Writing Inverse Routine With Expert Routine
Writing Inverse Routine With Expert Routine
Writing Inverse Routine With Expert Routine
Applies to:
Development and support based on SAP BI 7.0 For more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage.
The article shows the example of inverse routine and step-by-step process for write an Inverse routine with Expert Routine. Author: Lakdawala Ashish
Author Bio
Ashish is a SAP BI consultant having around 2 years of experience in SAP BI and currently working in CAPGEMINI. He has extensively worked in SAP BI Development & Production Support projects .His core skill areas are design and development using SAP BI 7.0, SAP BW 3.5, ABAP, VC and BPS/IP.
Table of Contents
Key Concept .......................................................................................................................................................3 Business Scenarios ............................................................................................................................................3 Solution ...............................................................................................................................................................3 Step by Step Method Data Model.......................................................................................................................4 Expert Routine Code.......................................................................................................................................4 Query Design: .................................................................................................................................................5 Case 1: Without Inverse Routine. ...................................................................................................................6 Case 2: After Including Inverse Routine. ........................................................................................................7 Appendix .............................................................................................................................................................9 Related Information ..........................................................................................................................................12 Disclaimer and Liability Notice..........................................................................................................................13
Key Concept
If you have defined custom mapping in Expert routine for the SAP Remote Cube, for performance reasons, its advisable to use an inverse routine. Otherwise the selections cannot be transferred to the source system hence it will bring all the data from Source system and it will filter the records at query level. This hinders the performance of the query based on the remote cube.
Business Scenarios
A query is built on the remote cube to see the total balance based on Country level. However, the data at source system is at company code level. To read the data from the source system, you have created an expert routine in transformation to read the master data of company code to populate the country code in the target cube. In the query you have created an input variable for Country. In this case, system will extract all the data from the source and then at query level it filters out the records based on country code selection. Say the source has millions of records, however you want to see the records of only one country code with very minimum data (say in hundreds) if you dont use inverse routine, system will fetch all millions of records and then filters it! This hinders the performance of the query.
Note: Here, though the design is not so complex, we have created expert routine. Because the main aim of this document is to describe how can we use inverse routine with Expert routine?
To resolve the performance issue you need to use the Inverse routine. Inverse routine helps you to pass the desire filter criteria to the source system using query selection parameter. In this case, Inverse Routine will filter the records at the source system itself while extracting the data bases on the Country Code selection values. This will increase your query performance highly.
Query Design:
As you can see even here you have restricted the country code value eq IN. Result package contains country codes other than IN also. Unnecessary system fetches all the data of the source though the query will show 2 records related to IN. This will consume time and degrade the performance of the Query.
Now you add the inverse routine as given above and again run the same query for Country Key = IN.
As you can see in inverse routine, in I_THX_SELECTION_CS table which is derived from i_r_selset_outbound (query selection condition) you can get all the dimension which are restricted in query.
Here as per your requirement you have written code to find the company code from country code by using company code master data. And pass this c_r_selset_inbound which is Target selection conditions.
Now you can see that system have fetched only those records whose company code having country key IN. So this will save query execution time and will increase query performance highly.
Sample source code for Inverse routine within Expert Routine. Just change the code which is written in between Write Your Code******* based on your logic.
*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Method inverse_expert_routine *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * This subroutine needs to be implemented only for direct access * (for better performance) and for the Report/Report Interface * (drill through). * The inverse routine should transform a projection and * a selection for the target to a projection and a selection * for the source, respectively. * If the implementation remains empty all fields are filled and * all values are selected. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* METHOD inverse_expert_routine. *$*$ begin of inverse routine - insert your code only below this line*-* ... "insert your code here *Data declaration TYPE-POOLS : sbiwa. DATA: i_rt_chavl_cs i_thx_selection_cs c_t_selection e_exact
DATA: l_tr_dimensions TYPE rsmds_tr_dimensions, "table of dimension references l_r_dimension LIKE LINE OF l_tr_dimensions, "dimension reference l_dimname TYPE rsmds_dimname, "dimension name l_sx_selection_cs LIKE LINE OF i_thx_selection_cs, "work area for single characteristc RANGE table l_r_universe TYPE REF TO cl_rs_infoobject_universe. "reference for InfoObject universe DATA : BEGIN OF wa_comp, comp_code TYPE /bi0/oicomp_code, country TYPE /bi0/oicountry, END OF wa_comp, it_comp LIKE TABLE OF wa_comp, rsarc_rt_chavl TYPE RANGE OF rschavl. DATA: l_s_selection
l_s_chavl_cs LIKE LINE OF i_rt_chavl_cs, date TYPE sy-datum. *Start TRY. * Transform selection set for outbound CALL METHOD i_r_selset_outbound->to_ranges CHANGING c_t_ranges = i_rt_chavl_cs. Get reference to InfoObject universe l_r_universe = cl_rs_infoobject_universe=>get_instance( ).
*Get all dimensions (i.e. fields) from outbound selection which are *restricted l_tr_dimensions = i_r_selset_outbound->get_dimensions( ).
LOOP AT l_tr_dimensions INTO l_r_dimension. CLEAR l_sx_selection_cs. * Get dimension name (= field name) l_dimname = l_r_dimension->get_name( ). Transform dimension name to InfoObject name l_sx_selection_cs-chanm = l_r_universe->dimname_to_iobjnm( l_dimname ).
*Project complete outbound selection set to current dimension and *and convert to RANGE table representation CALL METHOD i_r_selset_outbound->to_ranges EXPORTING i_r_dimension = l_r_dimension CHANGING c_t_ranges = l_sx_selection_cs-rt_chavl. APPEND l_sx_selection_cs TO i_thx_selection_cs. ENDLOOP. *Now Read the range table for your Infoobject and *write your Code*********************************************** *Test Logic: *From Country we are finding the Company code and then pass *it to the Taget selection conditions READ TABLE i_thx_selection_cs INTO l_sx_selection_cs WITH KEY chanm = '0COUNTRY'. "Your Input Infoobject Name l_s_selection-fieldnm = 'COMP_CODE'. "Source fields name IF sy-subrc EQ 0. rsarc_rt_chavl = l_sx_selection_cs-rt_chavl. SELECT comp_code country FROM /bi0/pcomp_code INTO TABLE it_comp WHERE country IN rsarc_rt_chavl.
SORT it_comp BY comp_code. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM it_comp COMPARING comp_code. l_s_selection-sign = 'I'. l_s_selection-option = 'EQ'. CLEAR l_s_selection-high. LOOP AT it_comp INTO wa_comp. l_s_selection-low = wa_comp-comp_code. APPEND l_s_selection TO c_t_selection. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ********End your Code******************************************* c_r_selset_inbound = i_r_universe_inbound->create_set_from_ranges( i_fieldname_dimension = 'FIELDNM' i_t_ranges = c_t_selection ) . c_exact = e_exact. CATCH cx_rsmds_input_invalid cx_rsmds_input_invalid_type. * * * Should not occur If the exception occurs request all values from source for this routine to be on the save side c_r_selset_inbound = cl_rsmds_set=>get_universal_set( ). c_exact = rs_c_false. "Inversion is no longer exact ENDTRY.
Related Information
http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/45/f1f9b861c706f9e10000000a155369/content.htm For more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage.