dierent, something higher than he was
before and still is now. It is imperative, therefore, to convince the German people
that its enemies of yesterday and today, the foes of its superiority, will remain its
enemies tomorroweternal enemies!
Let us take a closer look:
The Englishman in principle and in practicethe Magna Carta for himself,
the noose round their necks for the other nations; his house is his castle, but
everybody elses house is his as welloers no insight into this arid, depraved
breed of mankind. England and true culture are as inimical as venality and pro-
bity. There is nothing more loathsome, nothing more nauseating, than the En-
glishman who, his prey safely in his lair, changes his tune and protests allegiance
to humanity, culture, and religion, as when English scholars (orthodox Oxford
oxen, as Schopenhauer dubbed them), having only yesterday bitten the hand
generously outstretched to them by German scholars, today (dont forget: his loot
safely in the bag!) ingenuously reach out their own hand as if (needless to say)
they were the rst to oer reconciliation, brotherhood, morality, and culture. Oh,
The Mission of German Genius
Joseph-Arthur, comte de Gobineau (181682), minister for foreign aairs in 1849; published
Essai sur lingalit des races humaines (185355), which earned him the epithet father of racist ideol-
ogy. His incomplete Ce qui est arriv la France en 1870, rst published in Nachgelassene Schriften des
Grafen Gobineau, ed. L Schemen (Strasbourg, 1918), spoke of France as a decaying society, and
claimed that the French ruling class was unsuited to sustaining Frances self-styled intellectual supe-
riority because descended from Gallo-Roman slaves. He asserted: envy is an essential malady of the
Latin races; Prussians were the natural leaders of Germany and Austria-Hungary, and had no need
of democracy (a view he began to doubt after 1870). See Michael D. Badiss, Father of Racist Ideology:
The Social and Political Thought of Count Gobineau (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1970).
The principle of leaving each state in an empire or federation free to retain its own government,
laws, and rights, and to promote its own interests, without reference to those of the whole (OED).
The Saarland was ceded to the League of Nations, and its mines to France, with a plebiscite after
fteen yearssee Schenkers comment on the Saarland, later; the South Tyrol passed to Italy; the
Sudetenland (German Bohemia) to Czechoslavakia; Alsace reverted to France. Schenker implies
that all four peoples would have chosen unication with Germany.
Die Natur keine Sprnge kennt natura non facit saltum, that is, nature, in its evolution, does
not proceed by leaps: Linnaeus, Philosophia Botanica (Stockholm, 1751), 77, but traceable back to
Jacques Tissot, Discours vritable sur la vie (Lyon, 1613).
what a miserable toad the Englishman is! What a pity poor German-Austrian
children today have, for the sake of better nourishment, to breathe the suocat-
ing air of the jackals
who strangled them yesterday! Oh, when will the nations
cast o this shameful tyranny, when will they burst their bonds of slavery asun-
der in order to snatch for themselves {14} more air, light, water, earth, dignity, and
honor? I would have thought that one concerted eort by all would have done
the trick . . .
Anyone who would pin his hopes on the French is also a fool. On Septem-
ber 2, 1870, Bismarck said to the commander-in-chief of the defeated French
army: France has declared war on Germany thirty times in the past two hundred
years, and this time you declared it as always out of jealousy, because you could
not forgive us our victory at Sadowa.
And yet Sadowa cost you nothing, and
could not have impaired your reputation. But you saw victory as a legacy to
which you had sole right, as if you held a monopoly of military prowess. You
could not bear to see another nation as strong as yourself arise on your borders.
You have not yet forgiven us for Sadowa, where neither your interests nor your
reputation were at stake: are you any more likely to forgive us your defeat at
Never! However the current negotiations turn out, France is sure to de-
clare war again as soon as it feels strong enough. Bismarck, genius that he was,
knew the peace-loving and chivalrous French better than did the mediocre
ranks of German democrats, social democrats, and other harborers of French
ideas. So for him it was a foregone conclusion that the French, down to their last
crippled soldier, would try to steal back the German city of Strasbourg, stolen by
Louis xiv, for the umpteenth time (dsannexationrevanche, dsannexation
revanche, dsannexationrevanche, etc., ad innitum), for the simple reason that
the French really do not know any noble pastimes other than vaunting their lust
after gloire,
which is engendered not by bravery but by mere philistinism. The
simple-minded French would just loveoh, how they would love!to do away
with the Germans once for allyes, one actually hears such cannibalistic asser-
tions!except that in their dullwittedness they do not realize that the German
though no longer with us in the esh, will continue to shine over us with
greater ardour than even their most ardent midgets and philistines.
And who would dream of pinning their hopes on help coming from certain
modern French writers belonging to a group called Clart? Clarity courtesy of
French mediocrity? A Kant can see clearly, a Goethe, a Bach, a Haydn, a Mozart
but alas for the clarity of a Rousseau or Voltaire, still less that of a Romain Rol-
land, Barbusse, etc.!
If clarity means abject surrender to something that can be
achieved only by negating ones individuality, then the French languagethe
supreme rule of which is: eect, especially eect on others of the opposite sex
is intrinsically unsuited to accurately perceiving and promoting genuine clarities.
This is why even in the best of Frenchmen the mediocre ways of French propa-
gating soil still show through, and all that is left for him is rhetoric, the bon mot,
the stylish gesture, mere empty talk
as camouage for what he really is, as gar-
rulous papering-over of his essential mediocrity, as a sort of desperate harangu-
ing so as to make himself out more than he is. Such things can be seen in the me-
diocre individual who casts around him, clutching at anything and everything
because he does not know in which direction to go with it; and in human medi-
ocrity as a whole, which kicks over the traces with democracy, Marxism, commu-
nism, etc., and declares itself unregenerately elitethe elite. Their military vic-
tories, their conquests, are nothing but hot air. Napoleon himself won only hollow
victories; what is more, for him as a true parvenu (Moltkes
word) even the
imperial throne and his union with an emperors daughter
were only so much
hot air. (Goethe, the man of light and of order, actually admired him as the hero
tonwi lle 1
Schakalen-Wrger, literally jackal-stranglers: the Allied powers, who had deprived their ene-
mies of the essentials of life during the war.
Sadowa ( Kniggrtz), the site of the Prussian armys defeat of Austria in 1866, at which Bis-
marck dictated the peace terms.
Sedan: town in northeast France, site of the decisive battle of the Franco-Prussian War, Sep-
tember 2, 1870.
Gloire-Brunst: see note 14.
That is, Bismarck.
Romain Rolland (18661944), novelist, dramatist, Nobel Prize winner in 1915; Henri Barbusse
(18731935), novelist and poet, one of whose novels is Clart (1919), and who launched a journal of
the same name (191927). He founded the movement Clart in 1919, emulating the Encyclopaedists
and the spirit of the Enlightenment; its membership including Rolland, Raymond Lefbvre, Jules Ro-
mains, Georges Duhamel, Maurice Maeterlinck, E. D. Morel, Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, Heinrich
Mann, and Stefan Zweig, and rising to nearly 5,000 in France alone at its height. It disintegrated in
1920, when Barbusse turned to communism.
Schenker wrote at length about the part played by Rolland in exposing Stendhals plagiarism of
Giuseppe Carpanis early biography of Haydn; see Tonwille 4, pp. 2830/i, pp. 16769.
Die Phrase, as well as the phrase, colloquially denoted hot air, empty talk, idle chatter,
and so on, as several times used in the passage that follows.
Helmuth Karl Bernhard, Graf von Moltke (180091), German eld marshall in the Franco-
Prussian War, whose writings are extensive and include a history of that war.
Marie-Louise, daughter of Francis ii, Holy Roman emperor, whom Napoleon married on April
12, 1810, after the dissolution of his marriage to Josephine.
who at least knew how to dene {15} a goal from out of the chaos of revolution,
and how to bring indignant, rebellious French human propagating soil back into
line.) Just take a look at the public pronouncements of the latest members of
Clart in Franceonly rhetoric, stale formulas, as old as human mediocrity it-
self: will you set any store by these French fashioners of high-own verbiage?
Should we perhaps look to the United States of America for salvation? Still
in the era of Washington and Lincoln, lagging far, far behind the European na-
tions and races, all of whom have proud pasts to look back on, Americas vast
population has never had a monarchy to consolidate her as a nation proper.
Groping through the vale of ignorance, driven on by greed, propelled forward
by the prot-motive as if by a million hurtling Niagara Falls, she will never at-
tain the intellectual and moral ascendancy needed to contribute to the higher
goals of mankind.
Just look at her today: she has settled the war to the advantage of the dollar,
having only ever entered it with that in mind. She has enslaved all the nations of
Europe, and is busy buying up all their cultural assets and artifacts. (If the boot
were on the other foot, would there have been anything in America worth Eu-
ropes buying up?) Now, instead of helping her slaves, she cynically trots out her
Monroe doctrine,
having disregarded it up to now. Far from physically re-
straining their former partners-in-robbery who now commit imperialistic acts of
violence, the Americans, unbending moralists that they are, appease them by yet
again waving some moralizing piece of paper at them just to keep up appear-
ancesoh, if only they had adopted Monroe as their own moral standard instead
of wearying the world with it!and they send us alms while withholding the es-
sentials of life . . . that says it all!
We now know how Wilsons notorious Four-
teen Points
came about: how they were rst mooted by one Edgar Lisson,
member of the Committee on Public Information in Russia, via Mr. George Creek,
director of the same committee in Washington,
and how they were designed
solely to sway opinion in the army and in the Russian and German hinterland,
and in no sense for the greater good of mankind. So we can safely assume that if
Americas commercial interests are ever again exposed to serious danger,
as at
the beginning of the World War, some other president will speak lies at Wilsons
grave and, despite the Monroe Doctrine, will call for a new dollar crusade, and
will dream up a new set of Fourteen Points . . .
Can the Italians help in any way? You only have to look at the expropriation
of the South Tyrol to know that there, too, self-determination and democracy are
to be understood only as . . . sticking to a treaty.
Thus no true understanding is ever to be had with these nations. No matter
how much German soil they may grab or how many inhabitants they may as-
similate, no matter even if they reduce Germany once more to a parade ground
for their rapacious armies, they will never have enough. For their evil proclivities
allow them no peace, no true culture, which, along with an ungrudging accept-
ance of ones neighbor, is the precondition of an honorable understanding.
And the League of Nations? The same old thief s mottowait till the booty
is in the bag, then let order commencemakes it a mere memorial (or emblem
of shame) to the antipathy toward culture displayed at Versailles. But has a truly
great idea ever been born of such shame? Before all else, a league of nations
would have had to fulll the cardinal requirement of all religions: that is, the na-
tions calling it into being would have had rst of all, even before convening the
rst session, to make a humble and abject apology to the whole of mankind and
especially to the {16} German people, for all the dishonor heaped upon it, and
secondly to restore all that had been stolen. But is it only a matter of theft? Is it
not the League of Nations that also, for example, placed the lthy French in such
oash control of Germanys Saarland, and permitted in the regions occupied by
them the ignominy of its black troops
the advance party of its genitalitis, of
The Mission of German Genius
Phrasenschellentrger, idiomatic neologism with doubly satirical force: Schellentrger (bell-
wearers) signies court jesters, but also Old Testament Jewish high priests who attached bells to their
clothes (see Exodus 28.33), the latter particularly apposite, since Schenker often adopted the tone of
an Old Testament prophet.
See note 33.
See note 47.
Woodrow Wilson (see notes 34 and 62) presented his Fourteen Points to Congress in a speech
on January 8, 1918. They were then disseminated throughout the world. Avoiding such terms as vic-
tory, defeat, reparations, or trials, Wilson set out a basis for peace, including absolute freedom of the
seas and open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, the fourteenth point being establishment of
a general assocation of nations. The Allies were forced to accept these points as the basis of the Ver-
sailles negotiations.
Both names are spelled wronglyEdgar (Grant) Sisson, George Creelbut their assignments
are given correctly; see Creel, How We Advertised America (New York: Harper, 1920). Wilson seems in
fact to have worked on the Fourteen Points with his closest adviser, Edward House, beginning Janu-
ary 4, 1918, assisted by a memorandum from Sidney E. Mezes, David Hunter Miller, and Walter Lipp-
mann. All the drafts are reproduced in The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, vol. 45 (Princeton, NJ: Prince-
ton University Press, 1984), pp. 476539; see also A Day of Dedication: The Essential Writings of
Woodrow Wilson, ed. A. Fried (New York: Macmillan, 1965), pp. 31521.
Ein grosses Geschft (machen): childs euphemism for defecation.
Presumably troops from Frances African colonies; see notes 15 and 40.
the esh of its esh, of the cannibal spirit of its spirit
and similarly allowed all
the impudent incursions by Czechs, Poles, Yugoslavs, etc.? Then, prudently, after
fteen years, by which time of course Italian and French banditry will have erad-
icated all trace of German character from the stolen territory, the League will step
on to the world stage full of moral righteousness and cynically oer those regions
the right to self-determination.
Finally, it will complacently sign away the prop-
erty of others to the thieving nations in accordance with the new status quo.
And in the nal analysis, the League of Nations would be entirely superuous
if the democracy of those nations were really founded on truth, and if Englands
traditional justice, Americas morality, Frances love of peace, Italys pro-
bity, etc. were genuine, since with so much virtue going around conict simply
could not take hold. Hence it is impossible to banish ones suspicions about this
new creation by the West. In fact, those nations realize that everybody has at last
seen through the lies and trickery of their democracy, so they are forced to invent
new lies in order to maintain their deception; the West likes to slip into new cul-
tural evening dress the moment its old garb shows signs of wear. From now on,
there should again be new progress, new justice and love of peace, new democ-
racya Western brand, be it noted, but always with the booty safely under lock
and key, for the English would never have joined the League of Nations in the rst
place had they not procured in advance the means of forcing all parties to recog-
nize their spoils of war. That is what the Anglo-Saxons hold over the League,
and it will stigmatize it for ever. It will be a symbol of Anglo-Saxon benighted-
ness, a symbol of the agony of man. Babies in cradles, children in schools and
playgrounds, men in places of art and science, of commerce and industry will
ght for breath, suocated by the lie of the League of Nations: day will be turned
compulsorily into night, night into day, deceit will perforce replace truth, rob-
bery honest business, ignorance culture, breach of promise morality, murder self-
determination. The lie will consume all mens talentsif I may put it this way,
human excreta will spread across the face of Gods earth; man, by the grace of
the people, will become every inch an ass, corrupted by protand he will lisp
in English! Oh, the iron grip of the Anglo-Saxons, democracy by lies, the trivial
West, the barrenness of the West!
In search of a real cleansing of the polluted atmosphere, who would waste
time looking to the numerous conferences of churches, libertarians, pacists,
workers, etc. that have become so fashionable these days? Do creative individuals
ever speak at conferences? No: those who attend are mostly people who like the
sound of their own voices. For the rest of the time they compensate for their own
inadequacies by delighting in destroying, almost systematically, anything that a
creative individual might advocate. They spare no thought for healing wounds,
the causes of which completely elude them. Instead, they think of nothing but
lies, lies of any sort. Here again, it is the Anglo-Saxons who make the real eorts
to bring in the nations just so that they can be seen the way they like to be seen,
busily making deals: the world in their control, {17} lled with their justice, their
wisdom, their culture, and everybody benetting from the work of their hand.
Whether the German social democrats still wear sackcloth and ashes at such con-
ferences and take war-guilt upon themselves is no longer even an issue beside the
powerful craving of conferences for the balm of the lie. If there were no confer-
ences, a human race as totally ineectual as this one todayand when was there
ever one more devoid of talent?would still have to get together every so often
just to get their story straight, whether it was still the old lie or some new one.
Might we perhaps expect help and support from the German working class?
Certainly not so long as they take pride in their betrayal, so long as it is a matter
of complete indierence to them (according to one of their leaders) that, while
living among us on Germany soil, they purvey their labor for German or French,
American or Polish capitalists. Oh, this st!
It can do its work anywhere: in Ger-
many, or equally well in other countries or parts of the world. With no head or
heart or roots, how could it possibly understand that a Kant or Goethe, a Haydn
or Mozart or Beethoven could work and breathe only in Germany! This explains
why the German Marxist during the War, when it came to wages, asked only one
question: For whom, then, do I ght and die?, but never felt the need to ask the
other question, which ought to have been more important for him: For whom
shall I live and work in peace?
Oh, the st! In front of his own child, the fruit of his loins, one ought to have
asked him, the worker, whether he could nd it in his heart, whether it made
sense to him to teach as father to child, that hand and st were as important as
head. Let him say under oath whether he goes along with this! Woe to him if he
tonwi lle 1
Note the biblical language, for example: This is now bone of my bones and esh of my esh,
Genesis 2.23.
That is, the plebiscite to be oered under the Versailles Treaty to all the inhabitants of the Saar-
land after fteen years. See notes 65 and 68.
Faust: traditionally, a word that connotes brute force, compulsion, and independence. The
clenched st was used as a symbol for workers movements at this time.
can and does! But if he cannot, then he is a hypocrite if in search of a raise in
wagessomething that clearly can be pursued and achieved by other means
he is prepared to visit on the body of mankind, on the body of state, the lie that
he is unwilling to inict on his child. If it had been possible back then to put the
same question likewise under oath to Karl Marx, who was blessed with many
children, before he began his work, how much misery would the world have been
spared! However, in downgrading society with his invention of class, this
wretched man also downgraded himself;
and centuries, millenia from now he
will surely be counted not among the benecent thinkers in human history but
as one of its misguided punchers,
a champion of brute force.
For a start, German workers would have to face up completely to all of this.
Then they would have to understand that the despicable lie of capitalist middle-
class people so inimical to culture cannot be rectied merely by being compared
to the even more despicable lie of the working class allegedly so creative. This is
every bit as perverse as making the state, which the working class itself reduced
to penury through its betrayal, now an object of (in any case vain) experiments
that presuppose a robust economy. Fueled by righteous indignation, the work-
ers would next have to bring their own leaders to account, and depose those who
for personal gain (money, position, or perquisites) nurtured in them such self-
betrayal, and drove them to commit such folly;
a folly by which they nally
brought shame, servitude, and poverty down on themselves and on all those
other Germans who, even in their hour of greatest need, had no truck with the
workers, let alone with the class-warrior himself, Marx; a folly that has succeeded
only in furthering imperialismat any rate that of our enemies.
But surely the German worker of today lacks all the necessary qualications
for this task? It would be a waste of time now to set up new schools for the work-
ers leaders. They would come too late, at any rate to avoid the destruction that
has already been wrought, {18} too late even to serve as a voluntary admission of
the ineectuality and inferiority of workers leaders today. So for the time being
we must abandon all hope of German workers contributing anything to the re-
building of the world that they have betrayedone need only look at how these
little Marx-clones
today recognize only one goal, namely to force their way up
the social ladder by deceit and become middle class, unsuspecting that if they
all eventually became middle class, not to say all Wilsons, Lloyd Georges, and
the world would nally be a human pigsty.
It is however, I fear, impossible for the generation now living to bestir itself and
reclaim the capacity for genius that is unquestionably its birthright, in order
semper idem, sed non eodem modo
to seek and nd in the eternal-same the
grace of the ever-new, just as one is so thankfully revitalized by the sun as it rises
anew everyday and yet remains the same. The present generation is destined to
be a tragic clown among generations, and to perish in the disgrace and shame of
insucient cultivation. Obsessed with at all costs keeping up with the very latest
thing, and totally concerned that posterity should rate it higher than all preced-
ing generations, it nishes up by utterly failing to recognize, and so subverting,
all that is really best and most valuable of achievements up to today.
The task of deliverance must await a new generation. Then again, a pillar of
re will appear ahead of the people,
again a Prometheus must appear,
a ge-
nius, who will proclaim anew and substantiate the eternal-same. This new gener-
ation can only be German, since of all the nations living on the earth today the
German nation alone possesses true genius, provided only that her national char-
acter has been delivered from all the disgrace and humiliation that todays servile
generation, forgetful of its genius, has bequeathed to it.
It will be incumbent upon that new generation to establish once more the
sum total of world consciousness, which has today come to nought, and to gather
together the immortal past with the immortal present in the manner of our Less-
ing or Herder, Goethe or Schiller. It will have to manifest in the intellectual realm,
too, an absence of discontinuities and a constancy such as can be seen in the evo-
lution of species among animals,
and the innitude of the intellect will mirror
the innitude of the generations. The past in its entirety will live anew as the
present, What has passed away in the course of millions of years will {21} never-
theless not have perished. The geniuses of all ages will become contemporaries of
The Mission of German Genius
Oberschicht: lit. upper layer. Schenker forges an analogy between the upper layer (royalty, aris-
tocracy) of a monarchic state and the outer layer of the human body. He perhaps uses Schicht, layer,
rather than Klasse, class, not only because of his avowed disbelief in social class but also to draw an
analogy with his emerging theory of voice-leading layers inherent in musical works.
See note 5. Cf Kontrapunkt ii (1922), p. viii/p. xii: Today the task before us is more to transmit
the essence of music to more distant eras, since we cannot expect it to be restored in the near future.
Exodus 13.2122 (By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud . . . and by night in
a pillar of re to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night), 14.24; Numbers 14.14; Ne-
hemiah 9. 12; 9.19.
Prometheus: Greek God of Fire, who stole re and returned it to earth; in Aeschylus
Prometheus Unbound he is the bringer of re and civilization to men.
See note 69.
all generations, will become eternal contemporaries, and an eternal life for man-
kind will emerge, built at long last, as the true temple of the eternal one!
It is with such future aims as these that I here place at the disposal of a new
generation of youth my contributions to the advancement of genius and the nur-
turing of an elite.
The task of these pamphlets will thus be to show what constitutes German
genius in music. With this in mind, the author proposes to present, in no par-
ticular order, our great symphonies, sonatas, chamber works, and vocal music
including, at some point, the collected piano sonatas of Beethoven, of which he
is at present engaged as editor
explicating them and also interspersing be-
tween them a variety of essays concerning the theory or history of music, and -
nally to bring together under a special heading some miscellanea, which will re-
inforce the principal train of thought. If the author now admits Chopin to the
Pantheon of German composers,
he means to make that composers master-
works accessible as a source of the highest genius (for even though they have not
arisen directly from Germanity they are certainly directly indebted to it), and in
this most lofty sense to oer them anew for use also by a generation of German
tonwi lle 1
Around this time, Schenker was discussing with Universal Edition the possibility of an Urlinie-
Ausgabe of the Beethoven sonatas, somewhat along the lines of the Erluterungsausgaben of the late
sonatas. Very likely, the essay on Op. 2, No. 1 (published in Tonwille 2) is a vestige of this project.
See note 31.
In the forthcoming volume of my Kontrapunkt (Neue musikalische Theorien und
Phantasien, II
), in which I prove that free composition is essentially a continua-
tion of strict counterpoint, I touch upon a fundamental phenomenon of tonal
life in the section on elaboration [Auskomponierung], a phenomenon that I have
termed Urlinie.
As the term already indicates, the Urlinie is an archetypal situation, an arche-
typal succession of tones.
The Urlinie bears in itself the seeds of all the forces that shape tonal life. With
the cooperation of the harmonic degrees, the Urlinie indicates the paths to all
elaboration and so also to the composition of the outer voices, in whose intervals
the marriage of strict and free composition is so wonderfully and mysteriously
consummated. It is the Urlinie that also gives life to the motive and to melody;
only one who has grasped the essence of the Urlinie will nd the way to the de-
rivative nature of melody and comprehend that, owing to its origin in the Urlinie,
melody is more than what it is usually taken to be.
Even the Urlinie obeys the law of procreation, which is the law of repetition;
and because it has such a fundamental drive [Urtrieb], the Urlinie joins an ever
growing, ever increasing Nature as a living piece of that Nature. While motives
and melodies bustle about before our ears in repetitions that are easily percepti-
ble, the Urlinie begets repetitions of a concealed, most sublime sort in its primal
womb [Ur-Scho]. Those who speak of repetitions in music and laugh at their
procreative drive clearly betray that they hear only the repetitions in the fore-
ground but have perceived nothing at all of the most tremendous background
repetitions in Urlinien.
Instrumental music, therefore, does not stem from dance but rather from the
Urlinie, which strings the purely musical associations of the motive on its threads
and in so doing puts them on their ultimate ground. So long as music for the
dance lacked an Urlinie, dance was of course dance, but its music was not yet Art.
Only with the Urlinie did the process of music becoming Art really begin, and so
also with dance music;
and thus the theory that instrumental music had its ori-
gins in dance topples, together with all the conclusions that have been drawn
from it. Just as music began in the Urlinie, so it is only in the Urlinie that it will
be able to continue living.
The so-called poetic idea is also given the lie by the Urlinie. Although ever so
many analogies may be swept from human life into music (how should humanly
conceived art not embody the human?), the poetic idea may be relied upon all too
often by all those muscle-men of expression who do not grasp that it is only
possible for them to dissolve themselves in art and not art in themselves; or by
certain hermeneutic babblers of aect whose inability compels them to see
rather than hear their way about in music, as in the rest of the objective world,
and thereby compels them to debase music {23} to a cinema for the ears. Above
and beyond all that, music with the Urlinie remains a world of its own, unto it-
self, comparable to the Creation in the sense that it rests only in itself, operating
with no end in sight.
With everything that belongs to it, that accompanies it, the Urlinie provides
truth in the realm of tones, its very own musical truth. Accordingly, all diminu-
tions, all coloraturas remain equally true (musically speaking) in the presence of
that line; so does all music certied by verbal truth, such as the lied, the music
drama, and so forth. For this reason, all the various divisions and classications
The Urlinie: A Preliminary Remark
Die Urlinie: Eine Vorbemerkung {Tonwille 1, pp. 2226}
t r a ns l at e d b y r ob e rt s na r re nb e r g
Schenkers plans for the third volume of Kontrapunkt were not to materialize as quickly as this
announcement suggests. Although a form of Freier Satz, as he provisionally entitled it, was drafted
prior to the Tonwille series, the promised volume did not appear until the year of Schenkers death.
By 1925 it was no longer billed as II
but as III, that is, a separate volume of Neue musikalische The-
orien und Phantasien; a year later, it bore the revised title, Der freie Satz.
Ein Urzustand, eine Urfolge von Tnen: in this and other essays, Schenker uses or creates words
bearing the prex Ur- to name and underscore the fundamental concepts of his theory.
See Harmonielehre, p. 4/p. 4.
such as Classical, Romantic, programmatic, absolute, and the like, disappear from
view in face of the Urlinie, since these are biased by personal feeling or historical
understanding. Wherever music bears in itself the truth of an Urlinie, it also
bears the Urlinies blessing and is good.
In view of these last revelations about the Urlinie, an extremely dedicated and
indulgent search for similarities and points of contact proves to be childish,
naive, ludicrous, ignorant, for just as melodies and motives that sound identical
in all other respects can dier completely in the way they relate to the Urlinie, so,
too, can dierent melodies (as is nearly always the case) encounter one another
in identical Urlinien.
In the Urlinie, the large-scale miracle of creation is consummated; the Urlinie
alone is the muse of all extemporaneous creation, all synthesis; it is the beginning
and end of the piece, its very fantasy. In the Urlinie, the composer becomes a seer,
drawn to it as to the ancestral mothers [Urmttern]; and, as if intoxicated with its
resources and directions, he assigns his tones a merciful fate full of agreement be-
tween the life of each individual tone and a life that exists above and beyond their
being (like a Platonic idea in music), a fate full of breeding and propriety and
order, even in places where uproar, chaos, or dissolution seem to emerge in the
Anyone who has made the Urlinie his own also has a presence of mind and
perception of the future [Geistesgegenwart und -zukunft] and, endowed with
these, feels exempted from all the rules learned in school and in books that sim-
ply never make it possible to generate a presentiment of things to come.
If this sort of Urlinie is the long-distance hearing [Fernhren] of the com-
poser, then it may be of use to the reader, the performer, or the listener whose
hearing is only near-at-hand, like a pair of mental spectacles that bring distant
things closer to him.
Permit me to repeat a few things that I explained in my Erluterungsausgabe
of Beethovens Sonata Op. 101 (see the Preliminary Remark in the Introduction)
concerning this same concept:
The Urlinie is the possession of genius alone, and this explains why
knowledge of it was not brought down from those heights long, long
(As it now turns out, man will learn to y in the sky before he learns
to raise himself up to the genius.)
A piece of music comes into the world alive, woven out of Urlinie, de-
gree [Stufe], and voice-leading. The method of observation in which one
must initially become aware of each factor in isolation should not obscure
the fact that all these sources and forces of energy (from the Urlinie there
issues motive and melody) constantly weave together and work on one
another. Why, even the essence of man, for example, a complete whole
mysteriously woven out of a thousandfold forces, is by no means nullied
because an understanding of this essence can be furnished only by theo-
ries that go into particulars (anatomy and physiology, for example).
Hence it should be declared that we ought to, indeed we must speak of the
Urlinie in isolation, however inseparably it cooperates with other forces
in the artworks play of forces.
{24} In a certain sense the Urlinie is like the core of the human soul.
As this core goes along with man from cradle to grave, so also does the
Urlinie accompany [the artwork] from the rst tone to the last. Hence, to
continue the analogy, the Urlinie may be compared to the span of human
life, the seventy years of the Psalmist, because everything that is merely
supercial disappears from view when set against it, as so many hours dis-
appear when we contemplate the year and so many years when we con-
template lifes Urlinie. Accordingly, there are diculties in store when it
comes to recognizing the Urlinie of a piece of music, precisely this: one is
often inclined to overestimate and misconstrue a voice-leading situation
in the present merely because it is present, just as in human life the pres-
ent hour is often overestimated and misconstrued.
When looking at Urlinien, however, do not be disenchanted by the
fact that they all resemble one another in their constant stepwise progres-
sions [Zgen von Sekunden], in their repetitions, or even in an up and
tonwi lle 1
Schenker here proposes an answer to the question of how dierent melodies could be present
in an organically conceived work, a question that he had rst raised in 1895 in the essay Der Geist der
musikalischen Technik (reprinted in Heinrich Schenker als Essayist und Kritiker, ed. Hellmut Feder-
hofer [Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1990]), pp. 13554.
Erluterungsausgabe of Op. 101, pp. 2223/pp. 810. The ellipsis (. . .) denotes omissions from
the original text, including quotations from Goethe, Kant, and Lessing.
The image of truth being brought down from on high resonates with Schenkers depiction of
himself in other writings as a Moses going up to Mount Sinai to receive the commandments that will
bring life to his people.
Wie des Menschen Seelenkern. The original text, in the Erluterungsausgabe of Op. 101, reads:
Lichtbild des Seelenkernes (photograph of the core of the soul).
down movement as regular as inhaling and exhaling. The artists concern
is precisely to call forth his own peculiar tensions through a specic num-
ber of steps of a second, a particular type of repetition, or a particular up
and down, to elicit ever new varieties of his own peculiar motives and
melodies from the up and down movement as well as from the elemental
laws of voice-leading and the harmonic degree, and thus in every case to
progress into what is individual: semper idem, sed non eodem modo
more is not given to the artist . . .
. . . But does even the genius himself know anything of the Urlinie?
Now it is clear that the genius need not know or express his knowledge of
the Urlinie with my words or even in line with my awareness. However, if
we see the genius proceeding clearly along the path of the Urlinie, intent
on cultivating it marvelously, intent on order even in the midst of change,
if we see the genius polishing, and if we must also gather from this that
the genius wishes to take only this path and no other, well, then how
should we refer to that which impels the genius to do all these things?
A piece of Urlinie is certainly contained here and there in not-so-
ingenious pieces of music, but you need only glance at the surroundings
of the passage in question and you will immediately gather from the vac-
illation, the muddling of ends and means, the meandering from one path
to another, that obviously this was only a result of good fortune playing
its hand once in a while. Such composers simply lack the wonderful nat-
ural gift and sacred strength of nerves needed to withstand the over-
whelming exigencies, as a secure laying of paths in tonal life presupposes
that gift and strength.
. . .
. . . Knowledge of the Urlinie, therefore, is also the surest way to ad-
vance our knowledge of genius. But the study of genius is like astronomy.
Stars stood in the heavens long before men ever began to concern them-
selves about them: they gazed up at them, either in fear or rejoicing. Later,
however, they learned to get their bearings from the stars, to turn them to
their prot, and ever since the blessing of this knowledge has owed forth.
Above {25} us the starry heaven of genius sparkles, yet mankind has still
not succeeded in getting a proper bearing on them. For what is the triing
world of ideas that the average person borrows from genius compared to
the abundant blessing that he could and should obtain? And yet to do so
requires modesty and respect above all, in the same measure in which
these virtues also adorn the true genius. But who does not see that these
virtues are completely lacking among todays generation, which clearly
betrays how much it is wanting in geniuses, indeed, even in talents? . . .
IV (bars 84 93), a passing tone in the bass pushes up to the third of the chord
(bar 90). Finally we see how, by voice exchange, the a in the bass (bar 84) climbs
to b
in the soprano (bar 94) while, conversely, the diminished fth of the
chord, e
(bar 85) falls to d in the bass.
The motto of the second subject proclaims the restoration of congruence be-
tween pitch and metrical order, which had been breached in the modulation: the
half notes e
and b
appear again on the rst and third bars of the group. But the
starting note of the motive of the fourth, e
, as early as the fourth bar initiates a
new tension with the meter, which must again be overcome. All this is mirrored
in the Beethovens slurring, whichwhat genius in the creation of such connec-
tions!strengthens and underscores both the tension and its resolution.
For if the variation of the motive of the fourth, in contrast to the horn call,
should be performed legato, then it is obvious that the upbeat in bar 63 should be
included under the slur, just as there should be a break between bars 65 and 66 to
avoid a collision of the repeated c
s. The change in the variation in bar 75, result-
ing from a new set of harmonic relationships starting at bar 72, removes the
threat of a collision between two identical notes, but necessitates a new legato ar-
ticulation: it is the joining of a weak bar to a strong one (see the small slurs in the
graph of the Urlinie, bars 7582), which Beethoven makes use of so frequently
in the service of musical expression: see Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie, pp. 4042/
pp. 6163; Erluterungsausgabe of Op. 110, p. 37/p. 32.
With the expansion of
IV in bars 84 93, the postponement of the last tone
of the fourth-progression, d,and this is indeed the purpose of the expansion
requires again a new and special arrangement of the slurs:
To be sure, at the start of the expansion bars 8385 are slurred together in the ear-
lier manner, like bars 6365; but since the expansion can in no way be mistaken
for anything else, so long as the nal note d is missing, it is also possiblein
tonwi lle 1
Schenker is probably referring to the rst movement of the sonata, bars 3537, a passage in
which the articulation is of the utmost importance. Beethoven slurs the last beat of bar 35 to the end
of bar 37; Schenker is critical of the numerous editions that draw a slur over the whole of bar 35 and
use a new slur for bars 3637.
order to prepare the restoration of metrical balance, i.e. the fth-progression that
begins in the correct register with b
in bar 94to risk not only placing the head
of the motive, g
, on relatively strong bars in the group (i.e., bars 86, 88, 90, 92)
but also starting the slur from this g
, thus making the slurring agree with the
shape of the motive. One can understand from this that, in order to achieve this
very slurring, it was actually necessary to group the rst three bars (8385) to-
gether, their purpose being to act as a transition from the previous manner of slur-
ring (bars 7582). But to do this sort of thing as many as four times in succession,
in bars 86, 88, 90, and 92, was something the master obviously found disagreeable,
and thus he found himself compelled {34} rst to stretch a slur across two bars
(8687) and thenby beginning right in the middle of the group and thereby
preserving its equilibrium, as it wereto place the remaining six bars (8893)
under a single slur. On the other hand, to avoid endangering the eect of a cres-
cendo by using too long a slur, he divided the slur in the cello (which plays the
same line) into two slurs, two bars plus four bars, and moreover introduced
the ute in bar 91, which thus joins in for the last three bars under a single slur. The
irregular ten-bar construction of the extension, together with the unusual play
among the legato slurs, imparts to this passage an indescribable, irresistible magic.
The reasons why the Urlinie shows the organization of the second subject in
groups of bars in this way, and not otherwise, may be summed up as follows: it is
clear that the horn call is dierent from the material that follows it, in the way it
lls the space of a fourth and in its relation to the overall metric structure. Of the
ensuing threefold repetition of the motive of the fourth, by now easily recogniz-
able, the rst two repetitions could readily be separated o and understood as an
eight-bar group, almost as if they were of little signicance for what was to fol-
low. In this sense, only the third repetition, bars 7174, marks the actual starting
point of the movement upward. Were we to compare the twelve bars of 7283 (as
three times four bars) with the ten that follow, 8493, we would be misconstru-
ing the sense and eloquence of the extension; this can only make sense as a unit
of fourteen bars that outstrips the previous eight-bar group.
Bars 126. Fig. 7 shows the deepest background of the development section, the
sum of a diminished chord on II or [
d in
bars 16879. If one recalls, however, that the descent of the lines, already evident
from bar 130 in abbreviated form, is referable to the motion that follows:
then one can understand that, in a still deeper sense, this d
in bar 179 stands for
another tone of the dominant, a
, and that the path up to d
was taken only for the
specic purpose of gaining the leap of a fth needed to introduce the motto (of the
second subject which follows). In addition, Fig. 11 shows not only the further activ-
ity of the rst fourth-progressions, but also the path from the primary tone of the
rst part of the development, a
, to the primary note of the second, g (see Fig. 7).
The second part of the development begins in bar 180 with the motto of the
second subject group. The second tone of the principal motive, which in both its
rst and second version (Ia and IIa in Fig. 3) has only the function of a neighbor
note in the Urlinie, is reduced in this section to the passing note that lies con-
cealed behind every neighbor note (cf. Kontrapunkt i, p. 240/p. 179);
thus a
bar 181 climbs at last to b
in bar 187, as does d
in bar 189 to e
in bar 195. In this
way, there arise nodal points separated by the interval of a fourth, from which de-
velops a lineled by the stringsthat climbs ever higher:
Thus we arrive at f in bar 196. Even here, the chord on F is taken up as the IV
of the home key, and it is essential to gain the dominant. In a powerful develop-
mental construction full of the wonder of synthesis, the linestill rising, as it was
in the two previous eight-bar groups, but now led by the wind instruments
takes the path from f
to e
{36} The following illustrations may be of some help in explaining the con-
struction of the development:
Fig. 14a shows the very simplest way in which consecutive fths may be avoided
by using a 56 exchange together with a chromatic passing note between IV
. If, in addition, the starting triad is minor, as in Fig. 14b, then the dismantling
of the minor third allows for an extension, before the original path is resumed.
Fig. 14c shows how the line prepares itself for the ascending path by means of an-
ticipations, in which the second tone of the principal motive is always hidden.
Beethoven strives rst toward the nodal point of a fourth, b
(bar 209), and in-
deed onlywhat a categorical imperative of the ear!because he wanted to sac-
rice an explicit association between the earlier fourth-progressions and this one,
even in the midst of a transitional passage! From this nodal point, one can then
also understand the path through g
and a in terms of B
bar 204 209
, 3
The further the path ascends, however, the more hesitant becomes its course,
as Fig. 14d shows: the space between tones continues to increase. Bar 209 was
originally a metrically weak bar; by its being changed to a strong bar, which
tonwi lle 1
In his discussion of second-species counterpoint, Schenker regards the dissonant neighbor note
as an inferior form of passing note.
[S]It may be noted, incidentally, that exactly the same procedure is used in Beethovens Piano
Sonata in D minor, Op. 31, No. 2, rst movement, bars 157:
makes bar 210 weak, the nodal point is even more emphatically underscored, so
that there is no longer any diculty in recognizing that, from this point onward,
only the wind instruments play in the strong bars. This state of hesitation and
suspended breath is shattered with the most violent force, taking the listener al-
most completely by surprise, by the motto of the rst subject group in the form
Ibin the inner voices. At rst, however, the upper line remains untroubled by
this outcry. Even if the inner voices let out a cry of Become! from the interior
of the harmony, still the upper line heeds the irresistible force of dying only in the
following groups of bars. Still more frequent, stronger blows are needed (see bars
24148) before the d
of the upper line becomes totally extinguished and, at bar
249, is resurrected anew in the e
of the opening motto. {27}
Bars 254. As in all other masterworks, the principle of variation in the recapit-
ulation also applies to the Fifth Symphony. Instead of a merely purring along vac-
uously, the reprise breathes new life into the work through a variety of detail.
Thus already in the rst subject the bassoon and oboe make their mark, the lat-
ter even in a soloistic manner by ornamenting a fermata in bar 268; this takes the
place of the cry at bars 2224 in the exposition and thus provides equilibrium at
a higher level.
The bassoons, not the horns, introduce the second subject in the recapitula-
tion. This happens, as was said,
merely for sake of originality and variety. In
contrast to bars 2933, the strings play in unison in bars 27376. A change in the
accompaniment is necessary in bars 33145, compared to bars 8393, on account
of the changed harmonic circumstances:
In the earlier passage the extension is played out on
, 7
before the harmony
moves to V; here the extension proceeds at the outset on V, but can take no other
form than a mixture of minor and major intervals, a
and a
. (Although theoreti-
cally conceivable, a similar mixture involving g
and g
Only such a recognition of the connections between the Urlinie and its realiza-
tion, and of the relationship between the two outer voices, can provide a suitable
basis for solving the problems confronting publishers, theorists, historians, crit-
ics, performers, etc. How many grave errors they would have been able to avoid,
all of those who entered variant upon variant in their own copies, or indeed even
in the manuscripts of the master himself, or those that also allowed such alter-
ations to be printed in the editions that they issued!
Consider as a specic example the performance directions of editors. To see
how inconsistent these are in almost every case with the directions dictated by the
content, one needs only to cast a glance at Czernys edition for Peters:
As early as bar 3 there is a crescendo, which leads all the way to a forte in bar
5, although the line has barely taken its rst steps here. To be sure, it is correct that
in the latter bar the chromatic f
should be underscored dynamicallysuch pre-
cepts were indeed, as history attests, part of the rm foundation of musical train-
ing even in earliest timesbut in no way should such an underscoring be al-
lowed to develop into a forte.
In bar 9, where the suspension establishes itself for the rst time, the force
of law requires a >from the resolution of the suspension, but a slight crescendo
(supplied by the left hand) must rst have led up to it. Czernys indications, how-
ever, yield just the opposite.
The E
Minor Prelude from Bachs Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I
In bars 1011 we nd another crescendo , while here again we should merely
proceed as in bars 89.
According to Czerny, the forte of bar 11 should lead by way of a diminuendo
in bar 12 to a piano in bar 13 that, except for a gentle <>surge across bars
14 15, should remain in bars 14 15. Thus, precisely when the new key is trying to
develop, Czerny would have the driving force denied and smothered under a
pianoeven though it is so natural to grant expression to that modulatory force
with a crescendo beginning in the third half-note of bar 13, a crescendo that will
not yield to a diminuendo until the third half-note beat of bar 15 (where it yields
on account of the resolution of the suspension).
{44} The return in bars 16 should also, according to Czerny, begin piano, but
already he includes a crescendo in the same bar, and in the next one even a forte.
Once again, however, it corresponds more closely to the reality of the situation to
direct an intensication toward the tied-over note in bar 18, and only from this
point to let the force subside again. Obviously, Czerny did not trust the law of
performance of tied-over notes suciently, if he could bring himself to place
contrarily a >as early as the third half-note beat of bar 18, thereby depriving
the syncopation of that which by right belongs to it.
In bars 2021, a crescendo is indeed in order, as Czerny suggests, but it should
not be allowed to lead all the way to a forte in bar 22; rather it is advantageous in
bar 22 to match the most secret genesis of e
with a pianissimo, a sotto voce. With
this note, the Urlinie appears to be owing from a new source; how therefore
should a forte bet the tender wonder of such a rebirth, a forte that is in fact the
hallmark of a life that is already full and broadly owing? And how tenderly
should one play the f
that, just at the second half-note beat of bar 24, lies so far
from the actual path of the Urlinie; the attack should barely brush it, more softly
than a glance from a forest path falls into the underbrush.
The ascent to the two-line octave in bar 25, to be sure, requires a crescendo,
and on this point Czerny is correct; indeed, he is also correct to return again to a
piano at the deceptive cadence in bar 29; only there again, however, a dolce is of
course too extreme: have we not, at this place, returned to our point of departure,
and is there not still a long way to go before the conclusion?
In bar 32, a crescendo marking occurs precisely at a place that should really
rather be immersed in the darkest and most secret shades. The falling Urlinie
here has already reached the note of the subdominant that, however, under the
most mystical circumstances of voice-leading (see earlier) now suddenly falls into
the lap of VII; from this it follows that the compositional elaboration still has a
long, long stretch ahead of it.
A forte in bar 35 can be approved; however, in no way can the sign >at the
third half-note, since at this place too every bit of warmth must still be sum-
moned in order nally to reach g
; not until this notehere also the law of res-
olution is operativeis a diminuendo in order again.
It should only be mentioned in passing that the decoration in the third half-
note beat of bar 36 represents, to adapt an expression of Emanuel Bach, a trill
with a weak grace-note.
Without doubt, bar 37 should be held at piano; nonetheless the seventh, d
can not be allowed to go by without a certain emphasis.
The diminuendo in bar 38 is certainly applied too early; and likewise the pi-
anissimo comes too soon at the beginning of bar 39; rather, it is correct to apply
the diminuendo only in bar 39, and the pianissimo in bar 40.
Of all the theoretical and aesthetic evaluations of this piece, only two shall be
discussed here by way of example.
In his biography of Bach, volume I, p. 777, Spitta writes:
The prelude in E
minor is one of the most ingenious of them all. From
this germ:
tonwi lle 1
Philipp Spitta, Johann Sebastian Bach, 187380, third edition Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Hrtel,
1921; English translation, in three volumes, by Clara Bell and J. A. Fuller-Maitland (London: Novello,
that is turned in dierent directions, sometimes in the right hand, some-
times in the left hand, sometimes broken up, sometimes appearing to be
dissolved by guration (while massive chords proceed in a steady half-
note pulse), a piece that stands alone among Bachs works unfolds. The
triumph that the motivic art celebrates here is all the greater, since we are
made completely unaware of it by the spellbinding mood that envelops us
in ponderous gloom, {45} as on a sultry, stormy evening, when no breeze
is blowing and bluish lightning ares up on the black horizon. The ex-
pression becomes moribund from bar 29 on; the major mode at the con-
clusion breathes forth in an unearthly manner.
A later author, Riemann, writes on p. 58 his Katechismus der Fugen-Komposition:
If one can dene the character of the E
major prelude with its great fugue
as power paired with seriousness and dignitywhich certainly corre-
sponds indeed to the general character of the key of E
major (while the
second fugue proves that it can also put on a friendlier face)then in the
two pieces before us in E
minor we are confronted by an even more com-
pelling agreement between the general character of the key and the partic-
ular content of Bachs idea. Deeply serious and full of elevated inspiration,
the prelude strides along in 3/2 time; a noble, grand feeling is expressed by
long passages of a melody that sometimes views us with bright eyes full of
love, and sometimes sighs mightily, as if gripped by pain over the limited
human faculty that only allows a small portion of the unlimited aspiration
to be realized; in this way I would explain at least the powerful divergence
of the voices at the beginning of the second half: (here bars 1618 are
cited). The construction of the piece, in its basic progressions, is as follows:
That is, the rst (smaller) half (comprising two eight-bar phrases) ca-
dences on the subdominant in passing and the dominant in conclusion;
the second (two phrases with extensions) ranges even further aeld,
through broad statements of diminished seventh chords (the ninth-
chords e
and e
), though without actually modulating, making full or
deceptive cadences in E
minor at all of the main resting points.
Oh, what a splendid companion for Sebastian Bach!
What barbarism in the
presentation of the content! Do I need to prove perhaps that these basic pro-
gressions (he calls them melodic peaks elsewhere) have nothing to do with my
Urlinie? How could Riemann, if he had uncovered only a fragment of this fun-
damental secret, have led his lines in progressions as bizarre and jagged as those
we nd here? And this manthis un-ear, to put it mildlypresumes not merely
to analyze the entire Well-tempered Clavier and Art of Fugue by Bach in a similar
manner (one can readily perceive, after examining them for himself, that his
presentation of the remaining preludes and fugues also goes haywire), but he also
presumes to present Beethovens piano sonatas as well, and more than all that: to
write a composition manual, indeed even a history of music, when fundamen-
tally he is not even up to the task of authoring a dictionary. Doesnt all of that
provide the strongest evidence for the spiritual decay of the present, for the decay
of hearing, of theory, of art, indeed even of the feeling of personal responsibility?
Forget his works, you new youth! And leave his dictionary to the journalists, who
at least might be able to use the biographical details of artists to pad their copy.
But may it nally be granted to Sebastian Bach that he nd worthier comrades
than Riemann was!
The E
Minor Prelude from Bachs Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I
1889; reprinted New York: Dover, 1951). The discussion of this prelude in the English translation is
found in volume 2, pp. 17071.
Hugo Riemann, Katechismus der Fugen-Komposition: Analyse von J. S. Bachs Wohltemperiertem
Klavier und Kunst der Fuge (Leipzig: Hesse, 18901904); Analyses of J. S. Bachs Wohltemperirtes
Clavier, English translation by J. S. Shedlock (London: Augener, n.d.).
In Riemanns system of harmonic analysis, major chords are analyzed as a stacking of thirds from
the bottom up, minor chords from the top down; additional intervals are given as numbersarabic
in major chords, roman in minor chordswith chromatically raised and lowered intervals identied
by the symbols > and < respectively. Roots are supplied to diminished seventh chords according
to their function: Riemann understands the diminished seventh in the last beat of bar 31 as the four
highest notes of a dominant minor ninth built on E
, while that prolonged across bars 3235 is based
on the lower four notes of a ninth-chord reckoned downward as E
The parenthetical insertions are by Schenker, not Riemann, and the last of these, Terznone-
nakkorde es
> es
<, requires some clarication. To begin with, the angled brackets should have been
set as superscripts, as they signal the lowering and raising, respectively, of the superscripted interval.
The 9> in es
stands for F
, the lowered ninth of E
major. XI is a misprint for IX (in Fig. 8 it is given
as esX<, also a misprint); the IX< in es
stands for D
b b es es b b
0 VII 7 0 7
+ 7 0
v v
0 7
0 vii 7 0 7 0
(8) b
vii 6
( = S
) D
( )
. . . . . . . .
(4) (4 )
a 0
7 0
0 +
(= es
0 2>
( )
0 9>
. . . . (6 )
. .
0 0 6
. .
v 7
Katechismus der Fugen-Komposition, p. 59: Riemanns original
sketch of the Prelude in E
The three-part musical form (a
) corresponds to the poems three strophes.
Two bars serve as an introduction:
Since it is certainly not possible to detect a motive in these bars, it is a ques-
tion of what other purpose they fulll. Do they just simply introduce the key, or
do they perhaps pregure the initial tone of the voice part, or both? Now be that
as it may, in any event one would still have to ask why the master strikes the same
tone twice when it was also quite possible simply to let it remain sounding dur-
ing the two bars. In fact, the answer to this second question brings us the solution
of the puzzle: repeating that tone in a slow tempo, after a rest no less, amounts to
staring at it, as it were, and while we do this we feel ourselves miraculously trans-
ported right to the side of the unhappy lover, who stands there in gloomy
dreams (in dunkeln Trumen), staring at the picture of his beloved: we, too, now
stare at the picture with him. It is a simple artistic device, is it not, to replace a tone
sustained for two bars with a repetition of that tone interrupted by a rest? and yet
it must take a genius, for only a genius is given the ability to notice the dierence
between such possibilities, just as, generally speaking, only a genius is given the
ability to supply himself instantly, in the midst of a psychological process, with the
power to introduce this type of artistic device. Thus right with the rst notes
Schubert shows himself the true magician, who at once wraps a secret cord
around an external event (staring at a picture, in this case), the soul of the un-
happy lover, and us, a bond that ensures the event will have an eternal future con-
tinually full of new moments well beyond the eect of this one occurrence.
The rst two lines of the rst strophe are performed in unison while the har-
mony runs through IIIV. The augmented fourth in Fig. 2 is not merely the
conveyor of II, it is also the staring eye itself:
In bars 78, the accompaniment repeats the two previous bars and so not only
separates the rst pair of lines from the following pair in a purely formal, con-
ceptual sense, but also characterizes staring as it occurs over the course of time.
The third and fourth lines likewise take up only four bars, during which the
succession of harmonies completes a simple harmonic progression with a full per-
fect cadence, {47} although indeed the cadence is in B
major instead of B
Mixing two keys of the same name, which in any event is a frequently used artis-
tic technique (see Harmonielehre, pp. 106/pp. 84 ), must in this case be attrib-
uted less to a perhaps merely supercial application than to a truly strong inter-
nal cause, namely, the apparition: and the beloved face secretly began to come
alive (und das geliebte Antlitz heimlich zu leben begann). Supposing it is correct
that only the lovers continuous immersion in the picture could have elicited that
charming illusion, the fact that the illusion took place nevertheless signies a bil-
low of heightened consciousness in the lovers soul and consequently it is this very
billow of life that rightly nds expression in the transition from minor to major.
Schubert writes the following in bar 8:
and clearly does so, moreover, with the most complete ease. Did he take no ex-
ception, it could be asked, to placing the article in this way on the strong part of
the bar, in a dotted value, no less? And would it not also have been incumbent
upon him to prefer avoiding such a contradiction between the meter and the
natural word stresses? As is well known, more recent composers in fact like to
heavily underscore natural word stresses by sacricing genuine meter for their
Schuberts Ihr Bild
Franz Schubert: Ihr Bild (Heine) {Tonwille 1, pp. 4649}
t r a ns l at e d b y r ob e rt s na r re nb e r g
sake. Since they do not sense how much they merely reduce genuine poetry to
prose when, cost what it will, they chase after natural word stress through hill and
dale, and since they also do not sense how only too clearly they betray that they
no longer have sucient command of the musical means for giving meter its due
without endangering the natural stresses, they succeed in imagining that they
achieve God-knows-what for the enhancement of musical expression and truth.
The old masters, however, went down completely dierent paths: out of their su-
perior compositional instinct, they adhered faithfully above all to the poetic
meter and could therefore extract the essentials of musical invention even from
that manner of text setting.
Look at our Schubert example:
The rise of the vocal line to e
, and besides that a crescendo from bar 8 on, the <
sign in bar 9 leading up to the e
, the very highest pitch of the group, and nally the
push toward II (IIIV), these features detract so much from that article and its
placement that it can no longer be regarded as at odds with the natural stress. And
nally, if the poet found it consistent with natural word stress to place the article in
an accented position, then what Schubert did is but the same thing again, and in
point of fact both are decidedly correct, in contrast to those unsure and incapable
composers who promote natural word stress at the expense of the prosody merely
on account of having to conceal that they lack a command of the musical means.
After the second pair of lines, there follows a response in the accompaniment
that, exactly like the rst response, is based on the motive of the last few bars of
the melody.
The second strophe is in G
major throughout.
{48} The vision sets forth an example of renewed life for the tender-loving
Um ihre Lippen zog sich Around her lips there played
Ein Lcheln wunderbar a wonderful smile,
Und wie von Wehmutstrnen and how from tears of melancholy
Erglnzte ihr Augenpaar. her eyes did sparkle.
and each tone of the music, too, draws life again from this new life. When, in the
voices of the accompaniment,
the unison gradually opens into a third, one sees veritably how the lips of the
newly revived beloved spread into a smileand note how the adornment of this
smile is reected in bar 17 in the ornamented resolution of the suspended fourth
in the accompaniment!
Yet in no sense does the master lose himself in these individual features. As
creator of this artistic life he stands at its beginning and end alike, he also remains
present in its every breath, and his gaze takes in all that went before and is to
come. For it is also a past moment (bars 56 and 78) that he brings back to life
in bars 1718:
Apart from minor alterations in harmonic progression and melodic guration,
the second pair of lines in the second strophe produces the same musical image.
The text setting in bar 20 (compare bar 16)
is again of the type for which more recent musicians have long since lost the
mettle. But it is clear that the unstressed syllables, since they fall on the weak part
of the bar, remain unstressed, even though they have the duration of half notes.
The soul of the lover now returns from the dreamland of his vision, back to
himself, to the place where his soul remains, alone with itself, resigned to suering
over its loss. For is anything left for him, other than merely staring into memory?
And so the master also follows him down this path of suering. In bars 2324
tonwi lle 1
Schenker was to return to issues of prosody in his essay on Schuberts Gretchen am Spinnrade;
see Tonwille 6, p. 4.
)3 2 1
A marginal note,
3 2 || 3 2 1 3
together with the addition of d
as the upper voice in bar 17 (slurred to the b
in bar 18), conrms
his reading of the Urlinie with a primary tone of 3.
A protest. In 1809, as the imperial court was on the point of abandoning Vienna
under threat from the French,
Beethoven wrote his heartfelt, poetic work for
piano, Op.81a, inscribing into the autograph manuscript the following move-
ment titles: Farewell on the Departure of His Imperial Highness the Archduke
Rudolph, May 4, 1809; Absence; Return of His Imperial Highness the Arch-
duke Rudolph, January 30, 1810.
The rst German publisher of the sonata felt at liberty to print the titles solely
in French, thereby not only oending against the composers convictions but also
violating his express wishes.
To be sure, the tones of this sonata do not portray Beethovens hatred of the
French. On the contrary, with what matchless nobility does this pure instrumen-
tal music upraise itself, incapable ever of evoking such conceptually gloomy feel-
ings and thoughts as hate, lies, and such like. Instead, its tones revolve around
aection, pain, and joy, to the purely spiritual bearing of which they are so at-
tuned because they themselves are likewise purely disposed. Nevertheless, the so-
nata does express, directly through the movement headings and in other ways, an
anti-French frame of mind. It is historically beyond question that Beethoven
came to hate the French. Even the French themselves know this, though, vain and
limited as they are, it does not trouble them that as an entire people they are eter-
nally judged and stigmatized through the hatred of one so incomparable, who
has borne aloft heroically and in godlike fashion a whole humanity on the wings
of his love and his trust. That Beethoven hated, could so have hated, one can only
wonder what sort of hideous sneer must have greeted him, by which he would
not have been deceived by any appearance of civilization, spirit, taste, or form.
Thus Beethoven in 1809.
During the years of the disastrous collapse,
however, inicted by an igno-
minious diktat masquerading as a treaty
in crudely democratic fashion upon
German Austria,
Viennese musicians chose to organize concerts under the French
Although imbued with the tradition of a Brahms, they did not
Vermischtes {Tonwille 1, pp. 5055}
t r a ns l at e d b y i a n b e nt
That is, the second occupation of Vienna by Napoleon (the rst having been in 18056), during
which time the Austrians rst defeated the French army at Aspern, and then were decisively defeated
at Wagram.
The heading in the autograph score of the rst movement, in the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde
in Vienna, reads: Das Lebe Wohl / Wien am 4ten May 1809 / bej der Abreise S Kaiserl. Hoheit / des
Verehrten Erzherzogs / Rudolf. The remainder of the autograph disappeared in the 1860s.
On May 20, 1811, Beethoven urged his publishers, Breitkopf & Hrtel, to make the title, as I
wrote it, in French and German, denitely not in French aloneand likewise the movement head-
ings. Breitkopf complied only with part of this request, printing the headings bilingually, viz. Das
Lebewohl (Les adieux), Abwesenheit. Labsence, Le retour / das Wiedersehn. They omitted the
longer inscriptions (giving the Archdukes departure and return dates) and, instead of providing a
bilingual title page, issued separate editions with the title pages in either French or German.
A subsequent letter of Beethovens (October 11, 1811) complained of the publishers disregard of
his intentions and, specically, their lack of sensitivity to the dierence between the German Lebe-
wohl (a term of intimacy) and the French adieux (appropriate for large gatherings). His words
went unheeded: for the second and third editions of the sonata (1817, 1821), the publishers used the
French title page exclusively.
The Habsburg monarchy (Schenker was a monarchist and a believer in an aristocratic ruling
class) collapsed in November 1918. Severe shortages of food and fuel had begun in January, followed
by civilian strikes, and mutinies in the army and navy. Between 1919 and 1921, the urban population
of Austria relied on relief from the Allies, and ination became severe.
The Peace Treaty of Saint Germain-en-Laye (Paris) of September 10, 1919, between Austria and
the Allied and Associated Powers (the principals of which were America, the British Empire, France,
Italy, and Japan). Diktat was widely used by Germans and Austrians to indicate that the terms of the
Treaty had been worked out in negotiations from which they had been excluded.
Deutsch-sterreich: The National Assembly for German Austria was formed on October 21,
1918. On November 12 it declared itself a democratic republic, and part of the German republic. The
term was problematic in its time. To the Allies, it meant the Austrian half of the former dual monar-
chy of Austria-Hungary. To the German Austrians, it meant all parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
in which a majority of inhabitants were Germans, including areas of Bohemia and Moravia, and ar-
guably of Hungary and Yugoslavia. The designation Deutsch-sterreich was proscribed by Article 81
of the Saint-Germain Treaty in favor of Republik sterreich, and annexation to the German repub-
lic was denied.
Protectorate: a state or territory placed under the protection of a superior power. Early in 1919,
France was delegated to police central Europe on behalf of the Allied Supreme War Council, including
shrink from subjugating themselves to the protectorate of the Gallic vomited lie
(Jean Paul), a deed both cowardly and uncalled for. With this act of submission,
on the face of it a purely nominal act, they have actually besmirched the honor of
our great masters, particularly those of German music. In the face of this shame-
less piece of mischief, committed by musicians whose unwashed ears and minds
have left them unable to dierentiate a creator of tonal worlds such as Beethoven
from such brainless French nonentities as Debussy, Ravel, and othersin the
face of this, I for my part do hereby lodge my protest, and, in nominating myself
also as the educator of future generations of French musicians (I shall be ready
to conscate from the Germans their false textbooks, by which they still continue
to challenge their greatest masters), I am actually extending the protectorate to
cover French musicians.
I will administer it not in the French manner, but by the German way of truth.
The French will have to honor the hand of a Boche,
which brings light into the
darkness of all their clarity. The truth will humble them, of that I am sure: much
{51} more so than their lies and slander, much more so than all their measures to
protect their civilization in the face of the German barbarians can humble the
Germans. All they are trying to do with these pretexts is to conceal and gloss over
their common acts of pilferage.
If their vanity should prevent them from seeing,
as the truth would reveal to them, their puny stature, that will still be powerless
over truth. Whether an accommodation of the sort that the German democrats
are pushing for is admissible or not also depends on truth. To come to an accom-
modation with the French at the cost of truth would be to sink to their triviality
of mind and superciality of taste without any advantage to oneself.
So much more pressing are the demands of the greatness of German artistic
products, and also of the protection of higher culturehow very greatly human-
ity would lose in self-condence if it did not recognize its ability to rise to the
heights of a Beethoven, a Mozart, a Goethe, or a Kant. So much more pressing
that, on the contrary, it is the French who should come to an accommodation with
the Germans, even at the cost of their vanity, in order to learn from them, in so
far as they are ever capable of learning anything. Without needing any cowardly
diktat of the sort that forced Germans, for example, to leak secrets from chemi-
cal factories, I will, out of love for mankind, gladly divulge in these pages even to
Frenchmen the method of composing used by German geniuseslet them see if
they can make use of it. Although no great multitude even of Germans will come
forward to share the musical sensibility and greatness of a Beethoven, at least it
was Germany that produced that mighty one, and not just him alone but several
other masters of his rank, on which account one may make allowances also for
composers of lesser quality than they, and even for the worst of textbooks.
A protectorate for Anglo-Saxon composers would be a waste of time: a boa
constrictor cannot sing. Anyone who is such a pitiful coward as to strangle and kill
children and whole nations the moment his business is threatened, despite ex-
tremely favorable conditions and merely because of his own ineptitude in eco-
nomic competition, is condemned, to his own shame and that of humanity, to go
through life musically deaf and dumb. How on earth, then, should an art that, by
secretly spinning out tonal lines into musical creations imbued with life, elevates
human creativity through just such enchantment with aims and ends to the
realm of the divine, be indigenous to a nation for which, as history attests, com-
prehensive pilfering was and is always preferable to a heaven full of tonal lines,
even indeed to the Heaven of God itself !
Mozarts Stay in Paris (from letters to his father). May 1, 1778: . . . You write that
I should pay lots of visits to people so as to make new acquaintances and renew
old ones. But that is just not possible. It is too far to walk, and everywhere is too
lthy underfoot, for Paris is covered in indescribable muck. If you travel by car-
riage, you have the honor of paying four or ve livres a day, and all in vain: for
people merely pay me compliments and thats it. They book me for such and such
a day, I go and play, then its O cest un prodige, cest inconcevable, cest tonnant!,
and next minute its Adieu. When I rst arrived, I spent tons of money that way,
and often to no good, because I didnt nd the people at home. Nobody who is
not here can imagine how embarrassing it is. Paris has totally changed. The
French no longer have as much politesse as they did fteen years ago. They verge
on the uncouth, and they are disgustingly stuck-up . . .
. . . If only the people in this place had ears and an ounce of feeling, under-
stood just a modicum about music and showed some gusto, I would cheerfully
{52} laugh all these things o; but I am surrounded by nothing but cattle and
Austria. Schenker reverses the idea by oering a protectorate of French, and even English and Amer-
ican, musicians.
Boche (French: rascal) was used derogatorily in the First World War to denote Germans.
Presumably referring to the lands that were taken away from Austria and Germany by the peace
settlements of 1919, and to reparations, on which the French took a particularly hard line and pre-
asses (so far as music is concerned). How could it be otherwise, though: they are
just the same in all their doings, their feelings, their enthusiasms. There is truly
no place on earth like Paris. You must not think I am exaggerating when I speak
like this of the music here. Ask whoever you likejust so long as they are not
French-bornand (if there is anybody to turn to) they will tell you the same.
Now that I am here, I must stick it out, as you would wish. I shall thank Almighty
God if I get out of here with my gusto unsullied. I beg God every day to give me
the grace to stick it out resolutely, and to bring such honor upon myself and the
whole German nation as will redound to His greater honor and glory, and that
He permit me to be a success, to earn enough money to be in a position to help
you out of your present distressed circumstances and get you back on your feet,
and that we may soon be reunited, and live together happily and contentedly. For
the rest, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven . . .
May 29, 1778: . . . but what comforts me most and keeps my spirits up is . . .
that I am an honest German and that, if I cannot always say what I want, at least
I can think it. But thats the only thing there is . . .
July 3, 1778: So for sheer joy, after the symphony was over, I took myself into
the Palais Royalgot myself a scrumptious ice creamsaid my rosary as I had
promised to doand went home, since I am always happiest at home and would
always rather be at my own home or at that of a good, true, upright German
who if he is single lives a virtuous life alone like a good Christian, and who if he
is married loves his wife and brings his children up properly . . .
July 9, 1778: . . . Kapellmeister [Johann Christian] Bach will also be here
soonI gather he is to write an opera. The French are and always will be utter
asses: they are incapable of anything themselves, so have to resort to foreigners . . .
. . . If I get to compose an opera, I will get my fair share of aggravation. It
would not bother me too much, though, since I am used to it already. If only the
accursed French language were not so unspeakably ill-suited to music! Now
theres something vileGerman sounds quite divine by comparison. Then
there are the singers, though they dont deserve that name, for far from singing
they screech, howl, and bellow with all their might, through their noses and
throats . . .
July 31, 1778: . . . Just imagine! The Duc de Guines, whose house I was obliged
to visit every day and remain for two hours, let me give twenty-four lessons (pay-
ment is supposed to be after every twelve), then went o to the campagne and
came back ten days later without getting anybody to say a word to me. If I had
not myself had the wit to ask, I would still not know they are back. In the end, the
housekeeper took out a purse and said: Forgive me if I pay you only for twelve
lessons this time, but I do not have sucient money,thats noblesse for you
and doled out three louis dor, adding: I hope you will be satised; if not, then
please say so. M. le Duc did not have an honorable bone in his body, and must
have thought: He is only a young fellow, and a stupid German to bootthat is
how all the French speak of Germanshe will be well pleased with that. The stu-
pid German was not at all pleased with that, and was not content to let the mat-
ter rest. So the duc was hoping to pay me one hour for two hours worth, and that
without gard for the fact that he has now had a concerto for ute and harp from
me for four months and has still not paid me for it. I {53} shall bide my time only
until the wedding is over; then I shall go to the housekeeper and demand my
money . . .
. . . I assure you that if I get to write an opera I shall have no qualms. The
devil himself created the [French] language, it is true, and I absolutely appreciate
the diculties that all compositeurs have run into with it. But despite this, I feel
as well equipped to surmount these diculties as anybody else. Au contraire,
whenever I imagine (as I do frequently) that the time has come for my opera, my
whole body seems to blaze, and my hands and feet tremble, with a desire to teach
the French to know, appreciate, and fear Germans once and for all. Why do you
suppose nobody entrusts a major opera to a Frenchman? Why does it always have
to be a foreigner? For me, the most insuerable thing would be the singers. But I
feel equal to the task. I shall not pick any quarrels; but if anybody should chal-
lenge me, I shall know how to defend myself. I will be all the happier, though, if
things can unfold without their coming to a duel, since I do not much fancy
scrapping with midgets . . .
Since 1778, nothing has changed. Mozart has remained Mozart; the French
have remained the French. He: scorning all mundane interpretations of history,
all schools and labels (Romantic, neo-Franco-German, Expressionist,
etc.), transcending every forward step by which those unequal to him arrogate
unto themselves and will ever more arrogate unto themselves, eternally sur-
rounded by the inexhaustible wonders of his synthesizing art, yet perceiving
nothing of it to this day. They: the selfsame seers and false prophets of freedom
and truth, with the very same crudeness and impudence (the word comes from
the imperturbable Otto Jahn: see the chapter Ordeals in Paris in his Mozart bi-
ography), just the same trivializers, corrupters, sweet-talkers, midgets . . .
tonwi lle 1
That is how it goes with a mans reputation, with his character, and his
merits. In the marketplace of posthumous fame, if all stood gathered
around, how many a man would blush at what he was praised for, and in
what manner!
Herder, Ccilia, 1793
Is there anyone in the world who needs to be shown that space and time
are in fact nothing in themselves; that they are utterly relative with respect
to being, action, emotions, thought process, and degree of attention, in-
ternal or external to the mind?
Have there never been times in your life,
you good-hearted clock-watcher of drama,
when hours became brief
moments, and days became hours, and conversely when hours became
[days and night watches became] years?
Have you never in your life en-
countered situations when your mind sometimes dwelt completely out-
side younow in this romantic chamber of your lady-love, now gazing
down on that sti corpse, or now under the crushing weight of external,
shaming necessity? Have there not been times when it soared far beyond
world and time; when it vaulted over great expanses, over whole regions
of the world, forgot everything around it, to lodge in heaven, in the mind,
in the heart of one whose inner life you now know intimately? And if this
experience is possible in your indolent, sluggish, snail-like, treelike life,
where roots enough anchor you to the dead earth, and each circle that you
crawl oers ample time for you to measure out your snails pace, can you
transport yourself mentally for one brief moment into another world, a
poetic world, just as in a dream? Have you never experienced how in your
dreams all sense of space and time vanish? And thus what inessentials,
what shadows they must be when set against the actions, the workings
of the mind? And how in this realm alone it is possible to create space,
world, and time for oneself in whatever way one wants? And if you had
{54} experienced this only once in your life, if you had woken after just
a quarter of an hour, and from the receding vestiges of your dream-
encounters you could have sworn that you had been sleeping, and dream-
ing, and enacting deeds for nights on end!then would Mohammeds
dream, as a dream, still seem even the slightest bit absurd to you? And
would it not be the rst and only duty of every genius, every poet, above
all of every dramatic poet, to carry you o to such a dream? Does it occur
to you what worlds you are mixing up if you show the poet your pocket
or your drawing room, and ask him to teach you to dream in time
to the one or within the other?
Herder, Shakespeare, 1773
If I were Secretary of State for the Arts in German Austria, I would summon the
musicians of Vienna and say to them: Gentlemen! It has come to my notice that
many of you, discouraged by the dicult living conditions in our fatherland, are
planning to emigrate to Western countries, where no such diculties exist today.
Let me just tell you why I would advise you under present conditions against
going ahead with such plans. Above all, I beg you not to forget that our father-
land is the home of Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, the adopted home of Beethoven,
Brahms: no Saint-Germain
can expunge this from the book of history. These
are what made German AustriaViennathe big wide world. Is it not true that
the big wide world exists only where genius is and, by contrast, the provinces and
the small towns are the places where genius is absent? A shopping market is no
Parnassus, the stock exchange no Temple of the Muses.
So what does it signify
that more market traders throng together, whether under duress or of their own
free will, in New York, London, or Paris than do so here? It means that those so-
called cosmopolitan cities are nothing more than provincial towns by compari-
son with our Vienna, which has radiated out such shafts of purest genius as will
Johann Gottfried Herder (1744 1803) was one of the early instigators of the Romantic move-
ment. His essay Shakespeare, published as part of the inuential manifesto On German Character
and Art (1773), puts forward two central notions: that place and time are not absolutes, but creations
of the mind; and that Shakespeare is the true heir to the dramatic poets of ancient Greece, whereas
Corneille, Racine, and Voltaire are mere imitators of them who, despite their surface brilliance and
wit, take the unities of time, place, and action to ridiculous extremes. Schenker revered Herder, refer-
ring in his diary for 1917, for example, to a Goethe, a Herder and similar great spirits (Hellmut
Federhofer, Heinrich Schenker: nach Tagebchern und Briefen, p. 334).
Herder alludes to an earlier remark in the essay ridiculing the obsession of the French seven-
teenth-century dramatists with the unities, when he imagines a spectator checking his watch at the
end of each scene to ensure that the action has had its properly apportioned amount of time, and later
that all the dead bodies have been checked o.
The words in brackets, part of Herders text, were omitted by Schenker.
[S]On rhythmic freedom in performance, see the Erluterungsausgabe of Op. 109, pp. 24 25.
[These comments form part of the foreword, which was omitted from the revised edition.]
See note 5.
Perhaps an allusion to the famous counterpoint treatise, Gradus ad Parnassum (1725), by Jo-
hann Joseph Fux.
not fade for millions of years.
None of this alters the delusion under which the
inhabitants of those cities and countries labor, which comes about simply be-
cause they have never experienced for themselves a genuinely big wide world.
The only way to get true culture over to them is for you, gentlemen, to leave
it to these small-town folk from their inated provinces and villages to make the
eort to come to our world-class city of music. Then for the rst time they would
have a real opportunity to get to know what they can never hope to attain by
themselves: the culture of our great masters on their home ground, in their own
language. Not unrelated to this, they might also come to understand why during
the war their countrymen enjoyed greater freedom at our hands then did ours at
theirs; and why no embassy buildings were destroyed here, why no compulsory
expropriations occurred, and why no lynchings took place here, unlike for ex-
ample in America. How much would be gained if we could make them realize,
here in our midst, that it is more benecent to compose a beautiful waltz, or to
dance to a beautifully composed waltz, than to live according to the slogan Make
as much money as you can, or to be forced to sing or dance to Negro melodies,
since they have not a shred of true melody in them. Just one more push, and they
might nally even see that all their democratic humbug is indispensable to them
only because they are powerless by their own resources to instill higher spiritual
values into their starving nerves.
And here is another thing for you to think about, gentlemen. The Western na-
tions are actually continuing the war against us today, but now with cowardly
economic {55} measures; they are keeping the raw materials for themselves and
fobbing us o against reasonable securities
with the most frugal charitable
oerings and even more frugal expressions of sympathy. Why should we Ger-
mans take our music, of which we eectively own the raw materials and the end
product, into the bosom of these nations, and receive money in return for it, only
so that they can then extort it back from us in some other form?
And one nal thing. Will you not, if you go to our enemiesand enemies of
our self-determination, of our loftier culture they all still areinevitably give the
impression of going begging to them, begging with our Mozart, Haydn, Beetho-
ven, Brahms, rather like hurdy-gurdy men [Savoyardenknaben] with their per-
forming monkeys? But is this really what you want: to demean our great masters
so shamefully? Dont tell me you expect to nd discerning listeners there, too.
Dont you believe it, gentlemen. If the democratic townsfolk of the West had pos-
sessed even a trace of cultural renement, of true-hearted interest in genius, they
would never have dared to hold us guilty toward them
with such brutality, men-
daciousness, and infamy, as in fact they did, and are still doing.
So let me appeal to you openly: stay here, gentlemen, and help us all endure
our harsh fate. We wonder whether the provincials of the West will not in fact
eventually nd their way out of the cultural hostility of democracy and, in des-
peration for the heart and majestic spirit of the German people, oer a sincere
apology for all acts of impotently small-minded arrogance, which merely reect
their hollow, ostentatious, get-rich-quick civilization.
The author graciously requests the readers of this pamphlet to assist him in his
search for the autograph manuscript of Beethovens Piano Sonata Op.106. Com-
munications regarding this matter should be addressed to the publisher of the Er-
luterungsausgabe: Universal Edition, Vienna.
tonwi lle 1
Vienna had itself been the banking and nancial center of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until
the latters collapse in 1918.
Advance credits totaling $30 million were given by Britain, France, and Italy, to nance the pur-
chase of food supplies, and the securities (i.e., collateral) for these credits were a lien on the salt
mines of Austria, the real estate of the City of Vienna, and other assets to be agreed on. More broadly,
the delivery of food and raw materials such as coal and lignite (much of Austrias agricultural and in-
dustrial regions having been transferred to neighboring states) by the Allies to Austria under the
Saint-Germain Treaty were subject to, among other things, the handing over of arms and munitions,
and guarantees of the religious, political, and linguistic rights and liberties of all minorities groups
within Austria.
Reference is presumably to the war-guilt (Kriegsschuld) clause of the Versailles treaty between
the Allies and Germany, concluded June 28, 1919. In this clause, Article 231, spearheaded by John Fos-
ter Dulles, Germany accepted responsibility for causing all the damage to which the Allied and As-
sociated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed
upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies. Article 232 then recognized that German re-
sources were inadequate, and limited reparations to compensation for all damage done to the civil-
ian population . . . and to their property. Germany made strenuous eorts during the 1920s to repu-
diate the guilt clause. The Saint-Germain treaty included its own war-guilt clause and reparations
demand, but it was abandoned in 1921.
The autograph manuscript has never surfaced and must be presumed lost. Schenker compiled
an extensive folder of analyses and notes concerning Op. 106, the Hammerklavier Sonata (Oster
Collection, File 65), but, despite reserving an edition number for it (Universal Edition 3975), he never
completed the Erluterungsausgabe. The only published analytical material relating to the sonata is a
middleground reduction of the bass line of the fugue (Der freie Satz, Fig. 156/2).
Tonwille 2
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The life of tone thrives in consonance and dissonance:
Consonance is the sole law of everything harmonic, vertical, and belongs to
Nature. Dissonance belongs to voice-leading, the horizontal, and consequently
is Art.
Consonance lives in the triad, dissonance in passing [im Durchgang].
From triad and passing stem all the phenomena of tonal life: the triad can be-
come a harmonic degree; the passing tone can be modied to become a neighbor
note, accented passing tone, anticipation, a dissonant syncopation, and the sev-
enth of a seventh chord.
There are no laws other than consonance and dissonance, nor are there any
other fundamental derivations. Dissonance must be understood as purely con-
tingent on consonance and thus the consonance of Nature alone must be under-
stood as the ultimate ground of all artistic possibilities in music and acknowl-
edged at the same time as the ultimate goal of all that strives in passing.
The creation of the world was accomplished with few laws. If the human
mind scarcely grasps even the tiniest element of its innitude, it at least senses
that all of creations phenomena rest clearly on transformations of just a few ele-
mental forces. In the small world of tones things are no dierent. The artist re-
veals consonance and dissonance in ever new forms, drawing ever new eects
from triad, harmonic degree, passing tone, and its derivatives.
To man it is forbidden to prove himself Natures peer and, through an auton-
omous creative act, to set something completely new and of equal rank in op-
position to her law of consonance; man himself, after all, is a mysterious trans-
formation of one of Natures fundamental laws. But if the artist is content with
newly inventing mere transformations, he obtains the reward of remaining newly
safe and secure in them for ever. Thus, new upon new, along an endless chain of
artists, the fundamental law of consonance and its group of derivations are never
ever exhausted. (From Freier Satz.)
Laws of the Art of Music
Gesetze der Tonkunst {Tonwille 2, p. 3}
t r a ns l at e d b y r ob e rt s na r re nb e r g
Ahistory of the art of music has yet to be written. It would have to provide an-
swers to the following questions:
When and how did the law of consonance (with the octave, fth, and third)
rst work its way into and fulll itself in successions of tones (regarded horizon-
tally), so that the tonal successions, because they expressed a triad, could be ex-
perienced as a unit? Did this occur even before the initial attempts at polyphony,
or later? How about the Urlinie around the time consonance rst secretly im-
pregnated the horizontal dimension? And, secondarily, to what extent do the
musical utterances of todays primitive peoples resemble those early tonal suc-
After the law of consonance found fulllment in the vertical dimension in the
age of polyphony, which artists were the rst to produce an agreement between
the vertical and horizontal triad and so {4} forge a path to a horizontal (melodic)
elaboration [Auskomponierung] that was also attested by the vertical dimension?
How were elaborations of triads connected to one another? Did an Urlinie tie
them together?
When was it that triads, as the regulators of elaboration, attained their own
particular order and grew into the harmonic degrees of a system? When did
diminution, in the form of motives and ornaments, obtain its laws? How were
motives connected together at rst? And now, at this time, what was the situation
of the Urlinie, which had to bind together such a fully developed world with steps
of a second, lest the diminution of motives and ornaments wander aimlessly?
Finally, how did all these forces cause forms to arise, in the sense of those lim-
itations that are indispensable for any sort of human creative endeavor? And
now: what are the names of the artists who devised innitely many invaluable
nuts and bolts in order to leash and unleash the voices of the contrapuntal set-
ting in the service of form, variety, and an intensely personal narrative art?
All these questions would have to be answered if one wanted to nd a suit-
able basis for selecting artists and for representing their lifes work, indeed, even
their lifes destiny.
Will it ever be possible to shed so much light on the past in order to obtain
light for the future as well? (From Freier Satz.)
History of the Art of Music
Geschichte der Tonkunst {Tonwille 2, pp. 34}
t r a ns l at e d b y r ob e rt s na r re nb e r g
The Urlinie oers the unfurling of a basic triad, it presents tonality on hori-
zontal paths. The tonal system, too, ows into these as well, a system intended to
bring purposeful order into the world of chords through its selection of the har-
monic degrees. The mediator between the horizontal formulation of tonality pre-
sented by the Urlinie and the vertical formulation presented by the harmonic de-
grees is voice-leading.
Just as the harmonic degrees fend o chords that contradict the tending of
their arrangement towards tonality, so, too, does the Urlinie fend o diminutions
(motives and ornaments) whose peaks or main tones do not agree with this ar-
chetypal succession of tones. Thus, one sees that where the Urlinie holds sway,
the diminutions are fashioned in such a way that other diminutions with other
peaks cannot be put in their place.
Elaboration [Auskomponierung] brings to fruition a bass line that, in view of
the fact that the roots of the harmonic degrees operate in the depths of the mind,
is just as much an upper voice as the soprano with respect to the behavior of the
line, its undulating play, and its consonances and passing [dissonances]. Thus, the
setting of the outer voices [Auensatz] is to be understood as a counterpoint of two
upper voices above the harmonic degrees, a two-voice setting the quality of which
determines the worth of the composition. The Urlinie then leads to a selection of
intervals in this contrapuntal setting (and in this selection alone lies the guarantee
of the settings highest quality and most consummate synthesis), intervals that
continue to bear in themselves the law of strict counterpoint. Only through such a
selection do we then understand free compositions prolongations of the law,
which do not cancel it but rather validate it in freedom and newness. For example,
if the intervals selected deviate in so many passages from those manifested by the
diminutions, then it happens that often, on account of the selected intervals, the
consecutive fths and octaves presented by the counterpoint of the diminution are
not really consecutives at all. Thus our masters could, while observing Urlinie, har-
monic degree, and interval selection, develop a freedom in voice-leading, the im-
mensity of which {5} was until now inconceivable, because the law of strict coun-
terpoint was neither grasped in its profundity nor foreseen in such prolongations.
And so it came to be that our young people, so dierent of late, merely seeming to
live among us, were able to hit upon the idea of robbing voice-leading of its free-
dom with all the idle democratic boasting proper to a giant pygmy, as if they had
not already possessed the highest freedom for the longest time, a freedom still fully
uncomprehended by them; and in fact they succeeded in destroying that long-
standing freedom because in their ignorance they declared themselves superior to
the law. Yet what is freedom if not the radiance of a laws foundation?
The fact that the harmonic degree and the selection of intervals come from
the Urlinie and go into it constitutes the miracle of circularity.
Diminution relates to the Urlinie as esh in the bloom of life relates to a
mans skeleton. Indeed, though the form and content of the esh impress us di-
rectly, it is the secret of the skeleton that holds everything together. Goethe ex-
pressed it as follows:
Typus Type
Es ist nichts in der Haut There is naught in the skin
Was nicht im Knochen ist. That is not in the bone.
Vor schlechtem Gebilde jedem graut, Every man shudders at a wretched creature,
Das ein Augenschmerz ihm ist. That causes his eyes to suer.
Was freut denn jeden? Blhen zu sehn What, then, pleases every man? To see owering
Das von innen schon gut gestaltet; That is already well formed from within;
Auen mags in Gltte, mag in Farben Though its outside may turn glossy or colored,
Es ist ihm schon voran gewaltet. It already holds him in its sway.
Yet Another Word on the Urlinie
Noch ein Wort zur Urlinie {Tonwille 2, pp. 4 6}
t r a ns l at e d b y r ob e rt s na r re nb e r g
This poem appeared in a set entitled Kunst in Goethes Sammlung von 1827. The translation is
mine. The orthography and punctuation have been emended in accord with Johann Wolfgang Goethe:
Gedichte, 18001832, part 1, vol. 2, p. 515, ed. Karl Eibl (Frankfurt: Deutsche Klassiker Verlag, 1988).
It suces to know from history only that diminution was active for centuries
in the decoration of simple successions of tones, in order to be astonished at the
triing compass of the ordinary imagination, which now, by contrast, does not
nd its way from the diminutions of our masters back to a simple succession of
tones. Caccini, who opposed the excesses of ornamental practice around 1600
and argued on behalf of so-called monody, thought as follows: I have thus en-
deavored to express the meaning of the verbal text and, on the other hand, to
conceal contrapuntal artices.
But this only proves that he misunderstood his
own creation. For, in the rst place, monody, too, was the diminution of a simple
tonal succession, even if formed dierently than the ornament; and, in the sec-
ond place, contrapuntal artices indeed vanished, but not counterpoint, which
must appear forthwith whenever two voices enter into a relationship with one
another. It is precisely counterpoint, after all, that testies decisively about the
intervallic span of the Urlinie as well as about diminution.
The Urlinie leads directly to synthesis of the whole. It is synthesis. Since it
oers grounds for deciding upon harmonic degree and form in doubtful cases, it
makes it possible, above all, to get proper insight into synthesis.
Only such a synthesis generated from an Urlinie has the redolence of a true
melody. And this is melody of the whole, the sole endless melody. In synthesis,
melody is constituted in a way that is quite dierent from those melodies that one
carries home from opera houses in ones vest pocket, so to speak, or those that
composers store away in their valises and desks in order to use them in a sym-
phony movement, quartet, or the like, as opportunity arises; it is constituted
quite dierently than the melodies that program musicians are nally obliged to
proer as soon as they fear {6} becoming a burden to the listener and his uncul-
tivated impulses; and it is also constituted quite dierently than the leitmotifs of
music dramas or the tonal images of musical portraiture, from whose mouths, as
one often sees on the pictures of primitives, there seem to utter volumes of say-
ings: I am so and so, I am this and that . . .
The invention of synthesis from the Urlinie and the melody of the whole [aus
Urlinie und Gesamtmelodie] is German, German to the corehistorically consid-
ered, a victory over short-nerved Italian melody incapable of widely spaced
goalsand generates from the depth and breadth of the German spirit. The full-
ness of its mysteries and original physiognomy is so great that no one can succeed
in revealing it in its entirety. For this reason, those who would wish that the ulti-
mate mysteries of music be protected, so that they continue to exist for a human-
ity that loves the puzzle more than the solution, need have no fear whatsoever.
The synthesis of our masters belongs to the aristocracy of genius, it is inte-
grative, and it makes genuinely great what is seemingly small. And once the Ger-
man spirit had received the blessing of such a miracle from its great masters, it is
right and proper to designate as un-German a composition tted together in
such a way that purely individual moments are exaggerated and distended like
aphorisms and leitmotifs. Eusion in one moment causes accidity in the next
moment, the content of which (tonal wallpaper and molding, as it were) con-
trasts all the more strongly the more beautiful and ecstatic the preceding eusion.
Such a procedure is democratic, the more grandiloquent the part, the more im-
potent the whole, senselessly fragmented, disintegrative, and it makes genuinely
small what is seemingly great. The greater the compass of the work, the more it
resembles a hydra whose heads can grow but can also be cut o, or a sentence
having several clauses that contradict one another.
But, of course, how dicult it is to be German along with our great German
masters! The musician has not even once seen his way into their counterpoint,
their form, or their melody, because he touches synthesis using only trivial con-
cepts of melody. And anyone who has his sights set upon metaphysics and seeks
it in rhythm, melody, and God knows what else, will pass deay by the Urlinie;
and yet the Urlinie is the quintessence of all metaphysics. And then there is the
philistine! If you say to him, Generation upon generation passes away, but the
tonal line continues to live as on the rst day, he does not comprehend it. And if
you approach him and say, Capital is self-acting, and so is the tonal line, he does
not grasp it. He knows only the one question: Where is all that?It is there in
the noteheads, not in your heads!
tonwi lle 2
Schenker is here paraphrasing, rather than directly quoting, a passage from the celebrated Pref-
ace to Le nuove musiche of 1602 by the Florence-based singer and composer Giulio Caccini (15511618):
Ne madrigali come nelle arie ho sempre procurata limitazione dei concetti delle parole, ricer-
cando quelle corde pi, e meno aectuose, secondo i sentimenti di esse, e che particolarmenti
havessero grazia, havendo ascosto in esse quanto piu ho potuto larte del contrappunto.
In madrigals as in arias I have always achieved the imitation of the ideas of the words,
seeking out those notes that are more or less expressive, according to the sentiments of the
words. So that they would have especial grace, I concealed as much of the art of counter-
point as I could.
The English translation, by Margaret Murata, is taken from Source Readings in Music History, ed.
Oliver Strunk, revised by Leo Treitler (New York: Norton, 1998), p. 609. A facsimile of Le nuove mu-
siche was published by Broude Brothers (New York, 1973).
This sonata was composed by Mozart at the age of twenty-two in Paris in 1778.
May I be granted the privilege of revealing the full wonder of this work for the el-
evation of the human spirit!
First Movement (Allegro maestoso)
The sonata form of the rst movement expresses itself as follows:
First Subject
antecedent bars 18
consequent and modulation bars 922
Second Subject bars 2344
(Closing Subject) bars 4549
Development bars 5079
Recapitulation bars 80
Bars 18. A sixteenth-note appoggiatura d
: and not only is the rst tone of the
Urlinie, e
, conceived but, in a true creatio ex nihilo, the entire rst movement! Al-
ready the rst creative breath projects the special features of this new musical or-
ganism, determining the shape and content of the whole as well as the parts. In
the antecedent, the Urlinie (see the graph, p. 56) aims to project the fourth e
and, with the support of the fundamental harmonies, lead to a half cadence; the
generative principle of the appoggiatura then becomes operative, propelling the
inner voice in bars 14 and then the Urlinie from bar 5, and nally also the bass
in bars 68 to a series of waves of ascending steps. The ear is now drawn to the
neighbor notes, which the composer promotes, taking advantage of the entire
circle of fundamental harmonies, by giving both the main and neighboring notes
their own harmonies and so increasing the weight of the latter. Thus, while the
Urlinie could have taken the shortest path to b
through d
and c
, it actually as-
cends to f
in bar 6, so that it may rst descend from this tone, its path thus pro-
jected through a diminished fth. Heard in relation to the half cadence in bar 8,
the surplus tone, f
, functions as a suspension to e
and, at the same time, as a deep
sigh. One cannot suciently admire the diminution in bars 14, which inter-
weaves the Urlinie so beautifully with the inner voices and presents the web as an
independent motive. If one were unaware of its provenance, one would be com-
pelled to believe that the diminished fth d
in bars 2 and 4 ascends to e
; but this
is not the case. In bars 58, the counterpoint is threatened by bare consecutive
, which are avoided by the interpolation of neighbor notes and their
harmonies, so that the voice-leading participates in its way in showing the Urlinie
the path from f
. {8}
Bars 9. The consequent begins with the initial bars of the antecedent. Again, the
Urlinie rises up to f
(bar 14) before descending to b
(bar 16); since there has been
a modulation to C major, the diminished fth f
is now reinterpreted as an
elaboration of VII, which stands for V. The identical sound of the two diminished
fths, in the antecedent and consequent, is purposefully exploited by the dier-
ence in diatonic harmony: the contrast of their tonal meaning elevates them
above the status of mere repetition. For even though repetition without a change
of harmony would bestow upon the second fth-progression a certain emphasis,
the emphasis created by the change of harmony is all the greater. From this it be-
comes clear that the modulation is not a vacuous formal duty, but is derived in
the most organic way, spirit from spirit [Geist vom Geiste], from the antecedent
phrase. And if this requires yet another justication than that provided by the Ur-
linie, we can consider the diminution. Beginning in bar 12, it takes on a form so
dierent from the antecedent that, even on account of this new ideaand all the
more so for its incomparable boldnesswe should banish from our heads the
agf e
Mozarts Sonata in A Minor, K. 310
Mozart: Sonate A-Moll (Kchel-Verzeichnis Nr. 310) {Tonwille 2, pp. 724}
t r a ns l at e d b y t i mot hy j ac k s on
notion that Mozart handled the modulation in a routine fashion. The graph of
the Urlinie (bars 1112) shows that the lower of the inner voices ascends to b
which is transformed into an upper voice (which ascends beyond the Urlinie tone
] to the high b
), passing through a
and g
(bar 13) to f
(bar 14). But since the
of the Urlinie also strives toward this tone, that progression of the inner voice
signies nothing more than the intention of the diminution to make a detour. Our
astonishment increases when we understand the bass in bar 11 as the unfolding of
a fth-progression, which provides harmonic support to this detour (see Freier
As is often the case with fth progressions, the midpoint of the path is
emphasized by the appropriate harmony (the root F, between A and D), and if
this is accompanied, as it is here, by a corresponding chromatic inection in the
preceding auxiliary harmony to make a dominant chordthe basic model for
this kind of voice-leading is simply the 56exchange, a
!, then
the root F reinforces the impression of an independent harmony, namely IV.
(Generally, in such cases theorists and dilettantes alike go so far as to call this a
[modulation to the] key of F major.) To this is added the play of suspensions in
the inner voice and the Urlinie; in short, there is motion and life in every part of
this bar. Everything in the modulation, however, is connected to the single inten-
tion of the Urlinie to traverse a fth-progression. That the diminution in bars 10
11 stems not from bars 12 but rather from bars 34, and leads to an even richer
gure in bar 11, bespeaks the iron will propelling the diminution as a whole (this
was also a deep-seated feature of Chopins style). In bar 16, the dominant is at-
tained; above its root the leading tone, in accordance with the fundamental mo-
tive of this piece, strives toward its upper neighbor (!), several times and with in-
creasing animation. In this way, even this spiritually conceived little gure refutes
all those (including, for example, Wagner) who perceive the half cadence as an
empty technique of postponement.
tonwi lle 2
The combination of two or more linear progressions, of which this example illustrates a variant
form, is discussed and illustrated in Der freie Satz, 22129.
Bars 23. To the diminished fth of the modulation, the Urlinie of the second
group replies with an octave progression, c
, as an elaboration of the funda-
mental harmony of the C major diatonicism, so that the two parts of the Urlinie
are related to each other as VI. The octave-progression is subdivided into two
segments: c
(bar 31, incomplete perfect cadence) and a
(bar 35). The c
bars 2327, unaected by the cadential progression and in response to the e
tained in bars 15, serves as the starting point for the octave-progression; the b
in bar 25 functions merely as a neighbor note. In the sixteenth-note diminution,
the initial {9} sixteenth-note appoggiatura from bar 1 can still be heard uttering
distinctly (b
in bar 23, e
in bar 24, a
in bar 25). The diminution is ex-
pressly modied according to the change of harmony or Urlinie segment (bars
2327, 2829, 3031, etc.), so that it not only achieves fruitful diversity but also
serves the harmony and the Urlinie. What an important contribution to synthe-
sis! The graph of the Urlinie indicates the details of the voice-leading.
In bar 35, the initial sixteenth rest stands for the concluding note, c
, while the
octave-progression with c
at its apex is repeated immediately from the second
sixteenth. This time the line progresses through its segment more quickly, so that
there is space for repetitions. The abbreviated form of the summations, com-
bined with the bustling repetition, creates an eect that suggests soothing en-
couragement and consolation. In bar 40, within the initial segment of the repeti-
tion of the octave progression, an inversion of the voices is introduced; this is
nevertheless rendered less transparent in bars 4244 since the bass requires three
octaves to project the succession of three tones.
The second segment, by con-
trast, returns to the upper voice. Here, too, if one follows the the alternation of
gures and registers, one can only admire the purposefulness of all paths and
connections. The counterpoint in the upper voice in bars 4243 is derived from
the rhythm of bars 1 and 3, which becomes clearer in bars 45. While the line in
these nal bars seeks the rising leading note, b
, in order to produce a more pow-
erful closefor this reason I recommend calling it a closing subjectthe dotted
rhythm eectively prepares the repeat of the exposition, or the development.
Bars 50. At the beginning of the development, the motive of bars 12 enters, but
in C major. Now the lowest voice is set in motion, c
(m. 53), which gives the
diminution the occasion to follow the idea of I
, 7
, as if the path of the harmony
were to lead to IV. In bar 53, the b
overshoots the g
of the Urlinie and ascends
to b
; in bar 55, the neighbor-note D
is transformed into C
and in bar 57 b
is drawn
up to b. Now the secret is revealed: g
in the Urlinie wants to proceed at the out-
set to a
(as an augmented
second) nally ascends.
With the arrival on b, the conventional descending direction of the Urlinie as-
serts itself. We see this in bars 58, and with completely altered diminution, in
which the material of bars 5 are transformed; see the graph of the Urlinie. In a
strettolike manner, the Urlinie motive enters, always striving upward; also, there is
a marked upward thrust in the lower inner voice, while the higher inner voice de-
votes itself to suspensions. (At the same time, this voice-leading helps to avoid
consecutive fths.) The way in which the music modulates back to A minor is
shown by the graph of the Urlinie. From bar 70 on, the high register is gradually
drawn back. The following sketch may further clarify the path of the development:
{10} As can be seen, the rising sixths in the upper voice in bars 7072 are essen-
tially inner thirds and passing tones that leap exactly as those in the bass, with
which they form a series of thirds. In bar 73, an e
on the downbeat would have
resulted in consecutive fths; therefore this tone appears a quarter-note later,
where it forms a sixth with the bass, which has in the meantime moved on.
Bars 80. The reprise begins in bar 80. Its most prominent feature can be seen in
bars 8897: an unusually bold elaboration of the tonic, whereby consecutive oc-
taves in the outer voices are avoided by the interpolation of chromatically in-
That is, the succession represented by e
in bar 42, d in bar 43 and E in bar 44, the last of these
notes suggesting a low C.
Mozarts Sonata in A Minor, K. 310
ected tenths in bars 89 and 91. One can only marvel at how willingly the pri-
mary motive of bars 12 serves this elaboration; although the motive carries so
much weight, there are no true [intervening] harmonies, let alone modulations.
What beautiful detours are also created by the diminution in bars 9596! In
bar 95, the b
on the downbeat is to be understood as an accented passing tone
within IV
6 5
Second Movement (Andante cantabile)
The Andante has a four-part form:
bars 114
Modulation bar 14
bars 1531
Retransition bars 3253
bars 54 67
bars 6886
Bars 1. The rst subject has an antecedent and a consequent phrase: bars 14,
58. The melodic line in the antecedent falls from c
(half cadence), and the
consequent projects the fth-progression c
as a response (full cadence). Both
melodic lines subdivide into two segments, a division which is underscored by
the harmonic progression. Always beginning with the third quarter, each segment
comprises six quarters and is clearly delineated by the harmonic progression:
a consistency that serves both synthesis and beauty. The second segment of the
melodic line of the consequent (bar 6) begins essentially with b
(IV), for which
acts as a substitute. At rst, b
seems to be merely a neighbor note within the
fth-progression; however, the higher third is placed on top in order to attenuate
the line and bestow upon it greater emphasis, insofar as the d
surpasses the ini-
tial tone of the rst segment. All of this is the case, in spite of the fact that the
strong harmonic progression that serves the form gives the illusion that d
is an
important tone of the Urlinie (see the graph below).
tonwi lle 2
{11} The arpeggiation of the upbeat quarter note and the short appoggiatura
in bar 1 establish the rst tone of the Urlinie; concomitantly, the lowest tone of
the arpeggiation, f
, announces the root, which does not enter until the rst quar-
ter note of the bass. Just as the upbeat arpeggio inuences the path of the bass in
the rst full bar, so it contains a treasure trove of mysterious connections, which
are of much greater value to the synthesis than the thematic or motivic connec-
tions that are generally available to composers.
Bars 8. In bar 8, the fth-progression attains its concluding tone, but at the same
time the bass initiates a new accompaniment, transforming the metrically weak
bar into a strong one. Through this kind of artistic subtlety, the parts are joined
together more tightly and the total synthesis is greatly improved. The melodic line
is the same as that of the antecedent, only lying an octave higher and repeating the
rst segment with slightly varied rhythm. It would not have been possible for the
second segment, a
, also to have been presented twice, because B
begins im-
mediately thereafter with the same succession.
The diminution becomes increas-
ingly richer, yet it is always governed by the simple arpeggio of the initial upbeat.
All of these modications serve to create the impression of this group of bars as a
new idea. But if the new section remains in the key of the rst subject and also
shares the same Urlinie motive, that shows that the two belong together as sub-
sections of the same subject. On the other hand, one should not overlook the con-
nection between, on the one hand, the impetus that the bass requires to assert its
regular meter against the irregular meter of the Urlinie and, on the other, the
modulation in bar 14: evidently, it is the same impetus in a new guise, which even-
tually triumphs in B
, where the Urlinie accommodates itself to the bass. What se-
crets are concealed in the organically creative mental powers of the genius!
Bars 15. The modulation is realized in the simplest way, by reinterpreting the V
of F major as I in C major; all that is missing is decisive conrmation, since a fur-
ther cadence establishing the new key has not been added. This is why Mozart
xes the new key in bars 1518 right at the beginning of B
by twice repeating V
I, before moving on to a further, more emphatic harmonic progression. This also
explains why the Urlinie, in contrast to that in A
, proceeds through its fth-
progression g
without subdivision, and at the outset likewise presents the rst
two tones, g
, twice. Not until g
is introduced for the third time, in bar 19, does
the Urlinie progress denitively to the concluding tone (see the graph of the Ur-
linie). Here, then, it is the varied realization of the Urlinie that promotes synthe-
sis at a higher level by contrast.
The diminution also builds a bridge to B
; compare the third quarter in bar
13 and the response to this made by the third quarter in bars 15 and 16. The sev-
enth of the dominant in bars 16 and 18, the very f
of the Urlinie, resolves to E in
the bass in bars 17 and 19. In bars 19, the diminution, too, is altered to conform
to the third entry of the Urlinie; it is able to cross over the fth-progression in
such a way as though it almost were able to deceive it. To compensate for the lack
of subdivision in the fth-progression, the conclusion is reinforced by means of
repetition of the Urlinie tones, f
to c
in bars 24 25 and e
to c
in bars 2729.
From the concluding tone c
in bar 22here, too, the bars have been metrically
reinterpreted (8 1)the ascending progression c
leads to the f
of bar
24, which was prepared by the same progression in bar 19. To serve of this new
group of bars, and also the rhythmic augmentation,
yet a new diminution is in-
troduced: three downward leaps of a third lead from c
up to d
, and an especially
artful passing motion in bar 23, passing through two harmonies [IIV], leading
from d
to e
, as shown in Fig. 2:
{12} Observe, in this transitional progression, the immediate imitation of the so-
prano by the bass (bracket 1); then the use of c
in the inner voice to avoid the
consecutive fths
2 (bracket 2); and nally the elaboration of the dominant
(bracket 3). Preserving the same diminution in bar 25 as in bar 22 brings to the
fore the fact that the group of bars 2529 contributes to the form in the same way
Mozarts Sonata in A Minor, K. 310
That is, at the start of B
the tones of the Urlinie are the same as the preceding segment, g
, but without the initial a
Schenker is referring to the ascent c
in bars 2224, which progresses in dotted half notes,
that is, at one-third the speed of the ascent in bar 19.
Fig. 2, which reproduces the score, shows e
as the goal; but the graph of the Urlinie shows the
conceptual step motion, which leads to e
as the preceding bars 2125. (That the diminution in bar 26 diers from that in
bar 23 does not change anything in this respect.) In bar 27, the diminution tem-
porarily covers the Urlinie tone e
, and its continuation, with g
. In bars 2931, the
ascending leading tone functions more as a neighbor note than a true Urlinie
tone, on account of varied diminution.
Bars 32. Two drawn-out summations of the previous fth-progression, still in
C major, initiate the modulation back to F. The diminution changes in the upper
voice, and also in the left hand; notice especially the chordal quality of the left
hand and the depth of the register (see, however, the discussion of the literature!).
Only with the concluding tone of the second fth-progression, in bar 37, does the
real retransition begin. Here the tension of the passing motions grows to colossal
proportions, and the artistry with which the young master calls forth so much
power from the harmony must inspire the greatest admiration. The following
sketch claries the path of the retransition:
The ground plan is shown at a); according to it, c
should rise through c
to d
so that this tone can initiate the descending fth-progression d
as a prepara-
tion for the fth-progression c
in A
. In this shortest of paths, the modulation
to D minor is already pregured. The harmonic progression at b) shows the rein-
terpretation of the I in C major as VII in D minor (minor in a strictly Aeolian
sense: see Harmonielehre, pp. 59/pp. 45 ), from which the V with the raised
leading tone follows. The harmonic succession
I reects {13} in a deeper
sense C
(VIIVI); see Freier Satz.
At a) is shown the simplest
lling-in with passing tones; at c) the much more developed version in which
corresponding multiple passing motions are employed in both the upper and
lower melodic lines (using steps or leaps).
Finally, [Fig. 3c] shows the full measure Mozarts consummate command of
the diminution, which claries the transitions and, of course, also conceals them
within a single transitional idea. Thus, we see how, in bars 37, the sextuplet
arpeggiations in the bass (in the great octave: see, however, the discussion of the
literature!) invite the right hand to a diminution in arpeggios, that link the one-
and two-line octaves in such an artful way, each time in groups of two bars (see
the graph of the Urlinie). The harmonic progression in bars 43 is served by the
inversion of the arpeggio in the bass; since they are in the low register, these now
give the impression of being fundamental harmonic, while in truth they are sim-
ply leaping passing tones. In bars 4849, the passing tone e
in the upper line,
like the raised third F
IV in G
minor. It is the very chord built on G that is eventually reinterpreted as II in F
major. At this point, the fth-progression d
is set in motion, but already on
the rm ground of F major. Its tones are presented more quickly than those of
the transitional harmonies in bars 3749, and Mozart, as if in passing, lets a still
more accelerated imitation of the fth-progression unfold in the second and
third quarters of bar 50, as a simultaneous presentation and summation. What a
wonderful progression! In bars 5153, the octave c
is sought as a replacement for
the fth g
Bars 51. A
repeats A
exactly in bars 54 61, and also gives the basic idea in bars
6167, except that the path of the bass is changed. Here is its origin:
Bars 68. Compared with B
, B
is notable for the changes in bars 7071, whose
purpose is to tonicize the IV, and for an expansion in bars 72 when compared
with bars 2022; nally, in bar 78, a change is made in the transitional harmonies.
tonwi lle 2
An early draft of Der freie Satz includes several sections that concern progressions from VII to I
and VII as a substitute for V (Oster Collection, le 51, items 764 68).
Third Movement (Presto)
Altogether one of the most individual and intense pieces in the entire musical lit-
erature. In contrast to the rst part in A minor, bars 1142, the middle part is con-
ceived as a sort of trio in A major with the character of a musette, bars 14374,
while the repetition of the rst part serves as a third part. The rst part is itself in
two sections: it modulates from A minor through C major (bars 20[21]55) to the
key of the dominant, E minor (bars 5687), and, after a short retransition (bars
87106), brings back the primary idea in the main key with a stronger conclusion.
Bars 1. The Urlinie (p. 62) exhibits an unusual feature: moving in a descending
direction, which in A minor must follow the path of the fth-progression e
it is not initiated from the fth, e
, but rather from the middle, with c
, growing
only in the course of events to reach d
(bar 7) and e
(bar 17). {14} In addition, the
important segment of the Urlinie is delayed until the conclusion of the individual
group of bars, which each time also transmits the cadential harmonies in a deci-
sive manner. In this way a wonderful tension is created, both within the individ-
ual phrases as well as within the whole, which is intensied especially in those
groups where the beginning and conclusion of the phrase sound the same,
as for
example in the rst group, bars 1 and 4; in the second group, bars 5 and 7; in the
sixth group, bars 2122 and 27, etc. For, viewed from the end of the group, we ex-
perience its beginning more as a rst inhalation [Anhauch] of the line than as the
line itself; then, it is as if inhalation and melodic line expressed an unbroken sob.
The principal theme, bars 120, is composed of an antecedent and conse-
quent, delineated by the half cadence in bar 8, through the deceptive cadence and
complete full cadence in bars 16 and 20. The rst group of bars, 14, presents the
core musical idea in its purest and simplest form. In the second group, bars 58,
the Urlinie grows toward d
, for which it requires two bars, 7 and 8. It would have
been possible to support d
with IV and move from it directly to V: Mozart, how-
ever, proceeds otherwise, by interpolating a I beneath c
and thereby creating a
neighbor-note eect:
. The path from IV to I is realized through passing tones
[bars 57], based on the exchange of upper and lower voices: where does the IV
end, and where does the I begin? (Concerning this kind of voice-leading, see the
section on harmonic rhythm [Stufenrhythmus] in Freier Satz.
The third group
is a repetition of the rst, insofar as it introduces the consequent. In the fourth
group, the Urlinie already descends to the concluding tone, which, however, is
initially caught up within a deceptive cadence. The increased number of tones
compels the addition of three bars to accommodate the Urlinie, bars 14 16. If the
tones of the Urlinie are to be brought to a close, then the bars which provide the
model (bars 5 and 6) must be reversed; however, d
is still supported by IV and c
by I. The fth and concluding group in the main theme nally presents the com-
plete fth-progression e
. In it, as in the preceding phrase, f
is supported
by IV, so that the neighbor-note eect,
, is also reproduced. How artfully in
bar 18 Mozart transforms an inner voice into an upper voice, so as to ensure that
sounds through this bar! A rising eighth-note gesture leads from the fourth to
the fth group; its further transformation serves to prepare that which is com-
ing. Thus, in bar 20, the use of c
(instead of c
) announces the modulation to
C major.
Bars 21. A simple modulation, achieved by harmonic reinterpretation, leads to
C major. The rst group in the new key, bars 2128, immediately reveals itself,
although with varied diminution, to be simply a repetition of the phrase in bars
58, apart from the interpolation of two new bars, 2526. Even the next groups,
bars 2932 and 3336, are simply repetitions, namely of groups of bars 14 and
58 (with only slightly changed diminution and modal mixture in bars 2932).
Thus, in the new key, there is a change neither in the material nor in the way it
is treated. In fact, at rst glance, the graph shows how the Urlinie carries over
its original growth pattern into the new key; in its unfolding, it is required to
reach ever higher. Comparing bars 4, 78, 14 16, 1720, 2728, 32, 36, 4244,
5051, 54 55, 6263, 67, 71, 7779, 8587, etc., it becomes fundamentally clear
why, in this piece, Mozart had to employ a three-part song form for the whole
and, at a lower level, {15} renounces the model of antecedent plus consequent, so
as always to present the same materialto be sure, with some variation in the
Mozarts Sonata in A Minor, K. 310
Deren Anfang und Ende zusammenklingen: in Schenkers exemplication the upper voice of the
bars in question are represented by the same notes in the graph of the Urlinie: c
in bars 1 and 4,
in bars 5 and 7, and so on.
In neither the early draft (in the Oster Collection) nor the nal form of Der freie Satz is there a
section specically concerned with harmonic rhythm. However, the type of harmonic elaboration
found in bars 58 was a favorite of Schenkers, appearing in the Elucidations, Fig. 4c, published in
Tonwille 810, and in the analysis of the rst-movement theme of Beethovens Piano Sonata in A
Op. 26 (see Der freie Satz, especially Fig. 56/1).
diminutionsimply by changing tonality and register. This is actually what vi-
talizes the music, namely that one and the same power gains for the whole a form
that is eternally true.
In contrast to bars 58, the group of bars 3336 reaches a full close in bar 36.
This is not only a response to the dominant in bar 28, but a crucial premise for
the half cadences in bars 5051 and 54 55, which occur at the end of the inter-
mediate section in the key of C major.
The group of bars 3744 exhibits the special feature that its initial bars, 37
38, are no longer in agreement with its concluding bars, nor do they present a
tone of the Urlinie either by foreshadowing [Vorerrinerung] or by substitution.
An adumbration occurs rather within the progression and not until bar 39, with
the tone f
, although it is foreign to the prevailing harmony. This change becomes
intelligible on account of a second special feature, namely that the true Urlinie
tone f
, which enters later in bar 42, is approached by the line rising from c
, which ultimately is to be derived from the above-mentioned slight changes in
the two preceding phrases; see the small slurs in the graph of the Urlinie in bars
3031, 34 35. The chromaticism introduced by the c
apparently must come
from the c
at the highpoint of the phrase, so that we discern the underlying sense
as follows:
Thus the original eect of inhalation [Anhauchwirkung] in bars 1, 5, 13, 2122, etc.
seems to be exchanged for another. However one regards the rising line, whose
presence might well lead one to speak of the eect of a pause [in the Urlinie], and
however one regards the foreshadowing f
in bar 39, it remains incontrovertible
that the tones of the Urlinie are presented at ends of groups, as in the groups in
the A minor section, which nally leads to a result that is related to the inhalation
eect. But what artistry in the transformation! This transformation is preserved
in the following groups, except that in bars 5255 and 5663 the starting point c
before the c
has been stripped away, since it is self-evident after having been
made clear in the two preceding groups.
In the group comprising bars 5663, we discover the linear ascent [Anstieg]
[of bars 3744] in enlarged form, which is associated with a chromatic modula-
tion to E minor, and also an interpolation of two bars, 6061, whose descending
scale is likewise directed toward f
; this note could have come directly from e
in bar 59. Beneath the chromatic modulation and diminution of bars 5661 lies
hiddenif c
is supplied at the beginning of the ascending linethe progression
through an augmented fourth, which is thus capable of suggesting a modulation
(through reinterpretation):
{16} This group [bars 5663] has the half cadence in common with the group that
modulated to C major, bars 2128. Then follow four groups that model them-
selves on the C major groups, but with one important distinction, namely, the full
cadences [on E] in bars 7779 and 8587, which again correspond to the full ca-
dence in the A minor section. This demonstrates the greater signicance of E
minor compared to C major: if the latter represents merely a transitional path,
the former is the denitive goal. Other transformations, for example the clearly
proled bass line in the groups comprising bars 64 67 and 6871, may be easily
Bars 87. Raising the third of the tonic E minor triad leads back to A minor; the
tonic is now sought (in bar 95), and for this reason the dominant (in bar 99) ap-
pears even further reinforced. The entire cycle of fths [Stufenleiter] in bars 87
95 may be derived from the following voice-leading:
Leaping passing tones are inserted into the fth-progression of the bass in bars
Bars 107. The repetition of the main theme runs parallel to bars 118. The group
of bars 12326 has the purpose of reinforcing the seventh of the dominant, as
a compelling harbinger of the concluding phrases, which herald the close. The
group of bars 12734 nally provides the fth-progression (with the additional f
Mozarts Sonata in A Minor, K. 310
but how much more emphatically than in bars 17 is the rhythmic organization
of the harmonies, and especially that of the tonic in the thirty-second bar!
Bars 143. All the more unaectedly does the short interlude in A major project
its own fth-progression, e
, in two segments. It receives a response, in E
major (to which the section modulates), also with a fth-progression b
, bars
15558. Also to be noted is that the IV in bar 144 appears over the tonic pedal-
point, and that b
in the inner voice functions as an accented passing note
which was unavoidable in the succession of lower thirds.
Bars 159. The retransition is governed by a fth-progression that is unfurled
through two fourth-progressions. The harmonic motion supporting the initial
fourth-progression is related to that technique of tonicization that requires two
preparatory chords ( IIVI; see Harmonielehre, p. 346, Table XIII);
the dif-
ference here is that the e
of the Urlinie is not placed above the fundamental C
as if the harmony were operating, as it were, in B minor: . It is to be
understood that this process of tonicization is a reection of that which follows
in bars 16366, which unequivocally projects the harmonic progression A major:
IIVI. The renement of the diminution is delightful: using just the passing d
in bar 160 and the passing c
in bar 164, it conrms the move to B minor (the goal
of the tonicization process) and also suggests a modal inection of A major by A
Bars 175. In the reprise, the organization of the groups comprising bars 2036
and 20710 is especially noteworthy; in particular, the way the Urlinie is projected
(see the graph) signies a new transformation, compared to the groups of bars
164 67 and 16871. Concerning all of above changes, and the nal cadences, I
refer the reader again to the graph of the Urlinie. {17}
It is time to summarize. The work of the youthful master conceals within itself
secret connections that are somehow related to and comparable with the nal,
unfathomable mysteries of our circulatory system, which nourishes and sustains
the whole body. What is understood as so-called thematic developmente.g.
motivic variation, inversion, augmentation, and similar transformations, which
are on the surface and perceived by every listenermost certainly does not apply
to the fundamentals that have been brought to light here for the rst time, al-
though incompletely, given the limitations of concepts and words. Furthermore,
we perceive how all of the parts of the melodic line in the large, in its direction
and inner movement, in repetition of smaller formal and tonal units, etc., stip-
ulate each other, so that the power and blessing of the organic streams through
all of its veins. Motive and diminution, sprouting from the line, color the seg-
ments of the Urlinie, the individual harmonies and the modulations, and set the
parts against each other so as to bind the whole more tightly. A further contrib-
utor to synthesis, in the domain of rhythm, is the technique of reinterpretation
of bars, the play of motives against the underlying meter; in the domain of voice-
leading, artistry, and beauty in the outer-voice counterpoint, and this indeed in
the counterpoint of the Urlinie as much as in the diminution, and especially the
long, artful transitional sections. And in each and everything the richest diversity,
testifying to the innity of organic life.
This alone is synthesis, this alone is ingenious, classical, and Germanfun-
damentally German!
As if he had descended from a musical Sinai where he had received the laws
of synthesis from Gods hand, Mozart passed these laws on to humanity as signs
of wonders. But they did not comprehend him. Already in his earliest years he
was superior to the musicians of his time, unapproachable. With the exception
of Emanuel Bach and Joseph Haydn, who were likewise blessed with the self-
suciency of genius, all of the others, whatever they were called, wherever they
lived and worked, had not the slightest capacity to comprehend his synthesis.
Neither the Piccinnis, Padre Martinis, Jomellis, Boccherinis, Paganellis, nor the
Dunis, Philidors, Monsignys, Schoberts, Eckards, Hochbruckers; neither Chris-
tian Bach, nor Gluck, Hasse, Cannabich, Stamitz, Holzbauer, Wendling, Vogler,
Eberlin, Gassmann, Abel, Eichner, etc.I am speaking now only of the time of
the twenty-two-year-old Mozartnot one of these could truly approach him on
a spiritual plane. He could, when he wished and, unfortunately, was often com-
pelled to, imitate all of them, even most barren of themin the most soulless,
cheapest sense of the word; but with the best of intentions not one of them could
do the same to him. Mozart freely oered his wonder, but his contemporaries ac-
cepted it as the empty heap of humanity is accustomed to receive such wonder,
tonwi lle 2
Und namentlich in T. 32. Schenker cannot be referring to bar 32 of the movement; more proba-
bly, he is thinking of the cadences at the end of the section comprising bars 10742, where the nal
tonic is given greater emphasis (both at bar 134 and at bar 142).
The page is given incorrectly in the original (356); this table, and others that illustrate toniciza-
tion schematically, do not appear in the English edition.
gaping, laughing with cheap astonishment, even bellowing, but the grace of the
wonder healed them not in the least, nor did it elevate their souls. When their
contact with him was past and the gaping and bellowing over, they became the
willing slaves even of those who utterly lacked divine inspiration.
So it was also with later generations. No musician, no teacher, still less an aes-
thete could grasp an iota of Mozarts art. An instinctive humility before genius
could still lead an Otto Jahn, the rst to attempt a full account of his life, to at-
tribute sacred powers to so incomprehensible a being, and he exhibits grateful
enthusiasm where knowledge would have actually intensied his gratitude and
enthusiasm. But shortly thereafter came the historians who, as a profession, have
no idea what it is to be in awe of the self-suciency of genius and who, Darwin-
like, search for Mozarts musical ape-ancestors; and since they are incapable of
reading Mozarts music, they confuse temporal proximity with spiritual and
then, according to their caprice or propensity for their own historical activity,
seek to interpret one or another artistic circle as the source of his art. {18} The his-
torians were proud to have tracked down common characteristics here and there,
but did not suspect that they themselves shared the characteristic of having made
no contact whatever with Mozart by these eorts.
Just as the Creator of the world is not what man knows of him, but rather
precisely that which the earthly blockhead does not know and certainly never will
know, so in the same way a Mozart, as a truly divine vessel, is also not that which
the historians claim he resembles, but is precisely that which they never were and
never could be.
In recent times, the attacks on Mozart have multiplied; now they originate in
the land of the French, where two biographies (see the discussion of the litera-
ture) seek to derive his art from French antecedents. The wave has already over-
whelmed Germany and a spiritual vassal of those Frenchso the most recent
biographer Mr. Schurig
identies himself, evidently with pridestands as the
rst to follow the likes of Stendhal, but for this very reason stands as far from
Mozart as did Stendhal, i.e. worlds apart; he even dares to slander and disparage
Mozart the man. Now the time has come to put an end to the democratic trade
of all of these enemies of progress who seek to historicize Mozart without hav-
ing even the faintest intimation of his spirit, and to reveal the concept of Mozart
as sacred and light in terms of his unsurpassed miracles. Here, I have opened a
little gate into his Paradise, welcoming all who are of good will, whose souls I can
show a wonder not through hollow faith, but for the sake of transguration
through knowledge.
Beneath the sun of Art, Mozart also ripened as a man more quickly than is
granted to other mortals. When he set down the A minor sonata, in his twenty-
second year, his destiny had already left its distinctive mark upon his life. His
human qualities were wonderfully in tune with his supernatural gift, but the re-
sistance of a barren humanity forced him into a struggle involving persuasion
and compulsion; and thus, in order to support himself, had no other choice but
to show his fellow human beings more facile gestures, which they could compre-
hend much more easily than his wondrous spiritual powers.
Mozart recognizes that the gift has come to him from above: he thanks God
for it and is devout, as only a genius may be devout. In full cognizance of his abil-
ities, he reveals them only when he must, and then only with the gentlest and
most modest words. In the midst of the quarrel between followers of Gluck and
Piccinni, he underscores his own superiority to both of them with the briefest of
remarks. He remains completely aloof from the conict and, by his own appear-
ance, immediately takes a decision that is to the disadvantage of both sides.
Where can one nd among the many, all too many esprit-fools (Grimm
those like him), just one soul who comprehended Mozart in his own time and
perceived the victory of ability over inability as embodied in him?
In his treatment of people, Mozart remains kindly, modest, gladly apprecia-
tive, and bares the claws of a genius only when his wondrous gift is maligned or
Mozarts Sonata in A Minor, K. 310
Artur Schurig, the author of a biography of Mozarts sister Nannerl and of the book that
Schenker is referring to here, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: sein Leben und sein Werk (Leipzig: Insel-
Verlag, 1913, revised in 1923 as Wolfgang Amad Mozart: sein Leben, seine Persnlichkeit, sein Werk).
Schurigs work is alluded to in the Miscellanea of Tonwille 3 (which were originally intended to be
published in the same volume as this essay), and revisited in the Miscellanea of Tonwille 4, where
several personalities mentioned in the essay on Mozarts K. 310Schurig, Vogler, and Stendhalare
discussed at greater length.
Baron Friedrich Melchior Grimm (17231807), a German writer and music critic active in Paris
until the French Revolution and closely associated with the Encyclopedists. He was on very close
terms with Mozart during his trip to Paris in 1778, and seems to have exerted some inuence on the
young composers approach to opera at a crucial moment in his career, shortly before the composi-
tion of Idomeneo. But they fell out in the summer of that year, a letter from Grimm to Leopold Mozart
(July 27) reporting Wolfgangs complacency and deciency of professional ambition (an extract of this
letter is quoted in Tonwille 3, p. 32/i, pp. 12930). Wolfgang wrote to his father on September 11, com-
plaining that Grimm misunderstood his talent and deemed him incapable of writing a French opera.
when the untalented (as in the case of Vogler
) behave immodestly. As only a ge-
nius can love and be thankful, he loves and honors his relatives and is grateful to
his father in spite of his tremendous superiority to him. He is a keen judge of
men, of princes, high and low servants of the Church (and for this very reason is
not servile, but devout), of rich and poor, of Germans, French, Italian; but he uses
his knowledge of human nature less in order to live with or even from men, since
in the end he lives only for his art. Not until {19} the time comes that Mozarts
scores can be read with understanding will one be able to understand why he got
so excited about the theatre, even from his childhood days, in which his greatest
works are anticipated, so that he surpasses even Shakespeare in his portrayal of
humanity. To the general mass of men, who merely live as lowly as their basic
needs require but do not suspect that everything that they ascribe to themselves
derives from the indispensible wares that can be had for money, behind which
they plod in self-interested darkness, to such a mass he knows nevertheless how
to convey his works to the man. Even if it were not the legacy of every genius, one
must marvelmore even than at the abundance of Mozarts work, more even
than at the wonder of his profoundnessat the energy with which he pursues his
work. He knew what he was doing, for despite his apparent cheerfulness and gre-
garious nature he led a lonely life, whose sole purpose was the fulllment of the
miracle with which he felt he had been blessed.
); it thrusts forward
to e
in bars 2528 (the tonic comes through clearly with a
of bar 26), where-
upon a repetition (in the higher octave) follows in bars 3033 under the force of
the pressing-forward, as in bars 16. The high register is maintained until the ca-
dence; then the direction of the line is reversed.
The way in which the Urlinie begins with g
in this segment is imitated in the
realm of harmonic degrees through the inversional ordering of themV enters
at the head (see Harmonielehre, pp. 44/pp. 31 )
so that, once again, sonata
synthesis is most eectively promoted.
The graph shows how the descending line of the consequent phrase of the rst
tonwi lle 2
This refers to bars 74 79 of the rst movement.
This is the section Form in the Works of C. P. E. Bach.
Schenkers reading of bar 41 gives him a complex case to argue: he wants to admit a thematic ar-
ticulation at the cadence of bar 41, but to assign this only the status of an inection of a more funda-
mental continuity, dened by the Urlinie descent passing through this measure. Each aspect of the
passage that he addresses reinforces one conception of the passage and, if not quite undermines, at
least complicates the other: the clear fact of the cadence makes for the articulation, while the rather
more theoretical proposition that the cadence is imperfect makes for the continuity. And in this sen-
tence Schenker seems to lose track for a moment of which fact argues for which reading, writing that
the cadences imperfection justies the identication of a new theme after it. In any event, the ambi-
guity of his reading is claried in the next sentence, and the problem of the cadences perfection is ad-
dressed later (at the end of the section about bars 20).
The passage referred to is 16, Inversion as Counterpart to Development.
} } } }
q . h
subject still exerts an eect in the inner voices of the second subject (how beauti-
fully it is able to veil the conduct of the diminution!); {28} how, further, the rst tone
of the downward arpeggiation, f
in bar 20, applies pressure to the line, as it were,
and forces it to climb to e
even though f
is itself not an Urlinie tone but only a
tone of diminution (a
in bar 27 similarly prepares g
in bar 27what necessity in
the apparently unrestrained world of diminutions!); and how, nally, the runs of the
right hand in bars 33 can be derived from arpeggiations, to which those of the left
hand reply (the rhythm of the latter originates in the arpeggiations of the preceding
bars). The concluding note of the eighth-note run in bar 41 feigns a perfect full ca-
dence, to be sure; against this, what argues for an imperfect one is that the line must
touch upon c
and b
if it wants to get from d
to a
and that the closing subject
commences with c (c
stands for c), which comes from the seventh d
see bar 40.
Bars 41. In bars 43, 45, and 4748, the leap of a fth e
expressly summa-
rizes the fth-progression just traversed by step, and sowhat a signicant
stroke of diminution [Zug der Diminution] in the service of synthesis!under-
scores the overall result of the second group, which as a totality can easily be
overlooked and forgotten, over and above the association of the specic second
and closing subjects.
Bars 49. The development provides its content in bars 4955 with the material
of the rst subject, and in bars 55 with that of the second subject. In contrast,
the line follows (apart from the changed harmonic meaning) the course of just
the antecedent of the rst subject: a
to c
(bar 69) and back to e
(bar 81).
The basic features express themselves in this segment as follows:
The tones a
and b
bars 50 and 61, fall in the weak bars of the groups. To
understand the hesitation in the continuation, another sketch will help:
) g
bar: 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 etc.
1 2 3 4 5 (6)
1 2 3 4 5 (6)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 bars 8 bars
If the motivic content of the eight-bar unit, bars 5562, had been repeated ex-
actly in bars 63, the tone c
in bar 69 would be expected to be weakly accented;
but since the reversal of the line is to begin with this tone, Beethoven makes a
point of altering the content and technique to indicate this as early as bar 68
(where the motive is in the bass), so that bar 69 is perceived as weak in a dier-
ent sense, namely, within a new group of bars. In this group, b
then falls in the
weak bar 71. The postponement of the principal tones is eected here through
falling fths with the signicance of harmonic degrees, as in bars 1115, except
that the chords are supported by their roots; incidentally, the consecutive-octave
succession of the outer voices is also eliminated by the falling fths:
bar 69 71
soprano: c
bass: C B
8 8
{29} After this, a
is already expected in bar 73; however, since the return
modulation is to begin with this tone, the master felt compelled to make a new
alteration in bar 73, which once again has the consequence that this bar becomes
strong and bar 74, where the a
falls, weak. From here on, the eight-bar unit ows
forth undisturbed, leading the principal tones in the weak bars 74, 76, 78. In order
to achieve a owing bass motion. Beethoven supports the principal tones with
chords of the sixth.
Corresponding to the other basic feature, the semitone progression a
bc in bars 4969 expresses the lines hesitation, in contrast to which the move-
ment of reversal is to be perceived as acceleration.
In particular, it should be noted that the harmonic progression in bars 4969
can be explained through the following chordal paths:
Beethovens Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. 1
} }
} }
} } } }
Schenkers terminology articulates a distinction between a group comprising a number of themes
(das zweite Gedankenganze) and the components of such a group (here, an eigentlicher zweiter Gedanke
and a Schlugedanke).
{ {
Fig. 1a shows the succession of harmonies IIIIII, with exchange of 56 and the
requisite chromaticism; accordingly, the assumption of independent harmonies
VI and VII is superuous. Fig. 1b gives the same succession, with the exception of
the inversion of the rst chord. In Fig. 1c, four-part writing supplies a bass voice,
and the picture thereby becomes similar to that at a): but since the chromatic
motion is, according to plan, reserved for the Urlinie that stretches above, the
freely-moving bass takes the opportunity to seek out, in between, the roots lying
a third lower [than the chromatic tones a
and b
], to which it moves in corre-
sponding passing motionsno harmonic degrees here! (See Freier Satz, sec-
tion on Auskomponierung.)
Accordingly the chord in bar 51 is only accidental,
formed from the coincidence of the passing tone g in the bass and the neighbor-
ing note b
in the upper voice. The path from a
to a
demands two groups of
three bars [Takttriolen], since the arpeggiation is discarded before bars 51 and 54.
This abbreviation serves the aim of the development, as, likewise, do the succes-
sion of disturbances shown in the sketch of bars 63, which come out even in a
ten-bar unit (5 2) and an eight-bar one.
In bar 81, a half-cadence. Then the tone e is transferred to a higher register (e
enters in place of e
): it is necessary to raise the register of the following content.
The graph shows how passing motions and neighboring tones even simulate har-
monic degrees over a pedal-point (cf. Freier Satz, section on Orgelpunkt).
nally (bars 93100), the line falls from e
to a
upon which tone the reprise be-
gins. Precisely in this group of bars, in order to prepare the return of the rst
subject, the basic feature [of presenting Urlinie tones in weak positions] comes
forward particularly sharplysee d
, c
, b
in the weak bars 96, 98, 100. It is now
no longer chord progressions that produce this eect, but a fth-progression in
the bass, thus a passing motion from the fundamental tone C to F. Among the
auxiliary chords (bars 95, 97, 99), only the middle one (bar 97) manages to sim-
ulate a dominant to the following main chord, as though VI in F minor, while
the striving of the others for the same appearance founders on the higher re-
quirement of the tonality (cf. Freier Satz, section on Knotenpunkte)
larly so in bar 95, where the tonal C of the bass does not give way to {30} the c
required for the character of a dominant.
(About false interpretations of this
chord, see the discussion of the literature.)
Bars 101. In the reprise, the diminution at bar 111 is striking; it is to be under-
stood thus:
In Fig. 2a the origins can be seen: the chromatic alteration of the minor third for
the purpose of tonicization, accompanied by the lowering of g to g
; Fig. 2b now
shows the third voice as the lowest. True to the basic feature, the tones fall in weak
bars here, toosee a
, f
in bars 110, 112, 114. How this technique also takes
hold of the lowest voice, with tying-over [suspensions in parallel tenths], is espe-
cially beautiful to see. Accordingly, appearances deceive in bars 11112: the chord
is formed by passing
7, and is thus no independent
,3-chord on E
. That the gure
in the right hand nevertheless strikes out from b
is to be understood as a re-
sponse to c
of bar 107. (For a similarly free elaboration, see for example Mozarts
Piano Sonata in D major, K. 311, Andante, bar 37.) In bars 11516, the diminution
indulges in a motive of its own: e
, which works itself loose from the
turning gure, as it were, and is imitated by the left hand. The repetition in bars
11718 establishes the facts of the matter unambiguously.
Regarding the stretching out of the fth in bars 14244 and nally bars 146
47, see what has been said about bars 43. But here at the end, as the example
shows, the leap of a fth stirs up yet a last full-edged unrolling of the falling
fth-progression c
, suitable for a coda, and the basic feature of the movement
accompanies even this one to the very end!
For deeper study, I warmly recommend that you represent the content for
yourself in a reduction of durational values, as shown below. This will aord in-
structive insight, especially into the reinterpretation of weak bars as strong ones.
The picture so attained also might be reinterpreted as a metrical schema:
_ _
_ _
, etc.
tonwi lle 2
An early version of this treatise, in the Oster Collection, species a chapter on Auskomponier-
ung; in the nal version of Der freie Satz, 247, on Auswerfen eines Grundtones (addition/extrap-
olation of a root), is relevant to this discussion.
An early version of this treatise (Oster Collection) species a paragraph on pedal points; see also
Harmonielehre, 16970.
Nodal points are not specically mentioned in Der freie Satz, but they are discussed in Kontra-
punkt ii, part 3, chapter 2, 2.
[S]Compare, for example, Beethovens Op. 53, rst movement, development, bars 104.
from which an understanding will be gained, in this respect as well, of the rhyth-
mic freedom of the whole.
Second Movement (Adagio)
The form of this Adagio is four-part:
A1 bars 116
modulation and B1 bars 16(17)30
return modulation bar 31
A2 bars 3247
B2 bars 4861
In the graph, p. 78, the upper line represents the Urlinie, while the system located
below it presents the rst unrolling of it. The pulse of the Urlinie beats with slow
solemnity, and one grasps how diminutions need not {31} represent any contra-
diction of the character of an adagio. (The younger generation of composers
err when they feel entitled to demand only oh-so-solemn song of an adagio,
whether with chorales thrown in or notBruckner, for exampleand oer at
best superuous arpeggiations and other sonic drapery as a substitute for dimi-
nution. What an adagio calls for, above all, is just long-distance hearing [Fern-
hren], which allows the gifted to part the waves of diminution safely.)
Bars 1. A1 has a little three-part song form; a
, bars 18, with full cadence, more-
over has an antecedent and consequent. In bar 6 of the consequent, the Urlinie
wafts up to an upper neighboring note (b
). At the same moment, in the lower
gure we see the Urlinie reaching back another third higher, so that the line, now
falling from d
to f
, presents two rounds of thirds (referred to by the numbers 1
and 2), the basic third [b
] and one wrapped around it [d
], as it
were. The actual elaboration goes further still, surrounding the tone d
with a sig-
nicant circle of tones and harmonies. It does no harm to the diminution, of
coursehere no more than at any other pointthat it produces a progression
of harmonic degrees at the same time, without detriment to the fundamental
sense: even if the dependent harmonies weigh heavily upon the diminution and
it appears as though Urlinie and diminution were separating, in reality the fun-
damental power to show the way is reserved to the former alone.
Bars 9. In the b section, the tone b
, lately whispered as a mere neighbor-note
sigh, is now installed, in its capacity as seventh of the dominant, as a tone of equal
rank in the Urlinie, as though [this segment of] the Urlinie actually began with
this tone. (Hence we have the illusion of a mere two-part song form, a
: bars 18,
: bars 916.) An ascending register transfer also occurs in this section. The usual
exchange of voices proceeds above the dominant, and on the third quarter of bar
10 the diminution even nds occasion to refer to bars 12 in sixteenths (reduced
note values).
Bars 13. In a
, which resembles just the consequent of a
, the wrapping [of
thirds], made possible only by the register transfer, reaches still higher; the leap
fd across bars 5|6 is lled out, so that three rounds of thirds can be distin-
guished in the falling line. Note the slight alteration in the rhythmic arrange-
ment of the harmonies in comparison to bars 59, which attests to the masters
feeling for variety.
Bars 16. The F major tonic is reinterpreted immediately as the IV of C major.
In bars 1720 the upper line expresses just a stationary f in a neighbor-note
conguration f(eg)f, in that f
and e
could well have stood in for d
. Corresponding to this is the harmonys dwelling on D; for the chord on A
is merely an upper-fth divider, dedicated to the two neighbor notes in the
middle (I[V]I in D minor). In a similar fashion the D harmony ts in as an
extended component (II) in the modulatory cadence introduced in bar 16; and
when the diminution at last clearly acknowledges the tone f
in bar 21, it then
becomes all the more clear that the Urlinie has hovered on this tone since bar 16.
(It would be a mistake to mark Beethoven down for antiparallel motion in the
transition from bar 16 to bar 17; such steps are indispensable in free com-
position, where even similar motion to a perfect interval is often justied, not
only because of the formal division but also on grounds of harmonic progres-
Beethovens Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. 1
[S]The motives stretch out as far as six quarter-notes from the third quarter-note of this bar to
the third quarter-note of the bar after next; but I have omitted to indicate these relationships in the
musical example, because their entries often aect only lling tones and not Urlinie ones.
sion; cf. Kontrapunkt II, pp. 196/pp. 142, and Freier Satz, section on Oene
Bars 21. The older masters often just juxtaposed the modulatory passage, together
with the beginning part of the main subject in the new key, to a main subject (see,
for example, Bachs {32} Italian Concerto, rst movement), and Beethoven pro-
ceeds exactly in this way in the Adagio. Apart from dierent ornamentation
(which in any case is not easily noticed), the basic motive of bars 12 is also the
content of the B1 section. And more than this, the B1 section matches completely
with the preceding modulation and preparation of the seventh (f before e) in bars
916, as though b and a
of the A1 section merely wanted to repeat themselves
here, though in the new key of C major. But do not overlook the dierences: the
extension of bars 2225 (in comparison to bars 1314) and the newly altered
rhythmic arrangement of the harmonies. From bar 27 on the main motive even
comes out clearly, as a result of which something like the eect of a coda is es-
tablished. The outcome for the Urlinie consists only in the ascending leading tone
evidently a stroke of impatience and passion (note the
sforzato accents piled on over the forte).
Bars 41. The lines of the trio, ascending as well as descending, reach only as far
as a third and thus follow faster in counterplay upon one another (in bars 4144).
In the consequent, which presents a modulation along with the inversion of
Beethovens Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. 1
voices, the ascending line is stretched out in the bass, while the descending one
applies another wrapping of a third (f
), before presenting the actual contin-
uation of bars 4344 with d
in bars 4849.
In the b section, bar 51, two lines are in counterpoint to one another. Here the
ascending one shows a striving, through the chaining together of two extensions
of a third,
, to reach the seventh of the dominant, which so much demands
a reversal of direction. Next, the tone a (bar 54), merely on a detour by way of the
falling line, makes contact with b
in bar 57; only on the second approach (which,
for the reasons just explained, has an eect of close position, but nonetheless in
reality represents an inversion) does the ascending line reachalthough a far-
reaching diminution that extinguishes the tendency toward inversion in its pro-
gressions in thirds and then
-chordsa and b
themselves in the higher octave
in bars 6061. A compensatory descent at last brings b
, with whichas though
the line had remained from the beginning in the one-line octavecomes the cue
for the a
In respect of diminution technique, notice that this proceeds as in Fig. 5a in
ascent, and as in Fig. 5bexactly the same, only invertedin descent:
except that Fig. 5a introduces the step of a second into the line, whereas Fig. 5b
introduces two tones. In bars 6165, it is actually Fig. 5b that is in eect:
bar 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 |
a g f | e f e d c d | c | b
and this alone is the reason why the last dotted half notes are experienced more
as a (written-out) ritardando of the whole action than as the earlier counterpoint
(bars 5153 and 5557)although certainly no ear can resist this allusion either.
Fourth Movement (Prestissimo)
The last movement is to be considered as a sonata form, even despite the unusual
appearance of the development section, which assumes a three-part song form.
The latter is not out of place here, probably less because the return-modulation
section conforms to the characteristics of a usual development, than because the
only general prescription that can reasonably given for the organization of a de-
velopment is to arrange it so that it works as a wedge, creating tension between
the exposition and the recapitulation (cf. Harmonielehre, pp. 10/pp. 9 ). {34}
Bars 1. The rst subject shows antecedent and consequent, of which the latter is
linked to the modulation to C minor. The colorful motivic and harmonic bustle
in the antecedent, bars 19, stems, as the graph of the Urlinie on p. 81 shows (for
the sake of importance and clarity I have set this place apart in a line of its own),
from the mutual opposition of a fourth- and a fth-progression in the outer
voices. Given the dierent numbers of tones, the two outer voices naturally do
not keep step with one another (cf. Freier Satz for the many possibilities for
mastering this awkwardness).
Here the master takes the following course:
against e
of the upper voice he sets two tones of the lower, g and a
(sixth and
fth)so that there would have been the possibility from here on of linking
the diminutions with 31 or 108 for the course of the remaining simultaneities
; but, under the spell of the motives will to repetition (see the brackets in the
lower system), he feels entitled to repeat ga
of the fth-progression immedi-
ately and even to expend the last two tones of the fourth-progression on it, and
for the same reason nally to repeat this, too (with an exchange of the two pro-
gressions). Notice in particular how the basic motive, which expresses the leap of
a fth (f
) in the time span of eight quarter notes (from the second beat of the
rst bar to the second beat of the third), is first repeated in the same span, but
then, in the continuation from the second beat of bar 5, there is an abbreviation
of the motive (the leap of a fourth in just four quarter notes), whose more fre-
quent repetitions provide rhythmic balance (4 4 bars 2 8; see the larger
brackets in bars 59). Particularly eective is the fact that, at the moment of com-
pensation, the upper voice recalls the leap of a fth again, even from upbeat to
It is understandable that such a contrary disposition of the two linear pro-
gressions must also provide an illusion of harmonic degrees (here, in eect, III
VI). But truer to the facts is the fth-progression, which is able to explain these
chords without exception as harmonic accidents of the voice-leading; it is the
form that bids us accept
IV before V.
tonwi lle 2
The simultaneous movement of linear progressions with unequal numbers of tones is dis-
cussed in Der freie Satz in 228.
Bars 9. The consequent begins in this bar, as is determined above all by the entry
of a new segment of the Urlinie. Compared to this, it avails little that the rhythm
of the motive obviously reaches back to that of bars 5. If one recognizes in bars
12 a counterpart to bar 8 (on account of the motivic tension from downbeat to
downbeat; see the bracket in the upper line), then for exactly this reason one can
very well describe the consequent as an imitation of the antecedent of bars 15,
shortened in the haste of modulation. If the motive nally returns in the original
time span of eight quarter notes, from the second beat of bar 13 on, then it is justi-
able only to speak of a rearrangement of the rhythmic progressions here. The an-
tecedent takes in four large brackets, whereas the consequent, with modulation
appended, runs to six, of which the latter is emphatically further extended.
Bars 22. The cadence of the modulation comes to its conclusion with e
of the
Urlinie in bar 22. What follows is the second subject. Its point is to present a con-
clusion to the line of the consequent and modulation, a
, with the leading tone
and tonic dc. As if on cue, the master passionately grasps the tone a
, precisely
the head of this very line, as early as the second quarter of this concluding bar
(bar 22) and sets the line in motion. In a whirl of the two beginning notes (a
g) the momentum is increased and there is a wild push into the upper octave,
above e
in bar 24. Only with a
, regained in bar 26, is the accumulated pressure
discharged into a line, which roars down to the tonic note, {35} sweeps the as-
cending leading tone along with it, and only in this way throws o the weight of
two harmonic cycles. But the greed for height and more height thirsts unap-
peased: the line begins with c, rages its way down through the space of an octave
(the realization resorts to the lower octave for purely pianistic reasons), and then
begins again (bar 34) with e
, from which point it hurtles down a tenth!
In the
Beethovens Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. 1
In this sentence c lacks a registral superscript. Probably it should be c
, to mediate between
the a
found in bar 26 and the e
asserted for bar 34; the absence of this c
is acknowledged, however
obscurely, by Schenkers remark about a purely pianistic resort to the lower octave. It should
be noted, however, that the e
that denes the ascent (and the greed for height) is likewise imagi-
nary; also that this ascent is represented, not by the pitch succession on either treble sta of the graph
of the Urlinie (the higher one presumably the Urlinie, the lower an elaboration, as explained in the
latter place the realization shows three falling lines that could even be taken for
the actual one; the rst is still in the lower octave, like bars 30, until Urlinie and
realization nd themselves in the same register in bar 36. But directly in conse-
quence of the fact that larger values of the Urlinie, as if in reection, are con-
cealed behind the rushing quarter notes of the realization, this place has the won-
derful overtone of an indeed passionate, yet at the same time secretly borne, song
that agitates and soothes at once, a painfully animated adagio in the midst of the
Prestissimo. It is chiey this secret eect that leads the listener (see also the dis-
cussion of the literature) to believe the second subject to be only here. Attached
in the most abrupt way, the last line of course presents no more than the suc-
cession e
dc, and only now are we able to feel the ery will of the tone e
bar 22,
which does not rest until followed, as though immediately, by the de-
scending leading tone and the tonic. What long-distance hearing! What impro-
visatory art of the young master!
Bars 50. These bars must be spoken of as a closing subject. The line indulges only
in the exchange of ascending leading tone and tonic, while the basic motivein
its blind rage, one might saywhips up the storm again.
Bars 59. These bars constitute a
of the three-part song form. In groups of ten
bars, the line runs through the fth from e
to a
in two progressions (see the
Urlinie), of which the second is accelerated. But in spite of all this stimulation, it
remains the case that the line, commencing with e
, now also provides relaxation
and resolution of the line of the second subject beginning from the same tone, to
which e
has become a true daemon, through contrasts: there the distance and
abruptness of plummets (sixth, octave, tenth), here the brevity (fth) and gentle
inclination (in fourths) of hesitant descents; there C minor coming from F minor,
here A
major leading back to F minor.
Bars 79. The line in the b-section of the song form shows even more onsets than
in the a
section: It reaches d
rst, in bar 80, takes c
only in the second attempt,
as it were, in bar 82, claries the path in bars 8386, and thereby strikes a bridge
to a
, whose individual linear progressions then land on still lower tones, at b
and nally a
Bars 109. This passage reveals its meaning only through consideration of the
Urlinie. The last fourth-progression, d
in bars 1089, suggests a further de-
scent, and there follows c
then b
, which together amount to just c
But what force the master applies, in this passage of octaves, to conne the Ur-
linie just to the higher octave! The harmonic progression also deserves particular
attention, because of a particularly outstanding trait; here is an outline:
Generally such a sequence of chords merely serves the purposes of passing mo-
tion, in which the exchange 56, including the chromatic notes, helps to avoid
consecutive fths; but here the master exploits the same sequence for harmonic
degrees and modulation, he merely suppresses the fourth chord, and instead sur-
rounds the fth all the more powerfully with neighbor-note chords before nally
turning the inner voice into the upper voice in the last three chords. It is superu-
ous to interpolate a VI between the I and IV, bars 117 and 125, since it is rather the
fth-progression IIV that comprehends the progression more logically (see
Freier Satz).
It remains an open question, whether it should be d
or d in the fourteenth bar of the sec-
ond part. The last half measure refers distinctly to C minor, and if one wants to strip bars 13
and 14 of their ornamentaion, then the following very natural harmony results:
But it is not impossible that Beethoven imagined the c delayed by d
. Admittedly, in the pe-
riod in which he wrote this Sonata, he called for such harshness only rarely. In any case it
seems to me risky to state categorically that d
should be recognized as the correct read-
ing. If Beethoven may have forgotten the
the appearance is avoided of the slur beginning only with A. According to Artaria
and Lischke the place of the pp in bar 31 is controversial; Artaria attaches it to f
Lischke to g
in the second quarter note in the right hand; to me, in contrast, this
embarrassment gives the impression that the composer merely felt hindered by
the closely placed staves from writing the pp right at the beginning of the second
quarter, where it appears best to belong, due to the seventh (in the left hand) that
eects the return modulation.
No less dicult is the question of the slur in bar 32: Artaria shows the slur
over the 2nd and 3rd quarters, Lischke over the entire bar. If one considers that
an upbeat with the value of a quarter note precedes bar 1, that in contrast a two-
quarter-note gure (under a slur) enters in place of the quarter note in bar 31,
then the version in Artaria may be justied, which, for the sake of equilibrium,
articulates the rst quarter note of bar 32 independently. In bar 42, I follow both
rst editions exactly with respect to the slur. If this may appear unusual in con-
sideration of the fact that the second quarter note presents the resolution of the
suspension of a fourth, which as such should be slurred to the suspension, it is
again the large number of notes in the second and third quarter notes that re-
quires, as it were, taking a new breath on the second quarter note.
About the bass in bar 52 there is a long and amusing story. As is well known,
the old practice was to place the extension dot at the point at which the exten-
sion should occur, and so Beethoven wrote the extending dot in bar 52 under the
fth eighth note. But obviously his dot came out too fat,
and this alone has
suced to throw almost all editors from Artaria to the present into confusion.
Because they do not know to connect this supposed notehead with the previous
one, they write:
My correction does away with the problem, yet given this opportunity I cannot
refrain from calling attention to the wonderful notation in the right hand: {39}
the way in which Beethoven takes pains there to write the eighth-note passage in-
tended for the right hand in the bass sta (he makes a point of laying great value
on such a distinction), then beams the last eighth note with the sixteenth-note
gure, for the sake of performance, but nonetheless still extends the slur as far as
f ! (With the transfer of the eighth-note passage into the treble clef, as given in all
later editions, the beauty of the notation is unfortunately lost.) In bar 59 neither
Artaria nor Lischke shows a tie between the two g
s of the right hand; here in fact
is a turn gure between two notes (g
and a
), whose ending-tone is merely as-
sumed into large notation and presented at the appropriate place (cf. Ornamen-
tik, pp. 58/pp. 114 ).
In bar 28 of the Menuetto, my edition follows the rst editions; through pres-
entation of the motive in the treble clef, the connection with the preceding bars
comes to light more strikingly (see, for example, the Erluterungsausgabe of
Op. 101, rst movement, bar 16 and also bar 30). In bars 5962, Artaria gives Bee-
thovens ngering (it is not in Lischke; more on this below).
In bar 10 of the Prestissimo, in Artaria and Lischke, no sux to the trill. In
bar 34, c
of the right hand in Artaria and Lischke without e
: particularly exqui-
site is the very fact that e
rst appears on the upbeat, but now over c and indeed
as though through inversion of the suppressed lower sixth. The two rst editions
also know nothing of the dots and slurs above the upbeat quarter notes in bars
34, 36, and 38; thus Beethoven intentionally reserved this expression until bars 40
and 41. With the repeat sign in bar 59, I follow the rst editions; one has the duty
to recognize such a fact about the history of the sonata, without of course allow-
ing oneself to be misled by it in understanding the sonata form. Bars 11112: the
right hand without slurs in Artaria and Lischke. In bar 161, obviously an oversight
in the manuscript or in the rst editions, which put all the quarter notes of the
left hand together under one slur.
, ,
which must not be gratuitously contradicted with a variant rhythm. Nothing
about this is changed by the grace-note appended to the turn (on the same gure
see also, for example, Mozarts Sonata in D major, K. 311, Andante, bar 43). It is
recommended to bind bars 6 and 7 through dynamics:
in such a way that emphasis is given only to the IV of the second cycle of har-
monies; in spite of this, the rst sixteenth note of bar 7 demands its own expres-
sion as an accented passing note. My preferred execution of the turn in bar 7 is
no longer familiar to the musicians of today; one nds it written out in Beetho-
ven, for example in the Adagio movements of Op. 59, No. 1, [bars 7778,] and
Op. 74, [bars 6869 and 93,] and so on (cf. Ornamentik, pp. 58/pp. 114 ). The
accompaniment in bars 911 must be played legatissimo, in such a way that the
hand can reproduce the upward and downward motion of the gure through
corresponding light motion in a lateral direction. Bars 17 (with upbeat) have to
ow forth in the sense of a modulation in progress, not doing anything like linger
in the sense of a newly starting Trio section or the like (see the discussion of the
literature). At the leap of a sixth at the across bars 2021 one should think of the
upbeat of bar 1 and thus prepare oneself for the variation of the main motive in
bars 2223! The two sf in the right and left hands in bars 2324 are to be played
more quickly one after the other, which in turn is to be accomplished through a
portamento execution of the sixteenth notes of the third beat. In the performance
of the main motive in bars 2728 (also 2930) the sfp must be expressed through
a certain accelerating inclination toward the rst quarter of bar 28; tempo com-
pensation occurs after the sfp. The tone repetition in the sixteenth notes in bar 34
should be brought to a positively verbal expression (cf. Kontrapunkt i, pp. 64/
pp. 42 ). In the guration across bars 37|38, take care to play the [triplet] six-
teenth and the thirty-second on the second eighth of each beat exactly together;
then the remaining tones, too, will automatically nd their right position. In bars
4043, the movement of the left hand as in bars 911. In bar 44, the execution of
the turn as in bar 7. Bars 54 55 and 5657 to be played the same way as bars 29
30. In bar 59, an expressive performance of the inner voice will also support the
crescendo required for the right hand.
Since the prominent tones in bars 14 of the minuet express a turn, the b
that falls on the rst strong beat deserves an emphasis with >, which must be
heralded by another >on the preceding upbeat quarter note.
bar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
| b
| a
| g | a
|| c | d
| c | b
| c |
> >
(Similar emphasis should be given to the rhythmic reductions in the left hand.)
The eighth-note graces in bars 11 and 13 are of course to be played short, but ex-
pressively, in the value of sixteenth notes (cf. Ornamentik, p. 33/pp. 69 ). In bar
30, the trill transfers the emphasis {42} from the third quarter note to the rst
quarter note of the following bar, and there it remainssee the sfin bars 32
and 33 also. Across bars 34|35, where the sf and p collide, the urgency of tempo and
force must be so increased that, in bar 35, a is expected, rather than a p; but just
in the last moment the pressure exhausts itself, and the last three tones of the Ur-
linie sink into piano in bars 3536, as if suddenly weakened. This eect will be
achieved through a hesitation before the piano, which gives the exuberance an
opportunity to discharge itself into the air, so to speak, instead of into the next
tone. In bar 43, the change of direction in the line should be made expressive. The
4 3 suspension in bar 47 is to be underscored with >, and the increased pro-
gression of harmonic degrees in bar 48 with < >between the second and
third eighth notes of the left hand. My edition communicates Beethovens nger-
ing for bars 5962; in addition, another possible one is suggested in a footnote.
(With regard to other ngerings, see the discussion of the literature.)
Only a rm adherence to the sense of the content, as the Urlinie unveils it, will
enable the player to perform the Prestissimo correctly; otherwise, however much
re there may be in his performance, he will only grope snail-like from place to
place. For faster indeed than any velocity that the human hand can bring about
is the ight of inspiration, such as can vicariously be experienced here. In bars 2
4 the imitation (fef) in the bass must be made clear. In bars 5, a ritardando is
superuous, since the tempo already appears to be slowed down when the triplets
drop out. The trills in bars 910 may be played as short trills [Pralltriller]; with
ve notes even the sux can be dispensed with. The sf accents reserved for bar 19
must be played as hyperintensication. From bar 20 on, the player should indulge
in the strong, but always circumspect, use of the pedal, unrestrained by the
whirling overlaps of the Urlinie (see the graph of the Urlinie). No sooner than he
has touched on a
in bar 22, he should already be pressing toward e
in bar 24,
and yet further to the a
in bar 26, the c
in bar 30, and nally the e
in bar 34!
And not even the peculiar satisfaction that undoubtedly arises from the attain-
ment of the nal goal in bar 34, as well as from the enlargement of time values
Beethovens Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. 1
(which amounts to a retardation: see the graph of the Urlinie), may calm the
storm. For only by way of a continuous growling will it be possible to reach bars
50 in a mood that will allow these measures to be appended logically. All the
calming eect of the development, bars 59109, one can condently entrust to
the contrast in tonality, accompaniment, abbreviation, and play of the Urlinie. To
the eighth notes of bar 65 one should bring awareness of an progression of fun-
damental tones [Urtnezug] beginning a step lower, and build up ten-bar units as
though along with it. In bar 81, the circumstance of the tonics occurring without
a suspended fourth (c already in the chord) makes a sux to the trill undesirable;
and then likewise in bar 84, for the sake of the parallelism (although it would be
less out of place here). From the repetitions in the higher octave, bars 6978, 87
94, and 1039, the player should create the feeling for their decisive signicance
in bars 11127, too, in order to be able to achieve the right performance of these
passages. In bar 125, in the fortissimo, two Urlinie tones force their way into one
bar for the rst time: the quarter rest in the inner voice here actually serves to give
this new event more emphasis. The imitations from right hand to left hand in
bars 127 should be played with import, and the same performance is repeated in
the concluding bars 199 [recte: 189] as well, although here the imitation is in the
right hand alone. {43}
Now to the literature. If only Beethoven were preserved in its strata of paper, at
least in the way ancient human, animal, and plant remains are in geological
strata, then we would have to be thankful even for that. But neither an outline of
the whole nor a sign of the parts is to be found therein short, not a shadow of
his musical embodiment: woe to anyone who looks there for an impression of
Beethovens spirit!
Czerny (Groe Pianoforte-Schule, part IV) on the rst movement: The charac-
ter of this rst movement is serious and passionately agitated, powerful and de-
cisive, and without any of those gures of piano passagework which otherwise
conventionally separate ideas from one another. The tempo is a lively, yet not too
fast, alla breve. . . .
From the fourth bar of this movement begins a small ritardando and cres-
cendo, which increases up to the fermata. Bars 4144 of the rst part are likewise
to be played with increasing ritardando, and only in the second half of bar 45 does
the tempo reenter decisively. From the twentieth bar of the second part [bar 68],
the following 22 bars are to be performed with ever-increasing power and liveli-
ness, very legato, and at the same time especially expressively in the bass.
On the second movement: There now follows, with soothing eect, the gen-
tle Adagio, lled with feeling and melody, to be played in a slow but not dragging
tempo and always cantabile, in which above all a beautiful touch and a strict
legato as well as an absolutely steady tempo is eective. In the following place (bar
37 is quoted), the thirty-second notes of the right hand are to be played very ten-
derly, and completely independently of the sextuplets of the bass.
On the third movement: Moody and lively, so the Allegretto is not to be
taken in the usual restful pace here. The Trio gentle and legato.
In the second part of this Trio, we suggest the following ngering in bars
On the fourth movement: Stormily agitated, almost dramatic, like the depiction
of some kind of serious event. In the rst section, beginning from bar 22, both
hands extremely legato. In bars 3539 crescendo, and the right hand very cantabile.
The rst fty bars of the second section [bars 58107] with tender, restful ex-
pression, but not dragging. From the fty-rst bar [bar 108] on, the original live-
It is idle to waste even one word on this; for Czerny says nothing. He was
around Beethoven, certainly, and learned people draw far-reaching conclusions
from this, but is not the genius, as a rule, condemned to a circle of people who
have nothing in common with him but physical proximity?
Next come two composition teachers, one older, one more recent:
tonwi lle 2
Carl Czerny, Die Kunst des Vortrags der lteren und neueren Clavierkompositionen, oder: Die
Fortschritte bis zur neuesten Zeit, Supplement (oder 4ter Theil) zur grossen Pianoforte-Schule, Op. 500
(Vienna: Diabelli, 1842), available to the translator as ber den richtigen Vortrag der smtlichen Bee-
thovenschen Klavierwerke, ed. Paul Badura-Skoda (Vienna: Universal Edition, 1963). In this paragraph
and the following three, Schenker quotes the entire passage dealing with the sonata (except for un-
glossed excerpts from the score and a brief passage citing the third volume in support of a recom-
mendation that the metronome be used), pp. 34 36 of the original, 2628 of the reprint. Schenkers
changes to Czernys orthography have been undone.
Marx (Kompositionslehre, Part III, 1857) writes of the rst movement:
The consequent phrase commences with the main motive, plays itself out
further with the second motive (bars 914 quoted)
Anyone can see and hear that; but why exactly from e
and why only to c
but nds no closure, and instead runs on, Gang-like, into the second sub-
ject group. [p. 260]
Not Gang-like, but corresponding to the Urlinie motive of bars 78.
As early as the fth bar of the consequent, the relative major is reached,
in which key the second subject group is to begin; [p. 269]
But the modulation begins already in bar 9, and not in bar 13.
a light appendix reinforces the modulation by twice suggesting the dom-
inant key of the relative major (bars 1518 quoted) (the last two bars are
repeated); [26970]
The phrase
moves to the V of the new key, but not beyond this into a new key
of E
and now the second group begins, at the very start even in the dominant
key. [p. 270]
What strikes Marx here is the chord on E
at the head of the second subject,
which is in A
major; but, the less he appreciates the implications of this trait
one looks for such things in vain in Bruckners symphonic movements, for
examplethe more easily it occurs to him to assume a new key, and, besides this,
to underscore this monstrosity with compulsive cheer with even, as though
human words would suce at all to render the horrendous eect of a landslide
of keys, A
, if, as Marx here supposes, it really occurred in the space of
only eight bars. {44}
The rst subject is formed of upward-striving two-bar segments; the sec-
ond subject answers almost literally exactly with a downward-turned mo-
tive (bars 2022 quoted), that, owing by means of its coherent and even
accompaniment (which the rst subject did not have), repeated three
times, is led forth, the third time, into a beautifully sweeping Gang in the
same motion [in gleicher Bewegung]. [pp. 28384]
Aside from the fact that such feeble hearing does not need to be taught in the rst
place, Marx also commits a contradiction, when he counts the beautifully sweep-
ing Ganghe means bars 2628which is turned upward, with the third rep-
etition of the motive, which is directed downward.
The content of these bars
signies something else, however, namely the Urlinie progression a
thus also more than merely a third repetition, let alone Marxs beloved Gang. It
is in just such inspired combinations of ideas that our masters art of sonata form
until the closing subject, likewise thrice repeated, returns to the motion
and form of accompaniment of the rst subject. [p. 284]
But closure lies above all in the formation of the motive, which descends with
the remainder of the Urlinie tones of the fth-progression, (c)c
, to the
tonic note.
On the development:
The rst part has closed in A
major; the second begins with the rst seg-
ment [Abschnitt] of the rst subject in the same key, and establishes itself,
with a repetition of the last bar, on the dominant, [p. 294]
which here is not a real dominant (scale degree), however, but, as a passing tone,
a merely horizontal phenomenon,
Beethovens Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. 1
Adolf Bernhard Marx, Die Lehre von der musikalischen Komposition, praktisch theoretisch (Leip-
zig: Breitkopf & Hrtel; the translator had access to the fourth edition, published in 1868), Dritter Theil:
Die angewandte Kompositionslehre, pp. 25960. This and the following quotations about the rst
movement are extracted from the Sixth Book, Fifth Division, Closer Consideration of Sonata Form;
subsequent citations of this section are indicated by bracketed page numbers in the text. Excerpts
from this section can be found in Musical Form in the Age of Beethoven: Selected Writings on Theory
and Method, a selection of Marxs writings edited and translated by Scott Burnham (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1997); the terms Satz and Gang, where Marx uses them as complemen-
tary opposites in thematic construction (see Burnhams discussion in Musical Form in the Age of Bee-
thoven, p. 14), will be left untranslated. Schenkers changes to Marxs orthography have been undone.
Satz: Schenker adopts Marxs word.
Apparently Schenker understands gleicher Bewegung as in the same direction, a reading
that would indeed generate the contradiction that he ascribes to Marx; a more charitable reading
would be with the same motion, referring to the continuity of the accompanying eighth notes,
whose onset Marx has just mentioned, and whose cessation he will mention in the next quoted pas-
sage. Burnhams rendering, that is equally mobile (Musical Form in the Age of Beethoven, p. 135), is
then repeats the segment a [bars 12] and proceeds, again with a repeti-
tion of the last bar, to the dominant of B
minor, thus to the subdominant
of the main key. [p. 294]
Only if Beethoven had gone directly back to F minor from this B
minor would
it have been permissible for Marx to mention the main key at this point; but since
this is not the case, the minor triad on B
is certainly not yet the B
minor that
would exert pressure on the main key as its subdominant. In the world of syn-
thesis, the sense of interaction, of relationship, is decisive, not value in itself.
Now the subsidiary subject enters, for eight bars, with a turn to C minor
(dominant of the principal key)presented there twice for two bars by
the upper voice, for two bars more by the bass, by this voice again on the
dominant of B
minor, and yet again on that of A
minor (the minor of
the relative keya stepwise descent from C to B
to A
minor). [p. 294]
Ignorance of the nature of musical elaboration [Auskomponierung] and mix-
turesee Harmonielehre, pp. 106/pp. 84takes its vengeance with Marx, in
that, because of f
, he actually speaks of A
minor in bars 7174, as he did of C
minor and B
minor shortly before. But we see a major and not a minor triad in
bar 74, and therefore must identify the minor-mode elaboration of the dominant
as merely a trait of mixture. Moreover, the minor triads on C (bar 69) and on B
(bar 71), which Marx takes for keys, refer in fact to the diatonic system of A
major and not A
minor (see Harmonielehre, pp. 59/pp. 45 ).
and then presented entirely in the manner of a Gang over a pedal point,
where a motive of the rst subject nally invites to it and thereby into the
third part. [294]
But the sinking from c
to e
in bars 6981 lends this group of measures the char-
acter of an indivisible whole, especially as the right-hand counterpoint that coin-
cides with the outcome of the Urlinie in bars 2022 (there ga
, here bc), and
which, in the sequel, is even thrice repeated in augmentation, grows out to be its
leading motive. In this connection one is astounded at the high art of synthesis
with which the young master departs from the repetition of the left-hand motive
in bar 73, in order to let the augmentation of the contrapuntal motive and its
threefold repetition enter as a new driving forcein this case along with a tonal
division. Marx therefore reads the passage incorrectly when he attributes decisive
signicance only to bars 6773, because of the motive from bars 2022, but writes
o the remainder of the bars with in the manner of a Gang, just because no
other similarly marked motive gets in his way there.
On the Adagio:
The rst subject is a two-part song in F major. Its conclusion is followed
immediately by the subsidiary subject in D minor.
Marx understands the Adagio as a three-part form with principal, subsidiary, and
principal subjects.
It [the subsidiary subject] presents itself at rst in line with a song form;
its rst bars (bars 1620 quoted) appear as antecedent of a rst part,
which would close perhaps in the relative major, orsince that is the key
of the principal theme, just departed fromperhaps better in the domi-
nant (A). Only this, toominor to minorBeethoven could not accept;
the motive of the new subject must always seem attractive and thoroughly
appropriate as a contrast to the principal subject, but not suitable for fur-
ther development. Thus, it turns away from the song form at this very
point and goes, with a natural turn of harmony (we give only the under-
lying melody)(bars 2226 quoted)to a cadence in C major.
Thus, the variation of the principal motive escapes him in bars 2223, and, in
bars 2728, 2930, even the motive itself in the most naked repetition; he mis-
takes the sense of the diminution in bars 2526, since he reduces it to:
{45} (in contrast to this, see the graph of the Urlinie); he mistakes the incompar-
able accuracy and beauty in the relations of the individual turns of the diminution:
tonwi lle 2
The Adagio is discussed in the Sixth Book, Second Division, Second Rondo Form; all the quo-
tations come from p. 119.
(notice as well the gradation into thirty-second notes, sixteenth notes, eighth
notes); thus he does not hear the way in which the primordial unity [das Ur-
Eine] works, always present but in ever new transformations, but remains dull
with respect to the divine power of genius, which moves the world of tones ac-
cording to laws of the human soul in just the same measure as it does the con-
verse, oering as a verbal substitute for all these wonders a natural turn and
a cadence in C major.
From there a redirection is made, with a cadence, back into the principal
subject, which is carried through in varied form and concluded with an
The form is once more unmistakable here;
but the song-form aspect
of the middle subject is only just established and then immediately de-
parted from again.
Wrong. Only the contrasting tonality C major is actually the contrast as such in
this case, and the contrast thus consists exactly of the modulation, with its two
cycles of Stufen, as well as of the twofold repetition of the principal motive (see
the graph of the Urlinie). Precisely through such synthesis-technique is the
weight of the contrasting subject reduced to the desired degree in relation to the
principal subject,
and the owing character of it brought out all the more. And
really, in our case, the modulation, even without a clear-cut subject, seems to
suce so well for contrast that the repetitions of the principal motive almost
have just the eect of a coda. (Marx speaks of a Gang!)
But just for this rea-
son, the transposition of this part back into the main key may be accepted as
fourth part of the whole and not merely as an appendix.
The last movement is actually cited by Marx, in a long connected presenta-
tion, as an example of a sharply dened application of the fth rondo form as
taught by him:
But again he reads everything wrong. In bar 5
he declares: For to the rst subjectbars 15 are meant!
is now fastened this
completely dierent one (bars 59 quoted), which for him is already in A
Bars 1213 he makes out to be a rapid turn to G major, and bars 13
as a pedal-point-like reinforcement, as though in the case of a simple passing
motionand here we have nothing but, in eect:
there could be talk of a pedal point or even a pedal-point-like reinforcement.
Still on the same page, though, we read the opposite of all this: of a rst subject
that hurls itself from F minor at once to A
major, in order, by way of F minor, to
close in G major [p. 191]as though a theme could run through so many keys
without thereby forfeiting its unity. To him bars 22 represent the rst sub-
sidiary subject [erster Seitensatz], although of similar rhythmic conguration
(to the principal subject) [pp. 19192]. How far removed he is, therefore, from
grasping the art with which Beethoven carries the contrariety and multiplicity
suited to the requirements of synthesis even into the realm of arpeggiations: the
rst subject is ruled by upward arpeggiations (in the left hand), the second by
downward ones (in the right hand, and, as it were, whipped into line in the course
of bars 2021), and the closing subject by upward ones again (in the left hand),
which so unerringly sweep bars 50 along with them, too. Bars 35 indicate to
Marxin opposition to his own scheme, on top of everything elsea closing
subject [Schlusatz], and bars 5056 almost a second closing subject [192].
Beethovens Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. 1
Once more because this is the third in a series of Marxs examples of relaxations of second
rondo form.
Gegensatz, Hauptsatz: Schenker adopts Marxs term and assimilates it to contrast.
Marx does speak of a Gang, but he does not quite claim that the passage in question is one:
Doubt can undeniably arise, incidentallyif not in the case at hand, then in similar ones
(which we will yet consider)about whether to regard a middle theme [Mittelsatz] that is
steered away from so early as a Satz of a song form or as a Gang; and so again we recognize
here a boundary line at which two most closely related forms, the rst and second rondo
forms, touch one another, indeed from time to time cannot be distinguished securely, how-
ever distinct they may be at the core of their being. (pp. 11920)
Schenker writes Anhnge (appendices), apparently in error.
Marx gives this diagram at the beginning of his Sixth Book, Third Division, Sixth Segment,
Fifth Rondo Form (op. cit., p. 186). HS main subject (Hauptsatz), SS subsidiary subject
(Seitensatz). Again, further citations will be given by page number in the text.
Schenkers interjection.
But the rst subject of this sentence is not the principal theme of the form. Two sentences be-
fore Schenker begins quoting, Marx identies it as a striking feature of the principal theme that it
consists of two distinct strange elements, of which bars 15 represent the rst and bars 59 the second.
If Schenker means that Marx contradicts himself by including a closing subject when none is
indicated in the scheme cited, he is unjustied. The schemes dening featurethat is, the feature
that distinguishes the fth rondo from the other larger rondo formsis the occurrence of a second
subsidiary subject (SS
), and no repetition of the principal theme, in the middle section, rather than
On the occasion of the livelier turn back toward the rst subject (bars 111 are
meant) he speaks of no fewer than four keys: F major, D [recte: D
] major, B
C minor (!!) and then it says: But instead of C minor, ceg is written [p. 193]. . . .
{46} But how absurd, this obsession with demonstrating by hermeneutic
means the ways of Beethovens logical consistency, while failing so completely to
comprehend them musically! When Marx sees bars 1, already he knows how
to say: The inconstancy in the formation of the principal subject, . . . as well
as . . . the choice of the minor dominant . . . are to be attributed to the passion-
ate . . . character of the nale [p. 191]; he sees bars 22 and already he writes: We
thus have before us another simple theme with incomplete repetition, of the
same impetuosity as the rst subject, . . . closely linked with it; he sees bars 34
and he already feels: Now the need for a closing subject (bars 35) is felt, to
round o the rst section soothingly; he sees bars 50 and already he knows:
Only the fundamental character of the entire nale conicts with this peaceful
conclusion [p. 192].
In conclusion, he, of course, does not fail to assert:
It is one of the earlier and smaller compositions of Beethoven, but one of
the most characterful and self-controlled that would ever be written.
[p. 194]
and delights himself with idle thoughts:
. . . how unnecessary and uncalled-for a central repetition of the rst sub-
ject would have been [194].
But Beethoven wrote a sonata-form movement, where a central repetition of the
rst subject does not belong at all, and did not write Marxs fth rondo form,
where the repetition, if there is to be such a thing at all, should have belonged
without exception!
His Anleitung zum Vortrag Beethovenscher Klavierwerke also contains many
references to Op. 2, No. 1.
I condently leave to the reader the examination of
these instructions, to which, as I indicate, the prerequisite of a properly under-
stood content is lacking, but can do no other than recognize that Marx at least has
an open mind for freedom in performance. Suce it to say here that, along with
Beethovens ngering in bars 5962 of the minuet, he has also considered that of
Czerny (see earlier), as well as the following, imparted to him orally by Blow:
4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5
1 2 1
2 1 2 1 2 1
2 1 2 1 2 1
2 1 2 1 2 1
2 .
But he himself is not averse also
to indicate the two voices proceeding in thirds as the basis of the left
hand, belonging together, . . . and to leave the upper voice to the right
hand, as the carrier of the melody. For small hands this suggestion, along-
side Blows ngering in the passage of fourths, seems the most accept-
able. Beethoven himself indicates the latter for a span of three bars in the
nale of the A major Sonata, Op 101 . . . and this prescription can there-
fore be taken back to the sonata in Op. 2.
By no means! For the situation in Op 101, last movement, bars 216 is completely
dierent. But anyone who grasps the sense of the passage in the minuet of of the
Op. 2 sonata and understands how to read the slurs will nd that it is rendered
more ttingly through Beethovens ngering than through any others; one sees
clearly, from the way the master-player has arranged it for him, that he has touch
and power in reserve for the peak fortissimo b
in bar 61and this alone corre-
sponds to the state of aairs there.
If a theorist like Riemann cannot follow the aristocratic urge of genius to
bind great unities, to present far-reaching compilations of chords from a single
point of view, then, whether he wants to or not, then he must, in good democratic
fashion, break up the whole, the large form, splinter the connections, and hear
innumerable harmonies where only passing motions rule. Thus Riemann dissects
tonwi lle 2
any feature of the outer sections. Moreover, the scheme is oered only as a kind of rst draft of the
form; on the next page Marx says, The rst and most important thing that we have to consider, ac-
cordingly [that is, once the absence of the principal theme from the middle section has been postu-
lated], isthe close of the rst part. Can it be closed satisfactorily with the rst subsidiary subject?
No. . . . Also, a Gang following after the subsidiary subject would not have this power. . . . We therefore
require a Satz that reinforces the conclusion of our composite mass, or of our rst part, thus a closing
subject. . . ; a few lines later Marx elaborates the scheme for the outer sections to principal theme
subsidiary subject with Gngeclosing subject [HauptsatzSeitensatz mit GngenSchlusatz]
(he later adds this to the complete scheme, on p. 199; see also Musical Form in the Age of Beethoven,
p. 91) , and he then immediately devotes a subsection of the chapter to the closing subjectall of this
on the pages between the scheme quoted by Schenker and the analysis of the sonatas nale.
Schenker cites the third edition of 1898; the translator had access only to the second edition, ed-
ited by Gustav Behncke (Berlin: Otto Janke, 1875). Pages 9095 are devoted to Op. 2, No. 1, and the
preceding section of General Observations refers to it in a number of placesincluding the passage
cited later in this paragraph, from pp. 3334.
the rst movement of the sonata into sixteen periods: the rst part into: I, bars
18, II (evolution), bars 916, IIIIV (second theme, A
major), bars 1641,
IVa (epilogue), bars 418; the development into V (main theme), bars 4954,
VI (second theme), bars 5563, VII, bars 6371, VIIIX (retransition), bars
7193, X, bars 93100, etc.
In the text, he distinguishes further assorted an-
tecedent and consequent phrases in IIIIV, which suggests total confusion re-
garding the manifestation of unity in the second group, as is genuinely suited to
a sonata (thus also the coupling of two periods). What is the use, for example, of
Period VII or Period X? Of course, if one sees him drag a myriad of harmonies
into the fth-progression in the latter case, then one understands how he must
have experienced a diculty there that, in reality, does not exist. But the ultimate
cause of his gross transgressions is to be sought in his bad ear for music. Thus, he
hears the chord in bar 11 of the rst movement as:
and just with this he completely misses Beethovens genius of synthesis in the line
and in the modulation in the consequent phrase; that he speaks at the same time
of indisputably simple relationships makes him look even worse; bar 95 sounds
like this to him:
{47} a misconception of this passage, a misrepresentation, that makes one blush.
In bars 911 in the consequent phrase, he still continues F minor with VI, in-
stead of entering at once into the modulation to A
major. He explains bars 111
113 with (S
) S, instead of with passing motions, and, in bar 81, he hears a
fourfold exchange of VI, instead of neighboring notes and passing motions. But
what further errors he might yet have betrayed if, in the sketch of his analysis,
instead of just transcribing the notes mechanically, he had attempted to represent
their sense, one can hardly imagine. Can such a limited aural range take the mea-
sure of the breadth and depth of Beethovenian coherence? So he much prefers to
conduct soliloquies about meter, pursue puerilities of reminiscence (see below),
etc. The question of whether an upbeat quarter-note c
also bets the repetition
of the motive in bars 34 (it would be taken from the accompaniment), he de-
cides in the negative. But after the rst span (of a sixth), ca
, is established by
means of the upbeat to bar 1, a second span, cb
, must necessarily impose itself
in bars 34and is the origin of the short grace-notes in bars 56 not to be
found precisely in the upbeats as well? That, by contrast, the upbeat is missing al-
together in bar 100 in the recapitulation (the rst bar of the sketch referred to
above begins in exactly this way, incidentally) has to do only with the dierent sit-
uation there.
The form of the Adagio, Riemann, like Marx, understands as a three-part one
(Groe Kompositionslehre,
pp. 86[7]):
For example, the Adagio of Beethovens Sonata op 2 no 1 consists, in its
rst part of two sentences [Stze] that both show the scheme a a b a: (bars
116 quoted). The middle section (the Trio) is actually formed of just a
single eight-bar sentence, which begins contrastingly in D minor and ca-
dences to C major, but which is extended through the interpolation of
eleven bars and gets four more bars of cadential appendices, whereupon
the rst section is repeated, richly ornamented, and likewise receives a se-
ries of cadential appendices as coda to top it o. (See also Beethovens
Klaviersonaten, p. 98.)
Thus, like Marx, he, too, fails to recognize the repetitions of the main motive in
the contrasting section, as follows from the words interpolation and a series of
cadential appendices.
The minuet gives Riemann occasion to write at length about the internal
rest [Innenpause] in bar 1 and to indicate the motivic formation thus:
Beethovens Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. 1
Schenker bases the rst part of his critique of Riemanns analysis of Op. 2, No. 1, on L. van
Beethovens smtliche Klavier-Solosonaten: sthetische und formal-technische Analyse, mit historischen
Notizen, vol. 1 (Berlin: Max Hesse, 1918). For subsequent references, he uses the abbreviated title from
the spine of the book, Beethovens Klaviersonaten.
Hngt nur mit der dort vernderten Lage zusammen: Schenker may also be using Lage in its tech-
nical sense of register: in the recapitulation, the a
of the principal motive is prepared from above, by
the line c
, rather than from below by the broken chord from c
Hugo Riemann, Groe Kompositionslehre (Berlin and Stuttgart: W. Spemann, 1902), vol. 1: Der
homophone Satz (Melodielehre und Harmonielehre).
If I now juxtapose to this gure the following one:
then I may well say that he is right about bar 1 only by accident.
Again like Marx, Riemann writes about the Prestissimo (Katechismus der
The closing movement of Beethovens sonata Op. 2, No. 1, expresses the
third form very clearly (bars 12 quoted): rst a three-limbed sentence
(4 4 4 ) with cadence to the second upper dominant (G major), and
then a second one with extension of the seventh bar into two bars (triplet
of bars) closing to the minor upper dominant C minor.
Thus, like Marx, he also tears the C minor cadence, II
I (bars 121320) in
two at the V in the middle (!), and postulates two formal sections with two ca-
dences (cf. also the sketch of his analysis in Beethovens Klaviersonaten).
A third sentence, already set completely in this key [C minor], thus re-
mains for the moment still in the character and movement of the rst
theme, while dwelling on the dominant, g
g is a guration of
g), and only in eight bars cadences to the tonic
g (with the second half-
sentence repeated again).
But bars 22 are underpinned by I, not V, and the sense of the gurationsee
the graph of the Urlinieis other than what Riemann states. {48}
The actual theme is serious (bars 3536 quoted), a regular eight-bar pe-
riod with full cadence on g, which is repeated exactly, to which are at-
tached cadential reinforcements using the main motive of the rst theme
(these are repeated). In sharp contrast, the middle section in A
, ,
(relative major) now begins, without transition (bars 5968 quoted), re-
peated exactly, then an intermediate four-bar unit (repeated with orna-
ment) and a return of the main section of the third theme with the omis-
sion of the segment bracketed above, i.e., exactly symmetrically, then
again the intermediate phrase (4 4) and once more the main section
without interpolation. The motives taken from the main theme now lead
back, in three eight-bar sections with a few interpolations, to the main
key and to the repetition of the rst part, which proceeds normally, and
to this degree approximates the most perfect form (the fourth), as it
brings the second theme (as already the transition to it) into the main
key. Just a few bars of coda, with motives from the rst theme, close the
movement o.
In Beethovens Klaviersonaten, too, Riemann clings to this conception of the last
movement: Its form is that of a two-part song form with reprises of both parts,
approximating sonata form.
Nagel (Beethoven und seine Klaviersonaten, 1903) declares on p. 26:
But anyone who compares its overall structure and the expressive means
employed in it to the two other sonatas of the same opus, contrasts its rel-
atively inoensive manner with the brilliant stamp of the second and
third sonatas, and bears in mind that, as conditions stood for Beethoven,
it was incumbent on him to introduce himself to Vienna in the most out-
wardly advantageous wayanyone who takes all that into consideration
will conclude that Beethoven would have had no reason at all to write
music in Vienna like that of the rst sonata.
To wit, Nagel wants to see the work relegated to the Bonn period. One accord-
ingly has the right to expect that he would support this assumption on stylistic
features; but if one reads his analysis one sees him, just like Riemann, Marx, and
the others, as a failure, and in a condition of helplessness that in no way justies
the issuing of such hypotheses. All that remains is the whim of a historian: thus
does a historian slap genius on the back, one might say, in a variant of the popu-
lar motto of the Fifth Symphony!
It would be superuous to provide further samples of the literature; now the
reader will just get to hear something of the tall tales of those who search for the-
matic resemblances.
Reinecke (Die Beethovenschen Clavier-Sonaten, 1894) postulates a similarity
between the main motive of the rst movement in the Beethoven sonata and that
of the last movement of the G minor Symphony of Mozart.
Here I will disre-
tonwi lle 2
Riemann, Katechismus der Kompositionslehre (Musikalische Formenlehre) (Leipzig, 1889).
Willibald Nagel, Beethoven und seine Klaviersonaten (Langensalza: Hermann Beyer & Shne
[Beyer & Mann], 1903), vol. 1, p. 26.
Reinecke, Die Beethovenschen Clavier-Sonaten, pp. 301.
gard the fact that the lines manifest themselves completely dierently in the two
cases, and only express my amazement that the Masters of the Reminiscence
Hunt have not long since been able to nd in this motive an anticipation of the
Scherzo of the Fifth Symphony, too, since in the meantime it has become well
known (through Nottebohm) that Beethoven actually did write a few bars of the
Mozart symphony movement referred to on his sketch pages.
Perhaps this dis-
covery is still to come!
In opposition to Reinecke, Riemann would prefer to recall the Mannheim
composers and their rockets (Beethovens Klaviersonaten, p. 85): When several
such arpeggios climb up in succession, it is dicult to resist an association with
the sight of reworks. But Beethoven is satised with two, and discharges the un-
rest that such a motivic formation arouses through a turn [Doppelschlag] on the
peak tone, which resembles an explosion with slowly sinking star-shells. Nagel,
for his part, trots out other arpeggiations, e.g. those of Christoph Graupner, and
moreover arms that he has seen similar ones in Haydn, Mozart, etc.
what I call a nice pastime.
It is also Riemann who wants to see the arpeggiation at the beginning of the
development in the last movement, bars 5961, understood as a reminiscence of
the beginning of the rst movement.
So thats how it is with Beethovens Op. 2, No. 1!
Beethovens Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. 1
Nottebohm, Zweite Beethoveniana, p. 531:
On the third page of the same leaf [a bifolium of sketches for the Scherzo] are 29 bars from
the last movement of Mozarts G-minor Symphony. This proximity is a traitoress. It betrays
that the rst nine notes of the theme of the third movement of Beethovens C minor Sym-
phony, in respect of the pitch succession (not rhythm or key), are exactly the same as the
rst nine notes of the theme of the last movement of Mozarts G-minor Symphony. Did Bee-
thoven notice the similarity?
Schenkers remarks about Reinecke are puzzling, because Reinecke does connect the Scherzo
theme of Beethovens Fifth Symphony to the Mozart theme and does note the presence of the latter
in Beethovens sketches:
The rst theme [of Op. 2, No. 1,] automatically calls to mind the Finale of the G-minor Sym-
phony of Mozart (music example here). This theme of Mozarts appears to have made an
unusually strong impression on Beethoven in general, for we learn through Wasielewski, in
his valuable Beethoven biography, that Beethoven consciously formed the theme of the third
movement of the C-minor Symphony out of this theme. To wit, both themes are found, no-
tated close together in Beethovens hand, in one of his sketchbooks (music example here).
Reineckes two music examples provide simple, note-for-note comparisons of the themes in question.
Nagel, Beethoven und seine Klaviersonaten, p. 28. Graupners forename is given as Christian in
Schenkers original text.
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Tonwille 3
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First Movement (Allegro)
This sonata bears the date of December 1798.
Haydn wrote it in his sixty-sixth
year, twenty years after Mozart wrote his Sonata in A Minor (1778) and two years
after Beethoven wrote his Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. 1.
Even though the
younger masters raced ahead of him, Haydn, as is becoming of a genius who re-
lies on God, remained a pioneer, his own man, a man who lent an indestructible
body and the wings of an eternal soul to a new perfection. These three are kin-
dred masters, not because they lived during the same period of time, but because
they produced tonal synthesis with the same superior strength and were servants
of tone who were blessed with connection. And yet, with all these similarities,
how dierent is the world of tone in a Haydn sonata compared to what it is in a
sonata by Mozart or Beethoven!
The rst movements sonata form is arranged as follows:
First Subject: antecedent phrase bars 18
consequent phrase and modulation 916
Second Subject Group
rst part of the subject 1727
second part of the subject 2740
(Closing Subject) 4043
Development 44 78
Recapitulation 79116
Bars 1. While the upper voice rises in bar 1 from g
to the fth tone of the dia-
tonic scale, which is the tone that is also decisive for the Urlinie,
the inner voice
traverses 8
76 in the rhythm l
q q h
l .
This rhythm, called a caesura [Ein-
schnitt] in strict counterpoint (see Kontrapunkt i, p. 407/p. 316), proves to be that
which bestows life on this movement. Right away in bar 2, the Urlinie corrobo-
rates the caesura rhythm with a consecration of its own and thus elevates it to a
motive of a special type. As the conguration of bars 12 stands before us, we
feel that no one other than Haydn could have made it. We recognize the follow-
ing as especially characteristic of his inspired style: rst, the middle register as
the chest tone of heartfelt, manly song; second, the genuinely improvisatory en-
thusiasm that, because it remains as happily aware of the most distant things as
it is of the present moment, freely rushes to a stop [Zsur] in the very rst tones
(i.e., the terse cadential progression above the pedal point), an enthusiasm that
promotes in an especially eective way both the rhythm of the caesura [Ein-
schnitt] and the closure [Zsur] of this cadential progression; and nally, the
arpeggios, which are artfully divided between the two hands in alternation like
a minstrel strumming his strings. In fact, Haydns creation of tonal units strongly
evokes images of human speech (see Harmonielehre, pp. 26/pp. 17 ). In con-
trast to other {4} masters, Haydn uses pauses and fermatas to underscore and
thereby increase, as if with a diversity of gestures, the signicance, animation,
and intensity of his tonal rhetoric.
In bar 3, the Urlinie is transferred to a higher register, a register in which 5 4
3 are already placed in the open (i.e., without a pedal point). And, once again, the
Haydns Sonata in E
Major, Hoboken XVI:52
Haydn: Sonate Es-Dur {Tonwille 3, pp. 321}
t r a ns l at e d b y r ob e rt s na r re nb e r g
[S]Haydn, Gesamtausgabe, no. 52; Universal Edition no. 4. [Schenker worked from Louis Khler
and F. A. Roitzschs four-volume edition of the Haydn sonatas, published by C. F. Peters (edition no.
713); in deference to the publishers of Tonwille, however, he gave the numbering of the sonata in the
current Universal Edition. (It is characteristic of older collected editions of the Haydn sonatas for the
later, more famous sonatas to appear at the beginning, and not in chronological order.) The Gesam-
tausgabe to which Schenker refers was prepared by Karl Psler in 1918. For an appraisal of Pslers
work in the context of Haydn editions in the early twentieth century, see Tonwille 4, p. 28/i, p. 167.
[S]The Mozart and Beethoven sonatas are discussed in the second issue of Tonwille.
[S]In the graph of the Urlinie (p. 100), I have for the rst time used the symbol ^ to indicate that
a diatonic tone is called upon to serve in the Urlinie.
Two of Schenkers personal copies of Tonwille in the Oster Collection are marked with emenda-
tionsthese are assigned the numbers 10 and 18 in the category Books and Pamphlets (hereafter
BP10 and BP18, respectively). In BP18, he indicates a dierent Urlinie, writing 3 above bar 1, 2 above
bar 16 and again above bar 27.
caesura rhythm. And now with c
, still in bar 3, 6
by an octave.
Such a descent in the space of an octave naturally makes use
of passing chords, but their execution not only varies from one example to an-
other (compare the descents in bars 4850 and 5861) but even from one seg-
ment to another within a single example (see for example, the C minor Prelude,
bars 518, from Bachs Well-Tempered Clavier, book 1; the topic is treated at length
in Freier Satz).
The Urlinie graph shows which types of passing [chords] arise
in the octave descent of bars 4 8. Also noteworthy in this descent is the progres-
sive acceleration: whole notes in bars 4 and 5, half notes in bars 6 and 7, and
tonwi lle 3
*) A number with the sign ^ signies the corresponding step in the diatonic scale. The succession of numbers so indicated signify the descent of the Urlinie, for example, in E
The Urlinie tones of a lesser signicance are dierentiated by being printed smaller.
The graph of the Urlinie shows a slur between g
and g
, hence 3 and not 6
breaks away here, setting itself apart with greater denition: the pitch already ac-
quires the value of a quarter note (notice the sense of increase) and positions it-
self in this expanded form on IV, which is of course suspended above a pedal
point. The thirty-second-note run in bars 910 makes an overwhelming impres-
sion, storming through the Urlinies linear progression (6
) 5 1 , (c
) b
, and
thereby answering as well as thrillingly arming the run that just occurred in the
antecedent phrase. {5} What organic vigor lies in such boldness of improvisation!
And then, right away in the fourth quarter of bar 10 no less, 6
reappears in order
to unroll the Urlinies progression anew, this time in half notes. The newly formed
denition of this augmentation, the eect of which is so much more intense for
coming after the motivic plummet of bar 10, is only somewhat mued by its pres-
entation in syncopations. Even in the upbeat of bar 13, one must still assume there
is a suspension (a suspended octave leading to the diminished seventh of
, 7
and therefore dismiss the semblance of a V
that arises at this point merely
through the coincidental collision of the accented passing f
(passing between g
and e) and the suspended octave e
(see the Urlinie graph). The augmentation in
bars 1112 arises automatically with the transference of the diminution from bars
67, where the passing motions are likewise paced in half notes. It is appropriate,
then, to speak here of an inversion of those bars: the right hand taking the six-
teenths and syncopated notes, the left hand taking the half notes; moreover, the e
in bar 10 may plausibly be regarded as a half note, too, insofar as harmonic degree
I connects the third quarter to the fourth. Indeed, it was this very circumstance,
and really just this, that allowed the master to start the new Urlinie progression on
the heels of the rstwhat rigor in synthesis! The transfer of the chromatic tones
from the inner voice to the lower in the upbeat of bar 12 (i.e., the division of the
half note into a
and a
) prepares for the chromatic motion in bar 13.
The concluding pitch of the linear progression, e
as 1 , is reinterpreted in bar
13 as 4 of B
major, whichsee the Urlinie graph
is not followed by 3 until bar
18 [recte: 17], inasmuch as the beginning and ending points of the two Urlinie seg-
ments 4 [3 2 and (
) 5 4]
Minor, rst movement, bars 5557 and what was said about it in the foreword to my facsimile edi-
tion of this sonata: [Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonate, Op. 27, Nr. 2 (die sogenannte Mondscheinsonate), mit
drei Skizzenblttern des Meisters], Musikalische Seltenheiten No. 1, Universal Edition 7000 [1921].
In the graph of the Urlinie, there should be a B dur at bar 13, to show that the roman and capped
arabic numbers are reckoned in B
major until bar 43.
taves into a theater for the motive), is 6
nally acquires
a temporal span longer than what it had in bar 9. By traversing
4 5 in
bars 2022, the line again circumscribes 5 with a turn gure, as it had done ear-
lier in bars 14 15, but now greatly enlarged. Taken merely in its horizontal aspect,
the turn gure suggests the elaboration of a II
(see the Adagio, bars 1112 and
2728). This impression is also reinforced by the series of chords, which indeed
resembles a course that runs II
but is one in which the intervening
chords may so much more easily be understood as having a passing value, inas-
much as the same harmonic degree stands at the beginning and at the end. In
fact, the voice-leading here is an outgrowth of the conventional voice-leading
that makes do with a simple contrary motion:
10 8 6
{6} However, since the nal pitch of the lower line in our case had to be brought
from the small octave [g] to the one-line octave [g
] (see the Urlinie graph),
Haydn preferred to get to g
not by way of an intervening octave, an interval that
would in any event be less conducive to diminution, but instead by way of the in-
tervals 65, i.e., the bass notes AB
, which now in like manner simulate V and I
and allow greater opportunity for elaboration. And it is precisely the important
change of harmony and the new motivic formation that, in conjunction, an-
nounce the increased weight of 6
; thus, we have here the so-called
chord of the major seventh (see Emanuel Bach, Generalbalehre [ part ii/2 of
the Versuch], chapter XVI/pp. 29397) applied to a
3 chord, as shown in Fig. 1b
(see Freier Satz).
5 now appears in the upbeat of bar 22, here again functioning as the real start-
ing point of the descending Urlinie. If one grants the status of the Urlinies fth-
progression to the series of tones descending from f
to b
(from the upbeat of
bar 22 to the upbeat of bar 23), one will be mistaken about what follows there-
after: for in fact this is an inner-voice motion that, with the attainment of b
wants only to create space for the cycling of new thirty-second-note diminution
in bar 24, while the remaining pitches of the Urlinie 4 1 do not follow until bars
2527 (see the Urlinie graph). It must be observed, furthermore, that the diminu-
tion changes virtually harmony by harmony.
Of particularly great eect is the lowest line of bars 2223, which moves in
sudden leaps (instead of steps of a second); these leaps in the lowest line answer
similar leaps in the right hand that icker up above the upper line proper. The
master was forced by the law of obligatory registral treatment to write these leaps
in the lowest line (see Tonwille 1, p. 39/i, p. 35): the bass pitch e
on the downbeat
of bar 20 must be followed in bar 24 by d, also in the small octave; so, because the
one-line and the small octave must take turns participating in f(g)fe
d of
the lower voice, the leaps arose out of necessity. As intended, the small octave has
the last word in the fourth quarter of bar 24.
Bars 27. The rst part of the second subject has deposited 1 on the downbeat of
bar 22 [recte: 27] in a full cadence. And immediately, in the second quarter of the
same bar, the second part of the subject latches on to ita priceless treasure of so-
nata synthesis that I never tire of mentioning. The graph of the Urlinie chiey
shows the descent from 5 to 2 as signifying an antecedent phrase ending in a half
cadence with mixture (B
minor). The consequent phrase (bars 33) returns to the
major mode and undergoes a signicant expansion: not only does it nally bring
. Yet, the latter prex does not signify a course of essential Urlinie tones;
tonwi lle 3
[S]Such a course would have completely dierent consequences; see, for example, Tonwille 2,
p. 13/i, p. 61.
rather, the
Concerning the diminution, there is a contraction of the basic motive in bar
27 that functions in the service of 5; the 3 2 1 of the preceding cadential pro-
gression provides a direct stimulus for it. This contraction creates space, and a
chain of contracted motives (four elaborated thirds) leads down to d
3 in bar
Even here, the diminution, although seemingly new, again expresses only
the basic motive and, moreover, with the caesura rhythm. Two of these newly de-
rived motives produce the succession d
(with their beginning and ending
points) and their repetition gives rise to d
in augmentation, from the upbeat
of bar 30 to the c
of bars 3031 [recte: 3132], where the ninth (in reality the step
of a second; see Kontrapunkt i, pp. 88 and 119/pp. 61 and 84 ) is again tra-
versed in four leaps of a third. At the beginning of bar 31, it is II that is presented
and not the V that one might suppose: V is not reached until the fth-progres-
sion of bar 31 leads to it in bar 32. In the fourth quarter of bar 32 the run storms
upward to d
in order to regain the two-line register of bar 29; but because of the
pressure of that tempestuous ascent, the line stretches even further upward, be-
yond f
in the second quarter of bar 33 (which substitutes for d
) to b
, the 8
the Urlinie (see above). 6
bar: 44 45 46
upper voice: b
lower voice: B
had the master not anchored the middle chord by casting the root G into the
low register (see Tonwille 2, p. 29/i, p. 75, Fig. 1c; and also Freier Satz)
it is as if the step of a second IIIIV proceeded by dropping a third and a fth:
IV (see Harmonielehre, 127/pp. 23639)and had he not, in addition,
taken the b
of the upper voice over into the inner voice by means of substitution
and led the upper voice along in contrary motion. How striking is the fermata
right above the G chord, which belongs to what follows on account of its leading-
tone quality: in this case, it was the caesura of the basic motive that automatically
cooperated with the fermata.
Were the outer voices to have proceeded along the normal path from IV to V
(bars 4651), they would likewise have to have moved in parallel octaves:
bar: 46 50 51
upper voice: c c
lower voice: C C
G minor harmonies: IV
Here there were two possible remedies. The bass could retain its series of scale de-
grees CC
D (and at the same time present the normal line), in which case the
upper voice would have to have proceeded in contrary motion with 8
7 (as in-
dicated by the bass gures above IV
lower voice: E
G minor harmonies: IV
The master, however, enriched this voice-leading pattern by interpolating the
neighbor note F between the two E
s, on account of the F he then converted the
rst E
into a chromatic note, hence E
bar: 46 48 50 51
upper voice: c c
lower voice: E (F) E
3 4
G minor harmonies: IV
(neighbor note)
{9} Moreover, he bestowed a wealth of passing events upon the return of the
neighbor note F to E
, the bass note of the inverted harmony (bars 4850); what
gave him suitable pretext for this was not only the higher octave of the neighbor
note (f
), which eventually had to be led back into the small octave, the genuine
register for conducting the bass line (see what was said above on the treatment of
the bass in bars 2024), but also the initial disposition of a fth at the outset of
the passing events on the downbeat in bar 48.
The pitch d, lying at the pinnacle
of the development sections [upper] line, is placed on I in G minor in bar 52,
whereupon a process of tonicization (raising the third during the course of the
fth-progression g
in bars 5354) leads toward the neighboring harmony (or
passing, as the case may be) on C ( IV) in bar 54.
tonwi lle 3
That is, the 56 exchange, which mitigates consecutive fths, nevertheless leaves the octaves
untouched. Schenkers combination of bass gures and Roman numerals in the diagram may be con-
fusing: the middle harmony (bar 45) is not a III chord in rst inversion but rather a rst-inversion
chord based on the chromatically raised third of the scale, whose fth has been replaced by a sixth.
On the technique of moving the root of a chord to the lowest voice (Auswerfen eines Grundtones),
see Der freie Satz, 247.
This interpretation is claried by later emendations to the graph of the Urlinie in BP18: a dot-
ted slur connecting the bass e
in bar 46 to e
in bar 50.
Schenker alludes to the obligatory register of the neighboring motion by placing the f in bar 48
in parenthesis and an arrow pointing from f to f
. In BP10 he added a dotted line connecting e
in bar
46 with e
in bar 47. Some type of passing event is necessary if the consecutive fths between the two
root-position chords IVIII are to be mitigated. The fth formed by the outer voices in bar 48 pro-
vides a root-position harmony, which, because of its stability, is capable of functioning as a point of
departure for an extended passing motion.
This was emended in the graph of the Urlinie in BP10, to relocate the goal of the tonicization
process to bar 55; a dotted slur connects the g
in bar 52 with the c
in bar 55.
The expansive elaboration of this particular triad simulates an independent
bar: 5457 58 59 61 63 64
in C minor: I IV III
, 7
In reality, however, this marvelous superabundance stems from the fact (see
the Urlinie graph) that the path from the root C (bar 57) to the next root G (bar
64) proceeds by way of the neighboring harmony F
, as is frequently the case; it
stems, moreover, from the fact that the path to this neighboring harmony in bars
5763 proceeds according to the law of a fth-progression falling beneath a
taking the leaping-passing A
as the midpoint of the path. This is also why
Haydn once again repeats the root C [c
] on the downbeat of bar 57. And when
he immediately climbs a sixth to a
instead of dropping down a third, he does
this from the start with the intention of obtaining an opportunity for developing
diminution through the octave descent from the one-line octave to the small oc-
tave a
(bars 5761; see also bars 4 8 and 4849).
Unprecedented in its profundity is the continuation of the bass path in bars
6364. In bar 63, a
steps to g
, whereupon the listener feels justied in expecting
a progression like that in bars 44 45 and 4851 (in this case, to f), but suddenly,
in bar 64, g
is reinterpreted as f
(bar 65 [recte: 64]),
which in itself does not contradict the key of G minor. The right to make such
an inection in a minor key sometimes derives from mixture (Harmony, 38/
pp. 84 ) and sometimes, as here, from the use of a neighboring harmony that, in
the chord succession of bars 5264, simulates the plagal harmonic succession
It would indeed have been possible to proceed from the G triad to the key of
major by means of the simpler voice-leading congurations shown below, each
of which obviously presupposes a reversion from
in this passage of the development section. We therefore nd him taking
great pains to remove the chromatic harshness from the raised third. He achieves
this goal by taking the raised third which is laden with a leading-tone quality and
purging it of this quality right away in bar 68 in the rst 56 exchange, purifying
Haydns Sonata in E
Major, Hoboken XVI:52
[S]See Freier Satz and Tonwille 2, pp. 8, 35, etc./i, pp. 56, 82, etc.
The so-called meaning of the passage is that of a momentary resting place in the midst of a
passing motion; the increase in activity presented by the thirty-second-note gures underscores the
passing quality of the A
it as the fth of the E triad and later as the octave of the B triad; in this way he
denitively obstructs the path upward to the c to which the raised third originally
pointed and instead pushes it downward. Oh, how the master could conceal the
path! As if improvising, his inventiveness takes a detour in order to approach the
root F in the bass (bar 76) by way of F
in the upper
voice, as b
, reinstates the main key, which then of course requires a G
in the bass
in place of F
Finally, let us remark on the development in its entirety. The path leads from
major, the key of the second subject, back toward the main key of E
major by
way of G minor. The rationale for this path is this: the G triad is contained in the
diatonic system of E
as III (see Harmony, 131/pp. 24650) and, from the per-
spective of voice leading, the path B
conforms to the law of the descend-
ing fth-progression (here it is equivalent to VI in E
{11} Bars 79. The recapitulation begins in bar 79. Here just a word about bars
108 [recte: 109]. They are to be understood as follows:
Accordingly, B
, ,
stands for A (
( , 7)
). The notation suggested itself only be-
cause it was impracticable to express the neighbor note as aa
Second Movement (Adagio)
All the powers of mind and spirit also united in the master Haydn to make him
t for the most pensive art of the Adagio. His innate sense of the nature of tones,
elevated in an improvisatory manner and invigorated by indefatigably rich prac-
tical experience; his secure sense of the Urlinies motion, the whole as well as the
part; his incomparable stamina along the way and undisturbed composure in un-
furling the magnicent sweeps of diminution that arise from his breadth of vi-
sion; his liking for rhetorical styleall these naturally conjure forth the miracle
of an Adagio.
In this case, the key of the movement immediately constitutes an unprece-
dented test of the Adagio mood that has never before been heard: between two
movements in E
major there stands a middle movement, this very Adagio, in E
major, a most extreme and unsurpassable tonal contrast (Harmonielehre, p. 379/
pp. 288 ).
Only complete condence of spirit, operative within the very rst
manifestation of the inventive faculty as a veritable conuence of design and deed
(What is invention? wrote Goethe, It is the conclusion of the search.),
venture such a jarring contrast without qualm. (Hence, this bold venture cannot
be imitated by a musician who can only seek an Adagio, instead of letting him-
self be found by it.)
The form of this Adagio is ternary, with the individual sections also exhibit-
ing ternary song form.
Two peculiar characteristics weave mysteriously through the piece. First,
whatever the section, the Urlinie always starts o from the pitch e; moreover, the
Urlinie always descends, too, along the way adopting requisite chromatic alter-
ations according to the key (mixture, modulation, return modulation).
This pe-
tonwi lle 3
} }
Zug: this passage gives clear evidence that, in 1921, Schenker was not yet using the term to mean
a unidirectional linear progression.
[S]See the fth-progressions mentioned earlier (e.g., C-A
in bars 5664) or B
in bars
16377 of the last movement.
Harmonielehre, 155, is concerned with chromaticism in the service of the diatonic system.
Schenker mentions Haydns sonata on account of its unusual tonal plan (p. 381/p. 290).
From Maximen und Reexionen.
On a sheet of paper inserted between pages 10 and 11 of BP10 is a slip of paper, headed by the
rubric Mischung (mixture), on which Schenker has sketched a concise voice-leading analysis of this
, , , , , ,
, , , , ,
, , ,
, ,
, ,
V8 7
culiarity lends the piece, if I may put it this way, an expression that is very nearly
like that of a chaconne or even a passacaglia, despite all the contrast in the lengths
of individual lines and the treatment of keys and diminution. Added to this is the
second peculiarity, namely, that the composers creative fantasy, likewise in all
sections, works its way from the lower register up to the initial pitch e over the
course of only two bars. What aristocratic composure, what creative, paternal joy
must the master have had, to cultivate and promote such singular, unique quali-
ties of the tonally begotten!
Bars 1. The arpeggiation of bars 12 leads upward to the e
of bar 3 as 8
in the
order intended by nature:
. On closer inspection, the realization also displays
all the intervening tones, distributed among the various inner voices (see the Ur-
linie graph below). In the consequent phrase, the diminution veers o already at
the fth of the arpeggiation (bar 6), bending upward toward the chromatic b
from which point the diminution moves along in steps of a second, now travers-
ing two spaces of a third: b
in {12} the G
in the triad of II (C
a. This
connection must be present in our minds if we want to familiarize ourselves with
the rather hidden meaning of bars 910. To be sure, these bars, like bars 12 and
56, are still dedicated above all to preparing the e
in bar 10; but because the
diminution continues to move along the course set in bar 7 and the rst ending
see f
ga (mixture) in the upper voice at the turn of bars 9 and 10 and efg in
the inner voice at the turn of bars 1011it obscures the true state of aairs,
which the graph of the Urlinie claries. Twice we see a play about the pitch e: the
rst time with f
5 thereby
becoming more evident.
Unlike the a
-section, the bass in the a
-section (bar 13) sets o in an up-
ward motion already in bar 14, and this then elicits the continued climb in bars
1517. What a beautiful event in the magical world of cause and eect! Consid-
ering that there is the same adherence to the lines initial tone (bars 1315) and
the same motivic organization, the decoration becomes more remarkable. Rep-
Haydns Sonata in E
Major, Hoboken XVI:52
etition of b
[in bar 14] serves the tonal rhetoric most eectively (see Kontra-
punkt i, pp. 64 [recte: 63]/pp. 43 ).
The closing bars (1618) use the motive
of bar 1; this use of the motive could easily mislead us about the true progress of
the Urlinie, which, despite the motive, takes the path to 1 via 2 (see the graph of
the Urlinie).
Bars 19. The B-section begins in E minor, but upon reaching e
it immediately
modulates to G major (as 6
3 of the A
-section. The 6
3, which in a certain
sense is just a nal unfolding of the triad, since the Urlinie has already ended with
21 in bar 50. One should admire the appearance of the pedal point in bar 50
underneath the nal tones of the Urlinie (2 1 ) as an ingenious stroke of synthe-
sis. What artful keyboard writing, to take the actual pedal tone E with the right
hand in order that the right hand should no longer be disturbed from its rest by
the higher octave, which is rst played by the left hand and initiates the motion
7 6
. Of course, that makes it all the more dicult to secure a sonorous con-
tinuation for the E from bar 52 up to the third quarter of bar 53, the right hands
assumption of (5) 4 3 notwithstanding.
Third movement (Finale: Presto)
The nal movement follows the pattern of sonata form:
First Subject bars 128
Modulation 2844
Second Subject
rst part of the subject 4565
second part of the subject 6597
Closing Subject 97102
Development 103203
Recapitulation 203307
Bars 1. Broadly speaking, 3 and 4 rise upward in order to reach 5 (bars 17),
from which point the line falls to 1 (bar 27) (see the graph of the Urlinie, p. 109).
Since 3 and 4 are positioned on I and II, consecutive fths between the bass and the
inner voice lurk within an outer-voice counterpoint of thirds; the master removes
the consecutive fths by means of the fermata (bar 8), which also serves a rhetor-
ical purpose. (Even in strict chorale settings, open consecutives are often removed
by fermatas and, occasionally, by rests.) What adds to the eect of the fermata is
that, even in the rst eight bars (without detriment to the single Urlinie tone 3),
the diminution conjures up a small, self-contained world with the elaboration of
a third gfe
and two more nely integrated imitations. The ve repeated eighth
tonwi lle 3
This section, concerned with the prohibition of note repetition in the cantus rmus, includes a
number of examples of repeated notes in classical themes, for expressive eect.
Haydns Sonata in E
Major, Hoboken XVI:52
notes that open the movement form an anacrusis [Auftakt]; in principle, the
anacrusis makes two bars count as one; that is, it induces us to read the content
in smaller values. (Compare this, for example, to the anacrusic phenomenon of
Beethovens Fifth Symphony, Scherzo, in which the anacrusis appears similarly in
the form of , , , , in the notated 3/4 meter.) What art there is in letting such a
naturally given property of the musical composition thrive in synthesissuch
skill is given to genius alone. When the master immediately gives the repetition
of the anacrusis to the inner voice (left hand), he stands within the jurisdiction
of the law of procreation. Transferred to II (bars 916), the tonal creation must
now undergo an unmediated tonicization (see Harmony, pp. 338/pp. 256 )
amounting to F minor with the {14} leading tone e.
After the second fermata
(bar 16), the bass now takes the motive, as if in presenting b
g (bars 1618)
it felt called upon to carry out the motivic demands of repetition conclusively
and, in particular, to plant 5 at the peak of the descending line. But the rush of
quarter notes instead of half notes [in bar 18] must already make the listener sus-
picious. And in point of fact, above and beyond this deception (surely an inten-
tional one), the 5 of the upper register persists, at rst only as b
(bar 17), to be
sure, but from bar 19 on as b
(in the inner voice); in bar 24, 6
slips in only as a
neighbor note, and so when it nally returns to 5 in bar 25, that tone has already
turned into the upper voice, which leads the Urlinies fth-progression to its
The upper voices resumption of the motive in bar 19 turns the originally
weak bar into a metrically strong one, until the next motivic reformulation (bar
28) again eects the change of a weak bar into a strong bar.
bar: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
_ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
Bars 28. The rst subject closes with a full cadence. An elaborated fourth, which
preserves the intrinsic rhythmic form of the anacrusis, opens the modulating
phrase; the rst tone of the linear progression (g
) already counts here as 6
of the
new key. The phrase proceeds to a half cadence by way of the following harmonic
progression in B
major: IIVIIV(
5 4 3
4 5, ac-
tually travels 6
5. (With respect to 6
4 5 in bars 3844, see the rst movement,
bars 14 15, 2022 and the Adagio, bars 1112, 2728. But notice the dierence: on
the way from d
to f
it is better here to assume e rather than g.)
The diminution rst touches upon c
(bar 30), then e
(bar 34), and nally
even f
(bar 36); b
, hidden in the thirty-second-note gure, is a repetition of
the fourth-progression g
, and at the same time e
coincides with the Urlinies
tone. In bars 3637 the inner voice rises upward, for all the tones in bars 3944
belong to the inner voice below e
, even if they lie above it. The metrical groups
are to be read as changing every two bars.
Bars 44. The second subject then commences with V, a technique of which
todays composers are no longer capable. It merges with the modulating phrase
in such a way, however, that even the anacrusic formation falls by the wayside; but
it is of course recovered right away in bars 4647 and 4849, in the form of both
the elaborated fourth and the repeated tones. It is important to become aware of
the metrical arrangement:
bars 4445 |4647 |4849 |505152 |5354 |5556 |5758 |5960 |6162 |6364 |65
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
three-bar group
The transfer of 2 1 into a higher register (bars 54 56) is elicited by f
in bar
49; the register transfer serves to connect the two Urlinie segments, 5 1 and 6
in bars 44 56 and 5865, in such a way that they seem as if they lie in one line,
at least from c
on (bar 54). What artistic skill, binding parts together for the sake
of a higher unit! The assumed in bars 5052 represents an expansion whose pur-
pose is merely to strengthen and dene the root of I (B
) more clearly, before the
bold venture of the fourthprogression {15} b
f is undertaken in the bass (bars
5255); moreover, according to the law of strict counterpoint (see Kontrapunkt i,
pp. 331/pp. 257 ), the subsequent suspension gures requires us to equate the
tonwi lle 3
Unmittelbare Tonikalisierung (rendered as direct tonicalization in Harmony): in an unmedi-
ated tonicization, there is no tonicizing chord that would indicate the tonicity of II in advance.
Schenker later amended the graph of the Urlinie in BP10, interpreting g
as the initial tone of
the Urlinies third-progression that spans bars 127 and is resumed by g
in the transition section,
leading to f
in bar 44. Note that the Urlinie graph is missing V beneath bars 2526.
- -
Schenkers later emendations to BP10 sever a connection between d
and f
by interpreting d
as passing within the g
octave. He also emended this portion of the Urlinie graph: a dotted slur
connects g
in bar 30 with g
in bar 38; a slur connects d
in bar 36 with g
in bar 38; a slur connects
in bar 30 with e
in bar 36; and VI
beneath the bars are enclosed in parentheses. All this
points to an interpretation of g
as 6
as 4 (bars
7374) and g
as 6
) before V
, something that has the eect of a suspension,
amounting here to g
(bar 80) before f (bar 82). (More will be said of this tech-
nique in Freier Satz.) The motive of bars 79 is of special signicance: if the
upper neighbor note (g
) was intended for use in this group of bars (see earlier),
the contracted motive of bar 79 already alludes to it in the very rst instance! Also
related to the very same play of neighbor notes is the diminution of bars 9192,
with de
d in the inner voice! The metrical arrangement is unperturbed in
this section; but the fermata in bar 77 should be regarded as a genuinely Haydn-
esque caesura.
The closing subject (bars 97) unrolls 6
In the graph of the Urlinie in BP10, Schenker has crossed out the
5 6
7 in bars 160 continues that ascent and
strives for 6
the middle of its course (bar 164; see Tonwille 2, pp. 8, 35, etc./i, pp. 56, 82, etc.)
but also withholds the root of I at the very moment (bar 175) that c
rst appears
in the upper voice, a pitch that ultimately acts as an accented passing tone lead-
ing to d
, the genuine seventh of the chord in question. And in the midst of all
these events, a fermata in bar 170! The thematic material starting in bar 171 orig-
inates from the second subject, including the percussive fortissimo chords in bars
17879. The tone repetition in this passage is intended to bring about the reca-
pitulation. In addition, the anacrusis motive is also used here in the form of the
elaborated fourth (bars 2829), now heard in inversion as well (see bars 17273,
bars 185). The passage now proceeds downward from 6
in an improvisatory
manner and is articulated over and over again into segments of a third (see the
graph of the Urlinie); the outer voices basically move in thirds:
and the diminution of the lower voice touches upon the roots merely as so-called
extrapolated roots (see Freier Satz).
A sequence in sixths starts in bar 190. {17}
The motive of a third (fe
d) even steals into the elaboration of the fermata in
bar 202, as a herald of the recapitulations gfe
appears before
5, and again something altogether dierent when 8
7 6
Haydn was God-fearing; he received succor and solace from above; from the
depths of his heart he thanked everyone who showed him any sort of aection;
he was kind and charitable, ready to forgive, even when oense was given; he rose
above the most bitter fate through his artistic virtues, strongly and serenely. Was
he not Kappelmeister to Count Morzin, and to the Prince of Esterhazy and did
he not dine with this lords other functionaries? Yes, indeed, and nevertheless in
the presence of princes he was freer than all those who, even at the time, relished
the freedom of the Anglo-French Enlightenment; he was also {18} freer than all
those who today so aectatiously bask in the sunlight, enlightened by Karl Marxs
arithmetic primerhow telling that the new freedom was brought on by a book
about capital! Genius was Haydns freedom, the sole true freedom that can be al-
lotted to a man; for to those not so blessed, freedom means money and maw, no
matter how ardently they pretend to wrestle with ethics, religion, polity, democ-
racy, partisan issues, and the like. (As one saying by Goethe puts it: Mankind is
constrained by its needs. If they are not met, it proves impatient; if they are, it ap-
pears indierent. The actual man thus moves between these two conditions, and
he will apply his understanding, so-called human understanding, to satisfy his
needs; when that happens, he has the task of lling the void of indierence. And
when this task is conned within the most immediate and necessary limits, he
succeeds in it as well. But if his needs become more serious, if they lie outside the
realm of the ordinary, then common sense will no longer suce, he is a genius
no longer, and the region of error yawns open before him.)
Mozart and Beethoven revered Haydn as a supernatural being, even though
they were permitted to see him with their own eyes and shake his handeveryone
else, musician and non-musician alike, called him Papa Haydn and, patroniz-
ingly, extolled merely his lively genuineness, good humor, and exuberance, for
they saw not into the depths of his spirit.
Papa Haydn! But soon the children desert him, as children are wont to do
with fathers, and yet they would have done better had they allowed their spiritual
capacities for perfection and profundity to be trained by him. But that is the Ger-
man way: always out when a genius pays them a visit. No sooner does the Ger-
man read a foreign-language book or hear a piece from another nations music,
than his power of judgment is wrested from him simply by the joy of mastering
and comprehending the foreign tongue or the foreign musical world. (The peoples
of the West and South lack the talent and inclination for assimilating foreign
things to such a degree.) And so, in all cases, he unconsciously overvalues the for-
eign, much in the way a pianist unconsciously prefers a piece, say, by Liszt or
Tchaikovsky to one by Mozart or Beethoven, simply because it atters his self-
image to have his hands full of keys . . . (Amazing indeed are the paths of prog-
ress that mediocre men travel, as reactionaries.) So it came to be that Haydn, and
the younger masters along with him, had quite soon been betrayed by their own
contemporaries under the claim of progress toward the unspeakably wretched
dilettantism of French musical Romanticism; at that time they had reached the
point of calling Berlioz, for example, a French Beethoven, but now they are well
on the way to calling Beethoven a German Berlioz.
But what can Haydn say to the present? A genius versus the masses? Divine
blessing and a superhuman power to work (even in his last years Haydn worked
fourteen to sixteen hours a day!)? or: masses of idleness, incited and deluded by
the notion that the ultimate watchword of mankind should be its physical needs?
The profundity of a genius stimulated by the profundity of a material forever
craving to produce ospring, a glimpse of an eternity pervaded by material and
genius? or: the shallowness of merely one [sterile] generation, expressed in turn
through shallowness of understanding, inventiveness, and humanity? How can
Haydns genius be grasped by a purely brutish muttering of impressions or, for
that matter, by the sincerely expressed conviction that education is a commodity
that can and must be given, as if geniuses could be fried up and tossed into the
{19} And Haydns future? Like that of every genius. Whether poorly performed
or distributed in corrupt texts, or whether drooled over in the idle chit-chat of
loathsome, presumptuous ignorance, the miracle of synthesis must, and will, pre-
serve Haydn for all eternity! For no matter how many evil things may rightfully be
Haydns Sonata in E
Major, Hoboken XVI:52
From Maximen und Reexionen.
ascribed to mankind, divine favor has nonetheless not abandoned it; mankind, it-
self called to life organically, is now directly, as if viscerally and instantaneously, at-
tracted to and captivated by the organic wherever it appears, including art. In all
ages, therefore, mankind will feel an ineable sense of the hidden majesty of the
organic in Haydn, even long after it will have lost all that excited it through means
it could muster at will, if only just that once and yet so skillfully.
The German nation, defrauded of everything that it had appropriated from
the Western nations, may perhaps long today more than ever for an independ-
ent geniusand that is right and tting, too. Even the German climate itself
nourishes a unique type of genius.
Just as fugues or sonatas could not thrive
under the hot suns of Egypt or India (for it is no dierent with fruits of the spirit
than it is with fruits of the soil), it is inconceivable that the North (if we restrict
our attention to Europe) could be southernized in spirit or, vice versa, that the
South could be northernized. Let us look at the example of diminution: inde-
pendent of nation and climate, diminution on its own grew organically within
the life of the tones and became the common property of all music; neverthe-
less, North and South soon parted ways in the practice of diminution: the Ger-
man masters, following the dictates of the German climate, valued diminution
above all as a means for achieving a profound synthesis, while the masters of the
South, again following the dictates of their climate, fostered dazzling change
more than the logical consecution of synthesis. Thus, it is pointless to demand
a new type of genius in Germany, one that is indeed German but also (to use a
frequently invoked expression) dancelike [tnzerisches] in the manner of the
Romance nations. If every genius is dancelike, since he dances round the
precipices of profound depths, and if, accordingly, a Haydn, Mozart, or Beetho-
ven is as dancelike in the most mournful adagio as in the most exuberant nale,
then on the whole the German genius is also as dancelike as any Latin genius.
Whatever fusion of musical North and South was possible has already been in-
troduced into music in ages past, by our great masters themselves, in factnow
there is no longer anything in the South, and absolutely nothing in music, that
could await fusion. Synthesis was the most sublime fruit of music, and what
matters is to continue cultivating this and this alone, no matter how new con-
tent is created and extended!
The path that leads to knowledge of synthesis, whether it serves to stimulate
the creative faculty or the ability to recreate in performance, is none other than
the path that I am here the rst to show. It was a delusion when past generations
imagined they had penetrated Haydns essence and profundity, and again a delu-
sion to believe that each generation approaches such a genius in its own manner
and that true knowledge results only from the sum total of these varying views;
futile, too, is the call often heard today: Back to Haydn, to Mozart and Beetho-
ven!for to which Haydn? to the Haydn that is not understood? And since a
true genius is never a phenomenon of the past alone but also of an eternal future,
must it not actually be Forward to Haydn!?No, no, there is but one true path,
the path to synthesis, and it can only be traveled, to repeat myself, in no other way
than the one I have shown here. And so I quote here what Goethe said to Ecker-
mann: Error belongs to librarians, the True belongs to the human {20} spirit
and, adapting Goethes words, I issue a call: The fathers are the True! On to the
fathers, to Father Haydn!
tonwi lle 3
The eect of climate on individual creativity and group culture is a theme that Schenker re-
turned to in the Miscellanea of later writings (Meisterwerk i, p. 212/p. 117 and ii, p. 202/pp. 12122).
On a slip of paper inserted between pages 16 and 17 of this essay in a personal copy of Tonwille
3 (BP10), Schenker made the following notes concerning Georg August Griesingers Biographische No-
tizen ber Joseph Haydn (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hrtel, 1810):
Griesinger, 104/105: Wenn ein Meister ein oder zwei vorzgliche Werke geleistet habe, so sei
sein Ruf gegrndet, seine Schpfung werde bleiben, u. die Jahreszeiten giengen wohl auch
noch mit.
!! Quartette, Trios, Son. ?
NB erinnert an Bs Ausspr. ber op. 106
Gries. bergroer Respekt vor Cherubini ( Beeth, ja auch noch Brahms)deutsches
on Haydn:
(Griesinger, pp. 104 5: []If a master produced one or two excellent works, that would be
enough to establish his reputation.[] His Creation will survive, and so, surely, will The
!! [And what of all those] quartets, trios, sonatas?
NB This reminds [me] of what Beethoven said about Op. 106.
Griesinger refers to Haydns disproportionate veneration of Cherubini (the same applies to
Beethoven, and even to Brahms)the malady of German inheritance.
Schenkers transcription fails to show that Griesinger is actually quoting, or paraphrasing, Haydn
in the rst sentence. The NB refers to a remark that Beethoven is reported to have made to
Domenico Artaria, the publisher of the Hammerklavier Sonata (Op. 106): There you have a sonata
that will force the pianist to be creative, a sonata that people will still be playing in fty years time.
(This is quoted it in the Miscellanea of Meisterwerk ii.) Further notes for an unnished article on
Haydn by Schenker are found in File 49 of the Oster Collection.
arises through the coincidence of mutual passing excursions, but without want-
ing to eect scale degree II at this point.
Still dwelling on bar 2, I explained the
second sixteenth a
(Fig. 1) as the fth that lls out the sonority with the seventh
(7/5) and the third sixteenth b
, {23} which initiates the succession of upper sixths,
as a neighbor note between the two c
s. And nally, going over into the third bar,
I declared that [the following] f
in the inner voice is yet again a seventh (of II),
as given in Fig. 4a, and not as in Fig. 4b:
The Art of Listening
Die Kunst zu hren {Tonwille 3, pp. 2225}
t r a ns l at e d b y r ob e rt s na r re nb e r g
In a copy of Tonwille 3 in the Oster Collection (Books and Pamphlets, No. 10), Schenker has added
a d
to the tenor voice at the end of the rst bar of Fig. 2a, together with the bass guring 5 6, and also
5 6 above the rst two bass notes in Fig. 2b; these markings suggest that he considered, after all, inter-
preting the harmonic change (IVI) as the eect of a 56 exchange within a single harmonic degree (I).
Upbeat here refers to the second half of the notated bar. Because he regards free composition
as a prolongation of strict counterpoint, Schenker conceives each bar as having but two metrical
parts: downbeat and upbeat. The connection between strict and free composition is further expli-
cated by using the rhythmic format of species counterpoint (e.g., the whole notes and half notes in
Figs. 2b and 3).
and that, because of the altered behavior of the inner voice and thus in contrast
to the descent in bar 2, the descent of the bass under the root of II already brings
about a change of harmonic degree (V) in the upbeat at the simultaneity
Striving to rm up my explanation, I additionally pointed out that it would
be rather out of place to linger on only one or two harmonic degrees, seeing as
how Bach modulates to C
as a root
and not as the bass of a rst-inversion chord? On the other hand, it certainly re-
mains {24} an ancillary matter whether or not he also connected the notion of a
harmonic degree to the bass D
(at the asterisk), if he does
not perhaps even believe that he must eliminate consecutive octaves (see
Ossia), and all this only because he does not grasp the genuine gist of the voice-
leading (shown in Fig. 7b), which knows nothing of an octave. What arrogance
he shows toward Chopin! Similar shenanigans have destroyed all our master-
works for the last two hundred years, one could almost say bar by bar! Reluc-
tantly, I broke o . . .
tonwi lle 3
O heilig Herz der Vlker, o Vaterland! O holy heart of peoples, O fatherland!
Allduldend gleich der schweigenden Mutter Erd All-suering silently, like mother earth,
Und allverkannt, wenn schon aus deiner And all-unrecognized, though it is from your
Tiefe die Fremden ihr Bestes haben. Depths that foreigners have their best.
Sie ernten den Gedanken, den Geist von Dir, From you they harvest their thoughts, their spirit,
Sie pcken gern die Traube, doch hhnen sie Gladly they pluck the grapes, and yet they mock
Dich, ungestalte Rebe, da du You, misshapen vine, because you
Schwankend den Boden und wild umirrest. Wander about wildly, making the ground shake.
Du Land des hohen, ernsteren Genius! You land of high, more earnest genius!
Du Land der Liebe! Bin ich der deine schon, You land of love! Though I am already yours,
Oft zrnt ich weinend, da du immer I have often raged and wept that you always
Blde die eigene Seele leugnest. Senselessly deny your own soul.
Man carries Gods miracles within him. But he is oblivious of them; instead, he
dishonors them from his youth through to the grave. The less he can read the
signs of his own miracles, the more he craves help and release from outside. In
vain have religious institutions called out to him: See God around you and
within you. He cries out for miracles so that he may believe, but promptly re-
sorts to denying their very existence.
It is just the same with peoples, and humanity as a whole. The German
people are never conscious of the miraculous greatness that is theirs, of the great
ones that are their heritage. The German people have forsaken their great mira-
cle-workers, just as the human race as a whole has forsaken Germany, unable to
play any part in the miracle of Germany. The same enemy that deles what is
most holy within men has for centuries fulminated in racial hatred against Ger-
many, that most holy member of the human race. Today more than ever. The
noble German gaze, which rests so tranquil and pure upon things (Schillers
words to Goethe), must be obliterated for ever. The noble German spirit, of
which Kjellen
says: If the destruction of personality while striving for the ideal
is ultimately to be reckoned higher and more moral than engorged prosperity,
then the German spirit is the purest light of mankind. No other is so free from
egotism and prejudice, so full of understanding and peaceability toward others.
There is no surer way on earth to objectivity.this spirit must be killed, that
is the clear will of the primitive peoples who for years have danced and raged
a genocide, the likes of which has never been seen, like wild animals around a
funeral pyre made up of the lies, falsehoods, and calumny to which they have
bound the Germans.
Although the profundity of the German spiritthe product of great charac-
ter and capacity for hard workshowers blessings upon them, their envy cannot
tolerate its being German. In particular, ever since they have encountered Ger-
manys economic superiority as well, it has transformed their egotism and cov-
etousness into hatred and murder, into open robbery of German land, German
work, and German property. By now, the thinking of the other nations is so sorely
Vermischtes {Tonwille 3, pp. 2638}
t r a ns l at e d b y i a n b e nt
[S]This section was originally intended for Tonwille 2. [Schenker is signaling not only the delay
of its publication but also its separation from the essays that it was originally intended to follow.
In addition, several paragraphs of the Miscellanea were also cut, at the insistence of the publisher.
They have been restored here, enclosed by the symbols . . . . See the general preface to this vol-
ume, p. ix.]
Friedrich Hlderlin (17701843), Gesang des Deutschen (1799), stanzas 13 (of fteen), in Alcaic
meter. See OC 24/95 for Schenkers identication.
Rudolf Kjellen (1864 1922), right-wing Swedish political theorist, founder of geopolitics, author
of Dreibund und Dreiverband: Die diplomatische Vorgeschichte des Weltkrieges (1921) and Die Gross-
mchte und die Weltkrise (Leipzig: Teubner, 1921).
troubled that Hebbel
would concur: It is possible that the German may once
again disappear from the world stage. For he has all the qualities that will gain
him heaven, but not a single one by which he may hold his own on earth; and all
nations hate him, as the evildoers hate the good. However, if they ever do nally
bring about his downfall, they will nd themselves wishing they could scratch his
body out of the grave with their bare hands. And yet Logau was right when, in
his own time, he recognized Germanys plight thus:
Das begrabene Deutschland Germany Buried
Wir muten alle Vlker We had to allow people of all nationalities
zu Totengrbern haben, to be our gravediggers,
eh Deutschland in sich selbsten before they could bury the German people
sie konnten recht vergraben. with themselves.
Jetzt sind sie mehr noch mhsam, Now they take even greater care
den Krper zu verwahren, to guard the corpse [of Germany],
da in ihn neue Geister lest new spirits
nicht etwa wieder fahren, somehow reinhabit it,
da das erweckte Deutschland and Germany, once awakened,
nicht wiederum, wie billig, should, in its turn,
auch seine Totengrber be willing to inter
sei zu bestatten willig. its gravediggers, too.
The desire to annihilate Germany is getting truly serious. But even in these
direst straits, when the voice screams out in agonyhow bloodcurdling must the
screaming of the German sacricial victims have resounded in the ears of
mankind!even in this very darkest hour, the betrayal rests not with those who
for the sake of the murderous nations stupidly disavow their own souls. Rather,
it rests with those utterly untalented, eternal courtiers and lackeys of the West,
small men and women who lack the character {27} to move in the circles of our
greatest gures, and who as a result will also be incapable of gaining access to
the great gures of other nations. These are the self-same people who became
devotees of Wilson and Northcli during the war,
and have since delivered the
stab in the back by taking a freedom that suited other nations well regardless
of outward and inward dierences, and foisted it parrot-like on their fellow-
countrymen. Later, when chastened for their own betrayal by Wilsons betrayal,
they nefariously and of their own free will heaped the burden of guilt for
the world war on Germanys shoulders, wailing penitential songs [Golgatha-
Hymnen]. So doing, they abased their fatherland before nations who were play-
ing out a long-running strategy of robbery and murder, reducing Germany to a
sort of village idiot in the eyes of the worldand all this barely half a century
after Bismarck.
With what artice did the French contrive that their language be considered
the language of reason? I believe I can oer three grounds for that. During its
developmentwhatever the causestheir language acquired a certain conform-
ity to rules that our language does not possess. Since its word order is pre-
scribed, one is less likely to get embarrassingly tangled up in saying what one
wants to say. Second, it has acquired a degree of renement that few other living
languages can boast. At a time when Germany was still writing in Barbarian
Latin, French had long been nely honed, because the French always preferred
to write for a public, a well-mannered public, while the Germans were writing
for private study and scholarly discourse. Just as the ancient Gauls had a female
governing body as their highest authority, so also the fair sex soon occupied the
center of their learned circles. Books came to be seen more and more as written
conversations, as elegantly styled discussions, and so took on the dialogistic air
of the sophist. Rather than, third, enumerating all the public institutions that
have adopted it, let me come right out and say: the French language would be
nothing if it had not garnered all these commendations. Wretched for musical
settings, watery, nerveless, and inharmonious for poetic purposes, too precise
for the higher realms of philosophy, it has earned its place solely through a
mediocrity that has never attained a high level in either philosophy or poetry.
is not uncharitable in his assessment: If I were searching for an
epithet to explain its great success, I would proceed by comparing characteris-
tics. Not as limpid as Italian, not as majestic as Spanish, less compact than Eng-
lish, far below German in vigor, almost less than any European language in rich-
ness and superabundance; yet in spite of its poverty, it has sucient resources,
vigor, brevity, majesty, and sweetness to be a very valuable instrument for
human thoughts. In particular, the clarity and politeness that characterize it
constitute its great merit. So, just as a handsome, courteous man, clear and ra-
tional in conversation, is more readily accepted in company than a deep-think-
ing, silent man, so too, among Germans, the French language has earned the lau-
rels as the language of the intellect, where ours could have claimed to have been
a language of reason.
Herder: Fragmente zur deutschen Literatur
We despair, and convince ourselves on the basis of this striking example that
it is just not worth the trouble of giving satisfaction to the French in this respect,
obsessed as they are with the external appearances in everything.
we jump to the opposite conclusion: {28} that we shall reject the French language
entirely, and instead devote ourselves with all our passion and sincerity to our
mother tongue.
We found opportunities for this, and willing interlocutors, in our daily lives.
Alsace had not been part of France
for so long that old and young had yet lost
Johann Gottfried Herder (1744 1803): Aurora (i.e., the morning light that drives away the ter-
rors of the night) is the tenth essay in the collection Nachlese fr Adrastea: Vermischte Aufstze und
Fragmente: J. G. Herders smmtliche Werke (Karlsruhe: im Breau der deutschen Classiker, 182029),
vol. 28 (1821), pp. 441564; the quotation is taken from p. 554. Aurora is a dialogue about the old cen-
tury and the new, and in particular about the French Revolution and the concepts of freedom and
equality. The italics in this passage reproduce Herders emphases, which are not transmitted in
Schenkers text.
Barbarish. . . schrieb: Herder probably means writing in German before the standardization of
the language in the Lutheran Bible. A barbarism is a grammatical error.
Prmontval (pseudonym) Andr-Pierre Le Gay (171664), author of Discours sur les math-
matiques (Paris, 1743), Lesprit de Fontenelle (Paris, 1743), Mmoires (The Hague, 1749), and Le Diogne
de dAlembert (Paris, 1754).
Goethe has been praising the spoken and written French of Johann Daniel Schpin (1694
1771), professor of history at Strasbourg, with whom he has studied, and decrying the tendency of the
French to quibble with his command of their language, complaining that he expounds and philoso-
phizes rather than conversing.
In his Aus meinem Leben: Dichtung und Wahrheit (181132), Goethe covered his life from birth
to arrival in Weimar in 1775. Part III (1814), book 11, includes his period of legal studies in Strasbourg,
176871. The passage from which Schenker excerpts details his initial desire for an academic posi-
tion in France, then the disparaging discussions among Goethe and his German friends of French
law and politics, literature, society, science, and atheism, and his mildly disillusioned return to Ger-
many. It was in Strasbourg that he came under the inuence of Herder and of the latters advocacy
of Shakespeare.
Alsace was placed under French protectorate in 1648. Strasbourg was seized by the French in 1681.
their lingering attachment to the old outlooks, customs, language, and traditional
dress . . . .
Similarly, at our table nothing even remotely resembling German was spoken.
. . . What alienated us from the French more powerfully than anything was the
oft-repeated assertion that Germans in generallike the king, who strove after
French culture
were lacking in good taste. Whenever we encountered this al-
legation, which attached itself to every opinion like a refrain, we did nothing and
tried to bottle up our feelings. But we became even more befuddled when people
assured us that Mnage
had once said that French writers possessed everything
but good taste. . . .
So there we were, at the French border, suddenly free and divested of all
things French. We found their way of life too precise and genteel. To us, their po-
etry was cold, their criticism destructive; their philosophy was abstruse and, even
so, inadequate. Now we stood on the verge of surrendering ourselves to raw na-
ture, at least experimentallyif, that is, another inuence had not long since
been preparing us for higher and freer views of the world and intellectual delights
as true as they were poetic; if it had not been controlling us at rst secretively and
gently, but later more overtly and forcefully.
I hardly need say that it is Shakespeare that I have in mind with this re-
mark. . . . We have generously accorded him all the justice, equity, and protective
concern that we deny to one another.
Goethe: Aus meinem Leben, Part III
The German democrats, with their French narrowness of outlook, are forever
unable to see through the words and deeds of French mendacity, and therefore
swear on no higher authority than the patriarchs of their dishonor, Voltaire, the
Encyclopedists, and the heroes of the French Revolution. These democrats
hold that Mozart, in the manner of the priests, had profaned Voltaires great-
ness. And the vassal Schurig (see earlier),
who nds Voltaire more congenial,
calls Mozart a barbarian. What nonesense! As a German, Mozart was behav-
ing just naturally in his remark (see above); and as a German genius, he pos-
sessed, without needing to know chapter and verse of Voltaires writings as do
German devotees of Voltaire, a deeper insight than they into the repulsive ways
of this all-too-deeply awed Frenchman. One need only recall, moreover, how a
Goethewith characteristic sense of responsibility in what he said and what he
wrote (Dichtung und Wahrheit)judged Voltaire, who through his supercial-
ity and unsoundness in matters of religion, art, and politics caused so much
mischief in the world, and lived so disreputable a life. One will then see the
rightness of Mozarts hastily penned remark, and will appreciate how funda-
mentally dierent from the German is the Frenchman, to whom a Voltaire could
become the pride of his Panthon:
You might think, from what I have recounted so far, that only fortuitous ex-
Passage deleted from page proofs for the Miscellanea: OC 39/20.
Leopold: Oct 18, 1777, continuation Oct 20 You were insuciently reserved, you were too fa-
miliar; Wolfgang: Oct 25.
[S]See Tonwille 2, pp. 18, 22/i, pp. 65, 69. [Artur Schurig, author of Wolfgang Amad Mozart: sein
Leben, seine Persnlichkeit, sein Werk (Leipzig: Insel, 1913, 2nd ed. 1923), in which he drew on Nissens
collection of biographical sources to conduct new research into the inuences on Mozart, including
French inuences, thereby antagonizing Schenker. (This is in itself probably further evidence of how
up-to-date Schenker kept in his reading.) Schenker likens him to the German negotiators (lackeys)
who in 1919 subjugated Germany to the Allied forces and democracy. Schurigs book, along with a
negative review of its second edition, is critiqued in the last section of the next Miscellanea (Ton-
wille 4, pp. 312/i, pp. 171 72).
See note 12. These extracts occur between extracts 4 and 5 of those previously quoted.
ternal motivations and personal idiosyncrasies are involved. In fact, however,
French literature did itself possess certain qualities that must have deterred the as-
piring young man rather than attracting him. It was archaic and rened, neither
of which can have appealed to young men in search of freedom and the plea-
sures of life . . .
. . . And even this Voltaire, the wonder-boy of his day, was himself by now
archaic, like the literature that he had enlivened and dominated for nearly a
century . . .
. . . and so he himself, patriarch and elder statesman, had to emulate even the
youngest of his rivals by waiting his opportunities, constantly ingratiating him-
self with others, granting too many favors to his friends, mistreating his enemies
too often, and, under the guise of a passionate striving after truth, treating people
untruthfully and deceitfully. When all is said and done, was it worthwhile having
lived so active and great a life only to end up more dependent than when one
started out? . . .
. . . For us young men, for whom a German love of nature and truth served as
the best guide in living and learning, and honesty to oneself and others was our
watchword, the partisan dishonesty of Voltaire, and his demolishing of so many
worthy causes, irked us increasingly so that we grew daily more antipathetic to-
ward him. He could never do enough to belittle religion and the holy writ on
which it was founded in his desire to damage the high priests, as he called them,
and many a time this left me feeling uncomfortable. But only when I learned that
in order to discredit the oral tradition of a Great Flood he denied the evidence of
fossilized shells, considering all such phenomena mere freaks of nature, did I
completely lose my faith in him; . . .
From his youth upward, he directed his full attention and energy to an active
social life, politics, personal gain of all kinds, relationships to the lords of the
earth, and exploitation of those relationships with the aim of joining the ranks of
those lords. It cannot have been easy for anyone to make themselves so beholden
to others in order to be beholden to no one . . .
{30} . . . Whenever we heard speak of the Encyclopedists, or opened a volume
of their enormous work, its eect on our spirits was as of walking through the in-
numerable gyrating bobbins and looms of a huge textile mill. The sheer clatter-
ing and whirring, all that machinery befuddling ones senses, the overwhelming
sight of so many individual parts interacting so closely, the contemplation of the
myriad things that go into making a piece of clothit was enough to spoil the
feel of the garment on ones back.
During his visit to the court of Frederick William II in Berlin, Mozart forces the
kings cello teacher, Duport the Elder,
who was, in Otto Jahns words, as arro-
gant a character as he was intriguing, to speak German, despite the hegemony of
French at the court. He remarked of him: Even that Italianate brute, who has
lived on German soil all these many years and consumed German food, was
forced to converse inor rather to mangleGerman, whether or not his French
muzzle was up to the job.
As a genius, Mozart recognizes that political power extends to the realm of
language, and accordingly rejects the French language on German soil. But why
do no Germans who belong to Mozarts beloved fatherland follow suit, rather
than encouraging, as they do, the unjustied disparagement and denigration of
his music and person? Do they expect to administer tests in the understanding of
genius just in case they come across some foreign genius, rather than letting jus-
tice reign with the authentic article? Now back to Mozarts character, then
Mozarts music, too, will be revealed to Germans!
But let us go back, Councilor, for I completely lose my diplomatic character and
perspective if I do not frequently revisit the past, the aictions that underlie our
time, among which in particular are the three types of lie. In the very fabric of the
French language exists a reection of the truthfulness of the journal de lEmpire.
For example, a French billion is so much smaller than ours that a French quintil-
lion is only a German trillion. Likewise, a mere rien on its own, without a second
negation, means something to them; but what about le moyen den rien croire?
When faced with numbers of troops or amounts of earnings, this linguistic genius
was seldom fazed. Thus by vrits de Moniteur or de Paris there is nothing any truer
to understand than by cul de Paris or gorge de Paris,
though the latter two do at
tonwi lle 3
Jean-Pierre Duport (17411818), rst cellist of the royal chapel from 1773.
W. A. Mozart (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hrtel, 185659, rev. 1867, 5th edn., rev. H. Abert, 191921),
vol. 2, p. 630.
This was the name given to the Journal dbats et dcrets, a record of the proceedings of the Na-
tional Assembly, during most of 1814 15.
Literally, the means of believing nothing.
Truths of Le Moniteur, [truths] of Paris, Paris arse, Paris cleavage: Le Moniteur uni-
verselle, founded 1789 to publish the debates of the French National Assembly, to record public acts
and diplomas, and to discuss aairs and literature, became the ocial organ of the French govern-
ment in 1814; it changed its name to Journal ociel in 1871.
least refer to something tangible. Just as architecture uses blind doorways for dec-
so French architecture of war and peace, in the form of the writer, shows
itselfperhaps not at an inopportune momentthrough blind or painted door-
ways and triumphal arches that look in two directions at once. And it is in essence
an imitationalbeit an ennobled oneof the Roman practice that required the
Emperor literally to put on make-up at his triumphal ascent, when the French
newspapers hastily apply make-up
or rouge to the defeated commander-in-
chief, and turn loss into victory by eulogy and lies. But every diplomatic councilor
will always call this nothing other than the purely ctional lie . . .
Quite dierent from this . . . is the cynical and derisive lie. This is what ex-
plains clearly to nations, when they have lost their old freedom, what they have
gained in the process, and moreover in the midst of their wars how much they
enjoy peace, even at rst taking pleasure in war as an advance encounter. It ex-
plains also how greatly trade and commerce can actually prot from the very fact
of European bankruptcy, just as commercial independence can be achieved from
political dependency. It shows how one can really speak of good fortune through-
out the whole of present-day Europe, but most especially in the former German
Empire. To me, this is a loose, but elegant emulation of the people of Kamchatka,
whose custom it is, after devouring the whole of a seal except for the head, to
place a garland and crown on this nal relic, lay food around it, and instead of
saying grace make the following speech to it: See how we mistreat you; we cap-
tured you only so that we might regale you right royally. Tell your relatives this,
so that they too may come and be regaled.
It is small wonder that in recent times such garlanded and harangued heads
have been a common sight. But it is worth remarking how, in these wild people,
the rst embodimentalbeit only a faint oneof a good French minister of the
interior was actually to be found.
. . . Enough. We have now arrived at the third type of lie: the lie by promise,
or the lie of treachery. This is the most serious of them all. . . .
Jean Paul: Mars und Phoebus Thronwechsel im Jahre 1814
Would these French lies actually exist in the rst place without the servility
which has operated, and continues to operate, in Germany against the opinion
and advice of her great menbehind their backs, as it were? And do not the
French tricksters [die Franzsler] commit the most grievous betrayal of human
culture by constantly driving the French people [die Franzosen] to ruination and
depravity through their slavish, foolish posing, when they should instead be help-
ing them out of their predicament?
Afew years ago, in a t of grand self-delusion, the Neue Zrcher Zeitung alleged
that the character and customs of German Switzerland were essentially French.
There is a grain of truth in this: we do have an inveterate tribe of adulators who
gawk at all things French and do not see sense until they have had a ladle-full of
misery forced down their throats. Anybody to whom France really has anything
to oer should accept it with gratitude. She has nothing to oer us, only things
to take from us. Our federal constitution, the rst practicable creative idea since
the downfall of the ancient confederacy,
is evidence of the German blood in our
veins, evidence as good as the ancient letters of the golden era.
Gottfried Keller, in Der Bund (Bern), 1860
. . . A Swiss republic reformed thus from top to bottom would, however, be re-
stored and revitalized if it were to enter into free union with similarly governed
states to form a large-scale mutual alliance; and that this might one day be pos-
sible with Germany was precisely the assumption of the above-mentioned toast.
If in contemplating such an aliation
such an accommodation in times of
future world calamitiesI showed a preference for Germany, then this was be-
Blinde Thore can also mean blind fools.
Schminke: cf. Schenkers remarks on the Western political leaders in The Masterwork in Music,
vol. 3, p. 72.
Mars und Phbus: Thronwechsel im Jahre 1814. Eine scherzhafte Flugschrift. This satirical pam-
phlet is subtitled Brief report of how, on the night of New Years Eve 1813, the reigning planet Mars
hands over sovereignty to his successor, Sol, the sun god, for the year 1814. The work appears among
the Political Writings in the collected edition Jean Pauls Smtliche Werke: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe,
part I, vol.14 (Weimar: Bhlaus, 1839), pp. 15582. Schenkers excerpts are taken from pp. 17275.
Passage deleted from page proofs for the Miscellanea: OC 39/22.
The old three-canton Swiss confederacy goes back to 1291, and by 1513 embraced thirteen can-
tons. The establishment of the Helvetian Republic in 1798 ended it; the republic was itself replaced by
the new federal constitution in 1815, comprising twenty-two cantons with separate constitutions but
one federal army. A new federal state was formed in 1848, with a federal government, postal system,
currency, and, later, railway system.
The golden era probably refers to the original confederacy, formed in 1291 among the forest
cantons, Schwyz, Uri, and Nidwalden, the Everlasting League; the ancient letters to the letter of
agreement of 1291 and that among the three cantons arming their defensive alliance in 1315. See
Gottfried Keller: Smtliche Werke und ausgewhlte Briefe (Munich: Hanser, 1958), vol. 3, p. 970: the two
league letters of 1291 and 1315.
Anschluss: the word widely used for the annexation of Austria by Germany shortly before the
start of World War II.
cause I prefer to turn to where capability, strength, and light, rather than their op-
posites, prevail.
Gottfried Keller, in the Basler Nachrichten, 1872
By now, the German democrats have got rather more than a ladle-full of
misery forced down their throats. From their spy-holes, so to speak, they have
come to know every single foreign knave by sight. His foreign name was already
music to their ears, every word that he published in a newspaper, novel, or stage
play holy writ. But this did not stop the foreign whip from cracking over the
democrats in Germany, who must grudgingly concede that there has always been
and always will be solidarity among the peopleAh! what castles in Spain they
dreamt of there! And if it works against the German people, then it will be a sol-
idarity with the exception of the Germans. What is more, the German democrat
ought to pay to whoever engineered the long-desired freedom from the Hohen-
a liberation tax at a level way beyond his means.
Then at last he would
put up economic resistance against his liberator, for the rst time everbut that
would still fall far short of intellectual resistance.
The German worker is already becoming uneasy even about his beloved
Marx, for the foreign whip is on the point of driving this prophet out of him.
special tax ought to be levied for this liberation, too: slavery for the liberators!
Soon the castles in Spain will have vanished, as a new breed of strong-arm bu-
reaucrat works only eight hours a day himself (and not very good quality work,
at that) and so forces middle-class men and women to work that much longer. In
the throes of the War, the German worker had nothing better to think about than
the three-class electoral system
(friends among Germanys enemies shared
those concerns with him!). But what good is that to him today, now that he is not
even free to choose which whip? Anybody who wishes to punish him is free to do
so: American, English, French, Italian, Czech, Pole, Rumanian, Hungarian, Yugo-
slav, or whoever. Did not the German workforce in German Austria recently
prove itself utterly worthless by failing to kill a villainous English soldier who had
assaulted a German ocial in English fashion because the wanton destruction
was not going ahead fast enough for his liking? Will the German democrats in
their spy-holes never understand that Germans are too upright and industrious
to get caught up in the democratic activities of indolent peoples without feeling
sick with shame? I fear they never will! Their small brain-mass makes it dicult
for them to behave as Germans alongside Germanys great ones, to be Lessing-
Hindenburg-German, and far easier just to be French-English-Italian-Czech-
This France was no greater than Germany, but had always had the power to go
after anything she wanted in Germany and get it, the power to play cat-and-
mouse, to inict harm, to disrupt, to rob whichever neighbor she chose, and to
make surprise attacks whenever and wherever she felt like it. From Heidelberg to
Peking, from the arsonist Mlac to the thieving accomplice Palikao, she always
had her sights set on some foreign possession. The great nation-King Louis xiv
stole Belgiums most valuable border regions, and then the great nation-Emperor
Napoleon was able to appropriate the country wholesale, emasculated and dis-
membered as it was. Louis xiv took the Vosges as his border, Napoleon i took the
Rhine as his border, Napoleon iii nursed the idea of snatching land indenitely,
until he got his ngers burned, though he got away with seizing Savoy and Nice.
The French are compulsively voracious, the ironic thing being that while {32}
they grab territory always by expansion, they seek to compensate Germany by
contraction, and for her own good. By conjuring away the names Prussia and
Germany, they compensate Prussia in such a way that Germany increases by not
a single village, while the whole German-Austrian region shrinksand in France
they call that compensation!
tonwi lle 3
That is, the royal family of Brandenburg-Prussia, which also provided the emperors of impe-
rial Germany; in particular Kaiser Wilhelm ii. The ousters in Schenkers mind must have been the
sailors and workers who staged the November 1918 revolution, the independent socialist and
Spartacist politicians who (with nancial support from Russia) incited revolution, and the majority-
socialist government of Friedrich Ebert, although Hindenburg and Wilhelm Groener made the phone
call that produced the abdication.
The allusion is to the reparations payments imposed on Germany by the Versailles Treaty,
which were (at Frances and Englands urging) beyond Germanys capacity to pay, and were intended
to cripple Germany economically.
Austreiben: the word used for Jesus driving out of evil spirits; for example, Matthew 8.16 er
trieb die Geister aus durch sein Wort und machte alle Kranken gesund.
The system of election to the Prussian Landtag (lower parliamentary house), which was split
into thirds according to taxes paid so that the workers and peasantryby far the majority of the elec-
toratereceived only a third of the seats.
The city of Nice and the Duchy of Savoy to the north were part of Sardinia-Piedmont until
1860, when Napoleon iii concluded a treaty in which they were transferred to France.
France cannot live so long as she has only France and not also the lands of her
neighbors! Without these, it would be impossible for her to fulll her European
mission! . . .
European mission! Now there is another word that belongs to the world of
sanitized political rhetoric! If it is Frances mission to steal, rob, plunder, and
murder with bands of Africans armed to the teeth and trigger-happy, then the
devil take its mission . . .
France is never happier than when Europe is thrown into turmoil. Germany
can claim that, despite having the greatest might, she has been peace-loving
through her entire history. Frances history, on the other hand, shows her to have
possessed moderate power and yet constantly to have disturbed the peace. A con-
tented Germany means peace in Europe!
But because they never retaliated, Austria and Germany while apparently
promoting peaceful coexistence in reality constituted a perennial tinder-box of
war. Over the centuries, every upstart as he exed his muscles tugged at the beard
of the seventy-million Reich, even the puny Dane had to have a go recently. First
the Rhine borderland, then Schleswig-Holsteini.e. an undeniably German pos-
sessionjoined the neighboring states on the hit-list for robbery, known as
questions, an aront like no other on the ve continents, and that is what they
call political equilibrium. The fox, I believe, calls it his endangered interests
when the geese take to the wing but political equilibrium when they are perched
motionless in a pen to which he has ready access.
Imagine what Krnberger would have said if he had lived to see the World War
, which France instigated in order to seize for itself a second time German
Alsace-Lorraine, which Louis xiv had once before stolen in peace time; if he had
lived to see how that nation steals German Malmedy-Eupen, Danzig, Memel, the
Saar region, the Tyrol, and Upper Silesia, building submarines and extolling
their virtues where only yesterday it was decrying those of Germany as contrary
to international law; if he had lived to see a history professor at the Sorbonne
declare in a Viennese newspaper merely eeting contradictions to which his
nation was prone, in the city so infamously lied to, plundered, and sucked dry
by the French, and through which the French eat their way so cheaply.
mittedly, this Professor of Mendacity had the French good grace to assure Vi-
enna of his sympathy, and that was enough for any Viennese lackey of the
French .
Paris, the most unmusical place in the world after London, deserves to have an
exception made for it in this case . . .
Lenz: Beethoven, I, p. 23
Readers of my Erluterungsausgaben of the last ve Beethoven sonatas will know
that I do not count Lenz as a musician.
However, his hermeneutic sagacity will
stretch to judging Paris as a musical city.
How surprised I was when I encountered Beethoven this morning! In his ec-
centric, scuttling gait, he lurched toward me, making great show of his joy at see-
ing me again. We spoke about all sorts of things. He asked me whether I was still
pursuing music! No longer, I said: I am following your advice. You said I had no
talent, and I have come to the conclusion that you were right. It is pitiful to see
someone struggling with something when they have no talent for it. That is why
man is a social animal: so that he can draw on the whole of society to realize his
full capacity. However, each individual should contribute his own toneand it
must be pure and perfectto the general harmony, while not claiming to be that
harmony entirely himself.
Beethoven: Not bad, but not true, either. I would not want to go around with
someone who gave out only one tone. He would be a tedious companion, how-
tonwi lle 3
The critical controversy between the operas of Niccol Piccinni (17281800) and Christoph
Willibald Gluck (1714 87) ran from early 1777 into the early 1780s. In this rivalry, Grimm favored the
Italian, although at other times he had supported Gluck.
Wilhelm von Lenz, Beethoven: eine Kunststudie, vol. 1 (Kassel: Balde, 1855).
A critique of Lenzs remarks on the late sonatas appears in each of the original Erluterungs-
ausgabenOp. 109 (pp. 5054), Op. 110 (pp. 779), Op. 111 (pp. 8791), and Op. 101 (pp. 725)but
not in Jonass revisions of 197172, from which the discussion of the secondary literature was excised.
Schenker was also disparaging of Lenzs interpretation of the Fifth Symphony; see Tonwille 5, p. 17/i,
p. 188; Tonwille 6, p. 32.
Alexander Freiherr von Humboldt (17691859), German scientist and explorer, famous for his
expeditions in Central and South America, who lived in Paris 1804 27, where in addition to writing
up his scientic work he led a full social life.
Eighteenth-century neologism modeled on monas tre (monastery) comprising phalanx
(i.e., social community) tre; hence community dwellings in the ideal social system of Fourier
(17721837); vast structures, each situated in a square league of cultivated land.
Ferdinand (Adolf) Gregorovius, pseudonym of Ferdinand Fachsmund (182191), German his-
torian and popular writer of liberal persuasion, author of Idee eines Polenthums (1848) and Geschichte
der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter (185972). Schenker read this material in an article, Ferdinand Gre-
gorovius in Paris: ungedrckte Tagebuchbltter aus dem Jahre 1878, in an unidentied periodical of
January 22, 1921: clipping, OC 24/28. The correspondent, Heinrich Hubert Houben (18751935), was
a German literary historian and freelance Berlin critic.
ever pure his tone. Each man represents within himself the total life of a society,
just as society gives an impression of being something a mite larger than an indi-
vidual. Now then, what news of our bulbous-nosed Marchese and his angelically
beautiful daughter? I recounted briey and as concisely as possible what hap-
pened. He received it with apparent indierence, and switched to his favorite
topic, politics, which thoroughly bores me. We parted . . .
From the Diaries of Carl Friedrich Freiherr Kbeck von Kbau,
communicated by Theodor von Frimmel in his Beethoven-Forschung, II
While the nations of the enemy alliance (or in German: Entente) humiliate Ger-
mans constantly these days in a thousand dierent ways as unwanted people,
German musicians, to use Beethovens phrase, already display barbaric indier-
ence to them. Instead of letting this, the worst act of villainy in world history,
nally show up these jackasses, pilferers, and cringing cowards of nations who
produced the Versailles diktat for what they are, they grovel on their bellies yet
again before their alleged cleverness, skill, noble-spiritedness, and bravery. They
again fail to distinguish between a certain acumen, a certain agility of mind, such
as is necessary for lying, falsifying, and stealing, and that deeper gift of advancing
through superior ability and noble work. Thus, they raise these people up unde-
servedly on pedestals, and fail to see themselves as thereby demeaned. These mu-
sicians need to be told in no uncertain terms that, even with such indierence,
they would not measure up to Beethovens standard, and precisely because of
their indierence.
A summer incident. It was last summer [1921]. In a dairy farm high up in the
Alps, two German ladies at my table were brought an all-too-frugal lunch. As the
young waitress was about to cheat the two ladies on the exchange ratethe con-
sequence of a democratic education!I intervened to prevent the deception, and
so fell into conversation with the ladies. They complained bitterly about condi-
tions in Germany. I was explaining to them the reasons for this sorry state of
aairs when a portly Swabian Jew emerged from the next room, having obviously
overheard me. He came over to me unsummoned: Sir, everyone here, inside and
out, are democrats.As he said this his hand swept around the room and gestured
out to the veranda to impress on me the presence of a democratic majority. He
continued intrepidly: The blame lies with the nobility,
but the ordinary people
scorn the nobility. I dismissed this gentleman without a word, for I saw in him
the archetypal German democrat who, while jumping for joy at having ousted
yesterdays ruling class, is blind to how greatly the German ordinary people,
who scorn their aristocracy, are now themselves scorned by all the scornful
peoples of the world.
There, right on Germanys doorstep, sits the Lilliputian nation of the French, its
soul still in diapersone can scarcely call it a soul. Its spirit is incapable of pen-
etrating to the heart of the truth, where all human vanities are but vanity.
spirit is the dross that is left when spirit does not possess the genius of truth or
morality. This Lilliputian people calls it esprit. To the deep waters of the spirit it
is nothing buta pu of spray. For those purposes, its language is threadbare,
too restricted to meet the demands of a true spiritual insight, and yet canny
enough to express everyday mundanities in a mendaciously plausible way.
Since the Frenchman lacks depth and probity, all that he knows of the rela-
tionships of man to God and to his fellow-men in honor, state, and community
of nations he must have acquired through a distorting fabric of lies. He lies his
way out of them with his esprit, but is convinced by his lies because not even he
thinks it possible for a man {36} to lie so much. For him, neither God, man,
woman, state, freedom, right, law, custom, nor fame are ever what they are and
must always be; instead, they are whatever his vanity, and its mouthpiece the es-
prit, need them to be. Even the simplest irrefutable truth turns into a lie in
French, because it disports with esprit, with outward eect. Thus, in him, neither
philosophy, nor poetry, nor music can prosperthe form of his art is not in re-
ality the form of the work itself: it is merely his Lilliputian handiwork super-
cially grafted on to art; and his whole world is a veritable spiritual and moral half-
world, demi-monde with demi-libert, demi-gloire, etc. It is truly a Lilliputian
people of the lowest rank when measured on merit against all preceding nations,
back to the beginning of time. What would have become of mankind if it had had
to depend on the intellectually barren, spiritually impoverished French people;
and what is there that had not been said a thousand times more truly, purely,
nobly, and worthily before this people rst glimpsed the light of day! In Alsatia,
so the joke goes, the French had the World War won for themthe joke cap-
tures the truth aptlyjust as they got culture won for them from foreign na-
tions; but with esprit-mendacity, they distorted, garbled, falsied it. If they ever
stop making 2 2 5, it will only be because they know that the world will get
a good laugh out of such an invention.
The Frenchmans truest talenthis inherent talentis now and always will
be that of hating Germans and stealing their territory,
so that by expropriations
and indolence he can soak up worldly vanities and brag about them. He scorns
Germans as ponderous because he does not understand them. He fails to under-
stand them because all the slickness of mind on which he prides himself does not
begin to measure up to the lightning mental speed with which German genius
plumbs the wonders of the intellect. This explains why our great thinkers, despite
their prodigious labors, gladly took the time to impart to us something of French
literature, whereas their foremost men, with all their esprit-gallopade, were pre-
vented from making German literature available to their fellow-countrymen by
virtue of their ponderous intellects and the shortcomings of their language (and
by no means out of national pride).
And now, so as to satisfy her hatred of Germans and her thievish cravings all
in one, France is once again using its position of authority to be ocious. Be-
cause of her limited intelligence, she knows nothing whatsoever about Poles,
Czechs, Rumanians, Hungarians, and numerous others, and yet she divides them
up as so much swag and herds them like cattle wherever she chooses.
She has
stockpiled armaments on a vast scale, and is determined to gain supremacy by
obstinacy, even without having anything to oer the nations. France can do no
right, and really has nothing to give.
The French have regained their virility.
The danger is suddenly acute, for the
whole of cheap humanity, so to speak the intellectual provincial public from all
countries, including Germany, is constantly ocking to the cheap little Lilliput
nation. But rst of all, in our own country we should like to see all carriers of the
French given a massive dose of salvarsan.
Let them imagine themselves on the
tonwi lle 3
Ecclesiastes 1.2; 12.8: Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities: all is vanity; ibid,
iii.19 . . . man hath no preeminence over a beast: for all is vanity. See also Job 7.16.
[S]Moltke (1841): Under I dont know how many false pretexts, and for goodness knows what to-
tally self-contradictory principles, the French have come to us in the past ostensibly to render help but
in fact to rob us. They snatched Burgundy from us in the name of the pope, the dioceses of Lorraine,
and Alsatia, in the name of the Reformation and as protectors of the Lutherans. They seized Strasbourg
and Holland in the name of absolute monarchy, they acquired Spain, Naples and Lorraine in the name
of legitimacy, and nally Holland, the Netherlands, and the entire left bank of the Rhine they unied
or at least allied with France as tightly as they could in the name of freedom and the republican prin-
ciple. Four times they invoked a dierent principle, but with each one they stole a region from us.
The allusion is presumably to the Eastern European provisions of the Versailles Treaty, nalized
in the spring of 1919, or to subsequent implementation of those provisions.
[S]In common parlance, as in the literature of the greats, syphilis is called (on well-known his-
torical grounds) the French.
Salvarsan: trade name of the arsenical drug arsphenamine, formulated by Paul Ehrlich in 1909. It
was the most eective drug for treatment of syphilis until the discovery of antibiotic penicillin in 1928.
Goethe-Massif, making a tour of European (i.e., French) thought, seeing all man-
ner of pioneers in France, taking the shallow breathing of esprit-lungs for high-
level originality, debasing what is in essence German speech and writing with the
glitter of French, and reducing it to the condition of esprit-lies. Let them try to
make themselves understood by a France that has not yet learned to understand
itself; let them seek to promote the legend of German Alsatia to the greater
glory of a Louis xiv, the mars christianissimus (Leibniz),
feeling ashamed of past
betrayal (like the betrayers in Dantes Inferno); let them want to forswear their
very name; let them betray to the enemy every action in the national interest (as
the German communists did every German gun), let them translate interna-
tional as anational, or at least as anything-but-German. Let them buy Oen-
bach soap
in Paris, and fancy themselves able to play parlor games exclusively
la Pompadour. Let them all come out and be taken to a German clinic for thor-
ough treatment!
Hurry, hurry! For the English have virtually reduced the Ger-
mans to starvation with their dishonorable blockade,
and the French (Jean
Paul) will soon suck out the German brain, at which point that brain will alto-
gether vanish from the world, the brain that like none other exposes their lies and
small-mindedness. {37}
In one of the recent concerts by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, its con-
appeared, so to speak, wearing French livery: he presented an all-French
program, and did so at the very moment when ocial documents had just come
to light incontrovertibly establishing what had long been recognized, namely that
prime responsibility for the World War lay with France and Russia, documents
revealing French falsications that led directly to that War. He did it, thus, at the
very moment when Frances historically predatory nature was unmasked before
the whole world, and when it was caught red-handed in the act of grabbing yet
more German property.
Evidently the worthy artistic director, as a musician, does not realize (although
it behooves a German to know this) what hateful blots on the history of mankind
the diktats of Versailles and St. Germain are. He does not realize how culturally
antipathetic a role France has actually played up to now.
That means he cannot
even understand that a higher place is to be accorded to German poetry than to
French. But, as a German musician he should by now perfectly well know how
much greater German musical genius, the German endowment with music, is
than God-forsaken French mediocrity and inferiority, no matter how it is decked
out with every conceivable trapping of lgance, of esprit for talent bestowed by
Gods or Natures grace. If German statesmen, German theater directors, German
school teachers and translators, German journalists and book publishers do not
already know what the French character is at base, and how much the world
would benet if only they would take a shrewder, more appraising look at France
than in centuries gone by, then it would unquestionably redound to the benet
of the German musician, especially at a time when things German are so scorned,
if they were to carry the banner of German musical genius in the front line, and
at least to restore, on behalf of all who cannot summon the strength on their own
account, the self-respect that they deserve.
What on earth could suddenly have given the conductor of the Vienna Phil-
harmonic in such an hour the idea of a concert devoted to French music? Was it
perhaps pressure arising from the fact that the great-great-grandchildren of that
revolution which promulgated the Enlightenment lies about human rights and
equality robbed Germans of their right to self-determination, thus acquiring it
with the one hand only to surrender it with the other to no less mendacious
stolen-goods democracies? Or was it a conscious expression of grateful devotion
to the French people, rendered in the heady enjoyment of French-democratic
Voltaire-Rousseau-Clmenceau-Briand-Poincar-freedom, which German dem-
ocrats and cosmopolites have always prized more highly than Hohenzollern- or
But I personally preferalways assuming free will on the part of the artistic
directorto account for his outrageous act through his musical shortcomings.
By chance, I have the opportunity to show in the next issue that this very musi-
cian does not even know how to read a Beethoven symphony (the Fifth).
the reader will be in a better position to appreciate that it was his incapacity to
tonwi lle 3
In English, in Roman type.
See The Mission of German Genius, note 49.
Felix Weingartner, conductor of the orchestra from 1908 to 1927 and the author of books that
Schenker included in his survey of the literature on Beethovens Fifth Symphony.
[S]Herder: Out of friendship for all men and peoples, I let foreign nations complete what
they have begun. Our neighbor has, throughout the ages, been a source of ferment for the German
nation, a sour leavening for other nations. Within her borders lay the center of the dreadful and far-
reaching cult of Druidism. In Greek and Roman times, the Gallic columns were sent forth to rob and
plunder far and wide. It has been exactly a thousand years since her Charlemagne (for he proceeded
ruthlessly against Germany, and with his plans he made of us a bitter enemy for a millennium). It is
a thousand years since he gave Rome a pope, and in defense of the latter established himself as
Emperor. The consequences of a Roman-Frankish hierarchy have since that time not been limited to
Europe. It was from France that the crusades went forth to the Orient, Germany taking part in them
crudely and mindlessly, that is, without being for or against anything. It was from France that the In-
quisition emanated and fought to root out heretics and indels as savages and Saracens. It was from
France that sophistry emanated as the hair-splitting of scholasticism, as the spirit of Philip the Fair,
of the succession of kings named Louis, who . . . but I see you disappearing, Aurora! . . .
[See note 9.]
The second installment of Schenkers essay on Beethovens Fifth, which included a review of the
literature on the symphony, was not published until Tonwille 5.
recognize German genius that may well have driven himindeed, must certainly
have driven himto overrate French musicianship. The artistic director has no
idea that Berlioz, purely on his own terms, let alone measured beside a Beetho-
ven, is not even a rank beginner when it comes to musical composition. What is
so laughable, so derisory, about his conduct is that sheer downright ignorance
leads him to the extremity of canvassing for French art, or for the cosmopolitan
mentality, or both, in a form that casts a false light not only an a respected insti-
tution but on the nation, or at least on the premier musical city.
But it is not my intentiondespite what certain people might thinkto de-
prive Germans of the joy of discovering greatness in foreigners.
Since I revere
true genius, the distinguishing mark of which is forever only the solving, not the
mere parading, of fundamental questions about humanity, art, etc., as an ever-
present model to guide hapless mankind in all its doingsand I believe that I
have oered examples of insight into the power of genius, and its capacity for
nding solutions, such as no one who has preceded me, either in Germany or
how could I reconcile it with my conscience, with my mission, if I
were to belittle a genius, even if it be a foreign one? I should far rather hold rm
to my commitment by condemning the all too many who thirst after greatness
among foreigners more ardently than among their own kin, and by declaring that
they clearly have no talent at all for recognizing greatness, since instead of com-
mitting an indiscretion against German genius they would instead defend it
against the aspersions of foreigners. One really cannot begin to understand a
Michelangelo or Rembrandt, a Shakespeare or Dostoyevsky, etc., if one has no
more than the conventional knowledge of the Germans Bach, Beethoven, and
Goethe, i.e. not knowing and feeling precisely what lifts them above the non-
The tactlessness I have censured here is so much more serious as it comes
from the characteristic German way of praising in every eld only that which is
foreign, but judging all the more strictly that which is native. So
why doesnt
the German judge foreign things with at least the same severity as this? Just think
how many opportunities the present day aords him for this on all fronts, espe-
cially on the political! If he cared to, he would see a veritable {38} madhouse of
democrats in other countries who conduct international trade as if it were the
very slave trade incarnate,
who worship theft as if it were a lart pour larti.e.
stealing and dividing the spoils without even knowing what is being stolen or
whyand with, so to speak, the very latest reckoning setting in motion a migra-
tion of peoples (needless to say, at Germanys cost). If he put his mind to it, he
would surely see that they all stagger from one mistake to another, from one out-
rage to another, while being quite incapable of undoing their own damage, let
alone repairing that of others. He would soon realize that they are all (to use a pet
phrase of Mozarts) as helpless as a child standing in his own dirt, and that, in
the mentality of the Marxist mob (who for the sake of an asinine spirit of equal-
ity hate their so-called card-carrying comrades), they are all xated on the one
goal, namely obliterating himthe card-carrying German. The German citi-
zen would surely see, judge, and spurn it all; but he has neither the eyes nor the
ears for it, and turns his judgment in all its severity entirely against his own esh
and blood, as if stupidity and botch-work were the sole preserve of the Germans.
Instead of sending heroic poetry ringing out into the world, the epic of the World
War for the glorication of the German defense forces, a worldwide judgment of
the crazed envy of insolent nations, he squanders his strength in the battle of
party against party without realizing that in so doing he is oering his enemies,
who understand nothing of his true nature, a pretext more welcome than ever
to read the internecine recriminations as a further admission of guilt, and so to
ratchet up the punitive measures. The German does not even take the trouble to
consider that it is contrary to the nature of foreign peoplesinjurious to their
sense of dignityto take note of him more than he himself is willing to take even
in the best circumstances. If, for example, instead of issuing a declaration of
democracy in Weimar, and instituting protection of freedom for foreigners, the
woeful consequences of which we see today, the rst move had been a boycott of
everything French, the French people would surely not have harbored aspirations
about taking the Rhineland. But is there any way to help a nation that, in Hlder-
lins words, mindlessly disavows its own soul?
This passage (including Schenkers footnote) was deleted from the page proofs for the Miscel-
lanea: OC 39/2930.
In the published version of Tonwille 3, this sentence began: For whatever future eventuality, let
me put on record unequivocally here that it is absolutely not my intention . . .
The idea of being the rst person to unlock the true secrets of musical genius resonates
throughout Schenkers writings, most notably in A Bach Prelude from the Miscellanea of Tonwille
no. 5 (see especially p. 55/i, p. 22223).
Passage deleted from page proofs for the Miscellanea: OC 39/30.
Compare note 66. Schenker is referring here and in what follows to the redrawing of national
boundaries, the creation of new nation-states (notably Poland and Czechoslovakia), and the moving
of peoples across borderlines, under the Versailles Treaty. He deplores this demographic engineering
in its own right, and also what he sees as Germanys losses of territory, displacement of people, and
reduced total population.
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Tonwille 4
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The ground-plan of the prelude is presented at a), b), and c) of the following
a) shows the compositional elaboration [Auskomponierung] of the space of a
fourth within I, g to c, with the root and third stationary. At b), two lower thirds
and two lower sixths accompany the fourth-progression, while the root remains
stationary. But at c), the bass takes over the progression of what was previously
the middle voice (on this technique of elaboration, cf. Freier Satz).
Next, the
Urlinie (see the graph of the Urlinie, p. 142) follows the path of the lled-in fourth,
except that now the initial chordal conguration is also elaborated linearly, as
seen at d): the upper and lower voices pass by step through 35 and 13 of the
chord. After this comes ornamentation with neighbor notes (see e)) which may
be misleading, because they are set over their own roots (see f)). These interpo-
lated roots do transform the dissonant neighbor notes into consonant sonorities,
admittedly; but they nonetheless are subsumed, along with the neighbor notes,
under the concept of a dissonant passing motion, so that they lack the signi-
cance of harmonic degrees, in spite of their unbroken progression by fths.
practice of expressing a dissonant value through a consonant chord was espe-
cially cultivated by the masters, precisely for the sake of the illusion inherent in
it; its origins reach back to the oldest contrapuntal era, in a form whose rst
traces are detectable in mixed-species cantus rmus settings (cf. Kontrapunkt ii,
pp. 171/pp. 175 ). At the same time, the interpolation of the fth-progressions
serves to remove consecutive fths.
For the further decoration of the setting, the master employs suspensions. He
presents the rst one as early as bar 1 (see the long appoggiaturas in the graph of
the Urlinie), but only in the inner voice. It is an eternal, irrefutable law of creative
nature to show life itself openly, but to keep hidden the germ from which it
springs. The deep wisdom of the great German masters, to fulll this law consis-
tently in their artistic creations, too, in the least of them as in the greatest, truly
cannot be praised enough! In this case, one need only leave out the rst suspen-
sion of the inner voice, and one will recognize from the bad eect that Bach could
not possibly have introduced a suspension for the rst time in the upper voice in
the second bar.
In bars 35, instead of climbing up from g
to a
, a descending path is sought,
to a
, by way of passing tones. The following gure shows the origin of the pass-
ing tones at a) and the course of their progressive elaboration at b) and c):
Bachs Little Prelude No. 1 in C Major, BWV 924
J. S. Bach: Zwlf kleine Prludien, Nr. 1{Tonwille 4, pp. 36}
t r a ns l at e d b y j os e p h dub i e l
Depending on the scope attributed to the expression dieser Auskomponierung, virtually the
whole of Der freie Satz could be cited. Particularly relevant might be 170 (transformation of disso-
nant passing tones into consonances), 173 (parallelism between passing motion and supporting mo-
tion), 212 (fourth-progression), and 221 (combining linear progressions). No passage discusses
the specic procedure of transferring a succession like efde from the middle voice, where it orig-
inates, to the bass, let alone the complication (which Schenker does not acknowledge) that the new
bass voice in this case is not a simple transfer of the inner voice, but a composite of the middle and
bass voices of the preceding stage.
Quintzge, here and in the last sentence of the paragraph: the use of this word does not depend
on the intervals being lled by passing motion.
{4} At b), a series of simple 56 exchanges can be seen. At c), a diminution of
the inner voice, in the form of fourth-progressions, which bring with them their
requisite chromaticism as something substantially self-explanatory. The next en-
richment (see the graph of the Urlinie) comes from the reinforcement of the
fourth-progressions with upper thirds. And nally a rearrangement of the voices,
bringing the original lower voice to lie close beneath the upper voice, completes
the setting as it is presented in our piece.
Had Bach applied suspensions in the
upper voice in bars 4 and 5, as he did in bars 2 and 3, this would have caused us to
assign the same rank to the tones e
and c
as to g
. But, here, in order to solidify
the passing motion between g
and a
, rmly connected and serving precisely as
passing motion, Bach does without suspensions in the upper voice from the up-
beat of bar 3 onward, thereby establishing a unied progression in half notes as an
identifying feature of the passing motion. Only in bar 7 does another suspension
appear in the upper voice; until then, the newly acquired inner voice continues the
suspensionsindeed it compensates for the cessation of the suspensions in the
upper voice by presenting two suspensions in each bar, so that, from the upbeat of
bar 1 onward, a suspension nonetheless recurs regularly on every rst and third
beat. What abundance has issued from the germ, what life in all beats of the bar!
After the fourth-progression has come to an end in bar 6, the leading tone ap-
pears immediately in bar 7. However, it occurs here under circumstances that re-
quire continuation of the setting: the dominant still lacks the seventh, and thus
the power of a passing motion to lead to the third of the tonic more compellingly
than a leap (ge). That Bach lets the rst opportunity for the seventh pass by is
based on an artistic intention, of course: it is the desire to spin a tale, which can-
not get enough of exquisite tensions and convolutions. Let us acquaint ourselves
with the miraculous fruits of this profound narrative art.
The upper voice duly moves directly down to the seventh in bars 7 and 8. But
meanwhile its descent disturbs the position of the chord in bar 9, in that the lead-
ing tone, predetermined by the setting to end up in the register above the seventh,
as in bars 1718, turns out to be in the inner voice. Now it is time to seek the right
path again. Thus, the rst arpeggio in bars 9 and 10who would ever see this
purpose in it!already places the third above the seventh, so that the suitable
chordal position of bar 7 recurs on the rst beat of bar 10. But now the high reg-
ister (b
) prevents an immediate closea new pretext for the search for b
The slurs in the graph of the Urlinie now show how the descent from b
to b
in bars 1017 is articulated into segments of an augmented fourth and dimin-
ished fth, corresponding to the dominant chord. That these two segments (if
bars 78 are included) are then presented twice in successionb
and b
in bars 78 and 1013, f
and f
again in bars 1315 and bars 1617is to
be admired as a stroke of genius: Bach atones for his oence against the com-
mandment of parallelism!
{5} The passing motions in bars 1113 are based on a 76 succession. In order
to understand the passing motion in bars 14 15 one must imagine, rst, a motion
in thirds in the two highest voices; then a third, lower, voice added to them, on
every rst and third beat, a fth below the upper voice; and, nally, a fourth, low-
tonwi lle 4
That is, the lowest voice of Figs. 2b and 2c is moved up an octave. Another change is that the
middle voice of Fig. 2c is moved down an octave; Schenker does not mention this, presumably be-
cause his concern is only with the vertical ordering of the voices.
One wonders how the register of b
that is, the original register of the Urlinie, before the
downward transfer shown in Fig. 2can be unsuitable for the nal cadence, and that of b
, the re-
sult of the transfer, suitable, unless the law of the obligatory conduct of registers (see the essay on
Prelude No. 4, Tonwille 5) has been suspended. When Schenker revisits this piece in Der freie Satz
(14041 and Fig. 43 for b)), he reinterprets it completely, with an Urlinie descending from 3, with
as a secondary motion (octave-displaced halfway through) connecting this upper
voice to an inner voice a third below it, and b (primarily in the register b
) then part of the inner voice
as well. In fact he cites the piece primarily to show that there is no linear motion from e
to b
in the
unfolding e
, which resonates interestingly with one of his complaints about the alternate
version of the prelude, later.
est voice in thirds below the third one.
(This, too, is fundamentally a matter of
the avoidance of consecutive fthscf. Freier Satz [Der freie Satz 164].)
With the fourth quarter-note of bar 15, the leading tone has returned to the
upper voice, it is true, but now the chord has once again lost its seventh (cf. bar 7),
because of the conduct of the passing motions in the segment just completed.
How Bach now seeks to attain it a second time must be accounted among the most
exquisite voice-leading. The mere fact that he lets the lower voice advance from g
to f
on the last eighth note of bar 15 can contribute nothing toward this goal, since
a repetition of the descent f
is still outstanding, on account of parallelism (see
earlier; this must be given its due rst, if the artistic intention to connect the lead-
ing tone with the seventh is ever to be felt to be completely satised). Hence the
additional connecting passage b
across bars 15|16. Its upper voice shows an-
other arpeggiation b
, parallel to bars 9 and 10; but Bach, by unexpectedly
giving the rst three tones triple durational values (dotted quarter note three
eighth notes), involves a special intention, namely, the syncopated eect brought
about by this division within a bar of common time. And although the connection
is born of artistic necessity, the new phenomenon of syncopation is also fruitful
and decisive for the nal sonorities of the prelude, which thus comes to an end in,
as it were, a compositionally elaborated broad ritenuto.
But perhaps all the beau-
ties of voice leading just demonstrated are surpassed by the wonderful melody of
the lowest voice [of the right hand] in bars 1618. Here, as so often in our masters
treatment of content and part-writing, necessity is the mother of beauty. Because
the lower voice must move away from f
for a moment on the third quarter-note
of bar 16, when f
has already been reached, in order not to commit a doubling of
the seventh, it strives upward, in contrary motion to the upper voice, through f
to the octave g
, which it quite marvelously surrounds with the neighbor note a
(modal mixture), after which it nally sinks back through the seventh into the
third of the tonic chord in bar 18. The minor-mode mixture occurring in bars 16
and 17 makes the nal major all the more brilliant. The last eighth note of bar 17
brings the fulllment of all plans: the leading tone on top, as in bar 7; and beneath
it, proceeding from that octave that has been underscored so emphatically, the re-
peatedly lost and regained seventh makes its way to the third of the tonic!
That the prelude, with its Urlinie, voice leading, and harmony [Stufe], still de-
velops only the triad, the C major chordafter this demonstration, who would
still doubt it?
For the unfolding of his God-given powers, even eighteen bars were enough
for Bach.
Bachs Little Prelude No. 1 in C Major, BWV 924
Presumably the third voice rises by step, on each second and fourth beat, to double the second
voice, if a fourth voice moving in thirds below it is to supply the pitches that are added below the rst
two voices on these beats.
In einem gleichsam auskomponierten groen ritenutothis use of auskomponiert is noteworthy for
the resonance it lends the technical term, of something written out that might have been improvised by
a performer. The relationship of the ritenuto to the syncopations is not simple: leaving aside whatever
process of rhythmic normalization is applied to the score to derive the durations given in the graph of
the Urlinie, Schenkers main line of reasoning probably is that the dotted-quarter durations of the tran-
sitional b
and d
mediate between the quarter notes of bars 1415 and the ensuing half notes of f
, d
and b
in bars 1617, or indeed the syncopated rhythms of their occurrence in the nal version. But be-
cause the quarter notes in bars 1415 are features of the elaboration, the comparison of rates cannot be
straightforward: the upper line of bars 1415, in which the f
progression occurs, actually moves
in durations of two quarters tied over against the beatand this includes the passing tones; f
and d
themselves have durations of a whole note, making the rst progression essentially slower than the sec-
ond. Another thought in play here may be that the dotted-quarter durations of b
and d
in bars 1516
motivate the delay of d
by one eighth note and of b
by three eighth notes in bar 17, from which delays
increasing durations automatically result. Still obscure, on this reading, is the way the last half note of
bar 16 is shared by the pivotal f
and the passing tone e
; at rst blush, e
would seem to be essential to
the dotted-quarter story, regardless of whether this principally concerns three-eighth-note durations of
syncopations; but in that case consistency would require the passing tone c
in bar 17 to be part of the
story as well, and it, if counted, would introduce an acceleration just before the end. Schenker appears
not to have brought his impressions of this passage to full articulation in the terms he has chosen.
The twelve little preludes have a history in music pedagogy preceding their publication in the
old Gesamtausgabe (J. S. Bach, Werke, 36, ed. Ernst Naumann [Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hrtel, 1890]).
Most of them (nos. 1, 4 5, 811) were rst set down in the Clavierbchlein, a manuscript begun at
Cthen in 1720. The rest are found only in non-autograph sources, of which the most important is a
copy in the hand of Johann Peter Kellner (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Mus. ms. Bach P. 804).
The following table shows that the alternative version of Prelude No. 1 appears later in the
Clavierbchlein, along with No. 4, with a similar title. The former may be a reworking of the Prelude
by Wilhelm Friedemann, at about the age of 15; the latter also may have been composed by him.
Prelude BWV Position, title in the Clavierbchlein
1 924 2 Preambulum 1
924a 26 Praeludium ex c
2 939
3 999
4 925 27 Praeludium ex d
5 926 4 Praeludium 2
6 940
7 941
8 927 8 Praeambulum
9 928 10 Praeludium
10 929 48 Menuet-Trio di J. S. Bach [included in a suite by G. H. Stlzel]
11 930 9 Praeambulum
12 942
In Bachs Clavierbchlein for his son Wilhelm Friedemann, this prelude oc-
curs in another form.
3 governs the rst four bars (octave descent); in bars 5 and
6 the Urlinie climbs rapidly up from 3 to 8
a, cde(f). Their lack of order would appear to consist in some or all of the following:
that they are not arranged registrally in a descending succession; that the third of them is not com-
pleted, and the incomplete third one is overlapped by another unbegun version of the rst one,
(G)ABc; that therefore they collectively bring about no motion, but instead return to the C triad,
after not unfolding this triad with their goal tones. After this, an octave progression from c to C, ar-
ticulated as a (tonicizing) fth-progression from c to F and a fourth-progression from f to C (the lat-
ter very similar to what occurs in bar 6 of the principal version), may also contribute to an impres-
sion of disorder.
In many respects the alternative version looks like a rearrangement of gures that are used se-
quentially in the principal version into dierent sequences, especially ones moving in opposite direc-
tions to their originals. Thus the second bar of the alternative version is parallel to the rst, but a third
lower (instead of a second higher), the bass of the dominant reached in bar 8 alternates Gg (instead
of gG, as in bar 7 of the principal version), and the guration over this bass rises (instead of falls).
From this prelude, we can learn how the Urlinie (given below) can even unify a
series of imitations in the most felicitous way.
The nucleus of the content is illustrated at a) and b) of the following gure:
In bars 14, a neighbor-note motion on the third is in eect, which, as is usu-
ally the case, goes along with the elaboration of the space of a fourth [Quartraum-
(Because of the lower register of the bass, the third rst ap-
pears in bar 1 as e
.) While the neighbor-note motion merely decorates the 3 of
the Urlinie, the fourth-progression carries forward the basic subject, which of
course manifests motivic repetitions in the small, according to the intervallic suc-
cession of the fourth-progression.
The 2 is supported by II and V. In bars 59 a path from the fth to the third
of the dominant underlies the upper voice. The third, reached in bar 9, then car-
ries out a neighbor-note motion (as in bars 14), while the attendant fourth-
progression repeats the basic subject just as it did there. The last repetition of it
appears in bars 1315, although now veiled and accelerated by the run of sixteenth
notes. Noteworthy is the eect of the passing seventh f in bar 12, which connects
the two repetitions. While the Urlinie has to be set in a lower register in the graph
of the Urlinie, for the sake of the fourth-progression in bars 912 and the related
one in bars 13 and 14, gure 1c shows how the fourth-progressions of the basic
idea actually strive upward.
Independent of neighbor-note motion or fourth-
progressions, the motive also is in eect in bars 4 8, but suitably altered.
Bachs Little Prelude No. 2 in C Major, BWV 939
J. S. Bach: Zwlf kleine Prludien, Nr. 2 {Tonwille 4, p. 7}
t r a ns l at e d b y j os e p h dub i e l
The developments described in this paragraph are not shown in any graph, being subsequent to
Figs. 1a and 1b but (as the next sentence indicates) prior to the graph of the Urlinie. The neighbor-
note motion is e
, of course (although the register of the initial e is about to change), and the
fourth-progression is the one shown in the rst segment of Fig. 1c; the usual contrapuntal alignment
of two such motionswhich we see in the preceding analysis also, as well as in the analysis of Prelude
No. 4 in Tonwille 5 (p. 6/i, p. 178)is
ef f e
. In the last sentence of this paragraph, and again in the
last sentence of the essay, the motive referred to is the one of eighth-note arpeggiation within the
bar; the fourth-progression is the basic subject.
It is remarkable that the domain of truth in which the fourth-progressions strive upward
that is, the notional truth of Fig. 1c, in which the three fourth-progressions form a linear continuity,
remarkably independent of the Urlinieis not identied as closely as it might be with the state of
aairs in the score, in which the second progression and the beginning of the third do occur in the
register of Fig. 1c, d
and g
; also that the registral break in the middle of the last fourth-
progression, from g
to b
, is not seen to demand discussion at least as much as any registral
break between progressions (not even when the break brings about a nal registral convergence be-
tween the fourth-progression and the Urlinie). Evidently the gures use registral position primarily
to convey ideas about something other than register as such: a claim about continuity within and be-
tween fourth-progressions in Fig. 1c, a claim about the Urlinies priority over the fourth-progressions
in the graph of the Urlinie.
The assumption of keys in bars 57 and 911, as shown in the graph of the Ur-
linie (p. 147), rests on the necessity of conceding a certain amount of self-suciency
to the parts of even a small form. If one notes, however, that the cadences in both
places lack any further conrmation, then one is inclined to hear nothing more
than richly developed harmonic degrees of the tonic key, as the following gure
This picture indeed oers an even deeper insight into the story; specically, it
conrms the overwhelming signicance of 4 in bar 12.
As to particulars:
The eighth-note upbeat and the cadential constructions are intrinsic to an
allemande. Although it is doubtless that they originally copied certain dance
characteristics, they maintain in the art form a special, purely artistic existence.
Thus, the upbeat eighth note does not merely jut out like some sort of useless ap-
pendage to the bar, rather the content is continuously saturated with this upbeat,
as I have maintained in the graph of the Urlinie.
The motivic life is governed by arpeggiations, and by the gure that likewise
appears in bar 1, on the second beat.
The arpeggiations are also used in the right hand, where, concealing their ori-
gin better than in the left hand (in the lower register), they make an exquisite im-
pression. The course of the arpeggiations in bars 1215 takes shape in the most
secret way. If one understands how the eighth-note arpeggiations at the down-
beat of bar 12 (see the graph of the Urlinie) increase to arpeggiations in quarter
notes and half notes in bars 13, 14, and 15, then one grasps why this very place
breathes forth such expression: it is precisely the intimacy of a profound union,
whose secret almost appears to be turned more toward the notes than toward us!
Adding to the eect is the linking of these bars by the motive that is also depicted
in the graph of the Urlinie.
The arpeggiation of the cadential construction, how-
ever, derives from the normal arpeggiation technique that just rolls the chord up
and down, as shown by the slurs in the graph of the Urlinie. (In J. S. Bachs alle-
mandes, one more commonly nds neighbor-note motions embellishing the
third, or elaborations of the interval of a fourth, likewise to extend the nal chord
in the manner of a ritenuto.)
Now to the other motive. Although it proceeds as three sixteenths ,
it nevertheless takes the place of only an eighth-note. As such, it is generally as-
sociated with the eighth-note upbeat (see earlier): in bars 1 and 8 at each second
and fourth beat; in bars 24 and 1113 at each fourth beat (how signicantly the
parallelisms of these bars serve the form!). In addition, its rising or falling often
pregures the course of things to come. Compare the rising version: in bar 1 g
, in bars 24 d
, across bars 4|5 a
etc; and the falling: c
across bars
1|2. Where, however, both versions follow one another immediately, as in bar 2,
the falling one may be interpreted as a neighbor note (see the graph of the Ur-
linie), in order to avoid a note repetition. Hence at the second and third beats it
The Allemande from Handels Suite in G Major, HWV 441
Hndel: Allemande (XIV. Suite) {Tonwille 4, pp. 89}
t r a ns l at e d b y j os e p h lub b e n
The Allemande is part of a suite rst published by John Walsh as no. 8 of a second volume of
Suites de pices pour le clavecin (London, 1733); Walshs ordering was taken over by the German Handel
Society for their collected edition of Handels works, edited by Friedrich Chrysander. Schenker owned
a copy of Chrysanders edition of the suites, but took the number XIV from Louis Khlers edition of
Handels keyboard music (published by C. F. Peters), in which the suites in volume 2 were reordered.
Schenker made some changes to the Urlinie-Tafel in his personal copy of Tonwille 4 and added a
page of sketches for a graphic analysis. Instead of viewing 4 in bar 12 as a neighbor to 3, he now took
the primary tone of the Urlinie to be the d
(5) in bar 3, preceded by an initial ascent, with e
in bar 11
providing the large-scale neighbor-note construction for the piece (OC, Books and Pamphlets, No. 11).
In the next essay, Schenker draws a parallel between the arpeggiations here and in bars 2123 of
C. P. E. Bachs Allegro.
Schenker is referring to the rising fourth followed by a falling third.
is better to hear the succession as b
than as b
. The same applies to
bar 5, where four falling versions follow one after another. In bar 6 the Urlinie
runs straight through the rising version.
In bar 9, the upper voice essentially describes a turn around b (see Fig. 1),
while the harmonies complete the modulation to E minor. This is very dicult
to recognize at rst glance, because in bars 1011 an ascending register transfer
takes place (as a parallelism to bars 34), by which means the inner voice is raised
at the second and third quarter of bar 9. In bar 10, it is advantageous to interpret
the outer-voice structure, contrary to appearances, as a succession of thirds (see
the graph of the Urlinie), so that the lowest notes merely represent inessential
lower thirds to the actual bass. They serve to avoid fths, and are in accord with
the leaps of a third in the bass in bars 9 and 11.
The Allemande from Handels Suite in G Major, HWV 441
The simplicity and crystalline clarity of this little piece are shown with utmost
transparency by the Urlinie, the voice-leading, and the deployment of thematic
material. The piece also allows us, in spite of its brevity and unpretentiousness,
to view a deployment of musical materials that can be described as nothing short
of ingenious. Even in these sixteen bars, the genius of Emanuel Bach does not be-
tray its principles.
In bars 12, the outer voices proceed, in accordance with the Urlinie, in fths
and not in thirds, as it might appear from the diminution. The arpeggiation of a
third is marked in the graph of the Urlinie (p. 149) with the sign for a broken chord.
Otherwise, the motive is nothing more than the simplest elaboration of a third
[Terzsauskomponierung]. But, as early as bar 2, the motive has been changed so
much, on account of a rhythmic delay, that the last eighth of the bar contains two
sixteenth notes whose task it is to introduce the sixteenth-note motion in the fol-
lowing bar. Bar 3 is lled by a two-fold deployment of the motive in rhythmic
diminution (provided here with appoggiaturas), so that, in replying to the mo-
tivic parallelism between bars 1 and 2, it takes care of the motivic parallelism
within itself. In the graph of the Urlinie, the dotted line in the bass indicates an
arpeggiation whose unity further promotes the conceptual unity of the rst four
bars considered together, in spite of the intervening cadential harmonies.
Compared to bars 14, bars 58 introduce a considerable number of changes.
Now, the third between the outer voices makes an exact duplication of bar 1 im-
possible. Bach is thus obliged to give up the elaboration of the space of a third, and
retain merely this intervallic span and the eighth-note motion. These are, at any
rate, sucient to give the illusion, at rst sight, of an exact repetition of bar 1, all the
more so as Bach reproduces the rhythmic shift from bar 2 in bar 6. In bar 7 the ap-
poggiatura (cf. bar 3) appears only with the second group of sixteenth notes, while
the diminution in the rst beat replies to the interval of a fourth in the rst beat of
bar 4. This four-bar group, too, is held together by a secret arpeggiation in the bass.
C. P. E. Bachs Allegro in G Major
Ph. Em. Bach: Kurze und leichte Klavierstcke mit vernderten Reprisen
(1766), Nr. 1, Allegro {Tonwille 4, pp. 1011}
t r a ns l at e d b y wi l l i a m dr a b k i n
[S]A reprint of this short work, with commentary by Otto Vrieslander, was published by Uni-
versal-Edition (No. 5295). I cannot recommend it warmly enough to musicians, young and old; de-
scribed by the master as for beginners, it provides an introduction to the subject of diminution it-
self, by way of the art of the varied repeat. Anyone who knows that diminution is not only the alpha
and omega of composition but also the only key to its correct interpretation, and who understands
that the downfall of the art of composing results from the undervaluing of the fantasy of diminution,
which has made us all beginners again, will truly appreciate being pointed toward Emanuel Bachs
instructive little piece.
[Two sets of Kurze und leichte Klavierstcke mit vernderten Reprisen were published by Bach in
1766 and 1768. The rst set, of which this Allegro in G major is the opening piece, was assigned to item
113 in Alfred Wotquennes 1913 thematic catalogue of Bachs works; in Eugene Helms more recent
Thematic Catalogue of the Works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (New Haven: Yale University Press,
1989), the Allegro is catalogued separately, as item 193.
A lifelong friend (and briey a pupil) of Schenkers, Otto Vrieslander (18701950) was a song
composer, pianist, and C. P. E. Bach scholar. His edition of these twenty-two pieces with commentary
appeared in 1914, in celebration of the two-hundredth anniversary of Bachs birth, with a dedication
to Schenker. It is described on the outer cover as an Erluterungsausgabe, and thus forms part of the
series that includes Schenkers editions of Bachs Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue and four late Beetho-
ven piano sonatasa series that is generally associated with Schenker alone. Vrieslanders commen-
tary runs to almost ten pages and includes a historical introduction to the music; a set of analytical
notes on each piece (der kompositionelle Inhalt); a short section on ornamentation, which quotes from
Bachs Versuch and refers the reader to Schenkers Ein Beitrag zur Ornamentik; and a detailed discus-
sion of Bachs ngerings, together with remarks on related textual problems.
Universal reissued these works in 1952, with Vrieslanders commentary replaced by a textual re-
port on the handwritten sources by Oswald Jonas, another pupil of Schenkers. Jonas, declaring Vries-
landers commentary obsolete because it predated the rst decisive steps in the development of his
[Schenkers] highly original theory, also wrote an entirely new analytical commentary on the music.
His preface reprints Schenkers graph of the Urlinie from Tonwille 4, together with a new reduction
of the voice-leading, in which he uses a more modern graphic notation and reads the descent of the
Urlinie from 3, not 5.
In Vrieslanders edition, the bars in the rst statements of sections are conventionally numbered,
18 and 916; for the varied reprises the same numbers are used, this time placed in square brackets.
Schenker follows this numbering.]
The repetitionprecisely the varied reprise, bars [1] to [8]leaves the
movement of the Urlinie intact, so that the concept of variation is simply applied
to the diminution. Note, however, the ascending register transfer and the use of
rhythmic shift also in bars [1] and [5], which in this way point out their close in-
ternal relationship. {11}
Bar [8] introduces into the bass an arpeggiation (see the graph of the Urlinie)
in which three eighth notes are joined together by a single slur. This articulation
will be crucial for bars 916. The Urlinie remains for a while on 5, moves in bar
13 up to 6
reached by deceptive cadence to be reinterpreted as I
in C major.
Fig. 1 shows the origins of the voice-leading:
Note the fourth-progression, c
in the upper voice, and the consecutive
fths between the upper and inner voices, which must be avoided by 56 ex-
changes. In the path from e
(bar 44) up to f
(bar 55), the c
in bar 44, which in
reality is derived merely from the b
gained by substitution, signies a substantial
shortcut. It is more important, however, that the bass in these bars apparently in-
tends to parallel those immediately preceding, bars 4143. And if B
A here in
bars 44 45 is set against A
, is a true
, while that in bar 44 has B
in the bass and can there-
fore be reckoned in E minor only as an inverted VI
, 7
. In the ensuing paragraph, his analysis takes full
advantage of the source of his labeling error, namely, the enharmonic equivalence of A
and B
First Movement (Allegro con brio)
[Schenkers [actual
Sonata Form: numbering] numbering]
First Subject bars 116
Modulation bars 1636
Second Subject Group bars 3665 [3667]
Development bars 66101 [68103]
Recapitulation bars 10268 [104 70]
Bars 1. The rst subject is in two parts; the consequent phrase repeats the ante-
cedent almost exactly, apart from the triplet accompaniment. The Urlinie (p. 154)
moves from 5 to 1 . In the arpeggiation of the upbeat, which leads up to the 5 in
bar 1, the motivic life of this movement is also kindled: the two thirds, c
, are in the course of events answered by b
and d
: by this, the 4 of the
Urlinie is nally gained in bar 5. Still further in the service of the 3 and the 2, we
see the arpeggiation of a third as a creator of motives (downwards arpeggiation).
That the quarter-note upbeat contributes to the synthesis also in the rhythmic
domain can easily be deduced from the beginnings of the motives. It is all the
more striking, however, when the Urlinie tones are freed of this rhythmic bond
and at all times, and in all sections of the piece, produce a stronger progression
in half-notes; in this way they stand out actually as Urlinie tonesa particular
feature of this very sonata!
To prevent the antecedent and consequent from separating from one another,
on account of the rests in bar 8, Haydn begins the left-hand triplet accompaniment
(again with g
at the top) right from the downbeat of the bar. From this point on,
the bass preserves the eight-bar construction in its own domain (see bars 815),
while the upper voice develops the upbeat motives further, as far as bar 20, at which
point the upper and lower voices nally nd themselves in the same rhythm.
Bars 16. The neighbor-note motion applied to the third above the tonic, to-
gether with the continued development of the upbeat quarter note, results in the
step of a second (e
) for the rst time across bars 16|17; this now governs the
diminution. In bars 2025, steps of a second lead from c
up to b
; this amounts
to the same thing as the stepwise descent from c
to b
. In these bars, too, the
modulation takes place.
Moreover, the triplet accompaniment returns in bar 20, thus creating a paral-
lelism with the rst subject, which was similarly made up of bars without triplets
(the antecedent phrase) followed by bars with triplets (the consequent). It is pre-
cisely this circumstance that determined our excluding bars 1619 from the mod-
ulation section, quite apart from the fact that in these bars the third, e
, appears in
the foreground, in contrast to the fth, g
, which had previously governed the rst
subject, so that e
in bar 23 can nally be played out against the earlier e
Bars 2732 present the Urlinie tones as falling half notes, as in bars 56. The 2
is supported by II and V and provides the half cadence. The arpeggiations in bars
32 and 33 are related not merely to the upbeat arpeggiation but also point, with the
apex-note d
, to the immediate futuresee the d
{16} in bar 41a connection
that agrees with the law of obligatory register (see Tonwille 1, p. 39/i, p. 35).
Haydns Sonata in C Major, Hoboken XVI:35
Haydn: Sonate C-Dur (U. E. Nr. 1) {Tonwille 4, pp. 1518}
t r a ns l at e d b y wi l l i a m dr a b k i n
The copy of Haydns sonatas that Schenker worked from was published not by Universal, but by
C. F. Peters (3 vols., edition nos. 642325), with editing and ngering by Louis Khler and F. A.
Roitzsch. Neither of these, nor any other edition of which I am aware, supports Schenkers omission
of the repetitions within bars 5154. In eect, Schenker has analysed the movement without bars 51
and 53: the descent in bars 5154 is treated as a simple decoration of bars 4647, without the expan-
sion. As a result, his bar numbering from this point onwardin the text, in the graph of the Urlinie,
and in Figs. 1 and 2will not correspond to that given in any modern edition of the sonata.
To facilitate comparison with the graph of the Urlinie, Schenkers bar numbering will be re-
tained; but the reader who follows his essay alongside a score of the sonata should subtract 2 from the
bar numbering after bar 54 in the score.
That is, the eight-bar construction is shifted a bar forward, 815 instead of 916.
tonwi lle 4
Bars 36. The linking of two sections of the Urlinie, 4 2 in the modulation and
5 1 in the second subject, signies the inevitability that the two sections indeed
appear as a unied structure.
The situation is the same in the sonata by Philipp
Emanuel Bach that I discussed earlier, except of course that here the 5 is not ap-
proached by leap, but rather that the path from 1 to 5 is laid out in step motion.
(When Bach introduces 5 immediately after 1 , he is making an interval substitu-
tion in the same chord.) The dotted lines in the graph of the Urlinie show how,
according to the principles of free counterpoint, the voices move from an oblig-
atory relationship to one in which they reinforce each other by doubling, and vice
versa. In bars 44 45, the cadential harmonies appear in the one-line octave (a
high-register bass); this is the reason that the cadence, despite being complete,
requires a continuation. One should understand this upward transfer of register
as the remedy for the multiplicity of perfect cadences (see Tonwille 3, pp. 4).
The graph of the Urlinie reveals the masters intention in this very matter, as he
did not return to the lower octave of the bass until bars 5760. One now under-
stands at this point, nally, why the beginning of the second subject uses the tonic
in rst inversion: as the rst inversion tightens the connection between modula-
tion and second subject, so, on the other hand, it serves the continuation, in so
far as introduces the bass progression
, which is traversed no fewer than
four times between here and bar 60something that could only have been made
possible by a change of register.
Accordingly, one cannot in fact regard the upper voice in bars 4548 as tones
of the Urlinie: rather, the key to these bars is to be found only in the cadences [of
the second subject group]. For 3 2 1 in bars 4850, the bass remains in the one-
line octave, as in bars 44 and 45. For 4 3 2 in bar 57, however, which already ap-
pear an octave lower, the bass likewise distances itself [from the higher octave]
and thus arrives in its pre-determined register. Particularly at the summing-up, 5
4 3 2 1 , in bars 5860, the bass for its part also sums things up by reintroducing
B in the low register for the rst time since bar 41. What intelligence and care has
been exercised in forging a unied structure spanning many points of closure!
This result is conrmed by the fact that neither in bar 48 nor in bar 53 can one
speak of a perfect cadence or a 1 that completes the fth-progression of the Ur-
linie (in spite of the e
at the top, which seems to press forward as a 6
), and nally
At this stage in the development of his theories, Schenker reckons the Urlinie tones against the
prevailing foreground harmony; thus 4 2 (f
in C major) is linked to 5 1 (d
in G major) by the commonality of D. This link is, however, more conceptual than concrete: in the
actual graph of the Urlinie it is not D, but the C in bar 15 (c
as 1 in C, and as 4 in G), that provides
the link between the two sections.
A reference to Schenkers other Haydn sonata essay: the opening bars of the rst movement of
the Sonata in E
, Hoboken XVI:52, is an obvious place to discuss the organization of series of perfect
cadences in dierent registers. See p. 99 in this volume.
by the fact that, in this same group of bars [i.e., bars 5860], a clear progression
always projects the Urlinie tones, and only these tones.
Bars 66. The development section is introduced by the content of bars 56.
There is a modulation to A minor, with what appears to be a deceptive cadence
onto VI. But since this chord marks the start of a repetition of bars 18, one be-
gins to wonder whether the diversion to an F major chord signied a deceptive
cadence or in fact F major understood as a key in its own right, the subdominant,
which would have had to introduce the recapitulation.
The solution to this
problem is not provided until after bar 77: if we encounter A minor unmistakably
here, then it is impossible to speak of another foreign key between the groups of
bars 6669 and 77, which both suggest A minor. Viewed in terms of A minor,
then, the apparent VI can be evaluated only as a neighbor-note harmony applied
to the dominant; and we enjoy the profound sense of humor with which the mas-
ter is able to prepare us for such surprises.
In bars 7795 the dominant, which had been interrupted by the insertion of
the neighbor note, presses on, and the voice-leading features of the most daring
sort are placed in the service of this extensive development. Bars 7781 {17} are
governed by the fourth-progression in the upper voice, e
, which reduces the
lower-voice leaps of a fth and a third to the status of leaping passing tones (see
Kontrapunkt ii, pp. 177/pp. 18182.) (The threat of consecutive fths and octaves
here is averted by the insertion of leaps of a third.)
At a
in bar 81, we arrive at
the fourth above the dominant; the line continues upwards to the sixth, c
, in bar
82 where, on the third bar, the octave, e
, is gained. At this point, an
chord is
achieved, with
4 understood as a suspension construction; this construction was
required for the resolution of the neighbor-note chord on F, in order to remove
the threat of consecutive fths that would have otherwise resulted from the
3 in
bar 83:
In bar 84, the seventh is incorporated into the dominant. Fig. 1 claries the
artistic treatment of the passing harmonies:
Fig. 2a shows the passing harmonies in the form of
4 chords, whose transi-
tional value amounts to the same as that of
3 chords (see Kontrapunkt ii, pp. 185/
p. 189). In this example, however, the lowering of the seventh (here the goal of the
movement) by an octave would have resulted in unpleasant progressions in aug-
mented seconds in bars 8687 and 9293; moreover, a diminished fourth in bar
93 would have arisen, which would have made the elaboration much less viable.
Thus, in Fig. 2b, the
4 chord in bar 87 leads to a
3 chord, which is then retained in
the next bars. Fig. 2c shows the passing chords each embellished by two suspen-
sions. (The ascending form of the suspension is something which Haydn was
motivated to provide by the diminution in bar 83, which makes use of stepwise
ascentalbeit as a neighbor note.) Finally, Fig. 2d shows a still richer use of chro-
matic passing notes, as these prove necessary for the particular construction of
the seventh chords. The lower voice is transferred {18} to the lower octave in bar
89 in order to prepare the bass note e in bar 92, which completes the octave e
spanning bars 8392: it claries the unity of all that is transitional in bars 8094
in the most meaningful way. In bar 95, the 1 of the key of A minor nally appears
above the I, and yet the upper voice continues to press downward: this point
marks the start of the retransition to C major. The left-hand arpeggiation in bar
97 represents a parallelism with the one in bars 9091.
Haydns Sonata in C Major, Hoboken XVI: 35
Schenker may be thinking of a more famous example of a piano sonata in C major whose rst-
movement recapitulation begins in F, namely Mozarts K. 545. This movement is the subject of the
very next essay in Tonwille 4.
This parenthetical remark must be understood not as a supplementary comment but as an al-
ternative reading of the bass line. The fourth beat of each bar in this passage is, in Schenkers new ter-
minology, a leaping passing tone.
First Movement (Allegro)
Sonata Form:
First Subject bars 112
Second Subject bars 1328
Development bars 2941
Recapitulation bars 4273
In bars 14, the graph of the Urlinie (p. 157) traces the path of two elaborations of
a third, 31 in the inner voice and 53 in the upper voice, while the Urlinie remains
rmly xed on 5. The arpeggiations of a third in bars 1 and 2 (see the graph) are
beautifully disguised by the diminution.
In bar 2, the diminution sidesteps con-
secutive octaves, which have to be circumvented in the graph by leaving the root
In bar 5, 6
); the third-progression and the stationary root have disappeared.
Schenker never completely resolved the apparent conict between the upper-voice a
as neigh-
bor to g
and as primary tone of a fth-progression to d
. In his personal copy of Tonwille 4 (Oster
Collection, Books and Pamphlets 11), he marked the a
as a large-scale neighbor between the g
s in
bars 1 and 12 and, on an extra leaf of music manuscript paper, made a short musical sketch that draws
a parallel between this neighbor note and the a
that stands for the melodic line at the recapitula-
tion in F major:
(This reading is further developed in the margins of the graph of the Urlinie.)
The later graph (Der freie Satz, Fig. 124/5a) makes e
(3), rather than g
, the start of the Urlinie
but still shows a
as both a neighbor (by the starring of the a
s in bars 3 and 5 and the g
in bar 12)
and as the head of the fth-progression to d
(by the slur drawn between these notes).
The early draft of Freier Satz in the Oster Collection includes a section on consecutive octaves,
unisons, and fths that would have accommodated this pattern. In the nal form of Der freie Satz,
there is no specic discussion of 810 exchanges.
, , ,
, , , , ,
, , ,
, ,
, ,
, , , ,
5 ,
Rp m. Nb. Abkrzung
nicht I IV
Mozarts Sonata in C Major, K. 545
First Movement (Allegro ma non troppo)
Sonata Form:
First Subject bars 120
Second Subject bars 2136
Closing Subject bars 3752
Development bars 5367
Recapitulation bars 68122
Bars 1. In the rst subject the Urlinie (p. 159) actually moves from 5 to 2 but,
like the Mozart sonata analysed in the preceding essay, includes the 6
as neigh-
bor note. It presents itself in four sections: the twofold descent 5 4 3 in bars 1
8, and a further twofold descent from 6
3 and 6
8 5 3
The bass d that belongs to the initial octave comes from as far back as bar 15; it is
not actually sounded again until bar 36. Accordingly, the e
and f
in bars 22 and
24 represent anticipations!
The motives in bars 2122 and bars 2324 bear a certain relationship with the
diminution in bars 14. At any rate, the 5 4 3 in the second half of bar 24 is re-
lated to the succession of tones in bars 22 and 24.
Bars 36. At this point, 5 appears above the 1 , but it is not until bars 4344 [recte:
4243] that it is followed by the remaining tones of the fth-progression: the
succession 54 3 in bars 3640 is merely gives advance notice of what is to
come. There follow two further repetitions, which are both distinguished from
and connected to each other by changes of register (compare the Haydn sonata
discussed earlier, bars 3660).
The two repetitions use 6
as a neighbor note.
Bars 53. Apart from the key changes, the course of the development basically
follows the line dcb. The principal motive of the second subject appears in
bars 5355, and again in bars 5659. In bars 59, the descending series of tones
prepares the way for the descent of the Urlinie in the recapitulation. In the reca-
pitulation, bars 74 mark a turning to subdominant; but one may not speak of
this as the key of C major, for the beginning of recapitulation stands rmly and
decisively in G.
Beethovens Sonata in G Major, Op. 49, No. 2
Beethoven: Sonate opus 49, Nr. 2 (U. E. Nr. 4029) {Tonwille 4, pp. 2021}
t r a ns l at e d b y wi l l i a m dr a b k i n
This should have read bars 3662: see Tonwille i, p. 153, note 1.
Schenker is probably alluding here to the Mozart sonata discussed in the preceding essay, in
which the rst subject is recapitulated in the subdominant, F major.
Beethovens Sonata in G Major, Op. 49, No. 2
The great masters of German music have not merely made the art of music:
they actually are the art of music itself. By an unfathomable dispensation by the
Creator, who has sown and reaped all things, they, too, have been allowed to sow
and reap in the realm of music. But no matter how little a man contributes to
Gods sowing of the seed, he may take away from the harvest as much as he can
carry; and likewise, no matter how little he contributes to those musical masters
sowing of the seed, he may take away from their musical harvest as much as his
heart desires.
A seed is in the earth, and growsbut no one can say whether it
has grown of its own accord or has been raised by genius. Something whole
developsbut no one can say what is attributable to its own support system and
what genius has added to it. But the whole is always determined by the one seed,
and thus in the small world of tones the law of Nature at large is enacted.
To them, the great masters, was given what was denied even to the religious
institutions: namely, to grant mankind actual fulllment, not merely a recipe for
fulllment. If ethical precepts are the highest laws of human synthesis, then they
cannot be understood, let alone followed, without the gift of synthesis. If only
natural instinct could be relied on amidst lifes confusions to reach a determina-
tion that conforms equally well to religion and to the situation at handthen no
cloud of misery would ever have passed over the human race. But human syn-
thesis, like any synthesis, is rst and foremost artin the loftiest senseand the
animal in man still has no soul for art. The religious institutions were no more
able to implant one within him than they were able to create earth, air, re, and
water, which is Gods prerogative alone.
Whether or not as men they were subject to the laws of physiological devel-
opmentin particular, whether they had to pay their dues to the laws governing
youththeir intellectual advancement was nevertheless unlike the mere cause
and eect of physically growing up that others experience, namely pubescence
and procreation, but went far, far beyond all of that. This is why they are seen to
grow and grow intellectually long after the wings of others have let them down
wings that were only of the body, never of the mind. Therein principally lies the
dierence between genius and non-genius, between a youth which, confusing
bodily development with intellectual, confronts all things past, present, and fu-
ture with literally only bodily strength, and on the other hand the youth of a
geniusgenius that independently surmounts the inescapable stagnation of its
corporeal nature through the burgeoning of its intellectual strength.
Whatever they brought to fulllment within the art of musicno matter
what others may call it: experience, a theoretical agenda,
and suchlike things
they never overstepped the boundaries of their art. Megalomania, such as once
led unhappy mankind to build the Tower of Babel, was unknown to them; the
Faustian impulse was totally alien to them, for they were ever mindful of the ul-
timate limits of man, which served as their constant guide and admonition. Just
as Kant established these limits for human thought as a whole, so, too, did the
great masters of German composition establish the limits of specically musical
thoughtas the boundaries of musical composition, akin to the boundaries of
human capability at the general level.
They have been not just ahead of their own time, but ahead of all times. And
so, if I may be permitted to quote myself, for mankind a Sebastian Bach will have
more importance for all time than will a talent of the fortieth century.
They are
Vermischtes {Tonwille 4, pp. 2232}
t r a ns l at e d b y i a n b e nt
Cf. John 6.3638 Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eter-
nal life, so that the sower and reaper may be glad together. Then the saying One sows and another
reaps is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and
you have reaped the benets; also Psalm 126.5 and Matthew 6.26.
Programm: Schenker may mean a composers explanations of his own works, or he may mean
literally a program, that is, a text that explains the course of a piece.
In an unpublished typescript in the Oster Collection, Niedergang der Kompositionskunst,
Schenker writes: Talent and genius are actually two dierent intellectual qualities; and so it will al-
ways be that a talent, even one of the thirtieth century, will still always be lesser than a genius of, say,
the fteenth century (OC 31/29, p. 2). The essay is mentioned in Schenkers Harmonielehre (1906).
always high above the horizon, but the eye of mankind cannot endure the glare
of their sunlightSo may the sun be always at my back, they say, with Faust.
They will not pass into oblivion with the ages but, rather, the ages with them.
Just as Plato lives on in what one may call the idea-made-esh of his ideas, fol-
lowing the passing of the Greeks, and after them so many other ages, none of
which understood him, so, too, will the German masters of music, detached from
the ages of human history, represent to all eternity the idea-made-esh of music.
They patently felt Gods grace hovering over them. Haydn said of his Cre-
ation: I did not write that: God did. Likewise Goethe, of his poems: I did not
write them: they wrote me. The geniuses dwell together and commune in the
most blessed state of true theocracy in complete realization of the phrase ut omnes
unum sint [that all may be one]they are all the one music: music itself. {23}
Fortschritt Progress
Die Zeit, sie eilt so schnell voraus, Time, she hurries on so swiftly;
Und ich, ich blieb zurck. And I? I stayed behind.
Ich schme mich! Was kommt heraus? Im put to shame! What will come of it?
Es bleibt ein Migeschick. A misfortune it remains.
Doch strmt sie hin unbndig jach, Yet she hurtles forth unbridled over yon.
Kaum reicht so fern mein Blick. My eye can scarce discern her up ahead.
Die Bahngenossen strmen nach, My fellow-travelers race on in pursuit.
Und ich, ich blieb zurck. And I? I stayed behind.
Vielleicht kehrt wieder sie des Wegs; Perhaps shell come back this way;
Lat sitzen mich am Stein! Let me sit down on a rock!
Vielleichthat sie sich md gerannt Perhapsif she has wearied now
Hol ich sie doch noch ein. I may yet catch up with her.
Der Gang der Welt ist nicht so rasch, The pace of the world is not so fast
Als Torheit meint und spricht; As folly would have us all believe;
Man wei wohl: Flgel hat die Zeit, Its a well-known thing: time has wings,
Die Zeiten aber nicht! Yet the ages do not!
Grillparzer (1839)
In his book on Bach (Breitkopf & Hrtel, 1908), Albert Schweitzer comments:
The copies that he made of other music are the nest testimony of all to
his modesty. Long after he could have considered himself anyones pupil,
he still made copies of Palestrina, Frescobaldi, Lotti, Caldara, Johann Lud-
wig and Johann Bernhard Bach, Telemann, Keiser, Grigny, Dieupart, and
anyone else you care to mention. We sometimes wonder how it was that
Vol. 36 (Clavierwerke, vol. 4), pp. 224 25 and p. xciv original ngering; Neue Bach-Ausgabe,
vol. V/vi/2, pp. 31113 and critical commentary, pp. 37677 in a version more richly embellished and
supplied with ngering after Johann Caspar Voglers copy.
For example, Philipp Spitta, Johann Sebastian Bach, 187380, third edition Wiesbaden: Breit-
kopf & Hrtel, 1921; English translation by Clara Bell and J. A. Fuller-Maitland (London: Novello,
1889; reprinted New York: Dover, 1951), vol. 2, p. 39: Philipp Emanuel prohibits the passing of the
middle nger over the rst; Sebastian prescribes it in the fth bar of the rst piece and in bars 22 and
23 of the second . . . Emanuel does not allow the third nger to cross over the little nger; Sebastian
requires it of the left hand in bars 38 and 39 of the second piece . . .
Fourth movement, bars 173: Der Gerechten Seelen sind in Gottes Hand.
his critical sense did not stop him every few moments, as he copied. To us
it seems incomprehensible that he could bring himself to copy out whole
cantatas by Telemann. But these were acknowledged masters: he respected
them and worked hard to make them widely known. Which of his con-
temporary composers bothered to make a copy of the St. Matthew Pas-
sion, so that this work might be preserved for posterity?
The explanation is simple. Non-genius wastes a great deal of time anxiously
accumulating artistic capital. It also wastes a great deal of time on life: in breath-
lessly toadying up to non-entities like itself [and] to the masses, in having to
nudge, cajole and pamper the masses so that it may in turn be nudged, cajoled
and pampered by them, it admittedly acquires life and recognition in rich mea-
surethe never-ending complaints about lack of recognition are a self-delusion,
since the sum total of general recognition far outweighs what its mediocrity war-
rants. However, since the masses have nothing to oer, non-genius must pay for
those gains by loss of personality and of its own creations. To it belongs life.
By contrast, genius is spared such losses. A higher dispensation endows it
with artistic riches, such that it has time not only to create more works, and
works of higher value, but also to lead a deeper, richer, more courageous life. Ge-
nius has time also for humanity and modesty; it has time in general, and goes
calmly into timelessness. To it belongs life and super-life.
The seventh piece of Sebastian Bachs rst Clavierbchlein for Anna Magdalena
Bach (1722), published in vol. 41 [recte: 43] of the Bach-Gesellschaft edition, is an
Aria in C minor, in two parts, sixteen bars long, for two voices throughout, and
almost entirely in sixteenth notes.
Spitta and Count Waldersee passed over this
piece almost without comment. It had nothing to say to them. To me, on the
other hand, it says something important.
I can virtually hear Anna Magdalena asking her husband to explain the Aria
to her. From out of the sixteenth-note passage-work, he extracts its true mean-
ing, notating it in larger note values, almost entirely in quarter notes, and then
goes on to indicate a thirty-second-note diminution. There is no doubt that Bach
is here demonstrating the concept of diminution, of elaboration [Auskomponier-
ung] in general, since there would be no other way of explaining why he followed
the piece in small note values with one in larger values, moreover leaving out the
bass. This situation is not to be confused with that of variation, where, by con-
trast, the piece proceeds from simple proportions to richer and more active ones.
We thus learn from this exampleand this is the important pointthat Bach,
when thinking of diminution, not only had the simpler outline clearly in his head
but was also when teaching in a position to communicate his consciousness of it
to others. Anyone who has the opportunity to see this example of Bach at work as
a teacher might, even before he takes its solution to heart, try his hand at it him-
self. The very simplicity of the piece will enlighten him all the more readily as to
the true nature of diminution, as to the rise and fall of the lines with respect to the
tones that are ultimately intended, as to the stripping-away [Abstimmung] of all
lines with a view to revealing a simpler one, and so on. In particular, may Bachs
teaching come to the attention of those musicians who continue to underesti-
mate the importance of such a backward-tracing process. There is no doubt in
my mind that Bach, when asked about the plan [of his piece], would have been
able to express himself even more succinctly and to lay out the skeleton
of the
piece in longer valuesas the shortest diatonic line, which I call the Urlinie.
From Philipp Emanuel Bachs Versuch ber die wahre Art, das Clavier zu spielen:
Introduction, 1. The true art of playing keyboard instruments depends on
three factors so closely related that no one of them can, nor indeed dare, exist
without the others. They are: correct ngering, good embellishments, and good
tonwi lle 4
Albert Schweitzer, with M. H. Gillot, J.-S. Bach, le musicien-pote (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hrtel,
1905), enlarged German translation, as J. S. Bach (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hrtel, 1908), pp. 14243;
Schenker quotes and discusses Schweitzers book also in Meisterwerk i, pp. 8893/pp. 4850.
berleben: the word commonly means survival, but here it has Nietzschean overtones.
Vol.43/2, pp. 4 5 VII. Air and p. vii Air. Fragment, pp. 4243; Neue Bach-Ausgabe, vol. V/iv,
pp. 4041 and critical commentary, p. 15: Fragment of an Air with variations in C minor, BWV 991
[the piece is laid out over pp. 4243. Notated material appears only on pp. 4243, with the remain-
der of p. 43 and all of p. 44], ruled for eight systems each, left blank, doubtless for the continuation of
the Air. The thirty-second-note diminution (without bass line) ends incompletely in bar 11. The
overall form is thus: I, bars 116 in two parts (but bass stops at bar 9); II, bars 116, upper voice only,
in longer note-values; III, bars 111, upper voice only, embellished.
Gerippe: this term and the synonymously used Plan feature in Schenkers principal analysis of
a pedagogical work: the free fantasy in D major from Emanuel Bachs Versuch, discussed in The Art
of Improvisation; see Meisterwerk i, pp. 2130/pp. 813.
These remarks are excerpted from part 1 of the Versuch, introduction and chapter 1; the text that
follows is based on Mitchells translation, pp. 30, 36, 38, 41.
2. . . . All other instruments have learned how to sing. The keyboard alone
has been left behind, its sustained style obliged to make way for countless elabo-
rate gurations. The truth of this is attested by the growing beliefs that to play
slowly or legato is wearisome, that tones can be neither slurred nor detached, {28}
that our instrument should be tolerated only as a necessary evil in accompani-
ment. As ungrounded and contradictory as these charges are, they are, neverthe-
less, clear signs of bad keyboard playing.
11. The more recent pianoforte, when it is sturdy and well built, has many
ne qualities, although its touch must be carefully thought out, a task which is
not without diculties. . . . Yet, I hold that a good clavichord, despite its weaker
tone, shares equally in the attractiveness of the pianoforte and in addition fea-
tures the vibrato and portato which I produce by means of added pressure after
each stroke.
12. . . . In order that the strings may be attacked as well as caressed and be ca-
pable of expressing purely and clearly all degrees of forte and piano, they must be
15. . . . Those who concentrate on the harpsichord grow accustomed to play-
ing in only one color, and the varied touch which the competent clavichordist
brings to the harpsichord remains hidden from them. This may sound strange,
since one would think that all performers can express only one kind of tone on
each harpsichord. One can easily perform the following test: ask two people, one
a good clavichordist, the other a harpsichordist, to play in turn on the latter in-
strument the same piece containing a variety of embellishments, and then decide
whether the two have produced the same eect.
From Fingering, 2. For this and other reasons the study of ngering is a
treacherous path along which many have erred. For one thing, there is only one
good system of keyboard ngering, and very few passages permit alternative n-
gerings. Again, every gure calls for its own distinctive ngering, which may re-
quire modication simply through a change of context, and the comprehensive-
ness of the keyboard creates an inexhaustible wealth of gures. Finally, the true
method, almost a secret art, has been known and practiced by very few.
One of the rst people to report on Haydns life was G. Carpani (1812),
also belonged to the masters circle. Soon after, in 1814, Stendhal published his
Lettres crites de Vienne sur Haydn under the pseudonym A. C. Bombet.
In this,
he lifted at least two hundred pages of Carpanis 298-page book word for word,
even retaining the rst-person singular, which must have led his readers to be-
Keile: wedge-shaped staccato marks, which usually appeared in handwritten sources as vertical
strokes. Haydn generally used these strokes for staccato, and dots with a slur for portato; but he some-
times used dots on their own, for example, to indicate the clear separation of repeated notes.
Joseph Haydns Werke: Erste kritisch durchgesehene Gesamtausgabe, ed. E. Mandyczewski and
others; ten volumes of this unnished edition were issued between 1907 and 1933.
Le Haydine, ovvero Lettere su la vita e le opere del celebre maestro Giuseppe Haydn (Milan:
C. Buccinelli, 1812).
Lettres crites de Vienne en Autriche, sur le clbre compositeur Joseph Haydn, suivies dune vie
de Mozart, et de considrations sur Mtastase et ltat prsent de la musique en France et en Italie
(Paris: Didot, 1814). See also Lives of Haydn, Mozart and Metastasio by Stendhal (1814), translated by
Richard N. Coe (London: Calder & Boyars: 1972).
lieve that Bombet was personally close to Haydn. It was Romain Rolland
on the basis of meticulous comparison, exposed this state of aairs in a special
essay, admitting candidly that he had no idea what could have induced Stendhal
to commit so outrageous a theft (Rollands own word). {29} That a German pub-
lisher could be induced to couple together two French authors as highly prized
on intellectually occupied German territory as Stendhal and Rolland, by printing
Carpanis Haydn book yet again under the name of its plagiarizer Stendhal and
including Rollands essay as a kind of covering note (as a postscript, of course,
not as a foreword), is a complicated German aair. What is more important is
that I deal with Rollands essay here.
At one point, he says: It took time before this clear, ironic voice could be
heard amidst the din of the Romantic orchestra. But once heard, it could never
be forgotten. One can scarcely believe ones eyes. What? Rolland singing the im-
postors praise in the selfsame article in which he exposes his shameless plagia-
rism? Does that accord with any of the laws of logic or ethics? Does not Rolland
here become as much of a puzzle to us as Stendhal is to him?
It is not enough for him to write at another point: The fact that he (Stend-
hal) today drags his victim (Carpani) behind him in the wake of his fame makes
us want to search these letters for what is intellectually his [Carpanis] own.
Whose side is Rolland taking? Carpanis, so that his rightful property can be re-
stored to him on the basis of proven plagiarism? Or Stendhals, so that, despite
the exposed plagiarism, Carpanis property can nally be delivered into his
hands? Are there two Rollands? One who unabashedly seeks out the truth, and
another who ignores it when it suits him, so as to redeem the glory of a compa-
triot authoras can be seen, Haydn plays not the slightest role in all of this
and award him, against all ethical standards, that which belongs to someone else?
In intellectually occupied territory, apathy and lack of principles are prone to
consider everything that is a mere slip-up, anything merely harmless, as not worth
the eort of putting a stop to. I think otherwise, and have grounds for doing so
when I place the many other statements that Rolland has made in his writings
about music and musicians alongside it. Let me oer just a few passages from his
Beethoven book (published in Zurich by Rascher), widely read in certain circles.
On p. 17, he writes: Later, when he (Beethoven) was compelled to quit Bonn
and spend almost his entire life in Vienna, in the frivolous capital and in its
gloomy suburbs, he could never get the Rhineland out of his mind . . . Rolland
is confusing the Vienna that he had seen in 1910 with the Vienna of Beethoven,
the outskirts of which were still quite rural and cheerful! But is it right for him to
commit such a blunder in, of all places, his book on Beethoven? Did not artistic
truth and justice require that the beauty of Viennas outskirts be remembered just
as clearly as that ofthe Rhineland? Was the anachronism just a slip on his part,
or did he unconsciously hit upon this as a pretext for expressing some touching
words of regret, as utterly inappropriate as they are? Or what else might it be? But
on to the next passage.
On p. 53, he writes: Vienna never warmed to him. In this city given to aec-
tation, with its fashionable air satiated with mediocrity, his proud and free spirit
could [take no pleasure], to which he adds in a footnote: The composers who
lived in Vienna toward the end of the nineteenth century suered severely under
the atmosphere of the city, which was in the throes of a pharisaical Brahms cult.
What is Rolland up to, with all these thrusts? To begin with, is not medioc-
rity the same everywherein Paris just as in Vienna? Or does he considerit
rather looks like itthat French mediocrity is fundamentally better than Ger-
man? Beethoven, Brahms in Paristheres a laugh!how on earth would Pari-
sian mediocrity have reacted to those intellectual heroes? When Berlioz made the
witty, astute remark that for humanity Beethoven was a luxury, he forboreal-
though French himselfto choose between humanity in Vienna and humanity
anywhere else. But what does Rolland mean by the distinction that he makes?
Why is he always taking aim at the Vienna of Beethoven and Brahms, at the Vi-
enna that he thinks he has seen but has not in fact seen?
But let me not persist in my questions. I already know why. Theres method in
Rollands way of doing things. Thomas Mann, who was sorely disappointed by Rol-
land on many occasions (read his Reections of a Non-Political Man, pp. 136),
tonwi lle 4
For Schenkers remarks on Rolland, and the Clart movement to which he belonged, see The
Mission of German Genius, Tonwille 1, p. 14/i, p. 14 and note 75.
Schenker is referring to Rollands Vie de Beethoven (Paris: Hachette, 1903), German trans. L. Lang-
nese Hug as Ludwig van Beethoven (Zurich: M. Rascher), Eng. trans. B. Constance Hull (London:
Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1917). Though the recipient of Schenkers anti-Gallic venom, both here
and in The Mission of German Genius (Tonwille 1), Rolland later wrote enthusiastically of
Schenkers theories, quoting the Erluterungsausgabe of Op. 101 with approval in the third volume of
his Beethoven: les grandes poques cratrices (Paris: Editions du Sablier, 192845).
The quotation from Rollands main text has been cut o before the nal verb; it is supplied
here. From the footnote, of which Schenker quotes only a small part, it is clear that Rollands im-
pression of Vienna was strongly inuenced by that oered in Wagners Beethoven (1870).
Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen (Berlin: S. Fischer, 1918), trans. W. D. Morris (New York:
F. Unger, 1983), pp. 11723.
came nally to see him as a Frenchman through and through, and thus at heart
entirely without cosmopolitan adeptness, and once addressed him, with painful
irony: Ah! How little you deserve the stigma of the enboch,
how little you de-
serve exile! How temperate is your justice!And there you have it: temperate jus-
tice where the Frenchman is concerned, andcovert aggressiveness where the
non-Frenchman is concerned. This is why, at Carpanis expense, Rolland is so
temperately just over Stendhals fame and his clear ironic voice. This is why he
forgets the Viennese outskirts of that time and dreams, almost like Poincar,
the Rhinelandin his lecherous dream, there comes to him the temperately just
equation: Beethoven the Rhinelander Beethoven the Frenchman. This is why
he covertly scos at {30} the mediocrity and pharisaical Brahms cult of Vienna,
and is so just as to pronounce judgment even upon Brahms. . . .
So now, European-ness is certainly no shame, nor does it need, as we can see,
to fear anything from exclusive French-ness. Exclusive French-ness also is cer-
tainly no shame but is denitely a disadvantage, since it is no substitute for the
preconditions that are still necessary if one is to write pertinently, and not just in
the manner of French justice, about music and musicians. To count Rolland
among musicians would be to commit all those who dwell on the same, by no
means solitary height, to sharing with him his superciality (Oh! la douce
france) and his mental attitude: temperately just where Frenchmen are con-
cerned, covertly aggressive where non-Frenchmen are concerned.
(not to be identied with the nal third-progression of Fig. 2, which has meanwhile been trans-
formed into f
). As irregular an articulation of the octave-progression as this may
seemparticularly when Schenkers overriding claim is that the passage remains under the control
of the I harmonyit is no more irregular than what Schenker asserts explicitly in the next essay, on
Prelude No. 5 in D minor, namely the articulation of an octave descent from f
to f
(third of the D
minor triad) into three third-progressions, fed, overlapping dcb
, succeeded by agf. Under
some circumstances, Schenker evidently considers it possible for a subdivided octave-progression to
remain under the control of its originating harmony even if the tones of this harmony are not used
as nodal points between subordinate progressions at every possible point of articulation. And in
fact, his invocation here of the neighboring progression 34 4 3 underlying the octave descent in
this piece implies a more specic explanation of the ostensibly non-tonic articulation of the octave-
progression than anything in the analysis of Prelude No. 5.
actually strove in the sequel to reach f
(bar 8), and, from here on, to remain in
the one-line octave. And if he activates the higher octave once more in bar 15, he
only wants to respond to the register of bars 14, in the sense of the obligatory
conduct of registers (see Tonwille I, p. 39/I, p. 35), without prejudice to the value
of d
as the beginning and ending tone.
When one considers art in the higher sense, one might wish that only
masters would occupy themselves with it, that students would be tested
most rigorously, that amateurs would feel content in a reverent approach
to it. For the work of art should spring forth from genius, the artist should
summon forth content and form from the depth of his own essence, deal
with the material in a commanding manner, and admit external inu-
ences only for the purpose of his own development.
Goethe, Theory of Color
The result of a genuine method is called style, as opposed to manner. Style
elevates individuality to the highest point that the genre [Gattung] is ca-
pable of reaching; for this reason all great artists approach one another in
their best works.
Goethe, Diderots Essay on Painting
Bachs Little Prelude No. 4 in D Major, BWV 925
Zur Farbenlehre: Entwurf einer Farbenlehre: Des ersten Bandes erster, didaktischer Teil, 1808. The
quotation is from Section 6, Sinnlich-Sittliche Wirkung, from the concluding remarks [Schlusswort].
Goethe makes these grand claims for art in order to contrast it with science, where he expects the con-
tributions of an amateur to be as welcome as those of an expert (indeed, much of the treatise is de-
voted to a rant against Newton). Whatever Goethes self-condence may do to unify the passage,
Schenker still could be accused of taking the quotation out of context.
Diderots Versuch ber die Malerei, bersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet (1799), in which the
text of Diderots Essai sur la Peinture (1765) is translated, reordered, and exceeded in length by
Goethes commentary on it. The quotation comes from Goethes commentary near the end of the sec-
tion that he calls Von der Harmonie der Farben, in his Zweites Kapitel: Meine kleine Ideen ber die
Farbe; the translated text in this section is taken from Diderots Chapitre II: Mes petites Ides sur la
Couleur [Denis Diderot, uvres, ed. Andr Billy [Editions Gallimard, 1951], pp. 111925, but the sub-
ject of style as opposed to manner also refers to the end of Diderots Chapitre Premier: Mes Penses
bizarres sur le Dessin (pp. 111119).
We encounter f
(see the graph of the Urlinie, p. 181, and Fig. 1f) for the rst
time in bar 7, where it concludes the rst descending third-progression: hence-
forth, f
remains the boundary of all the subsequent descending progressions as
wellsee bars 20, 25, 35, 39 (43), and nally bar 48 (here raised through modal
mixture, of course). Whatever any of these progressions in the inner or upper
voice might mean, the same goal, f
, striven for and attained so many times, de-
velops a signicance in response to which we must recognize 3 as the starting
point of the Urlinie, contrary to appearances that speak for 5. Of course, the up-
ward register transfer in bars 78, as well as in bars 3943, compels us to accept
the two-line octave as the actual register of the Urlinie tones. In this sense, the
rst third-progression a
(bars 17) belongs to an inner voice, as though the
essential thing were merely to set up f
in a chord (in open position),
. In
the third-progression a
in bars 4243, replying to the first one, as though in
parallel f
now conrms the actual goal toneafter all, a
in bar 42 is still com-
pletely entangled in the sixteenth-note motion of the run that serves the upward
transferas well as the true register of the Urlinie progression.
Fig. 1 shows the gradual growth of the voice-leading prolongations, all pre-
determined in the womb of the Urlinie:
{9} a) shows the Urlinie progression and the rst [contrapuntal] intervals;
b) presents the downward register transfer f
, by means of third-progres-
sions in the outer voices and 56 exchange; also the renewed swing up-
ward to f
c) shows chromaticization, eecting more powerful (tonicizing) connections
and thereby dividing the progression of an octave into three third-pro-
gressions: f
, d
, a
d) and e) show how, in the second chord of the octave series, the third c
not led up chromatically to c
, but is reached through a falling third-
progression from e
. It is the voice-leading that we encountered in Prelude
No. 3 (see Figure 1; Tonwille I, p. 175), only here the contrapuntal octave-
progression is placed not on the divider at the upper fth, as it was there,
but on that at the lower fth.
Voice-leading errors threaten on the way to
this divider: consecutive (contrary) fths at d), open fths at e);
Bachs Little Prelude No. 5 in D Minor, BWV 926
J. S. Bach: Zwlf kleine Prludien, Nr. 5 {Tonwille 5, pp. 89}
t r a ns l at e d b y j os e p h dub i e l
As written, Schenkers sentence seems to refer to a non-existent octave-progression in Prelude
No. 3. The contrast he must mean to make is simply between the two possible dividers of the domi-
nant. In each Prelude, there is (at some structural level) a descending third-progression within the
dominant harmony, from the fth to the major third, 2 1 7 (in both cases introducing the major third
when the triad was initially minor); in Prelude No. 3, the passing tone is supported by the second de-
gree of the scale, serving as upper-fth divider (or dominant of the dominant); in this prelude, the
passing tone is supported by the rst degree of the scale, serving as lower-fth divider (not as an eec-
tive tonic). Only in this prelude are there passing motions to and from the divider, a fth-progression
and a fourth-progression that together form an octave-progression within the dominant harmony.
Quinten-Antiparallelen bei d), oene Quinten bei e); referred to collectively as Quint-Parallelen
in the following discussion of f).
f) nally shows the removal of the consecutive fths by means of the ex-
change 56, which is also welcome to the diminution.
Having come to light in bars 17, and even been repeated, as though for con-
rmation, in rhythmic diminution in bar 6, the third-progression is used as a
motive. On a large scale, the motive of a third permeates the broad octave descent
of bars 739, supported in this by the chromatic alterations (see earlier). In the
dominant chord of bars 921, it takes shape in the larger third-progression e
as well as in the smaller third-progressions set above the 65 exchange (see the
graph of the Urlinie). Then two third-progressions enliven the inner voice in bars
2125. In bars 3339, a rhythmically diminished third-progression (bars 3335)
anticipates the leading third-progression of the upper voice (see earlier), and the
motive is realized for the last time in bars 4243. (The descending passage in bars
4548 is to be divided into fourth- and third-progressions, however.)
The broad path in bars 921 gives the master occasion to shape the various
repetitions of the third-progressions more diversely, by means of a gradual accel-
eration as well as a change of diminutionsee bars 915, 1519, 1920 in the
graph of the Urlinie: after two-bar values . . follow one-bar ones . , and after
these even a quarter-note value , , which introduces the descent in bar 20.
The upward register transfer in bars 3943 is to be understood as a parallel to
that in bars 78yet another witness to the creatively alert tonal conscience of the
But even more astounding is the artistry with which he subdivides the
arpeggiations in bars 3942: as early as the third quarter note of bar 39, he pro-
vides the (second) descending arpeggiation with leaps upward, whose seed bears
fruit only in bar 41; here he leads the ascending arpeggiations (setting in again on
the third quarter note of bar 40) up to the tone a
, as if to that tone that had to
enter at the peak of the motive of a third! (This masterstroke recalls that in Pre-
lude No. 1, bars 910see Tonwille 4, [p. 4]/I, p. 142.) Both a
s in bar 41 appear,
moreover, in the rhythm of two dotted quarter notes, to which the rst tones of
the third-progression in bar 42 are connected in the same rhythm: this leads to a
ritenuto eect, which is only further reinforced by the 3/2 rhythm of bars 4344.
Bachs Little Prelude No. 5 in D Minor, BWV 926
[S]Compare the parallelism of ornaments in Prelude No. 3.
The metronome marking ( 108) does not appear in the autograph; it was
added at a later time to the printed parts and score. On this, Nottebohm remarks
as follows:
One will nd that a proportion of Beethovens metronome markings do
not entirely accord with the character of the movements to which they are
applied. Thus, for example, several symphonic movements seem to us to
have been given a marking that is too fast. Perhaps this phenomenon can
be explained as follows: Beethoven determined the metronome marking
while working at the piano, and arrived at gures that he would hardly
have found tenable in the concert hall. Even so, the markings that are
available can help guard against misinterpretations, and to oer advice in
questionable or disputed cases. . . . Beethovens marking of the rst
movement of the Symphony in C minor (allegro con brio, 108) dis-
credits a communication from Anton Schindler in the rst edition of his
Beethoven biography (p. 241) , according to which the composer insisted
on a slower tempo for the rst ve bars: this tempo, , 126, approxi-
mately andante con moto. Had Beethoven wished a change of tempo, he
would certainly have used the metronome markings to indicate it.
The autograph score shows a great deal of work in many places, often more
than what would normally be understood as compositional renements. That
bars 5, 24, 127, 252 and 482 are missing was already mentioned with regard to
Fig. 3. Many other bars in the score can very clearly be recognized as later inser-
tions. This is actually the case with bars 2223 [recte: 2224], the principal mo-
tive as it appears in the consequent phrase, ibid. in Fig. 3; the fermata in bar 21
was originally followed immediately by the material of bar 25 (as the last bar of a
four-bar group), without the intervention of the principal motive. The other in-
sertions are best discussed in the order in which they appear. At bars 34 (and the
corresponding passage, bars 277), the second violin and viola parts have been
heavily corrected. Much eort was needed for the arpeggiation of the seventh
chords at bars 48 and 292; here are some of the attempts:
The notation that Beethoven consistently uses for these arpeggiations,
, corresponds better to the motivic sense of the passage than that given in
the more recent editions of the score: .
{11} For the three repetitions beginning in bar 63, the instruments originally
entered in a dierent order: clarinet and ute, rst violins and oboe, rst violins
and ute.What the autograph tells us about the slurring in bars 83 is of great
signicance. The lower slurs in g. 18 show the original slurring:
Later, an extra bar was inserted just before the end (bar 92 of the score) and the
slurs were changed in accordance with the sense of the passage, as explained ear-
lier, to correspond to the higher slurs in Fig. 18.
But the authentic slurring is
Beethovens Fifth Symphony (Continuation)
Beethoven: V. Sinfonie (Fortsetzung) {Tonwille 5, pp. 1042}
t r a ns l at e d b y wi l l i a m dr a b k i n
[S]Beethoveniena (Leipzig and Wintherthur: Rieder-Biedermann, 1872), p. 135. [The metronome
markings for the rst eight symphonies were issued in a small pamphlet by the Viennese publisher
S. A. Steiner in 1817; these were not intended for any specic edition of the music. The quotation from
Schindler is from the rst edition of his Biographie von Ludwig van Beethoven (Mnster: Aschendor,
1840), p. 241.]
Schenker is referring to the discussion of Fig. 9 in the rst part of the essay (Tonwille 1).
given only in the original edition; it is, unfortunately, not present in the Peters
edition, for example. In bars 182, the cellos and basses were originally furnished
with legato slurs.In bars 211 [recte: 213], the bassoons were originally written
an octave lower, and the harmony formed by the clarinets and bassoons sounded
as follows:
It is worth noting that, in bars 222, the violas still continued to play the f
the previous bars; Beethoven changed it to d, since the f
(only the basses: even in this respect, a contrast with bar 228 is sought); the re-
maining instruments (violins, violas and winds) did not enter until the second
eighth-note, and likewise fortissimo. Only when bar 240 [in its present form] was
inserted into the score was the antiphonal eect developed, but here the rst and
second violins and violas are marked only forte on the downbeat. In reproducing
these two bars, both the rst edition and, for example, the modern Peters edition
go astray: the former assigns a fortissimo to the second eighth note, leaving the
rst pianissimo; in the latter the entire string section, including the basses, begins
bar 240 with a forte.At bar 303, the cellos were initially assigned to play with the
bassoons: yet further evidence of how little Beethoven was thinking of the
horn!In bars 323, the rst violins originally developed the singing line on
their own (in the nal version they alternate with the winds); even the cellos were
provided with their own part:
At bars 331, the diculties with the slurring from bars 86 in the exposition
return. Beethoven also replaced f with f
d c
d (dg)
p cresc. f pi f
In bars 196, the masters dynamic markings are welded to the unfolding con-
tent in such a meaningful and clarifying way:
bar: 196 209 211 215 221
winds: f
dim. p pp
strings: b
dim. p pp
that it is astonishing that they could possibly have been refuted (see the discus-
sion of the literature), and yet. . . . It only remains for the conductor to deepen
what Beethoven wrote by a complete consciousness of my explanations, in order
to create the appropriate eect from the congruence of dynamic and content. If
Beethoven begins the diminuendo in the strings with b
in bar 210, but delays it
by a bar in the winds, until c
, that is because he wants to ensure that this bar is
metrically weak compared to bar 209: what an ingenious, profound move! In bar
240, one should not forget to begin the bar fortissimo, in spite of the forte in the
rst and second violins and the violas. In the recapitulation, the oboe should be
noticeable as early as bar 262. In a certain sense, the dynamic markings in bar 268
oboe: f
{15} represents an original variant of the customary fp, except with a greater dy-
namic contrast.
In bars 303, the horns are normally used instead of the bassoons, which is
most inappropriate: for Beethoven knew how to write for the bassoon, as is wit-
nessed in his earlier works, and it can be accepted that he knew well what the bas-
soon would sound like in the high register, as is prescribed here. Finally, it would
have been possible for him to have used horns: corni in C, if necessary, as there
would have been sucient time for them to enter.
One should therefore respect
the deliberate change of scoring (as explained earlier), and not show o to Bee-
thovens disadvantage by using the prettier sound of the horn, as in the exposi-
tion, instead of that of the bassoon. In any event, the three eighth notes g
not be blasted out in a deafening fortissimo; if one instead stresses the half notes,
especially the c
in bar 304 and the g in bar 306, the unpleasantness of the sound
would undoubtedly be diminished.
Literature. It would have been possible to omit the following section if the criti-
cal literature on music stood at least on the same plane as that on the other arts,
and if writers on music were capable of transmitting the content of a composi-
tion in purely musical terms, as for example the plot of a drama is summarized.
Unfortunately this is not the case, and therefore it is important not to cease
pointing out their shortcomings and generally abysmal quality. One has an op-
portunity now to decide whether contemporary and posthumous judgments
221), becoming weaker and weaker, with a foreboding and frightening eect!
The full orchestra then breaks in with a unison G major theme, which is almost
exactly the same as the one that had been heard forty-one bars earlier (bar 179).
Bars 398: . . . and now the violas, cellos and bassoons take up a theme which had
appeared earlier in G major, in the development section, while the violins . . . play
a new counter-melody. And so forth.
One can see that Homanns ear is not ready for higher musical connections,
which makes his presentation merely a hollow duplication in words of the musi-
cal events, and not a true clarication of their meaning.
Thus his introduction
is all the more revealing, where we read for instance:
If one speaks of music as an independent art, one should always have in-
strumental music in mind. For it is only this type which, disdaining all
help from or fusion with any of the other arts, expresses by itself musics
special qualities in purely musical terms. It is the most romantic of all the
artsthe only romantic art, one might go so far as to say.
As apposite as the presentiment is, it is nevertheless still very far from the rev-
elation that, unlike all the other arts, which either eect associations with people
or things or serve a useful purpose and so may be reckoned only as applied arts,
music has a completely new content, peculiar to itself. It can, in fact, neither re-
produce objects nor serve some other purpose, but creates the associations that,
when viewed in terms of the abundant resources of humanity, are just as neces-
sary for itself, by repetitions (see Harmonielehre, 4). And precisely in this regard,
music is far removed from that concept of romanticism, which is depreciated
even with respect to the applied arts. It is, if one may say so, even more romantic
than the most romantic of all the arts. It is only by the failure to comprehend
the special quality of the musical world that one can actually understand why,
until now, every philosophical {17} or aesthetic system runs aground when ap-
plied to music, however appropriate it might otherwise seem for the spoken and
representational arts.
Schindler, in the third edition (1860) of his Beethoven biography, recently re-
vised by Alfred Kalischer, writes:
Among the hundreds of masterful compositions, no work bears out more
fully than Beethovens C minor symphony the maxim that every true work
of art is a realization of the divine, its purpose being to confer the loftiest
blessing on humanity by the enlightenment of the earthly and the spiri-
tualization of the sensual, as well as by the sensualization of the spiritual.
What a marvelous conjoining of pathos, majesty, mystery and grandeur
is contained in these four movements! What a life of poetry unfolds be-
fore our senses in this work, allowing us to see into its depths! The com-
poser himself provided the key to those depths when, one day, in the pres-
ence of the author, he pointed to the beginning of the rst movement and
expressed the underlying idea of the work with these words: Thus Fate
knocks at the door!
On the last sentence, Kalischer remarks: From this we learn, at least, to
whom and about which work Beethoven spoke about a Fate Symphony.
Pious nonsense! Even if what Schindler says is true, he shows here and else-
where that he has understood Beethovens words no better than his music. How
little, though, did words matter to Beethoven, for whom the creation meant
everything; for the others, unfortunately, the word means everything and the cre-
ation counts for so little.
Beethovens Fifth Symphony (Continuation)
Schenker makes a verbal play in this sentence, between Darstellung and Klarstellung.
Anton Felix Schindler, Biographie von Ludwig van Beethoven, 3rd edition (Mnster: Aschen-
dor, 1860). Kalischers edition, entitled Anton Schindlers Beethoven-Biographie (1909), is a reprint of
the 1860 edition with extensive endnotes. I have based my text on the English translation by Con-
stance Jolly, edited by Donald W. MacArdle, which was published as Beethoven As I Knew Him (Lon-
don: Faber and Faber, 1966).
Lenz, in his critical catalogue of Beethovens collected works (1860), writes:
A tragedy of fate for the stages of the world. Battle. Victory. The rst
movement is an orchestral Heroid in itself.
The poet discovers the heroic
allegro in two-four meter: the Beethoven monogram. Anyone who is able
to summarize so succinctly and, in doing so, say so much cannot be sur-
passed. That is the meaning of the Beethoven monogram. The ancient
writing stands apart among the signs of the musical alphabet. This motto
would be the appropriate inscription for a monument in Thebes: Osi-
No individual contest against human destiny is the substance of such
a poem, [but rather] the struggle of masses against masses. Spirit or ma-
terial are the prizes of the struggle.
An inversion of rhythmic extremes, in which the greater weight is
given to the eet-footed two-four meter: more than the meter of heaviest
caliber in the ancient musical world.
A nale that, with its inseparably
conceived connection to a fast-moving middle movement (a minuet, or
scherzo) that strengthens itself in a higher organism, makes the whole di-
vide into two ideal parts; these are reunited by the return of the original
idea, which becomes manifest in the second parta fundamentally new
creation, born of the highest artistic understanding and the most inspired
poetic impulse, had to nullify for the world Haydns and Mozarts con-
ception of the symphony, whose formalism had thus become incapable
of life.
Only the most extreme confusion in the habits of judgment could
lead one to mention in the same breath the names of those men, who are
so great in their own ways, along with that of Beethoven, whose orches-
tral organisms present themselves to the wonderment of the world in this
symphony and the ones that follow.
Every bar of the rst movement is a stone in the Cyclopean wall.
Here rages the struggle between two irreconcilables: to possess, and
not to possess!
As wrong as it would be to speak about a formalism of the human body,
whose existence is entirely owing to a creative act that is forever primeval, irre-
producible, so it is just as wrong to speak about the formalism of a Haydn or
Mozart symphony. Wherever genius stretches out its nger, to speak in terms of
Michelangelos Creation of Adam, new life arises, truly and eternally new, as all
that comes from Nature. Moreover, if one is to continue the story along these
lines, from whom, then, should Haydn have taken over his conception of the
symphony? And from whom should Mozart have taken over his? Who taught the
two of them what would have been left to them merely to imitate? But someone
like Lenz, who was born to utter dead gures of speech, bears the curse of mis-
construing such sublime tonal worlds as gures of speech, worlds that are at
peace in their very own artistic life, as if oating in the ether. For what Lenz in-
sists upon here so gratuitously about Beethoven, at the expense of Haydns and
Mozarts symphonies, is again a mere gure of speech. Beethoven thinks in mu-
sical terms, a Lenz only in gures of speech: could the two ever be conjoined? But
we must think in musical terms, and not in gures of speech, if we wish to follow
a musical creator like Beethoven.
{18} On p. 73 of his Anleitung zum Vortrag Beethovenscher Klavierwerke
(Berlin: Otto Janke, 1863), Marx writes:
Strangely, such a rhetorical pause has actually been preserved in musical
notation, and in fact in the C minor symphony. The rst movement be-
gins as follows (here Marx quotes bars 14, with the upbeat), with a two-
bar motive g g g | e
, whose last note is lengthened by a fermata. This mo-
tive is repeated, f f f | d, except that here the last note is twice as long:
Beethoven has extended the motive to three bars, and places the fermata
on the third bar, though it had previously stood above the second. In so
tonwi lle 5
The Kritischer Katalog smtlicher Werke Ludwig van Beethovens samt Analysen derselben ap-
peared as the last two volumes of Lenzs ve-volume Beethoven: Eine Kunststudie (Hamburg: Ho-
mann und Campe, 185560).
Lenz is referring to Ovids Heroides, a series of love letters written by mythological gures.
The statue of an ancient king of Thebes. Shelleys sonnet Ozymandias includes these lines:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Schwerer als die schwersten Taktkaliber der alten Musikwelt. Continuing the military analogy
from the previous paragraphs, Lenz is comparing the various musical meters with the bores of
rearms. In the Fifth Symphony Beethoven inverts the normal order of metric calibersthe rst
movement is an allegro con brio in 2/4, the nale an allegro in common time, but does not change the
normal relationship between them, of heavy to light. The heaviest caliber of the ancient musical
world refers to meters that are reckoned in terms of long note values, as used for instance in Renais-
sance choral polyphony and certain Baroque pieces composed in an ancient style.
The walls fortifying Mycaenae, or Tirnys, built by the race of one-eyed giants.
lingering, stepping outside the metric bounds, Beethoven has indeed in-
dicated a rhetorical pause. It is only at this point that the allegro actually
begins, as the master himself regarded the rst ve bars merely as an in-
troduction. In this way, however, he abandons metrical symmetry in
favour of freedom of movement.
By rhetorical pause Marx is simply describing, in somewhat cumbersome
terms, the traditional interpretation of the passage, according to which the
lengthening of the note d by a bar merely indicates that it is dwelt on for a while
longer. If the rst half note also has a fermata, then one must recognize that the
dwelling upon d cannot be measured so precisely, and therefore that the masters
intentions cannot, at least, be sought by recourse to this notation. If one accepts
this, then one should not insist upon the traditional interpretation, let alone that
this interpretation embraces the grounds for the necessity of a rounding-o as a
four-bar phrase. If this interpretation adhered fundamentally to the regularity of
a four-bar organization and actually embraced internal fermatas (as, for example,
at bar 6 in the rst movement of Beethovens Op. 31, No. 3, or at bar 20 in the rst
movement of Op. 111), then it would still beyond the power of a ve-bar notation
of this sort, with two fermatas related dierently [to the phrase as a whole], as we
nd at the beginning of the symphony, to allow us to recognize such a notation
as one that aims at regularity. There is, therefore, nothing to Marxs phrase
rhetorical pause. How modest, after all, is the so-called traditional interpreta-
tion: not only in the beginning was the Word, but also at the end!
Wagner writes, in ber das Dichten und Komponieren (1879):
To be sure, each one of them wanted to bring into the world a truly gen-
uine melody, one of those Beethovenian forms that seem to confront us
with all the limbs of a living body. But of what use was all their skill in se-
rious composition [ars musicae severioris], or even in joyful composition
[musicae jocosae], if the very form of this melody was certainly not to be
revealed to them, let alone composed? Now, everything that we nd writ-
ten by them looks so very like a Beethovenian musical form that it often
appears to be copied from his work. And yet their most artful assemblages
fail to achieve an eect that even approaches that of this almost ludi-
crously insignicant idea (the rst bar, with upbeat, is quoted here),
which actually says nothing whatever about art but nevertheless has the
power, at every concert, suddenly to rouse an ever and utterly bored au-
dience from lethargy to ecstasy.
Let us desist from invoking the audiences ecstasy as a form of evidence. (It
is strange enough that this form of evidence comes straight from Wagners
mouth; and yet it is perhaps not so remarkable after all, considering that he hails
from the world of opera.) But one must surely begin to wonder when Wagner
takes merely bar 1 and its upbeat as his example of a truly genuine melody: do
they signify to him merely a part standing for the whole [pars pro toto], or was
he thinking of them as a whole, even without all the limbs of a living body?
Should we follow Wagner, it may be asked in passing, in believing that these two
bars still retain their meaning for the symphony merely because he, too, believed
in the story of Fate knocking (see Tonwille 1, p. 31/i, pp. 2729), despite the fact
that they say nothing whatever about art? Should the meaning come merely
from Wagners personal belief, or from the two bars themselves? And if from the
latter, in what should it then consist?
But the most disastrous mistake lies in the contrasting of this almost ludi-
crously insignicant succession of tones with the most artful contrivances (of
the classicizing composers). It arms only that Wagner was truly so rash as to re-
gard Beethoven as a generally simple artistsimpler than his successorson ac-
count of such opening bars as are found in the Fifth Symphony, and to overlook
the fact that the simplicity of genius is, in the highest sense, far more artistically
artistic than all the artistry of non-genius, and that its highest art can unfold only
in the course of development, in the process of synthesiswhither, unfortu-
nately, no ear can follow. (It is, however, the same with Wagners followers: how
incomparably high he stands above all his imitators, higher in his apparent sim-
plicity than they in all their most artful assemblages.) I underscore Wagners
mistake here in particular on account of its tragic consequences. Thus, for ex-
ample, Berlioz, because he believed that the entire wonder of Beethovens eect
(rather like Wagner) was contained in the simple triadic unfolding of his princi-
ple themes, felt himself induced to follow Beethoven in this respect; which be-
stowed upon him no more than the most feeble, misconceived, unspeakably awk-
ward and {19} childish melodies.
Wagner and Berlioz should never have been
Beethovens Fifth Symphony (Continuation)
This essay was originally published in the Bayreuther Bltter in July 1879. An English transla-
tion, On Poetry and Composition, appears in Richard Wagners Prose Works, trans. William Ashton
Ellis, vol. 6 (London: Routledge, 1897).
[S]As I shall conrm in greater detail in my essay Niedergang der Kompositionskunst [De-
cline of the Art of Composition], Mendelssohns judgment of Berlioz remains valid: To begin with
allowed to overlook, for example, that in the opening theme of Beethovens Third
Symphony the arpeggiation of the tonic chord has run its course as early as the
fth bar (not counting the introductory chords): so where has the simple triad
got to? Could this turn of events have occurred to anyone, or only to a genius?
And would anyone have hit upon a way of developing this themedespite the
novelty of that turn, whose resolution is still awaitedso successfully to its log-
ical conclusion in the space of twelve bars, as Beethoven was able to do? And so
it is with the Fifth Symphony: indeed, Beethovens mastery here lies not in the
rst two bars alone but in the continuation, in this manner of continuation.
Riemann explains the development section of the Fifth Symphony in his
Katechismus der Kompositionslehre (Leipzig, 1889), pp. 134. After providing a
simple account of bars 13579, he writes on p. 137:
Until this point we have neither a mixing up of fragments of the two
theme nor a colorful array of modulations. On the contrary, what makes
this passage sound like a development is the predominance of the sub-
dominant and minor dominant keys, instead of the home key, so that the
principal theme is disguised, so to speak, and appears to drift.
No serious attempt at all, then, is made to determine the sections of the de-
velopment. Riemann had indeed said only the following about bars 130: Now
a rather large section based on the rst themesix bars of itis developed in
F minor, instead of C minor. When two more sections follow, each based on the
same content, he merely speaks of a remainder:
The character of the development section is more focussed in the re-
mainder, which must be understood as a further attempt to introduce the
second theme. But this gets no further than its beginning, i.e. the head
motive (bars 17982 are quoted here). . . . In place of the character-
istic, sensuous motive of the second theme (bars 6366 are quoted here),
the powerful cry is met with a spinning out of the anapaest motive
( ) formed by trimming an eighth note o the upbeat of the prin-
cipal motive, which had been prominent in the previous phrases:
Obviously this passage has, moreover, been read incorrectly, and not merely
because it is in disagreement with the Urlinie but also because it contradicts Bee-
thovens score, according to which a
in bar 181 actually rises to b
(see the rst
violins in bar 187), and likewise d
in bar 189 to e
(rst violins in bar 195). Rie-
mann continues:
Again we have a complete musical sentence, but one that consists of two
half-sentences, each set in a dierent key, which does not amount to a
completely rounded statement (i.e., a period) but rather a single-track
progression from the fth-related G major to the parallel key of C major.
The continuation also proceeds in the same direction, toward the sub-
dominant, and indeed is increasingly restricted to the head motive of the
second theme, which nally leads to a play of orchestral colors from one
note to the next (in Fig. 3, the notes played by the wind instruments are
beamed upward, those played by the strings are beamed downward):
tonwi lle 5
he actually made me feel quite melancholy, because he judges everyone else so cleverly and coldly and
bettingly; because he is so entirely rational and is utterly oblivious to the utter stupidity that sur-
rounds him on all sides.
Elsewhere: Being mad and outrageous and rude and clumsy can at times be cheerfully amusing;
but this is so dull and lifeless! Elsewhere: His orchestration is so unspeakably slovenly, such a con-
fused scribbling, that one must wash ones hands after each time one holds one of his scores. Else-
where: . . . a true caricature without a spark of talent. And if Wagner rebukes Mendelssohn in the
above-cited writing because, when asked about Berliozs music, he is supposed to have answered:
Everyone tries to compose as well as he can, that is at least a less objectionable answer than the
highly convoluted remarks by which Wagner sought to shake Berlioz o his coat-tails.
Niedergang der Kompositionskunst, a long unpublished essay, is preserved in le 31 of the
Oster Collection.
The exclamation marks in Fig. 2 are, characteristically, Schenkers additions.
Von der Seitenwechseltonart G-dur zur Quintwechseltonart C-dur. Riemann uses the term Wech-
seltonart to mean a key that involves a change of mode. Since he reckons major chords from the root
{20} That is, the rst sentence misses out its fth bar; the second reveals
two groupings in the form of a triplet of bars, the second of which suers
a remarkable abbreviation (omission of a beat), as indicated at the NB,
so that it tears in with its violent upbeat of three eighth-notes (instead of
, , , ).
Here, too, the entire harmonic and rhythmic process has been incorrectly
heard and explained. Riemanns embarrassment expresses itself, moreover, in his
complete failure to show how Beethoven nds his way from an apparent B
back to C minor, and in this passage there is really nothing left for him to do than
speak of a a play between contrasting orchestral colors from one note to the next.
In this respect, he misleads himself and his readers, by excluding from his dis-
cussion the content of the passage, which does not accord with his understand-
ing of it. He concludes his explanation of the development section as follows:
The continuation is even more irregular; the rhythm seems to break
down completely, in order to make the reprise of the rst theme all the
more animated when it is enters immediately afterward:
That is, between the second and third bars
we have a triplet of beats
( ), between the second and fourth bars a triplet of bars (triplet of
motives). The consequent phrase proceeds in a regular fashion to its con-
clusion, always underpinned by the dominant minor ninth of C. But the
main theme returns, in a manner recalling the beginning of this eight-bar
group, a beat too early (it has been shortened from , , ,
). The fol-
lowing keys have been traversed: F minorC minor (lightly touched on,
without cadencing on the tonic)G minor (the key most broadly devel-
oped)F minorB
minor (enharmonically equivalent to
minor)G major. The keys are thus all rather closely related; the most
distant appear just before the recapitulation.
I shall pass over his fanciful ideas on meter, which in the absence of a true
understanding of the content must remain worthless. (The passages that I have
omitted from his discussion are concerned exclusively with questions of meter.)
But I cannot fail to point out where matters will lead if passing chords are taken
for important harmonies, or even for keys. Instead of saying all rather closely re-
lated (keys); the most distant appear just before the recapitulation, it would have
supported Riemanns cause if he had explained more carefully how these sup-
posed keys are driven forward. He preferred instead to throw in a few words that,
as is only too plain, renounce any responsibility for correctness.
It is also Riemann who contributed the music analyses to Thayers Beethoven
biography. The analysis of the Fifth Symphony, in volume III, pp. 90 of the sec-
ond edition,
begins with surprisingly boldness: {21}
The signicance that the motive with fermatas, placed at the beginning of
the rst movement, is supposed to have for the content of the entire work
has been exaggerated out of all proportion. According to an anecdote re-
lated by Schindler, Beethoven is supposed to have said: Thus Fate knocks
at the door! And, trusting Schindlers authority, Lenz began his fanciful
account of the symphony with the heading: A tragedy of fate for the
stages of the world. Battle and Victory. . . . People have gone so far as to
take the four notes as the theme of the rst movement, and even for the
symphony as a whole, and to marvel in amazement at all that Beethoven
developed from them. That is surely a mistake.
Beethovens Fifth Symphony (Continuation)
up, minor chords from the fth down, the Seitenwechseltonart of C minor (ge
g in Riemanns
system of harmonic analysis) is reckoned by taking the note from which the chord is reckoned (g) and
building a major triad upon it (gb
d g
), which is C major.
Riemann is counting the bars in accordance with Fig. 4.
Alexander Wheelock Thayers pioneering Beethoven biography had a complex publication his-
tory. The original three-volume Ludwig van Beethovens Leben stops at the year 1816; Thayers associ-
ate, Hermann Deiters, completed a further volume, taking Beethovens life to 1823. Riemann not only
completed the life in a fth volume but also revised the earlier volumes, incorporating interpretative
remarks on the music. The second (i.e., revised) edition of volume 3 was published in 1911 and reis-
sued in 1922 as part of the complete biography. The standard English version, Thayers Life of Beetho-
ven, edited and revised by Elliot Forbes (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1964), contains
none of Riemanns musical interpolations.
on the E
horn) was always possible as a stopped tone? He would have used the
horns at least in the rst two bars had he needed them. Moreover, he uses
stopped tones more frequently in this symphony than usual. . . . I believe
that, on the contrary, he purposely reserved the horns for the later, more
emphatic entries of the theme. Why then, should we want to correct him
For bars 44 he explains:
Throughout the movement, one should take care that, in forte as well as
in piano, the eighth notes that are repeated in the theme are always played
with the same degree of strength. Nothing is more dangerous than the
following mode of performance:
which can become a habit if the tempo is too fast, or if the players fail to
hold each of the notes the same length, both in forte and in piano pas-
sages. One then hears accents, but no melody; and the powerful piece is
transformed from a titanic struggle into a hunting scene.
It is easy, however, to distinguish my recommended method of performance
from the two that Weingartner has in mind. In bars 6366 he uses the following
63 | 64 | 65 | 66
p sf p
whereby only a gentle, enlivening emphasis is called for on the sforzando, one
that will not spoil the general eect of piano in the entire passage. He preserves
this phrasing also in bars 7993, without however observing that in doing so he
has easily nullied the changes in the slurring. But was it not Beethovens very in-
tention to introduce this dierence, which is the sole rationale for the uncondi-
tional domination of the four-bar phrase not beginning until bar 94?
The instructions Weingartner gives regarding the string fortissimo in bars
228 is correct, but he erroneously bases them on Fig. 18 5), which leads him to
draw the following conclusion:
We see, therefore, that the diminished chords that become piano sighs fall
at rhythmically important points, so to speak on strong beats.
Regarding the oboe cadenza in bar 268, Weingartner is correct in suggesting
a soloistic interpretation also of the preceding bars. On the other hand, he is
wrong to advance the following argument in preferring bassoons to horns in bars
303: {31}
tonwi lle 5
The rescoring of the second theme of this movementhorns in the ex-
position, bassoons in the recapitulationis a makeshift. Beethoven could
not entrust the passage to the E
horns, as he could not have used stopped
tones for this exposed, powerfully conceived passage. There would have
been no time for a change of crooks, and he would not have wanted to in-
troduce a second pair of horns just for these few bars.
Bekker (Beethoven, 1912):
In the Fifth Symphony, it is the principal theme itself that introduces the
work like a ery banner. The interpretation given by Beethoven, Fate
knocks at the Door, has a persuasive pictorial strength. Twice the re-
sounding blows are heard, awakening a tremulous echo in the strings that
rise up into a loud question. The third time, more threatening than ever,
the violently overbearing knocking is heard, leaving us no longer in doubt
about the nature of this fearful guest who demands admittance. There
again follows the frightened play of the voices, but this time it does not
end on the questioning dominant chord. It builds up to strong rhythms,
which push forwards with breathtaking speed. Short, foreboding pauses
interrupt the onslaught. Beginning with the opening motive, a mighty
horn fanfare leads in broad leaps of a fth to E
major: The warrior has
taken up the challenge of Fate. A tender responding theme wells up, re-
sounding with hopeful yearning and intensies into joyfully proud chords
that give the exposition a conclusion that senses victory. The warriors en-
ergy awakened, he wants to take up the struggle: can he survive it?
Again the blows of Fate are struck, this time with the wind and string
instruments reverberating as if from opposite sides. The opponents have
recognized one another; both are determined. The battle begins.
It was a thoroughly productive inspiration, crucial for the unied
eect of the movement, to develop the principal and secondary themes
the summoning of Fate, and the answer of the summoned onefrom a
single motive. The substance here, in contrast to the rich intertwining of
themes in the rst movement of the Eroica, necessitated the most intense
concentration upon a few elemental though malleable ideas. In this work,
where the poet portrays not a character but an event, even the recapitula-
tion loses its retrospective character. The plot pushes on relentlessly, the
recapitulation is organized around it and introduces a new phase of de-
velopment. In the development section itself, the motive of battle rst col-
lapsed in exhaustion, then reared up wildly before culminating in a tri-
umphal display of the blows of Fate. The recapitulation now follows, its
opening transformed by the addition of an oboe melody of painful grief,
which ends movingly with an oboe recitative. Only then does the warrior
seem to regain his courage. His strength renewed, the melody of hope
now rings outuntil the Fate motive returns with unimaginable force,
destroying everything in its way: the bright C major mood succumbs
once more to the minor and now proceeds aimlessly along its gloomy
path towards annihilation. The woodwind group utters sighs of death
once morethen the call of Fate ruthlessly surpresses all further lamen-
tation. The battle is over. Fate is victorious.
Now, what would this phrase-monger have oered about the content of the
rst movement, had he known nothing of the legend? {32}
bars 2349, descending in order to regain the 5 once again as its true focal
As these groups of bars are in the same key, it would be mistaken to speak
of a rondo form, whose contrasting sections are marked by changes of key. But
since the group of bars 122 ends with a full close, and the second group, bars 23
49, ends precisely with a half close, then, in spite of the linear connection between
the two groups, the second group may be understood as a subsidiary subject, pro-
viding a retransition to the starting point of the line (not of a key). According to
Nottebohm (Beethoveniana, p. 14), Beethoven marked the rst sketch for bars
23, which at any rate lead to a full close via the harmonic progression IIII
VI, quasi trio: thus, for this early sketch with the full close, he already used the
strong qualier quasi.
The main idea, thus put together from a principal and a subsidiary subject,
undergoes a guration whose constant increase in movement and constant rise
in register both distinguishes the individual variations and holds them together.
Let us indicate the rst group (bars 122) as A, the second (bars 2349) as B; then
the plan of the Andante may be represented as follows:
A 3 5 5 1 bars 122
B 8
5 bars 2349
Variation 1
A 3 5 5 1 bars 5071
B 8
5 bars 7298
Variation 2
A (viola, cello) 3 5 bars 99106
(violin 1) 3 5 bars 107114
(cello, double bass) 3 5 bars 115123
B 5 2 bars 124 184
Variation 3
A 3 5 5 1 bars 185205
Coda 8
5 | 5 1 bars 205247
The coda, which is intended to take the place of the B-section of the third varia-
tion and round o the whole, thus not only retrieves 5 1 but also, for sake of
greater emphasis, attracts 8
in bar 4 gives up its function in
the ascent IIII
V. (Compare the downward arpeggiation CA
in the bass on
the third beat bar 8, which reproduces the bass progression CA
in bars 4 6
and, being supported expressly by the tonic, acts as a kind of summary in rhyth-
mic diminution). Finally, the intervention of I between III and V (see Fig. 2b) re-
moves the clash between e
in bars 1112 may nevertheless may be specically derived from the falling
thirds in bars 79 and 910, which immediately precede it. It is precisely the ac-
cented passing note, which so strongly suggests a short, expressive grace-note and
is used here in place of the simple passing tone (see Fig. 2d), that underscores its
origins in the most eective way. The rst passing tone is mimicked by a second,
between c
and a
, yet this does not express the 3 1 of the Urlinie {35} but, rather,
just an elaboration [Auskomponierung] of the third from the 3, which is followed
in bar 14 by an elaboration of the third from 2.
The voice-leading in bars 1015 may be understood as follows: the simulta-
neous descent of the Urlinie tones 5 2 and the fourth-progression in the bass
(see Fig. 1) threatened with a chain of consecutive fths. A 56 exchange
could be of use only if it had taken the following course overall:
5 4 3 2
Urlinie tones e
c b
fourth-progression in bass a
5 6 6 6 5
harmonic degrees I V
From this, Beethoven uses only the rst three intervals, 566, but wants to dis-
pose of 4 3 above the bass f
, so that only the 2 remains above e
(V). He avoids
the new threat of consecutive fths
c b
6 5 5
by the diminution, as a last resource: he elaborates the third from 3 down to a
and the 2 in the opposite direction, up from g
, which results in two successive
thirds (
f e
,) instead of fths. And now the nishing touches: instead of g
in bar
11, he extrapolates its lower third e
(as the root of the passing chord)
and takes
advantage of the expansion produced by the elaboration of 3 (bars 1213) to in-
sert between f
and e
an otherwise superuous c
in bar 14. The two leaps of a
fourth in the bass thus have neither the same origin nor the same meaning.
In bar 14, the rhythm of three eighth notes stirs for the rst time, which not
only anticipates the bass in bar 21 but also the bass in the B-section, where it is
one of the most important features.
Bars 23. The liberating eect, which the beginning of the subsidiary section
evokes, is undoubtedly based on its connection with the rst theme, as explained
above (see Fig. 2e), and on the other hand also by the fact that the Urlinie starts
for the rst time with the 8
V, set in
contrary motion to the 8
in place of a
has as its rst conse-
quence in bar 30 the insertion of the secondary dominant G as a kind of VII,
which now points with its falling fth all the more eectively toward III. Using the
terminology of voice-leading, we could express the same thing as follows: the
threat of consecutive octaves between the outer voices is avoided by the interven-
ing sixth, f
bar 29should not prevent us from recognizing that the group of nine bars, bars
2331, in reality {36} form a regular eight-bar phrase, if not a four-bar construc-
It is only by looking at the norm that we understand what is unusual about
bar 29. The actual reduction can be explained by the following picture :
Bar 32 marks the beginning of a parallelism with bars 2331. To be sure, the
motivic material used in the arpeggiations remains the same (see Fig. 1B), yet as
early as bar 32 the fth between the outer voices (g
in the Urlinie, C in the bass)
forces the voice-leading along a dierent path from that taken in the previous
group of bars:
By means of a secondary dominant in bars 3945, the root-position C major
chord moves in bar 46 to a rst-inversion chord built on C, which functions as a
neighbor-note chord; in this passage the upper voice develops its arpeggiations
along the paths of both chords, see Fig. 1 and the graph of the Urlinie. It is im-
portant here to understand the great expansion from the metrically regular form,
whether in a) or in b) of the following example:
The autograph manuscript shows clearly that the cello part in bar 39 was
originally lined up with the other strings, with , , ; recognizing the importance
of a parallelism with bars 2728, however, led Beethoven subsequently to make
the improvement. The articulation of a quarter note on the second beat (see the
cello in bars 3940) appears to have been continued in the manuscript in bars
41, so that the octave leaps in bar 48 developed organically at the end, In the nal
version this quarter note is retained only by the bassoon, in bar 41: all others were
crossed out, so as not to disturb the freely expanded dotted crotchets.
I should like to add a few remarks on the individual variations. The pedal
point at the fth in the clarinet at the beginning of the rst variation (bars 49
52) arms in its way the unity of 3 5 as understood in Fig. 2a. The chromatic
succession e
(bars 5253), following the surprise step motion g
)g in
bars 2730 and progression in the treble (bars 41), certainly oers nothing fur-
ther out of the ordinary. The octave leap in the ute, to e
(bar 98), announces
the ascending register transfer of the second variation. Here the guration of the
3 5 section moves up from the cellos to the rst violins; and if, in bars 114 23, a
guration of these Urlinie tones is still missing from the highest register and its
place is actually taken by one in the bass, this occurs because the use of that high-
est register for thematic purposes {37} is reserved for the third variation (bars
185). Thus the ascending register transfer can continue to stretch across the long
episode in bars 12384 and so bind the second and third variations; but this does
not prevent the ller parts in the register around c
(rst violins and utes) from
being extended in the second variation. For this reason, one could say that the
rest of the variation also asserts itself in the register of the ute part in bars 98
106 (see earlier).
Bars 124. The harmonic plan of this episode, which brings the 5 2 descent (see
earlier), may be understood in simplest terms as follows:
Although the descending fth VI is probably delineated well enough in the
harmonic progression VIII
circle, a higher unity arming that the 5 2 here is in the last analysis the elabo-
ration merely of V. The consecutive octaves that threaten the outer-voice counter-
point in the VIII succession (see Fig. 6a) are avoided by the insertion of a pass-
ing harmony (VII
) for the 4 of the Urlinie.
Similarly, Beethoven avoids the
threatening clash between e
and e
in the progression from III
to III
3 by mov-
ing to the neighbor-note chord of E
(bar 150), which removes the threat.
Looking at the passage more closely, bars 123138 (141) are underpinned by a
3 4
progression attached to an ascending register transfer. In the normal
course of such voice-leading (see Kontrapunkt II, pp. 251/pp. 251 ) the seventh
descends to a fth and is thus lost to the upper voice (see the NB to Fig. 6b); the
technique of reaching over (on this matter see Freier Satz; examples are found
in Beethovens Op. 109, nale, variations 2 and 5, etc.),
however, renders the
greatest service in enabling the seventh yet to remain in the upper voice by means
of ascending register transfer; see Fig. 6b. In bars 13846 we see the outer voices
engaged in a progression of parallel thirds, which only at the last moment switches
to contrary motion.
Although the realization of the harmonic plan in bars 123 46 is supplied
with the motives from the principal subject (A), it would be incorrect to speak
here of a development section, since even the secondary subject (B) is created
from motives from the principal subject. If one places the rst and last arpeg-
giations beside one another, without the dotted rhythm and also without any ex-
pansion or lling-in, one will obtain the clarinet and bassoon motive in bars
12731. In bars 131, the counterpoint is thickened by imitations at the distance
of a barthe ute, followed by the oboewhile the arpeggiations continue in
a descending fth-progression, which stands for bars 1115; in this way, one can
speak overall of an abbreviation of the principal subject (A)! The imitation by
the oboe impels the ute to play in thirds above it; there are corresponding
lower thirds in the clarinets. In bars 13637, a chain of falling and rising fth-
progressions take place: {38}
which proceed in a 3/4 rhythm (hemiola) and in this way add to the regular group
of bars beginning in bar 132 the weight of a fth bar that has been extended by
the eect of a ritenuto. The instruments are reversed in bars 138: the clarinets
begin, followed by the ute and oboe; here the descending series of tones, d
in bars 14245 (see Fig. 6), represents an expansion of the fth-motive as a
whole. The reversal then has the advantage that, at bar 142, the fth-progression
is smoothly joined to its abbreviated form, f
. Bars 14344 again show
the 3/4 rhythm: it quietly prepares the expansions, by three-bar units, in the next
group of bars.
With the arrival of c
in bar 148, the motive of the secondary subject (B), bars
32, returns, and in accordance with the generally high register it climbs as far as
. The dotted rhythms also return with the motive, and they lead back, in the
most natural way, to the [original] upbeat arpeggiation. The ascent g
in these
very bars recalls the motion to the seventh in bars 2327, but here the change of
harmony (the E
chord) prevents [the highest note] from being understood as a
seventh; it is that this insertion serves more the circumvention of the chromatic
progression cc
(see Fig. 6a). That ascent is basically set above a progression in
thirds between the outer voices (see Fig. 6b), except that the root has been added
at every other harmony; and this same progression in thirds prepares the more
extended one in bars 167. From the group of bars 14859, a regular eight-bar
construction may be perceived:
bars: 148 149 150 | 151 152 153 | 154 155 156 157 158 159
2 (-) 2 (-) 2 (2) 2
Bars 205. With regard to the coda, one should note that the bassoon motive, de-
spite the ear linking it to the motive of bars 12729, is better understood in over-
all linear terms as a parallelism to the descent of the Urlinie in bars 19599. The
rst violin and cello gure in bars 21315 should be understood as an expansion
of the arpeggiation across bars 6|7, and indeed again with the characteristic use
of the divider at its apex tone, e
. The rst violin motive that follows immediately
apparently refers to the motive of bars 2224, although here it serves more the
overall expansion of a
in bars 21318, which chordally aims at 5. Bars 229
reply to bars 127; but now the end of the gure rhymes more clearly with the be-
ginning of the movement because it has regained the dotted rhythm. The arpeg-
giations with the dotted rhythms now also return. But the root of the tonic has
already remained stationary; and when in bar 231 the apex tone e
arrives above
tonwi lle 5
The Urlinie tone is, of course, d
; but the actual chord in bar 146, however, includes D
(as is
implied by Schenkers designation VII
Der freie Satz, 12934 and 23132. In 1923 bergreifen (reaching over) was a relatively new
concept and, of course, does not appear in the Erluterungsausgabe of Op. 109.
} } } } }
it, the dominant divider is omitted. In bar 233, the arpeggiation reaches the oc-
tave of the chord for the rst time, and thus the ground is nally prepared for
bars 24647, in which the fth, instead of leaping down to the third (as in bars
78), now leaps directly to the octave above the root. {39}
Nottebohms Beethoveniana,
p. 63, transmits a few jottings from the sketches
for the second movement. But among these should also be reckoned the jottings
and remarks that are found on the edges of the leaves of the autograph manu-
script, which was used in the preparation of the rst edition, as well the more fre-
quent instances of earlier readings in the text itself. I have already mentioned a
few things; to these I add the following:
The original version of bars 1214 had a dense texture, replete with motives.
The horn entry in bar 29 was to start earlier, on the third eighth note of the pre-
vious bar.In bar 30, the basses, horns, trumpets and timpani also used the
dotted rhythm.In bar[s] 33[34], the rst version of the timpani part was ap-
parently the same as that of bars 154 55: (see later).In bar 37, beside the
there was, in addition, an expressly written diminuendo.(On the cellos in
bars 3840 and the [second] bassoon in bars 41, see later.)In bar 48, a leap of
an octave, from the second to the third eighth-note, was assigned to the bas-
soons.In bars 5758, the independent second bassoon part was crossed out,
and a unisono was expressly indicated for the two instruments!In bar 80, a
thirty-second-note run, from C to c, was conceived for the basses.
At the beginning of the second variation, the clarinet (which is silent in the
nal version) proceeded with a gure that employed the rhythm of .
In bar 107, the violas were marked divisi; afterward the double-stops were dis-
tributed between the violas and cellos, although at rst in a lower register than
that of the nal version. Also, the bassoon and clarinet originally used a dierent
rhythm.In bar 114, the rst and second violins originally played triple-stopped
eighth notes.In bar 132, the contrary motion in the clarinet parts coincided
with the entry of the oboe, in imitation [of the ute].In bars 154 55 (cf. bars
33 in this list), the timpani rested in each of the third eighths.In bars 167,
the melody was assigned to the rst violins (an octave lower than the ute in the
nal version). The second violins accompanied in double-stops, the violas in
thirty-second-note arpeggiations. The corrections to bars 17277 became so nu-
merous that, in the end, Beethoven wrote out the two leaves once more.In bar
180, the basses originally started from C, like the violins in bar 179, with the re-
sult, however, that the seventh was played out too soon.In bars 18788, and
again in bars 19194, the horns and timpani were originally given this rhythm to
play: .In bars 19194, the utes, clarinets and bassoons continued
with their motives of imitation; this worked against the synthesis, in so far as it is
the 5 that arrives in bar 191 (cf. bar 7) that marks the boundary point of the rst
The errors in the second movement for which the printed scores are responsible
include the following:
1. In bars 23 and 25 (and similarly in bars 72 and 74), the autograph shows the
wind slurs extending only as far as the third eighth note. (The dierence be-
tween these {40} slurs and those of the rst and second violin parts is inten-
tional: the winds end their progression with a quarter note, whereas the violins
end with just an eighth note. The error already appeared in the rst edition.)
2. In bar 30, Beethoven applied staccato wedges from the thirty-second note on,
not the dotted sixteenth that begins the bar; he did so, with the same care in
all the relevant instrumental parts, again in bar 79. The rst edition follows
the autograph.
3. In bars 35 and 36, the sf in the timpani part should be placed under the rst
quarter note. The misinterpretation of the autograph, which can already be
seen in the rst edition, apparently resulted from the masters improvements
to the original rhythm (see earlier): he brought the quarter note with the trill
forward to the beginning of the bar but, as is so often the case, forgot to move
the sf forward, too. In any event, an sf on the third eighth note would make
no sense.
tonwi lle 5
The tempo marking Andante con moto (, 92) refers here to the secret move-
ment of the Urlinie tones; that is to say, the performance of the Andante must not
be taken so slowly that the spiritual prospect [der geistige Ausblick] from the 3 to
the 4 and, in spite of the tension across bars 4 6, from the 4 to the 5 is neither
blurred nor actually made impossible to perceive; and so on. The forte in bar 7
should bear less the external characteristics of power; it should much rather ex-
press the arrival of the goal, marked by the 5, to which the ascent has striven. One
should note the dierences among the three e
s in bars 7, 9, and 11: in bar 7 the
is unslurred, and the forte should be held for the full bar; in bar 9, it is slurred
[to the rst note of the next bar]; but not until bar 11 is it followed by a diminu-
endo. In bar 18, the forte should be in eect right up to the last sixteenth note,
, in spite of the piano on the following a
in bar 19; in a less conventional way,
the sign strives after the same eect (within a dynamic of piano) in the
wind parts across bars 19|20. Only someone who {42} can realize these subtle dif-
ferences delicately and smoothly will have control over the forte in bars 2021,
which also carries with it a
(1 ) for the rst time, in bar 21.
In the group of bars 2331, the execution of the expansion will be correct only
if the underlying norm is perceived (see earlier). In bar 30, the rst dotted six-
teenth note should also be emphasized by being sustained. (See my earlier re-
marks on the unauthorized staccato mark introduced by printers and editors.) In
bars 32, one should abandon the idea of a new theme, and enter into the paral-
lelism all the more naturally and freely, as it merely provides an elaboration of the
III, which does not lead to a single descent of a fth but merely represents a
halfway point between I and V (see Harmonielehre, p. 314/p. 235 and Freier
The signicance of the horns, trumpets, and timpani, which enter here,
should not be exaggerated: one should be conscious only that, in the distribution
of the instruments in accordance with the structure of the whole (see Fig. 1), the
brass also must have their turn; otherwise, on account of the variations form,
they would not have been able to appear until bar 115 at the earliest. In bars 37,
the conductor should guide the performance toward the mysterious progression
from C
3] (bar 37) to C
3] (bar 46); only if he is able to express the a
as a neigh-
bor note will he succeed in making the extremely dicult crescendo in bar 47
sound plausible: for this crescendo must give the illusion almost that the 6
, this
very f
, lasts longer!
In the second variation, bars 99, the conductor must be aware of the dynamic
succession in the individual eight-bar units in advance: pianopianissimo(!)
forte. If the string section is not suciently strong, the wind parts should be ap-
propriately subdued from bars 114 onwards. In bars 124, it is imperative to
imagine the succession of Urlinie tones as if they followed one another in close
succession; only then can one succeed in mastering, eortlessly and beautifully,
the apparently strange expansions directed at the individual tones (see above),
i.e. the 10, 12, 7, 9, and 9 bars that belong, respectively, to the notes in the line
. In bars 18284, the dotted eighth notes e
must be held for
their exact value, in order to clarify the development of this tone in the space of
two octaves.
The free imitation in the wind parts in the third variation, bars 185, has been
organized by rhythmic complementation so favorably that no performance di-
culties whatever will arise, unless there is a gross imbalance between the numbers
of string and wind players; in such a case, one must favor the strings.
In bars 205, the conductor would be well advised to concentrate not on the
bassoon solo but on the basses, which, in deance of that solo, adhere precisely
to the regular eight-bar construction.
, 11820
Book II, Fugue in C, 165, 210
Book II, Prelude in F, 192
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann, 14344, 177 n.1
Bagge, Karl Ernst Freiherr von, 124 n.21
Barbusse, Henri, 14
Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin, 218
Bechstein, piano manufacturer, 67
Beecke, Ignaz von, 169
Beethoven, Ludwig van, ixx, 13, 20, 6667,
11214, 116, 13031, 137, 161, 21011,
Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage, Op. 112,
metronome markings, 182, 220
Mass in D (Missa solemnis), Op. 123, 193
Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor, 185 n.7
Piano Concerto No. 4 in G, 25
Piano Quartet in C, WoO 36, No. 3, 83
Piano sonatas, 39
Op. 2, No. 1, in F minor, 99; analysis of,
7282; fingering in, 87-88, 92; litera-
ture on, 8895; performance of,
8588; sketch for, 83; textual prob-
lems in, ix, 8385
Op. 10, No. 3, in D, 192
Op. 26 in A
, 61 n.8
Op. 27, No. 2, in C
minor (Moon-
light), 101 n.8, 196
Op. 31, No. 2, in D minor, 32 n.13, 221
Op. 31, No. 3, in E
, 189, 192
Op. 49, No. 2, in G, 15859, 176 no.7
Op. 53 in C (Waldstein), 76, 221 n.33
Op. 57 in F minor (Appassionata), 83
Op. 81a in E
(Das Lebewohl), 44, 85
Op. 101 in A, 85 n.26, 92, 150
Op. 106 in B
(Hammerklavier), 114
n.38, 192, 220 n.25, 221
Beethoven, Ludwig van,
Piano sonatas (continued),
Op. 109 in E, 150, 206, 221 n.33
Op. 110 in A
, 221 n.33
Op. 111 in C minor, 189
Septet in E
, Op. 20, 220
String Quartet in F, Op. 59, No. 1, 87
String Quartet in E
, Op. 74, 87
Symphony No. 3 in E
(Sinfonia eroica), 25
n.1, 201, 221, 224
Symphony No. 4 in B
, 25 n.1
Symphony No. 5 in C minor, 9495, 110,
analysis of, 2533, 2027
autograph corrections to and sketches
for, 2526, 18284, 202, 207
Fate knocks at the door, as thematic
interpretation, 27, 29, 184, 187, 189,
191, 194, 197, 201
literature on, 185201
performance of, 29, 18485, 189, 2001,
209, 22021
textual matters concerning, 182184,
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, 193, 220
Bekker, Paul, vii viii, xi xii, 186 n.8, 201
Berlioz, Hector, 113, 137, 168, 189, 190 n.21
Bible, quotations from and references to,
xii, 7, 8, 9, 15 n.79, 1819, 113, 128
n.40, 132, 134, 16061, 189,
Bilinsky, Leon, 10
Birnbaum, Johann Abraham, 129 n.44
Bismarck, Otto von, 6, 11, 14, 122, 131,
133 n.63
Blthner, piano manufacturer, 67
Boer War, 5
Bombet, A. C. See Stendhal
Brahms, Johannes, 6, 114 n.38, 168
A German Requiem, 165
Brandenburg, Sieghard, 184 n.5
Breitkopf & Hrtel, publishers, v, 44 n.3, 167
British and Foreign Bible Society, 211 n.7
Brown, Clive, 184 n.5
Bruckner, Anton, 77, 89
Symphony No. 7 in E, 213
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, 213
Buddecke, Colonel, 132 n.59
Buddhists, 164
Blow, Hans von, 11920, 193, 198
Bmler, Georg Heinrich, 163
Burnham, Scott, 89 nn.30 and 32,
Busoni, Ferruccio, 210
Caccini, Giulio, 54
caesura (Einschnitt), 99, 111, 115
Cain, 8
Caldara, Antonio, 165
Cannabich, Johann Christian, 169 n.42
Cannabich, Rosina Teresia, 169
Carpani, Giuseppe, 14 n.75, 16768
Cherubini, Luigi, 113 n.38
Chopin, Frdric, 6, 20, 56. 176
Polonaise in B
, Op. 71, No. 2, 120
Christians, Christianity, 7, 10
Chrysander, Friedrich, 146 n.1
Clart, movement, 1415, 168 n.32
Clmenceau, Georges, 7 n.38, 17
Clement IV, Pope, 124 n.20
Clementi, Muzio, 192 n.26
Gradus ad Parnassum, 193
climate, effect on artistic genius, 114
Colloredo, Hieronymus, prince-archbishop
of Salzburg, 6869
Congo Free State, 5 n.16
Cotta, J. G., publishers, v
Couperin, Franois, 70
Cranach, Lucas
Creel, Edgar, 15 n.83
Czerny, Carl, ix, 27, 3738, 85, 88, 194
Dante, 135
Danzig, 129
Darwin, Charles, 65
Debussy, Claude, 45, 172
degree, scale degree (Stufe), 2223, 52, 76, 118
Delbrck, Hans, German historian, 129 n.44
democracy, democrats, 6, 810, 12, 14, 53, 65,
68, 7071, 125, 128, 131 33, 136, 225
Denmark, 129
Deutsch, Otto Erich, 129 n.33
diatonicism (Diatonie), 57
Diderot, Denis, 215
Dieupart, Charles, 165
*diminution, 52, 54
divider, dominant (Teiler, [Ober-]
Quintteiler), 77, 176 n.7, 203, 206
Don Juan, 69
Dorten, Hans Abraham, 17 n.94
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 137
Dubiel, Joseph, xiii
Dulles, John Foster, 48 n.18
Duport, JeanPierre, 126
Duschek, Josepha, 6970
Dussek, Jan Ladislav, 66
Ebert, Friedrich, 128 n.38
Eckermann, Johann Peter, 114
Edward VII, king of England, 9
Egypt, 114
Ehrlich, Paul, 134 n.68
Eichendorff, Joseph Freiherr von, 13
Eichner, Ernst, 11617
*elaboration (Auskomponierung), 5253, 76,
141, 145
encirclement, 9, 136
Encyclopedists, 9, 65, 12526
England (Great Britain), the English, 7, 9,
1314, 16, 19, 45, 124, 132
English language 123, 13536
Enlightenment, 9, 113, 136, 162, 172
Ephialtes, 7
Epictetes, 211
epigones, 211, 216219
Esterhazy, Prince Nikolaus, 113
Eulenberg, Herbert, 171 72
exchange, 56 (56-, Quint- und Sext-
Auswechslung), 56, 82, 1036, 118 n.1,
142, 152
exchange of voices (Stimmentausch), 101 2,
Fachsmund, Ferdinand. See Gregorovius,
Falk, Johannes, 224
Federhofer, Hellmut, vii
Fernhren. See long-distance hearing
Fiji Islanders, 211
Filtz, Anton, 117
Finck, Hermann, 135
Fischmann, Leo, attorney, vi
Foch, Ferdinand, 12 n.65, 132
Forkel, Johann Nikolaus, 36
Forte, Allen, x
France, the French, x, 7, 1011, 1316, 20, 23
n.8, 4446, 6566, 6971, 12227,
129, 13437, 169, 171, 212, 224
Franck, Johann Mathias, 112
Franco-Prussian War, 5 n.20, 132
Frankfurter Zeitung, newspaper, vii
Franz Ferdinand, archduke of Austria, 10
Franz Joseph, emperor of Austria, 10 n.50
Frederick II, king of Prussia, 124 n.14
Frederick Wilhelm II, king of Prussia, 126
French language, 46, 112, 123, 126
French Revolution, 5 n.14, 122 n.8, 125
Frenssen, Pastor Gustav, 225
Frescobaldi, Girolamo Alessandro, 165
Frimmel, Theodor von, 131
Fux, Johann Joseph, 47 n.15, 163
i ndex
Galitzin, Prince Nikolai, 210, 217
Galsworthy, John, 225
genius, artistic, 34, 1011, 2224, 6566,
114, 16063, 166, 189, 214, 21718
German Austria (Deutsch-sterreich), Re-
public of, 12, 44, 47. See also Austria,
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Germany, the Germans, 34, 6, 920, 24,
4548, 64, 66, 6870, 11214, 121 29,
131 32, 13437, 163, 168, 171, 22225
Gluck, Christoph Willibald Ritter von, 24,
65, 130
Gobineau, Joseph-Arthur, comte de, 13
Goethe, Cornelie von, 68
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 6, 11, 1314,
53, 68, 106, 11314, 121, 12325, 130,
13233, 161, 179, 211, 21619, 22225
and music, 21316
Graun, Carl Heinrich, 163
Graun, Johann Gottlieb, 163
Graupner, Christoph, 95, 164
Gregorovius, Ferdinand Adolf (Ferdinand
Fachsmund), 130
Griesinger, Georg August, 114 n.38, 170 n.48
Grigny, Nicolas de, 165
Grillparzer, Franz, 163, 17071
Grimm, Friedrich Melchior Baron von, 65,
Groener, Wilhelm, 128 n.38
Grove, George, xii, 29, 193, 19597
Guines, duc de, 46
Habsburg, monarchy, 44 n.4
Halm, August, 164 n.18
Handel, George Frideric, 117, 163, 164 n.17,
Suite in G, HWV 441, Allemande, 14647,
harmonic rhythm (Stufenrhythmus), 61
Harmsworth, Alfred. See Northcliffe, Lord
Harmsworth, Harold Sidney. See
Rothermere of Hemsted, Baron
Hasse, Johann Adolf, 163
Haydn, Joseph, 64, 95, 16769, 170 n.48
artistic assessment of, 11214
The Creation, 114 n.38, 161
The Seasons, 114 n.38
Sonata in C, Hoboken XVI:35, viii,
15355, 158
Sonata in E
, Hoboken XVI:52, viii,
154 n.4, 176, 177 n.2
analysis of, 99112
editions of, 99 n.1
literature on, 11517
Symphony No. 101 in D, 103 n.12
Haydn, Michael, 6970
Hebbel, Friederich, 122
Hehemann, Max, 195, 196 n.31
Heinse, Wilhelm, 171 72
Helvetia, Republic of, 127 n.35
Heraclitus, 219
Herder, Johann Gottfried, 47, 12223, 136
hermeneutics, 21, 29, 92, 130, 194
Hertzka, Emil, vx
Hindenburg, Paul von, vii, 4, 9, 11, 128 n.38
history, historians of music, 52, 65
Hoffmann, E. T. A., 26 n.3, 18687
Hohenzollern, royal family, 128
Hlderlin, Friedrich, 6, 121, 137, 201,
Houben, Heinrich Hubert, 130
Humboldt, Alexander von, 130
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, 67
Hus, Jan, 12
India, 114
International movement, 4
Italian language, 123
Italo-Turkish War, 5 n.27
Italy, Italians, 1213, 1516, 19, 66, 124, 126
melodic style of, 54, 68
Jahn, Otto, 46, 65, 69, 126, 221 n.34
Jaurs, Jean, 9
Jean Paul, 6, 17, 45, 70, 12627, 135
Jesus Christ, 161
Jews, Jewishness, vii, 131
Joachim, Joseph, 164 n.17
Joan of Arc, 12
Jonas, Oswald, 148 n.1
Judas, 7
Kafka, Johann Nepomuk, 221 n.32
Kalischer, Alfred 183, 186 n.10, 187, 210 n,3
Kalmus, Alfred, viii
Kamchatka, 127
Kant, Immanuel, 132, 135, 160
Keiser, Reinhard, 165
Keller, Gottfried, 127, 172
Kellner, Johann Peter, 143 n.7
keyboard instruments, comparisons among,
6768, 165, 167
Kiel, German port, 4
Kjellen, Rudolf, 121
Klindworth, Karl, 120
Kretzschmar, Hermann, viii, 193195
Kroll, Franz, 36 n.4
Kbeck von Kbau, Carl Friedrich Freiherr,
Krnberger, Ferdinand, 12829
Langenmantel, Jakob Alois Karl, 12425
Langenmantel, Jakob Wilhelm Benedikt, 124
LoTzse, 18
League of Nations, 5, 7 n.34, 15, 17, 122
Le Gay, Andr-Pierre. See Prmontval
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 135
Lenz, Wilhelm von, xii, 130, 188, 191
Leipzig, 164
Leopold II, king of Belgium, 5 no. 16
Lespinasse, Julie-Jeanne lonore de, 171
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 212
Lincoln, Abraham, 15
*linear (stepwise) progression [Zug], 22
Linnaeus, Carl, 13 n.69
Lischke, music publisher, 8385
Liszt, Franz, 67, 113
Litfass, Ernst, 5 n.22
Lloyd George, David, 7 n.38, 17, 135
Lobkowitz, Prince Franz Joseph von, 25
Logau, Friedrich, 122
London, 47
long-distance hearing, 22, 29, 77, 82, 164 n.19
Lotti, Antonio, 165
Louis XIV, king of France (Sun King), 5, 8
n.43, 13, 12829, 135
Ludendorff, Erich, 4, 9, 11
Luther, Martin, 6
Ltzow, Countess, 170
Magyars, 6
Mahler, Gustav, v
Malmedy-Eupen, 129
Mlzel, Johann Nepomuk, 220
Mannheim rocket, 95
Mann, Thomas, 5 n.17, 16869
Marchand, Jean Louis, 129 n.44
Marie-Louise, Princess, 14 n.78
Marne, Battle of, 12
Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm, 129 n.44, 210
Marseillaise, La, 5
Martini, Govanni Battista, 68
Marx, Adolf Bernhard, ix, xii
Anleitung zum Vortrag Beethovenscher
Klavierwerke, 92, 188189
Die Lehre von der musikalischen Komposi-
tion, 6668, 8992, 11516
Musical Form in the Age of Beethoven, 89
nn.30 and 32, 91 n.41
i ndex
Marx, Karl, and Marxism, 4, 1719, 24, 94,
113, 128
Masaryk, Toms Garrygue, 10
Mlac, 128
Memel, 129
Mnage, Gilles, 124
Mendelssohn, Felix, 13, 18990 n.21
Messchaert, Johannes, 164 n.17
Michelangelo, 137, 188
mixture, modal (Mischung), 41, 103, 106, 111,
141, 143
Mizler, Johann Christoph, 16364
Moltke, Helmuth Karl Bernhard, Graf von,
monarchy, monarchists, 6 n.30, 18
Monroe Doctrine, 15, 18
Monroe, James, 7
Mrike, Eduard, 13
Morocco, 5
Morzin, Count
Moses, 18, 22 n.6, 132
Mozart, Leopold, 124 n.19, 125, 12930,
171 72
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 24, 11314, 116,
137, 162, 171 72, 176, 188
artistic assessments of, xii, 11 n.55, 6471
Concerto for Flute and Harp, K. 299, 46
Idomeneo, 65 n.12
letters to his father, x, 4546, 66, 70,
12425, 16970
on performance, 16970
Piano Concerto in C, K. 246, 170 n.44
Piano Sonatas
K. 309 in C, 169
K. 310 in A minor, 5564, 82, 99, 177 n.2
K. 311 in D, 76, 87
K. 545 in C, 155 n.5, 15658
Serenade in D (Haffner), K. 250, 69 n.17
Symphony in G minor, K. 550, 69 n.17,
Mller, August Eberhard, 67
Mller-Reuter, Theodor, 197
Musikbltter des Anbruch, journal, vii
Myslivecek, Josef, 124 n.18, 169
Nagel, Willibald, 94
Naples, 68
Napoleon (Bonaparte), 9, 14, 44 n.1, 128, 133,
212 n.9, 224
Napoleon III, 128
navalism, 5, 12
Neberich, Adam, 186
Neefe, Christian Gottlob, 11617
Neue freie Presse, Viennese newspaper, xii
Newman, Ernst, 135 n.74
New York, 47
nodal point (Knotenpunkt), 27, 29, 78
Northcliffe, Lord (Alfred Harmsworth), 122,
225 n.43
Nottebohm, Gustav, viii, 26, 83, 95, 182, 193,
195, 204, 207, 22021
Novalis, 133
obligatory register (obligate Fhrung der
Tonlage), 35, 153, 179
Oppersdorff, Count Franz von, 25 n.1
Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele, 7 n.38
Oster Collection (New York Public Library),
xi xii, 114 n.38
annotations to Schenkers personal copies
of Der Tonwille, 43 n.2, 99 n.4, 103
nn.13 and 15, 104 nn.1819, 110
nn.2930, 111 n.31, 118 n.1, 146 n.2,
156 n.3
sketches for works analyzed in Der
Tonwille, 106, 156 n.3
outer voices, contrapuntal setting of the
(Aussensatz), 53, 7980, 108
Ovid, 188 n.16
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, 165
Palikao, comte de, 128
Paris, city of, 4547, 70, 130
Pantheon, 125
particularism, 13
Psler, Karl, 99 n.1, 167
passing, passing tone (Durchgang), 51, 155
Persia, 5
Peters, C. F., publishers, v
philistines, 6
Piccinni, Niccol, 65, 130
Pierron, Mlle., 170
Pisendel, Johann Georg, 163
Plato, Platonic idea, 22, 161
Poincar, Raymond, 11, 169
Porpora, Nicola Antonio, 112
Prmontval, 123
Princip, Gavrilo, 10 n.50
prolongation, 213
Prometheus, 19
Quantz, Johann Joachim, 163
Rameau, Jean-Philippe, 70
Ravel, Maurice, 45
Razumovsky, Count Andreas, 25
reaching over (bergreifen), 206
register transfer, ascending and descending
(Hherlegung, Tieferlegung), 3536,
7677, 81, 99, 110, 147, 149, 152, 154,
158, 18081, 192, 205-7
Reinecke, Carl, ix, 84, 9495
Rembrandt van Rijn, 137
Reutter, Georg von, 112
Rhine river, Rhineland, 12, 129, 132 n.59,
Richter, Franz Xaver, 117
Riemann, Hugo, ix. xii, 11 n.55, 9495
Beethovens smtliche Klavier-Solosonaten,
edition of Thayers Ludwig van Beethovens
Leben, 191 93
Groe Kompositionslehre, 9394
Handbuch der Musikgeschichte, 6869, 116
harmonic analysis, system of, 39 n.6
Katechismus der Fugen-Komposition,
3940, 119, 210
Katechismus der Kompositionslehre, 94,
Ries, Ferdinand, 85, 192 n.26
Rolland, Romain, 14, 16869
Rothermere of Hemsted, Baron (Harold
Sidney Harmsworth), 225 n.43
Rothgeb, John, x
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 9
Rudolph, archduke of Austria, 44, 210
Russo-Japanese War, 5
Saarland, 13, 15, 129
Sadowa, Battle of, 14
Saint-Foix, George de, xii, 6971
salvarsan, 134
Scarlatti, Domenico, 70
Sonata in D minor (Kirkpatrick catalogue
no. 450), 119-120
Scheibe, Johann Adolph, 163
Schenker, Heinrich
editions of music
Bach, C. P. E., keyboard works, v,
150 n.1
Beethoven, Moonlight Sonata
facsimile edition, vii, 101 n.8
Beethoven, piano sonatas, 20, 83,
85 n.28
Handel, organ concertos, v
editorial principles, viii ix, 83
Erluterungsausgaben (editions with
critical commentary), viii
Bach, J. S., Chromatic Fantasy and
Fugue, vvi, 36, 148 n.1, 165
i ndex
Beethoven, Die letzten fnf Sonaten,
vvi, 83, 130, 148 n.1, 150 n.2; Op. 101,
xi, 22, 72, 168 n.33; Op. 106 (pro-
jected), 48, 83 n.21; Op. 109, 47 n.13,
206 n.43; Op. 110, 30, 35
polemics in the writings of, ixxi
translation of writings of, v, xi
writings, published
Beethovens neunte Sinfonie, vvi, 30, 35,
74, 207 n.44
Ein Beitrag zur Ornamentik, v, 74, 84,
87, 148 n.1, 165
Der freie Satz, v, 35 n.3, 48 n.19. 67, 76
n.8, 78 n.13, 80 n.14, 103 n.14, 104 n.16,
141 n.1, 142 n.4, 156 nn.24. 175 n.2,
176 n.5, 177, 203 n.38, 204 n.40, 206
Harmonielehre, 21 n.3, 34, 60, 64, 74, 76
n.9, 82 n.17, 90, 99, 101, 1046, 110,
160 n.3, 175, 176 n.5
Kontrapunkt I, v, 27, 32, 36, 71 n.1, 87,
103, 108, 110, 164 n.17
Kontrapunkt II, 19 n.99, 76 n.10, 78, 118,
141, 15556, 175 n.4, 176 n.7, 204,
Das Meisterwerk in der Musik, v-vi, viii,
114 nn.3738, 166 n.26, 176, 210, 221
Der Tonwille: childrens issue of, viii, xi;
contents of, viii xi; Elucidations,
176 n.7; materials deleted from, xi;
publication history of, vviii; title of,
vi vii, xii xiii, 82
writings, unpublished
Freier Satz (early drafts of Der freie
Satz), xx, 21, 27, 36, 51 52, 56, 6061,
76, 78, 80, 82, 100, 1034, 105 n.20,
111 12, 11819, 141 42, 156, 176 n.7,
177, 206
Haydn, unfinished article on, 114 n.38
Musik-Kritik, vii viii
Niedergang der Kompositionskunst, 160
n.3, 18990 n.21
Schiller, Friedrich, 121, 201, 212
Schindler, Anton, 27, 85, 182, 187, 191, 193, 220
Schleswig-Holstein, 129
Schobert, Johann, 67, 6970, 11617
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 13, 162
Schpflin, Johann Daniel
Schubert, Franz, 215
Gretchen am Spinnrade, 42 n.1
Ihr Bild (from Schwanengesang), 41 43
text setting, 41 43
Schumann, Robert, 67, 211
Schurig, Artur, x, 65, 69, 125, 171 72
Schweitzer, Albert, 16566
Second Viennese School, v
Sedan, Battle of, 14
Senegal, 5 n.15, 7 n.40, 18 n.95
sexuality, 223
Shakespeare, William, 66, 137, 218
Silesia, 128
Sinai, Mount, 64
Sinzheimer, Hermann, 9 n.45
Skagerrak, Battle of (Battle of Jutland), 12
Slavic nations, 6, 10, 1213, 19
Smetana, Bedrich, 67
String Quartet in E minor (From
My Life), 6
South, nations of the, 7, 11314
Spa, Conference of, 71
Spain, 124
Spanish-American War, 5
Spanish language, 123
Spinoza, Baruch de, 18
Spitta, Philipp, 3839, 129 n.44, 16566
Stamitz, Johann, 11617
Stein, Charlotte von, 17
Stein, Johann Andreas, 179
Steiner, Sigmund Anton, 182 n.1, 220
Steinway, piano manufacturer, 67
Stendhal, 14 n.75, 65, 16769, 171
Sterkel, Johann Franz Xaver, 169
St. Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of, 7. 9 n.47,
47, 122 n.6, 136
Stlzel, Gottfried Heinrich, 163
Strasbourg, 14, 123 nn.1213
Strauss, Richard, v
Sudetenland, 13
*synthesis (Synthese), 53, 70, 83, 114, 150,
213, 222
Tacitus, 131
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich, 113
Telemann, Georg Philipp, 163, 16566
Thalberg, Sigismond, 67
Thayer, Alexander Wheelock, 191 n.25
Thebes, 188, 211 n.5
Tissot, Jacques, 13 n.69
Toeschi, Carl Joseph, 117
tonicization (Tonikalisierung), 64
Tripoli, 5
Tyrol, 13, 15, 129
United States of America, Americans, 7,
8 n.43, 1516, 48
Universal Edition, publishers, vviii,
xxi, 3
*Urlinie, 21 24, 5254, 166, 212213
Ursatz, 21213
Vellejus Paterculus, 216
Versailles, Treaty of, x, 78, 9 n.46, 15 n.82,
48, 71, 122 n.6, 128 n.39, 131, 134 n.66,
136, 137 n.86, 162
Vestner, A., 163 n.14
Vienna, 44, 4748, 71, 16869, 186
Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, 83, 210
Staat- und Landesbibliothek, xi
St. Stephens Cathedral, 112 n.35
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, 13637
Vogler, Georg Joseph (Abb), 65 n.11, 66,
Vogler, Johann Caspar, 165 n.20
voice exchange. See exchange of voices
Voltaire, 9, 12526, 215
Vrieslander, Otto, ix, 148 n.1, 149
Wagner, Richard, 2324, 27, 29, 56, 18990,
Waldersee, Paul Graf von, 166
Walsh, John, 146 n.1
Washington, George, 15
Weber, Aloysia, 6970
Weber, Carl Maria von, 67
Weingartner, Felix, ix, 136 n.79, 198201, 221
Werker, Wilhelm, 210
West, nations of the, 4, 712, 48, 11314, 122,
Wilhelm I, emperor of Germany, 6 n.30
Wilhelm II, emperor of Germany, 4, 5 n.26,
9, 18 n.97, 128 n.38
Wilson, Woodrow, 7, 11 12, 15, 17, 122
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 171 72, 216
World War I, vi, x, 317, 45 n.8, 48, 69 n.15,
128, 13436, 22223
war-guilt, 9, 132 n.59, 135
Wyzewa, Thodore de, xii, 6971
i ndex